Cigarette Smokingkills

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Cigarette Smokingkills

  • 8/13/2019 Cigarette Smokingkills



    This is very much wonderful job to research upon certain topic i.e.Causes of smoking habit

    among Silver Mountain Graduate Business School student. Actually it is great opportunity

    to present our skill and ability in such a challenging topic.

    We (Mr. Mohammed Aslam, Mr. Anit Maharjan & Mr. Sundeep Gurung) really enjoyed the project

    that was assigned on the title:Causes of smoking habit among Silver Mountain Graduate

    Business School student. We are really thankful to our subject teacher for supporting this

    challenging task to us.

    The survey was forwarded upon total students of silver mountain college i.e. 195 on which

    139 are boys and 56 are girls. Among them 79 students does smoking which includes 50 boys

    and 29 girls. The survey was interesting and for collection of data we used various datasampling and prepared questionnaire. Moreover, we used various tools and techniques and

    primary data as well as primary and we went through general to specific research. This report

    generally, describes about the behavior of the students and how they influenced towards

    smoking. This also contains queries like, how they started smoking? From where they

    manage to get money for smoke? Advantage and disadvantage? Its causes and effects. All

    these quires are managerially answered and solutions too. Thus, this report makes people

    aware of smoking.

    Therefore, in order to accomplish this project we have used various tools and techniques.

    Furthermore, we also used the internet resources for secondary data.

    Table of Contents

    ABSTRACT:........................................................................................................................................... 3

    INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................. 4

    BACKGROUND:............................................................................................................................... 5

    OBJECTIVES OF STUDY:............................................................................................................... 8

    LIMITATION OF STUDY:................................................................................................................ 8

    LITERATURE REVIEW:...................................................................................................................... 9

    METHODOLOGY:.............................................................................................................................. 14

    RESEARCH DESIGN:..................................................................................................................... 14

    SOURCE OF DATA:....................................................................................................................... 14

    PRIMARY DATA:....................................................................................................................... 14

    SECONDARY DATA:................................................................................................................. 14

    THE SAMPLING PROCEDURE:.................................................................................................... 14

    TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES OF DATA COLLECTION:............................................................. 15

    QUESTIONAIRRE SURVEY:..................................................................................................... 15

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    KEY INFORMANT INTERVIEW:............................................................................................. 16

    FIELD VISIT AND OBSERVATION:........................................................................................ 16

    FINDINGS AND DATA COLLECTION:........................................................................................... 17

    FINDING BASED ON CENSUS SAMPLING METHOD:............................................................ 17

    FINDING BASED ON RANDOM SAMPLING METHOD:.......................................................... 18

    CONCLUSION:.................................................................................................................................... 24

    I. APPENDIX............................................................................................................................... 25

    II. APPENDIX............................................................................................................................... 26

    REFERENCES:.................................................................................................................................... 28

  • 8/13/2019 Cigarette Smokingkills



    This is very much wonderfuljob to research upon certain topic i.e.Causes of smoking habit

    among Silver Mountain Graduate Business School student. Actually it is great opportunity

    to present our skill and ability in such a challenging topic.

    We (Mr. Mohammed Aslam, Mr. Anit Maharjan & Mr. Sundeep Gurung) really enjoyed the project

    that was assigned on the title:Causes of smoking habit among Silver Mountain Graduate

    Business School student. We are really thankful to our subject teacher for supporting this

    challenging task to us.

    The survey was forwarded upon total students of silver mountain college i.e. 195 on which

    139 are boys and 56 are girls. Among them 79 students does smoking which includes 50 boys

    and 29 girls. The survey was interesting and for collection of data we used various datasampling and prepared questionnaire. Moreover, we used various tools and techniques and

    primary data as well as primary and we went through general to specific research. This report

    generally, describes about the behavior of the students and how they influenced towards

    smoking. This also contains queries like, how they started smoking? From where they

    manage to get money for smoke? Advantage and disadvantage? Its causes and effects. All

    these quires are managerially answered and solutions too. Thus, this report makes people

    aware of smoking.

    Therefore, in order to accomplish this project we have used various tools and techniques.

    Furthermore, we also used the internet resources for secondary data.

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    We always find this warning labeled on the cigarette packs. Instead of this cigarettes are

    being consumed.

