Circulatory System (Blood Types)

Post on 31-May-2015

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Transcript of Circulatory System (Blood Types)

R. Miller

The circulatory system is the body system that is responsible for moving blood around the body.

What is blood?

Blood is a tissue (because it is made up of different types of cells; i.e. white blood cell, red blood cells) that transports the materials that the cells in the body needs such as nutrients and oxygen.

Is everyone’s blood the same?

No everyone has what is known as a blood type

There are four different blood types: A, B, AB, and O

The presence of substances called antigens. Antigens are like the cells identification tag. Antigens are located on the cell’s membrane.

People with blood type A have A antigens

People with blood type B have B antigens

People with blood type AB have A and B antigens

People with blood type O don’t have any antigens

Individuals with these blood types also have different antibodies that react to certain types of blood

No, mixing blood of certain types can cause problems to occur in the blood. This could result in clumping and death.

When blood is given from one individual to another this is known as a transfusion.

Type Can Receive Can Donate To

A A, O A, AB

B B, O B, AB

AB All types AB

O O All types