CIGRE Session45 Call+for+Papers+Bass+Def

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Transcript of CIGRE Session45 Call+for+Papers+Bass+Def

  • 7/28/2019 CIGRE Session45 Call+for+Papers+Bass+Def


    InternatIonal CounCIlon large eleCtrIC SyStemS

    Conseil International des Grands Rseaux lectriques


    4524th to 30th

    August 2014

    > Receipt f SpSeS

    At cetRAl ffice:

    15h May2013*

    > tificAti fAcceptAce:

    2nd Smbr2013

    * pas ona your aonacomm o know by whh dahy nd o rv your synoss

    or a ror srnng.


    > Receipt f fll pApeRSAt cetRAl ffice:

    15h January2014

    ca or pars

  • 7/28/2019 CIGRE Session45 Call+for+Papers+Bass+Def


    SC A1 RotAting ElECtRiCAl MAChinES

    PS1 > DEvEloPMEntS of RotAting ElECtRiCAl MAChinES

    imrovmns n dsgn, manuaur, ny, oraon andmannan. Dvomns n nsuaon, mahn aay, oongraby, barngs and maras.

    inun o usomr saons and grd oraor rqurmnson h oraon, dsgn and os o mahns.

    w dvomns or xndng h owr rang o arg gnraors.PS2 > lifE MAnAgEMEnt of gEnERAtoRS

    Rurbshmn, ramn, owr u-rang, nymrovmn. eonom vauaon and nun o grd odson rurbshmn dsons.

    es o orsona osaons on h sha agu o gnraors. faur anayss: drmnaon o roo auss and rvnon,

    nudng robo nsons.

    PS3 > RotAting MAChinES foR DiSPERSED gEnERAtion

    Dsgn, manuaur, dvomn, aay, gnraon oss andoraon robms, ny, monorng and dagnoss.

    es o aus and sysm dsurbans on dsgn and onrosrags o mahns.

    evouon and rnds n mahns or dsrsd gnraon.SC A2 tRAnSfoRMERS


    Hah ndx as a oo or ondon assssmn and aaons oransormr rankng by ondon and ray.

    Bs ras or mannan and rnvsmn srags. Sodnsuaon agng markrs, on-n monorng and dagnoss andh ro o os-morm nvsgaons.

    Mgaon hnqus agans major vns, sar ransormrrqurmns and ras.

    PS2 > tRAnSfoRMERS foR SPECiAlizED APPliCAtionS

    Aaon o has-shng, onvrr, ndusra and oshor/sub saransormrs, varab shun raors and ohr sazd dsgns.

    Saon, dsgn, manuaurng and sng. prorman, raby, oraon & mannan.PS3 > fiElD ExPERiEnCE with thE uSE of non-ConvEntionAl

    MAtERiAlS AnD tEChnologiES

    transormr xrn wh arnav nsuang quds, gasand sods, mrovd wndng and or mara and hnoogs.

    exrn wh nw hnoogs or omonns: bushngs,a hangrs and ohr ransormr assors.

    Hgh-tmraur Surondung (HtS) ransormr xrnand aaons.

    SC A3 high voltAgE EquiPMEnt

    PS1 > EquiPMEnt to CAtER foR ChAnging nEtwoRk ConDitionS

    Ac and Dc subsaon qumn o m nw dmands. equmn or uur dsrbuon sysms. w rqurmns or dsgn, sng and qumn modng.PS2 > lifEtiME MAnAgEMEnt AnD AgEing of t&D EquiPMEnt

    Mannan, monorng and qumn dagnoss. inun o ass managmn ras, orang duy and

    srssson raby.

    PS3 > iMPACt of ExtREME oPERAting ConDitionS on t&D


    envronmna srsss .g. mraur, humdy, arhquak,wnd, havy ran, aud.

    Sysm srsss and ovr-srssng .g. shor-ru urrn,morary ovrvoag, ransn rovry voag, urang or hghrorang voags.

    raona rgm.

