Clash of Powers

Post on 26-Dec-2021

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Transcript of Clash of Powers

Clash of Powers

Elysian Towers Campaign

A Live Action Role Playing Game This is Official Version 1.


First off, I want to thank you for your interest in this LARP. LARP is short for Live Action

Role Playing. That means instead of rolling the dice playing a game to do something you just actually

do it. I hope you will enjoy the game and as you read below understand how the rules are set. Since

this is a play test and literally the first trial of this type of LARP, I hope you will enjoy and accept

things as they change and grow for you and your character.

Just because this is a new and untried system does not mean that there is no experience in the

game. I have over 20 years experience playing LARP’s and know the problems that come up with

them. Yes it is still an honor type game and yes you can cheat easily, but all that does is hurt the other

people playing and if you get caught you could be asked to never return to the game.

Just to give a warning this book may not have everything spelled out, we are in the beta testing

and things might not be perfectly balanced. They will be changes. But for the most part we believe we

got rid of any major bugs. If you see anything contradicting, please tell us and we will fix it as soon as


What is a LARP

Let’s go over some basic definitions you will hear in game.

HOLD – This is the most important rule in the game, yes it can be used for in play stuff that needs to be

explained but it is also used for safety purposes. The moment you hear hold, everyone should also

shout hold and go to one knee. The original person who called the hold will describe the emergency or

problem. And that person alone should end the hold by saying “3,2,1 Game on” This is not used for

what does that spell do, but can be used to draw a 10, 20, or 30 foot circle and says everyone in the

circle dies or is poison. Do not call a hold unless needed. It does take away from the game but it is

necessary for medical or combat purposes.

GAME ON- This is what you say when we are ready to start playing again, usually the first person who

said hold is the person who says game on.

In Play (IP) – When you are playing your character you are in play. You should remain in play as much

as you can in the game. We know they are reasons to not be in play (bathroom break for example) but if

you can stay in play try to. You may see FOIP (Find out in play) that means we won’t tell you here.

Out Of Play (OOP) – This is when you are you. You are not playing, no one in IP can see you and you

don’t exist. This is when you are taking a break (smoking, bathroom etc). You can NOT go out of play

if you are caught in combat. You must be in a area where no one is in line of site and go OOP and you

cannot jump back IP if you see people getting attacked. Again go out of site and come IP.

MEDIC – This is an Out Of Play (OOP) term and should never be used unless you need someone to

help with OOP stuff. If your character IP is hurt or dying then call for a healer. If you just broke your

arm and need to go to the hospital call for a medic.

Player Character (PC) – That is you or someone else playing a character. They are the regulars and will

always be there when you need them to be.

Non Playing Character – These are characters to help the story along. Usually played by plot and can

be any type of character.

Monster - These are creatures that terrorize the town. They are usually ran by you. Everyone must

monster for a short period of time.

What do I see? – Is used when seeing a monster. It would cost thousands and massive amount of time

to dress up each and every monster. So people put on monster tabards and describe what they are when

asked. You will get use to it quick trust me.

Gathering – This is the actual showing up for a game. So “between gatherings” is between games.

Guilds – Since this is a play test, no one has developed guilds yet. But guilds do need to be present.

When a guild is made you must have the following.

1.) At least 5 members

2.) Three chosen colors for your guild / barony

a. Example The royal family is Silver, Gold and purple.

3.) Must have a leader, clerk (merchant) and 3 members minimum

4.) If running a race guild, cannot deny other people of same race

5.) Why are you a guild? What is your purpose? What races and/or classes are allowed?


This is a rule expert in the game. They are for certain parts only. They are to assist Plot in the game

while still being able to play the game.

1.) Plot Marshal – These are the story tellers, they are the final say with the story is ran.

2.) Combat Marshal – These are the people who run combat and make sure combat is quick and

smooth. Checks weapons and armor throughout the game.

3.) Formal Marshal - These are the people who run the magic as in combat or formal circles. As well

as magic and mana observing.

4.) Safety Marshal - These are the people who make sure nothing dangerous is being done. The

person assigned to this is YOU! When it comes to safety, everyone must do everything they can to

ensure that we all leave the game the same way we entered.

5.) Rogue Marshal – Allows you to break in and do rogue “things.”

6.) Racial Marshal – Checks to see If you can place a Race other than Human.

Attacking – When attacking someone with a weapon you must have completed a few things first.

1.) The weapon must be pre-approved by a weapon safety marshal and given a tag.

2.) You must have been to the combat safety course to know where to and not to hit.

3.) Call the correct tag for your weapon ( 2 normal, 3 silver, 10 magic ect.)

Now that you have all of the above done, you can attack any monster (or PC)

Creating a character

To create a character you must follow a three step process.

1.) Chose your race. This is what you are. Human, elf whatever, it is not what you do.

2.) Choose you class. This is what you do, fighter, spell slinger, tavern wench.

3.) Pick your skills. The points change according to what class you are and skill you pick.


Below are the common races and you may choose freely among them as long as you are approved by a

racial marshal who will check your makeup or costume.

Unlisted Races - Some players that you meet you may find to be playing races not in the rulebook. If

you want to play a race that is not in the rule book and cannot be played from the standard races then

contact us. We will go over your character concept and see your make up for the race and a decision

will be made. We will be fair in the Creation process, but if it is a race so good EVERYONE wants to

be that type then it is probably too good. A background, unique make up requirement and advantage /

disadvantage must be made.

Human – Humans are the most numerous race in Terra Haven they receive no advantage or no

disadvantage due to their race and require no makeup. The exception to this is the Gypsies.

Gypsies – Gypsies are humans but are vagabonds. The reasons that they are separate from humans is

because of the advantage / disadvantage they get.

Advantage – Are the only race that can get Gypsies curse.

Disadvantage - Cannot belong to a guild, barony or group. Cannot be a noble of any sort, ever.

Makeup - They do not wear racial makeup but the Gypsies speak with an accent that emulates the

cultures they are derived from, and wear colorful and elaborate costuming in true Romanian Gypsy

fashion. All Gypsies must have their make-up and/or costuming approved by a Race Marshal

Surface Elf - Elves are not just human with pointy ears, they are a diverse culture. With their massive

long life spans they tend to be calmer and more controlled in what they do. An elf’s age is 10 times a

regular persons age.

Advantage - Can Buy Resist Sleep / Charm for 5 points apiece as many times as they want to buy it.

(one resist per purchase)

Disadvantage- negative 1 body to start (minimum of 1 body) and negative 1 body per level (max -10)

(remember you always gain at least 1 body point per level no matter what.

Mountain Dwarf –

Advantage – Can buy Armor Smith at half cost (round up)

Disadvantage - Due to their short nature they cannot use Great weapons.

Makeup - Dwarves have only one make-up requirement. Male and female characters alike must wear a

full beard of at least six inches. (Due to the local area where men wear beards that long anyway, they

must wear extensions if they already have a real bead that long, That way we can tell the difference

from a bearded human and a dwarf.

Hobbit – Are small creatures that are able to sneak around and become hidden at a moment’s notice.

Advantage – Disarm Traps and Pick Locks skills at half Cost. In addition, Evaluate Item skill at half

Build Cost (rounded up). +1 damage with Thrown Weapons

Disadvantage - Cannot use Large or Great weapons, negative 1 body to start (minimum of 1 body)and

negative 1 body per level (max -10) (remember you always gain at least 1 body point per level no

matter what.

Makeup – Must have fur on hands and feet, Cannot be covered up with gloves or shoes, If you wear

gloves or shoes you must have fur OVER them.

