City University of Hong Kong Department of Economics and ...€¦ · City University of Hong Kong...

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Transcript of City University of Hong Kong Department of Economics and ...€¦ · City University of Hong Kong...

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS


Postgraduate Unit, Department of Economics & Finance, City University of Hong KongOffice: P7400, Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong KongE-mail: Tel: (852) 3442–9583 Fax: (852) 3442–0289


In Programmes that combine Academic and Professional Excellence

1. Our Teaching Team is made up of: • active researchers who conduct frontier research, • award-winning teachers, and • veteran practitioners with substantial industry experience.

2. Research Rankings of the Department of Economics and Finance in Asia: • No. 1 in International Economics (Review of International Economics, 2009) • No. 1 in per capita research publications in Economics (Review of International Economics, 2008) • No. 2 in the top 25% institutions in Hong Kong and five faculty members ranked amongst the top 25% authors

in Hong Kong (IDEAS, RePEc website, accessed in Oct 2014) • No. 2 in Real Estate (Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2011) • No. 3 in Development Economics (Review of International Economics, 2009) • No. 4 in Finance (No. 50-58 in the world) by publications in the top 4 finance journals

(Arizona State University Finance Research Rankings, 2011-2013)

In a Reputable College of Business which is:

1. ranked 46th in the world and 2nd in Asia (The UT Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, by The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009-2013);

2. amongst a small group of elite business schools worldwide that are accredited by AACSB International and EQUIS; and

3. a partner of the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.


In well-established Programmes with an extensive alumni and professional network

1. We offered the FIRST: • MSc programme in Finance in Hong Kong in 1992, and • MSc programme in Financial Engineering in Asia in 1996.

2. We have trained more than 2,000 graduates, many of whom now occupy senior positions in various financial institutions.

3. We organize professional seminars for students to interact and learn from veteran practitioners.

Printed in Nov 2014

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

PrograMMe inForMation

adMiSSion & aPPlication

The programmes require students to complete 30 credit units: 24 f rom 8 required courses and 6 f rom 2 elect ive courses. In general, each course carries 3 credit units.

The table on the right lists the required courses. Subject to the approval of the Department, students can choose the elective courses from various departments in the University to suit their interests and career development needs.

The programmes are o f fered in combined mode — loca l s tuden t s can s tudy f u l l - t ime o r pa r t - t ime i n d i f f e ren t semesters without seeking approval f rom the University. Non-local students have to enroll in the programme either on a ful l-t ime or part-t ime basis depending on their visa status.

Normal Completion TimeFull-time: 12 monthsPart-time: 24 months

For programme details, please visit

ad M i S S i o n re q u i r e M e n t S

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university preferably with 2–4 years of working experience in the field of banking, finance or related industries.

For applicants who obtained their bachelor’s degree from institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, there is a minimum English proficiency requirement:

• A TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test); or

• An overall band score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or

• A score of 490 in the new College English Test (CET-6) of Chinese mainland or a pass in the old CET-6 test; or

• Other equivalent qualifications

tu i t i o n Fe e

For September 2015 entry, the tuition fee is HK$197,400 per programme (30 credit units).

Sc h o l a r S h i P S

A number o f scholarsh ips in the amount o f HK$40,000 a r e o f f e r ed to ou t s t and ing app l i c an t s , s ub j e c t t o t he Department’s funding and approval.

aP P l i c a t i o n

For September 2015 entry, the admission application period isNovember 17, 2014 – March 31, 2015. Applicat ions are processed on a rol l ing basis. Review of appl icat ions wil l start before the deadline and continue until all places are filled. Early applications are therefore strongly encouraged.

Fu r the r deta i l s about admiss ion and se lec t ion c r i te r i a , please visit

To apply:

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS

th e MiSSion o F o u r P r o g r a M M e S i S t o P r o v i d e a t r a i n i n g P l a t F o r M

F o r P r o F e S S i o n a l S t o u P d a t e t h e i r e x P e r t i S e k n o w l e d g e a n d a c q u i r e

t h e S k i l l S e t S t h a t a r e i n v a l u a b l e t o t h e i n d u S t r y .

Required Courses MSF MSFE MSFS

Foundation Courses

Corporate Finance ✓ ✓ ✓

Corporate Risk Management Policies ✓

Derivatives and Risk Management ✓ ✓ ✓

Econometrics ✓

Investments ✓ ✓ ✓

Mathematical Methods in Finance ✓

Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Services ✓

Professional Seminars ✓ ✓ ✓

Advanced Courses

Advanced Corporate Finance ✓

Credit Risk Management ✓

Fixed Income Securities ✓ ✓

International Financial Management ✓

Monetary and Financial Systems ✓

Option Pricing ✓

Spreadsheet Modeling in Finance ✓

MSc Finance (MSF) programme aims at providing professionals with advanced knowledge in f inancial management including f inancing & investment strategies and r isk management.

