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not final blablaba hola c;neoiomdc,e

Transcript of cinephilia1

EXCLUSIVE!Get the scoop into Jennifer

Lawrence’s confidence, best

friends in Hollywood and

secrets about The Hunger


ARGO: Best Motion

Picture on The 85th

Academy Awards!

Check out the hottest actors and actresses, and the cutest Hollywood couples.

INDEXBest movies of 2012

Movies that don’t deserve an award

The 85th Academy Awards

Best movies of the year

Movies you can watch over and over again

The 10 worst movies ever

Hollywood’s classic mistake sequels

INTERVIEW Jennifer Lawrence

Spring Breakers

Did you know…

Breaking Dawn part 2, yay or nay?

Must see movies before you die

Top ten handsome actors

Famous songs from movies

Celebrity couples

Coming soon…


BEST MOVIES OF 2012This past year had a lot of important and expected movies.Although not every one of the releases of that year fulfillexpectations, some of them really work out for the world.

One of them was the novel from Suzanne Collins,

The Hunger Games. In this movie, a young girl

named Katniss Everdeen fights to dead with other 23

boys and girls from 1 of the 12 districts of Panem of

the age from 12 to 18.

Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. brings together a team of

super humans to form the group named The

Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki, brotherof one of the members of the group and his army.

After the end of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, another book

from the same author became a movie: The Hobbit: anunexpected journey, now showing the begging’s of the first

trilogy plot where Bilbo Baggins sets a new journey along

with 11 other dwarfs to get back their old kingdom.

After 8 years, a new evil comes where

Batman has to return to save Gotham City.

Bane is determined to destroy Gotham City in

which occasion he meets Selina Kyle.

Argo, a based on a real story in 1979 between thecrisis of the Iran’s where Tony Mendez, a CIA agent

tries to save 6 diplomatics that are hiding in the

Canadian embassy in the middle of a major crisis

with USA and Iran.

By: Mónica Durán R.News article

So many movies are highly acclaimed by people everywhere, but do these movies really deserve the recognition they’re given?

Most of the people, including you, have once loudly criticized a movie that won an award that didn’t deserve it, for example, the Twilight movies.

The Twilight saga is a cinematographic fail; the effects along the movie look and seem very fake; for example the transformation of Jacob to a wolf. By the way, the worst effect appeared in the last movie when they represented Bella’s and Edward’s baby daughter, Renesmee. The baby has a transparent skin and her face gestures are more false than Barbie´s hair.

Another movie that was highly claimed (and only because Tom Cruise was one of the protagonists), is Rock of Ages. It seems a good movie at first, but at the end you end up with a big interrogation mark on your face.

But, please, don’t take my opinion as definitive impression; I invite you to take your time to watch them and make your own judgment.

By: Karen BurgueñoPersonal experience article


The past February 25th a very important event in the entertainment world happened, the 85th Academy Awards. A lot of important people went to the show, there were directors, actors, actresses, producers, and writers in only one place, reunited to reward the best movies of 2012.

The winners in order of importance are, in the following categories:

Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz

2. Animated Short Film: "Paper Man"

3. Animated Feature Film: "Brave"

4. Cinematography: Claudio

Miranda for "Life of Pi"

5. Visual Effects: "Life of Pi"

6. Costume Design: "Anna Karenina"

7. Makeup and Hairstyling:

"Les Miserables"

8. Live Action Short Film:


9. Documentary Short Subject:


10. Documentary Feature: "Searching for Sugar Man"

11. Foreign Language Film: "Amour“

12. Sound Mixing: "Les Miserables

This movies are now recognized as the best ones because of this award. This year 2013 many famous movies are coming out, so we’ll check who will make it to the Oscars 2014.

13. Sound Editing: "Zero Dark Thirty"

and "Skyfall" (A tie)

14. Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway

15. Film Editing: "Argo"

16. Production Design: "Lincoln"

17. Original Score: "Life of Pi"

18. Original Song: "Skyfall"

19. Adapted Screenplay: Chris Terrio for "Argo"

20. Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantion for

"Django Unchained"

21. Directing: Ang Lee

22. Actress: Jennifer Lawrence

23. Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis

24. Best Picture: "Argo"

By: Ana Wilhelmy

News article

Argo is the title of the movie that won the Oscar for the category of “Best picture” on the 85th Academy Awards.

As always, after this kind of events, the good and bad criticsincrease in media. But personally, I think this is a “must-be-watch” movie; there’s not a single moment that don’texperience an emotion; you may feel anxious, worried, happy,sad or stressed but always entertained.

So what’s the movie about? The film is based on a real life story ofhow in 1980 a group of Americans who work on the Iran’s USembassy get caught as hostages by Iranian protestors. You getHollywood entertainment and World History acknowledgementas a combo.