    The use of tobacco as cigarettes is a phenomenon predominating the 21stcentury. Due to the

    large variety of diseases caused by smoking now it has taken a form of epidemic. The major

    diseases caused due to smoking are cardio vascular diseases, respiratory diseases,

    atherosclerosis or narrowing of arteries, lung cancer and cancer of oral cavity etc. The

    smokers are 3 to 4 times more prone to heart diseases than non smokers and 90% lung cancer

    deaths are due to smoking.

    The present scenario of health and social risks due to smoking is a challenge in the 21 st

    century. Unless it is not managed properly and in time it will become an uncontrollable

    behavior leading to long term health and social problems all over the world. We thought can

    we introduce a cigarette in a market which is non-injurious to health means a cigarette which

    do not result in any type of health hazard to the students as students are the future of our


    Thus we found it very genuine to conduct a survey among the students of different colleges

    including smokers and non-smokers in order to study various aspects of cigarette smoking


    Cigarette smoking, as it exists in the world today, is a most remarkable phenomenon. It is a

    habit of the most widespread proportions, and a product of the 21stcentury. Today, cigarette

    smoking has ramifications in almost every area of knowledge - in politics, economics,

    psychiatry, psychology, sociology, anthropology, pharmacology and pathology. It is strange

    that people should go to such lengths to burn and then inhale some vegetable matter. We

    must find out what is rewarding about it. Furthermore, the rates of college students smoking

    have fluctuated for the past twenty years. Majority of lifelong smokers begin smoking habits

    before the age of 24, which makes the college years a crucial time in the study of cigarette

    consumption. Cigarette smoking on college campuses has become an important public health

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    issue and there has been increase in campus wide smoking bans and other preventative

    programs to reduce the rates of students smoking.


    We know that youth are curious and have an attitude of experimentation. Many youth in

    Nepal are spoilt in smoking as they want to explore things that they see or are told about by

    their friends. Many of the youth smoke to be "smart" -- believing what they are shown in the

    movies and advertisements. Another reason from which the youth are spoilt in cigarette is

    that they have lack of proper guidance and an unhealthy circle of friends. The parents who

    are very busy give their children unnecessarily money as they think that money can occupy

    the space for love, giving them time, understanding their feelings, etc. As these youth are

    tortured mentally, they go for smoking as they want relaxation and experiment with smoking

    as nobody says anything about smoking. The bad friends circle also tempts young people to

    go for cigarette smoking. Here in Nepal, cigarette smoking is a social custom and tradition.

    Even though cigarette advertisements have been banned, the youth cigarette smokers are

    increasing day by day. The main reason behind this is that cigarette companies also sponsor

    concerts, sport events, sport figures, and even dance parties where the youth are present. At

    these events caps, t-shirts, and other items with brand logos and colors are displayed and

    given away, and are very popular.

    As 3 million people die of cigarette smoking each year, 70% of which are from developing

    countries, it is really necessary to minimize cigarette smoking. Studies indicate that 80% of

    the lung cancer is caused by cigarette smoking and as cigarette smoking is often the precursor

    to drugs there are many NGOs, individual and government efforts working against it.

    Governments are seriously making campaigns to stop cigarette smoking by the media but the

    urban youth who are targeted are interested in foreign channels. Government has also kept

    information and effect of cigarette smoking in the curriculum but the teachers themselves

    smoke in the school compound which influences the students beliefs. Government has not

    yet banned smoking in public places. I believe that the cigarette companies also should pay

    tax on the public health. The rate of smokers increasing also indicates that 7-10 million

    people will die by the year 2020. In our country the people who smoke arrive in the hospital

    when they have an advanced stage of cancer, not in the preliminary round of cancer. So the

    death rate by cigarette smoking is high in Nepal. We believe that parents should also guide

    young people to a good path.

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    Apart from a learning objective, to know how a survey is being done, the analysis of the

    data is carried out the major objectives of this survey can be summed up as:

    1. To find out the background of smokers (Students).2. To assess monthly expenditure on smoking.3. To find out the most vulnerable age of smoking.4. To investigate the prevalence of smoking among students attending institutions of

    higher learning in Silver Mountain Graduate Business School

    5. To investigate the prevalence of tobacco use and the psychosocial determinants of thisbehavior amongst the students.

    6. To determine if there are any differences in the knowledge of the health hazards ofsmoking among the students on the basis of the institution of learning and the course of


    7. To determine the attitude of the students towards government anti-smoking legislation.


    As this survey was conducted in the presence of researchers and also it is just the

    fulfillment project for the partial BBA degree, it has got various limitations:

    This report might not be as efficient as it seems. This report is prepared in limited areas research and in limited time and with limited

    number of samples.

