Circular Soccer Player Development Programme

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Circular Soccer Player Development Programme


Player Development Programme

Coaches agree that Circular Soccer specifically:

1. Increases players speed and reactions for one-touch-passing;

2. Encourages better movement off the ball;

3. Improves player confidence for ball possession under pressure.



Circular Soccer brings something new to Grassroots coaching sessions. ..

It is a serious training aid for any team at any level on ANY surface – from soccer schools, to beach soccer, or back streets of Calcutta. It is set up in under 1 minute and encourages players to think quicker, use space better and pass faster under pressure. It adds speed, skill and awareness to their game – whilst still being fun!

Coaching Objectives Technical Development • Lots of ball touches • Developing techniques at speed • Individual talent/expression • Ball Manipulation

Tactical Awareness • Attacking and defending in 1v1 up to

5v5, or overload setups. • Possession principles, forward play,

decision making, timing, change in tempo, speed of play.

Coaching Objectives Physical Conditioning • Endurance, strengthening & agility • Speed variations & burst of play • Max heart rate exertion SSG • Constant participation, no out-of-play

Mental Attitude • Motor Skills that build confidence • Freedom to play & ‘express yourself’ • More goals means more enjoyment • Pressurised situation in small space

replicates real match play moments

Possession Principles • Passing around the ‘outside’ area • Playing ‘through the middle’ • Playing over the top, or longer passes

We’ve created 30 Drills, Videos, & Training Sessions To help coaches adopt this new concept, we have created a player development programme with many videos and PDF training session drills to show the concept in use, all of which are available to coaches and players online.


Some introductory background

Introducing Circular Soccer


In 2014 the Circular Soccer training concept was created.

It was developed to bring a new approach to Grassroots training by


& IMPROVED POSSESSION SKILLS for young players – all based

around a simple but revolutionary 3-sided net (called the “TriGoal”).

It was developed with younger players in mind (5-13 years in

particular). We approached FIFA Grassroots (via Juerg Nepfer & Jorge

Garcia) to get the product assessed for use by FIFA Grassroots

Programme in support of their coaches training and Global

Grassroots Festivals.

Background continued..

We conducted several successful test sessions with FIFA, grassroots

clubs, professional football clubs such as Manchester United,

Blackburn Rovers and also the Welsh, English and Irish Football


The feedback from coaches was that it engaged players quickly, was

simple to understand, brought more fun into training, and was

something ‘new’. And the kids enjoyed it as it allowed them freedom to

play more ‘naturally’, gave more touches & more chances to score.

Introducing Circular Soccer

• Circular Soccer provides players with a simplified tactical environment. It

provides one target to work around and score into – yet the perception for

younger players is there are 3 times as many chances to score.

• Players become much more involved in the game because the goal is

placed centrally in the playing area, making the pitch seem smaller,

therefore increasing the players chances of being involved – very important

with younger players.

• The speed, in which the “game of Circular Soccer” is played, means that

players become more comfortable receiving the ball and passing under

pressure more quickly – just like in a match.

• As the ball is never out of play in CS, the higher intensity levels provide

increased fitness benefits for participants. Which means that 3-4 minutes of

continuous play delivers high cardio & even requires a breather.

So why is Circular Soccer good for coaches & players?

Complementing the coaching “4 Corner Model”

Tactical and technical skills learnt playing Circular Soccer are then transferable

through to 11v11 football. All of these can be taught using one TriGoal in one training

area without changing the session layout.

• The TriGoal enhances player development in defending - in relation to ‘protecting the

middle’ and ‘zonal defending’ – as defending players have 3 goals to protect.

• Playing towards a central point encourages attacking players to work better in

‘triangles’, which mirrors the interchanges in a real match. This develops their ball

manipulation skills due to the tighter areas and constant defending pressure imposed on

them as play is forced centrally into “game traffic”.

• The quick transitions of the game mean that players need to know the role for both the

attacker and defender making players more rounded tactically as well as technically.

