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    Copyright IBM Corporation 2015 Trademarks

    Managing Vertica clusters in a SaaS environment, Part 1:

    Copying Vertica databases across the cluster

    Page 1 of 12

    Managing Vertica clusters in a SaaS environment, Part

    1: Copying Verticadatabases across the cluster

    Amol D. Barsagade(

    Software Architect


    03 June 2015

    In the SaaS environment, data information and services are the key to customer success. HP

    Vertica is a critical database technology that assists customers to better manage their data in

    a cluster environment. This article illustrates the step-by-step approach for Vertica installation,

    configuration, and setup acrossthe clusters. As a part of the setup, it is important to complete

    the installation and configuration and then to copy the database across the cluster. .

    View more content in this series


    NIOD is an IBM Unica product under Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) which serves

    customers in a SaaS environment that uses Hewlett-Packard Vertica clusters. The first step in

    setting up the Vertica database is to install Vertica on the target cluster. Each source and targetcluster has three nodes. The required packages need to be verified, and the prerequisites for

    copying the database across the cluster need to be followed. An empty database in the target

    cluster is created. The database then is copied from the source to the target cluster.

    Logging in to the source and target Vertica cluster nodes

    Ensure that the passwordless SSH for the dbadminuser works between and across each of the

    source and target cluster nodes. The dbadminuser must be able to log in to all the source and

    target nodes without a password. Also, this user must be able to log in in the reverse order, that is,

    from all target cluster nodes to all the source cluster nodes.

    For simplicity, assume that the source and target Vertica clusters and nodes are as follows:

    Table 1. Source and target Vertica cluster details

    Cluster Type Cluster Node Name IP DB_Name User

    Source unicl01 dbadmin unicl01 dbadmin
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    Managing Vertica clusters in a SaaS environment, Part 1:Copying Vertica databases across the cluster Page 2 of 12 unicl01 dbadmin

    Target dbadmin dbadmin dbadmin

    Copy the Vertica installer to the target cluster node

    Assume that the Vertica binary file vertica-5.0.12-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm is available on the source

    cluster and can be copied to the target cluster.

    Copy the binary file from the source cluster to the first node of the target cluster, (

    For example,:

    [ambarsag@source01 Vertica-binaries]$ scp vertica-5.0.12-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm ambarsag@


    Note: Verify that the binary file was copied to the target cluster node and give full permissions so

    that the dbadminuser can run it.

    [ambarsag@target01 Vertica-binaries]$ chmod -R 777 vertica-5.0.12-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm

    Verify packages on the target cluster

    Verify that the required packages and files exist on each node of the target cluster.

    Verification of sudo and Python

    Verify that sudo and Python are available on all the target cluster hosts. Verify that you haveprivileges to use them on these hosts by running the following command at a shell prompt:

    [root@target01 dbadmin]# which sudo


    [root@target01 /]# which python


    [root@target02 ~]# which sudo


    [root@target02 /]# which python


    [root@target03 ~]# which sudo

    /usr/bin/sudo[root@target03 /]# which python


    Verification of rsync and version

    Verify that rsync 3.0.5 or later is installed on all cluster hosts.

    [root@target01 /]# which rsync


    [root@target01 /]# rsync --version

    rsync version 3.0.6 protocol version 30

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    Note: Verify the same on the other two nodes, target02and target03.

    Verification of the su file

    Verify that the sufile exists in /etc/pam.don all the cluster nodes.

    [root@target01 pam.d]# pwd/etc/pam.d

    Note: Verify the same on the other two nodes, target02and target03.

    Verification of NTP demon

    Verify that the NTP Demon is running on all the target cluster nodes.

    Note: If the NTP demon is installed, the output resembles:

    The output indicates the run levels where the demon runs. Verify that the current run level of the system

    (usually 3 or 5) has the NTP demon set to ON.

    [root@target01 pam.d]# chkconfig --list ntpd

    ntpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

    [root@target01 /]# runlevel

    N 3

    Note: Verify the same on the other two nodes, target02and target03.

    Define the loopback address

    Ensure that the /etc/hostsfile exists. Ensure that the file contains the loopback address

    with only the name localhostin both fully qualified and unqualified forms.

    For example: localhost.localdomain localhost

    Note: Verify the same on the other two nodes, target02and target03.

    Setting up the host fileSetup the /etc/hosts file on each node of the cluster

    Make sure that the /etc/hostsfile includes all of the hosts that become part of the cluster.

    [root@target01 /]# vi /etc/hosts

    Input the following entry into the hosts file:

    #Vertica HB

    Note: Verify the same on the other two nodes, target02and target03.

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    Ensure port 5433 is not in use

    [root@target01 /]# netstat -atup

    [root@target01 /]# vi /etc/services

    This command does not list the port number if it is identified by a service that is defined in /

    etc/services. Some common services that might use port 5433 include pyrrho, nibbler, andpostgresql.

