cleanse reset - Amazon S3 · 2014-10-16 · 6 Juice Cleanse Reset If we lived on an island with...

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resetThe complete guide to get a glowing, clean, fresh start through juice fasting and detox

Includes 30 juice recipes to kick your body into high gear

V a n e s s a s i m k i n s


Juice Cleanse Reset

Copyright 2013 by Vanessa Simkins. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated, and signed permission from the author.

Published in the United States by: All About Juicing, PO BOX 7044, Spring, Texas 77387

www.all-about-juicing.comDesign: Reese Spykerman

Disclaimer Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and studies. You should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples here; in fact, it’s likely that it won’t be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.

The information contained in this guide is intended to help readers make informed decisions about their health. Nothing in this document is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical, or other professional advice, and is meant solely to inform the reader. The information provided in this guide in no way substitutes for a physician’s advice. None of these statements have been provided or verified by the AMA or FDA. These juice combinations or our diet plans will not treat, cure, or prevent a disease. Please consult with a doctor before conducting any health regimen. Although the author and publisher have endeavored to ensure that the information provided herein is complete and accurate, they shall not be held responsible for loss or damage of any nature suffered as a result of reliance on any of this guide’s contents or any errors or omissions herein.


Juice Cleanse Reset

When I started juicing, one of the first things I did was dive cold turkey into a juice cleanse. It was rough for me, because at the time, I didn’t eat healthily and didn’t know how to do it properly. I remember the potent side effects and trying to get through work while enduring them. It really doesn’t have to be this way. A cleanse can come in many forms, and doesn’t have to be so hard-core. And that’s why I put this book together.

The purpose of cleansing is to help your body get rid of toxins and start fresh, and there are many ways to achieve these results with juice. It can be pleasant, and you can be prepared to cleanse, based on your lifestyle.



Juice Cleanse Reset

If I had known what cleaning juices I could have incorporated into my diet back then, my first cleanse would have been easier for me. I tell you this because I don’t want you to think that you need to do a long juice fast or be extreme to cleanse. While I think there is nothing wrong with a periodic juice fast, they aren’t for everyone. You should know that there are many ways to cleanse your body and to keep it cleansed. Cleanses can include smoothies + juices, or juices + raw foods. In fact, just incorporating these juices into your daily diet is the best way to assist your body to continually cleanse.

When juicing with the goal of detoxifying, the most important thing to keep in mind is that all produce has different properties. Some vegetables and fruits assist

in cleaning out an area better than others. For example, beets have an amazing liver cleansing ability, and greens clean your blood. By knowing this, you’ll be on your way to knowing what to do in almost any health situation.

Congrats to already making juicing a part of your healthy lifestyle. All fresh juicing encourages your body to cleanse, but the right combinations will prove to be more effective for your body. Keep these recipes and tips handy, and you’ll be juice cleansing with ease.


Juice Cleanse Reset

The reason we need to cleanse

Why juice cleanses are smart

How to juice cleanse

What to expect when cleansing

The importance of organics

Important fruits & vegetables for a cleanse

Supercharge your cleansing juices

Focusing on specific cleanses

The cleansing juice recipes

Liver Cleaner

Total Body Detox Juice

Veggie Detox Juice

Apple Strawberry Cleanse

V’s Green Lemonade

Green Orangeade

Green Pear Detox

Tangy Cucumber Apple

Tasty Tomato Cooler

Carrot Celery Detox

contentsBeet Purifier

Spicy Apple Carrot Cleanse

Cabbage Detoxifier

Sweet Wheatgrass Oxygenator

Cleansing Cucumber Refresher

Clean Colon Juice

Gallbladder Cleanser

Liver-Kidney Mover

Carrot Cucumber Beet Detox

Carrot Cantaloupe Fat Cleanser

Pure Lung Cleanser

Beet-Apple Liver Cleanser

Pancreas Detox

Beautiful Skin Detox

Pineapple Strawberry Cleaner

Intestinal Cleaner

Bladder Flush

Blackberry Cleanser Juice

Vegetable Detoxifier

Green Pineapple Cleanse


Juice Cleanse Reset

If we lived on an island with only pure water, no chemicals, clean air, and clean food, then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn’t have to think about detoxifying. But that isn’t our reality.

Sadly, we live in a very polluted world, with polluted water, soil, food, and air. All of this pollution gets into our bodies and affects our health in big ways.

Many of us live on the opposite spectrum of how our creator meant us to live. Our only solution is to try to live as purely as possible in our diet and lifestyle, so that we are

reasonwe need cleanse




Juice Cleanse Reset

letting in the minimal amount of toxins as well as putting in a substantial amount of nutrition in order for our bodies to function properly.

Because toxins are inevitable, detoxifying juice cleanses are always a good idea to do periodically.

The reasons people detox all stem from the same motivation: we want to cleanse our bodies of toxic matter. These toxic substances in us might be causing a health condition, blocking our body from operating properly, or may potentially bring on a terrible disease someday.

Detoxifying allows our body a chance to cleanse itself of any toxic blockages in order to resume proper function.

All health problems start from one of two things: a lack of nutrition or a toxic body. In most cases, the problem results from a combination of both.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Juicing is an easy and attainable way to cleanse because it gives our digestive systems a break, allowing our body critical time and nutrition needed to cleanse and heal.

Juicing fruits and vegetables ensures the most efficient absorption of beneficial nutrients for cleansing the body. For example, your body is much better served in its detoxification process by juicing a pound of apples rather than eating the same pound of apples. Because the fibers are extracted during juicing, juicing enables the body to assimilate the nutrients immediately, without exerting the digestive system. The juice is mostly water, so it cleanses the system while cells and tissues are fed vital nutrients and needed enzymes.

Juicy tip: Blender juices are not as ef-fective and cleansing as juices that are produced in a juicer because the fiber is still pres-ent. However, don’t let that discourage you if you don’t have a juicer. Blender juices are still highly cleansing and have been proven effective as well.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Cleanses are a focused time period where you commit to drinking and eating only whole fruits and vegetables in order to re-energize your body, jumpstart healthy habits and regain energy.

When toxins are removed, our health can be restored and function at an optimal level. Your body may need support to transition or maintain healthy long-term lifestyle changes. They are also helpful to kick-start the need to break harmful food addictions or getting back on track when you’ve fallen from an ideal diet.

juice cleansesare smart


(+ the benefits)


Juice Cleanse Reset

Periodic cleanses can help you “debloat”, escort toxins out, stabilize blood sugar and encourage your body to function better.