1. Technical Development

As the TriGoal is used in a small area, players are much more exposed to 10 and 20

yard sprints relative to that in the modern professional game. The sudden change of

direction and pace provided by the quick transitional play helps aid a players

physical performance.

• As there are 3 goals to score in, players are constantly changing pace and direction to

find the quickest route to goal. This increases the fitness & conditioning of the players.

• With no “out of play”, the intensity playing Circular Soccer is greater than a standard

SSG. Players are working close to their maximum heart rate, reducing the risk of high

blood pressure and obesity.

• Players quickly realise that the essence of Circular Soccer is to pass and move quickly

if you want to have any chance of being in play and scoring. This sets the tone for a

physical and fast moving session – also good for “mini-warmup” sessions.

2. Physical Development

Whilst using the TriGoal players will be faced with a number of footballing puzzles

that they have to solve. Quick changing of roles from attack to defence as well as

when to score and when to pass.

• The game of Circular Soccer is fun and enjoyable and the idea is “fresh and new” unlike

most SSG’s that players may have already been exposed to. Players tend to be more

receptive to ‘new ideas’ and sessions and therefore perform better as a result.

• The TriGoal has three points into which you can score a goal. Players ‘feel’ they have a

greater chance of scoring goals leading to confidence in their play patterns.

• Players are exposed to lots of 1v1 situations giving them more confidence when they

transfer those skills into proper matchplay situations.

3. Psychological Development

The TriGoal can be set up on any surface (grass, 3G, concrete, sand). It is compact

and portable and can be set up by players or coaches within one minute. It needs

little space and can be used by all players regardless of age, gender and ability.

• With its 3 substantial rubber corner weights, the TriGoal can be used on multiple

surfaces. This makes it easy for a group of players to set up and play on the street, on

sand, grass, tarmac playgrounds or even astroturf / 3G pitches.

• The natural attack v defend ‘GAME’ aspect of Circular Soccer encourages players to

want to train and play with a Trigoal outside of the coaching session – without feeling like

“training”. This will encourage more young players to try the sport – and remain in it.

• And as the TriGoal needs little space to be played in, children who don’t have access to

safe playing environments (or in urban environments) are able to set this up just one

Trigoal in their garden/ back yard and still get a full soccer playing experience.

4. Social Development

Example Training Sessions

First : try these ‘TOP 3’ intro training sessions

We have created 30 unique Circular Soccer coaching sessions designed

to enhance the coaching and playing experience whist playing in a small

sided game environment and, at the same time, also complement the

“4 corner model”.

From our top 30 sessions, we have included 10 sessions in this

document that we feel cover all the benefits of using a TriGoal in your

footballing curriculum.

The first 3 training sessions we have highlighted as our most CLASSIC

– ie try these first 3 or 4 sessions to evaluate the product and try it out

with your players. Guaranteed to get a good reaction!

Numbers: 12 Players - 2 Red defenders and 2

Blue attackers

Layout: Set out the TriGoal, with the No Go

Zone and Kick Off Discs.

Session: The attackers look to score into the

TriGoal. Defenders try to prevent a

goal from being scored. If

defenders gain possession of the

ball, that attacking phase is over

and team roles are swapped.

Further Session Development: Introduce 3 support players who are stationed on each of the kick off discs. Both teams are able to attack the

TriGoal. Start the blue team in possession of the ball. The team in possession of the ball can us the support

players to create an overload (5v2) if the reds win the ball off the blue team they then become attackers and can

use the support players to create an overload.

Key Learning Outcomes

Improving Technique at Speed

Passing Accuracy

Teamwork to Protect the Middle

1st touch control into space

2v2 - Attack v Defence

Typifies why the concept was invented..attack v defence in a

SSG format towards a 3-sided goal with no “out of play”



5 Players - 1 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Yellow


Set out the TriGoal, with the No Go Zone

and Kick Off Discs.

The Session:

1 red takes on 1 blue to try and score in

the TriGoal.

