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Name Surname: Banu MÜJDECİ

Date of Birth: October 17, 1973

Degree: Asst. Prof

Education Status: PhD

Institution: Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University-Faculty of Health Sciences-Department of Audiology

Degree Department




School of Physical Therapy and


Hacettepe University 1994


Institute of Health Sciences-

Physical Therapy and


Hacettepe University 2006


Institute of Health Sciences-ENT-

Audiology and Speech Disorders

Hacettepe University 2009


Institute of Health Sciences-ENT-

Audiology and Speech Disorders

Hacettepe University 2013

Academic Titles: 2014- Asst. Prof.

Master Thesis and Thesis Supervisor (s):

(HU Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation - Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program)

Effect of inspiratory muscle training on functional exercise capacity in hemiparetic patients.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sema SAVCI

Master Thesis Title and Advisors:

(HU-ENT-Audiology and Speech Disorders Program)

Comparisons of Computerized Dynamic Posturography and Berg Equilibrium Scale Findings of

individuals aged 65 years and older with and without falling story.

Advisor: Assoc.Prof. Ahmet ATAŞ

Doctoral Thesis / Proficiency Examination / Enlargement Expertise Thesis Title and Advisor (s):

(HU-ENT-Audiology and Speech Disorders Program)

Investigation of postural stability effect of different cognitive supplementary tasks in healthy subjects

Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Songül AKSOY


Position / Title Location Year

Physiotherapist Başkent University Hospital-Ankara 1995-2000


Türk Telekom Directorate of Health and Social Affairs -

Ankara 2000-2003


Dr. Kemal Demir Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Hospital-Bolu 2003


Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research

Hospital-Ankara 2003-2009

Audiologist. Dr. Numune Training and Research Hospital-Ankara 2009-2014

Asst. Prof Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University 2014….

Directed Master Theses:

1- Hatice Berat Orhan

“Investigation of vestibular functions in adult patients with unilateral and bilateral sensorineural hearing


2- Levent Küfeciler

"Audiovestibular findings in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis" 2016.

Tasks Performed on Projects:

Administrative Tasks:

2016- Head of Department of Audiology (Ongoing)

Memberships in Scientific Organizations:

Audiology Speech, Sound Experts Association


A1. Müjdeci B, Aksoy S, Ataş A. Evaluation of Balance in Fallers and Non-fallers Elderly.

Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2012, 78 (5):104-9. [SCI-E].

A2. Kayabası S, Iriz A, Cayönü M, Cengiz B, Acar A, Boynueğri S, Mujdeci B, Eryılmaz A.

Vestibular functions were found to be impaired in patients with moderate to severe obstructive

sleep apnea. Laryngoscope 2015; 125:1224-8 [SCI].

A3.Mujdeci B, Onder S, Allusoglu S, İriz A, Gocer C, Eryilmaz A. Saccular function in children

with cochlear implant. West Indian Medical Journal, DOI:10.7727/wimj.2014.344.[SCI-E].

A4.Ozgur A, Mujdeci B, Terzi S, Ozergin Coşkun Z, Yiğit E, Dursun E. Wideband

Tympanometry Normative Data for Different Age Groups in Turkish Population. Journal of

International Advanced Otololgy 2016; 12(1):82-6. DOI: 10.5152/iao.2015.1408.[SCI-E].

A5. Mujdeci B, Turkyılmaz D, Yağcıoğlu S, Aksoy S. The effects of concurrent cognitive tasks

on postural sway in healthy subjects. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2016. 82(1): 3-


A6. Mujdeci B, Unal A. The effect on the functional balance of the Modified Epley Maneuver in

Benign Proxysmal positional vertigo. Kuwait Medical Journal 2016; 48(1):42-6. [SCI-E].

A7. Mujdeci B, Unal A. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in benign paroxysmal positional

vertigo. West Indian Medical Journal. DOI: 10.7727/wimj.2015.255 [SCI-E].

A8. Mujdeci B, İnal O, Turkyilmaz D, Kose K. Turkish Translation, Reliability and Validity of

the Amsterdam Inventory for Auditory Disability and Handicap. Journal of Indian Speech

Language & Hearing Association 2016; 30(2): 40-6.

B. Announcements published in international scientific conferences and printed as


B1. Müjdeci B, Önder S, Alluşoğlu S, İriz A, Göçer C, Eryilmaz A. Saccular function in children

with cochlear implant: A preliminary study. 11th European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear

Implantation, Istanbul, 2013 (Poster).