Half Orc –

Advantage – + 1 Body to start and every level until you hit +10 body (Max), + 1 Strength Bonus

Disadvantage – Must pay double for Read and Write, and Healing Arts. Always have a negative 2

points per level loss of Mana.

Makeup – Must have green make up on ALL exposed skin. Must wear tusks (Two Tusks)

Beastial -

Advantage – Sniff for 10 seconds can tell what poison or potion it is. + 1 Body per level (Max + 5


Disadvantage - Can only use Edged Weapons (No blunts) cannot use Missile Weapons.

Makeup - Must look like the Animal you want to be (Racial Marshal Approval is a MUST)



Body – A fighter Gains 6 Body per level with a Max of 60 Body

Skills – A fighter gains 10 points per level to spend on skills. They can buy from other classes but must

pay more for it.

Armor – Can wear Max amount of Armor with no restrictions. Max is 76 under current rules.

Mana – A Fighter Can gain mana if buy the extra mana skill, And may get special items that allow the

fighter to use mana FOIP more information.


Body – Gains 3 body per level with a max of 30 Body

Skills – A Scholar gains 10 points per level to spend on skills. They can buy from other classes but

must pay more for it.

Armor – Can wear Armor if buy the extra armor skill, And can get special items that simulate Armor.

Without skills max armor is 5 point and can be light. Anyone can wear cloth. FOIP more information.

Mana – Gains 5 points of mana per level max 50. Can regenerate mana if in a mana Circle (See spells)

at the rate of 1 mana per level per minute. Example - A 5th level can regenerate 5 mana per minute.


Body – Gains 5 Body per Level Max of 50

Skills – A Rogue gains 10 points per level to spend on skills. They can buy from other classes but must

pay more for it.

Armor – Is limited on the amount of Armor they can Wear (Max 30 Points)

Mana – A Rogue Can buy mana through the gain mana skill, and may get special items that allow the

fighter to use mana FOIP more information.

Warmage (Half warrior half scholar)

Body – Gains 4 Body per Level Max of 40

Skills – A Warmage gains 10 points per level to spend on skills. They can buy from other classes but

must pay more for it.

Armor – Is limited on the amount of Armor they can wear. Max is 50 points

Mana – Gains 3 points of mana per level max 30. Can regenerate mana if in a mana Circle (See spells)

at the rate of 1 mana per level per minute. Example - A 5th level can regenerate 5 mana per minute.

More Classes are possible but are not included at this time. It would take time to develop. But you still

have the freedom to create the character that you wish. For example you want a Paladin or knight. Then

get a Fighter or Warmage and pick the Lay on hands ability.

No matter what If you need a specific Ability for the character and can justify it then talk to us. We are

always happy to help. Just don’t expect a fighter with all scholar abilities justifiable.

Specialty magic class – Let’s say you are hit with a spell that only effects necromancers, You want to

be one to gain the benefits. So how are you a necromancer, or enchanter or whatever. It is easy to know

and can change every level. Whatever spells you have the most of in your skills is what you are.

Example you claim necromancy buy have more elemental spells, you are an elementalist. So you can

change every level, If you become a true class the rules are different (see true class in the expanded


NOTE – “One combat” in the skills below means one person. For example I want a +1 flaming

weapon to attack the Ice Giant and his friend. The spell works on the first person you hit and will stay

active until you try to hit someone else with that weapon (or 10 mins whichever ) If you try to go back

to the original target it fails. So you need to recreate the spell to attack the creature again.

Spells with the same benefit are not stackable – such as if someone cast a spell to raise your damage

you cannot have another spell raise your damage to your weapon. Example, Create magic Weapon gives a

+1 to weapon damage so does Create Elemental Weapon, you only have a +1 damage but may choose which tag

you wish to call.


Once you choose your race and class you can now pick your skills. You start with 15 points to spend on

your character and you gain 10 skill points every time you gain a level. To see how much skill points a

skill is just look at your class then look at the skill you want and pick the point from that column. Be

sure that you make the prerequisites before trying to get the skill.


Skill Fighter Scholar Rogue Warmage Prerequisites

Alchemy: Level 1-10 5 3 3 4 Herbal Lore

Animal Empathy - - 2 2 2 2 Special

Armorsmith: Level 1-10 2 6 5 4 In order

Assassinate 15 40 10 20 Backstab + 2

Astrology 2 2 2 2 Special

Backstab 15 20 10 18 None

Battlefield Commander 2 2 2 2 Leadership, special

Bow 3 5 3 4 None

Bravery 10 15 12 13 Special

Craftsman (all) 2 2 2 2 Special

Create Potion: Level 1-10 5 3 3 4 Healing arts, Proper spell

Create Scroll: Level 1-10 5 3 3 4 Read Magic, Proper Spell

Create Trap 1 4 3 2 3 Disarm Trap

Create Trap 2 6 5 4 5 Create Trap 1

Create Trap 3 8 7 6 7 Create Trap 2

Create Trap 4 10 9 8 9 Create Trap 3

Create Trap 5 12 11 10 11 Create Trap 4

Critical Slay/Parry 10 16 14 12 Weapon +2, +4 +6 ect

Crossbow 3 5 3 4 None

Deathstrike 10 20 17 15 Special

Disarm Trap 3 4 2 3 None

Dodge/Dodge Block 15 20 10 18 None

Enhanced Strength 10 16 14 12 None

Evaluate Item 4 4 2 4 None

Formal Magic Level 1 8 4 6 5 3 level 9 spells

Formal Magic Level 2 8 4 6 5 Formal Magic Level 1

Formal Magic Level 3 8 4 6 5 Formal Magic Level 2

Formal Magic Level 4 8 4 6 5 Formal Magic Level 3

Formal Magic Level 5 8 4 6 5 Formal Magic Level 4

Fortify (extra HP) 5 9 7 7 None (gains 5 Body)

Gain Mana 9 5 7 5 None (gains 5 pts)

Gypsy Curse Level 1 3 3 3 3 Special

Gypsy Curse Level 2 3 3 3 3 Special

Gypsy Curse Level 3 3 3 3 3 Special

Gypsy Curse Level 4 3 3 3 3 Special

Gypsy Curse Level 5 3 3 3 3 Special

Healing Arts (First Aid) 6 4 5 5 None

Herbal Lore 8 4 4 6 Read & Write

Iron Grasp 3 5 3 4 None

Jewelcraft 4 4 2 4 None

Lay on Hands - 10 20 17 15 Special

Skill Fighter Scholar Rogue Warmage Prerequisites

Leadership 2 2 2 2 Special

Life strike 10 20 17 15 Special

Lore, (Any) 2 2 2 2 Special

Master Alchemist 10 10 10 10 Level 10 Alchemist – Special FOIP

Master Armorsmith 10 16 14 12 Armorsmith 10

Master Chef 3 3 3 3 Craft Chef

Master Jeweler 5 5 3 5 Jeweler

Master Potion-Maker 10 10 10 10 Level 10 Potion – Special FOIP

Master Scroll-Maker 10 10 10 10 Level 10 Scroll – Special FOIP

Master Seer 3 3 3 3 Astrology

Master Tracker 3 5 3 4 Tracker

Master Weaponsmith 10 16 14 12 Weaponsmith

Nature’s Strike 10 20 17 15 Special

Read and Write 3 3 3 3 None

Read Magic 8 2 6 4 Read and write (need to cast spell)

Resist Charm Break 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Confining 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Disease 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Elemental Damage 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Emotion 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Healing/Curing 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Necromancy/Chaos 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Sleep 5 5 5 5 Special