Take the time to watch one of the sexiest actors (Ben Affleck)taking control of the situation as the character of Tony Mendez,the CIA agent in charge of the mission.

By: Karen Burgueño Movie review

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A sweet memory for the adults, a new experience for the


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So you are alone this Friday afternoon, with nothing to do; your friendsaren’t hanging out today, Facebook seems really boring and eachmember of your family is minding his or her own business… whatshould you do?

Obviously the answer is “watch a movie”. But remember; not anykind of movie, you must watch something that keeps your attentionand with good humor or at least entertained, something that doesn’tremind you that you didn´t go out today. So here are your options:

-The parent trap-Mean Girls-The Princess Diaries-Grease-Pretty Woman-Zoolander-The 50 first dates-Just go with it -Superbad-Flipped -Star Wars

-10 things I hate about you-Little Rascals-American Pie-Back to the Future-Hercules-Shrek-Freaky Friday-Mulan-Toy Story

Take out the biggest bag of chips, a large soda and a big ice creamscoop because with these movies I guarantee you, you will have agreat time!

By: Karen Burgueño Creative article

In a poll made on the internet, people voted for the following movies as the worst in cinema history:

10. The Room

9. Highlander

8. The Happening

7. Sex lives of the Potato man

6. Heaven’s Gate

5. Epic movie

4. Raise the Titanic

3. The Love Guru

2. Battlefield Earth

1. Batman and Robin

Most of these movies are really bad, and you can notice it only by reading the title, in each of them the plot isn’t interesting and the crew and staff aren’t famous nor recognized as good ones.

By: Ana Wilhelmy

Criticism article

Commonly, in Hollywood, if a movie it’s verysuccessful, the producers continue themwith the famous sequels; which aremostly known by the title of the originalmovie with a following number like2,3,4…

This is a Hollywood classical mistake; ithappened with Mean Girls, with Grease,with Pocahontas, Cinderella, and manyother movies (there are that many that Ican’t remember them all).

“Mean Girls 2” for example; was a completedisappointment. Maybe this happenedbecause the first one, with LindsayLohan as the main character, was a totalhit, so everyone expected a lot from thesequel. The mistake here was that theychanged the complete cast.

Many will ask, so what´s the solution to thiscommon issue? First of all, if thedirectors and producers of the moviechoose the original actors and actressesto participate in the sequel, theywouldn’t be any problems. Most of thesequels, like Grease 2, include new maincharacters, with different actors andactresses from the original movie.

As I said before, this is a mistake, because weall know it is not the same; you made aconnection with the first ones.

Also another issue that should be solved it´sthe way Hollywood exaggerates thesequels. They take everything toanother level, like in the Hangovermovie sequel. Instead of having a greatlaughing, like in the first one, inHangover 2 you feel disgusted afterwatching the movie and how theydramatize and exaggerate every jokeand every event along the movie.

I think that what we must do to avoid thedisappointment it´s to not excite thatmuch if we hear they are making asecond or third movie. Personally, Iprefer waiting for comments andreviews among the media and then, ifthey all confirm is worthy, I’ll watch it tomake my own judgment.

By: Karen Burgueño Criticism article

Interview By: Ana Wilhelmy

By: Paulina MendozaNews article

DID YOU KNOW…101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don’t die throughout the movie.

The word “dude” in The Big Lebowski is used 161 times, the F-word 292 times and “man” 147 times in the movie.

The Dark Knight is the first Batman film not to have “Batman” in the title.

To prepare for the role Agent Clint Barton (Hawkeye) in “The Avengers”, Jeremy Renner was trained by Olympic archers.

Several Spider-man costumes were created at a cost of $100,000 each for 2002’s Spider-Man movie. Four were stolen from the set in early April of 2001 and Columbia Pictures posted a $25,000 reward for their return. The costumes were not returned.

The Exorcist was the first horror flick to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar in 1973. the film earned ten Academy Award nominations winning two.

By: Ana WilhelmyCreative

This is the first “Spider=Man” film to not feature Spider-Man’s perennial love interest Mary-Jane Watson. Instead, Peter Parker’s original girlfriend Gwen Stacy appears.

Before making it big, Meryl Streep was a waitress at The Hotel Somerset in Somerville, New Jersey, USA.

The movie Avatar is only 40% live action and 60% photo-realistic CGI James Cameron originally planned to have the film completed for release in 1999. at the time, the special effects he wanted increased the budget to $400 million. No studio would fund the film, and it was shelved for eight years.

No effects or prosthetics were created for Stu’s missing tooth in The Hangover. Actor Ed Helms never had an adult incisor grow, and his fake incisor was taken out for the parts of filming where Stu’s tooth is missing.

