Clark Club Collaboration - Ngoc Dinh

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Clark Club Collaboration - Ngoc Dinh

A Digital Home Sweet Home for CampusClubs


Ngoc Dinh for “Big Idea Contest”

DIRECTION OF USEDIRECTION OF USE• C 3 stands for Clark Campus Collaboration. It means to be a

digital hommie for all clubs on campus and YOU will be ones who nurture C 3 !

• C 3 will function as Event visual board for students (homepage) Event visual marketing tool for organizers (homepage) Event storage space (each club’s blog), hence the club historian. Communication facilitator between event organizers and

audience (feedback and comment for each post) Online electronic binder (E-board members have internal access

to clubs’ documents, smoothen the transition of club generation)

Drop down Menu – 100 club listing

Visual Marketing

Bookmark your favorite blogs

Select a random blog

Latest update will appear on the front page

Event Recaps

Clicky clicky picture directs

you to that post!

Sample Homepage

Each blog layout can be customized

by bloggers

Sample club blog!

E-board members have internal access to Electronic Folder that

stores club documents Students can leave feedback for event


FUTURE VISIONFUTURE VISION• C 3 helps students read less advertising text, not to miss out cool

things happening on campus, explore the culture and JOIN different clubs on campus that you’ve NEVER heard of (but read through C 3).

• C 3 will capture the heart of other colleges and will get their clubs on board. In so doing, C 3 can also be interpreted Campus Club Collaboration and will be as a huge database, reflecting different colleges' student life on campus. AND YOU WILL BE A PART OF THIS PROCESS! ** Read budget allocation**

• C 3 can potentially save prospective students from expensive college visit and provide a realistic take on non-academic life.


Student Pitching Team: Composes of Clarkies who are future salesmen/women, traveling to different colleges and pitch this idea to get their participation.Annual Blog Contest: This student-vote award goes to the club that has the most amazingly cool blog.Other Allocation: Go to support other Big Ideas that require less budget.

Thank you for your interest, and let’s look forward to