Clines David The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Volume 5

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Transcript of Clines David The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Volume 5

  • The Dictionary of

    Classical Hebrew

    Volume V


  • The Dictionary of

    Classical Hebrew

    Volume V


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    David J. A. Clines Editor

    Philip R. Davies J. Cheryl Exum John W. Rogerson Consulting Editors

    James Barr, George J. Brooke, Graham I. Davies,John C.L. Gibson, Robert P. Gordon, William Johnstone, Michael A. Knibb, Wilfred G. Lambert, Raphael Loewe,

    Alan R. Millard, Ernest W. Nicholson, Stefan C. Reif, John F.A. SawyiEditorial Board of Reference

    Volume V


    David Stec, with

    John Elwolde, Siam Bhayro Research Associates

    Published under th auspices of The Society for Old Testament Study

  • TheDictionary

    ofClassical Hebrew

    David J.A. ClinesEditor

    Volume V


    Sheffield Sheffield Phoenix Press


  • Copyright 2011 Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Ltd

    Published by Sheffield Phoenix Press Ltd Department of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield,

    Sheffield S3 7QB, England

    for Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Ltd

    Typeset by th Hebrew Dictionary Project University of Sheffield

    andPrinted on acid-free paper in Lightning Source Inc.

    Originally published in hardback by Sheffield Academic Press, 2001

    The Hebraica and Graeca II fontsused to print this work are available from Linguista Software, Inc., PO Box 580, Edmonds, WA 98020-0580, USA.

    Tel (425) 775-1130,

    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

    ISBN 978-1-907534-43-0


    Preface 7

    Introduction 11

    The Sources 14

    Words Beginning with Mem and Nun in Order of Frequency 32

    Abbreviations and Signs 93

    0 Mem 96

    ] Nun 576

    Bibliography 820

    English-Hebrew Index 923

  • preface

    In th period since th previous volume of th Dictionary was published, in August 1998, th project to produce th Dictionary has faced serious difficul- ties, which have now been happily resolved. The publishers of th Dictionary, Sheffield Academic Press, who had supported th research for th Dictionary most generously, were unable to continue that support, and for a time th future of th Dictionary was in question. However, applications for funding from th newly constituted Arts and Humanities Research Board proved successali, and grants amounting to almost 200,000 were awarded to meet th cost of two Research Associates to prepare th present volume. In 2000, we learned of a further grant from th AHRB, of over 500,000, which will ensure th support of th Dictionary until its completion, now envisaged by th end of th year 2005. The rights to th Dictionary have been acquired by a new company, The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Ltd, which holds th copyright to th work, while Sheffield Academic Press remains th publisher and dis- tributor.

    The last three years have also seen important changes in th staffing of th Dictionary: John Elwolde, who had been one of th Dictionary team since its inception in 1988 and had served as Executive Editor from 1993 to 1998, left for another post. The term of Frank Gosling, who joined th project as Research Associate in June 1994, carne to an end in July 1998, and we thank both for th important contributions they made to th Dictionary. Fortunately, David Stec, who has been with th project since 1992, remains as its mainstay, and Siam Bhayro joined us in November 2000. With these two researchers in place, and our funding assured to th completion of th project with Volume 8, we have nothing to distract us from th main business of delivering th remaining volumes in timely fashion.

    In th Preface to Volume 4,1 gave a sketch of th method of working we employ in th composition of th articles of th Dictionary. In this Preface,

  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    I will present an outline of th way in which th Bibliography has been com- piled.

    The Bibliography to Mem and Nun (containing over 3500 items) has been created, as a full-time task occupying th Editor for th first six months of 2001, from a number of sources such as th Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus, th 'Bibliographische Dokumentation' in Zeitschrift fiir Althebraistik, and th Hebrisches und aramaisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament of Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner (HALAT) and its translation into English by M.E.J. Richardson (HALOT), as well as a personal perusal of all th works of G.R. Driver and Mitchell Dahood (insofar as they were accessible to me). The bibliography has been weighted toward more recent works, and on th whole has not included literature that does not propound a new view but merely supports th view of another scholar.

    Once th Bibliography had been compiled from its sources, I created what I called my Library Search Database and uploaded into it th biblio- graphical data for all th references I had not already read in my study and would need to visit a library to read. For each item in a journal, I had three fields: (1) Hebrew word, (2) journal name, volume and year, (3) author, article title, with journal and page references. From th database I could then print out a list of all th items arranged by journal and volume number, so that in th library I could easily pul from th shelves all th volumes I needed of Biblische Zeitschrift or Vetus Testamentum or whatever, load them on my library trolley, and take them to my desk to look up each item in turn. The checklist told me exactly which items I needed to consult, what th page reference was, and what th Hebrew word was I was looking for on that pageas well as distinguishing items already checked from those that were yet to be checked.

    Once I had a given article open before me, my first task was to check th author's name (I believe in citing authors by th name they use of them- selves), th title of th article (more than half th items I had derived from my bibliographical sources either did not mention th title or else quoted it incor- rectly) and th reference, with correct page numbers for th entire article and specific page numbers in brackets where appropriate (another fertile source of errors). My second task was to read as much of th article as I needed in order to discover th author's view, usually th proposai of a new sense for an


  • Preface

    already known word or of a new word altogether, or of an emendation that we would not otherwise have known about. I would then check th proof of our own article on th word in question to see how we were handling it, and, in th light both of th journal article and of our own Dictionary article, I would write a note of a few lines in my Additions file for my Dictionary asso- ciates, spelling out th changes that would be necessary. The Research Associates were in th best position to make changes to th articles they them- selves had drafted, taking care of insertions and corrections and formatting and cross-referencing.

    For books and articles in books such as Festschriften, th procedure was slightly different. For these, my file for uploading to th database had just two fields for each item: (1) Hebrew word and (2) all th rest of th biblio- graphical information. Once th data were loaded, it was time to find out where I could read th books I had in th Bibliography. Quite recently, th electronic union catalogue known as COPAC has reached th zenith of its development, and I could now access from my home computer th catalogues of th twenty members of th Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL), th largest university libraries in th United Kingdom. I needed to enter on th search screen no more, usually, than th author's surname and one word of th book title to find which British libraries held it, what its shelfmark was in each library, and whether it was at that moment in th library or out. In th database, I entered th shelfmark (classmark) of every title I needed in Sheffield, or, failing that, in Manchester, or failing that, in Leeds, or, failing that, in Cambridge. I was also able to fili out all th bibliographical details and make th Bibliography for this volume reasonably complete before visiting a library and checking th book itself. In my printout of books to be checked, th database arranged th items by library and by shelfmark, so that I knew which books I would need to see in which of my library visits, and was able to move around th various libraries in a sedate and efficient man- ner. Once I actually had th book in my hands, I worked just as I did with th articles. Not surprisingly, working though th literature uncovered new items that needed to be examined; by entering them then and there into th database, they appeared in my checklist at th right place.

    Preparing a bibliography, and ensuring it is correct, may seem a mech-


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    anical task; my experience for this Dictionary has been that th mechanical aspects are th least of it, and that th better part of th work has been a rewarding, even exciting, intellectual task. The result is, I believe, an unrival- led resource, an index (necessarily far from exhaustive) of scholarly work on Hebrew words during th twentieth century. (More about th principles of th Bibliography may be found in th Introduction to this volume.)

    This is th moment to express my appreciation to Milton Eng, Victor Avigdor Hurowitz and Gary Rendsburg, who contributed information for th Bibliography. A note of thanks is in order here also to th firm of Linguists' Software, and especially to its founder and guide, Philip Payne, for creating type faces for biblical scholars working on th Macintosh, enabling them to reproduce every feature of th Masoretic text and type all th diacritics for th Semi tic languages in transliteration. We have continued to prepare th Dictionary in Microsoft Word 5.1, having found later versions of th programme too unstable and unreliable.

    I should finally mention how th work of preparing this Volume has been divided up. David Stec was responsible for writing th greater part of it, as well as for preparing th revisions to th List of Sources. John Elwolde wrote th drafts of certain words beginning Mem Aleph and of most words beginning Mem Yod, Mem Samek, Mem Ayin, Mem Sin and Mem Shin (to n^p support), as well as th article np what, while Siam Bhayro drafted th remainder of th words beginning Mem Shin and th article ntp Moses. Every- thing else was written by David Stec. Togther, David Stec and Siam Bhayro wrote articles for all th 'new' words and amended th originai drafts in accordance with th data of th Bibliography. Rosemarie Kossov contributed th entries from TDOT and TLOT to th Bibliography, and prepared th English-Hebrew Index. David Clines edited and proofread th entire volume in its three sets of proofs, and prepared th Bibliography.

    DJAC Sheffield June 30,2001



    The principles and procedures followed in th previous volumes of th Dictionary have been continued here without any substantive changes; in only one respect has there been a revision of earlier practice, as noted below.

    1. 'New' Words and BibliographyIn all th volumes of th Dictionary, 'new' words have been included that have been recognized or proposed (rightly or wrongly) in th scholarly litera- ture of recent decades. Such words, which we have previously defined as not having entered th mainstream of th lexicographic tradition, have been pre- fixed by an asterisk referring to a supportive entry in th Bibliography (though not in Volume 1).

    From this volume onward, we are adopting a closer definition of a 'new' word: it is, simply, a word that did not appear in th Brown-Driver- Briggs lexicon of 1907. The asterisk before an entry is now applied to all words, including proper names, that are not to be found in that lexicon, whether th word occurs first in Ben Sirach or in th Dead Sea Scrolls or in Hebrew inscriptions, or whether th word has been identified or suggested by a scholar since that date. Some of these words have of course found their way into Koehler's Lexicon or th Koehler and Baumgartner Hebrisches und aramaisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1967-94), translated as The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of th Old Testament, or into th Lexicon Hebraicum of Franz Zorell. In such cases, th Bibliography notes th fact. In th majority of cases, however, this Dictionary is th first to cite such 'new' words. In principle, each asterisk refers to an item in th Bibliography; in a number of cases, however, with words occurring first in Ben Sira or in Qum- ran texts, no substantive discussion of th word in th scholarly literature has

  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    been identified, and th asterisk simply records that th word is 'new', with- out any corresponding entry in th Bibliography.

    Readers may be interested to know that in this Volume, devoted to words beginning with Mem or Nun, some 720 words are registered as 'new' words not occurring in BDB; this figure may be compared with th c. 1400 words recognized by that lexicon. The meaning of many of these 'new' words is inferred from our existing knowledge of th Hebrew language, as when, for example, a noun occurring for th first time in a Qumran manuscript can be easily identified as a formation from a well-known Hebrew verb. The meaning, and indeed th very existence, of many others depend upon an associa- tion with a word in another Semitic language. In almost all cases, key evidence for th existence of a 'new' word is noted, in th format ii?pp II step (cf. Arab. a'ida go up) or rnnm II signal station (cf. in] II shin)-, th meaning of th word compared is not however stated if it is th same as that of th Hebrew lemma. The citation of cognates in other languages is not intended to be exhaustive, and such citation does not indicate that we agree that th comparison with th apparently cognate word is valid (or even that we accept th genuine existence of th word in question in th other language). The notation merely indicates th ground that th scholar cited has put forward in support of th proposal.

    It should be stressed that th inclusion of a word in this Dictionary does not carry with it any assurance that its existence is established. Many of th proposals are in fact mutually exclusive. Nevertheless, we have come to th view that it is th proper business of a dictionary of th classical Hebrew language at this juncture to record, as far as is feasible, th very many proposals that have been made in th twentieth century for th refinement and expansion of our knowledge of th Hebrew vocabulary.

    The system of arrangement in th Bibliography is as follows. Within each of its paragraphs, items are usually arranged by date order; it may be assumed that authors mentioned are in favour of th meaning given, but occasionally an author provides a critique or reviews a proposai without making a decision for or against (in such cases, th entry is usually preceded by 'cf.'). Different senses given to a word each form a separate paragraph and are arranged alphabetically. Phrases in which th word occurs follow senses


  • Introduction

    in which th word itself is used. Bibliography relating to an individuai occurrence of th word in question, such as proposals for th emendation of th Masoretic text, come last, and are prefixed by th verse reference. Readers may refer to th Bibliography on to?] soul or ara lift up for examples of how th system of notation works.

    2. Exhaustive TreatmentIn this volume every word beginning with Mem or Nun has been treated exhaustively, with only one exception: th preposition min, which occurs more than 9000 times in th corpus of Classical Hebrew. For all other words, every place they occur in Classical Hebrew has been cited, and every occurrence has been analysed according to th principles of th Dictionary.


  • The Sources

    a. Qumran and Related TextsThe following list and bibliography replaces those of Volume 1, pp. 34-45, 51- 54, Volume 2, pp. 15-31, Volume 3, pp. 11-27, and Volume 4, pp. 14-29. The second list of Dead Sea Scrolls published in Volume 1 (pp. 45-51), which cor- relates th sigla used in th Dictionary with numbers assigned to documents, will be replaced in th final volume of th Dictionary.