    Data may not be accurate due to the presence of observant The conclusion and estimates might not be in the generalized but the inferences might

    be valid to some extent like in other colleges as well.

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    Literature review is basically a stock taking work of available literature. So, it provides

    required depth of knowledge for conducting research. The purpose of literature review is thus

    to find out what principles are established and research studies have been conducted in the

    field of study, and what remains to be done. (Wolf and Pant; 1999: 30) To make meaningful

    research study, the conceptual review has been done through the study of various books and

    articles. In addition, researches conducted by the previous researchers in the field of financial

    performance have also been reviewed by studying their research work, thesis, dissertation etc.

    SMOKING HABI TS OF STUDENTS A SURVEY by: Mr. Pancholi Kunal at M. S. Patel

    I nstitute of M anagement Studies, Faculty of Management Studies, M . S. University of Baroda for


    The major findings of the study were:

    1. About 39 out of 100 students who smokers are the Regular Smokers.2. Mr. John Abraham is the favorite icon for students who smoke.3. Around 54% percent the students who smoke buy their own cigarette and around 30% share their

    cigarette from friends.

    4. A majority of students get more than Rs.1000 as their pocket money per month.5. Most of the students who smoke spend their 20% of their pocket money on cigarette and on other

    tobacco products.

    6. Most of the students adopt cigarette in the company of friends and their pressure later it become anaddiction.

    7. More than 60% students think that the smokers dont have any advantage over non-smokers.8. More than 35% students think that smoking once started cant be quit. 9. Most of the students start smoking at the age of 16 on an average.


    JAVA PROVINCE, I NDONESIA Conduct by Santi M artni and Muj i Suli styowati

    Contrary to what would be expected from existing data for Indonesian adults, a

    Surprisingly high percentages of female students in this sample were current smokers.

    Women have begun to smoke in other nations as they have modernized and women have

    sought more independence compared to their traditional roles in society. When othervariables (e.g., pocket money) were included in multivariate analyses, gender was no longer

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    statistically significantly associated with the probability of smoking, indicating that teenage

    girls are just as likely to smoke as boys, other things being equal.

    Most ever smokers had their first cigarette between 10 and 17 years of age, with age 15 years

    being the most common age of initiation. In general, todays Indonesian youth may be

    adopting smoking earlier than in the past, perhaps as a way of presenting themselves as more

    modern and part of a global youth culture, promoted through music, music videos, movies,

    fashion, etc. It would be important for tobacco control efforts to try to break the link between

    smoking and modernity. Developing countries might seek to avoid the pitfalls experienced by

    those further along in the development and modernization processes.

    While it is impossible to alter some factors that appear to encourage people to smoke, others

    can be addressed. For instance, the smoking rate was higher among students who did not live

    in a family that included parents, and there is little to be done about this social factor. But, as

    mentioned above and with other examples below, tobacco control counter measures can

    potentially have an effect. Any measure that promotes the idea that smoking is not the norm

    might discourage youth smoking.

    Predisposing factors

    While there are other predisposing factors, we focused on the knowledge of the health risks

    associated with smoking. This knowledge was present but uneven among the Indonesian

    students. Rather than focus on the health risks faced by long-term smokers, it might be more

    important for tobacco control practitioners to address the health risks of smoking to younger

    people, such as women during pregnancy and of environmental tobacco smoke to

    nonsmokers, particularly babies and children. Such information might increase the number of

    students with a high knowledge of the adverse health consequences of smoking. Also, it

    would be important to educate students about the danger of nicotine addiction and the

    difficulty of quitting smoking. Many probably think that they could quit smoking before the

    long-term health effects would endanger their personal health. The belief that smoking is

    harmful personally even if one exercises and is otherwise healthy appeared to be associated

    with reduced smoking prevalence. Public health messages emphasizing this theme might

    deter youth smoking.

