
Post on 10-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Classification

Ecology and Evolution

Topic 5


5.51 Outlinethebinomialsystem of nomenclature

Homo sapiens

Genus Species

International Code of Zoological Nomenclature

5.5.2 List seven levels in the hierarchy of taxa—kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species—using an example from two different kingdoms for each level.

Phylum: Chordata

Kingdom: Animalia

Species: Robur

Genus: Quercus

Family: Fagaceae

Order: Fagales

Phylum: Angiosperms

Kingdom: Plantae

5.5.3 Distinguish between the followingphyla of animals, using simple external recognition features:porifera,cnidaria,platyhelminthes, annelida,mollusca andarthropoda.


- Multicelluarorganismswithbodiesfull of pores and channelsallowingwater to circulatethroughtheirbodies to obtainfood, oxygenwater and waste.

Cnidaria-cnidocytes, specialized cells that they use mainly for capturing prey. -mesoglea, a non-living jelly-like substance, sandwiched between two layers of epithelium that are mostly one cell thick.- They have two basic body forms: swimming medusae and sessile polyps, both of which are radially symmetrical with mouths surrounded by tentacles that bear cnidocytes.


Platyhelmithes- unsegmented, soft-bodied invertebrate-they have no body cavity, and no specialized circulatory and respiratory organs -flattened shapes that allow oxygen and nutrients to pass through their bodies by diffusion. -thedigestive cavity has only one opening for both the ingestion (intake of nutrients) and egestion (removal of undigested wastes)


Mollusca-Very diverse group, containingsquid, cuttlefish, snailsAll havea dorsal part of the body wall is a mantle which secretes calcareous spicules, plates or shells. -mantle cavityincludingtheanus and genitals open into the mantle cavity.- two pairs of main nerve cords

Arthropoda-Animals having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), -a segmented bodyand jointed appendages.