    For this Volume, we have adopted th text of th Qumran Secular Manuscripts module (ed. Martin Abegg) in th Accordance program as our standard text for certain documents, such as th Tempie Scroll (11QT). Such cases are noted in th fourth column of th following list. In th case of th Thanksgiving Hymns (1QH), we have used th edition of Licht for words beginning with Mem, and th Accordance text for words beginning with Nun. Readers should note that these two texts use different systems of num- bering.

    Qumran and Related Non-Biblical Texts in Cave and Number Order

    In this list, which is intended to include all known non-biblical texts in Hebrew, published and unpublished, from Qumran and related sites, there appear, in th five columns, th following:

    (1) The number by which th texts are known (in th case of four major Qumran texts from Cave 1 and several minor Cave 4 texts, no number is assigned).

    (2) The abbreviated title used in th Dictionary.(3) Short title or description of th text (titles are capitalized, whereas mere descriptions,

    such as 'sapiential', are shown in lower case).(4) A reference to th edition of th text that has been th standard for this Dictionary.(5) A reference to th page numbers of th translation of th text (or part of it) by F. Garcia

    Martinez; but occasionally th reference is to another English translation, notably that of

  • The Sources

    M. Wise, M. Abegg, and E. Cook (WAC). For th third column in particular, we have also made use of th latest translation of th Dead Sea Scrolls by G. Vermes.

    As far as we can teli, all published textsthat is, texts that have been printed in transcrip- tion, with or without translation and technical noteshave been read for th Dictionary and incorporated in it. As further texts are published, information relating to them will be in- cluded in updated lists in future volumes of th Dictionary.

    No. Siglum Name / Description Edition Translat

    ave 11QH Thanksgiving Hymns (Hodayot) Licht (o) 317-61

    Accordance 4.1 (;)1QM War Scroll (includes 1Q33: two Accordance 4.1

    fragments of 1QM, col. 19)lQpHab Habakkuk pesher Accordance 4.11QS Community Rule Accordance 4.1

    1Q14 lQpMic Micah pesher DJD, I, 77-80 193-94

    1Q15 lQpZeph Zephaniah pesher DJD, I, 80 202

    1Q16 lQpPs Psalms pesher DJD, I, 81-82 206

    1Q17 lQJub3 Jubilees DJD, I, 82-83 245

    1Q18 lQ]ubb Jubilees DJD, 1, 83-84 245

    1Q19 lQNoah Book of Noah DJD, I, 84-86,152 263

    1Q22 1QDM Words of Moses/Dibre Mosheh DJD, 1,91-97 276-77

    1Q25 prophetic DJD, 1,100-1011Q26 sapiential DJD, 1,101-102 388WAC

    1Q27 lQMyst wisdom text mentioning razim DJD, 1,102-107 399-400lQ28a lQSa Community Rule Accordance 4.1lQ28b lQSb Community Rule Accordance 4.1

    1Q29 Liturgy of th Three DJD, 1,130-32 277-78Tongues of Fire

    1Q30 liturgical DJD, 1,132-33 438

    1Q31 liturgical DJD, 1,133-34 438

    1Q34 lQLitPr Festival Prayers DJD, 1,152-55 411

    1Q35 lQHb two fragments of 1QH DJD, 1,136-38 361-62

    1Q36 Hymns DJD, 1,138-41

    1Q37-40 hymnic DJD, 1,141-43 438

    1Q41-50 unidentified DJD, 1,144-45

    1Q51 Eternai Fragment DSS, II, 2161Q52-62 unidentified DJD, 1,146-47

    1Q69 unidentified DJD, 1,148


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Cave 22Q19 2QJuba Jubilees DJD, III, 77-78 2442Q20 2QJubb Jubilees DJD, III, 78-79 2452Q21 2QapMoses perh. Moses Apocryphon DJD, III, 79-81 2812Q22 2QapDavid perh. David Apocryphon DJD, III, 81-82 2242Q23 2QapProph Apocryphal prophecy DJD, III, 82-842Q252Q27

    2QJuridical juridicalunidentified

    DSS, II, 218 DJD, III, 91



    2QVerdict Verdict Fragment unidentified

    DSS, II, 223 DJD, III, 92-93

    Cave 33Q4 3QpIsa Isaiah pesher DJD, III, 95-96 1853Q5 3QJub Jubilees DJD, III, 96-98 2443Q6 3QHymn Hymn DJD, III, 98 4013Q73Q83Q93Q10-11

    3QTJud Testament of Judah Angel of Peace perh. sectarian unidentified

    DJD, III, 99 DJD, III, 100 DJD, III, 100-101 DJD, III, 101-102


    3Q15 3QTr Copper Scroll DJD, III, 284-302 461-63

    Cave 44Q88 4QPsf apocryphal compositi ons DSS, IVA, 202-2114Q158 4QBibPar Biblical Paraphrase DJD, V, 1-6 219-224Q159 4QOrda Ordinances DSS, 1,150-57 86-874Q160 4QVisSam Vision of Samuel DJD, V, 9-11 2844Q161 4QpIsaa Isaiah pesher DJD, V, 11-15 185-864Q162 4QpIsab Isaiah pesher DJD, V, 15-17 186-874Q163 4QpIsac Isaiah pesher DJD, V, 17-27 187-904Q164 4QpIsa^ Isaiah pesher DJD, V, 27-28 190-914Q165 4QpIsae Isaiah pesher DJD, V, 28-30 1914Q166 4QpHosa Hosea pesher DJD, V, 31-32 191-924Q167 4QpHosb Hosea pesher DJD, V, 32-36 192-934Q168 4QpMic Micah pesher DJD, V, 36 194-954Q169 4QpNah Nahum pesher DJD, V, 37-42 195-974Q170 4QpZeph Zephaniah pesher DJD, V, 42 2034Q171 4QpPsa Psalms pesher DJD, V, 42-50 203-2064Q172 4QpUnid unidentified pesher DJD, V, 50-514Q173 4QpPsb Psalms pesher DJD, V, 51-53 206-2074Q174 4QMidrEschataeschatological Steudel, 23-29 136-374Q175 4QTestim Testimonia DJD, V, 57-60 137-384Q176 4QTanh Consolations DJD, V, 60-67 208-2094Q176a 4QJub' Jubilees 23 (=4Q176 fr. 19-21) Kister, RQ 12 (1987) 244


  • The Sources

    4Q177 4QMidrEschat' 3eschatological Steudel, 71-76 209-114Q178 unidentified DJD, V, 74-754Q179 4QapLama Lamentation on Jerusalem DJD, V, 75-77 401-4024Q180 4QAgesa Ages of Creation/

    Wicked and HolyDSS, II, 206-10 211-12

    4Q181 4QAgesb Ages of Creation/ Wicked and Holy

    DSS, II, 208-12 212-13

    4Q182 4QCat Catena DJD, V, 80-81 2134Q183 historical DJD, V, 81-82 2134Q184 4QWiles Wiles of th Wicked Woman DJD, V, 82-85 379-804Q185 Eulogy on Wisdom DJD, V, 85-87 380-824Q186 4QCrypt horoscopes DJD, V, 88-91 4564Q200 4QTobite Tobit DJD, XIX, 63-76 297-994Q215 4QTNaph Testament of Naphtali DJD, XXII, 78-81 270-714Q215a 4QTime Time of Righteousness WA, III, 7-8 2714Q216 4QJuba Jubilees 1-2 DJD, XIII, 5-22 238-404Q217 4QJubb Jubilees (perh. 1-2) DJD, XIII, 24-334Q218 4QJubc Jubilees 2 DJD, XIII, 37-38 2424Q219 4QJubd Jubilees 21-22 DJD, XIII, 42-53 242-434Q220 4QJube

    4QJubfJubilees 21 DJD, XIII, 57-61

    4Q221 Jubilees 21-23,33,37-39 DJD, XIII, 66-85 243-44 (fr. 1)4Q222 4QJub8 Jubilees 25, 27,48 DJD, XIII, 89-944Q223-24 4QJubh Jubilees 32,34-40 DJD, XIII, 101-404Q225 4QpsJuba Pseudo-Jubilees / DJD, XIII, 143-55 262-63WAC

    4QpsJubbGenesis and Exodus Paraphrase

    4Q226 Pseudo-Jubilees DJD, XIII, 159-69 263-64WAC4Q227 4QpsJubc Pseudo-Jubilees /

    Enoch and th WatchersDJD, XIII, 172-75 245 (fr. 2)

    4Q228 4QCitJub Text with a Citation of Jubilees DJD, XIII, 178-854Q229 pseudepigraphon in Mishnaic Hebrew4Q230 Catalogue of Spirits4Q231 Catalogue of Spirits4Q232 perh. New Jerusalem4Q233 place names4Q234 exercise on Genesis 27.20-214Q239 pesher on th true Israel4Q240 perh. commentary on Song of Songs4Q241 fragments citing Lamentations4Q247 4QApocWeeks pesher on Apocalypse of Weeks Milik, Enoch, 2564Q248 4QActs Acts of a Greek King WA, III, 33 27i wac

    4Q249-50 4QMSM Midrash Sepher Mosheh4Q251 4QHalakhaha halakhic WA, III, 34-40 272-74WA

  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    4Q253 4QCommGenB Commentary on Genesis DJD, XXII, 210-12 2154Q253a 4QCommMal Commentary on Malachi DJD, XXII, 214-15 2154Q254 4QCommGenC Commentary on Genesis DJD, XXII, 220-36 215-164Q254a 4QCommGenD Commentary on Genesis DJD, XXII, 234-36 2164Q255 4QSa Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 27-38 204Q256 4QSb Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 39-64 21 (fr. 5)4Q257 4QSC Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 65-82 21-22 (fr. 1)4Q258 4QSd Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 83-128 22 (fr. 1.1)4Q259 4QSe Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 129-52 26-274Q260 4QSf Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 153-67 29-304Q261 4QS8 Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 169-87 30-314Q262 4QSh Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 189-95 314Q263 4QS1 Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 197-200 314Q264 4QS) Community Rule DJD, XXVI, 201-206 31-324Q265 4QSD Community Rule and

    Damascus DocumentWA, III, 72-78 279-81WAC

    4Q266 4QDa Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 31-93 48-574Q267 4QDb Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 96-113 60-624Q268 4QDC Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 119-21 47-484Q269 4QDd Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 125-36 67-694Q270 4QDe Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 141-68 62-674Q271 4QDf Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 173-83 57-604Q272 4QD8 Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 188-91 69-704Q273 4QDh Damascus Document DJD, XVIII, 194-98 704Q274 4QTohA Purification Rules WA, III, 79-82 88-894Q275 4QTohBa Purification/Initiation Rules DJD, XXVI, 209-216 894Q276 4QTohBb Purification Rules WA, III, 85 894Q277 4QTohBc Purification Rules WA, III, 86-87 89-904Q278 4QTohC Purification Rules WA, III, 88 904Q279 4QTohD Purification Rules DJD, XXVI, 217-223 286WAC

    4Q280 4QBerf Curse on Melchiresha WA, III, 91 4344Q281-83 Purification Rules4Q284 4QNidd Menstrual Impurity WA, III, 92-95 290 w AC

    4Q284a 4QLeqet Gleaning WA, III, 96 904Q285 4QM8 perh. War Scroll (fr. 1=11QM) WA, II, 223-27 292-94WAC

    4Q286 4QBera Blessings and Curses DJD, XI, 12-44 434-354Q287 4QBerb Blessings DJD, XI, 50-60 435-364Q288 4QBerc Blessings and Curses DJD, XI, 62-65 289w AC

    4Q289 4QBerd Blessings and Curses DJD, XI, 68-71 289 wC

    4Q290 4QBere Blessings and Curses DJD, XI, 73-744Q291 4QPrayersa WA, III, 115-164Q292 4QPrayersb WA, 111,1174Q293 4QPrayersc WA, III, 118


  • The Sources

    4Q294-97 rules and prayers4Q298 4QCryptA Words of th Maskil DJD, XX, 19-304Q299 4QMysta wisdom text mentioning razim DJD, XX, 34-97

    4Q300 4QMystb wisdom text mentioning razim DJD, XX, 100-1124Q301 4QMystc perh. related to foregoing DJD, XX, 114-234Q302 4QAdmonPar Admonitory Parable DJD, XX, 129-49

    4Q303 4QCreatA Meditation on Creation DJD, XX, 152-534Q304 4QCreatB Meditation on Creation DJD, XX, 1554Q305 4QCreatC Meditation on Creation DJD, XX, 157-584Q306 4QErr Men of People who Err WA, III, 122-234Q307 sapiential4Q308 sapiential4Q311 unidentified4Q312 Hebrew text in cursive Phoenician4Q313 unidentified, cryptic4Q316 unidentified4Q317 4QAstrCrypt Phases of Moon (cryptic) Milik, Enoch, 68-694Q319 4QOtot Heavenly Concordances WA, 1,96-1014Q320 4QMishA Priestly Calendar WA, I, 60-674Q321 4QMishBa Priestly Calendar WA, I, 68-734Q321a 4QMishBb Priestly Calendar WA, 1,74-764Q322 4QMishCa Priestly Calendar WA, I, 77-784Q323 4QMishCb Priestly Calendar WA, I, 79-814Q324 4QMishCc Priestly Calendar WA, I, 81-824Q324a 4QMishCd Priestly Calendar WA, 1,82-844Q324b 4QMishCe Priestly Calendar WA, 1,84-854Q324c 4QMishC^ Priestly Calendar4Q325 4QMishD Priestly Calendar WA, I, 86-874Q326 4QMishEa Priestly Calendar WA, I, 884Q327 4QMishEb Priestly Calendar WA, 1,89-914Q328 4QMishFa Priestly Calendar WA, 1,924Q329 4QMishFb Priestly Calendar WA, 1,93-954Q329a 4QMishG Priestly Calendar WA, 1,944Q330 4QMishH Priestly Calendar WA, 1,954Q331 historical4Q332 historical4Q333 historical4Q334 4QOrdo Liturgical Calendar WA, III, 124-254Q335-336 astronomical4Q337 calendar4Q338 genealogica!