MSc Financial Engineer ing (MSFE) programme targets at helping professionals acquire advanced quantitative sk ills to analyze sophist icated derivative models, pr ice and evaluate the r isk of complex f inancia l instruments, and develop appropr iate r isk management strategies.

MSc Financial Ser vices (MSFS) programme intends to provide professionals with essential managerial knowledge for f inancial institutions including banking, investment, and insurance services.

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS


Postgraduate Unit, Department of Economics & Finance, City University of Hong KongOffice: P7400, Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong KongE-mail: Tel: (852) 3442–9583 Fax: (852) 3442–0289


In Programmes that combine Academic and Professional Excellence

1. Our Teaching Team is made up of: • active researchers who conduct frontier research, • award-winning teachers, and • veteran practitioners with substantial industry experience.

2. Research Rankings of the Department of Economics and Finance in Asia: • No. 1 in International Economics (Review of International Economics, 2009) • No. 1 in per capita research publications in Economics (Review of International Economics, 2008) • No. 2 in the top 25% institutions in Hong Kong and five faculty members ranked amongst the top 25% authors

in Hong Kong (IDEAS, RePEc website, accessed in Oct 2014) • No. 2 in Real Estate (Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2011) • No. 3 in Development Economics (Review of International Economics, 2009) • No. 4 in Finance (No. 50-58 in the world) by publications in the top 4 finance journals

(Arizona State University Finance Research Rankings, 2011-2013)

In a Reputable College of Business which is:

1. ranked 46th in the world and 2nd in Asia (The UT Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, by The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009-2013);

2. amongst a small group of elite business schools worldwide that are accredited by AACSB International and EQUIS; and

3. a partner of the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.


In well-established Programmes with an extensive alumni and professional network

1. We offered the FIRST: • MSc programme in Finance in Hong Kong in 1992, and • MSc programme in Financial Engineering in Asia in 1996.

2. We have trained more than 2,000 graduates, many of whom now occupy senior positions in various financial institutions.

3. We organize professional seminars for students to interact and learn from veteran practitioners.

Printed in Nov 2014

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

PrograMMe inForMation

adMiSSion & aPPlication

The programmes require students to complete 30 credit units: 24 f rom 8 required courses and 6 f rom 2 elect ive courses. In general, each course carries 3 credit units.

The table on the right lists the required courses. Subject to the approval of the Department, students can choose the elective courses from various departments in the University to suit their interests and career development needs.

The programmes are o f fered in combined mode — loca l s tuden t s can s tudy f u l l - t ime o r pa r t - t ime i n d i f f e ren t semesters without seeking approval f rom the University. Non-local students have to enroll in the programme either on a ful l-t ime or part-t ime basis depending on their visa status.

Normal Completion TimeFull-time: 12 monthsPart-time: 24 months

For programme details, please visit

ad M i S S i o n re q u i r e M e n t S

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university preferably with 2–4 years of working experience in the field of banking, finance or related industries.

For applicants who obtained their bachelor’s degree from institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, there is a minimum English proficiency requirement:

• A TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test); or

• An overall band score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or

• A score of 490 in the new College English Test (CET-6) of Chinese mainland or a pass in the old CET-6 test; or

• Other equivalent qualifications

tu i t i o n Fe e

For September 2015 entry, the tuition fee is HK$197,400 per programme (30 credit units).

Sc h o l a r S h i P S

A number o f scholarsh ips in the amount o f HK$40,000 a r e o f f e r ed to ou t s t and ing app l i c an t s , s ub j e c t t o t he Department’s funding and approval.

aP P l i c a t i o n

For September 2015 entry, the admission application period isNovember 17, 2014 – March 31, 2015. Applicat ions are processed on a rol l ing basis. Review of appl icat ions wil l start before the deadline and continue until all places are filled. Early applications are therefore strongly encouraged.

Fu r the r deta i l s about admiss ion and se lec t ion c r i te r i a , please visit

To apply:

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS

th e MiSSion o F o u r P r o g r a M M e S i S t o P r o v i d e a t r a i n i n g P l a t F o r M

F o r P r o F e S S i o n a l S t o u P d a t e t h e i r e x P e r t i S e k n o w l e d g e a n d a c q u i r e

t h e S k i l l S e t S t h a t a r e i n v a l u a b l e t o t h e i n d u S t r y .