Many people experience a lighter and healthier feeling that inspires them to give up unhealthy eating habits, smoking or other addictions. When your body becomes more alkaline, you’ll find that putting toxic and acidic substances into your body harder to do, which leads to long term results.

Each time I cleanse I feel lighter, healthier and

happier. I notice an imme-diate change in my com-

plexion, mood and energy.


Juice Cleanse Reset

There are many ways to cleanse your body with fresh juice. All cleanses include eating cleaner and giving your body optimal nutrition and a break from digesting heavy foods. I’m going to walk through some of the most popular ways you can use juice to cleanse.

daily juicing

When you drink fresh raw juices in combina-tion with your daily diet, your body begins to cleanse itself. You are helping it to detox by simply giving it an overabundance of clean nutrition. Juice your favorite juices or use

how tojuice cleanse


Juice Cleanse Reset

the juices in this book as you would normally would (i.e., for breakfast, to take the place of a meal, with a meal, or a snack in-between meals) to encourage your body’s internal cleansing mechanisms to do their jobs. You can focus on cleansing certain areas by con-suming juices that are targeted at cleansing those areas.

I think the easiest way to cleanse is to periodically replace a meal with juice. Your body will utilize the time before your next solid meal to cleanse. It won’t be as deep as a lengthy cleanse, however, it will kick start cleansing. The best time of day to replace a meal with juice for cleansing is in the morning.

a simple juice- infused detox diet plan

This diet is a way to cleanse that is not a juice fast. It’s cleansing because it gives your body a break from digesting heavy and processed foods. Follow this diet for up to a week for a general detoxification of your body. A 3-day detox diet is enough for a short cleanse, but a 5 to 7-day detox is ideal. You’ll even find that you


Juice Cleanse Reset

might lose weight and have a great amount of energy. Switch up the juices, smoothies, and salads for variety.

u p o n r i s i n g

Drink 1 cup of filtered water20 minutes later, drink the following recipe. It will stimulate your body to flush toxins:

1 cup of water Juice of 1 lemon or lime 1 inch piece of ginger root 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Juice the lemon/lime and ginger. Mix with the rest of the ingredients in a blender or with a spoon.

B r e a k fa s T

2-4 cups of any cleansing juice of your choice Lu n c h

Choose any healthy smoothie (no protein powders, just freshly blended and juiced raw produce) or raw soup recipe


Juice Cleanse Reset

If you are still hungry, have a vegetable salad or raw vegetable sticks (carrots, celery)

a f T e r n o o n

A cleansing juice of your choice

a B o u T 1 1 /2 h o u r s B e fo r e D i n n e r

Water or herbal tea with lemon

D i n n e r

Vegetable salad with lemon and olive oil dressing (no croutons or cheese —only veg-etables. For variety, add olives, sundried toma-toes, capers, or herbs)Vegetable broth

n i g h T T i m e — B e fo r e B e D

Chamomile or peppermint tea or another glass of juice


Juice Cleanse Reset

juice fasting

Juice fasting can reset your body to clean out the toxins and start healing. The cleansing juice recipes in this book can definitely be used during a juice fast, which can be done by drinking only fresh juices a day. This is the ultimate way to cleanse because your body does not have to digest anything and goes into “cleanse mode” as soon as it can, using all of that energy to clean up the toxins in your organs and

If this plan doesn’t satisfy you, drink more

fresh juices throughout the day. Learn to listen

to your body.


Juice Cleanse Reset

cells. People have been juice fasting for centu-ries and it is a safe way to maintain health. A typical juice fast plan includes mostly vegetable juices for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Drink as much fresh juice, water, or herbal tea as you need to during the day. Limit fruit juice to one a day. A good rule of thumb is to drink 2-4 cups of juice every 2-4 hours.

easing into a juice fast

A week before your juice fast eat clean, unprocessed light meals. It would be ideal to eat vegetarian, vegan or raw for 2-3 days prior so that detoxing side effects are less. Drink smoothies each day and try to have at least one juice.

This will prepare your body for juice fasting. If you eat light and clean before your fast your body will begin the cleansing process slowly, allowing your body to adjust. This is not necessary, but it is highly recommended for the best results. Eating light for at least the day before you begin fasting will make a difference on how your body will react in the first few days of the cleanse.


Juice Cleanse Reset

a sample juice fasting menu plan

This simple menu order can be followed for a juice only plan. It also works well for juice + smoothie cleanses.

U p o n wa k i n g U p

drink a glass of hot water with lemon and/or ginger

B r e a k fa s T J u i c e

m i D m o r n i n g J u i c e

o r c o c o n u T WaT e r

Lu n c h J u i c e

m i D - Day s n ac k J u i c e

D i n n e r J u i c e

a f T e r D i n n e r s n ac k J u i c e

(an hour or two after dinner juice)

B e DT i m e h e r B a L T e a

Throughout the day—Lots of fresh, filtered water. Coconut water is also a great option.


Juice Cleanse Reset

easing out of the juice fast

Easing out of a cleanse carefully is an important step of fasting. When you decide to stop juice cleansing, you definitely don’t want to eat a heavy meal. It will confuse your belly and throw your stomach for a loop.

Your first meal should consist of a raw soup, a smoothie or a light vegetable salad. Eat light for at least 2-3 days after the fast. Listen to your body. If you eat something a little heavier and it doesn’t feel right, slow down. Don’t eat fried food, heavy meats, cheeses or oils. Stick to a light vegetarian diet so that your body can adjust to solid food again.

It’s also a good idea to have at least one juice a day while easing out. A glass of vegetable juice with a meal will aid digestion. Swirl the juice in your mouth between bites as you eat so that it can mix with your saliva.

the cleanse length

Cleanses can range from one day to 30 days or more. Embracing a cleanse that is 3 days, 5 days or 7 days can be a powerful way


Juice Cleanse Reset

to kick your body into high gear for better results. I feel that a 3 day or a 5 day juice fast is sufficient enough for most to cleanse and jumpstart their health. Longer term juice feasting is also an option, however, these long cleanses should be done with more caution and under the supervision of a trained practitioner or physician.

1 Day C l e a n s e

A one day cleanse is a great idea to incorporate into your life weekly for a daily health and beauty program. It will boost energy and support the detoxification of organs. Many people pick one day a week, each week, to maintain a clean house on the inside to give the tortured digestive system a break. It gives you a chance to fast without the commitment of a long fast. It’s easy to fit into a busy schedule.