    382400(fr. 3a2-b) 400-401401296WAC (fr. 2.2; 3.2)






    455320 WAC 321WAC 322 WAC 322wac



  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    4Q340 4QNetin List of Nethinim DJD, XIX, 824Q341 4QNames List of Proper Names Naveh, JEJ 36 (1986)4Q344 Debt Acknowledgment4Q348 act regarding ownership DJD XXVII, 300-3034Q349 sale of property4Q356 account of money4Q360 writing exercise4Q362 cryptic4Q363 cryptic4Q363a cryptic4Q364 4QRPb Reworked Pentateuch DJD, XIII, 205-544Q365 4QRPC Reworked Pentateuch DJD, XIII, 263-3184Q365a perh. shorter version of DJD, XIII, 322-33

    Tempie Scroll4Q366 4QRPd Reworked Pentateuch DJD, XIII, 337-434Q367 4QRPe Reworked Pentateuch DJD, XIII, 347-514Q368 4QapPent Pentateuch Apocryphon WA, III, 135-394Q369 4QPrEnosh perh. Prayers of Enosh and DJD, XIII, 354-62

    Enoch4Q370 4QAdmon Admonition on th Flood DJD, XIX, 90-974Q371 4QapJosepha Joseph Apocryphon WA, III, 140-444Q372 4QapJosephb Joseph Apocryphon WA, III, 145-534Q373 4QapJosephc Joseph Apocryphon WA, III, 1544Q374 4QDiscourse Discourse on th Exodus / DJD, XIX, 100-110

    Conquest Tradition4Q375 4QapMosa Moses Apocryphon DJD, XIX, 113-184Q376 4QapMosb Moses Apocryphon DJD, XIX, 123-29

    (1.1-2 = 1Q29 1)4Q377 4QapMosc Moses Apocryphon WA, III, 164-664Q378 4QapJoshuaa Joshua Apocryphon DJD, XXII, 242-37

    4Q379 4QapJoshuab Joshua Apocryphon DJD, XXII, 264-884Q380 4QapPsa Non-Canonical Psalms DJD, XI, 78-854Q381 4QapPsb Non-Canonical Psalms DJD, XI, 92-1724Q382 4QparaKings Elijah Apocryphon DJD, XIII, 364-416







    Jeremiah Apocryphon perh. Jeremiah Apocryphon DJD, XIX, 140-52

    Pseudo-Ezekiel, Pseudo-Moses, WA, III, 228-44 Apocryphal JeremiahPseudo-Ezekiel WA, III, 245-47


    222-23223-24 (fr. 2)



    225-26 226278 (Col.2.2)


    338 WAC 282,340- 41WAC283311-12312-16 348wac (fr. 1,2, 9, 31, 104)

    350WAC (fr. 7, 9) 350-52wac



  • The Sources

    4Q387 4QpsEzekc Pseudo-Ezekiel WA, III, 248-514Q388 4QpsEzekd Pseudo-Ezekiel, Pseudo-Moses WA, III, 252-584Q389 4QpsMosd Pseudo-Ezekiel, Pseudo-Moses,

    Apocryphal JeremiahWA, III, 259-63

    4Q390 4QpsMose Pseudo-Moses WA, III, 264-664Q391 4QpsEzeke Pseudo-Ezekiel DJD, XIX, 156-934Q392 liturgical WA, II, 38-394Q393 4QConfess Communal Confession WA, III, 267-704Q394-99 4QMMT Halakhic Composition DJD, X, 44-634Q400 4QShirShabba Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XI, 176-964Q401 4QShirShabbb Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XI, 199-2194Q402 4QShirShabbc Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XI, 223-374Q403 4QShirShabbd Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XI, 256-924Q404 4QShirShabbe Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XI, 294-3054Q405 4QShirShabb^ Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XI, 316-934Q406 4QShirShabbg Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XI, 395-984Q407 4QShirShabbb Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice 400-4014Q408 sapiential WA, II, 240-434Q409 4QLiturgy liturgical WA, III, 297-984Q410 sapiential WA, II, 404Q411 4QsapHymn Sapiential Hymn DJD, XX, 160-624Q412 4QsapDidA Sapiential-Didactic Work DJD, XX, 164-67

    4Q413 4QdivProv On Divine Providence DJD, XX, 169-714Q414 4QBapt Baptismal Hymn WA, III, 299-3074Q415 sapiential WA, II, 44-53

    4Q416 sapiential/Children of Salvation WA, II, 54-624Q417 sapiential WA, II, 63-764Q418 sapiential/Children of Salvation WA, II, 77-1544Q419 sapiential WA, II, 155-584Q420 4QWaysa Ways of Righteousness DJD, XX, 174-82

    4Q421 4QWaysb Ways of Righteousness DJD, XX, 185-201

    4Q422 4QParGenEx Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus

    DJD, XIII, 421-41

    4Q423 sapiential WA, II, 166-734Q423a sapiential WA, II, 1664Q424 sapiential/Sons of Righteousness WA, II, 174-764Q425 4QsapDidB Sapiential-Didactic Work DJD, XX, 204-104Q426 4QsapHymnA Sapiential Hymnic Work DJD XX, 212-244Q427 4QHoda Hodayot/ Hymns WA, II, 254-61





    77-85419-20 420420-21421-24 424-25 426-30


    379WAC (fr. 1)382-83 439380-82WAC (fr. 6,9)383-85 385-87 388-93 393390WAC (fr.

    Ia2-b)390wac (fr.






  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    4Q428 4QHodb Hodayot/ Hymns WA, II, 262-744Q429 4QHodc Hodayot/ Hymns WA, II, 275-784Q430 4QHodd Hodayot/Hymns WA, II, 2794Q431 4QHode Hodayot/ Hymns WA, II, 2804Q432 4QHodf Hodayot / Hymns WA, II, 281-844Q433 4QpsHoda Hodayot-like WA, III, 3084Q434 4QBarka Bless, my soul WA, III, 309-3134Q435 4QBarkb Bless, my soul WA, III, 314-154Q436 4QBarkc Bless, my soul WA, III, 316-174Q437 4QBarkd Bless, my soul WA, III, 318-224Q438 4QBarke Bless, my soul WA, III, 323-254Q439 4QBarkf perh. Bless, my soul WA, III, 327-284Q440 4QpsHodb Hodayot-like WA, III, 329-304Q441 prayer/hymn4Q442 4QPrayerb prayer/hymn WA, III, 3314Q443 4QPrayerc prayer/hymn WA, III, 332-344Q444 4QPrayerd prayer/Meditation of Sage WA, III, 335-364Q445 poetic fragments4Q446 4QPoetb poetic fragments WA, III, 3374Q447 poetic fragments4Q448 4Q]onathan Paean for King Jonathan,

    Psalms 135,154DJD, XI, 416-25

    4Q449 4QPrayere prayer/hymn WA, III, 3384Q450 prayer/hymn4Q451 4QPrayer8 prayer/hymn WA, III, 3394Q452 prayer/hymn4Q453 4QPrayer* prayer/hymn WA, III, 3404Q454-56 prayers/hymns4Q457 4QPrayerm prayer/hymn WA, III, 341-424Q458 4QNarrA Tree of Evil WA, II, 287-914Q459 4QPseuda pseudepigraphic WA, III, 3434Q460 4QPseudb pseudepigraphic WA, III, 344-474Q461 4QNarrB narrative WA, III, 348-494Q462 4QNarrC Return from Exile and

    Restoration of JerusalemDJD, XIX, 198-209

    4Q463 4QNarrD Israel's Restoration DJD, XIX, 211-144Q464 4QPatr Exposition on th Patriarchs DJD, XIX, 217-304Q464a 4QNarrE perh. Interpretation of Exodus DJD, XIX, 231-324Q464b unidentified DJD, XIX, 233-344Q465 unidentified4Q466-68 apocryphon4Q469 apocryphon WA, III, 359-604Q470 4QZedek Michael and Zedekiah DJD, XIX, 237-43


    436, 439


    397 WAC

    398 WAC398-99WAC



    226-27 (fr. 1)




  • The Sources

    4Q471 4QMb Texts perhaps related to War or WA, II, 294-96 404-405WAC

    Temple Scroll, prayer of Michael, polemical text

    4Q472 sapiential4Q473 4QTwoWays Deuteronomic admonitions DJD, XXII, 291-94 405wac4Q474 sapiential WA, III, 3624Q475 sapiential4Q476 sapiential WA, II, 297-984Q477 4QRebukes offences and punishments WA, III, 363-64 90-914Q478 4QFest Fragment Mentioning Festivals DJD, XXII, 295-964Q479 4QDescDavid David's Descendants DJD, XXII, 297-994Q480 4QNarrF fragment mentioning God's

    miraclesDJD, XXII, 301-302

    4Q481 4QMixedKinds Text Mentioning Mixed Kinds DJD, XXII, 303-3044Q481a 4QapElise Elisha Apocryphon DJD, XXII, 306-3094Q481b 4QNarrG Restoration of Israel DJD, XXII, 311-124Q481c 4QPrMercy Prayer for Mercy DJD, XXII, 313-144Q481d 4QRedInk includes words in red ink DJD, XXII, 315-194Q481e 4QNarrH perh. consequences of failure to

    attend to words of GodDJD, XXII, 321-22

    4Q482 perh. Jubilees DJD, VII, 1-24Q483 perh. Jubilees DJD, VII, 24Q484 4QTJud Testament of Judah DJD, VII, 34Q485 4QProph prophetic or sapiential DJD, VII, 44Q486 4QSapa sapiential DJD, VII, 4-54Q487 4QSapb sapiential DJD, VII, 5-104Q491 4QMa War Scroll DSS, II, 142-66 115-194Q492 4QMb War Scroll DSS, II, 168-70 1204Q493 4QMC War Scroll DSS, II, 172 120-214Q494 4QMd War Scroll DSS, II, 174 1214Q495 4QMe War Scroll DSS, II, 176 1214Q496 4QMf War Scroll DSS, II, 178-96 121-234Q497 4QM8 War Scroll DSS, II, 198-2024Q498 4QHymnSap hymnic or sapiential DJD, VII, 73-744Q499 4QHymnPr hymns and prayers DJD, VII, 74-794Q500 4QBen Benediction DJD, VII, 78-79 4024Q501 4QapLamb Lamenta tion DJD, VII, 79-80 4034Q502 4QRitMar Marriage Rite DJD, VII, 81-105 440-414Q503 4QPrQuot Daily Prayers DJD, VII, 105-36 407-104Q504 4QDibHama Words of th Luminaries DJD, VII, 137-68 414-174Q505 4QDibHamb Words of th Luminaries DJD, VII, 168-70 4184Q506 4QDibHamc Words of th Luminaries DJD, VII, 170-75 4184Q507 4QPrFtesa Festival Prayers DJD, VII, 175-77 411-12


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    4Q508 4QPrFtesb Festival Prayers DJD, VII, 177-84 4124Q509 4QPrFtesc Festival Prayers DJD, VII, 184-215 412-134Q510 4QShira Songs of th Sage DJD, VII, 215-19 3714Q511 4QShirb Songs of th Sage DJD, VII, 219-62 371-764Q512 4QRitPur Ritual of Purification DJD, VII, 262-86 441-424Q513 4QOrdb Ordinances DSS, 1,158-75 914Q514 4QOrdc Ordinances DSS, 1,178-79 91-924Q515-520 unidentified DJD, VII, 299-3124Q521 4QapMes Messianic Apocalypse DJD, XXV, 1-38 394-954Q522 4QSela perh. Joshua Apocryphon/

