City wildlife vocabulary

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Transcript of City wildlife vocabulary

City Wildlife Vocabulary

Fall 2010Oak Ridge Elementary


There is a biologist visiting our school to teach us about plants and animals.

The study of plants and animals, or the plants and animals of an area.


A habit is where you live.

The home or environment of an animal, plant, or other living thing.


The desert is a biome.

A large area with similar plants and animals that can live in a certain kind of environment.


There is a good environment for a rat near my house.

The place where something exists or lives

Vocabulary for Week Two

• Biology: The study of plants and animals, or the plants and animals of an area.

• Habitat: The home or environment of an animal, plant, or other living thing.

• Biome: A large area with similar plants and animals that can live in a certain kind of environment.

• Environment: The place where something exists or lives