B2. Önder S, Müjdeci B, Alluşoğlu S, Özbek C, Özcan İ, Dere H. Speech perception in multi-

handicapped children with cochlear implants: A preliminary study. 11th European Symposium on

Pediatric Cochlear Implantation, Istanbul, 2013 (Poster).

B3. İriz A, Eryılmaz A, Acar A, Boynueğri S, Kayalı S, Müjdeci B. Flep necrosis and rejection

after two years in a cochlear implant patient. 11th European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear

Implantation, Istanbul, 2013 (Poster).

B4. Müjdeci B, Ünal A. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in benign paroxysmal positional

vertigo: A preliminary study. European Federation of Audiology Societies. Budapest, 2013

(Poster presentation and discussion).

B5. Mujdeci B, Dere H. High frequency hearing thresholds in patients with tinnitus. 14th

International Meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology, Valencia, 2014.


B6. Müjdeci B, Köseoğlu S, Özcan İ, Dere H. Music therapy results in tinnitus patients. 11.

International Otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery Congress. Ankara, 2014. (Poster)

B7. Mujdeci B, Önder S, Alluşoğlu S, Atan D, Dere H. A case of epilepsy with a late cochlear

implant with a complaint of positional vertigo: case report. 11. International Otorhinolaryngology

& Head & Neck Surgery Congress. Ankara, 2014. (Poster).

B8. Eryılmaz A, Müjdeci B, Acar A. Sound handicap index results in vocal nodule patients with

sound therapy. 11. International Otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery Congress.

Ankara, 2014. (Poster).

B9. Mujdeci B, Inal Ö, Turkyilmaz MD, Köse K. Turkish translation, transcultural adaptation,

reliability and validity of the Amsterdam Inventory for Auditory Disability and Handicap:

Preliminary results. 12th European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress, Istanbul,

2015. (Oral presentation).

B10. Mujdeci B, Inal Ö, Turkyilmaz MD, Yılmaz S, Yalcınkaya F, Yağcıoğlu S. Preliminary

normative data for the computerized central auditory processing disorder tests in Turkish Adults.

12th European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress, Istanbul, 2015. (Oral


B11. Turkyılmaz MD, İnal Ö, Mujdeci B, Yağcıoğlu S, Yılmaz S. Auditory temporal processing

deficits in patients with aphasia. 12th European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS)

Congress, Istanbul, 2015. (Oral presentation).

B12. İnal Ö, Mujdeci B, Turkyılmaz MD, Yaşar E. Evaluation of auditory processing skills in

patients with head injury. 12th European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress,

Istanbul, 2015. (Oral presentation).

B13. Aksoy Ş, Aydoğun Z, Mujdeci B, Atan D, Dere H. Results of TENS application in the

cervical region in patients with subjective tinnitus (Preliminary Study). 12th European Federation

of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress, Istanbul, 2015. (Oral presentation).

B 14. Aydoğun Z, Aksoy Ş, Mujdeci B, Atan D, Dere H. Results of manual therapy in patients

with subjective tinnitus: Two case reports. 12th European Federation of Audiology Societies

(EFAS) Congress, Istanbul, 2015. (Oral presentation).

B15. Orhan HB, Mujdeci B. Neurootologic symptoms in factory workers who work in noisy

environments. 12th European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress, Istanbul,

2015. (Oral presentation).

B16. Kufeciler L, Mujdeci B, Kayhan FT. Comparison of caloric responses between unilateral

hearing loss and normal hearing subjects: A preliminary study. 12th European Federation of

Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress, Istanbul, 2015. (Poster presentation and discussion).

B. 17. Onder S, Mujdeci B, Allusoglu A, Boynuegri S, Ensari S, Güngör V. Clinical features of

children with developmental language impairment 12th International Congress of

Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Ankara, 2016.

B.18. Mujdeci B, Turkyilmaz D, Yagcioglu S, Aksoy S. Auditory and visual working memory

tasks and postural control in healthy participants. 5th International Meeting of the Mediterranean

Society of Otology and Audiology (MSOA), Cappadocia,2016 (Oral presentation).

B.19. Kufeciler L, Mujdeci B, Sayın I, Cagrıcı S, Yayla V, Kayhan FT. The vestibular evoked

myogenic potential findings in subjects with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. 5th

International Meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology (MSOA),

Cappadocia,2016 (Oral presentation).

B.20. Mujdeci B, Onder S, Allusoglu S, Boynuegri S, Comparison of balance in children

undergoing Cochlear implant before and after the age of 48 months. HEAL, Italy, 2016, (Oral


B.21. İnal Ö, Müjdeci B, Türkyılmaz MD. Computerized Duration Pattern Test and

Computerized Frequncy Pattern Test Results in Elderly. 13th European Federation of Audiology

Societies (EFAS) Congress, Interlaken, 2017 (Oral presentation).