    Rock of ZionDJD, XXV, 39-74 227-28

    4Q523 Hebrew fragment B DJD, XXV, 75-834Q524 4QT Tempie Scroll DJD, XXV, 85-1144Q525 4QBat Beatitudes DJD, XXV, 115-178 3954Q526 Hebrew fragment C DJD, XXV, 179-814Q527 Hebrew fragment D DJD, XXV, 183-854Q528 Hebrew fragment E DJD, XXV, 187-90

    4QAcademyFr Academy Fragments AHL, 3684QpsHodc Hodayot-like WA, III, 369-70 446-474QpsHistA pseudo-historical WA, III, 3714QpsHistB pseudo-historical WA, III, 3724QHymnA hymnic WA, III, 3734QS1* perh. apocryphon WA, III, 3744QSZ Community Rule WA, III, 375-764QUnidA unidentified WA, III, 3774QUnidC unidentified WA, III, 3784QUnidD unidentified WA, III, 3794QUnidE unidentified WA, III, 3804QUnidF unidentified WA, III, 381

    4Q577 4QDluge memtioning th Flood DJD, XXV, 195-2034Q578 4QHistB historical DJD, XXV, 205-2085Q579 4QHymnB hymnic DJD, XXV, 209-211

    Cave 55Q9 5QTopon toponyms DJD, III, 179-805Q10 5QapMal Malachi pesher or apocryphon DJD, III, 180 2035Q11 5QS Community Rule DSS, 1,106-107 325Q12 5QD Damascus Document DJD, III, 181 70-715Q13 5QRgle similar to Community Rule and

    Damascus DocumentDSS, 1,134-43 73

    5Q14 liturgical curses DJD, III, 183-84 4035Q16-25 unidentified DJD, III, 193-97


  • The Sources

    Cave 66Q9 QapSamKgs Samuel and Kings Apocryphon DJD, III, 119-23 2846Q10 QProph prophetic DJD, III, 123-256Q11 QAllegory Allegory of th Vine DJD, III, 125-26 4036Q12 QapProph apocryphal prophecy DJD, III, 1266Q13 QPriestProph priestly prophecy DJD, III, 126-276Q15 6QD Damascus Document DJD, III, 128-31 716Q16 QBen blessings DJD, III, 131-32 4376Q17 QCal calendar DJD, III, 132-336Q18 QHymn Hymn DJD, III, 133-36 4036Q20 QDeut perh. Deuteronomy-related DJD, III, 136-37 2286Q216Q226Q24-256Q266Q27-316QX1-2

    QfrProph unidentifiedunidentifiedunidentifiedaccount or contractunidentifiedunidentified

    DJD, III, 137 DJD, III, 137 DJD, III, 138 DJD, III, 139 DJD, III, 139-41

    Cave 88Q3 8QPhyl phylactery DJD, III, 149-578Q5 8QHymn liturgical poem DJD, III, 161-63 404

    Cave 99Q1 unidentified DJD, III, 163

    Cave 1010Q1 ostracon DJD, III, 164

    Cave 1111Q5 llQPs3 apocryphal compositions

    (Cols. 18-19, 22, 24, 26-28)DJD, IV, 39-40,43,45, 47-49,53-93


    11Q6 llQPsb apocryphal compositions (frags 4-5, 6)

    DJD, XXIII, 42-45

    11Q11 llQPsAp3 Apocryphal Psalms DJD, XXIII, 185-205 37611Q12 llQJub Jubilees; fragments of Tempie

    Scroll, MS ADJD, XXIII, 209-20 241-

    11Q13 llQMelch Melchizedek DJD, XXIII, 224-4111Q14 11QM perh. War Scroll (= 4Q285, fr. 1) DJD, XXIII, 245-51 12411Q15 llQHymn3 Hodayot-like DJD, XXIII, 253-56 40411Q16 llQHymnb Hodayot-like DJD, XXIII, 257-5811Q17 HQShirShabb Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice DJD, XXIII, 267-304 430-11Q19 11QT Tempie Scroll, MS A Accordance 4.111Q20 llQTb Tempie Scroll MS B Accordance 4.1


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    11Q21 11QTC




    Tempie Scroll, MS C?unidentifiedunidentifiedrelated to Community rule unclassified fragments

    Songs of th Sabbath SacrificeJubilees fragment mentioningMastemahunidentifiedunidentified

    DJD, XXIII, 411-14 DJD, XXIII, 415-20 DJD, XXIII, 423-30 DJD, XXIII, 433-34 DJD, XXIII, 435-44

    DJD, XI, 240-48 Talmon, 171-72

    Talmon, 173-76 Talmon, 176-77

    Murabba'atMur 6 hymn DJD, II, 86Mur 7 contract DJD, II, 86Mur 22 deed of sale DJD, II, 118-19Mur 24 farming contracts DJD, II, 122-34Mur 29 deed of sale DJD, II, 140-44Mur 30 deed of sale DJD, II, 144-48Mur 42 MurEpBeth-

    MashikoBar-Kokhba correspondence DJD, II, 155-59

    Mur 43 MurEpBarC3 Bar-Kokhba correspondence DJD, II, 159-61Mur 44 MurEpBarC*3 Bar-Kokhba correspondence DJD, II, 161-63Mur 45 Bar-Kokhba correspondence DJD, II, 163-64Mur 46 MurEpJon-

    athanBar-Kokhba correspondence DJD, II, 164-66

    Mur 47 Bar-Kokhba correspondence DJD, II, 166-67Mur 48 Bar-Kokhba correspondence DJD, II, 167-68

    Nahal Hever5/6 HevBA 44 deed of sale Nebe, 1565/6 HevBA 45 contract AHL, 4075/6 HevBA 45 fr. 1-2 5/6 HevBA 46 5/6 HevEp 1 5/6 HevEp 5 5/6 HevEp 12 5/6 HevEp 12 fr. XHev/Se 8 XHev/Se 30 XHev/Se 49

    contractBar-Kokhba correspondence Bar-Kokhba correspondence Bar-Kokhba correspondence Bar-Kokhba correspondence deed of saleBar-Kokhba correspondence Pomisory note

    AHL, 407AHL, 410AHL, 420AHL, 421AHL, 422AHL, 422DJD, XXVII, 26-33DJD, XXVII, 103-104DJD, XXVII, 121-122

    Pardee, 124

    Pardee, 130 Pardee, 132 Pardee, 134 Pardee, 136

    Pardee, 137 Pardee, 138

    Yadin, 178 Yadin, 178 Yadin, 180


  • The Sources

    Cairo GenizahCD Damascus Document Accordance 4.1GnzPs apocryphal psalms AHL, 54-57

    BibliographyAcademy of th Hebrew Language (The Historical Dictionary of th Hebrew Language),

    Materials for th Dictionary. Series I. 200 B.C.E.300 C.E. (Jerusalem: The Academy of th Hebrew Language, 1988).

    Accordance 4.1 (Oaktree Software; Altamonte Springs, FL, 1999) [Qumran Secular Manuscripts module edited by Martin Abegg].

    AHL, see Academy of th Hebrew Language.Alexander, Philip S. and Geza Vermes, Qumran Cave 4. XXVI. Serakh Ha-Yahad abd Two Related

    Texts (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 26; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998).Allegro, John M., with th collaboration of Arnold A. Anderson, Qumran Cave 4, I (4Q158-

    4Q186) (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert of Jordan, 5; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968).Attridge, Harold, Torleif Elgvin, Jozef Milik, Saul Olyan, John Strugnell, Emanuel Tov, James

    VanderKam and Sidnie White, in consultation with James VanderKam, Qumran Cave 4; Vili: Parabiblical Texts, Part 1 (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 13; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).

    Baillet, M., Qumran Grotte 4 (4Q482-4Q520) (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 7; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982).

    , J.T. Milik and R. de Vaux, Les 'petites grottes' de Qumran (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert of Jordan, 3; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962).

    Barthlemy, D. and J.T. Milik, with contributions by R. de Vaux, G.M. Crowfoot, H.J. Plenderleith and G.L. Harding, Qumran Cave I (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 1; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955).

    Baumgarten, Joseph, on th basis of transcriptions by Jzef T. Milik, with contributions by Stephen Pfann and Ada Yardeni, Qumran Cave 4. XIII. The Damascus Document (4Q266- 273) (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 18; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996).

    Benoit, P., J.T. Milik and R. de Vaux, with contributions by G.M. Crowfoot, E. Crowfoot and A. Grohmann, Les grottes de Murabba't (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, II; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961).

    Brooke, George, John Collins, Torleif Elgvin, Peter Flint, Jonas Greenfield, Erik Larson, Carol Newsom, mile Puech, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Michael Stone, and Julio Trebolle Barrer, in consultation with James VanderKam, Qumran Cave 4. XVII. Parabiblical Texts, Part3 (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 22; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996).

    Broshi, Magen, Esther Eshel, Joseph Fitzmyer, Erik Larson, Carol Newsom, Lawrence Schiffman, Mark Smith, Michael Stone, John Strugnell and Ada Yardeni, in consultation with James VanderKam, Qumran Cave 4. XIV. Parabiblical Texts, Part 2 (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 19; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995).


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Charlesworth, James H. (ed.), Rule of th Community and Related Documents (The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations, 1; Tubingen/ Louisville: J.C.B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck]/Westminster John Knox Press, 1994).

    Damascus Document, War Scroll, and Related Documents (The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations, 2; Tubingen/Louisville: J.C.B. Mohr [Paul SiebeckJ/Westminster John Knox Press, 1995).

    Pseudepigraphic and Non-Masoretic Psalms and Prayers (The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations, 4A; Tiibingen/Louisville: J.C.B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck]/Westminster John Knox Press, 1997).

    Cotton, Hannah M. and Ada Yardeni, Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and Other Sites (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, XXVII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977).

    DJD, I, see Barthlemy, D. and J.T. Milik.DJD, II, see Benoit, P., J.T. Milik and R. de Vaux.DJD, III, see Baillet, M., J.T. Milik and R. de Vaux.DJD, IV, see Sanders, J.A.DJD, V, see Allegro, J.M.DJD, VII, see Baillet, M.DJD, X, see Qimron, Elisha and John Strugnell.DJD XI, see Eshel, Esther, Hanan Eshel, Carol Newsom, et al.DJD, XIII, see Attridge, Harold, Torleif Elgvin, Jozf Milik, et al.DJD, XVIII, see Baumgarten, Joseph M. (1996).DJD, XIX, see Broshi, Magen, Esther Eshel, Joseph Fitzmyer, et al.DJD, XX, see Elgvin, Torleif, Menachem Kister, Timothy Lim, et al.DJD, XXII, see Brooke, George, John Collins, Torleif Elgvin, et al.DJD XXIII, see Garcia Martinez, Fiorentino, Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar, et al.DJD XXV, see Puech, mile.DJD XXVI, see Alexander, Philip S. and Geza Vermes.DJD, XXVII, see Cotton, Hannah M. and Ada Yardeni.DSS, I, see Charlesworth, James H. (1994).DSS, II, see Charlesworth, James H. (1995).DSS, IVA, see Charlesworth, James H. (1997).Eisenman, Robert H. and Michael Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered (Shaftesbury, Dorset:

    Element, 1992).Elgvin, Torleif, Menachem Kister, Timothy Lim, Bilhah Nitzan, Stephen Pfann, Elisha Qim

    ron, Lawrence H. Schiffman, and Annette Steudel, in consultation with Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Qumran Cave 4. XV. Sapiential Texts, Part 1 (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 20; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977).

    Eshel, Esther and Hanan Eshel and Ada Yardeni, 'A Qumran Composition Containing Part of Ps 154 and a Prayer for th Welfare of King Jonathan and his Kingdom', // 42 (1992), pp. 199-229.

    Eshel, Esther, Hanan Eshel, Carol Newsom, Bilhah Nitzan, Eileen Schuller, and Ada Yardeni, in consultation with James Vanderkam and Monica Brady, Qumran Cave 4 VI. Poetical and


  • The Sources

    Liturgical Texts, Part I (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, XI: Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990).

    EW, see Eisenman, Robert H. and Michael Wise.Garcia Martinez, Fiorentino, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English (tr.

    Wilfred G.E. Watson; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994).Garcia Martinez, Fiorentino, Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar, and Adam S. van der Woude,

    incorporating earlier editions by J.P.M. van der Ploeg, O.P., with a contribution by Edward Herbert, Qumran Cave 11 II. 11Q2-18, 11Q20-31 (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, XXIII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998).

    Horgan, Maurya P., Pesharim: Qumran Interpretations of Biblical Books (The Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, 8; Washington, DC: The Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1979).

    Kister, M., 'Newly Identified Fragments of th Book of Jubilees: Jub. 23:21-23, 30-31', Revue de Qumran 12 (1985-87), pp. 529-36.