Resist Toxin 5 5 5 5 Special

Role-Playing Only Skill 2 2 2 2 Special

Seamanship 2 2 2 2 None

Shield 5 10 7 7 None

Spell Level 1 3 1 1 1 Read Magic

Spell Level 2 4 1 2 2 Three Level 1 spells

Spell Level 3 5 2 3 3 Three Level 2 spells

Spell Level 4 6 3 4 3 Three Level 3 spells

Spell Level 5 7 3 5 4 Three Level 4 spells

Spell Level 6 8 4 6 5 Three Level 5 spells

Spell Level 7 9 5 7 5 Three Level 6 spells

Spell Level 8 10 5 8 6 Three Level 7 spells

Spell Level 9 11 6 9 7 Three Level 8 spells

Thrown Weapon 4 10 5 6 None

Tracking 3 4 3 4 None

Two Weapon Fighting 5 10 4 6 None

Waylay 7 10 6 8 None

Weapon Mastery 10 20 20 15 Great Weapons

Weapon Proficiency +1 10 15 10 10 None

Skill Fighter Scholar Rogue Warmage Prerequisites

Weapon Proficiency +2 10 20 15 15 Weapon Proficiency +1

Weapons Great 2 10 8 4 Large

Weapons Large 2 10 8 4 Medium

Weapons Medium 2 10 3 4 Small

Weapons Small 2 5 3 4 Tiny

Weapons Tiny 2 4 3 3 None

Wear Extra Armor 0 10 8 6 None (per 5 points)

More skills will develop over time, if you have a skill you want please tell us the skill. If it is not

overpowering or unbalancing. We will consider it.

SPECIAL Spell Skill – If you want one spell but not wanting to go through the whole rows of spells to

get them you can purchase each spell at DOUBLE the cost of skill of the spell.

Example a fighter wants a third level spell. She can pay double (10 points for a fighter) and he gets the

spell. Now he must buy the mana to cast it and congrats it is hers to cast.

Skill Descriptions

Skill Skill Description

Alchemy: Level 1-10

You can create Alchemy vials must have alchemy lore and correct

spells to administer correctly.

Animal Empathy You know how a animal is feeling

Armorsmith: Level 1-10

You can repair armor equivalent to your level (from level 1 to 6)

light non metallic, Light Metallic, Medium Non metallic, Medium

Metallic , Heavy metallic and Heavy Non Metallic, At 7th level you

can create light armor at 8th You can create Medium armor at 9th you

can create heavy armor at 10th you can create it in half the time.


You can hit (safely) someone between the shoulder blades with a ap-

proved waylay widget

Backstab Can add more damage when hitting someone from behind.

Battlefield Commander

You are the head of the guild, only one person can have this, and you

lose it if you are no longer head of the guild. Your guild gains 5 body

while fighting with you.


Short Bows fall under small while Long Bows fall under Medium

weapons but must be purchased separate. If you have a weapon pro-

ficiencies in these weapons they do not cross over in the melee cate-

gory and vice versa.

Bravery You can shrug off a fear spell or gaze

Craftsman (all)

You can create whatever thing you picked for the skill (cannot be

used to replace other skills)

Create Potion: Level 1-10

You can create healing potions must have healing arts and correct

spells to administer correctly.

Create Scroll 1-10

You can recreate enchantment and necromancy scrolls. Must have

read magic and correct spells to make the scrolls and read magic to

read the scrolls. Scrolls cost 1 point per level of spell you want to

make. You gain one point per level of skill. Cannot create healing.

Create Trap 1-5 You can create traps. See traps section for level and types.

Critical Slay/Parry

Kills Lesser creatures and PC’s to slain status, does 50 points to

greater creatures. Parries can happen, You can also dodge them.


Light Crossbow (one handed) Bows fall under small while Heavy

(two handed) Cross Bows fall under Large weapons but must be pur-

chased separate. If you have a weapon proficiencies in these weap-

ons they do not cross over in the category weapon and vice versa

Death strike

A necromancy trick, you call +2 damage to one living creature, but

your tag will be chaos letting everyone know your calling necroman-

cy. Once per game.

Disarm Trap You can disarm traps

Dodge/Dodge Block

You can be hit with a spell packet or weapon and call dodge and that

will not count. Only use once per purchase.

Enhanced Strength

Able to do more weapon damage, break pins, webs etc the more En-

hanced strength you have the quicker you can break free. Spell sub-

tract enhance count.

Evaluate Item

You know what something is worth in game terms, how much some-

thing is worth

Formal Magic Level 1

You are a beginner at formal magic and can cast Level 1 Formal


Formal Magic Level 2

You are an intermediate at formal magic and can cast Level 2 Formal


Formal Magic Level 3

You are an Advance at formal magic and can cast Level 3 Formal


Formal Magic Level 4

You are an expert at formal magic and can cast Level 4 Formal


Formal Magic Level 5

You are a Master at formal magic and can cast Level 5 Formal


Fortify (extra HP) You gain 5 HP over the Max you are allowed to have.

Gain Mana You gain 5 MP over the Max you are allowed to have.

Gypsy Curse Level 1

The person who killing blows you will lose 5 body a min for one life

after dead is fixed. (dead not poofed)

Gypsy Curse Level 2

The person who killing blows you will call 2 points damage less than

normal till dead one life after dead is fixed. (dead not poofed)

Gypsy Curse Level 3

The person who killing blows you will take double damage till dead

no saving. (dead not poofed)

Gypsy Curse Level 4

The person who killing blows you will call 1 point less damage till


Gypsy Curse Level 5 The person who killing blows you will poof in 30 minutes no saving

Healing Arts (First Aid)

You can come to someone who is down and say healing arts, the

down person must tell you if they are bleeding out, slain asleep or

dead. You can assist them by (pretend) shaking them for 10 seconds

if asleep or first aiding them for one min if bleeding out.

Herbal Lore

Iron Grasp

You can resist a fumble fingers or something else that would make

you drop something once per game


You can create in play jewelry that can be used to hold magical stuff

in them

Lay on Hands -

This person can take body from themselves and heal someone else.

On a 3 count


You are in the top 5% of people in your guild, They gain 2 body

while fighting with you

Life strike You can do double damage to one undead creature for one combat.

Lore, (Any) FOIP

Master Alchemist You can make the alchemy vials last twice as long

Master Armorsmith

You can repair armor at half cost and create master armor which

hold more slots for magic.

Master Chef FOIP

Master Jeweler You can make master jewelry

Master Potion-Maker You can make healing potions last twice as long

Master Scroll-Maker You can make scrolls last twice as long

Master Seer

You can use tarot cards rune stones whatever and ask plot a yes no

or maybe question. Some things may not be able to be told (even plot

don’t know the future) but it can be used to see of something is a

good idea or not.

Master Tracker

You can track down NPC’s who hide from you. Even if it seems


Master Weaponsmith

You can repair weapons at half the time and also make any weapon a

master weapon

Nature’s Strike You can do double damage to one chaos creature for one combat.

Read and Write You can read and write, needed for read magic and Alchemy

Read Magic You are able to read magic and begin learning spells

Resist Charm You can resist a charm mind effecting spell or ability once per game

Resist Confining You can resist a confining spell or ability once per game

Resist Disease You can resist a disease spell or ability once per game

Resist Elemental Damage You can resist elemental damage one time per day

Resist Emotion You can resist Charms, friendships and love poisons one time per day

Resist Healing/Curing Resist Healing/Curing one time per day

Resist Necromancy/Chaos Resist Necromancy/Chaos one time per day

Resist Sleep You can resist a sleep spell or ability once per game

Resist Toxin You can resist a poison spell or ability once per game

Role-Playing Only Skill

You have a skill that is fun to role-play but not included here. Please

tell us and we will help in any way we can.