    SC B1 inSulAtED CABlES

    PS1 > fEEDBACk fRoM nEwly inStAllED oR uPgRADED


    Dsgn, nsaaon hnqus, oraon. envronmna ssus and mgaon. lssons arn rom rmng, onsn and mmnaon.

    PS2 > BESt uSE of ExiSting t&D CABlE SyStEMS

    condon assssmn and dagnos sng o ab sysms. trnds n monorng abs and assors. gradng mhodoogs and rad xrns. trnds n mannan srags.PS3 > inSulAtED CABlES in thE nEtwoRk of thE futuRE

    Hghr voag vs or Ac and Dc abs. w unonas xd rom ab sysms. thna ssus rgardng ong abs. innovav ab ys.SC B2 ovERhEAD linES

    PS1 > MiniMizing thE iMPACt of nEw ovERhEAD linES

    Dsgn, onsruon and oraon. eoogy, vgaon and wd managmn. Roung and vsua aan. Dsgn o, and xrns wh, ransons o undrground sons.PS2 > REliABility AnD DESign oPtiMizAtion

    toos and mhods. ima o drn dsgns on na and y oss. cos s o nvronmna, rguaory and ub nun.PS3 > ConDuCtoRS: inStAllAtion AnD long tERM


    insaaon, mannan and ramn mhods nudng

    v n hnqus. cr and agu ssus on nw onduor ys. Mhana bhavor o nw bund onguraons.SC B3 SuBStAtionS

    PS1 > SuBStAtion DEvEloPMEntS to ADDRESS futuRE nEEDS

    ingraon o nw aroahs o grd auomaon n ransmssonand dsrbuon subsaons.

    ima o nw grd dvomns on subsaon dsgn. shor subsaons. low os and as doymn dsrbuon subsaons.PS2 > lifE-CyClE MAnAgEMEnt of SuBStAtionS

    Rnovaon, rurbshmn, xnson and u-rang o subsaons.

    Ass managmn, mannan, monorng, raby andsusanaby ssus.

    Managng rsk n dsgn, nsaaon and oraon o subsaons.SC B4 hvDC AnD PowER ElECtRoniCS

    PS1 > hvDC SyStEMS AnD APPliCAtionS

    thnoogy dvomn nudng HVDc Grds. connon o rnwab rsours. proj annng, nvronmna and rguaory ssus. proj mmnaon and srv xrn.PS2 > fACtS SyStEMS AnD APPliCAtionS

    Rnwab Rsours ingraon. inrasd nwork rorman. proj annng, envronmna and Rguaory ssus.

    proj immnaon and Srv xrn.PS3 > PowER ElECtRoniC EquiPMEnt DEvEloPMEntS convrrs or rnwab gnraon and nrgy sorag. Dc ru brakrs , Dc oad ow onrors and au urrn

    mng dvs.

    w sm onduor dvs and onvrr ooogs.SC B5 PRotECtion AnD AutoMAtion

    PS1 > nEw PRotECtion AnD AutoMAtion SChEMES BASED onEnhAnCED CoMMuniCAtion PoSSiBilitiES

    proon and auomaon agorhms and hr mmnaon. Bns rom nw roon and auomaon shms. imrovng mannan and oraon o roon and auomaon

    shms wh rmo onguraon and sng.

    s o nhand ommunaon and on-n normaon ormrovmn o mannan o ohr qumn.PS2 > ExPECtAtionS fRoM StAkEholDERS ABout iEC 61850

    exaons o usrs, vndors and sysm ngraors rado h sandard iec 61850.

    Dus, ros and rqurd v o knowdg o iec 61850 romsysm ngraors, usrs and vndors.

    Bs ras or oos, ranng, sandardzaon, doumnaonand ow o normaon among usrs, sysm ngraors andvndors or iec 61850basd souons.