    Licht,}., The Thanksgiving Scroll (Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute, 1957).Milik, Jzef T., 'A propos de llQJub', Biblica 54 (1973), pp. 77-78.with th collaboration of Matthew Black, The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran

    Cave 4 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976).Naveh, Joseph, 'A Medicai Document or a Writing Exercise? The So-called 4Q Therapeia',

    Israel Exploration Journal 36 (1986), pp. 52-55.Nebe, G.W., 'Die hebrische Sprache der Nahal Hever Dokumente 5/6Hev 44-46', in The

    Hebrew of th Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira: Proceedings of a Symposium held at Leiden University, 11-14 December 1995 (ed. T. Muraoka and J.F. Elwolde; Studies on th Texts of th Desert of Judah, 26; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997), pp. 150-57.

    Newsom, Carol, Songs of th Sabbath Sacrifice: A Criticai Edition (Harvard Semitic Studies, 27; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1985).

    Pardee, Dennis, Handbook of Ancient Hebrew Letters: A Study Edition (SBL Sources for Biblical Study, 15; Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1982).

    Ploeg, J. van der, 'Les manuscrits de la grotte XI de Qumran', Revue de Qumran 12 (1985), pp. 3-15.

    Puech, mile, 'Notes sur le manuscrit de llQMelksdeq', Revue de Qumran 12 (1987), pp. 483- 513.

    'HQPsAp11: Un rituel d'exorcismes. Essai de reconstruction', Revue de Qumran 14 (1990), pp. 377-408.

    'Un apocalypse messianique (4Q521)', Revue de Qumran 15 (1992), pp. 475-519 .'La pierre de Sion et l'autel des holocaustes d'aprs un manuscrit hbreu de la grotte 4',

    Revue Biblique 99 (1992), pp. 676-96.Qumran Grotte 4. XVIII. Textes Hbreux (4Q521-4Q528, 4Q576-4Q579) (Discoveries in th

    Judaean Desert, 25; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998).Qimron, Elisha, 'The Text of CDC', in The Damascus Document Reconsidered (ed. Magen Broshi;

    Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society/The Shrine of th Book, Israel Museum, 1992), pp. 9-49.

    and John Strugnell, in consultation with Y. Sussmann and with contributions by Y. Suss-


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    mann and A. Yardeni, Qumran Cave 4. V. Miqsat Ma'ase ha-Torah (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert, 10; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).

    The Tempie Scroll: A Criticai Edition with Extensive Reconstructions (Bibliography by Fiorentino Garcia Martinez; Judean Desert Studies; Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University of th Negev Press/Israel Exploration Society, 1996).

    Richter, Hans-Peter, 'A Preliminary Concordance to th Hebrew and Aramaic Fragments from Qumran Caves IIX' (5 vols., unpublished, printed in Gttingen, 1988, and dis- tributed by Hartmut Stegemann on behalf of John Strugnell).

    Sanders, J.A., The Psalms Scroll ofQumrn Cave 11 (Discoveries in th Judaean Desert of Jordan, 4; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965).

    Schuller, Eileen, Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran: A Pseudepigraphic Collection (Harvard Semitic Studies, 28; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986).

    Steudel, Annette, Der Midrasch zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde (4QMidrEschata-b): Materielle Rekonstruktion, Textbestand, Gattung und traditionsgeschichtliche Einordnung des durch 4Q174 ('Florilegium) und 4Q177 ('Catena A') reprdsenterten Werkes aus den Qumran- funden (Studies on th Texts of th Desert of Judah, 13; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994).

    Talmon, Shemaryahu, 'Hebrew Written Fragments from Masada', Dead Sea Discoveries 3 (1996), pp. 168-77.

    Vermes, Geza, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (London: Alien Lane/Penguin, 1997).WA, see Wacholder, Ben Zion and Martin G. Abegg.WAC, see Wise, Michael, Martin G. Abegg and Edward Cook.Wacholder, Ben Zion and Martin G. Abegg (and, for Fascicle 4, James Bowley), A Preliminary

    Edition of th Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls: The Hebrew and Aramaic Texts from Cave Tour Based on a Reconstruction of th Originai Transcriptions ofJozefT. Milik, John Strugnell and Jean Starcky, Fascicles 1-4 (Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1991-96).

    Wise, Michael, Martin G. Abegg and Edward Cook, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation (London: HarperCollins, 1996).

    Woude, Adam van der, 'Ein neuer Segensspruch aus Qumran (llQBer)', in Bibel und Qumran: Beitrage zur Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen Bibel- und Qumranwissenschaft: Hans Bardtke zum 22.8.1966 (ed. S. Wagner; Berlin: Evangelische Haupt-Bibelgesellschaft, 1968).

    'Fragmente des Buches Jubilen aus Qumran Hhle XI (HQJub)', in Tradition und Glaube: Das frthe Christentum in seiner Umwelt: Festgabe ftir Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65. Geburtstag (ed. Gert Jeremias, Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn, and Hartmut Stegemann; Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1971), pp. 140-46.

    Yadin, Yigael, Bar-Kokhba: The Rediscovery of th Legendary Hero of th Last Jewish Revolt against Imperiai Rome (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971).

    b. InscriptionsThe following texts are supplementary to those listed in Volume 1, pp. 55-66, Volume 3, pp. 28-32, and Volume 4, p. 29.


  • The Sources

    DH (before Bulla or Ostracon number)Robert Deutsch and Michael Heltzer, New Epigfraphic Evidence from th Biblical Period (Tel Aviv-Jaffa: Archaeological Center Publications, 1995).

    D (before Bulla or Ostracon number)Robert Deutsch, Messagesfrom th Past: Hebrew Bullae from th Time of Isaiah through th Destruction of th First Tempie (Tel Aviv: Archaeological Center Publications, 1999).



    IN Order of Frequency

    In these tables are listed all th words beginning with Mem and Nun, in descending order of their frequency of occurrence in th corpus of classical Hebrew. Including proper names, there are 1428 words beginning with Mem, and 596 with Nun, 2024 in all. Words that are conjectured, and for which therefore no occurrence statistics are noted in th Dictionary, are of course absent from this list. Words for which th lemma form is reconstructed (for example, when only plural forms are attested and th presumed singular form is therefore shown within square brackets) are included, without their square brackets.

    In th first column, a number ranks th words in order of frequency. Following th Hebrew word itself, and (in th case of homonyms) a roman numerai to distinguish one word from another spelled alike, five columns of figures follow. They record in turn th number of occurrences of th word in th four corpora of texts that comprise Classical Hebrewth Masoretic text of th Hebrew Bible (MT), Ben Sira (Si), th Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran and related texts) (Q) and th Hebrew inscriptions (Inscr)and th total number of occurrences. It is this total that determines a word's position in th table. In th next column th part of speech is noted, and a simple gloss follows, to identify th word in question.

  • 123456789


    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    7717 55 1300 106 9178 prep fromi 2518 16 130 70 2734 nm king

    ma 842 10 75 1 928 vb dieCDSEr 421 20 420 861 nm judgment

    ncpb 762 4 75 841 pmm Mosesera 580 9 168 3 760 nm water(s)

    i 674 0 34 2 710 prnm Egyptilft

    Ti 492 46 122 660 pron what?


    i 579 3 63 3 648 nm&f hundredntprq i 243 40 293 576 nm deed

    i 457 32 66 555 vb findP 423 28 81 3 535 pron who?

    ipo 401 10 65 4 480 nm&f piacennn'jn

    t t : i 318 4 147 469 nf war

    nato 400 3 46 449 nm aitar-tjjq i 223 6 140 369 nm appointment

    f>D i 347 1 8 1 357 vb be king"IN? i 299 10 30 1 340 adv very

    rinatiT T 304 2 22 328 nf clan

    *7n 250 8 46 2 306 vb befull

    1^5 213 1 81 295 nm messenger"1310 i 271 2 16 289 nm steppenc?Q i 252 4 19 2 277 nm staff, triben300 215 1 58 274 nm&f campnmp 211 1 38 250 nf offeringnran 181 9 45 235 nf commandment

    np 155 22 30 207 nm deathrDtT t : 166 7 19 1 193 nf work

    3NrT 178 1 4 1 184 prnmf Moabbvn ii 141 2 32 175 n[m] heightbm i 81 14 71 166 vb rule


  • 32333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type

    ~1S0D IT

    133 11 20 164 nmtzfippn 74 5 81 160 nm

    n#2Q 146 9 4 159 pmmnD*7QQT T 117 3 26 146 nf

    139 6 145 nm91 2 47 140 nf

    H32?nDt t -

    56 4 73 133 nmnio 103 6 22 131 nmJ>0 101 11 12 124 n[m]OKO I 74 10 33 117 vb

    enaq i 114 114 nmc&d I 95 4 10 109 vb

    nlP 74 29 103 n[m]"DQ I 80 1 22 103 vbino

    T54 10 30 94 nm

    nnotfa 78 1 9 88 nfn*7tboQT T 17 6 64 87 nf

    rDiuot t -

    20 2 63 85 nfino i 67 5 11 83 vbncin 44 2 36 82 nm

    nipp 76 6 82 nmma i 54 27 81 nf*70 T 64 6 10 80 adj

    nto i 71 3 6 80 vbp i 60 1 14 75 nm&f

    irn 72 2 1 75 advom 50 13 11 74 nm

    49 3 17 69 nmH30 48 4 15 67 nf^PO I 29 3 32 64 n[m]

    1QTQ 57 5 1 63 n[m]mb i 45 5 13 63 vbn'OOT 39 1 23 63 nmno 53 9 62 vb


  • 6667686970717273747576777879808182838485868788899091929394

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    1HP 1 59 3 62 prnm Midian1 48 13 61 nm toiver

    'DIO- r: : t 60 60 prnm Mordecai"TpD I 18 2 39 59 nm source

    46 3 9 58 nm bed"ina 52 2 1 2 57 n[m] morrow

    i 53 4 57 nf unleavened breadCD "IO 37 8 11 56 vb totter

    rm-ip 44 1 11 56 nf chariotk&q i 37 4 14 1 56 nm burden

    'ino 47 3 6 56 nmdu loinsnrio i 54 1 55 nf province

    npro i 47 8 55 nf stepnpSqo i 43 2 9 54 nf division

    risia 36 2 14 52 nm wonder5 1 46 52 n[m] place

    nntpo 46 5 51 nm feastI

    T27 3 19 1 50 nm going out

    p^Q I 19 1 29 49 n[m] dwelling place46 1 1 48 vb refuse

    nono i 39 1 8 48 nf deceit"rio 43 1 3 47 adv when?

    rT'?l?Q 16 13 17 46 prnm Malchi(j)ahi 39 5 2 46 nm proverb

    nfr i 34 4 5 2 45 vb ivipepp 38 6 1 45 nm fullnessn'pa 38 7 45 nf word

    35 10 45 vb sin41 4 45 nm deed

    rron i 35 10 45 n[m] second

    t ~ : _30 6 8 44 nm food

    ntpa 38 2 4 44 nm rainrnr 42 1 1 44 nf lampstand

    ripa I 34 1 9 44 nm refuge


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Rank Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    100 muoT t : I 40 4 44 nf cave101 "jtn I 36 2 6 44 vb pul102 rs 31 4 8 43 nm kind103 ijjo 32 1 10 43 nm tenth104 Nino

    T 25 2 15 42 nm entrance105 todT I 37 1 4 42 nm&f fortification106 nixnT - 38 4 42 nf pillar107 no I 38 3 1 42 adj bitter108 ^to

    t :I 25 17 42 prnm Meshullam

    109 nyo 34 3 3 1 41 nm belly110 nno

    T :I 39 2 41 prnm Merari

    111 OOO 23 1 15 1 40 vb melt112 nsso 40 40 pln Mizpah113 "iKOT 19 1 19 39 nm luminary114 1730 29 8 2 39 vb withhold115 23 1 15 39 n[m] spring116 *710 I 30 8 38 vb circumcise117 ^O I 36 1 37 n[m] front118 10T0

    19 2 16 37 nf pian119 PW 32 5 37 nm basin120 nao 28 3 4 2 37 vb count121 coro I 23 4 10 37 vb befew122 23 14 37 nm convocation123 Cj?O I 27 3 6 36 nm snare124 IO I 20 3 13 36 vb depart125 niono 13 1 22 36 n[m] lack126 mno

    t t: T 32 4 36 nf morrow127 in'D'ia

    : t21 15 36 prnm Micaiah

    128 ns^oT 35 1 36 nf queen

    129 reoT 33 2 35 prnm Micah

    130 n1?? I 28 3 4 35 nm salt131 Tiro

    T II 24 1 9 34 nm strength132 (00 T - II 29 1 4 34 nm utterance133 IO 21 4 7 32 nm blemish


