Cinema, Films & Movies

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Cinema, Films & Movies

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    WhatWhat isis CinemaCinema????

    The cinema is a means of co mmuni cati on, and there fore it is

    ne cessary to interpret their results to f ind what we want to co mmuni cate.

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    As a way of telling st ories or events ,

    cinema is an art , and of ten , co nsideringthe six arts of the classi cal world. How ever , due t o the diversity of f ilms and creative f reed om, it is diff icult to

    de f ine what is cinema t oday

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    The hist ory of c inema begins on De cem ber 28, 1895, the date on which the Lumiere br others pu blicly pr oje cted output Fren ch f a ctory workers in Lyon,the dem olition of a wall, the arrival of a

    train and a bo at f r om the port .

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    B asi cB asi c E lementsElements t oto makemake a f ilm a f ilm todaytoday

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    P r odu ction:P r odu ction:

    The f ilm pr odu cer is resp onsi ble for organizati onal and te chni cal aspe cts of

    making a movie. He oversees the hiring of pers onnel , co st of wo rk and co nta ct with the distri butors to spread the work.

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    Dire ction:Dire ction:

    The f ilm dire ctor is a pr of essi onal whodire cts the f ilming of a movie ,

    resp onsi ble for staging , pr ovide guidan ce to the a ctors and cre w, making all the creative de cisions , fo llowing their parti cular style or vision, o verseeing the set and co stumes , and all other f un ctions ne cessary for the su cc ess f ul co mpleti on of f ilming.

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies



    The writer is in charge of preparing the s cript , either an original st ory, adapted

    f r om a previ ous s cript or other literary work. Many writers have be co me writers of their own literary works. In the s creenplay distinguished literary or f ilm s cript , which narrates the f ilm in terms of image (des criptions) and s ound (e ff e cts and dial ogue) , and is divided into a cts and

    s cenes.

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    So und:So und:

    In running , the makers of c inema s ound is the s ound te chni cian and micr oph ones. Are added in postpr odu ction s ound edit or , co mp oser of incidental musi c and s ound e ff e cts

    artists (Fo ley) and du bb ing to generate the original s oundtra ck.The ph otography team working.

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    P hotography:P hotography:

    The cinemat ographer is the pers on that determines how you will see the movie ,that is , who determines , in a cco rdan ce with the requirements of the dire ctor and hist ory, the visual aspe cts of the f ilm,f raming , lighting , o ptics used , the

    camera moves , et c.. He is resp onsi ble for all the visuals of the f ilm, als o f r om a co nceptual point of vie w, determining the overall image tone and atm osphere of the f ilm optics.

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    Art (P r odu ction Designer): Art (P r odu ction Designer):

    The area may have an artisti c dire ctor of art or more , if ne cessary. In the case

    of having more than one , they are coo rdinated by a pr odu ction designer ,who is in charge of the overall aestheti cof the f ilm. These dire ctors and managers have spe cif ic audien ce , su ch as set designers , co stume makers ,seamstresses , makeup artists ,


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    S tunts:S tunts:

    The stunt or stunt doubles are the pe ople who repla ce the a ctor in the

    stunts. Where the physi cal integrity of the a ctor or a ctress would be at risk. In s ome cases the a ction s cene the a ctors

    demand certain skills which lack, in this case a spe cialist is hired to do the s cene

  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


  • 8/6/2019 Cinema, Films & Movies


    S torybo ards:S torybo ards:

    The st orybo ard is a st orybo ard that is used to de f ine the sequen ces , as well as variati ons of hand gestures and positions of a ctors in ea ch s cene be fore sh oo ting it, see it as if it were a co mic the f ull