In Terminator 2, Arnold Schwarzenegger received a salary of $15 million; the 700 words he spoke translates to $21,429 per word. “Hasta la vista, baby” thus cost $85,716.

Breaking Dawn part 2, Yay or Nay?

Since the books becamefamous, it’s been quite a journey for thesaga whether it’s a movie or book. InNovember 17 of 2008 this whole pathbegan with the premiere of the movie onUnited States. It had a great impact asany good romance movie until the lastmovie came out. In my opinion everyfirst and last movie of a saga are equallyimportant so it becomes a success, but inthis case it didn’t work out for breakingdawn part 2.

Everything was going great until wesaw the face of the newborn. Itcouldn’t be any more fake an unrealwish made things weird. The moviehad a good plot until more little detailscame out keep coming out until itbecame actually annoying for thepublic and people who watch themovie. I think people who liked themovie expected so much more andcame back with nothing.

By: Mónica Durán R.Editorial


•The godfather: A movie about Vito Corleone who runs crime in New York city where on his daughter’s wedding is asked to be in the role of the


•Jaws: Horror movie from 1975 where a huge white sharks eats everyone

who is near him in Amity Island.

•Casablanca: A love story in the city Casablanca

•Star wars: A saga that starts being a classic and finishes with the number 3

of 6, until now. About

•Indiana Jones: A saga that also begins as a classic and the last movie of

them was on 2008. A

•ET: A beautiful story between a boy and an alien who became best friends.

•Back to the future: A three movie saga where a guy, Marty McFly, travels in

each one of the movies to different periods of time a long with a scientist, in

to the life of the man trying to solve the future and preventing from ruining


•Edward Scissorhands: An American movie where Edward (Johnny Depp) is

an artificial man with scissors as hand. He is found and taken to the city by a

man with a daughter who Edward falls in love.

•Forrest Gump: The story thru decades of the life of Forrest Gump who is a

slow witted person yet very intelligent in other ways and naive.

There are many movies that became so famous that until now

people continue watching them and still showing to people who

for some reason don’t know about them. Most of those movies

are classics but also can be on the list actual movies. Here we

have a list of some of those movies.

By: Mónica Durán R.Creative

Hosted by: Rebel Wilson04.14.13

By: Mónica Durán R.

By: Paulina MendozaCreative


By: Mónica Durán R.News

There´s always a song we hear at the malls, elevators and

mostly a lot of places where you hear these songs because

they were really catchy or were place in the exact moment.

•I got you babe by Cher and Sonny from the movie “Groundhog

day.”•Anyone else but you, by The Moldy Peaches from “Juno.”•Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses on several moves

like “Lean on me.”•Eye of a tiger by Survivor from the famous exercises of the

movie “Rocky III.”•Singing in the rain by Malcolm McDowel in “Clockwork

Orange.”•All by myself by Eric Carmen or Celine Dion on movies likes

“To die for.”•Under pressure by Queen and David Bowie from “It’s a kind of

funny story.”

•Superstition by Stevie Wonder from “The thing.”

•My heart will go on from Celine Dion on the famous romance

movie “Titanic.”

•I will always love you from the move “The bodyguard” by

Whitney Houston.

•Circle of life by Elton John on the children movie “The lion


•I believe I can fly from “Space Jam “ by R. Kelly.

•Bohemian Rhapsody by “Queen” on the movie Wayne’s World.


COUPLES 2013These are the most beautiful couples in Hollywood history, some of them aren’t together anymore, but

people will always remember them as a perfect match. It is very often that Hollywood couples meet on movies sets or are main characters as

couples in movies and that's why people love them so much.

Jennifer Garner and Ben


By: Paulina Mendoza Salazar


Vanessa Hudgens and Zac


Demi Moree and Ashton



THE HOST (MARCH 29)This story has aliens which invade the planet by taking over human bodies. But one girl, Melanie is able to coexist with her alien presence – and, naturally, get into a love triangle.

HANGOVER PART III (MAY 24)All of the cast returning – Ed Helms, Bradley Cooper, Zach Galafianakis, Ken Jeong, Heather Graham, and yes, Mike Tyson – hopefully the trilogy will end with a bang that we’ll all remember the next day.

MONSTERS UNIVERSITY (JUNE 21)Is about Sully and Mike, how the two met as freshmen in college. Starting off as rivals, the two eventually become BFFs through their adventures in higher education.

FAST AND FURIOUS 6 (MAY 24)Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Tyrese Gibson, and Ludacris back together, and cars will go absurdly fast and then crash spectacularly.

CATCHING FIRE (NOVEMBER 22)Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam

Hemsworth, and the other cast members (who survived the last movie) will all return for this movie.

By: Paulina Mendoza Salazar