One day cleanses are also often done “on the fly” if you feel like you need a short boost to kick start a few pounds of weight loss, or to get back on track from a dietary rut.


Juice Cleanse Reset

3 Day c L e a n s e

A three day cleanse will help to reset your body, break food addictions or get out of a diet rut. It will support the eliminative organs and help to start rebuilding your blood at a cellular level. It’ll make you feel light and you might notice you have a glow by the end. For many people, this short of a cleanse will have little to detox side effects, so it’s ideal for the beginner faster or busy person.

5 Day c L e a n s e

5 day cleanses really give your body some good time to clean out eliminative organs and jumpstart weight loss. It is a deeper rooting out of toxic material. It restores alkalinity and glow. Most people who cleanse and have detox side effects see results and feel better after the 5th day.

L o n g e r c L e a n s e s ( 7 To 2 1 Days )

Long cleanses allow your body the time to cleanse to get rid of more serious health conditions. At times when short cleanses aren’t enough, a longer cleanse allows for deep cleansing to pull out toxic material and heal health conditions. Many people lose a lot


Juice Cleanse Reset

of weight and eradicate all kinds of diseases during a longer cleanse.

No matter what length of cleanse you choose, they will all be beneficial for your body. If you’ve never juice fasted before, I recommend you start with a 1 or 2 day cleanse to get the hang of it. Short cleanses are a great way to learn how to fast successfully. You can do quick juice cleanses whenever you feel like you need to cleanse—they don’t have to be long to get the benefits. If you make regular juice fasts a part of your health and beauty regimen, it will help you achieve lasting health.

Juicy tip If juice fasting to detox seems extreme for you, don’t worry. It’s not for everyone. Create an effective cleanse diet by consuming both juices and smoothies for a few days. This is another great way to cleanse and a bit easier for a busy lifestyle.


Juice Cleanse Reset

the most important juice fasting tips to remember

• Ease into a fast by eating light, healthy meals a few days before you begin.

• If you are not sure how your body will respond or are sensitive, go lighter on the green juices initially, as they tend to detoxify your body more quickly.

• Drink mostly vegetable juices, limiting yourself to 1 fruit-only juice a day.

• Drink water and herbal tea during the fast for optimal results.

• Don’t plan any big events while doing a fast, as your body needs to rest.

• Consult with your doctor before fasting, especially if you are taking medications or have serious health issues.

• Always keep your pantry stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables for juicing; don’t tempt yourself with junk or processed foods.

• Think about the end goal (your health)—it makes it easier to stay focused.

• Prepare your family and friends so they don’t distract you with treats and instead provide you with moral support.

• Ease off of your fast by eating salads, vegetable broths, and raw food dishes for at least 3 days post-fast. This is key to an effective and healthy cleanse.

Juicy tipWhen cleansing, it’s a good rule of thumb to drink half of your body weight in ounces of fil-tered, pure water each day to help eliminate the toxic build-up.


Juice Cleanse Reset

what expectwhen cleansing


The most common question of juice cleansing regards the side effects of detoxing.During the beginning of a juice fast, you may experience some unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, nausea, insomnia, weakness, or brain fog, just to name a few. These are typically signs that your body is cleansing and will usually ease up after 5 days.

These side effects can evidence as almost anything, depending on your body and what your weaknesses are. Detox symptoms usually show up early on in your cleanse regimen. If you are juice fasting, days 1-3


Juice Cleanse Reset

constitute the most common time period that ill effects will appear. However, many people don’t experience ill effects until day 3, usually lasting until day 5. It depends on your body, how toxic you are and how rapidly your body will cleanse. Everyone’s experience is different. When I juice cleanse, I typically get a little dizzy and weak on day 1 and then it gets easier from there.

Detox side effects occur when your body cleans itself of toxic build-up. The cleansing process typically happens rapidly and will usually cause discomfort. It’s nothing to be alarmed about; it’s a natural thing. These are good signs. Be strong and take them head-on.

While detox symptoms are different for everyone, the most commonly noted are:• Flu-and virus-like symptoms• Loose or hard stools (if hard, drink more

water)• Dizziness• Fatigue• Runny nose (very common)• Muscle weakness


Juice Cleanse Reset

• A difference in feelings, possibly a depressed or weakened emotional state

• Achy joints• Insomnia

In general, the body’s symptoms will come out of the weakest area of the body. If you’ve had weaknesses in the past, these may reappear for a few days before being cleared up. It is said that the body regresses before it heals, meaning it goes back to the old problems first, and then works its way forward.

enemas & colonics—a good idea

Many people agree that enemas or colonics are crucial for cleansing. An enema will help your body more quickly eliminate the waste that is on its way out of your body. Getting the waste out more quickly will ensure that none of the toxic build-up will be reabsorbed into your colon. It will also help alleviate any detoxifying side effects that you may be having. Colonics are also another great option. Colonics are done by a trained professional in a facility that has equipment for cleaning your bowels gently


Juice Cleanse Reset

and effectively. It’s a comfortable and safe option for ensuring waste is being removed during your cleansing.

The Gerson Institute, a highly regarded non-profit organization dedicated to the holistic treatment of cancer and other degenerative diseases, uses coffee enemas daily for their patients, with a high rate of success.

Slowing down detox side effects while fasting

If you are juice fasting and the detox side effects are too rapid and uncomfortable for you, there are a few things you can do to continue cleansing at a slower and more comfortable pace.

1. Smoothies: Make the detox juice recipe into a smoothie recipe by blending instead of juicing. Alternatively, you could add a banana or avocado to your fresh juice to make a smoothie. The fiber in the whole food will force your body to digest and will


Juice Cleanse Reset

slow down the cleansing process, as well as the side effects.

2. Add aloe to your juice. Aloe will soothe the stomach and the bowels. It will also encourage your body to release waste, which could be part of your symptoms. If the toxic waste that is trying to escape through your bowels gets stuck, it will get reabsorbed back into the colon and cause unpleasant symptoms. Avoid this particular situation with aloe. Sienna tea will also help to move your bowels along.

3. Enemas and colonics will help slow down unpleasant side effects.

Juicy Tip Be sure to eat well and light, if eating while detoxing. Eat-ing fried, fatty, and processed foods while you’re trying to juice cleanse is counterpro-ductive. Eating a clean diet is optimal for cleansing.


Juice Cleanse Reset

The purpose of any cleansing is to expel the bad and to put in the good. In our case, toxins, pollutants, or other harmful substances or organisms are the baddies. The bad cannot get out and stay out if we are putting bad right back in.