B.22. Mujdeci B, İnal O, Turkyilmaz D, Kose K. Turkish translation, transcultural adaptation,

reliability and validity of the Amsterdam inventory for auditory disability and handicap. 13th

European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress, Interlaken, 2017. (Poster

presentation and discussion).

B.23. İnal Ö, Mujdeci B, Türkyılmaz MD. Sol hemisfer lezyonu olan bireylerde fonksiyonel

bağımsızlığın değerlendirilmesi. Engelli Bireylerin İstihdam Edilebilirliğinin Arttırılması için

Teknik Yardım Projesi Uluslararası Kapanış Kongresi Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon, Istanbul.

2017 (Poster presentation).

C. Books and Sections in Books Published Nationally

C1. Dere H, Müjdeci B,. “Unilateral Hearing Loss”, Basic Audiology, Belgin E, Şahlı S. Eds,

Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, Ankara, 2015: 323-35.

C2. İnal Ö, Müjdeci B. Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation. Physical therapy and rehabilitation,

Karaduman A, Tunca Ö. (Eds), Pelikan Yayınları, Ankara, 2015:613-49.

D. Articles Publishes in Peer Reviewed National Journals:

D1. Müjdeci B, Gökdoğan Ç, Konukseven Ö, Aksoy S. “Aging and Balance " Academic

Geriatrics 2010;2: 148-54.

D2. Konukseven Ö, Müderris T, Müjdeci B, Gökdoğan Ç, Aksoy S. The Role of Vestibular

Evoked Myogenic Potentials in the Differential Diagnosis of Patients with Conductive Hearing

Loss. JAREM 2013; 3(1):24-7.

D3. Müjdeci B, Dere H. Evaluation of the Results of Modifiye Epley Maneuver in Treatment of

Posterior Canal Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo. Kulak Burun Boğaz Baş ve Boyun

Cerrahisi Dergisi 2013; 21(1), 1-6.

D4. Eryılmaz A, Müjdeci B, Acar A. Results of Voice Therapy results in Vocal Nodules in

Adults. Bozok Tıp Dergisi 2014;1(1): 6-11.

D5. Müjdeci B, Köse S, Özcan İ, Dere H. Effect of music therapy on quality of life in individuals

with tinnitus. Marmara Medical Journal 2015; 28: 38-44.

D6. Cengiz SB, Müjdeci B. Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation approaches in benign

paroxysmal positional vertigo. Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 2015; 7(4): 193-200.

D7. Kufeciler L, Mujdeci B, Kayhan FT. Evaluation of quality of life in adults with unilateral

hearing loss and bilateral mild sensorineural hearing loss. Kulak Burun Boğaz Uygulamaları

Dergisi 2016;4(1):1-6.

D8. Berat Orhan H, Mujdeci B. Investigation of health-related quality of life in factory workers

who work in noisy environments. Medeniyet Medical Journal 2016; 31(1):37-45.

D9. Müjdeci B, Dere H. Vestibular diagnostic tests. Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 2016; 8(1):38-44

D10. Müjdeci B, Dere H. Evaluation of the accompanying symptoms and results of the Dizziness

Handicap Inventory of patients presenting with complaint of vertigo. Medeniyet Medical Journal

2016; 31(2):94-7.

E. Papers Delivered in National Conferences and Printed as Proceedings

E1. Gökdoğan Ç., Konukseven Ö., Müjdeci B., Aksoy S. "Use of Computerized Dynamic

Posturographic Head Shaking Sense Organization Test-Preliminary Study." I. National Congress

of Otology and Neurotology. Gazi Magosa, 12-16 May 2010 (Poster).

E2. Önder S., Allusoğlu S., Müjdeci B., Titiz A., Göçer C., Özbek C. et al. “Ankara Numune

Training and Research Hospital Cochlear Implant Results. "V. National Congress of Audiology

and Speech Disorders. Izmir, 23-26 September 2010 (Poster).

E3. Kufeciler L, Mujdeci B, Kayhan FT. Assessment of life quality in adults with bilateral mild

sensorineural hearing loss. Capital II. Otology-Audiology Symposium, Ankara, 5-6 June 2015.


3. Other activities

3.1. Release note

3.2. Scientific meetings and congress activities as speakers

3.2.1. KBB-BBC Association- Periodical Meetings of 2011-2012 - IV. Current Approach to

Vertigo. Audio-vestibular Tests and Additives in Neurotological Approaches. Ankara, January 14

2012 (Panellists).