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    Enabling factors

    Smoking prevalence was lower among those who did not think that cigarettes were very easy

    to get. In general, smokers said that cigarettes were affordable and readily attainable. While

    instituting and enforcing access-to-minor laws may not be practical, there are other steps that

    might reduce the accessibility and affordability of cigarettes. Many smokers bought

    cigarettes, and many also obtained them from others, including peers and family. Siblings and

    other household members were more likely to be a source than parents. Letting people know

    that facilitating youth smoking by giving them cigarettes is not doing them a favor might be a

    message to counteract social sources. Another emphasis that might be practical is limiting

    access during the school day. If no one, including teachers, other staff, and visitors, was

    allowed to smoke or bring cigarettes onto the school campus, social sources should decline.

    This would also set an expectation and could help lead to a change in the perception (norm)

    that smoking is acceptable. Currently, there was not much of an association between saying

    that smoking was not allowed in schools and smoking prevalence, but if smoke-free schools

    were universal and adequately enforced, this might change. This action would explicitly and

    clearly indicate that smoking is not acceptable, especially if accompanied by measures to

    make other public spaces where adults spent time together (all workplaces, transportation,

    etc) smoke-free as well. Another obvious step would be to sell cigarettes only by the pack.Many smokers bought single cigarettes, and found smoking easily affordable. Having to pay

    the price for an entire pack at once might deter smoking. Increasing the price of cigarettes

    significantly through taxation is another obvious measure that has proven effective in many


    Reinforcing factors

    Our results indicate that students with smokers in the household were more likely to smoke. It

    could be argued that family smoking is a predisposing factor (children may think that if their

    parents smoke, then smoking is acceptable), an enabling factor (others in the household are a

    ready source of cigarettes), and a reinforcing factor (students may smoke socially with other

    family members). Only tobacco control measures that discourage and reduce adult smoking

    prevalence will reduce the number of households with smokers and thus the perception that

    smoking is the norm. However, parents attitudes about youth smoking appear to be a

    deterrent. Enlisting parents in the fight against youth smoking may be an effective strategy.

    Even parents who smoke, but emphatically express the wish that they did not smoke (and that

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    it is very difficult to quit) and that their children should not smoke, may make a difference.

    Currently, having friends or teachers who smoke and the perceived norms of these groups

    regarding smoking do not appear to be associated with youth smoking, perhaps because

    smoking is so pervasive. As mentioned above, a completely smoke-free school environment

    may make a difference. If smoking is observed less, it will be perceived as less acceptable

    and less normal and be less of a fixture in the social environment.Social norms against

    smoking, particularly among peers, need to be increased.

    While some non-smoking students perceived smoking as socially helpful, these views were

    much more prevalent among smokers. Smokers were also more likely to perceive a personal

    benefit (increased concentration, better grades, etc). Whether these beliefs led to smoking or

    were a result of smoking cannot be addressed with cross-sectional data. In this study, those

    who perceived smokers as attractive were particularly likely to be smokers. Images of

    beautiful, healthy people in social settings are pervasive advertising themes. While youth can

    learn of benefits of smoking from smokers, banning cigarette advertising is a powerful way to

    undermine the (erroneous) associations of smoking with glamour, beauty etc. that is a key

    message of cigarette advertising. Results will likely be limited unless a complete ban on

    advertising is mandatedcross country research shows that weak or partial advertising bans

    are ineffectual (World Bank, 1999). At the very least, however, tobacco advertising should bebanned anywhere near schools and in teen magazines (smoking prevalence was higher among

    those who saw cigarette advertisements very often in teen magazines). And all advertising

    should be required by law to carry large, prominent, specific health education messages about

    the risks of smoking and benefits of quitting.

    Independent factors associated with current smoking

    Counteracting the belief that smoking is not harmful if one exercises or is otherwise strong

    and healthy should be a public health priority. Another priority would be emphasizing the

    reasons not to smoke to counteract the perceive reasons for smoking. Endorsing a high

    number of reasons to smoke appeared to eclipse having a high number of health concerns

    about smoking. Reversing this balance might help reduce smoking. Parents who give the

    impression to their teens that smoking would get them into serious trouble also appear to

    deter smoking. This perception needs to be broadened to include other role models (teachers),

    and also peers. As long as smoking is perceived as the norm in a society, it will be difficult to

    dissuade youth from smoking. Adults need to set an example. The idea that smoking is an

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    adult behavior is one of the powerful motivators for young people to smoke in order to

    appear or feel older and more mature, and can only be undermined when most adults do not

    smoke themselves.