When you juice and eat, you want only the purest ingredients possible. This concept is even more important when you juice, because of the quantity of ingredients that you are putting into your body. If you are drinking


the of


Juice Cleanse Reset

detoxifying juices for the purpose of cleansing, please consider organic produce.

There are two reasons why non-organic produce is not pure: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and pesticides. Buying organically or from sources that we are familiar with is the only way we can be confident that the produce is not genetically modified and that the farmers have used non-toxic growing practices to ensure pure and wholesome food. Recent studies have also shown that organic produce has a higher nutritional content than its non-organic counterparts.

the gmo issue

When you buy non-organic, you could be buying produce that has seeds that were genetically modified. So you see, it’s not just the pesticides that we have to worry about. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are quite a debate today. When a seed company genetically modifies a seed, it is changing the internal structure —the DNA that was made by our creator —into a seed that can be


Juice Cleanse Reset

patented and that will resist bugs who try to eat it. When you plant a GMO seed, many are made resistant to that specific company’s type of pesticide sprays. The pesticide then can be sprayed on the plant without killing the plant but still getting into the plant’s structure and ultimately, our bodies.

You cannot patent things in nature that were created by God. Because of course, how could you patent something that you didn’t make? But when you modify any part of it, you then can own it as yours and patent it. A few companies discovered this in the 70s and 80s and started doing this for profit. That’s when there was a revolt against those who didn’t want to eat GMOs. These revolutionaries demanded to know which foods that they were eating were GMO foods or foods that had received chemical pesticides. Thus, the organic food revolution was birthed.

It is counter-productive for our health to put something that was not originally created to be in a particular fruit or vegetable into our


Juice Cleanse Reset

bodies, such as GMO produce or chemical pesticides. These foods are not pure and not the way they were originally intended to be consumed safely by our bodies.

Studies have shown that when our bodies cannot recognize unnatural, synthetic, and manipulated ingredients that we ingest, they become confused.

the pesticide issue

While I think the GMO issue is even larger then the pesticide issue, there is no argument that chemical pesticides are harmful. When a bug bites into a plant that has certain pesticides or is GMO, the bug automatically falls to the ground and dies. To me, this is a clear red flag.

It is true that farmers can lose a good deal of their crops to bug infestation. But many farmers do know that there are other methods - natural repellents, crop rotation, and more - that they can use.

When juicing for health, we want to use the best and purest produce possible.


Juice Cleanse Reset

I think about this often when I am feeding produce into my juicer. Every time I am offered the choice between organic or non-organic, I always chose organic. I ask myself, “Do I really want to put something into my body, not knowing the harm it could do?”

The bottom line is that we want to put the best possible food and nutrients into our bodies. We choose where we want to spend our money. After all, it costs more money to buy most organics. But it also ends up costing you more time and money if you develop health issues caused by or contributed to by consuming conventional produce. If you can’t afford it, the best and cheapest way to get produce is to grow it yourself or to get it at the farmers market. When you grow it yourself, you not only feel an invaluable pride in growing it yourself, but also, you can be sure it is pure and just the way it was made for us to eat.


Juice Cleanse Reset



for a

and vegetables


Juice Cleanse Reset

All raw vegetables and fruits help to support your body in detoxification; however, there are some that do a better job than others. Here is a list of key produce for making your own cleansing juices.

Beets: Especially good for liver cleansing, beets contain many vitamins and minerals to support detoxification. Pair them with sweet apples to cut the strong taste. You can juice the beet tops too.

Cabbage: Cabbage has many phytochemicals, including chlorophyll, indole, and isothiocyanates which help to detoxify the whole body. Cabbage heals the stomach when sensitive or ulcer-prone.

Cucumber: One of nature’s best diuretics, cucumbers help your

body to safely expel toxins that build up in your system. They are also used for acne problems and other skin issues, due to their detoxifying properties.

Dandelion greens: Traditionally used to clean the liver. Anyone with acne problems might benefit from the daily juicing of dandelion greens because when the liver is clean, it makes a difference in your skin. Since dandelion greens are very bitter, you might need to dilute your juice with water, and always juice these greens with other produce. They also contain a great deal of calcium. Dandelion greens make a great spring tonic that cleanses the whole system.

Daikon Radish: This type of radish (especially when paired with carrots) is used to help rid one’s body of fats and build-up


Juice Cleanse Reset

inside the intestines. Any type of radish does wonders for cleansing sinus cavities.

Celery: Celery is a diuretic and helps joints, arthritis, and inflammation. Celery is beneficial for cleansing the body of carbon dioxide and of built-up deposits that accumulate in joints.

apples: Among many nutrients, apples contain pectin, which remains in the juice. Research has shown that pectin works with other vitamins to carry cholesterol out of the bloodstream. Apples should be a key cleansing ingredient in your recipes.

Melons: Melons have shown to thin the blood because of their anticoagulant properties. Melons work well to detoxify the blood for various health issues when paired with apples and greens.

lettuce/leafy greens: All lettuce greens contain chlorophyll, which helps to build red blood cell count and to detoxify the blood. All leafy greens are fantastic for diminishing the pollution that collects in your lungs. Avoid iceberg lettuce, as it has little to no nutritional value.

kale: Kale is an excellent blood cleanser. This green is a great aid for heart and cholesterol problems. It also boasts one of the greatest vegetable sources of calcium. Mixed with pineapple juice, it’s pretty yummy.

pineapple: Rich in the enzyme bromelain, pineapple is beneficial for healthy digestion and inflammation reduction. It’s also effective in cleaning the liver and contains an amazing source of minerals.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Carrots: Carrots have a cleansing effect on the liver and entire digestive system. They have anti-cancer properties and aid with arthritis and gout.

parsley: Parsley is a traditional remedy to increase energy. Sometimes when your body is cleansing, it’s low on energy. Add a little parsley to your juices to help your body get up and go. It also cleanses the urinary tract and blood.

strawberries: Used in cleansing juices as a mild tonic for the liver. They also have high vitamin C content, which will support your immune system.

oranges: Oranges contain a large amount of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. These help to increase immune function, and as such, it is a good idea

to stock up on oranges while detoxing. Oranges are the go-to fruit to help the body fight off inflammation and viruses and to help strengthen blood vessels.