3.2.2. II. National Congress of Otology and Neurotology. Posturographic Evaluation Parameters.

Antalya, May 10-13 2012 – (Speaker).

3.2.3. VI. National Congress of Audiology and Speech Disorders. Posturographic Evaluation in

Vestibular Disorders. Istanbul, October 4-7 2012. (Speaker).

3.2.4. III. National Congress of Otology and Neurotology. Vestibular Rehabilitation Panel.

Antalya, May 1-4 2014 (Panelists).

3.2.5. Awareness of hearing and balance problems. Çankaya Municipality Contemporary Arts

Center. November 19 2014, Ankara (Speaker).

3.2.6. VII. National Congress of Audiology and Speech Disorders. Practical approach to family

doctor and vertigo. Ankara, October 9-12 2014 (Speaker).

3.2.7. Equilibrium Disorders. Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, Otorhinolaryngology

Department. May 9 2015, Istanbul. (Speaker).

3.2.8. Interdisciplinary Approach in Vestibular Diseases. Hacettepe Student Congress. Ankara,

April 2-3 2016 (Speaker).

3.2.9. Vestibular Tests and Applications. National Audiology Congress. Istanbul, May 5-7 2016.


3.3. Lessons taught in the last two years

3.4. Jury membership


3.5.1. IPAC-Intensive Programme on Audiology and Complex Needs. Artevelde Hogeschool,

Course, 10.03.2008 -22.03.2008 (International)

3.5.2. Audiovisual Test for Children Applied Course (CIAT). Limak Ambassadore Hotel, Course,

07.01.2012 -0.01.2012 (National)

3.5.3.VNG/ENG Course. Ramada Otel, Course, 18.02.2013 -20.02.2013 (National)

3.6. National and international meetings and congress activities

3.6.1. National TSK Nursing Congress - Individual Development and Communication Course,

Ankara, October 21, 2003.

3.6.2. Audiology and Speech Disorders Training Seminars VII. Professional Sound, Hatay, 23

June 2007.

3.6.3. Audiology and Speech Disorders Symposium III. Hearing Aids and Implants. Ankara, 06-

08 September 2007.

3.6.4. Audiology and Speech Disorders Training Seminars VIII. Auditory Evaluation and

Rehabilitation. Ankara, 14 December 2007.

3.6.5. IV. Hacettepe Otology Days. Ankara, 24-25 April 2008.

3.6.6. Turkey KBB-BBC Foundation Ankara Branch. "ENT and Art". Ankara, May 05, 2008.

3.6.7. IV. National Congress of Audiology and Speech Disorders. Samsun, 16-18 October 2008.

3.6.8. udiology and Speech Disorders Training Seminars X. Voice and Speech Disorders in Cleft

Palate. Ankara, 19 December 2008.

3.6.9. Turkey KBB-BBC Foundation Ankara Branch. "Hearing Loss Approach to the Child".

Ankara, 12 March 2009.

3.6.10. IV. Meders Training Days, Antalya, 8 May 2009.

3.6.11. udiology and Speech Disorders Education Seminars XI. National Newborn Hearing

Screening. Trabzon, 5-7 June 2009.

3.6.12. Istanbul KBB-BBC Experts Association 1st Congress SKYBD Workshop. Istanbul, 20-21

June 2009.

3.6.13. V. Cochlear Implantation Otology - Neurotology Audiology Congress. Eskişehir, 4-7

November 2009.

3.6.14. Audiology and Speech Disorders Training Seminars XII- Hearing Impaired and Music.

Ankara, 18 December 2009.

3.6.15. 9th International KBB-BBC Congress. Ankara, 8-10 April 2010.

3.6.16. Meders Training Days Maestro Workshop. Ankara, April 28, 2010.

3.6.17. 1st National Congress of Otology and Neurotology. Gazi Magosa, 12-16 May 2010.

3.6.18. AU Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT Diseases - "Swallowing Disorders". Ankara,

22 May 2010.

3.6.19. 6th. Hacettepe Otology Days. Ankara, 16-17 September 2010.

3.6.20. Practical approach to Vertigo 1. Vestibular Diagnosis Methods and Practical Applications.

Ankara, September 18, 2010.

3.6.21. 26th Hacettepe KBB Alumni Meeting. Ankara, November 11-12, 2010.