    This study has the same limitations inherent in any school survey. The Surabaya youth survey

    was cross-sectional and smoking status is by self-report. Further, some students may not have

    understood some of the questions. In the present study, translation problems may have led to

    some confusion as to the definition of current smokers. In the future, when designing similar

    surveys, it would be important to ask additional questions to verify or cross check the validity

    of responses. Asking for more details on frequency of smoking would be important for

    validating responses and estimating monthly cigarette consumption.

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    The study will be carried out on the basis of survey research, moreover a questionnaire based

    research. It cannot be fully called a survey research as we just took the information of

    smoking and non-smoking students of the entire college but we didnt take the information

    regarding the cause of their smoking in Silver Mountain Graduate Business School, so it is

    mostly based on questionnaire based research. This research will be performed at the

    premises of Silver Mountain Graduate Business School, Lainchaur, Kathmandu and will be

    conducted only among the students of Silver Mountain. The research will be done to find out

    the reasons for smoking in Silver Mountain and the factors that influences them to smoke

    inside the college premises.


    In order to prepare this report of primary and secondary data was collected.


    Interview questionnaire and general questionnaire within the premises of SilverMountain Graduate Business School was used for the collection of data.


    Various internet sites regarding smoking in colleges and smoking among students wasused as reference.

    Text book of Psychology was also used for the collection of secondary data.


    In any research, data should be collected either by census method or sampling method. In this

    research we are going to choose both census as well as take a sample through a simple

    random sampling method. First census method will be used for finding out total number

    students in Silver Mountain Graduate Business School and the number of boys and girls who


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    On the basis of Census Sampling:

    Silver Mountain Graduate Business School

    Total Number of Students Admitted From

    2008-2011Students No of students

    Male 139

    Female 56

    Total 195

    Total Number of smokers and non-smokers in SMBGS who are in age group in between

    19-24 from sample data

    Similarly, simple random sampling method will be done among the smokers in order to find

    out the causes and reasons for smoking in Silver Mountain and by this random sampling

    method each individual of the smokers has an equal probability of being included. We have

    randomly selected 10 smokers whose sampling is shown below:

    On the basis of Random Sampling Method:

    Silver Mountain Graduate Business School

    Students No of students

    Male 5

    Female 5

    Total 10


    The tools and techniques that will be used for primary data collection will be structured

    questionnaire, semi or unstructured interviews and observations. And to collect the secondary

    data the articles through internet will be used.


    Structured questionnaire will be used to generate the realistic data for the preparation of

    report . The respondents will be requested to answer the questions given on the questionnaire

    as well as simple chit will be provided to all the students of the college to find out total

    smokers within the college.

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    The primary data will also be collected from key informants using the semi or unstructured

    interview method. The interview will be taken for the research. The respondent will be

    interviewed on the impact of smoking in college, awareness of smoking in college, attitude

    towards smoking in college.


    In order to conduct the research on basis of consensus method we will be visiting the classes

    in the Silver Mountain Graduate Business School personally and later we will also be visiting

    all the individuals of the sample personally to collect the primary data.

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    Silver Mountain Graduate Business School

    Total Number of Students Admitted From


    Total Number of smokers and non-smokers in SMBGS who are in age group in between

    19-24 from sample data



    No of students






    No. of Smokers











    Students No of students

    Male 139

    Female 56

    Total 195

    Smokers No of Students

    Male 59

    Female 20

    Total 79

    Non-smokers No of students

    Male 57

    Female 59

    Total 116

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    How often do you smoke?

    This question is the very basic question on which the research is based. The question is

    placed on the first position so as the respondent comes to know subject of study at the very

    inception. The options are:

    The options are:

    1. Regularly- This means 5 or more cigarettes every day.2. Occasionally- This implies specific occasion on different days of a week of different

    days of month. For ex. 5 times in a month

    3. Sometimes- These respondents are the starters and have taken only one or two puffssometime.

    4. No- This option is for those who dont smoke.

    At What Age You Started Smoking?

    This question is only valid for smokers only. The question ask respondent about the age at

    which they started smoking. By this we can conclude the most vulnerable age for starting


    The data will be useful in finding correlation with other smoking habits also.

    Following chart shows the various responses to the question:




    Days you smoke

    everyday sometimes ocassionally

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    Who sponsors for your cigarettes?

    This question is about how people get cigarette. And also is related with the market

    dimension of the study. The question is asked to check the responses in relation to many

    other cigarette consuming habits.