Seamanship You are a sailor by trade FOIP other benefits


This is a shield. You must be able to touch the edge of the shield

from under your arm to use.

Spells 1-9 See Spell Section

Throw weapons

A weapon made of all foam but may be of any size. Weapons must

be safe and described


You can track down NPC’s who hide from you. As long as its shows

a chance of being able to follow them (Not raining on rocks for ex-


Two Weapon Fighting

You may fight with a one handed weapon in each hand that you are

proficient with, They must be tiny, small or medium size.


You can hit (safely) someone between the shoulder blades with an

approved waylay widget knocking them out. Takes one body point

from them.

Weapon Mastery

Any Weapon proficiencies you have on a weapon will now affect all

other weapon size. Only Melee Or Range weapons count. Pick one

Weapon Proficiency +1

You call +1 damage to one type of weapon (Tiny Small Med Large Great or


Weapon Proficiency +2

You call a additional +1 damage to one type of weapon (Tiny Small Med

Large Great or Missile) Added on to the previous damage

Weapons Great

Great (5 point damage) This is a great sword or ax and does the most

damage, With a blade length of 40 to 48 inches and a max length of

63 inches.

Weapons Large

Large (4 Point Damage) these are usually Pole arms and spears need-

ing 2 hands to carry and is used as a stabbing weapon mostly (like a

quarterstaff with a pointy tip) Same rules apply as if making a quar-

ter staff but must have a larger tip for protection.

Weapons Medium

Medium (3 point damage) these are long swords with a 25 to 37

blade length and a 44 in max total length. Longbows fall in this cate-

gory as well as two handed heavy crossbows.

Weapons Small

Small (2 point damage) these weapons are for the most part small,

like a short sword. 19 to 25 inch blade max with a max of 32 inches

total weapon exception is the quarter staff that falls in this catego-

ry. Minimum 60 inches max is 72 inches with 2/3 covered with foam

at both ends. Short bows fall into this category as well as small one

handed crossbows.

Weapons Tiny

Tiny (1 pt damage) These are small weapons under 24 inches total

(18 in blade max) these are simple one handed weapons . Waylay

widgets fall in this category but has no PVC pipe in them, All foam.

Weaponsmith 1-5

You can repair and make weapons as per your skill. Tiny, small,

med, large and great

Wear Extra Armor You gain 5 AP over the Max you are allowed to have.

FOIP – This means Find out in play. Some of these skills are difficult to explain and or just different to

the point of each individual doing the skill. If you think you need a FOIP skill talk to an owner or plot

and we will see what we can do for you.


Alchemy is mostly a Rogue skill but scholars have been known to dabble.

If you have purchased Herbal Lore and Alchemy you can create elixirs, solvents and gasses. Elixirs are

things you ingest or make others ingest, Gases are things you can throw and breaks on impact. Solvents

are something you can throw or apply to something, remember that solvents are able to be blocked by a

shield while gasses are not.

All alchemy lasts for one year when made. You must have a Green packet representing the alchemy.

And it must be identifiable for example you can have A20 written on the bottom of the packet stating it

is an acid 20. If it is not labeled correctly then you do not have the vial.

When you gain a level of Alchemy you gain 5 points per day you can spend on alchemy (for example if

you have level 4 alchemy then you gets 20 points to spend) If you have a alchemist lab then your points

are doubled for that day. You must have a physrep and an IP card stating you have a lab.

In addition to everything above you must also have the ingredients to make the alchemy. Most of the

time it is just money at one silver per 5 point cost. But sometime ingredients can be found or be lost

entirely. Don’t worry about it; if something is gone Plot will let you know.

Alchemy Type Cost Description

Berserk Ingest 20 Will attack the closest person to you until you are subdued. 10 mins

Berserk Gas 35 Will attack the closest person to you until you are subdued. 10 mins

Cause 2 Ingest 5 Take 2 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 4 Ingest 10 Take 4 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 6 Ingest 15 Take 6 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 8 Ingest 20 Take 8 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 10 Ingest 25 Take 10 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 2 Gas 15 Take 2 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 4 Gas 20 Take 4 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 6 Gas 25 Take 6 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 8 Gas 30 Take 8 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Cause 10 Gas 35 Take 10 points to your body (Necromantic in nature)

Death Ingest 30 You will die in 1 minute unless cured by purify spell, Alchemy antidote or equivalent.

Death Gas 50 You will die in 1 minute unless cured by purify spell, Alchemy antidote or equivalent.

Charm Ingest 10

You will be friends with whoever gives you this, Friends can fight but you won’t try to kill them and you will protect them as best you can short of giving up your life. 10 mins

Charm Gas 35

You will be friends with whoever gives you this, Friends can fight but you won’t try to kill them and you will protect them as best you can short of giving up your life. 10 mins

Feeble Mind Ingest 15 You lose all memory (cannot use any skills) 10 mins

Feeble Mind Gas 30 You lose all memory (cannot use any skills) 10 mins

Antidote Alchemy Ingest / Solvent 20

This cures all Alchemy problems (but not spell problems)

Hallucination Ingest 5 You will hallucinate for 10 mins, anything you want but keep it up for the whole time.

Alchemy Type Cost Description

Hallucination Gas 10 You will hallucinate for 10 mins, anything you want but keep it up for the whole time.

Illnesses Ingest 5 You are sick, not enough to stop combat but irritating, pretending to throw up is encouraged for 10 mins.

Illnesses Gas 10 You are sick, not enough to stop combat but irritating, pretending to throw up is encouraged for 10 mins.

Love Ingest 15 You are in love with this person (opposite sex only) You will protect and even die for them.

Love Gas 35 You are in love with this person (opposite sex only) You will protect and even die for them.

Paralysis Ingest 10 You cannot move in any way, BUT people can pose you any way they like, lasts 10 mins.

Paralysis Gas 25 You cannot move in any way, BUT people can pose you any way they like, lasts 10 mins.

Sleep Ingest 10 You are asleep 10 minutes

Sleep Gas 25 You are asleep 10 minutes

Acid 5 Solvent 5 Acid, blocked with shield only otherwise you take the damage.

Acid 10 Solvent 10 Acid, blocked with shield only otherwise you take the damage.

Acid 15 Solvent 15 Acid, blocked with shield only otherwise you take the damage.

Acid 20 Solvent 20 Acid, blocked with shield only otherwise you take the damage.

Cure 2 Ingest 5 Cures 2 body points but not if ill, poisoned or dead.

Cure 4 Ingest 10 Cures 4 body points but not if ill, poisoned or dead.

Cure 6 Ingest 15 Cures 6 body points but not if ill, poisoned or dead.

Cure 8 Ingest 20 Cures 8 body points but not if ill, poisoned or dead.

Cure 10 Ingest 25 Cures 10 body points but not if ill, poisoned or dead.

Slipperiness oil Solvent 15 Cannot be picked up for 30 mins Stickiness paste counteracts it.

Stickiness paste Solvent 15 Cannot be picked up for 30 mins Slipperiness oil counteracts it.

Mana regeneration 2 Ingest 5 Replaces 2 mana points immediately, does not go over there max mana points.

Mana regeneration 4 Ingest 10 Replaces 4 mana points immediately, does not go over there max mana points.

Mana regeneration 6 Ingest 15 Replaces 6 mana points immediately, does not go over there max mana points.

Mana regeneration 8 Ingest 20 Replaces 8 mana points immediately, does not go over there max mana points.

Mana regeneration 10 Ingest 25 Replaces 10 mana points immediately, does not go over there max mana points.