3.6.22. Tübitak Ulakbim National Academic Publishing 2010. Ankara, 26 November 2010.

3.6.23. Cochlear 2011 Bridge Towards the Future. Istanbul, 15-16 April 2011.

3.6.24. KBB-BBC Association 2011-2012 Periodical Meetings-III. Current Approach to Sound

and Swallowing Disorders. Konya, 2-3 December 2011.

3.6.25. KBB-BBC Association- Periodical Meetings of 2011-2012 Period-IV. Current Approach

to Vertigo. Ankara, 14 January 2012.

3.6.26. II. National Congress of Otology and Neurotology. Antalya, 10-13 May 2012.

3.6.27. Turkey KBB-BBC Foundation Ankara Branch. "Children's dizziness". Ankara, 07 June


3.6.28. Practical Approach to Vertigo 3, Ankara, 15 September 2012.

3.6.29. VI. National Audiology and Speech Disorders Congress, Istanbul, 4-7 October 2012.

3.6.30. Current Approach Symposium on Vertigo Therapy. Konya, March 9, 2013.

3.6.31. World Sound Day Special Meeting. Ankara, April 16, 2013.

3.6.32. Symposium on Approaching to Voice. Ankara, April 17, 2013.

3.6.33. European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear Implantation. Istanbul, 23-26 Mayıs 2013.

3.6.34. 11th European Federation of Audiology Societies. Budapest, 19-22 Haziran 2013.

3.6.35. Meders Education Day, Ankara, 17 February 2014.

3.6.36. 11th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Ankara,

April 17-19, 2014.

3.6.37. III. National Congress of Otology and Neurotology. Antalya, 1-4 May 2014.

3.6.38. 14th International Meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology,

Valencia, 9-10 May 2014.

3.6.39. Interacoustics-Video Head Impulse Testing, Ankara, 25 August 2014.

3.6.40. VII. National Congress of Audiology and Speech Disorders. Ankara, 9-12 October 2014

3.6.41. Practical approach to Vertigo -5. Ankara, 29 November 2014.

3.6.42. 12th European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Congress, Istanbul, 27-30 May


3.6.43. Educational Training Seminar. Gazi University, Ankara, 35-26 January 2016.

3.6.44. Interdisciplinary Approach to Vertigo Symposium. Ankara, 2-3 April 2016.

3.6.45. 12th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Ankara,

April 7-9, 2016.

3.6.46. 15th International Meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology

(MSOA), Kapadokya, 28-30 April 2016 .

3.6.47. National Congress of Audiology. Istanbul, 5-7 May 2016.

3.6.48. Hearing accross Lifespan (HEAL) İtalya, 2-4 June 2016.

Undergraduate and graduate level courses:



Term Course Title Weekly Time Number of


Theoric Practice




ODYT 519


measurement and

evaluation methods

3 0 23

ODYT 521 Tinnitus

rehabilitation and vestibular


3 0 23

ODYT 530

Clinical Practice

0 3 6

ODYT 890 Term Project 3 0 6

ODY 517


measurement and

evaluation methods

3 0 14

ODY 519 Pediatric


3 0 11

ODY 800 Seminar 0 2 11

ODY870 Lesson of


8 0 2


ODYT 530 Clinical


0 8 2

ODY 541 Vestibular 2 0 11


Evaluation and


ODY870 Lesson of


8 0 2


ODYT 530 Clinical


0 8 6

SGBE 590 Lesson of


8 0 2



ODY 517


measurement and

evaluation methods

3 0 6

ODY 511 Clinical Practice 0 8 2

SGBE 590 Lesson of


8 0 2

SGBE 506 Thesis 3 0 2

ODY 505 Instrumentation

and calibration in


3 0 5


ODY 519 Pediatric


3 0 5

ODY 541 Vestibular

Evaluation and


2 0 5

ODY 554 Clinical Practice 0 8 2

SGBE 503 Seminar 0 2 5

SGBE 506 Thesis 3 0 2



ODY 505 instrumentation

and calibration in audiology

3 0 10

ODY 521 Diagnostic


3 0 9

ODY 517 Electrophysiological

measurement and

evaluation methods

2 1 9

SGBE 501 Lesson of


8 0 2

ODY 551 Clinical Practice 0 8 1

SGBE 506 Thesis 3 0 1

OKBS 521


measurement and

evaluation methods

3 0 3

OKBS 571 Clinical Practice 0 8 2

SGBE 601 Lesson of


0 8 4

SGBE 606 Thesis 0 8 1

OKBD 607 Evaluation and

rehabilitation in vestibular

system disorders

3 0 7

OKBD 601


measurement and

interpretation in audiology

3 0 5