    For Ex: How many regular smokers buy cigarettes or borrow from friends or other


    The options are:

    1. Myself from job2. Dad3. Mom4. Ask money from parents by


    5. Siblings6. Others7. Pals

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23

    No of somokers 1 1 5 5 13 2 10 4 1 1















    Getting cigrates

    myself by job ask from parents by cheating pals others mom

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    What do you think what makes people start smoking?

    This question directly asks about the different reasons because of which the students start


    This question can also be correlated with many other questions such as age, favorite hero.

    Expenditure etc.

    The Options are:

    1. Friends Those who are smokers and have picked this option are definitelyinfluenced by their friends

    2. Celebrities -Those who are smokers and have picked this option are definitelyinfluenced by the celebrities.

    3. Depression - Those who are smokers and have picked this option are definitelyinfluenced by bad incidents and failures.

    4. To be Stylish These people are definitely are influenced by style factor to startsmoking.

    What do you think is there any advantage that smokers have on nonsmokers?

    This question is an indirect question to find to is there any advantage smoker enjoys over


    Also to find out the correlation between this and what people think of smokers when they

    see them smoking.

    The Options are:

    1. Attractive & Have more girlfriend2. Can influence3. No Advantage4. Relief from pressure




    factor to start



    to be stylish

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    What do you think at what times people feel smoking the most?

    This question directly asked about the specific time on which smokers feel like smokingthe most. The responses can be used to find out the correlation between options of do you

    smokeand this question.

    For Ex: How many occasionally smokers have chosen no specific time or special

    occasion option in this question.

    The options are:

    1. In Tension2. Special Occasion3. To Avoid Loneliness

    4. After Having Food5. No specific time

    What do you think people once started smoking can quit it easily?

    It is a direct question to know the personal opinion of the respondents that is it possible for

    smokers to quit smoking or not.It may be also possible for them to leaves for a time period or they tried but failed.




    Image of smokers over Non-smokers

    no advantage

    Attaractive and have more

    G/F &B/F

    relief from presesure





    Ocassion to smoke

    After having food

    To avoid lonliness

    No specific timeIn tension

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    The options are:

    1. Yes2. Tries but fails

    3. Leaves for a time period4. Cant Quit

    When you see someone smoking what do you think of him?

    This question is an indirect question to know the perception of the respondent when they

    see somebody smoking.

    Also helps in knowing indirectly what to smokers think of themselves smoking.

    The options are:

    1. More confident2. Stupid3. Successful

    4. Cool-Dude5. No Opinion



    Quit of not to quit smoke

    leaves for time period

    tries but fails




    How other feels about smoker

    No option Stupid

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    If a kind of a cigarette comes which is not injurious to health but gives you a

    reasonable level of satisfaction would you use it?

    This is the main question related to the hypothesis testing. Through this question we want

    to know the market feasibility of the cigarette which is non-injurious to health and give a

    reasonable level of satisfaction.

    If the respondent chose the YES option means they are wiling to try the hypnotized

    cigarette and if NO means not willing to.

    How old are you?

    This is the personal question about the age of the respondent.

    Will YOU use new non harmful one ?





    Age split of respndants




    10% Less than 18

    18 - 20

    20 - 22

    22 - 24

    More than 24

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    Smoking is injurious to health , this is known facts so the statement is made and will be

    made in future too. It is very wonderful experiment to do survey on Causes of smoking in

    Silver Mountain College. Actually, it was not easy to do experiment on something and you

    take interview, its really tough job. However we started survey and got great experience.

    Silver Mountain Graduate Business School is smoke free zone, students are allowed to smoke

    in rest room break but it doesnt mean they are completely allowed to smoke whenever they

    want. All around 195 students on which 139 are boys and 56 are girls. Among them 79

    students does smoking which includes 50 boys and 29 girls. The survey was interesting and

    for collection of data we used various data sampling and prepared questionnaire. Moreover,

    we used various tools and techniques and primary data as well as primary and we went

    through general to specific research.