Cranberries: Cranberries are known for cleansing and healing the urinary canal. They contain quinine, which is an acid that penetrates the liver. In the liver, the quinine converts to hippuric acid, which removes uric acid and toxins from the bladder, kidneys, and prostate.

lemons: Fantastic for cleaning the kidneys. Make it a point to squeeze a fresh lemon into water each day.

ginger: Ginger has shown to have some great anti-inflammatory properties. It also gives energy and can really spice up the taste of any juice. It


Juice Cleanse Reset

also acts as an expectorant, and cleans the sinus cavities of mucus and the lungs of phlegm. Ginger is always a good addition to a detoxifying juice.

asparagus: Great for promoting healthy kidneys and prostate glands. It’s also a natural diuretic. It pairs well with a tomato-cucumber juice.

Fennel: Fennel is used to promote digestion and remove gas. If you are having ill symptoms from detoxing, pair fennel up with ginger and apples to ease symptoms.

wheatgrass: Wheatgrass is the ultimate detoxifier. It has so many fantastic benefits. If you are serious about detoxing, please consider wheatgrass. Studies have shown that its miraculous nutrient profile builds

red blood cell count, detoxifies, extends energy, repairs DNA, and deodorizes, to name a few of its impressive functions. Its juice helps speed up blood circulation and metabolism and enhances digestion, which can reduce excess fat in the body. Most of the benefits of wheatgrass can be attributed to its high chlorophyll content and wide range of vitamins and minerals. If you don’t want to juice it yourself, there are many reputable companies that sell it in flash-frozen cubes designed to easily melt in water or juice. Wheatgrass shots are also available at many local juice bars.

Turnip: Turnips work well to cleanse and support the lungs. Try pairing them with lemon and carrots to make the juice palatable.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Jicama: A fantastic source of calcium and phosphorus. A spear is a great addition to any detox juice because it helps soothe an upset stomach.

Tomato: Tomatoes contain sulfur, phosphorus, and vitamin C. They have a good amount of lycopene, and include GABA, a calming agent that helps with kidney hypertension. They are good for weight loss and for cleansing the most important organs: bladder, gall bladder, liver, kidney, and skin.

pears: Pears are thick and sweet, so they are best when juiced with other fruits and veggies. They are a great source of pectin, which helps digestion and cleanses the body of toxic waste by stimulating bowel activity.

spinach: Great for cleansing and regenerating the digestive tract, it stimulates the peristaltic waves in the intestines to promote regularity. Spinach also stimulates the liver and lymphatic system. It should always be combined with other juices and mixes well with carrots for cleansing.

Bell peppers: Beneficial to reduce swelling and good for the skin, hair, nails, and heart. High in vitamins C and A. Many people find bell peppers beneficial for cleansing, as they can help to lower high blood pressure.

Brussels sprouts: Similar in nutrition to broccoli, these have great vitamin C and calcium content. Great for diabetic and hypoglycemic conditions, especially when mixed with string beans. Always mix them


Juice Cleanse Reset

with another juice, because they are not as palatable as other vegetables.

Blackberries: Blackberries are a fantastic source of vitamin C, potassium, iron, and calcium. They have laxative properties, which help with cleansing. Blackberries can aid with weight loss when mixed with apple juice.

Juicy tip Most fruit juices are particularly good for cleansing the kidney and bowel.


Juice Cleanse Reset

There are many other ingredients that you can add to your cleansing juices to enhance cleansing power for good health. I usually don’t add more than one of these ingredients for fear of the juice tasting bad. Start with adding one to your juice, and alternate a super-charging additive of choice to every other juice.


juicesyour cleansing


Juice Cleanse Reset

spirulina: Spirulina is a type of green algae that provides a rich mineral and calcium content. It’s a supergreen that will turn your juice completely green. Because of its chlorophyll content, it will help to alkalize your blood, aid-ing in cleansing, so that your body can heal. Add 1/2 to 1 tablespoon to taste. If you rather not add it to your juice, mix 1 tablespoon of Spirulina powder with 2-3 ounces of coconut water, and have it as a supplement to boost cleansing.

probiotic Capsules: Probiotics are used to restore the “friendly flora” in our guts. These impor-tant flora dissipate from our guts in the first place due to our stan-dard diet, antibiotics, and more. By restoring the flora, our diges-tive system works the way it was meant to work. Break one capsule open, and empty at least half into your glass.

Fiber : It is of utmost importance to make sure your bowels are in good working order while detox-ing your body. Adding fiber to at least one juice a day (especially in a morning juice) is a great idea. Psyllium husk or ground flax seeds can be stirred in to any juice. Psyllium makes all liquid firm up, so only add a little of this if you choose (1/2 to 1 teaspoon is recommended). Psyllium also needs to be taken with a large amount of water, so you might want to dilute your juice to make it more watery or drink a glass of water immediately after you drink your juice. Chia seed is also a popular fiber enhancement. It has more of a nutty flavor, but does work well and has other ben-eficial properties, which include protein and vitamins.


Juice Cleanse Reset

liquid Herbal extracts / Herbal Teas: Liquid herbals, also called tinctures, can be added to any juice drink so that the taste can be masked. Because some tinctures do taste strong, just add a few drops if you don’t want to taste it. Consult with an herbal-ist to find the right herbal support for your needs.

Teas can also be added to your juice. Find a good organic herbal tea blend that targets your detox desires (example: lung support, kidney support, etc.) from your local store that you can brew and incorporate into your detox juice blend. Brew a big pitcher at the beginning of the week so you can have it on hand to mix into your juice as needed.

Juicy tip A wheatgrass shot will always supercharge the cleansing power of any juice. It’s a great idea to keep powdered or frozen cubes on hand to boost your daily juices with extra nutrition.


Juice Cleanse Reset

If you’re looking to detox certain organs for good health, it’s easy to do. Use these suggestions as a guide on making juices to focus on detoxifying a specific area of the body.

cleansing the kidney

Kidneys are our ultimate purifier. They filter the blood and then remove the wastes that we don’t need. Chinese medicine believes that kidneys are the center of our genetic energy and associates a healthy kidney with longevity. Many people experience whiter eyes, clearer skin, and absence of a prolonged illness after a kidney cleanse. Detoxing the

focusing specific cleanses



Juice Cleanse Reset

kidney also can help high blood pressure, arthritis, skin problems, and fatigue, to name a few. When detoxing your kidneys, be sure to drink a lot of water to remove waste. You’ll also want to reduce salt and sugar intake.

g o o D J U i C e s Fo R k i D n e y D e T ox :

Cantaloupe juiceCarrot, celery, and parsley juiceCucumber mint juiceAsparagus, tomato, cucumber, and lemon juiceApple, beet, and celery juiceCranberry grape juicePlain cranberry juiceOther good vegetables to mix in your juices to cleanse the kidneys are: brussels sprouts, summer squash, cabbage, and celery juices.