Required Courses MSF MSFE MSFS

Foundation Courses

Corporate Finance ✓ ✓ ✓

Corporate Risk Management Policies ✓

Derivatives and Risk Management ✓ ✓ ✓

Econometrics ✓

Investments ✓ ✓ ✓

Mathematical Methods in Finance ✓

Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Services ✓

Professional Seminars ✓ ✓ ✓

Advanced Courses

Advanced Corporate Finance ✓

Credit Risk Management ✓

Fixed Income Securities ✓ ✓

International Financial Management ✓

Monetary and Financial Systems ✓

Option Pricing ✓

Spreadsheet Modeling in Finance ✓

MSc Finance (MSF) programme aims at providing professionals with advanced knowledge in f inancial management including f inancing & investment strategies and r isk management.

MSc Financial Engineer ing (MSFE) programme targets at helping professionals acquire advanced quantitative sk ills to analyze sophist icated derivative models, pr ice and evaluate the r isk of complex f inancia l instruments, and develop appropr iate r isk management strategies.

MSc Financial Ser vices (MSFS) programme intends to provide professionals with essential managerial knowledge for f inancial institutions including banking, investment, and insurance services.

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

PrograMMe inForMation

adMiSSion & aPPlication

The programmes require students to complete 30 credit units: 24 f rom 8 required courses and 6 f rom 2 elect ive courses. In general, each course carries 3 credit units.

The table on the right lists the required courses. Subject to the approval of the Department, students can choose the elective courses from various departments in the University to suit their interests and career development needs.

The programmes are o f fered in combined mode — loca l s tuden t s can s tudy f u l l - t ime o r pa r t - t ime i n d i f f e ren t semesters without seeking approval f rom the University. Non-local students have to enroll in the programme either on a ful l-t ime or part-t ime basis depending on their visa status.

Normal Completion TimeFull-time: 12 monthsPart-time: 24 months

For programme details, please visit

ad M i S S i o n re q u i r e M e n t S

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university preferably with 2–4 years of working experience in the field of banking, finance or related industries.

For applicants who obtained their bachelor’s degree from institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, there is a minimum English proficiency requirement:

• A TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test); or

• An overall band score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or

• A score of 490 in the new College English Test (CET-6) of Chinese mainland or a pass in the old CET-6 test; or

• Other equivalent qualifications

tu i t i o n Fe e

For September 2015 entry, the tuition fee is HK$197,400 per programme (30 credit units).

Sc h o l a r S h i P S

A number o f scholarsh ips in the amount o f HK$40,000 a r e o f f e r ed to ou t s t and ing app l i c an t s , s ub j e c t t o t he Department’s funding and approval.

aP P l i c a t i o n

For September 2015 entry, the admission application period isNovember 17, 2014 – March 31, 2015. Applicat ions are processed on a rol l ing basis. Review of appl icat ions wil l start before the deadline and continue until all places are filled. Early applications are therefore strongly encouraged.

Fu r the r deta i l s about admiss ion and se lec t ion c r i te r i a , please visit

To apply:

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS

th e MiSSion o F o u r P r o g r a M M e S i S t o P r o v i d e a t r a i n i n g P l a t F o r M

F o r P r o F e S S i o n a l S t o u P d a t e t h e i r e x P e r t i S e k n o w l e d g e a n d a c q u i r e

t h e S k i l l S e t S t h a t a r e i n v a l u a b l e t o t h e i n d u S t r y .

Required Courses MSF MSFE MSFS

Foundation Courses

Corporate Finance ✓ ✓ ✓

Corporate Risk Management Policies ✓

Derivatives and Risk Management ✓ ✓ ✓

Econometrics ✓

Investments ✓ ✓ ✓

Mathematical Methods in Finance ✓

Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Services ✓

Professional Seminars ✓ ✓ ✓

Advanced Courses

Advanced Corporate Finance ✓

Credit Risk Management ✓

Fixed Income Securities ✓ ✓

International Financial Management ✓

Monetary and Financial Systems ✓

Option Pricing ✓

Spreadsheet Modeling in Finance ✓

MSc Finance (MSF) programme aims at providing professionals with advanced knowledge in f inancial management including f inancing & investment strategies and r isk management.

MSc Financial Engineer ing (MSFE) programme targets at helping professionals acquire advanced quantitative sk ills to analyze sophist icated derivative models, pr ice and evaluate the r isk of complex f inancia l instruments, and develop appropr iate r isk management strategies.

MSc Financial Ser vices (MSFS) programme intends to provide professionals with essential managerial knowledge for f inancial institutions including banking, investment, and insurance services.