    Note: Verify the same on the other two nodes, target02and target03.

    Ensure /dev/ptsis mounted

    [root@target01 /]# cd /dev/pts

    [root@target02 /]# cd /dev/pts

    [root@target03 /]# cd /dev/pts

    Installing Vertica on the target cluster

    Choose one of the cluster hosts to be the Administration Host for the purposes of installing Vertica

    and for using the Vertica Administration Tools. Here, the node is used

    for the installation.

    Run the RPM package installer

    Note: Since sudois used to log in to the root, sudo su - , sudomust also be used to run the RPM

    package installer.

    [root@target01 Vertica-binaries]# sudo rpm -Uvh /local/Vertica-binaries/vertica-5.0.12-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm

    Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

    1:vertica ########################################### [100%]

    Vertica Analytic Database V5.0.12-0 successfully installed on host

    Note: If you are root, then use the following command:

    # rpm -Uvh pathname

    Note: This command creates a folder /opt/vertica.

    [root@target01 vertica]# pwd


    [root@target01 vertica]# ls

    bin config examples include java lib lib64 log oss packages sbin scripts sdk share spread

    Run the install script

    To start the installation, run the install script from the /opt/vertica/sbinlocation.

    Note: If you run the Vertica installation script without parameters, the script performs a single-node

    installation on localhost.

    If you are root:

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    # /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s host_list -r rpm_package -u dba_username

    If you are using sudo:

    $ sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s host_list -r rpm_package -u dba_username

    Note: The -rand -sparameters are not required for single-node installations.


    [ambarsag@target01 sbin]$

    sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s,, -r /local/Vertica-binaries/

    vertica-5.0.12-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm -u dbadmin -p xxxx -g dbadmin


    -s: host_list

    -r: rpm_package -u: dbadminuser

    -p: password for dbadminuser

    -g: group of dbadminuser

    On successful completion of the installation you get the following message:

    Verifying spread configuration on whole cluster

    Creating node node0001 definition for host

    ... Done

    Creating node node0002 definition for host

    ... Done

    Creating node node0003 definition for host

    ... DoneError Monitor 0 errors 0 warnings

    Installation complete.

    Prerequisites for copying the database from the source to the target


    To copy the source database unicl01to the target cluster nodes, the following guidelines must be


    Have the same number of nodes as the source cluster

    Make sure that the source and the target Vertica clusters have same number of nodes.

    Be accessible from the source cluster

    You might need to add the host name of each target cluster node into the hosts file of the source

    cluster. Since this copy of the database is initiated from one of the source cluster nodes, all the

    source node host files must contain the target host names.

    On the first node of the source cluster, , log in as root.

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    [root@source01 /]# vi /etc/hosts

    #Vertica SOURCE

    #Vertica TARGET

    Note: Verify the same on the other two nodes, source02and source03.

    Copy the license file from the source cluster to the target

    The license file, license.key, must be copied to all the target cluster nodes. Assume that the

    license file is on the source at /opt/vertica/config/share . In this example, the license file is

    copied to each target cluster node at the /opt/vertica/config/share location.


    source01:/opt/vertica/config/share $ ls -la

    -rw-rw-rw- 1 dbadmin verticadba 547 Nov 16 2011 license.key

    source01:/home/dbadmin $ scp license.key dbadmin@

    Note: Similarly, copy the license file to the other two nodes of the target cluster, and

    Creating an empty database on the target cluster

    Now, create an empty database on the target cluster with the same name, unicl01, as the source

    cluster. Have a database with the same name as the database that is being copied. This database

    can be empty.

    Steps to create an empty database on the target cluster:

    Log in to as the dbadminuser.

    Run Vertica Admintools as follows:

    [dbadmin@target01 bin]$ /opt/vertica/bin/admintools

    This opens the "Main Menu" window.

    Select "Configuration Menu".

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    Figure 1. Configuration Menu

    Click OK.

    On the "Configuration Menu" window, click "Create Database".

    Figure 2. Create Database

    Click OK.

    Enter the name of the database and an optional comment.dbname: unicl01

    comment: Copy db from source to target vertica cluster.

    Click OK.

    Enter a password for the new database.

    Click OK.

    Reenter the same password and click OK.

    Select the list of target cluster nodes on which you want to create the same database.[X]



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    Catalog path name: /home/dbadmin

    Data path name: /home/dbadmin

    Click OK.

    On the "Current Database Definition" window, review the details and click "Yes".

    Note: The database unicl01is created on all three nodes of the target cluster. You can view thedatabase from the Vertica Admintools and can connect, start, and stop the database.