Traps Traps are devices to cause damage to unsuspecting people. A trap takes 10 minutes to set up. The type

of trap and level of skill determines how much damage is dealt.

You can only make one trap per level. Example at level 3 you can make three traps one level 1, one

level 2 and one level 3 traps.

Traps damage is simple- The trap level times 10 damage. So a level 5 trap does 50 damage.

Trap Level- They are five levels of trap making and Trap master maker.

Level one – Can make mechanical traps

Level two – Can make explosive traps as well as Level 1 traps

Level three – Can make Level 1 and 2 plus alchemy traps

Level four – Can make 1,2 and 3 traps as well as elemental traps

Level five – Can make levels 1,2,3 & 4 as well as spell traps

Master Trap maker can combine two different type traps.

Mechanical trap – is a pit, boulder, spikes or whatever device you want. But the person cannot be

thrown anywhere and you cannot simulate different type of traps. Only affects one person.

Explosive traps – As it says it is a explosive of some type. Effects the person who sprung the trap and

everyone the person can touch.

Alchemy traps – You can use any alchemical gas you want in this trap, you must have the gas attached

to the trap for it to work.

Elemental traps – You can create traps with elemental properties, you must have the elemental stone

card attached to the trap you’re making. Types are Fire, Ice, Lightning and Force (Acid falls under

Alchemy Trap)

Spell traps – You can place spells in the traps You must have the scroll to add to the trap, You must

have read magic also, or you can have someone read it for you.

Skill Point cost for Traps

Level Fighter Scholar Rogue Warmage

1 4 3 2 3

2 6 5 4 5

3 8 7 6 7

4 10 9 8 9

5 12 11 10 11

Gaining Levels

Everyone starts at Level one, as you play the game you gain xp (see below) when your xp hits a certain

level you gain the next level (receiving 10 points for your character) You do not lose your xp once you

earn them so if you have enough to make level 2 you start from that point to level 3 not reset to zero

and start over to get to 3. Your Character begins with 15 points at level 1.

Level XP Level XP

1 0 11 69 Example: I started my First Game. I completed

2 6 12 78 a module I get 4 Experience points. The next Game

3 13 13 90 I didn’t go to a module so I only get 3 points

4 19 14 104 (total of 7) I am now level 2. The next game I play

5 26 15 130 I get 3 more points (total of 10) only 3 points from

6 30 16 156 level three yea!

7 37 17 182

8 45 18 208

9 52 19 234

10 60 20 260

Experience points

Experience Points (XP) Is only gained by playing the game, You gain 3 points per game no matter what

you do, and If you go on a module (separate from the main game) you can gain 1 more xp. But you can

only go on 1 module per game event (or between events if done between events) Module’s reset is

when the New event officially begins.

Out of Play (OOP) Points OOP points will allow you to buy things that are hard to gain in play such as

extra lives. potions and scrolls or even permanent magic weapons!

Extra lives can be bought starting at 15 OOP for the first extra life, then 30 points, 60 points, 90

points, etc. Each additional life increases in cost by 30 OOP. However, you may never have more than

9 lives on the books at any given time. Items can be bought at Logistics at the beginning of the event.

Just ask for the points Store, and you’ll be handed a list of what you can buy that event. The list will

change, so check back every event. points may be converted to build using the table above. To earn

points, you can make props for the game, buy needed supplies, or work for the game on-site. The

point’s rates are as follows:

One OP point/dollar spent for the game. (Bring your receipts!)

Two OP points/hour spent making props/supplies/working off-site

Two OP points/hour working in the tavern on-site (4 hour shift minimum)

Two OP points/hour monstering on-site. Not counting the 2 hour minimum

We reserve the right to alter points rewards as needed, but this is the general guideline. So if we need

something really badly we will offer more points or even give OOP points on a tag right there.

Respending characters – If it is a small thing (such as removing one skill you just don’t like) you can

purchase a remove skill for 50 OOP points, Yes it is a lot but if this is not done, people will change their

characters pretty much every game. It is 50 OOP per skill you wish to get rid of.

If it is a complete respend (changing race class and more) you can do it by giving up 2 levels.You can

change some or all of your character the cost is the same.

Combat system

We are testing a new system when it comes to 3 things, Life Armor and Mana. The bead system shows

you how many points you have (the total amount of beads on your string) How many you have lost

(The beads under the clip) or how many you have regained, (The beads above the clip). You can never

regenerate life points once you lost them they are gone for that entire game. Unless someone heals you

with a cure spell. But all in all you can’t sleep, meditate or wish for more life points. You must be


Life / body points (Red beads) – These beads show how much more damage you can have before you

are dead. You can never go below negative one body point. You start your character with 3 lives. You

gain a new life every even level (so plus one life at level 2,4,6,8,10 ect.) to a max of 9 lives. If you

already maxed out your 9 lives and gain a even level you lost that life, even if you lose a life later you

do not gain that one back, sorry. You can also buy lives using OOP points, so chances of you truly

losing a character is hard. Unless someone uses formal magic and obliterates you but you need to FOIP

that stuff.

If you have at least 1 body you can still fight, you are good.

If you are at zero body you are unconscious and cannot do anything but


If you are negative one you are bleeding out and will die in one minute.

You are dead- Congratulations. You have died, don’t worry about it. It happens to us all. You either

have bleed out, have been hit with a death spell, killing blowed or slain. No matter how you got there

you’re dead. Now you have 5 minutes from the point of death to be brought back to life (don’t count

the 1 minute dying) They are only a few spells that can help you but they do exist.

Poofed – Sorry you have spent your 5 minutes dead and no one likes you enough to help you, or no one

had the spells to help you OR everyone died with you. You are now having a bad day. You get to put on

a white head band Go to plot and tell them where you died They will take all your in play stuff, go with

you to where you died and place a index card there with your stuff listed. No you get to go to the

healers guild and resurrect. That means you lose one of your lives, when you hit zero you need to

respend for a new character. Don’t worry it is harder to lose all your lives then you think.

Armor (Yellow beads) – This is what you need to protect those precious body points. The more armor

you wear the more protection you have (see the end of the book on how armor is gained.) At the

beginning of the game you need to have your armor evaluated by a armor Weapons Marshal. As long as

you do not change your armor we will keep it on file and you just need to show up and say your name

and keep your points. If it changes for any reason you can gain or lose the armor. Remember You must

tell us if you change your armor. If you wear less then what you started out with you lose armor points,

If you do not change your points a weapon marshal can place a infraction on you. Now when you

armor is damaged they are a few things you can do.

You can go to the Armor smith and get your armor fixed

Get someone with the armor skill and field repair your armor

There is a 10% less penalty every time you do this until you go to the

armory to repair it. (10% from max armor)

Mana (Blue) – This is the power of will you have to be able to cast spells. It is difficult to be even able

to cast even one spell. Once you have mana you can cast spells. To regain mana you must draw a circle

(must be able to see the circle) this circle will not protect you from anything and even if someone

touches you lose concentration. You gain 1 mana point back per level per minute. So a level 4 scholar

gains 4 mana points per minute.

First you must have mana (only scholars have it normally but you can buy mana with skill points)

Second you must be gain a spell through skill points, once you get that spell you will have it for your

characters life.

You must have enough mana to cast the spell. If you are even one mana point shy you can’t do it.


We try to have a safe game and for the most part we will but if you blatantly break the rules certain

things can happen.

Warnings -A warning may be issued by any Marshal. Warnings are commonly given for hitting too

hard, repeated illegal blows, etc. If a player sees another player displaying these actions, he should

report the violator to a Marshal. Two warnings may result in a player being put on probation.