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

City University of Hong KongDepartment of Economics and Finance

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS

MSc Finance

MSc Financial engineering

MSc Financial ServiceS


Postgraduate Unit, Department of Economics & Finance, City University of Hong KongOffice: P7400, Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong KongE-mail: Tel: (852) 3442–9583 Fax: (852) 3442–0289


In Programmes that combine Academic and Professional Excellence

1. Our Teaching Team is made up of: • active researchers who conduct frontier research, • award-winning teachers, and • veteran practitioners with substantial industry experience.

2. Research Rankings of the Department of Economics and Finance in Asia: • No. 1 in International Economics (Review of International Economics, 2009) • No. 1 in per capita research publications in Economics (Review of International Economics, 2008) • No. 2 in the top 25% institutions in Hong Kong and five faculty members ranked amongst the top 25% authors

in Hong Kong (IDEAS, RePEc website, accessed in Oct 2014) • No. 2 in Real Estate (Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2011) • No. 3 in Development Economics (Review of International Economics, 2009) • No. 4 in Finance (No. 50-58 in the world) by publications in the top 4 finance journals

(Arizona State University Finance Research Rankings, 2011-2013)

In a Reputable College of Business which is:

1. ranked 46th

in the world and 2nd

in Asia (The UT Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, by The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009-2013);

2. amongst a small group of elite business schools worldwide that are accredited by AACSB International and EQUIS; and

3. a partner of the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.


In well-established Programmes with an extensive alumni and professional network

1. We offered the FIRST: • MSc programme in Finance in Hong Kong in 1992, and • MSc programme in Financial Engineering in Asia in 1996.

2. We have trained more than 2,000 graduates, many of whom now occupy senior positions in various financial institutions.

3. We organize professional seminars for students to interact and learn from veteran practitioners.

Printed in Nov 2014

查詢電郵 查詢電話:(852) 3442-9583

香港城市大學是一所充滿活力的大學,享有良好的國際聲譽:• 世界大學排名第108位 (QS世界大學排名2014)• 建校未滿50年全球50所最佳大學排名第5位 (QS世界大學排名2014)• 商學院研究水平排名世界第46位及亞洲第2位(美國University of Texas at Dallas 2009-2013)

• 經濟學/商學排名第101-150位 (世界大學學術排名2014)• 商學院獲得國際管理教育協會(AACSB)及歐洲評審組織(EQUIS)學術認證• 第三所香港學院獲邀加入國際性商學院榮譽組織 — Beta Gamma Sigma• 國際經濟學研究亞洲排名第1位及經濟發展學研究亞洲排名第3位 (Review of International Economics 2009)

Printed in Nov 2014

• 經濟學人均收錄論文數量亞洲排名第1位(Review of International Economics 2008)

• 香港頂尖25%經濟學系排名第2位及 5位本系教授位列香港頂尖25%論文作者 (IDEAS, RePEc website, 截取於2014年10月)

• 房地產學研究亞洲排名第2位 (Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 2011)

• 金融學研究世界排名第50-58位 (美國Arizona State University大學排名2011-2013 — 基於發表在四大頂級金融學期刊上的論文數量,截取於2014年7月)

課程特點• 培養學生掌握高級金融分析方法,在公司財務、投資分析和風險管理等領域的應用

• 為銀行和金融專業人才量身打造

• 由香港城市大學資深教授任教,並邀請銀行及金融界的專業人士教授專題科目

• 所有課程均以英語教授



• 大量科目可供選讀,另舉辦專業研討會及名人講座,學生可涉足其它相關專業領域以拓展知識

• 全日制學生可於12個月內完成課程

• 通過學系撥款,優秀學生有機會獲得獎學金資助

• 畢業生就業出路廣,可選擇留港工作

課程內容■ 理学碩士(金融学)課程 学員需修畢30个学分,共10个科目,包括以下8个必修科目 (共24个学分)及2个選修科目(共6个学分):

• 衍生工具及风险管理 • 高級公司金融学 • 公司金融学 • 国际金融管理 • 投資学 • 固定收益證券 • 計量经济学 • 專业講座 • 其余為2个選修科目

■ 理学碩士(金融工程学)課程 学員需修畢30个学分,共10个科目,包括以下8个必修科目(共24个学分)及2个選修科目(共6个学分):

• 衍生工具及风险管理 • 期權价格理論 • 公司金融学 • 固定收益證券 • 投資学 • 金融計算机應用建模 • 金融數学 • 專业講座 • 其余為2个選修科目

■ 理学碩士(金融服务学)課程 学員需修畢30个学分,共10个科目,包括以下8个必修科目(共24个学分)及2个選修科目(共6个学分):

• 衍生工具及风险管理 • 貨幣及金融体系 • 公司金融学 • 信貸风险管理 • 投資学 • 公司风险管理政策

• 金融服务數学及统計 • 專业講座 • 其余為2个選修科目