Tea: Nettle is a great tea that aids in detoxifying.

cleansing the Liver

The liver rids the body of toxins and maintains cholesterol balance, metabolism, and many other important functions. It is the organ


Juice Cleanse Reset

that suffers the most from pollutants and toxic substances. If the liver is clogged, it ejects toxins that it cannot filter back into the bloodstream. This can cause a whole host of problems including skin problems, fatigue, sinus issues, and more. Alcohol and processed foods can quickly make your liver sluggish. If strong smells bother you, and allergies are a problem, it might be an indication that your liver could use a cleansing.

g o o D J U i C e s Fo R l i v e R D e T ox :

Beet juice (mix with cucumber, carrot, lemon, or apple)Apricot strawberry juice Dandelion juice (mix with apples, cucumber, or others veggies, as it is bitter and strong-tasting)Pineapple papaya juice (papaya doesn’t juice well, but it is fantastic in blender juices)Radish, string bean, and tomato juiceWheatgrass juice (as a shot or mixed with pineapple)Apple, cranberry, and grape juiceGrapefruit juice


Juice Cleanse Reset

Parsnips, brussels sprouts, carrots, and celery are other good vegetables for cleansing the liver.

Tea/supplement: Milk thistle is a great herbal supplement to help in cleansing. Dandelion tea is also beneficial.

cleansing the skin

The skin is the largest eliminative organ in your body. If the blood that flows right underneath it is dirty (because your liver or kidneys are cleansing properly), then it will show in the skin through eruptions, poor complexion, boils, rashes, skin diseases, etc. Make sure your bowels are moving at least a few times a day if you are looking to improve the condition of your skin. Generally, juices for the liver and kidney will benefit skin conditions. The juices below not only help to cleanse, but also help to promote the overall complexion and elasticity of the skin.

g o o D J U i C e s Fo R H e a lT H y s k i n :

Cucumber, carrot, and celery juiceCucumber lemon juice


Juice Cleanse Reset

Apple, pineapple, and cucumber juiceSpinach carrot juiceAsparagus tomato juiceDandelion greens, apple, and lemon juicePlain melon juiceRadish, bell pepper, and parsnip and are also good for the skin.

Tea: Dandelion tea helps with skin cleansing. While it doesn’t taste the best, make a big pitcher, and mix some with your juice to cleanse.

cleansing the Lungs

Our lungs re-oxygenate blood and remove toxic waste like carbon dioxide. They are the first organ to come into contact with airborne toxins, chemicals, and viruses. Breathing in polluted air from industrial areas or heavy traffic or from secondhand or firsthand smoke can make the lungs sluggish. During a lung cleanse, take the opportunity to get outside to a park or area with a lot of trees to take in the clean oxygen. Practice deep breathing.


Juice Cleanse Reset

g o o D J U i C e s Fo R T H e lU n g s :

Green, leafy vegetables mixed with apple juiceStrawberry juiceCelery, watercress, and parsley juiceApricot juice helps prevent cancer of the lungs.

cleansing the intestines

If you feel bloated and lethargic after eating, it might be an indication that you need a colon cleanse. Toxins, bad bacteria, and parasites can accumulate in your intestines, and it is a good idea to get rid of these. Our colons absorb the essential nutrients from our food and pass the waste on to leave the body. When the intestines clog and don’t work properly, the wastes form a strong, tight mass, and the toxins get reabsorbed back into the body through the bloodstream. As you can imagine, this then can cause many problems within the body. If you want to focus on colon cleansing, be sure to add fiber and water to your diet during and after your cleanse.


Juice Cleanse Reset

g o o D J U i C e s Fo R C o l o n D e T ox :

Apple juiceStrawberry juicePeach juicePear juicePapaya smoothieFresh prune juice (soak in water overnight, then juice)

Most fruit juices work well to clean the intestines. Mix 2 teaspoons of psyllium husk with your favorite fruit juice, and drink it at least two times a day for a few weeks. Chia seed is also a good fiber additive that can be added at 1 to 2 tablespoons per glass.

Tea: Sienna tea will help to fully cleanse the intestines. Have a glass each day or mix 1/2 cup into your daily juice to encourage cleansing.

Juicy tipExercising is a great way to encourage cleansing. It will help your body eliminate tox-ins through bowel movements and sweating. To keep your body moving, try low impact exercises like Pilates, yoga, stretching, walking, garden-ing, swimming, or easy cy-cling. Avoid engaging in heavy fitness activity, as your body does need to focus most of its energy on detoxing. Everyone is different, and you’ll have to listen to your body for the intensity level you decide to exercise at.


Juice Cleanse Reset

If you’re looking to do a little cleanse or just want to incorporate cleansing juices into your diet, you’ll want to use the right combinations for proper detoxing. It’s not a problem if you don’t have the exact measurements. Make the juice to your liking. After all, it’s much better if you enjoy the taste of your juices while cleansing.

All of these recipes make one glass of juice unless otherwise noted. If you’d like to make more, double or triple the recipe. If you are using these for a fast, remember that it’s

cleansingjuice recipesthe


Juice Cleanse Reset

perfectly fine to drink more than 1 glass of juice at a time. Feel free to double these recipes for your cleanse.

If you are making these juices without a juicer, but using a blender, modify the recipe by slowly adding 1/2 cup of filtered water. Add more water until it becomes your desired juice consistency.

You’ll also want to be sure you chop up all of the fruits and vegetables as it’s easier for a blender to handle.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Cut the cucumber and lemon to fit into your juicer’s feed chute. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Feed the carrots through the juicer. Roll the dandelion leaves into a cylinder, and feed them into the juicer along with the cucumber and lemon. Serve.

Dandelion is a strong-tasting juice, but it packs a powerful punch. Mix it with the carrots, cucumber, and lemon in this recipe, and it’s pretty yummy. A little goes a long way.

Liver Cleaneringredients

1 handful of dandelion greens 3-4 carrots 1/2 cucumber 1/2 lemon, peeled


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Cut the tomato and cucumber into smaller pieces. Cut the carrot and asparagus into 3 inch pieces. Peel the lemon, or it will overpower this juice. Feed the tomato, asparagus, cucumber, carrot, and lemon into the juicer. Mix to combine and pour into a glass. Serve.