Probation - A player who has been placed on probation is not allowed to participate in combat. This

player must play a non-combative role until taken off of probation. Players are usually placed on

probation for repeated instances of excessive violence in combat.

Expulsion - An expulsion is issued to a player who has blatantly ignored the rules. This includes, but is

not limited to, drinking of alcoholic beverages, drug use, destruction of property, stealing, cheating in

any way, etc. A player who has been expelled must immediately stop participating in the current event

and leave the site.

Dismissal - A player is dismissed if he is expelled twice. A dismissed player is no longer allowed to

attend any event. We also reserves the right to bring criminal charges against anyone that breaks the

law or endangers players or staff by violating safety guidelines.


Combat – Combat is a must in any game and although we did go over spells and what you need to cast

them we haven went over how to do combat with them, let’s go over the basics of combat.

First SAFETY !!! – when doing combat safety is the MOST IMPORTANT THING !!! You do not go

full force trying to kill everyone, you touch them with the padded weapon or bird seed packet, there are

no real weapons here and if anything looks unsafe STOP the game and move to a safer location. This is

a role playing game and you are playing your characters not you. So you may be this powerful black

belt, boxer wrestler in real life but your character is a small fragile magic user. You must understand

you cannot try to hurt anyone in real life here, EVER.

Melee fighting – You have a weapon in hand when you swing you hit the

person with a 45 degree angle and you just touch them not swing like a baseball

bat. When you do touch them you call the damage you have (by saying 2 normal

or whatever) Now the legal targets is anywhere BUT the head the hands below

the wrist and the groin area. (Although the chest is a legal target try to avoid

hitting a woman there if at all possible.) Even the toes count as full damage so

use that to your advantage.

Shield – A shield is a protective board, it can block melee weapons, and

arrows but not spells. You cannot hit someone with the shield nor can you hide

completely under one where someone is over you hitting you. You must be

careful fighting someone with a shield by not charging them, if they can touch

your chest with the shield you’re charging and must step back.

Range Fighting – This is using a bow or cross bow. First you must have a

representation of what you have. PVC pipe with foam around it and string is fine

for a bow. Now when you shoot a arrow you must point the bow at the person

you intend to hit, say “Aiming 1 Aiming 2 Aiming 3 then you throw a packet

and hit the person calling your damage. This is done for 2 reasons one safety, a

real arrow will hurt no matter what you do, this have been proven too many

times to count, the second is cost, if you buy the foam arrows you will pay a

average of $15 dollars each as well as about $30 for a bow, and if someone steps

on your arrow, you’re out some money.

Spell Casting – If you have the spell and you have the mana you can cast the spell. Just have a

spell packet in your hand say the verbal loud enough that someone hears you say it and throw the spell

packet at someone. If it hits them, there shield, there cloak there weapon or whatever, they take the

spell. If they do not know what the spell does tell them, a lot of people will not know at first.


To know a spell you must buy it with skill points You must buy 3 spells of a level before getting the

next level. So you get 3 level ones then 3 level two’s , 3 level threes ect until you get three level 9’s. All

casters have the mana regeneration spell even if you are a warrior with the extra mana skill.


Level Spell Description

0 Mana regeneration Replenishes your mana at your level per minute Example if you are

level 2 you gain 2 mana per minute

1 Speak With Undead Able to communicate with undead 5 mins

1 Bless Gains 4 HP over your normal HP, First to lose

1 Mana Transfer Give a person as much mana as you want, to their max and cost of

casting this spell

1 Cure Light Wounds Restores 4 HP to you. Cannot go above their max.

1 Armor Give + 5 Armor (Works for person wearing armor)

1 Cause Light wounds Does 4 body damage bypasses armor

1 Light Creates a soft light source

1 Magic blade Call + 0 Magic for one combat

1 Speak With Animal Able to communicate with animals 5 mins

1 Elemental Dart 5 points of <Element > Damage Must chose what type (Ice, Light-

ing, Fire, Earth )

2 Cause moderate Wounds Causes 8 points of damage

2 Undead Clone This spell makes you look like a undead to the undead, so they

won’t attack you.

2 Corrupted Can heal from the next cause wounds spell (last one event)

2 Cure Moderate Wounds Cures 8 points of Body damage

2 Elude Undead Invisible to undead until action is taken against them

2 Repel undead No single undead will come within 10 feet of you

2 Endow strength Gives + 1 strength 10 seconds (run for 10 sec with heavy load)

Does not increase weapon damage

2 Fumble Fingers Drops your item in the hand of your choosing

2 Trap Right foot is pined

2 Call elemental damage Call + 0 (Ice, fire, force, shock) for 1 combat

2 Elemental Bolt Causes 10 damage (Ice, fire, force, shock) must have correct spell

3 Undead Protection Undead will protect you for 5 minutes

3 Fear Target is feared

3 Inflict disease Call -2 to weapon damage cannot run 10 mins

3 Cure Disease Removes a disease from someone (Natural or spell)

3 Transfer wounds Gives your health to another person. Like lay on hands

3 Remove Fear Fear is removed

3 Create magic Weapon Gives a +1 Magic weapon 1 combat

3 Lie Lies to next 3 yes or no questions.

3 Slow Unable to dodge or run, call -2 damage

3 Truth Tells the truth to next 3 yes or no questions

3 Elemental Burst Causes 15 damage

4 Cause Serious Wounds Harm 16 body points

4 Decay Skip the 5 minutes and poof immediately

4 Weakness Call -4 points to damage

4 Cure Serious Wounds Cures 16 points of Body damage

4 Poison Shield Protects for one game vs. one time poisoned

4 Preserve Your 5 minute count when dead becomes 30 minutes.

4 Restore Natural Limb Repairs a limb that was removed

4 Shatter Item Destroys non magical item no bigger than a shield

4 Snare Arms Both arms are caught and cannot fight or cast spells

4 Lesser spell protection Flash level 4 or lower spell one time

4 Create Elemental Weap-

on Create a +1 Elemental weapon one combat

4 Elemental Arrow Causes 20 elemental damage

5 Minor Soul Drain Takes 10 body and gives caster +5 body

5 Cause poison Target cannot fight run or cast spells

5 Cure Poison Removes any toxin in the body

5 Zone of truth Anyone in the circle tells the truth to next 3 yes or no questions

then there normal. Leaving the circle and reentering does not effect

the person again.

5 Turn undead 3 packets to any 3 lesser undead will flee

5 Greater Bless Gives + 10 Body for one game or until lost

5 Mage Armor Protect vs. Waylay, Death or slay

5 Mute Cannot speak 10 mins (including spell casting mana regeneration)

5 Sleep A sleep for 10 min or shaken for 30 seconds with someone who has

healing arts

5 Elemental Blast Causes 25 points of elemental damage (Ice, Lighting, Fire, Force )

5 Zone of Death Six foot area no pure person may enter (knights, druids rangers or


6 Control Undead The undead will obey one simple command from you, attack them

or protect me for 10 minutes

6 Purify Removes all toxins in the body including alchemical

6 Cure Critical Wounds Cures 24 body and slain victims

6 Zone of life Six foot area no undead to tainted thing may enter

6 Charm The target becomes your best friend, Protective but will not give up

life to help you, will risk it though.