  • 134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type

    ma I 8 1 23 32 prnmn^oo

    T I 27 5 32 nfTiW? 28 2 1 31 nm

    no 25 2 4 31 vbnsaoT - 26 1 3 30 nfTnq I 15 4 11 30 nm

    rren 16 14 30 nfrisa

    T 29 1 30 nf17 2 11 30 nm

    I 30 30 gent1 OCDO I 22 1 6 1 30 nm

    niuor 25 2 2 29 nf

    nira 21 1 7 29 nf3"l^Q I 14 15 29 n[m]

    14 2 12 28 nmroiSo I 24 4 28 nfnoQ 23 1 3 27 nm

    OD I 23 3 1 27 nmpio I 20 6 26 nm


    I 13 13 26 nm

    TO25 1 26 n[m]

    I 15 2 9 26 nmno I 22 2 2 26 nmaio I 17 1 7 25 vbaia II 17 1 7 25 vbno I 16 1 8 25 vb

    roooT - I 25 25 nfnnra 22 2 24 nf

    ni^DO 16 3 5 24 nmnrrao

    TI 23 1 24 nf

    npno 20 3 23 nmncso

    T '19 4 23 adv

    TOO 22 1 23 prnm12 11 23 nm


  • 168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    23 23 n[m] rebellionnano

    T ! 'I 17 3 3 23 nf g'ft

    20 2 22 nf haste

    rr$io 22 22 nf birth, kindred

    jQ 4 18 22 pmm Mijamin15 1 5 21 n[m]du balances

    *?3Q 13 1 7 21 nm floodrtaa 21 21 nf scroll

    19 1 1 21 nm ascentitela I 20 1 21 n[m] siegenip II 7 5 9 21 nm collection

    CD'PPP 20 1 21 n[m] refuge

    PC 19 2 21 nm distance

    II 2 19 21 prnm MattannnraT 19 1 20 nf doorpost

    I 5 1 14 20 nm interpreter

    f,l?Q II 5 1 14 20 nm one who speaks freelyrraa

    TII 18 2 20 prnm Manoah

    16 1 3 20 nm mourningnn 12 8 20 nf depthVtQ II 18 2 20 vb be like

    ncpnp 16 3 19 nm trustnonoT 12 1 6 19 nf discomfitureinno

    t : 13 4 2 19 nm desirable thing

    frn I 15 1 2 1 19 vb strike throughT - 17 2 19 prnm Maaseiah


    II 17 2 19 nf stronghold

    t : I 17 2 19 nf stronghold

    ino 14 4 18 adv cjuickly'3KQT 16 2 18 gent Moabite"ItDQ 17 1 18 vb rain

    18 18 prnf Michalruo

    T TI 12 2 4 18 nf portion


    I 7 2 9 18 nm resting place


  • 2022032042052062072082092102 1 12 1 2213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    rorot "

    I 18 18 prnmf Maacah^j?P 18 18 nmf rodnino

    t : -12 6 18 nf vision

    "no I 16 2 18 vb be bitterr.:rpp 11 7 18 nf support

    3 15 18 prnm MattaniahWP 13 4 17 prnm Michael

    onera I 16 1 17 nmpl righteousnessngbp 16 1 17 nm covering

    n:rp I 7 3 7 17 nm answerrtrrsp 15 2 17 prnm Mephibosheth


    I 17 17 nm iynpto II 6 1 10 17 nm drink

    tniO I 12 1 3 16 nm fearnno

    T T " 16 16 nf guar, targetPP 15 1 16 nm consecration

    rop I 12 4 16 n[m] journeyn^p

    t -II 15 1 16 nf extolment

    2 14 16 n[m] cruciblenapp 15 1 16 nf purchase

    npt ;

    II 15 1 16 prnf Miriamnprp I 2 14 16 nf hostility

    no I 11 1 3 15 n[m] sojourningno 15 15 prnm Madai, Mediano II 15 15 part not

    nno 9 3 3 15 vb delaypbpp 3 12 15 nm dominion

    '9 I 14 1 15 nm mannan^P 13 1 1 15 nm forehead

    nrnp 10 1 4 15 nf pasturingntcp I 12 2 1 15 nfpini? 12 3 15 adj sweetin?p I 14 14 nm choice

    DVQQt : _

    8 6 14 n[m] delicacy


  • 236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    I 14 14 nf paneliTCWQ 7 7 14 prnm Maaseiah

    npisp 7 2 5 14 nf distressnsK 12 1 1 14 nf turban

    D1P 14 14 vb make smoothIIP

    T 3 11 14 nm bitter thingI 14 14 n[m] maskil

    TOfpn II 14 14 n[m] responsive songTIDP III 14 14 n[m] instructive song

    mtoT I 12 2 14 nf going backmnpr ; " _ 13 1 14 prnm Mattaniah

    noT " I 6 2 5 13 nm knowledgerrnp

    t : 8 3 2 13 nf life

    1300 I 13 13 pln Mahanaim"DOS

    t : 10 2 1 13 nm mortgaged propertynJPT 9 4 13 nf dwelling place

    TI *p^P 13 13 nfdu cymbalsn-i 13 13 nm pasture"lobT I 5 8 13 n[m] breakernptpp I 13 13 nm cup-bearer

    n;p 12 12 pln Megiddonoip

    T12 12 nf bar

    rqiine 10 2 12 nf join,l?np I 12 12 prnm Mahli


    2 10 12 prnm Mahseiahnnnp

    T 11 1 12 nf terror

    "PP 3 9 12 nm valuer6p I 5 1 6 12 vb salt

    tfip'po 8 4 12 nm latter rainO3PT 8 4 12 nm flight

    1SPT 11 1 12 nf strongholdivxn

    t : 3 9 12 n[m] step

    nlP^ 10 2 12 nm accidentIP I 12 12 nm myrrh


  • 270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    rrncpo I 10 2 12 n[m] destructionim I 5 7 12 nm gift

    t 3 2 6 11 nm word

    rnziQ I 11 11 nf structure-frioT 11 11 n[m] birth

    ^no 7 4 11 nm dark placereso

    T " 6 5 11 nm plantingOfpDQ 11 11 pln Michmas

    iti)1??? 11 11 prnf Milcah"TTQ 2 9 11 nm bastard

    rot :

    9 2 11 nf portionnnoo

    T 10 1 11 n[m] hiding placeI 11 11 nm track

    6n 10 1 11 nm standing placenipp I 5 6 11 nm hopeminT II 11 11 pln Meribahnir 11 11 n[m] going backpn I 5 5 1 11 vb be sweet

    1130T II 9 1 10 nm fearIP II 10 10 nm strifeEhlO

    T2 1 7 10 n[m] study

    nrra 10 10 nf plantingodo 6 3 1 10 nm tribute

    3F1PP 9 1 10 nm writingrao'poo 9 1 10 nf kingdom

    io I 9 1 10 pln MamreH3D I 5 5 10 nm mina

    mtj?Q 9 1 10 pln MakkedahPRD 10 10 vb rotntpo I 9 1 10 nf hammered work

    niobio 10 10 n[f]pl place ofhead9 1 10 nf (ornamentai) set


    7 3 10 n[m] extendingI 10 10 vb feel


  • 304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT

    !D i 9narr

    T T9


    ">nD 9i 7

    ]*7D 8mirr ~ ii 9

    rc-w? 9

    nbso 8fb 8

    i 5T"i0 ii 9

    nrnoT 6


    Vl 9IV 9

    I7CPP i 4lip^Q 3

    nno 6rrnriD 4

    RD 48

    '3'i 87

    nnoio i 8'O'Q i 8nbna 8


    7b i 8pirm 6maro


    Si Q Inscr Total Type

    9 nm9 nf

    9 9 nm9 9 prnm

    9 n[m]2 9 n[m]1 9 nm

    9 nm9 nf

    9 9 n[m]1 9 nf

    1 9 nm5 2 2 9 nm

    9 adj3 9 n[m]1 9 n[m]

    9 nm9 pln

    3 2 9 n[m]6 9 n[m]

    6 3 9 nf2 3 9 prnm4 8 vb

    8 nm8 gent

    1 8 prnm8 nf8 prnm 8 nf8 nm8 prn[m]

    2 8 n[m]8 nf

    8 8 prnm


  • 338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    nprn 8 8 gent Maacathitepp^Q 5 3 8 n[m] depth

    T??P 5 2 1 8 n[m] muster8 8 n[m] threshold

    "ilioT II 6 2 8 n[m] fortificationrni^q 1 8 8 nf fortification

    2 6 8 prnm Mikneiahninip 6 2 8 prnm MeremothD"j 7 1 8 n[m] trampling placerrsfon I 6 2 8 nf imagenStp 3 5 8 n[m] extendingnptpp 1 7 1 8 nf devastation

    3kpt : _

    5 2 7 nm ambush1 7 7 nf counsel

    Sra 7 7 n[m] flowI 4 3 7 n[m] a little, a few

    n'pnn 4 3 7 nf sickness, diseasenbnp II 7 7 prnf Mahalath

    7 7 prnm Mishael

    "I33P 6 1 7 nm gratingnpp 7 7 nf (scar of a) bum

    PDD 5 1 1 7 nmdu breechesII 7 7 pln Millo

    ^P 1 6 1 7 vb withernip*pQ 7 7 nm spoilnp^p 6 1 7 n[m]du tongsnij?pp 1 7 7 nf supplies

    ira 7 7 vb shake7 7 vb drain

    pisp 6 1 7 n[m] distressII 6 1 7 pln MizpehII 7 7 pln Mizraim

    ninot :

    7 7 prnm Meraiothmra

    t : 2 5 7 nf government


  • 372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type

    nKiop 3 1 3 7 nf

    1300 1 6 7 n[m]-[era II 7 7 vb

    n'ptsnnp 6 1 7 prnmiJIDO 3 3 6 n[m]

    ^O 6 6 plnaiao

    T4 2 6 prnm

    V 6 6 prnml'pno 5 1 6 nm

    riDSiin 6 6 nfio 6 6 n[m]

    ...P 5 1 6 vbTTO I 5 1 6 n[m]

    na^m 5 1 6 nfpinp I 6 6 nmn*?nQ 2 4 6 nm]ioc?o I 5 1 6 n[m]

    nera 6 6 n[m]'Dia T 1 5 6 prnm

    n^BDO t 6 6 plnfido

    TI 6 6 n[m]

    FIDOt :

    II 6 6 n[m]nDO

    t : III 6 6 n[m]

    FIDOt :

    IV 6 6 n[m]Fipo V 6 6 n[m]

    3 3 6 nfyO 6 6 prnm

    n^o 4 2 6 nm**o II 4 1 1 6 vb

    n'pao 4 2 6 nf"]DO I 5 1 6 vb

    |DQP 4 2 6 adj"1000 5 1 6 nmisoo 5 1 6 nm


  • 406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss


    I 2 1 3 6 nf netpn 1 4 2 6 vb be sick

    ~no III 5 1 6 vb be strongneho I 6 6 pln Mareshahrnrp 4 2 6 nf measure

    nnifo 4 2 6 nf recompense

    PP 6 6 nm fatnotp 6 6 nf plunder

    ntn 5 1 6 nf measurementorq II 5 5 vb flow

    rnp I 5 5 nf cursenu:no

    T TI 4 1 5 nf headdress

    inoT 5 5 n[m] dwelling place

    rrfpio 4 1 5 pln Moladahnoia 3 2 5 nm bondsino II 5 5 prnm Moza

    rnpip I 5 5 nf snuffer"oro II 5 5 nf musical instrument'mio

    T : 5 5 adj easternrana 5 5 nf griddlenbno 5 5 prnf Mahlah

    5 5 pln MedebarnDp 3 2 5 nf net

    2 3 5 prnm Melchizedek5 5 prnm Malchishua

    rp'pp 5 5 nf queenpop 1 4 5 n[m] wealth

    nopp 5 5 pln Memshath3 4 1 5 n[m] couchnoot * II 5 5 pln Massah

    niDpop II 5 5 nf forced labournsqp II 3 2 5 n[m] account

    PrW I 4 1 5 n[m] delicacy

    m IV 5 5 pln Maon


  • 440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    p 3 2 5 vb press5 5 adj western

    bumT 3 2 5 n[m] deed

    II 5 5 vb sufficeTSOT IV 5 5 pln

    ISO 3 2 5 n[m] distress

    "T?0 5 5 nf beam-work310 4 1 5 prnf Merabn rp 5 5 nf increase

    p?i0 4 1 5 n[m] stalinibno 5 5 n[f]pl place offeetrrjo II 5 5 pln Marah

    bui nnp 4 1 5 prnm Merib-baaln T I 5 5 nm blessing

    P"IQ I 4 1 5 vb rub

    TI 1 4 5 n[m] hearing

    in;nno 4 1 5 prnm Mattithiahrfoao 4 4 nf knife

    H33Q 1 3 4 nm structure*7320T 4 4 n[m] kneadingni3^o 4 4 nfpl precious things

    jao I 3 1 4 vb deliver up

    a-9 III 4 4 adj insolentB3QT - 4 4 nm contact130 2 2 4 vb throw

    niap 4 4 nf saw

    o II 3 1 4 n[m] measurernniQ I 1 3 4 nf distress, calamityromn

    t : -II 1 3 4 nf rout, defeat

    inoT 2 2 4 nm relativeTHO II 4 4 adj skilled

    riDSHD 4 4 nf stocksina II 3 1 4 vb acquireCDiD II 4 4 n[m] pole


  • 474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q

    noia II 4tira II 3 1-inio 3

    "ITOlira I 3 1


    11 3 1"lira

    TIII 3 1

    rnora 4rurin 4nino 4]f?no 4

    tora 4nraraT T

    4itpQO 4

    DO II 3 1ns^p 3 1

    roV?!? II 4nro 3 1

    ^0 IV 4"130


    '30 4n3op 1 31?pO I 4

    "I3DQ II 3noo 4noo I 4

    3l?p 4r^/so 4n?p 2 2

    nso 3 1rrbT 1lisoT II 3 1

    mraoT I 4"1HO V 4

    Total Type Gloss

    4 n[m] heart4 vb feel4 nm abundance4 prnm Mazdaeus4 n[m] wound4 n[m] sore4 n[m] running sore4 nf pruning knife4 n[m] vision4 nf window4 prnm Mahlon4 prnm Mica4 prnm Micaiah4 nm covering4 vb practise deceit4 nf setting4 nf king4 nf salt land4 vb cut off4 n[m] weaver's beam4 gent Manassite4 nf circle4 n[m] smith4 n[m] prison4 vb melt4 nf trial4 gent Maonite4 nf horrible image4 n[m] spreading4 nm key4 pln Moza4 n[m] stronghold4 nf net4 nm whey