Asparagus and cucumber are natural diuretics that help to flush toxins from the body. This recipe also promotes kidney cleansing.

Total Body Detox Juiceingredients

1 tomato1 carrot1 asparagus spear1 cucumber1/2 lemon, peeled


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Cut the tomato, carrots, lemon, and celery so that they fit in your juicer. Juice them together, and drink immediately, as this juice tends to separate quickly.

This veggie juice packs a punch and has a pleasant salty flavor. It will assist your body in flushing toxins and give you a well–rounded balance of nutrients.

Veggie Detox Juiceingredients

2 tomatoes2 carrots3 celery stalks1/2 lemon, peeled


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Core the apples and peel the orange. Feed the fruit into the juicer, and pour into your glass. Add spirulina powder to the glass and mix. Drink immediately.

Strawberries aid in cleansing pollutants from our bodies. Spirulina is a sea vegetable that you can buy in powder or capsule form as a supplement. It’s bright green. Adding spirulina to your juice will give you an added cell-cleansing boost. It also is a fantastic source of protein, nutrients and supports your thyroid.

Apple Strawberry Cleanseingredients

2 apples, cored1 cup of strawberries (4-5 strawberries)1 orange, peeled1 tsp spirulina powder (optional)


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Cut the lemon into wedges. Core the apples. Feed the lemon and apple into the juicer, and follow with the ginger, kale, and lettuce leaves.

Even though this recipe sounds weird, it’s actually really good. If you want a well-balanced, everyday cleansing juice, this would be it.

V’s Green Lemonadeingredients

1 lemon, peel ok2 green apples, cored4 kale leaves5 lettuce leaves1/2 inch piece ginger


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Peel the oranges and separate or cut into wedges. Roll the lettuce leaves into a cylinder for easy juicing. Juice the greens and oranges, alternating. Drink immediately.

This is a great way to get your green juice in for the day. The oranges help to hide the taste of the greens very well. This juice will help cleanse the blood and decrease whole body inflammation.

Green Orangeadeingredients

6 romaine lettuce leaves (green lettuce, spinach or kale work great too)3 oranges, peeled


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Core the pears. Cut the celery into 3 inch pieces. Juice the celery, pears, and watercress. Serve immediately.

This is a great-tasting juice. It’s good for a total body detox, to boost your immune system, and to improve

digestion. It’s a beautiful green drink.

Green Pear Detoxingredients

3 celery stalks2 pears, cored1 bunch of watercress (arugula can substitute)


Juice Cleanse Reset

Directions: Cut the cucumber into long wedges. Core the apples. Juice the cucumber, apples, ginger, and mint. Mix together, and pour in a glass. Drink up.

This juice is surprisingly refreshing. It’s great to have when doing general cleansing. It also is nice if your stomach feels a little uneasy from a juice fast.

Tangy Cucumber Appleingredients

1 cucumber2 apples, cored1/4 inch piece ginger2 sprigs of mint


Juice Cleanse Reset

ingredients 3 tomatoes5 lettuce leaves2 inch piece of cucumber1 garlic cloveHandful of parsley1/2 lemon, peel ok

Tasty Tomato Cooler

Directions: Prepare the tomato, lemon, and cucumber for the juicer. Peel the garlic. Juice the tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, garlic, parsley, and lemon. Pour into a glass and serve.

This is a savory veggie juice that is pretty tasty and will cleanse all body systems. If your body is sensitive to garlic, leave it out because you might end up tasting it longer than you’d like.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Carrot Celery Detoxingredients

5 celery stalks4 carrotssmall bunch of parsley

Directions: Cut the celery and carrots into 3 inch pieces. Juice the carrots, celery, and parsley. Serve immediately.

This juice is really good for a whole body cleanse. The parsley in this juice will help you gain energy and has antibacterial properties. The celery will assist your body in removing excess salts.


Juice Cleanse Reset

ingredients 4 carrots1 celery stalk1 apple, cored1/2 beet2 parsley sprigssmall bunch of wheatgrass (optional)

Beet Purifier

Directions: Core the apple, and cut the beet. Cut the carrots and celery into 3 inch pieces. Juice the carrots, celery, apple, beet, parsley, and wheatgrass. Drink immediately.

This is an extra power-packed punch of nutrients that work well for cleansing the liver (exclamation point!). If you don’t have a juicer that can juice wheatgrass, you can get frozen cubes of high quality wheatgrass juice that you can order from the internet. Let the cube

dissolve in your juice, and mix before drinking.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Spicy Apple Carrot Cleanseingredients

2 apples, cored4 carrots1/2 inch piece ginger

Directions: Core the apples. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Juice the carrots and apple with the ginger. Serve.

This juice will have a detoxifying effect on the liver and digestive system. Apples help to detoxify the blood.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Cabbage Detoxifier ingredients

4 carrots 1/2 head of green cabbage4 celery stalks

Directions: Cut the cabbage. Cut the carrots and celery into 3 inch pieces. Juice the carrots, cabbage, and celery stalks. Drink immediately.

Cabbage is an ultimate body detoxifier. If you like a sweeter juice, add an apple or a chunk of pineapple.


Juice Cleanse Reset

ingredients a small handful of wheatgrass (or one frozen cube, if you don’t have fresh)2 apples, cored1/2 lemon, peel ok1 tiny piece of ginger (optional)

Sweet Wheatgrass Oxygenator

Directions: Core the apple, and cut the lemon. Juice the apple, lemon, ginger, and wheatgrass. Most effective if served immediately.

Wheatgrass is the #1 detoxifier. It will bring your red blood cell count up and immediately go to work in all areas of your body that contain toxins. Take it straight-up or mixed in this juice to add some more power.


Juice Cleanse Reset

ingredients 2 large cucumbers1 lemon, peel ok

Cleansing Cucumber Refresher

Directions: Cut the cucumber into long wedges. Cut the lemon. Juice the cucumbers and lemon. Serve.

This will clean the kidney and is a great diuretic, if bloated.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Clean Colon Juiceingredients

3 apples of your choice, cored (granny smith or Macintosh varieties work well)1 cup of spinach1 small handful of parsley1/2 lemon, peel ok

Directions: Core the apples, and cut the lemon. Juice the apples, spinach, parsley, and lemon. Mix and pour into a glass. Serve immediately.