    According to the survey done in Silver Mountain College. Many students manage to smokethrough friends and by lying their mother or parents. The next fact is, they started to smoking

    due to depression too, they do smoking. Thus, the main root of smoking is flow of tradition,

    friends, westernization, fashion, cinemas and many more. Moreover they also have stated in a

    day they smoke 2-10 times. This is really tough and hardship though its the fact that

    smoking is injurious for health. Nonetheless, to the statement, "no one likes a smoker," 67 %

    disagreed. Only 17% agreed and 16% were uncertain. Similarly, when asked whether

    "smoking is unattractive," 69% agreed while 21% disagreed and 10% were uncertain. As to

    how people feel about smokers, to the statement, "I would not date or marry a smoker," 41%

    agreed although 39% disagreed and 20% were uncertain. Some people are concerned about

    the personal and social effects of smoking. To the statement, "smoking is socially

    acceptable", 44% agreed while 35% disagreed; 21% were undecided. Some people are

    concerned with the implications of smoking. For example, to the statement, "people think less

    of you if you smoke," 43% disagreed; only 30% agreed and 27% were undecided.

    Hence, over all study shows that students are also willing to be away from this injurious

    matter but the environment and situation have made them to repeat again and again, they are

    not restricted to stop smoking in the college rather it seems they are encouraged by providing

    the toilet as smoking zone. According to us, the toilets used as smoking zone in the college

    should also be made smoke-free zone to stop smoking in college.

  • 8/13/2019 Cigarette Smokingkills



  • 8/13/2019 Cigarette Smokingkills



    For Random Sampling Method:

    Questionnaire on Causes of Smoking Habits among SMGBS Students

    I. What is your sex? a. Male b. FemaleII. What is your age? ..

    III. How often do you smoke?a) Sometimes d) Once to three times a month

    b) Once a week e) Everydayc) Occasionally f) Other.

    IV. How many times do you smoke a day?a) 1-3 times c) 4-6 times

    b) More than 7 timesV. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day, when you smoke?

    no. of cigarettes

    VI. How old were you when you started? (Approximate age)..VII.

    Why did you start? .

    VIII. How did your first cigarette feel?.

    IX. What benefits do you get out of smoking?....

    X. When do you have your first cigarette of the day? ........................................XI. How much money do you spend on smoking cigarettes? Rs

    XII. Who sponsors for your cigarettes?a) Dad e) Myself from Job

    b) Mom f) Ask money from parents by cheatingc) Siblings g) othersd) Pals

    XIII. How did you get into smoking?a) From elders c) From friends

    b) From celebrities d) From parentsXIV. Have you ever given up before? How did you do it, and for how long?

  • 8/13/2019 Cigarette Smokingkills



    XV. Why did you start again?

    XVI. As a non-smoker, what will you be able to do that you cannot right now?..

    XVII. Apart from you, who will be most pleased you are a non-smoker?..

    XVIII. What do you think what makes people start smoking?a) Friends c) Celebrities

    b) To be Stylish d) DepressionXIX. What do you think is there any advantage that smokers have on nonsmokers?

    a) Attractive & have more Girlfriends/Boyfriendsb) Can Influence others easilyc) No Advantage

    XX. What do you think at what times people feel smoking the most?a) In Tension d) Special Occasion

    b) To avoid Loneliness e) After having foodc) No Specific Time

    XXI. What do you think people once started smoking can quit it easily?a) Yes c) Tries but fails

    b) leaves for time period d) Cant quitXXII. When you see someone smoking what do you think of him?

    a) More Confident d) Stupidb) Cool-Dude e) Successfulc) No Opinion

    XXIII. If a kind of a cigarette comes which is not injurious to health but gives you areasonable?

    a) Yesb) No

    XXIV. Current Tobacco Act prohibition from smoking in public places including colleges inNepal, how do you think that YOU will be affected by it or not?

  • 8/13/2019 Cigarette Smokingkills



    Onadeko BO, Awotedu AA, Onadeko MO. Smoking patterns in students of higherinstitutions of learning in Nigeria. Afr J Med Sci 1987;16:9-11.

    Smoking-attributable mortality, years of potential life lost, and productivity lossesUnited States, 20002004,Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report , vol. 57, no. 45,

    pp. 12261228, 2008.

    Passive smoking and children. Royal College of Physicians, London, 2010 (pdf) Jackson, C & Dickinson, D. Cigarette consumption during childhood and

    persistenceof smoking through adolescence. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004;158:


    12 Fidler, JA et al Vulnerability to smoking after trying a single cigarette can liedormant for three years or more. Tobacco control 2006; 15: 205-209

    experimentation? J Health Economics 2001; 20: 261270

    School-based interventions to prevent the uptake of smoking among children.NICE, March 2010

    Colleges students' attitudes toward smoking _ College Student Journal _ Find Articlesat BNET.html

    Smoking Influences On College Students _ LIVESTRONG.COM.html