  • 508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541

    The Dictionary of Classica! Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    rapo i 4 4 nf hammernicppo 2 2 4 nf censer

    nfrpQ 4 4 prnm Miklothny'ppo 4 4 nf carving

    ^TIO 4 4 n[m] puruitimo 3 1 4 n[m] wandering

    rema7 i 4 4 nf runningii 3 1 4 nm calmness

    ns-ic 3 1 4 nm relaxationfio ii 4 4 vb beforceful

    pT? 3 1 4 n[m] brothnnpno 3 1 4 nf ointment mixture


    i 4 4 nf bitter thingn^cpo in 3 1 4 nf beaconnsno

    t t :4 4 nf burning

    rnwpp 4 4 nf kneading trough9gb i 2 2 4 n[m] rule

    rppp ii 4 4 prnm Mishmanyocpp 4 4 nf hearingnppoo 2 2 4 nf levelling implement

    ano 4 4 nm bridleni'/rp 3 1 4 nf toothDIR i 1 2 3 pron anything

    3 3 n[m] gatheringnono

    r : 3 3 nf tramplingCD30

    T 3 3 nm hopeintrono

    t : : 3 3 prnm MibtahiahDPO 3 3 prnm Mibsam


    3 3 nf fear*p?o-rrQ 3 3 prnmf Mehetabel

    ' nn 3 3 n[m] bride-gift'irip 3 3 prnm Maharai

    aio i 3 3 n[m] shaking, slippingpio ii 3 3 vb fend off


  • 542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    reyio II 3 3 nf disobedienceI 2 1 3 nm castingII 3 3 n[m] constraint, distress

    mio 3 3 nm threshing sledgemio

    TI 3 3 nm razor

    mio I 3 3 n[m] early rainmio II 3 3 pln Morehn-ra 3 3 prnm Mizzahrito 2 1 3 n[m] food

    n7TOT "

    1 2 3 n[f]pl planetssno I 3 3 vb clap

    3 3 n[m] hewingnno 3 3 prnm MahathPO 3 3 vb ivard offrwn 3 3 pln Mephaath

    rp I 3 3 nm pressure

    ro II 3 3 nm churningno-p II 3 3 nmpl wine

    rn? 3 3 nf originDP 3 3 vb be brought low

    NDP 3 3 n[m] fold

    ^?P 2 1 3 n[m] perfectionnopp 2 1 3 nf number^pp 3 3 n[m] brickmoud

    rp 3 3 vb befullnirtp I 2 1 3 nf mocking poem

    nr^p II 2 1 3 nf allusive sayingrr'ST III 2 1 3 nf sharp saying


    IV 2 1 3 nf siveet sayingnT*70

    TV 2 1 3 nf trope

    ^K^O 3 3 prnm Malchiel1 2 3 prnm Malchiram

    D^P 3 3 prn[m] MilcompiPP 3 3 prnm Memucan


  • 576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si

    n~ppo 1" 1 I 2 1ara 2

    pop 3rnapf? II 3

    rnoo 3n^oo

    T III 3

    roo II 1nnsoq 3

    rno IV-or I 3para II 3

    nroT T

    I 1II 3

    W V 3nDrO

    r II 3

    naro II 1 2nro 1 2


    reoT "

    II 3ro

    TI 3

    P^O 2 1BKO I 2 1'fZ'O 2

    TI? I 2 1nono

    T 3KtiO 3

    n^NtioT T


    r :

    natio 1ntio 3


    II 2

    Q Inscr Total Type

    2 3 nf3 n[m]

    1 3 n[m]3 prnm3 nf3 n[m]3 nf

    2 3 n[m]3 nf

    3 3 nf3 n[m]3 nm

    2 3 nf3 n[m]3 prnm3 pln3 n[m]3 n[m]

    2 3 pln3 nf

    2 3 n[m]3 nf3 n[m]3 n[m]3 nm

    1 3 n[m]3 adj3 nm3 nm

    1 3 nf3 3 nf2 3 nm

    3 vb1 3 nf


  • 610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT

    nnttin in 23

    11 2nrop 2


    riftzfa 1n#? 11 3

    ora 3-DljlQ 3

    PC'O 2

    hkd 11 2n'poso 2

    oan V 2

    nona 2ninna 2scpoo 2

    ioq n^np 11 2

    2nnir^o 2

    rnian 11 2^a 2

    liip 1 2nnp 11 1nnp m 1

    ohi)? 1urna 11

    no 2nino 2pio ni 2

    nnnn 2nrno 11 2

    Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    1 3 nf consecrated portion3 prnm Meshezabel3 n[m] likeness

    1 3 nf undertaking3 prnm Meshelemiah

    2 3 prnf Meshullemeth3 n[m] equivalent3 n[m] well-being3 prnm Mattenai

    1 3 nm sweetness2 pln Tower ofHundred2 nf fue2 vb err, transgress

    2 2 prnm Maash2 nf confusion2 n[m] choice2 n[m] impetuous utterance

    2 2 nf understanding2 2 n[m] flow

    2 prnm Mibzar2 prnm Magdiel2 pln Migdal-eder2 nf furrow2 n[m] sickle2 pln Migron

    1 2 nf garment1 2 nf tribute2 2 n[m] distress2 2 n[m] driven out persoti

    2 nm garment2 nm disease2 pln Madon2 nf pile2 nf place ofjudgment


  • The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Rank Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type

    644 ninoT

    1 1 2 nf645 mono 2 2 pln646 'm 2 2 prnm647 nnio 2 2 nf648 lio 1 1 2 n[m]649 niobio 2 2 nfpl650 mono 1 1 2 nf651 ino 2 2 n[m]

    652 T3 cn bbv "inaT T T T

    2 2 prnm653 n^nnoT - - 1 1 2 nf654 ZliO 2 2 n[m]655 io in 2 2 n[m]656 liDO II 2 2 n[m]657 1010 2 2 nm658 nnoio

    r t2 2 nf

    659 ntrcinT T 2 2 nf660 njreio i 2 2 nf661 npio 2 2 nm662 nnio 2 2 pln663 onio 1 2 2 n[m]664 ntpio 2 2 gent665 tlO II 2 2 gent666 TP 2 2 n[m]667 TTO 2 2 vb668 ^TO 2 2 nm669 nj?tp 2 2 nf670 niTo 2 2 n[m]671 no 2 2 n[m]672 ni3np 2 2 nf673 tino 1 1 2 n[m]674 *?inn 2 2 prnm675 niK'Tno 2 2 prnm676 KTno 2 2 prnm677 n^no

    T 1 1 2 nf


    mortar Madmannah Medan steep place treading place beatings pitwarriorMahershalalhashbazdeceptionentranceQuagmirecouncilfoundationfoundationorigirt, latrinecasting, pipehearthMoriahpossessionMorashtiteMushiteextractjoinforkcanalpitchforkfatlingbeamharbourMehujaelMahaziothMehidahole


  • 678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT

    "pno l 2ns'pno i 2ns*?r]0 ii 2

    n^?op i 2n^np ii 2r^np i 2


    2ibno 2

    r.sono 2]yn']no 2

    IIfrra 1

    nanot v:

    2~ij?np 1nonp

    T t "2

    sffono 1ninno 2

    nuo II 2ilQO 1QQ 2pqo


    nnstpp 2nitpo 2


    23n? p I 2nn 'D

    T TII 2

    H30T T

    2nero III 2nt-p T IV 2




    130T *

    I 2130 II 2

    T "

    il Type Gloss

    2 gent Mahlite2 nf plait2 nf copious hair2 nf festive robe2 nf white garments2 n[f] Mahalath2 gent Meholathite2 n[m] precious thing2 nf leavened thing2 pln Mahaneh-dan2 prnm Mahanaim2 n[m] wound2 nf half2 n[m] searching2 nf ploughshare2 n[m] stripping2 nf breaking in, burglary2 n[m]pl mace2 n[m] injustice2 n[m] war, company2 n[m] dew2 nf cloak2 prnf Matred2 prnm Medad2 prn Me-zahab2 pln Me-zahab2 prnmf Micaiah2 nmpl smoothness2 nmpl gullet2 prnm Makka2 n[m] net2 pln Michmethath2 n[m] business assessor2 n[m] acquaintance


  • 712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT

    "DO III 2necton 2

    tFpO I 21

    nj&p 2rrfro 2

    II 1II 2


    '-p II 2i?? II 2

    1f*7Q 2

    "IS1?? 2p'PD 2

    r r

    nino 2W I 2

    nipp II 2'pnpn 2

    n?b 2]30 I 1

    noi3p 2nnm I 2n-gp I 2

    00 1nnoQ 1"[00 II 2

    noooT - II 2npoQ 2

    nnspq 2"BOA IV 1

    OQ II

    d Type Gloss

    2 n[m] sale2 nf ruin2 nm mortar2 prnm Malachi2 nf hut2 prnm Mallothi2 vb dissipate2 n[m] frayed clothing2 prn[m] Maliah2 nf ear of corti2 vb counsel2 prnm Melech2 n[m] goad2 vb be smooth2 nm guardian2 vb pinch off2 prn[m] Malash2 n[m] death2 n[m] (bowl of) mixed wine2 prnm Martire2 n[m]pl sweetness2 n[m] time2 adj insolent2 nf flight2 prnm Manahath2 pln Minnith2 adj melting2 n[m] goods2 vb draw2 nf covering2 nf web2 nf veil2 prnm Mispar2 vb hand over


  • 746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT

    "100 in 2rno i 1rnq i 1rn ii 1nngb 213r0

    Ti 1

    n;?ro 1Varo in 2;riro

    t : *2

    ]"ri?n ii 2Diro

    2npo 2

    IHrOt *

    2-riipo 1nprq 1

    pr 1ir 2

    nro ii 2npcro 2

    ' riBO 1psq 2


    nnso 1n^reoT T

    2"liso in


    iiPB 2

    C"pO 2^npq 2

    n'^npq 2

    Si Q Inscr



    1 1






    Total Type

    2 vb2 nf2 nf2 nf2 pln2 n[m]2 n[m]2 nm2 prnm2 n[f]2 n[m]2 gent2 nf2 n[m]2 n[m]2 n[m]2 n[m]2 n[m]2 nm2 nf2 nm2 nm2 nf2 n[m]2 n[m]2 nf2 n[m]2 nf2 nm2 prnm2 nm2 n[m]2 n[m]2 pln


    deliver upcollecting pointbondtraditionMoserothdeedthicknesspastureMaadiahbondsmali thing perh Minaean furrow axestoppingparapetrough placenakednesscoveringextortionexpiringrefuse, fold (offlesh)divisionclubopeningneighingcreaturestrifeemission of spittleMizrirottennessholiest partassemblyMakheloth


  • 780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew












    MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    III 2 2 nm abodeII 2 2 n[m] convocation

    1 1 2 n[m] taking2 2 prnm Miknemelech

    2 2 n[m] divination2 2 nf coolness

    II 2 2 nf cucumber fieldV 2 2 n[m] abortionI 1 1 2 vb be rebellious

    2 2 nf crissum2 2 n[m] cover2 2 n[m] abundance

    I 1 1 2 n[m] rebellionII 2 2 prnm MeredII 2 2 nf chastisement

    2 2 prnm Merodach-baladan2 2 nf bitterness2 2 pln Merom1 1 2 n[m]pl cosmetic treatment2 2 nm feasting