    Suy CEES

  • 7/28/2019 CIGRE Session45 Call+for+Papers+Bass+Def


    SC C1 SStEM DEvEloPMEnt AnD EConoMiCS

    PS1 > iMPRovEMEnt in SyStEM AnD ASSEt PERfoRMAnCE thRoughAPPliCAtion of EnhAnCED ASSEt MAnAgEMEnt MEthoDologiES

    cas suds o ass managmn mhodoogs or:- inrasd ass oad yng and ow oad ransrs du o hgh

    nraon o ReS.- Agng nrasruur.- Dvrng usomr vau.

    exrn wh h aaon o urrn and roosd AM sandards.PS2 > nEw SyStEM SolutionS AnD PlAnning tEChniquES foR:

    fxby o gnraon, oad and grd as o nab hghnraon o ReS. powr sysms vovng no surgrds or mrogrds. changng hnoogs.PS3 > SECuRing invEStMEnt in tRAnSMiSSion nEtwoRkS

    with inCREASing RES

    Managng unrany n nvsmn dson makng. Dmonsraon o vau o nvsmn dson makrs. Dnng usomr vau whn MWh ransrrd rdus.SC C2 SStEM oPERAtion AnD ContRol

    PS1 > MAnAging nEw ChAllEngES in oPERAtionAl

    PlAnning AnD REAl-tiME oPERAtion of ElECtRiC PowER SyStEMS

    Saby anayss, monorng and onro (.. voag andrquny onro, has ang saby). s o n oadaby and dynam rangs. Anary srvs, nudng oraona rsrvs.PS2 > EMERging oPERAtionAl iSSuES foR tRAnSMiSSion

    AnD DiStRiBution intERACtion

    transmsson, dsrbuon and onsumrs inras.conro nrs and mark oraor nras.

    eduaon and ranng o oraors. Vsby and awarnss o oraon ssus. Modng nds and daa nrhang. conroaby o dsrbud gnraon. fau v managmn. Dmand rsons.SC C3 SStEM EnviRonMEntAl PERfoRMAnCE

    PS1 > EnviRonMEntAl iMPliCAtionS of EnERgy StoRAgE


    envronmna assssmn rom a sysm rsv. envronmna omarson among hnooga arnavs. Soa aan and maons.PS2 > intEgRAtED SuStAinABlE APPRoAChES foR t&D DEvEloPMEnt

    w ons or susanab dsgn srags nvovng sakhodrs(nudng rourmn, onsruon, mannan, dommssonng).

    envronmna mrovmns rom nw maras, qumn and ictsouons - proj rsus and as suds.

    l y assssmn (lcA) and nd-o-us o nw and xsng qumn.PS3 > ACCEPtAnCE of high voltAgE tRAnSMiSSion ASSEtS nEARuRBAn AREAS

    pamn and rmng o nw ovrhad ns, abs and subsaons. eonom vauaon o nvronmna mas. communaon srags: h ro o soa nworks or sakhodrs

    and omans.


    PS1 > PowER SyStEM tEChniCAl PERfoRMAnCE in thE ADvEnt

    of lARgE DEPloyMEnt of PowER ConvERtER ConnECtED

    gEnERAtion tEChnologiES

    ima on saby and raby o h owr sysm du o argamouns o nvrr basd wnd and soar pV gnraon, and argamouns o HVDc (wnd ans and nronnors).

    ima o wnd, soar-pV and da gnraon on owr quay. eMc and owr quay ma o arg sa voag sour onvrr(VSc) basd hnoogs.

    PS2 > MEthoDS AnD tEChniquES foR thE EvAluAtion of

    lightning PERfoRMAnCE AnD inSulAtion CooRDinAtion

    evauaon o ghnng rorman and mods (.g. adr-rogrssonvrsus eGM) or eHV and HV Ac and Dc ns.

    proon o ohr xosd sruurs suh as wnd urbns. insuaon oordnaon or eHV and HV Ac sysms nudng adqua

    modng o aaraus.

