CMPTO: Managing publisher risk in digital product development

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This talk was presented by Meghan MacDonald, Digital Project Manager at Penguin Random House Canada, at #CMPTO: #FAIL and Learn (Tech Forum edition) on March 5, 2014.

Transcript of CMPTO: Managing publisher risk in digital product development

  • 1. Code Meet Print TO What publishers can learn about digital product development from, well, publishers

2. Meghan MacDonald 3. Publishing Outsider 4. 1. Academics 5. 2. Weird non-profit tech company that serves the Canadian book industry and works on standards and stuff like that. 6. (BookNet Canada) 7. 3. Bookselling 8. Now Im on the inside. 9. Digital Product Development 10. Penguin Random House Canada 11. (What does that even mean?) 12. Innovation is my job. 13. (And people like to tell me how to do my job.) 14. Im told to... 15. Disrupt 16. Pivot 17. Fail Up 18. (And all those other buzzwords weve adopted from start-up culture.) 19. Heres the truth: 20. Publishers arent start-ups. 21. Innovation isnt easy. 22. Failure is expensive. 23. (But, wait! Theres hope!) 24. I think were all forgetting something very important. 25. Publishers are innovators. 26. (And we always have been.) 27. Dinosaurs! 28. (I know. Calm down.) 29. Maybe those dinosaurs are on to something. 30. Publishers are innovators. 31. Publishing is a risky industry. 32. (But weve learned to mitigate this risk.) 33. How? 34. 1. Constraints 35. When forced to work within a strict framework the imagination is taxed to its utmost and will produce its richest ideas. Given total freedom the work is likely to sprawl." T.S. Eliot 36. Content Specialization 37. Format Restrictions 38. 2. Foundations 39. Production 40. Sales 41. Marketing 42. Publicity 43. Operations 44. Innovate with Editorial 45. Publicity Operations Marketing Sales Production Boo k 1 Boo k 2 Boo k 3 Boo k 4 Boo k 5 46. Publicity Operations Marketing Sales Production Boo k 1 Boo k 2 Boo k 3 Boo k 4 Boo k 5 47. Digital Product Development 48. What were currently doing wrong. 49. Re-inventing Wheels 50. Digital Thing 2 Digital Thing 3 Digital Thing 5 Digital Thing 5 Digital Thing 1 51. Risky 52. (Expensive!) 53. What can we learn from traditional publishing? 54. 1. Create Constraints 55. (Stop throwing things at walls to see what sticks.) 56. 2. Build Foundations 57. (What does that look like?) 58. Focus on platforms, not single products. 59. Publicity Operations Marketing Sales Production Boo k 1 Boo k 2 Boo k 3 Boo k 4 Boo k 5 60. What are we doing at PRHC? 61. Content Specialization 62. Vast and Varied List 63. Fiction 64. Non-Fiction 65. Poetry 66. Cookery 67. Picture Books 68. Comics 69. Content Specialization 70. Format Restrictions 71. So we decided to start with the foundation. 72. The Internet 73. (For many, many reasons.) 74. What happens when a publisher uses their website to publish? 75. Content Management Framework 76. Drupal 77. 78. Hazlitt 79. Landing Gear API 80. Drupal Hazlitt Landing Gear API Books Authors Articles Audio 81. Scalable Solution 82. Platform for Experimentation 83. Reduce Risk 84. We have applied some lessons from start-up culture. 85. Agile 86. Fail Up 87. Meghan MacDonald @meghanmac