Play starts from one of the 3 support

players stationed on the kick off discs.

Attacking player can pass to any of the 3

support players for wall pass.

Play for 3 minutes or first to 3 goals and

then swap players roles of players.

Further Session Development:

The player in possession has to score within 5 passes.

The support players can move between the kick off discs to create a better passing angle for the attacking player in

the middle

1 v 1 with 3 Support Players Key Learning Outcomes

Turning Techniques

Check the Shoulder

Introduce a Dummy Move

Change of Pace and Direction


Numbers: 4 servers /1 rotating Striker-in-play

Layout: Set out the TriGoal, with the No Go

Zone and Kick Off Discs inside a

30x30 area.

The Session :

The “Striker” starts on one blue Kick

Off Cones. Moving clockwise, he

makes a run out to a serving station,

receives a pass and shoots.

The 4 stations are: 2 touch turn &

finish, 1 touch turn & finish, then

no-touch turn and finish & finally

receive a ball over the head and

finish with a volley.

After every shot the striker must return

to a blue Kick Off Cone before

proceeding to the next station. The

striker shoots using all of the station

techniques, then he rotates to become

a server & a server becomes a striker.

Key Learning Outcomes

Ball Striking Technique

Limited Touch Finishing

Improving Technique at Speed

Multi Station Shooting

This gets multiple kids involved and feels like a “speed test”

testing out different techniques – kids LOVE this one!


Additional Circular Soccer

Training Sessions


12 Players - 4 Red, 4 Blue, and 4



Set out the TriGoal, with the No

Go Zone and Kick Off Discs.

The Session:

• Players are encouraged to

dribble inside the playing

area towards the TriGoal.

• Players shoot into the

Trigoal, then dribble back out

and around the next blue

Kick Off Disc.

• This sequence is repeated

Key Learning Outcomes

Ball Mastery Skills

Developing Confidence

Improving Technique at Speed

Ball Mastery skills with Circular Soccer

Development: The Blue and the Red teams have possession of the balls. The Yellow team have to dispossess them. Coaches may also ask the

teams in possession to show a quick turn when they dribble around the Kick Off Cone. Players may be asked to perform step overs

and Toe Taps and Inside Outsides while passing through the No Go Zone



2 Attackers– 1 Defender


Set out the TriGoal, with the No Go

Zone and Kick Off Discs.

The Session:

• 2 attackers take on 1 defender and

try to score in the TriGoal.

• Play starts from one of the 3 kick

off discs. If a defender wins

possession of the ball, he then tries

to score himself.

• Once he has scored or loses

possession play restarts with the

attacking team from the blue disc

Key Learning Outcomes

Ball Mastery Skills

Improving Technique at Speed



2 v 1 Attacking Overload


Introduce 3 support players stationed on each of the kick off discs. These players act as an overload and work for

for the team in possession.

Challenge the attacking team to score in under 5 passes.



1 active player


Create a 20 yard by 20 yard square. Inside that area place

a TriGoal and restart discs with a ball on each


• The player that is being tested, starts on the whistle.

• The player runs out to ball number 1 (and with a one

touch finish) shoots towards the TriGoal

• Player then runs towards the red corner cone and must

go around the red cone and then head towards ball

number 2

• After shooting ball number 2, players make their way

towards and around the 2nd red corner cone.

• The player then moves towards ball number 3 and

shoots into the Trigoal, & runs round the 3rd red cone.

• With a sprint finish the player completes the test by

passing the finish cone.

• If a player misses a shot add 10 seconds to their time.

Key Learning Outcomes

Finishing on the move

Explosive speed

Running Technique

Speed Training Test

Coaching Points:

Make sure the player runs around the cones. Coach to advise the testing player about change of pace after the shot. Explosive

pace away from the cones. Quality of the finish into the TriGoal.



2 teams of equal numbers maximum 5v5


Set out a 40x60 area and within that set up

2 TriGoal's inside each half, as per the

diagram. Each TriGoal needs a No-Go-Zone

around it . Set out 5 of the 6 kick off discs

around the playing area.