6 Destroy Armor Destroys all armor you have on you at that time (including what

you are carrying)

6 Inept Combat Spells cost 4 times the amount of mana and you call -2 to weapon


6 Mist form You are shrouded in mist, cannot attack, cannot touch but cannot be

harmed in that form

6 Shadowform You are shrouded in shadow, cannot attack, cannot touch but cannot

be harmed physically in that form

6 Reflect magic Returns magic sent to you one time

6 Elemental Storm Does 30 points of elemental damage

6 Befriend Undead Greater chaos creatures sees you as a kindred spirit and lesser chaos

creatures think you are a greater chaos creatur3e

7 Lesser Soul Drain Takes 15 body and gives caster +10 body

7 Lesser Bull Strength Target gains +1 Strength for one combat or run full speed carrying

a person for 10 seconds

7 Remedy Fixes wither, Weakness, poisons and diseases

7 Lesser Soul Drain Takes 15 body and gives caster +10 body

7 Destroy Undead 3 packets destroy lesser Greaters take 50 points

7 Destroy Mind Person loses all mana and cannot regenerate it for 10 minutes

7 Web Full body unable to move can be cut free on a 20 count

7 Wither Limb Cannot use limb at all

7 Deaths gift Lesser Target that is downed (dead or dying) has a trap on them, next per-

son that touches them recieves a sleep as per the spell

7 Wizards Lock Placed on a chest or small object, cannot be opened,

8 Greater Soul Drain Takes 20 body and gives caster +15 body

8 Bull Strength Greater Target gains +2 Strength for one combat or run full speed carrying

a person for 20 seconds

8 Create Hero Someone who is dead (will rise as a hero calling base damage, 10

body and 3 lowest spels they know) for 10 mins or dropped again.

Then they are back to the status they were before, dead, but can re-

start there count.

8 Remove Curse Removes curse casted by a caster

8 Curse Take double damage from everything until cured or Poofed

8 Defend Flashes all Level 3 and lower 4 and up only once

8 Paralyze / Unparalyze Cannot moved at all, can be posed

8 Proscribe Creature No one type creature can enter the room

9 Create Undead Create your own zombie

9 Death Instant death to lesser creatures 100 pts damage to greater ‘s

9 Deaths gift Greater Target that is downed (dead or dying) has a trap on them, next per-

son that touches them receives a cause critical wounds as per the


9 Life Revises someone from death

9 Sanctuary No one takes damage in the area. (NO ONE includes undead)


Hallowed Ground

Everyone in the field has a preserved on them and if there for 5

minutes receive a cure disease

9 Circle of Power 6 foot circle , nothing can get in

9 Shackle No creature can fly leave realm or bury themselves

9 Ward A force field that protects a building, only a person with the key can

open or close the force field

Spell Verbal’s

Spell Verbal

0 Mana regeneration I Give myself rest to return my Mana

1 Speak With Undead I call upon chaos to talk to undead 1 Bless I call upon life to bless you 4 body 1 Mana Transfer I call upon life to give you my mana 1 Cure Light Wounds I call upon life to cure light wounds 8 body 1 Cause Light Wounds I call upon chaos to cause light wounds 4 body 1 Armor I call upon enchantment to grant you armor 5 Armor 1 Light I call upon enchantment to light my path 1 Magic blade I call upon enchantment to grant you a magic weapon +0 1 Speak With Animal I call upon enchantment to speak to animals 1 Elemental Dart I call upon a elemental dart of " 5 Type"

2 Cause moderate

Wounds I call upon chaos to cause moderate wounds 8 body

2 Undead Clone I call upon chaos to show I am undead

2 Corrupted I call upon chaos to taint my spirit 2 Cure Moderate

Wounds I call upon life to cure moderate wounds 8 body 2 Elude Undead I call upon enchantment to elude all undead I see 2 Repel undead I call upon life to repel this undead before me 2 Endow strength I call upon enchantment to endow this spirit with strength 2 Fumble Fingers I call upon enchantment to force you to drop your "item" 2 Trap I call upon enchantment to trap your foot 2 Call elemental damage I call upon the elements to bless my weapon +0 "element" 2 Elemental Bolt I call upon a elemental bolt of " 10 Type"

3 Undead Protection I call upon chaos ro protect me with undead

3 Fear I call upon chaos to c0ause fear upon you

3 Inflict disease I call upon chaos to cause disease 3 Cure Disease I call upon life to cure disease 3 Transfer wounds I call upon life to give you my body X body 3 Remove Fear I call upon Life to Remove fear upon you 3 Create magic Weapon I call upon enchantment to bless my weapon +1 Magic 3 Lie I call upon enchantment to force you to lie 3 Slow I call upon enchantment to slow your life 3 Truth I call upon enchantment to force the truth from you 3 Elemental Burst I call upon a elemental burst of " 15 Type"

4 Cause Serious Wounds I call upon chaos to cause serious wounds 12 body

4 Decay I call upon chaos to decay this spirit

4 Weakness I call upon chaos to curse you with weakness 4 Cure Serious Wounds I call upon life to cure serious wounds 12 body 4 Poison Shield I call upon enchantment to give you a poison shield

Spell Verbal 4 Preserve I call upon life to preserve this spirit 4 Restore Natural Limb I call upon life to restor this limb 4 Shatter Item I call upon enchantment to shatter this "item" 4 Snare Arms I call upon enchantment to snare your arms 4 Lesser spell protection I call upon enchantment to protect you from lesser magic 4 Create Elemental

Weapon I call upon the elements to bless my weapon +1 "element" 4 Elemental Arrow I call upon a elemental arrow of " 20 Type"

5 Minor Soul Drain I call upon chaos to cause minor soul drain 10 body

5 Cause poison I call upon chaos to poison you 5 Cure Poison I call upon life to cure this spirit 5 Zone of truth I call upon life to cast a zone of truth 5 Zone of lies I call upon chaos to cast a zone of lies 5 Turn undead I call upon life to turn this undead 5 Greater Bless I call upon enchantment to grant you a greater bless 5 Mage Armor I call upon enchantment to grant mage armor to protect you

5 Mute I call upon enchantment to command you to be mute

5 Sleep I call upon enchantment to make you sleep 5 Elemental Blast I call upon a elemental blast of " 25 Type"

5 Zone of Death I call upon chaos to cast a zone of death

6 Control Undead I call upon chaos to control this undead 6 Purify I call upon life to purify this spirit

6 Cure Critical Wounds I call upon life to cure critical wounds 16 body

6 Zone of life I call upon life to create a zone of life

6 Charm I charm you to do my bidding

6 Destroy Armor I call upon enchantment to destroy your armor

6 Inept Combat I call upon enchantment to inept your skill

6 Mist form I call upon enchantment to shroud me in mist

6 Shadowform I call upon chaos to cover me in shadows

6 Reflect magic I call upon enchantment to return all magic sent to you

6 Elemental Storm I call upon a elemental storm of " 30 Type"

6 Befriend Undead I call upon chaos to call this undead friend

7 Lesser Soul Drain I call upon chaos to cause lesser soul drain 15 body

7 Lesser Bull Strength I chaos to give me the strength of bulls

7 Remedy I call upon life to remedy all your ailments

7 Destroy Undead I call upon life to destroy this undead

7 Destroy Mind I call upon enchantment to destroy your mind

7 Web I call upon enchantment to web your body

7 Wither Limb I call upon chaos to wither your "limb" with age

7 Deaths gift Lesser I call upon chaos to give your friend sleep

7 Wizards Lock I call upon enchantment to create a wizards lock

Spell Verbal

8 Greater Soul Drain I call upon chaos to cause greater soul drain 20 body

8 Bull Strength Greater I chaos to give me the greater strength of bulls

8 Create Hero I call upon life to help this hero

8 Remove Curse I call upon life to remove this curse upon you

8 Curse I call upon chaos to curse you (double damage)

8 Defend I call upon enchantment to defend this spirit

8 Paralyze I call upon enchantment to Paralyze you

8 Unparalyze I call upon enchantment to unparalyze you

8 Inflict Mortal wounds I call upon chaos to inflict mortal wounds 40 body damage

8 Proscribe Creature I call upon life to accept all but "race" in this place

9 Create Undead I call upon chaos to create undead

9 Death I grant you the gift of death

9 Deaths gift Greater I call upon chaos to give your friend greater pain

9 Life I grant you the gift of life

9 Sanctuary I call upon life to cast santuary here

9 Hallowed Ground I call upon life to cast hallowed ground here

9 Circle of Power I create a circle of power, let none enter here

9 Shackle I call upon enchantment to shackle this spirit to this realm

9 Ward I call upon enchantment to ward me from harm

There will be more combat spells added as needed. As well as formal magic.