    Copying the Vertica database from the source to the target cluster

    Create the backup directories on all the three target cluster nodes. Then, create a configuration file

    to be run along with the copyclustercommand.

    Create the Backup directory on target nodes

    Create the backup directory on all the three nodes of the target cluster as /home/dbadmin/backups .

    Then, change the owner to dbadmin.

    [root@target01 /]# mkdir /home/dbadmin/backups

    [root@target01 /]# chown -R dbadmin:dbadmin /home/dbadmin/backups

    Note: Create similar directories on the other two nodes of this cluster, target02and target03.

    Identify the database node name.

    Identify the database node names on the source cluster that are to be used in the configuration file

    by running the copyclustercommand. For example:

    source01:/opt/vertica/config $ /opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t node_map -d unicl01



    unicl01 | v_unicl01_node0001 |

    unicl01 | v_unicl01_node0002 |

    unicl01 | v_unicl01_node0003 |

    Note: Here, the name that follows the -dflag is the database name.

    Create a configuration file

    You need to create a configuration file, CopyCluster.ini, on the source node, . For example:

    File name: CopyCluster.iniLocation: /opt/vertica/config/CopyCluster.ini

    Sample Contents of CopyCluster.ini


    snapshotName = CopySourceDB

    tempDir = /tmp

    verticaConfig = False

    retryCount = 5

    retryDelay = 1


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    dbName = unicl01

    dbUser = dbadmin

    dbPassword = xxxx

    dbPromptForPassword = False


    encrypt = False

    checksum = False

    port_rsync = 50000

    bwlimit = 0hardLinkLocal = False


    dbNode = v_unicl01_node0001

    backupHost =

    backupDir = /home/dbadmin/backups


    dbNode = v_unicl01_node0002

    backupHost =

    backupDir = /home/dbadmin/backups


    dbNode = v_unicl01_node0003

    backupHost = = /home/dbadmin/backups


    dbNode: Node_Nameof each source cluster.

    backupHost: The target cluster node name.

    backupDir: Back up directory on target cluster node.

    dbName: Name of the source database, unicl01.

    dbUser: Administrator user, the same on the source and the target cluster.

    dbPassword: Password of source database.

    Run the copyclustercommand

    To copy the cluster, you need to run vbr.pyfrom a node in the source database. Use the database

    administrator account, passing it the --task copyclustercommand. If you created a configuration

    file specifically to copy the database, use the --config-fileparameter to tell the backup utility

    where it is located.

    Run the following command as dbadminfrom . Browse to /opt/vertica/

    config/CopyCluster.ini .

    source01:/home/dbadmin $ cd /opt/vertica/config

    source01:/opt/vertica/config $ --config-file CopyCluster.ini --task copycluster

    Note: Here you might get the following error:

    Node v_unicl01_node0001 of target cluster is not DOWN; cannot copycluster.

    copycluster failed!

    You need to stop the database unicl01on by using Vertica Admintools.

    This action stops the database on the other two nodes as well. After you stop the database, run

    the CopyClustercommand again.

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    source01:/opt/vertica/config $ --config-file CopyCluster.ini --task copycluster

    You might get the following message based on the size of the source database:


    151093501882 out of 151093501882, 100%

    Upon successful completion of copying the database from the source to the target cluster, you

    can start the database. Start the database from any one node of the target cluster nodes by using

    Vertica Admintools.


    This article describes the importance of various Vertica packages that are required for the

    installation. It also helps to understand various configurations and the settings that are required

    for the installation. The step-by-step approach to copying the Vertica databases of IBM NIOD

    customers in a SaaS environment includes creating an empty database, setting the configurationfile, and running the copyclustercommand by using


    I would like to extend appreciation to Marjana Ivkovic (, Team Lead, EMM

    SaaS Ops Applications Architects, for the continuous support and valuable technical guidance for

    completing this article.

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    Copy the Database to Another Cluster

    Vertica Forum Vertica Forum/Links

    HP Vertica Analytics Platform Version 5.1.x Documentation

    HP Haven Documentation

    "Direct Integration with WebSphere Commerce" provides information on the direct integration

    model of OMS and WebSphere Commerce.

    "Sterling Definition Framework" for information on the Sterling SDF.

    "Agent and integration servers" for information on the Sterling agent servers and integration


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    About the author

    Amol D. Barsagade

    Amol D. Barsagade is a Database Architect with EMM SaaS Ops, IBM Experience

    One, India Software Lab, Pune. Amol provides database solutions for database

    architecture, performance tuning, capacity management, application development,

    and migrations to various partners and customers in Asia-Pacific. Amol has a

    bachelor's degree in computer science and several years of experience working

    with relational database systems, including DB2, Oracle, and SQL server. Since

    2006, he has made valuable contributions to IBM developerWorks by reviewing and

    publishing articles.

    Copyright IBM Corporation 2015

