CIX Presentation Nov 18 2014 ver 2.0 (1)

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Transcript of CIX Presentation Nov 18 2014 ver 2.0 (1)

1. CIX PresentationNovember, 2014Instead of focusing on outer appearance, track what's really important,what's going on inside. 2. Introduction Market for wearable consumer health monitoring has grownexponentially over the past several years 54% of people are interested in purchasing a2personal health monitor Accenture DigitalConsumer Tech Survey 2014 46% of those who track their health say that ithas changed their overall approach tomaintaining their health Pew Health Survey2012 3. The Arterial Pulse Signal3 The arterial pulse signal isinformation rich Analysis of the pulse signalprovides insight into: Heart rate Blood oxygen saturation Blood Pressure Breathing Aortic Stiffness/Core Mobility Heart Heath Expected Lifespan 4. iHeart Physiological Age System4 Monitors overall health,wellness and lifespan Tracks effects ofexercise, diet and stressmanagement $149 retail price Gross margin of 74% Consumer focused 5. A Single Indicator Of Overall HealthAortic Pulse WaveVelocity (AoPWV) AoPWV is a measureof Aortic Stiffness,an indicator of hearthealth and a validatedway to define the riskof death from allcauses AoPWV is alsoresponsive to changesin BP5As Core Mobility decreases withage, Aortic Pulse Wave Velocityincreases and the Aortic ReflectedWave returns to the heart sooner 6. The ProductiHeart Physiological Age Monitor Custom fingertip pulse oximeter; marketleading resolution and samplingspeed Innovative Aortic Reflected Wave pulseanalysis technique - patent pending Physiological Age, an intuitive andengaging AoPWV equivalent Other Aortic PWV measurement systemsare bulky, expensive (> $5K) and difficultto operate6 7. Scientific Basis7 8. Responsive to Diet and ExerciseExercise in Older IndividualsLowers Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity8Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce AorticPulse Wave VelocityCONCLUSIONS:Treatment with omega-3 PUFAs improvedendothelial function and Aortic Pulse WaveVelocityAtherosclerosis. 2014 Jan;232(1):10-6. doi:10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2013.10.014Aortic pulse wave velocity and reflecting distance estimation from peripheralwaveforms in humans: detection of age- and exercise training-related differences.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2013 Jul 1;305(1):H135-42. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00916.2012. Epub 2013 Apr26. 9. Revenue Model iHeart Physiological Age Monitorwill be sold for $149.99 Long term Gross Margins of 74% Freemium model based access toapp/website Basic use is free with purchase Full functionality will cost$0.99/month9iHeart Revenue Forecast$150,287 $1,970,386$5,392,184$11,973,408$22,671,367$45,385,1582014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019iHeart EBITDA Forecast$(73,963) $(389,054)$1,302,331$5,160,101$13,428,984$30,302,3932014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019Source: Management Estimates 10. Go to market StrategyIndiegogo Campaign started October 27, 2014 Units being sold at $99 to generate initial sales and product interest 50% of $25,000 Indiegogo target reached in two weeksOnline Marketing/Social Media Fulfillment through Amazon marketplaceRetail Channels Talks in progress with major US and Canadian health-related retailersBrand Ambassadors Key Opinion Leaders/Health and Fitness representatives being recruited forboots on the ground strategy 10 11. TeamDr. Jess Goodman, CEO Practicing GP in the GTA, attending physician and advisor to several Long-term Care Facilities Member of teaching faculty at the University of Toronto Corporate Advisory Board experience 15 years research and development of personal health monitoring solutionsBenoit Lewden, VP Engineering MSc in Engineering Mathematics; experience in biosignal acquisition and analysis, server basedsecure data management, Android, iOS app/web development and real time data communication PhD level research in study design, data collection and analysisSarah Goodman, Director of Marketing, Sales and Promotion Registered holistic nutritionist and certified personal trainer Experience in PR, marketing and communications rolesSindy Athanasoullis, Director of Corporate, Legal and Financial Affairs Registered bookkeeper who has been working with iHeart for 15 years11 12. The PipelineOxi-Glove Acquires pulse signal from a motion tolerant location onthe palm rather than fingertip (patent pending) Allows for the measurement of blood oxygen saturation(SaO2) in a motion tolerant way during vigorousexercise Prototype to be completed by end of 4th quarter 2014 Fitness and healthcare related applications Currently in discussions with a large Canadian contractmanufacturer regarding: Licensing of a consumer fitness product Investment, development and clinical trials as a medical device12 13. iHeart13 14. Dr. Jess Goodman,