CLASS – IEnvironmental Science (EVS) * Write a few lines (5) on the Topic “Myself” * Write...

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Transcript of CLASS – IEnvironmental Science (EVS) * Write a few lines (5) on the Topic “Myself” * Write...

  • CLASS – I

    Date: 20th

    April, 2020

    General Knowledge

    * Do the following

    i. How many months are there in a year? ____

    ii. How many days do we have in a week? ____

    iii. Which day comes after Friday? _____

    iv. We use our eyes to _____(See/ Hear/ Feel/ Eat)?

    Hindi Literature

    1. दो, तीनऔर चार अ�र वाले �बना मा�ा के श�द� का अ�यास करे|


    दो अ�र वाले श�द

    बस, नल, चल, घर, छत, फल

    तीन अ�र वाले श�द

    कलम, मगर, बतख, सड़क, नगर, शहर

    चार अ�र वाले श�द

    बरतन, नटखट, थरमस, अचकन, पनघट, बरगद

    २. श�द बनाइये:

    i. न + ट + ख + ट = ____________

    ii. (म+ ठा + ई = ___________

    iii. आँ + च + ल = _____________

    iv. चौ + क. + दा + र = ___________

  • ३.सामान 0व1न वाले श�द� को (मलाईये:

    मैदान चुलबुल

    बुलबुल पँूछ

    पथृक शैतान

    मँूछ कृषक

    ४. 7र8त 9थान� को उ;चत श�द� से भ7रए

    i. ________ पाकर बालक नाचने लगा| (>खलौना/चैन)

    ii. म?ने_______ खाया| (जादगूर/ सेब)

    iii. चल, _______ से पानी भर| (नल/ हल)

    iv. खाने का _________ मजेदार था| (जयका / मायका)

    ५. इ क. मा�ालगाकर सहA श�द (लखो|

    हरन, रमझम, कवता, गलास, तकया

    ६.बादल आया कDवता याद क7रए| ( pg – 20)


    * Practice Count and Match

    * Practice less than, greater than and equal to by putting ,=


    a) 4___ 2

    b) 6 ___ 8

    c) 7___ 9

    d) 3____ 5

    e) 4____ 4

  • * Learn and revise Forward and Backward Counting

    * Practice numbers that come Before, After or in Between

    What comes


    i. 7 ____

    ii. 10 ____

    iii. 29 _____

    iv. 36 _____

    v. 18 _____

    vi. 11 _____

    vii. 49 ____


    i. 9 _____ 11

    ii. 17 ____19

    iii. 27 ____29

    iv. 15 ____ 17

    v. 30 _____ 32

    vi. 41 _____ 43

    vii. 48 _____ 50

  • Before

    i. _____ 19

    ii. _____ 10

    iii. _____ 26

    iv. _____ 15

    v. _____ 20

    vi. _____ 31

    vii. _____ 50

    Environmental Science (EVS)

    * Write a few lines (5) on the Topic “Myself”

    * Write your Likes (E.g. cleaning, dancing etc.)

    * Write your Hobbies

    * Write a few things you like to do (E.g. Singing, Dancing, and

    Swimming etc.)

    * Write a few things you don’t like(E.g. Fighting, shouting etc.)

    * Write and learn the main Body Parts (10)

    * Give one word answers

    i. I smell with my _____

    ii. I eat with my ______

    iii. I hold the things with my _____

    iv. I walk with my ________

    v. I dance with my _______

  • vi. I see with my _______

    vii. I hear with my _________

    English Literature

    * Write and Learn things you see in your House and your


    * Learn Action Words

    English Language

    * Write and learn Capital Letters and Small letters

    * Revise And Learn Vowels and make 5 words with each of


    * Revise &Learn and write Action Words (10)

    * Learn One and Many

    (Book – Books, Pen – Pens, Cake – Cakes, Flower –

    Flowers, Chair – Chairs)

    * Fill in the missing letters

    a ___ ___ d ___ f ___ h ___ ___ k ___ ___ n

    ___ ___ ___ r s ___ ___ v w x ____ z

  • * Rearrange the names of these animals to keep them in alphabetical


    Ox Hen Camel Fox Tiger Goat

    Rabbit Elephant Yak Bear

    1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________

    5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________

    9. ________ 10. ________

    * Choose any five letters of the alphabet and create an artwork

    on it

    E.g. O ----


    * Draw – “My Computer”

    * Write True or False

    i. Machines are made by man.

    ii. Computer runs on electricity

    iii. Computer works very fast

    iv. Computer makes our work easy.

    v. A computer takes a lot of time to do calculation.

  • * Guess the machine names with the help of clue given

    Mobile, Camera, Washing Machine, Refrigerator,

    Air Conditioner

    i. It washes and dries clothes.

    ii. It is used to talk to friends and family.

    iii. It keeps the room cool.

    iv. It is used to click photographs.

    v. It keeps the food and drinks cool.


    * Practice Count and Match

    * Practice less than, greater than and equal to by putting ,=


    a) 6 ___ 2

    b) 5 ___ 3

    c) 2___ 9

    d) 4 ____ 6

    e) 8 ____ 8

    Hindi Language

    हमारA भाषा

    १. भाषा Fकसे कहते है?

    Dवचार� का आदान Gदान हA भाषा कहलाती है|

  • २. भाषा के Fकतने Gकार होते है?

    भाषा के दो Gकार होते है -

    * (ल>खत भाषा

    * मौ>खक भाषा

    ३. Fकसके Iवारा हम अपनी बात दसूरो तक पहँुचातेहै?

    उJतर – भाषा के Iवारा हम अपनी बात दसूरो तक पहँुचातेहै|

    ४. (ल>खत भाषा Fकसे कहते है?

    उJतर – िजस भाषा को (लखकर Gकट Fकया जाता है उसे (ल>खत भाषा कहते है|

    ५. मौ>खक भाषा Fकसे कहते है?

    उJतर – िजस भाषा को बोलकर Gकट Fकया जाता है उसे मौ>खक भाषा कहते है|

    ६.Dवलोम श�द (ल>खए

    १. रात - _______

    २. छोटा- ______

    ३. ठंडा- ______

    ४. सदN- ______

    ५. पास- _______

    ६. आग-े ________

    General Knowledge

    * Learn – Animals and their Young Ones

    * Draw any Five fruits, Vegetables and Flowers

    * Do the following

    v. How many months are there in a year? ____

    vi. How many days do we have in a week? ____

  • vii. Which day comes after Friday? _____

    viii. We use our eyes to _____(See/ Hear/ Feel/ Eat)?

    Hindi Literature

    1. वणPमाला (ल>खए और याद करे

    2. 9वर� के Qम से श�द� को (ल>खए

    ओखलA, ईख, ऐनक, एक, औरत, आम, ऊन, अमUद, उVलू, इमलA

    3. पाँच फूलो के नाम (ल>खए

    ४. पाँच माँसाहारA पशुओं का (ल>खए

  • English Write One page daily like:

  • AND

  • Morals:

    Learn the Prayer

  • Mathematics

    * Write Number Names from 1 to 50

    * Write multiplication tables of 2 and 3


  • English

    Write and Learn the above