Civil Rights. Legislation & Protests Brown v. BOE -ended “separate but equal” doctrine Civil...

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Transcript of Civil Rights. Legislation & Protests Brown v. BOE -ended “separate but equal” doctrine Civil...

Civil Rights

Legislation & ProtestsBrown v. BOE

-ended “separate but equal” doctrine

Civil Rights Act of 1964-banned discrimination in

public places & employment

Cont.Voting Rights Act-1965

Eliminated barriers to votingMany elected to office

Montgomery Bus Boycottbuses desegregated; MLK emerges as leader

Sit-inoccupy segregated establishmentgains momentum for movement

Cont.Freedom Rides-1961

Test ICC ban on segregationby Supreme Court

March on Washington:August 1963

-200,000 demonstrate

-MLK’s “I have a dream” speech (highlight of march)

-Goal: convince Congress to pass civil rights legislation


interracial, focus on challenging laws in courts

National Urban Leagueassist people moving to cities-jobs/housing

CORE-1942change through peaceful confrontation

SNCC-1960-Student non-violent coordinating committee

gave youth a greater voice inmovement

Groups, cont

nonviolent protest

formed by clergymen

shifted focus of movement to South


Black Nationalism

A. More radical & militant1. Led by Malcolm X & Nation of Islam

a. Preached black separation & self-help

B. Disagreed w/ tactics & goals of civil rights movement

C. Rejected ideas of integration

Black PowerA. Causes split in movement

B. Black Panthers seek to lead own communities

C. Led to violent encounters w/ police



MLK Assassinated

1. April 4-Memphis, TN

2. Sparked violent reactions

3. Johnson ordered flags to half mast

4. Eroded idea of nonviolent change

Robert F. KennedyJune 5

1. Supported civil rights

2. Campaigning for President

3. Fund programs to help the poor

Results of Movement

A. Made segregation illegal

B. Opened political process to more African Americans

C. New sense of ethnic pride

Kennedy &


1960 Election

A.1st televised debate1. Kennedy more relaxed than Nixon2. T.V. becomes new

mediumB. Kennedy wins by slim margin

Kennedy’s New FrontierCut taxes

Wants federal aid for poor

Promote space program

Peace Corps

Foreign Policy1960’s

Bay of Pigs Invasion1.Plan to overthrow Castro

2.CIA trains Cubans3.Massive military failure

Berlin Crisis1.Soviets seek permanent division

2. Build wall in 1961

3. Stop flow of Germans to West

Cuban Missile Crisis1.Soviets store missiles in Cuba

2. U.S. orders naval blockade3. Soviets withdraw weapons

LBJ Administration

Great Society1. Aid to public education-Headstart

2. Eliminate poverty

3. Medical carea. Medicare- older Americansb. Medicaid- poorer Americans

Great Society continued

• VistaSent volunteers to help in poor communities

• Elementary and Secondary Education Act Gave 1.3 billion to states based on the number

of children each state had from low income homes.

Warren Court1. Legislation protecting rights-

Miranda rule “you have the right to remain silent”

2. Kennedy assassination-lone gunman

3. Ruled against prayer in school

Criticism of the Great Society