    2 2 prn[m] Marcheshvan2 2 nf pan

    I 2 2 nf strifeII 2 2 nm demon

    2 2 gent MeronothiteIII 2 2 vb be victorious

    2 2 n[m] awlII 2 2 vb complete

    2 2 nf pot of ointmentII 2 2 prnm MareshahIV 2 2 prnm MassaII 1 1 2 nf utterance

    2 2 nf governmentII 2 2 nf snare


  • 814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    nDtpo II 2 2 nf desireera niEniop 2 2 pln Misrephoth-maim

    npitoo 2 2 pln Masrekahrntoo 1 1 2 nf pan

    ir I 2 2 prnm MashKtr II 1 1 2 prnm Mesharitira 2 2 nf debt

    nNtnT 2 2 nf deception2 2 pln Mishal1 1 2 nm debt

    Ol? 2 2 pln Meshuchimnoitr

    T1 1 2 nf plunder

    noo III 2 2 vb measurenop 2 2 n[m] distancenncoT T I 2 2 nf anointment

    nntoT T 2 2 n[m] blemishntapp 2 2 n[m] spreading place

    2 2 n[m] fine clothnirejp 2 2 nf anointing

    I 2 2 n[m] trail; acquisitionII 2 2 n[m] (leather) pouch

    nio^a 2 2 prn[m] Meshillemothnstr I 2 2 n[m]du fire-places

    Cto II 2 2 n[m]du saddle-bagsT.SSQ III 2 2 n[m]du divided sheepfoldsCTi?0P IV 2 2 n[m]du doubl wall

    nTi?sp V 2 2 n[m]du grazing placesuim II 1 1 2 vb arrive

    ^MDino t : 2 2 prnm Methushaelnana

    T T III 2 2 pln Mattanah

    npnp 2 2 pln Mithkahmino

    T2 2 prnm Mithredath

    0O$Q 1 1 n[m] granary1 1 n[m] ballista


  • 848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type

    II 1 1 n[m]IRQ 1 1 n[m]


    1 1 n[m]miteT I 1 1 nf

    rrntwt :

    II 1 1 nfrrnnT III 1 1 nfmwa

    t :IV 1 1 nf


    V 1 1 nf1 1 n[m]

    DD III 1 1 vbORO IV 1 1 vbORO

    n?$o 11 1


    1 1 n[m]n'psRO 1 nfrrisao 1 1 nf

    niROT "

    II 1 1 nfhiro III 1 1 nf

    n^po 1 1 nfnpino 1 1 nf

    tinp 1 1 n[m]plinno II 1 1 pmm

    nntpno 1 1 nfnfeo 1 nf

    nrbno 1 1 nf

    "330 11 1


    ninot :

    I 1 1 nmnnno

    t : II 1 1 nm

    ninot :

    III 1 1 nm1 1 n[m]

    ni^no 1 1 nfplo-nao I 1 1 prnmcrnao II 1 1 pln

    burdertdesirerefuselight-holedenfiery coalseyeyoungexertiondischarge pusgape openMaasbakedfooddarknessdarknessdeep darknessstarvationtwitching (of limbs)enclavevoidgenitalsMibharconfidencecunning similecheerfulnessMabanMebunnaifugitiveheropicked mencleavagehearthsMagbishMagbish


  • 882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type

    rtaoT 1 1 nfpl120 I 1 1 vb

    rraiap 1 1 nf^iiao I 1 1 n[m]

    ^30 II 1 1 n[m]7^120 1 1 pln

    ir^p 1 1 plnliao III 1 1 n[m]lia IV 1 1 n[m]

    11120 I 1 1 nf1T20 1 1 nfnijao 1 1 nf1020

    t :1 1 nf

    W II 1 1 n[m]p 1 1 n[m]

    132P I 1 1 nf1D20

    T II 1 1 nf

    rnwo I 1 1 nfHllz'20 II 1 1 nf

    0320 1 1 prn[m]or320 1 1 prnm

    ]120 II 1 1 n[m])120 1 1 n[m]

    1P120t r :

    1 1 nf1S120

    t I : vI 1 1 nf

    13120t t :

    II 1 1 nf13120

    t t :III 1 1 nf

    0120 II 1 1 nmimoT

    II 1 1 nmDrnio I 1 1 n[m]plerrino II 1 1 n[m]plcrmio III 1 1 n[m]pl

    ]10 II 1 1 n[m]imo 1 1 nm

    forged work giveblasphemytowermagnificationMigdal-elMigdal-gadStorage pitthroatgranaryfordaxemultitudeprotection

    giftcoveringshamelessnessrebukedysenteryMagnusMagpiashthreshing floordestructionrecessshovelfloodwaterdykedriven waves mouth enticement false claitns

    foiiy(object of) contempi downfall, ruin


  • 916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT

    narno 17 HO


    HO 1nno

    Tm 1

    1010 1n;oio i 1nioio

    t : ii 1


    ii 1ino

    T *in 1

    rioT *

    IV 1no

    T V 1nino 1*115 I

    C]!.D IImpio

    r r : -1



    nono 1t \ :

    pinp 1narrino

    T T

    Tip I 1pn I 1bno II*710 III 1


    no Ino II

    l?noni^j?np 1

    'ino III 1ino IV 1110 II


    Si Q Inscr Total Type

    nfgent pln nf pln nf pln n[m] n[m] n[m] n[m] nf

    1 1 n[m]1 1 n[m]

    nf1 1 n[m]1 1 n[m]

    nfprnm nf adj vb vb vb nfn[m]

    1 1 vb1 1 vb

    nf nfpl vb vb n[m] nf


  • 950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978


    pio niio

    T^iO noia nia ^io nia lia

    mia pio pia liia

    rrpia rr-pio

    'rpio rpia rpio

    npio npno

    R^ia R^ia p^ia

    np^io pia

    nipio ipio op io ilio ilio niio olio olio

    nrnshio radio

    Words Beginning with Mem

    MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    1 1 n[m] locust1 1 nf circumcision1 1 prnm Molid1 1 n[m] enclosure

    I 1 1 n[m] covered wayII 1 1 n[m] fenceIII 1 1 n[m] benchI 1 1 n[m] bondII 1 1 pln MoserahI 1 1 n[m] place ofassemblyII 1 1 n[m] horde

    II 1 1 adj fresh, tender1 1 nf appointment1 1 prnm Moadiah

    I 1 1 n[m] darknessII 1 1 n[m] gleam, lustreIII 1 1 n[m] flight, escapeI 1 1 nf afflictionII 1 1 nf ulcerIII 1 1 n[m] star, sparklerIV 1 1 n[m] smetterIII 1 1 n[m] outpouringII 1 1 nf cast metal

    1 1 vb mock1 1 nf hearth

    1 1 prn[m] MokirII 1 1 n[m] boomerangII 1 1 n[m] watering-placeIII 1 1 n[m] rivuletIII 1 1 nf muzzleII 1 1 n[m] desireIII 1 1 n[m] string

    1 1 pln Moresheth-gath1 1 nf dwelling


  • 98498598698798898999099199299399499599699799899910001001100210031004100510061007100810091010101110121013101410151016

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type

    nrtoioT T

    1 1 nf1 1 nm

    nraV T

    I 1 1 adji!T0

    V TII 1 1 adj

    nra 1 1 prnmITO

    T1 1 nm

    "lira IV 1 1 n[m]rrnira I 1 1 n[f]plrrhira II 1 1 n[f]pl

    rrhira III 1 1 n[f]plnra I 1 1 n[m]nra II 1 1 nmrrra 1 1 n[m]

    J?T1?TQ I 1 1 nmninra

    T 1 1 prnm

    nra T :

    I 1 1 n[m]plrnra 1 1 nm

    fra 1 1 nmano II 1 1 vb

    1 1 n[m]Rino 1 1 n[m]?no 1 1 n[m]

    rnino 1 1 nfnno II 1 1 vbnno III 1 1 vbnno

    T T1 1 nf

    n:ino 1 1 nf^ino

    TII 1 1 prnm

    n^inoT 1 1 nf


    1 1 nfpl"no 1 1 n[m]

    Tir II 1 1 prnmpno 1 1 vb

    D^no 1 1 n[m]pl

    salvationmixed wineemaciatedthinspurtstorehousetrap, net, nooserotten eggscatapultsconstellationsshipyardgirdlegirdleone who remindsMazzarothpressplace ofsowingmarrowrefusehiding place hiding place fertile land robe strikebefull of marrow female prophet compass Mahol dancefull measure thrust Mehir forgivesickness, sujfering


  • Rank


    Words Beginning with Mem















    MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    I 1 1 nm knifeII 1 1 nm censer

    1 1 nf distributionII 1 1 nf smoothness

    1 1 nf curd-like things1 1 pln Machomades1 1 n[m] compassion

    1 1 prn[m] Mahmam1 1 nf mantlet

    1 1 prn[m] Mahmam1 1 n[m] strangling1 1 n[m] muzzle

    II 1 1 vb dripIII 1 1 vb run

    1 1 vb crush1 1 nf searching out

    1 1 nf latrine1 1 n[m] scheming

    1 1 nf goadII l 1 nm fissure

    1 1 prn[m] MahtoshI 1 1 n[m] broom

    II 1 1 n[m] means of destruction1 1 n[m] slaughter1 1 adj reaching1 1 nf outspreading1 1 n[m] yarn

    1 1 n[m] hiding placeI 1 1 n[m] rod

    II 1 1 adj strong1 1 nf treasure

    1 1 gent Matrite1 1 vb shake1 1 prnm Micah


  • 1052105310541055105610571058105910601061106210631064106510661067106810691070107110721073107410751076107710781079108010811082108310841085

    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    II 1 n[m] poolII 1 1 n[m] collectionII 1 vb press

    fQ II 1 1 vb churn (milk)1!? 1 1 nm extortioner"TO 1 1 vb procure

    R2TQ 1 1 prnm Mesha1 1 prnm Meshach

    rETQ 1 1 prnm MeshartTQ 1 1 prnm Mesha

    n]3?D II 1 prn[m] Machbenahn]IQQ II 1 1 pln MachbenahHDD 1 1 prnm Machbannai"13?0 1 1 n[m] coverTDf? 1 1 gent Machirite

    nb?Q 1 1 nfpl perfection1 1 n[m] ornate robe1 1 n[m] perfection

    niDQ 1 1 nf food19?P 1 1 n[m] treasure

    'Pipo 1 1 prnm Machnadebainpp 1 1 pln Meconah

    n"DO II 1 nm pitTIpp II 1 1 nm heaprriDp II 1 nf counsel1"]DP II 1 1 nf weaponrrp III 1 1 nf staffITID? IV 1 1 nf beguilementIPP 1 1 prnm Michri

    niPD 1 1 nf circumcision biade'HIP?? 1 1 gent MecherathitenriDip 1 1 nf fragmentOF1DQ II 1 1 pln Machtesh

    noQ 1 1 nf message


  • 1086108710881089109010911092109310941095109610971098109911001101110211031104110511061107110811091 1 1 01 1 1 1111211131114

    Words Beginning with Mem

    Lemma MT Si Q Inscr Total Type Gloss

    riR^Q II 1 nf settingriR^Q II 1 1 nf waterholeDR^P III 1 1 nf stream

    IV 1 1 nf poolntQ VI 1 nf fullnessrn^Q 1 1 n[m] saltwort

    D^P 1 1 pr m MalluchiOi^P 1 1 n[m] kneeding trough

    nbo III 1 1 vb be darknmbp II 1 1 nf sistrum

    ci II 1 1 vb be bald0^0 III 1 1 vb biteQ^P IV 1 1 vb cleaveCD^P 1 1 n[m] mortar

    rrcp1??? 1 pr m MelatiahI^P III 1 1 vb tear away"^P III 1 1 n[m] counsell^P II 1 1 nm kingdoml^P 1 1 nm counsel

    n'-p/P 1 1 nf snare1 1 prnm Malchi

    'bR'pbp 1 1 gent Malchielite1 1 prnm Melchiresha

    CpbP 1 1 prnm MalcamDIp'pQ 1 1 prn[m] Malchiner

    1 1 nf sororachbbn III 1 1 vb scrape

    ^P 1 1 prnm MilalaiDnipSp 1 1 n[m]du jaws

    iinnbi? 1 1 nf clothes storeniurfpP 1 1 nfpl jawbonerniapp l 1 nf granary

    IPP 1 1 n[m] measurement^OPP II 1 1 n[m] bowl


  • 11201 1 2 1112211231124112511261127112811291130113111321133113411351136113711381139114011411142114311441145114611471148114911501151

    The Dictionary of Class