    PS3 > ADvAnCED MEthoDS, MoDElS AnD toolS foR thE AnAlySiS

    of PowER SyStEM tEChniCAl PERfoRMAnCE

    Aaon o hybrd oos or 3-has and osv squn modng oowr sysms, and hybrd eMt and n-drn m-doman anayss.

    chararzaon and modng o gomagnay ndud urrns. Anayss o sysm rorman wh a arg numbr o ong Ac abs,

    suh as h ona or harmon rsonan.

    SC C5 ElECtRiCit MARkEtS AnD REgulAtion

    PS1 > ElECtRiCity MARkEt govERnAnCE, MARkEt MoDElS AnD

    MARkEt DEvEloPMEnt oBjECtivES:

    poy drvrs, mmnaon mhansms and rguaory jursdon. Mark dsgn ass (vounary vs mandaory, oo vs bara, vaby). pross or rvw o mark rorman and ru hangs.PS2 > intERACtion BEtwEEn ChAnging DEMAnD AnD EnERgy

    uSAgE PRofilES on MARkEt DESign AnD oPERAtion

    emrgng hangs n r rsonsvnss (or nsan, dmand asy). Dmand rsons busnss mods or mark araon. cusomr araon and dsrbud gnraon mas on marks.PS3 > intEgRAting REnEwABlE RESouRCES fRoM thE

    PERSPECtivE of thE ElECtRiCity MARkEt

    lssons arnd and mrovmns or uur ReS ngraon. cusomzng h mark mod o omz ReS managmn. Businss aggrgation or portfolio modls for ReS and altrnativ rsourcs.SC C6 DiStRiBution SyStEMS & DiSPERSED gEnERAtion

    PS1 > DESign of DiStRiBution nEtwoRkS with high

    PEnEtRAtion of DER AnD nEw loADS

    grd onnd and rmo grd, mrogrds, ow voag Dc nworks. nrasng h aby o aommoda DeR and nw oads, suh as

    ra vhs.

    mas o hangng ry oadng arns.PS2 > oPERAtion AnD ContRol of ACtivE DiStRiBution

    nEtwoRkS AnD DiSPERSED gEnERAtion

    innovaon n dsrbuon managmn sysms (nrasng obsrvaby,gaways or ngraon o oa rodurs and av onsumrs).

    exrns wh nrasd DeR nraon (nudng dynam hnomna).

    Aaon o advand ommunaon souons.

    PS3 > nEw RolES AnD SERviCES of DiStRiBution SyStEMS foR

    tRAnSMiSSion SyStEM oPERAtion

    loa nrgy managmn. Anary and xby srvs.

    SC D1 MAtERiAlS AnD EMERging tESt tEChniquES

    PS1 > ElECtRiCAl inSulAtion SyStEMS unDER DC voltAgE

    Mara rors. Sa and sura hargs & ona dsrbuon. long rm rorman.PS2 > EMERging tESt tEChniquES AnD DiAgnoStiC toolS

    HVAc and HVDc. Amoshr and aud orron, harsh ondons. Dvomn o nw dagnos and anayzng mhods or ass managmn.PS3 > PRoPERtiES AnD PotEntiAl APPliCAtionS of nEw MAtERiAlS

    Mara or d gradng. eo-rndy maras. Sur ondung maras.SC D2 infoRMAtion SStEMS AnD tElECoMMuniCAtion

    PS1 > infoRMAtion AnD tElECoMMuniCAtion tEChnologiES

    foR ConnECting DiStRiButED EnERgy RESouRCES

    fas or onro, monorng, sury and say. s o xsng sandards, nroraby and ybrsury ssus.

    rang ondons, eMf, nsaaon and mannan ssus.PS2 > MAintAining oPERAtionAl it REliABility in An EvolvingEnviRonMEnt

    Vruazaon ad o owr sysm oraons and dsasr rovry. coud srvs avaaby and sury. ima o oraona sysms on it govrnan, ras and xrns.PS3 > tREnDS in MAnAging utility CoMMuniCAtion nEtwoRkS

    Smar grd ommunaon nwork and srv managmn. evouon o oraon suor sysms. Sury o ommunaons and o h managmn sysm.

