Circulatory system -...

Post on 12-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Circulatory system -...

1) The left side of the heart contains oxygenated blood whereas the right side

has de-oxygenated blood.

2) One drop of blood has about 5 million red blood cells and 12 thousand

white blood cells.

3) The heartbeats about 30 million times in 365 days.

4) 10 million blood cells die in the human body every second, the same

quantity is produced at the same time.

5) Blood circulates the entire body in 20 seconds.

6) An average heart pumps about 450 gallons of blood everyday.

7) One of the surprising circulatory system facts is that the heartbeat is the

sound of the valves opening and closing.

8) An average adult's body has about 5 liters of blood in it and a baby's body

has about 1 liter of blood in it.

9) A human heart is a muscle which is the size of a clenched fist.

10) Blood cells die in every 4 months.

11) The plasma in the blood is made in the liver.

12) One of the amazing facts of circulatory system is that the heart

continues to beat even when it is taken out of the body!

The main function of the circulatory

system is to provide nutrients and

oxygen to the various parts of the body,

via the blood, which is circulated through

the veins and arteries. Arteries carry the

oxygenated blood from the heart to the

cells and tissues, whereas veins return

the oxygen-depleted blood from the cells

to the heart. The circulatory system can

be classified into the following two


The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels and blood. Blood vessels encompasses arteries, arterioles, veins and capillaries. All these parts play a major role in the normal functioning of the circulatory or cardiovascular system. The basic structure of the circulatory system can be considered as a closed loop that starts and finishes at the heart. For better understanding of the circulatory system, let's have a discussion about the heart.


Chorus Taking blood from the heart to the cells and back Dealing with all things vascular and cardiac Capillaries, arteries, and veins All I‟m saying is circulation is the name of the game Verse I Now let me start from the heart, ‟cause that seems smart It‟s not hard to see that it‟s the most important part The first step is to gather up oxygen Sends blood to the lungs, back to the heart again Next up, we‟ll talk about the arteries They take blood from the heart to where it‟s gotta be The biggest artery, the main transporter Right next to the heart, it‟s called the aorta

Chorus Verse II From the arteries into the capillaries All your organs and muscles become the beneficiaries Of all the oxygen and nutrients they bring through Very tiny vessels inside the body tissue And now the oxygen‟s gone But first we have some carbon dioxide waste to take on Then it‟s into the veins, and back to the heart again And let the whole cycle start again

Chorus: system‟s called circulatory

nourishing cells is the gist of this story

heart pumps blood, takes oxygen we breathe

with nutrients to the cell it feeds

similar cells come together to form tissues

different tissues join so you won‟t have any issues

organs work together to maintain life function

gonna rhyme about a system at this juncture

how do you transport nutrients to the cell

or take away waste, this I‟m gonna tell

fluid transports smooth so that there‟s no flood

it‟s the circulatory system, uses a tissue called blood

blood‟s make of plasma which is mostly water aight

suspends 2 types of cells, red blood cells and white

RBC‟s contain hemoglobin carries O2

to every cell that make up me and you


white blood cells defend us, could be a phagocyte

eats them germs attacked by lymphocytes

lymphocytes produce antibodies that surround

bacteria or a virus, phagocyte gulps „em down

3 kinds of blood vessels so flow is maintained

capillaries arteries and veins

veins take blood to the heart, arteries away

if you can‟t remember this think away = “a”

capillaries are microscopic, thickness of one cell

branch from arteries, keeps your tissues well

brings O2 and nutrients, takes away waste

CO2 released once O2 is displaced

process is called blood oxygenation

happens to every human from every nation

reason why we need to breathe all the time cant you see

aerobic organisms use it for energy


blood flows through the veins and on to the heart

a 4 chambered pump, it‟s the most important part

blood enters right atrium from the vena cava

flows into right ventricle just like lava

right ventricle pumps to the lungs blood goes gets more O2 then back to the heart it flows

through left atrium to the most muscular part

left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to all your body parts

through the aorta a blood vessel baller

the largest artery then branches into smaller

down to capillaries drops off O2 you see

cycle then repeats automatically

now you know the function of your blood and your heart

it’s so beautiful, not a science but an art

stay healthy, heart disease is killer #1

eat lots of raw veggies and exercise, son

E. Meny

Judith McConnell

Heather Massetti

Sydney Goodrich

K. Williams

D. Goodrich