Apple and spinach juice is a traditional colon cleanser. It just might encourage a bowel movement. Try drinking one glass in the morning and one in the evening on an empty stomach for a few days. The colon is one of the most important places to cleanse in your body.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Gallbladder Cleanseringredients

4 carrots 1/2 medium beet 1/2 lemon, preferably peeled1/2 cucumber

Directions: Cut a beet in half, peel the lemon, and cut a cucumber in half. Juice the carrots, beet, lemon, and cucumber. Pour into a glass and serve.

Carrots, cucumbers, and beets are used to cleanse the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys. If you need to cleanse one of these areas (particularly the gallbladder), drink this combo a few times a day with warm water and lemon. It may help to dissolve gallstones.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Liver-Kidney Moveringredients

1 apple, cored5 carrots1/2 lemon, peel ok1 cup of dandelion greens

Directions: Core the apple, and cut the lemon. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Juice the apple, carrots, lemon, and dandelion greens. Serve immediately.

This is a classic juice for the liver, but it will also do a

good job cleansing the kidneys.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Carrot Cucumber Beet Detox

ingredients 3 carrots1/2 medium-sized cucumber1/2 beet, with 1 stalk of greens

Directions: Cut the beet and cucumber. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Juice the carrots, cucumber, and beet with its stalk and green leaves. Pour into a glass and serve.

This juice will flush toxins from your system. It’s an earthy-tasting juice that I happen to find appealing. Add a tiny knob of ginger to hide the vegetable taste, if veggies are not your favorite. Alternatively, if you like a

sweeter juice, add an apple.


Juice Cleanse Reset

ingredients 4 carrots1/8 of a cantaloupe, rind ok

Carrot Cantalope Fat Cleanser

Directions: Cut cantaloupe into wedges for easy juicing. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Feed the carrots and cantaloupe into your juicer. Serve.

This juice is great for detoxing fat cells. It also

contributes to a rosy, clear complexion.


Juice Cleanse Reset

ingredients 5 carrots3 sprigs of parsley1/2 sweet potato3 sprigs of watercress

Pure Lung Cleanser

Directions: Cut the sweet potato. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Feed the carrots, sweet potato, parsley, and watercress into your juicer. Serve immediately.

This juice is effective in cleansing toxins caused by air pollution. Don’t be fooled by the ingredients; it’s pretty delicious. You’ll come back to this one for a great

energy cocktail.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Beet - Apple Liver Cleanseringredients

1/2 beet (a few greens are optional but are very strong)4 apples, cored

Directions: Core and cut the apples. Cut the beet. Feed the apples and 1/2 of a beet with greens into the juicer. Serve.

This is a classic and popular liver cleanser. If you would like to juice the greens, you can in small quantities. They are a very strong detoxifier, so be sure to only use a few.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Pancreas Detoxingredients

4 carrots1 apple, cored4 lettuce leaves10 string beans3 brussels sprouts

Directions: Cut and core the apple. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Feed the carrots, string beans, brussels sprouts, and lettuce leaves into the juicer. Drink immediately.

While an unusual combination of veggies, this juice will help your body cleanse. It also happens to be an effective sinus support juice and fantastic for those

with blood sugar issues.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Beautiful Skin Detoxingredients

6 carrots1/2 green bell pepper1 cup of kale 1/2 cup of spinachsmall handful of turnip greens (optional)

Directions: Cut a green pepper in half. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Juice the carrots, pepper, kale, and spinach. Serve immediately.

While this might not become your favorite vegetable juice, these ingredients will do wonders for clearing your skin and renewing your complexion.


Juice Cleanse Reset

ingredients 2 inch-thick pineapple round8 strawberries

Pineapple Strawberry Cleaner

Directions: Cut a 2 inch-thick pineapple round from a whole pineapple, removing the rind. Juice the pineapple and the strawberries. The green tops on the strawberries are okay to juice. Serve.

This drink is great for counteracting the effects of pollution on the body, and prevents the body from converting these pollutants into cancer-causing



Juice Cleanse Reset

Intestinal Cleanseringredients

3 apples, cored1 pear, cored

Directions: Cut and core the apples and pear. Juice the apples and pear together. Serve immediately.

Great for flushing the kidneys and bowels. Add a shake of fresh cinnamon to increase circulation and enhance flavor.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Bladder Flushingredients

3 apples, cored1 cup of fresh cranberries

Directions: Core and cut the apples. Juice the apples with the cranberries, alternating in your juicer. Save a few cranberries to float on top of the drink, for presentation. Drink shortly after juiced.

This juice is beneficial for cleansing the bladder, kidneys, and intestines. It tastes really great and makes

a spectacular brunch option.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Blackberry Cleanser Juiceingredients

2 apples, cored1 cup of blackberries

Directions: Core and cut the apples. Juice the apples and blackberries. The blackberry seeds might clog the juicer, so alternate juicing the apples and the blackberries. Serve over ice.

This pleasant-tasting juice is good for general whole body

cleansing. It is also a popular aid for weight loss cleansing.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Vegetable Detoxifieringredients

2 apples, cored4 carrots1 red bell pepper

Directions: Core the apple, and cut into small slices. Cut the bell pepper. Cut the carrots into 3 inch pieces. Juice the carrots, apples, and pepper together. Serve.

This juice is great for general cleansing and detoxifying. If you want to amp up the cleansing power of this juice,

try adding 1 or 2 jicama spears.


Juice Cleanse Reset

Green Pineapple Cleanseingredients

1/2 of a pineapple6 kale leaves

Directions: Core the pineapple, remove the rind, and cut it into wedges small enough to fit into your juicer. Juice the pineapple with the kale, alternating.

Pineapple is an excellent liver cleanser all by itself and combined with kale, it helps to cleanse the blood. It also has the added benefit of reducing inflammation in the body.


Juice Cleanse Reset

the juice on all about juicing

All About Juicing will help you juice your way to radical wellness through a straw. If you’re a juicer or juicer to be, you’ve found your all-in-one resource for becoming a high-energy, healthy, glowing, nutrition-absorbing machine.

At All About Juicing you’ll find information on taking the drinkable route to flawless skin, nonstop energy, a slim figure, and sharp mind.

Whether you find yourself undernourished or want to start clean eating, we can help you add this habit into your daily life and love it at the same time.


Juice Cleanse Reset

about vanessa

Vanessa Simkins, The Juicing Mixologist™, is the founder of a website and newsletter serving up fresh, tested juicing advice for getting a hot body, glowing skin, and lifelong health through a straw.

A juicing trendsetter known for her inventive and tasty juice recipes, Vanessa has an undying thirst for connecting people back to what makes them healthy, one drink at a time.

visit us online for more recipes, t ips and inspiration

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