Formal Magic – Most of this is find out in play but the basics are this.

1.) Get the formal skill

2.) Find a formal scroll of your level of skill or less.

3.) Get the ingredients for the spell as well as have enough mana

4.) Cast a circle for the spell and cast it

5.) Talk to a formal marshal for the results.

This is how people make magical weapons, and other weird magicial stuff. Most of it is a FOIP. But

think about this. If you see a NPC doing a spell you like, with enough skill you will be able to do it to.

NPC’s are (at the moment) forbidden from doing anything a PC can do.

Armor / Costume.

This is a basic list of armor and how it is applied. They are seven locations on the body that armor is

placed. The Weapons / armor marshal will check your armor in each location. And will decide what

category your armor falls under. Foam armor will be counted as real IF it looks good. (It may get up to

a 10 % reduction of total cost.) we haven’t play tested it yet.

Head Chest Back Upper Arm Lower Arm Upper Leg Lower Leg

Cloth 1 5 3 2 2 2 2

Light Non Metallic 2 7 4 3 3 3 3

Light Metallic 3 9 5 4 4 4 4

Medium Non Metallic 4 11 6 5 5 5 5

Medium Metallic 5 13 7 6 6 6 6

Heavy Metallic 6 15 8 7 7 7 7

Heavy Non Metallic 7 17 9 8 8 8 8

Cloth - This is light cloth or Padded armor, costume is 5 points and not reparable.

Light Metallic – This is very light metal such as tin or aluminum such as a chain shirt

Light Non Metallic – This is leather or even studded leather, light wood

Medium Metallic - Scale mail, or a light breast plate

Medium Non Metallic – Thick hide, ridged or hard leather

Heavy Metallic - Splint mail, Banded mail Half-plate or Full plate

Heavy Non Metallic – Dragon bone (simulated)

Blade Length Overall Length

Min Max Min Max Damage

Tiny 8 17 12 24 1

Small 18 24 26 32 2

Medium 25 32 32 44 3

Large 33 39 45 49 4

Great 40 48 50 62 5

Exceptions –

Quarterstaff is a small weapon 60 to 72 inches with 2/3 of the staff covered in foam.

Polearm is a large weapon 60 to 72 inches with a 8 inch blade min on one side and 2/3 of the staff area

covered in foam.

Waylay widget is all foam and must be 12 to 18 inches

Short bow (or one handed crossbow) is considered a small weapon

Longbow (or two handed crossbow) is considered a medium weapon

Making a Weapon

They are classes on making a weapon, or you can have help with people who can make weapons.

I do not want to go over on how to make a weapon here until people understand the safety involved in

making a weapon. What I do want to talk about is the specifications about weapons. First let’s start

with color of the weapon. Below is the color duct tape you need to make a weapon.

Regular Silver – This is regular steel, Needed as a standard for weapons

Chrome - This is a Silvered or Magical Weapon

Gold – This is a gold weapon

Brown- This is wood for maces, or quarter staffs

Red – This is a flaming weapon. You can use flaming duct tape if you wish.

Blue – This is a cold weapon (Ice frost etc)

Green – This is a poisoned weapon

White – Mitheral - FOIP what this does.

Black – Obsidian Weapon – FOIP what this does.

Purple – This is a monster weapon, a monster can use any color weapon but all purple weapons are

monster weapons.

Packets have certain colors also. Green packets are poison packets, do not use any green packet unless

it is alchemy you are throwing.

Yellow packets are arrow packets . To shoot from a bow or crossbow you must have a yellow packet

Spell packets can be any other color.

Working For The Game

Working for the game is the only way to gain OOP points. And no matter what you must still donate a

minimum of 2 hours in the game, For example you can monster for 2 hours (or Monster 1 hour and

clean up for 1 hour).

Clean Up is very important if we want to continue to play Clash of Powers If we

want to continue to play we need to make sure that the place is always cleaner then

when we left it.

If you leave trash or other stuff on the ground and basically make Staff’s lives

miserable by making us clean up after you.

o First you lose the build for the game you just played.

o Second you may be asked not to come back (if it is REALLY bad)

o Third we just might become evil and make your live miserable in play.

I hope this is a basic understanding of the game and I hope you enjoy it. We have spent a long time

creating this game and will continue to update it to make it the best game we can. They will be more

added on and we have many ideas but we will never get this book made if we held off for every idea

we have. Please if there is something you want to do, give us a heads up and let us see if we can make

it happen.


Please note: the following information is for Clash of Power staff in case of an emergency. Clash of

Power will keep this information in confidence for game officials only, and on a need-to-know basis. If

you are uncomfortable writing this information but still feel it should be known, please speak with the

appropriate member of the Clash of Power staff. Name, Character's Name and Race,

Address, telephone, Birth Date, and please give the name and numbers of two people to contact in case

of an emergency and any special instructions in seeking medical treatment (such as restrictions due to

personal preferences or religious reasons).

Name: ________________________________________________________

Character's Name and Race: ___________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________


Telephone: ( )_________________

Birth Date: ___/___/______

Please give the name and numbers of two people to contact in case of an emergency:

Name:________________________ Phone Number: ( )_______________

Name:________________________ Phone Number: ( )_______________

Known allergies including medicines:





Any special instructions in seeking medical treatment: (such as restrictions due to personal preferences

or religious reasons)





I, the undersigned, understand that the Call Of Power Reenactments, Inc. Clash of Power has taken all

precautions and reasonable steps to minimize all risks to participants, but is unable to completely

guarantee that no injury will come to me. Since the events are mainly conducted outdoors in wilderness

areas, there is always the possibility of a slip on rough ground, a fall over obstacles in the darkness, or

the occurrence of some other unforeseeable accident. Further, since I may also be participating in mock

battles using padded weapons, there is the risk of injury from other participants. I understand the risks

involved in events sponsored by the Clash Of Power Reenactments, Inc. I shall make no claim of any

description against this organization, its members or its officers or any company doing business with

this organization for any loss or damages suffered in the course of participating. I confirm I am in good

physical health and do not suffer from any physical disabilities unknown to the organization. I agree

also to the following restrictions placed upon me by the Clash Of Power Reenactments,:

1) I will not use padded weapons approved by Clash of Power unless I have first completed the safety

training course.

2) I will not bring nor consume alcoholic beverages or participate in any other drug use during the


3) I will not use any skills taught by Clash of Power for illegal purposes.

4) I will at all times abide by the safety rules of the organization.

5) I understand that failure to abide by these agreements could result in expulsion from the


6) If Under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult throughout the event.

By my signature, I confirm that I have read this release, understand its terms, and agree to its

provisions. I understand that this form affects my legal rights.

Printed Name:______________________________________ Birth Date: ___/___/____

Signature: _________________________________________ Date ___/___/___

Signature of parent/legal guardian if under 18: ________________________ Date ___/___/___