Cinderella What Really Happened

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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The true story of Cinderella.

Transcript of Cinderella What Really Happened

Cinderella: What Really Happened

By: Maddie Hollinshead, Jadah Jarrett, and Heidi Hayes

We all know the sob story of the beautiful Cinderella, right? Wrong. Only I know the real story. Cinderella seemed sweet and innocent, but little do you know she was a spoiled brat. This is what everyone thinks she looks like.

But let’s start from the beginning, the very beginning. I was happily married and had just had my twin girls, Anastasia and Drizella. They were graceful, even at a young age, their father adored them very much. We were a happy family, picture-perfect, you could say.

When the twins were 8, he passed away from a terrible disease, and we were left with no money. Then I met Lord Trimaine, he was such a wonderful man. We got married and became a whole family again. The only problem was his daughter, Cinderella.

Being an only child, she was spoiled rotten. My two daughters tried to be nice to her, but she would treat them horribly. Unfortunately, my second husband passed too. We were left for years with no income, we were living off of his leftover money.

When the girls were 18, we had officially run out of money, I was desperate for help. I thought that if one of my daughters married the prince, we could have money again, since women really couldn’t make our own money, but Cinderella had to go and ruin it. I knew that if Cinderella married him, she would leave us and never look back.

Ever since her father died, she’s just been a spoiled little brat. Her father was our only source of income, so we had to fire the maids and start doing things for ourselves, but of course, Cinderella made a big deal out of it. We were all helping out, but she exaggerated so much to make it seem like she was the only one.

Not only was she a spoiled brat, she was so conceited! She thought she was the hottest girl in the kingdom. As if!

That little brat stole my credit card multiple times and bought Michael Kors bags. We never even go into the kingdom! Why does she need them? Anyways, she would never accept the fact that we were poor, and acted like it only affected her. You think I wouldn’t like to go buy a new dress or get my eyebrows done once in a while?

So this is where the story starts. It was summertime, and we received a letter in the mail. The letter said that we were invited to the prince’s ball that was to be held in a couple of days. All of the girls were so excited, and I was going to let them all go, but then I remembered what Cinderella had done. I couldn’t just let her get away with it, so I told her she wasn’t allowed to go.

She got so mad and said I wasn’t being fair, but I had to punish her for stealing my credit card! Anyways, I knew that she would try to go anyways, so I locked all the windows hid all of the nice dresses that we hadn’t already sold for food money. My daughters and I went to the ball, and I guess Cinderella summoned up her fairy godmother.

She gave her a beautiful dress, a carriage, a really nice pair of Jays. She also had her put a spell on her so that everyone in the kingdom would see her as a beautiful young woman, and not the ugly girl that she was.

This is what she actually looked like. I know, right?

My two beautiful daughters would’ve had a fair shot at marrying the prince if it wasn’t for Cinderella, and we desperately needed the money.

When I was at the ball having a good time with my daughters, she strolls right in. She thought she was so cool in her Jays. Immediately she made enemies, but she also caught the eye of the prince. She danced with him for hours while my grief-stricken daughters watched in tears. A short girl confronted Cinderella. She said, “You stole my shoes!”

Cinderella really should have done a background check on her fairy godmother. She was a dirty sneak, and stole just about every magic she possesed. Cinderella had no idea what she was talking about. The short girl attempted to engage Cinderella in a fight. In an act of self defense, Cinderella ran away quickly, leaving a shoe behind just as the bell tolled twelve.

The prince tried to chase after her, but all he found was one of her shoes. After a lot of thought, the prince decided he would find the owner of the shoe by making all of the women in the kingdom try it on.

The prince went to many houses, but he had not found the shoe’s owner yet. Then, he arrived at our house. I knew this was our last chance to save ourselves, so my poor daughters tried to squeeze their unusually large feet into the small shoes.

Just to be safe, I locked Cinderella in her room. Now, I did this with the best intentions! I just wanted my girls to be happy and get what they deserved!

They couldn’t get the shoes to fit, so eventually Cinderella picked the lock on her door and came downstairs and told the prince it was her that he was looking for. She tried on the shoe and of course it fit.

Cinderella and the prince ended up getting married, She moved in with him, and didn’t even say goodbye to us. She could care less. The prince and her got a divorce after the spell wore off and he saw what a witch she really was. She went completely insane after that and shaved off all of her hair!

After they got a divorce, he married my daughter, Anastasia. But of course, Cinderella leaves that part out of her little story.

So there it is, the true story of Cinderella. Now if you would excuse me, I have a house to clean.