  • 7/28/2019 CIGRE Session45 Call+for+Papers+Bass+Def


    wy Preerea Sbecs?

    A ciGRe Sssons Auhors do no rsn hr ars.

    th dgas rad h ars n advan and hy

    dsuss hm around a s o qusons gvn n a SaRor whh nororas h gs o h ars.

    to dsuss h ars n dh, Ssson ars mushror addrss a sry md s o os, rrrdo as prrna Subjs and sd by ah Sudycomm o ciGRe. th prrna Subjs ar hman ar o hs ca or pars.

    h are papers seeced?

    th ars ar sd on h bass o synoss.

    - thy ar rs srnd by aona comms (whraab), who ar nd o u orward a s numbro pars.

    - thn h Sudy comm charmn, who ar nharg o h runnng o h dsussons, w sh roosas rvd, undr h oordnaon oh thna comm charman. Auhors w bnormd o h rsus.

    - A par may s b urnd down vn on wrn ou nu, onsdrd o nsun quay.

    w ca prpse a paper?

    - th man auhor (assumng hr s mor han on)mus b an ndvdua mmbr or mus b ovmmbr sa.

    co-auhors ar no rqurd o b ciGRe may b rom drn ounrs; n hs ash par s dnd as an inrnaona ar.

    - A ar mus ous on on rrna subj and ony on.

    - A sara synoss mus b drawn u or ah arroosa.

    - th synoss 500 words mnmum mus osyr h varous ons o b dvod n h ar.

    - Whn sndng h synoss, h nam and addrss oh man auhor - and mor morany hs ma addrsswhh w b usd or noaon o h son rsus h Sudy comm rrn and prrna Subj

    addrssd mus b ary sd.- tma: Auhors w mak us o h sam ags

    or ay-ou o synoss; hs ar avaab on h ciGRewbs, ag 2014 Ssson.

    were are sypses be dreced?

    - i h man Auhor s rom a ounry wh a ciGRe c:th synoss mus b sn by h man auhor o hs

    ciGRe aona comm (cona das ar avaabon h ciGRe wbs: s lnks/ aona commsrom h homag). Any synoss sn dry o hcnra w b rurnd o h sndr.for inrnaona pars, h roosa mus b sn o hc o h man Auhor, ony.

    - i h man auhor s rom a ounry whr hr s noaona comm:th synoss mus b sn n ron orma (WRDor pDf) o h ciGRe cnra , o h oowngaddrss:

    - i h roosd ar s wrn on bha o a Sudycomm (Sc Aomn): th synoss s sn dry o

    h Sudy comm charman, who w ransr o hcnra .

    Deades r recep e sypses

    - Sypses ms be receed a e Cera oce byMay 15 2013 a e aes. Pas s dae ey beacceped.naa Cmmees are rered sed a papersypses e Cera oce by 15 May 2013 a eaes, c mpes a naa Cmmees aereceed ese sypses earer.hece ars ms cac er naa Cmmee e em by c dae ey eed recee e sypses (a me r scree admee e Cera oce deades).

    - Ars rm cres ere ere s naaCmmee be sed er sypss drecy eCera oce. te src deade s 15 May 2013.

    - Ma ars be ed e seec ressby 2d Sepember 2013.

    - Deade r recep e Papers a e Ceraoce s jaary 15 2014.

    Acedeme recep

    th cnra w aknowdg r o hsynoss whn 2 wks. i no aknowdgmn srvd, h sndr shoud orward h mssag onagan, o mak sur h roosa(s) w b duyonsdrd n h son ross.

    InternatIonal CounCIlon large eleCtrIC SyStemSConseil International des Grands Rseaux lectriques

    21, rue dArtois - F 75008 Paris

    > Contact for processing of Session

    A normaon on h 2014 Ssson an b ound on h ciGRe wbs:

    nformation and recommendations