• Play starts with one attacking team in


• Play always starts from one of the 5

kick off discs.

• Both teams can score in any of the two

Trigoals. Attacking team restarts and

repeats the drill until 3 goals have been

scored and the team roles are swapped

Further Session Development:

Players keep possession once they have scored a goal. To encourage speed of play, challenge players to score in under 5 passes.

If they are successful 1 goal = 3 goals. Players are exposed to a number of scenarios as this drill plays out. They are asked to

contribute towards the attacking and defending phases of the game and so concentration levels must be kept high. Players must

think about the strength and accuracy of their passes as a slow paced pass could be intercepted, which may result in a goal.

Encourage a high tempo quick passing games.

The 2 Goal Game Key Learning Outcomes

Develop Passing Accuracy

High tempo Possession Play

Team and Individual Defending

Quick Switch of Play



12 Players - 4 Red 4 Blue, 4 Yellow


Set out the TriGoal, with the No Go Zone and

Kick Off Discs within a 30x30 area. The

yellow team start on the outside as support



• The 4 support players play for the team

in possession. Red team play against

the Blue team inside the 30x30 area.

• Reds and Blues try to score into the

TriGoal in the middle of the area.

• Once a goal is scored play restarts from

one of the blue Kick Off Discs.

• Once the Blues or Reds score 5 goals

they then become the support players.

Further Session Development:

Once a player receives a pass, can they dribble into the space towards the TriGoal and score quickly. Players are encouraged to

check their shoulder before receiving the pass. This encourages decision making – do I turn? Do I hold up the ball and wait for

support? Do I bounce a pass back to the support player and move into a space that’s easier to receive a pass.

If the player has the space to turn into, can they use ball mastery skills to get past their opponent?

4v4 with Support Players Dribble To Score

Key Learning Outcomes

Dribbling Technique

Technique at speed

Decision making

Drop the Shoulder and attack the space



12 Players - 4 Red, 4 Blue, and 4 Yellow


Set out the TriGoal, with the No Go Zone

and Kick Off Discs within a 30x30 area.

Key Learning Outcomes


Effectiveness of an Overload

10-15 yard Passing Accuracy

Attacking and Defending Principles

4v4 with 4 Support Players

The Session:

• Play starts with Reds vs Blues inside

the 30x30 area. The 4 support

players play for the team in


• Both try to score into the TriGoal in

the middle of the area. Once a goal

is scored play restarts from one of

the blue Kick Off Discs.

• Neither team can score a goal, or

prevent a goal being scored, by

entering into the No Go Zone.

• Once the Blues or the Reds score 5

goals they then become the support

players. Create overloads through

use of the support players

Brings in wall passing from support players, more players

involved, but always with the central goal to defend



4 Players, 1 goalie in the middle


Place a TriGoal in the middle of a playing

area. Place the "No Go Zone" around the

TriGoal as a goalkeepers box. Place the blue

restart cones roughly 10 yards away from

the edge of the goalkeepers box. The rest of

the Goalkeepers stand on the restart cones

and they will be shooting on the TriGoal


The coach will make a shout for either 1, 2, 3

station to shoot. The goalkeeper in the

middle of the session needs to move quickly

around his box to save the shot. After 6

shots change the man in the middle. The

goalkeeper in the middle of the session

cannot leave his box to save a shot.

Further Session Development:

The 3 goalkeepers who are acting as servers now play possession around the TriGoal and try to score as soon as

they can see an opportunity. The GK on the inside of the session now has to defend all three sides of the TriGoal.

Play for 60 seconds then rotate keeper in the middle

Goalkeeper Warm-up Key Learning Outcomes

Develop Quick Reactions

Speed of Feet

Quick Hands


Additional info on the

product setup


Click this link to play the video in Youtube

We value your feedback :

Take notes, take video clips, make

comments and let us know what works

best…and what could be improved!

Thanks from the Circular Soccer Team