CHURCH OPERATIONAL MANUAL FOR TEENS CHURCH … · The Redeemed Christian Church of God Rehoboth...

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Transcript of CHURCH OPERATIONAL MANUAL FOR TEENS CHURCH … · The Redeemed Christian Church of God Rehoboth...

The Redeemed Christian Church of God

Rehoboth Assembly, Calgary





©November 2013

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)



1 Teens Church (Greater Teens) Operational Manual 2

1.1 Introduction 2

1.1.1 The Teens Church (also Known as “Greater Teens”) 2

1.1.2 The Vision of the Teens Church 2

1.1.3 The Mission of the Teens Church 2

1.1.4 The Core Values of the Teens Church 3

1.2 The Responsibilities of the Teens’ Church Teachers 3

1.2.1 Spiritual Responsibility 3

1.2.2 Responsibility to the Teens 4

1.2.3 Responsibility to the Rehoboth Assembly and ‘Greater Teens’ 5

1.3 Teens Church Meetings and Activities 5

1.3.1 Teaching and Preaching 5

1.3.2 Activities Sunday 6

1.3.3 Monthly Prayer and Fasting 6

1.3.4 Teens Teachers’ Retreat 6

1.3.5 Mentorship 7

1.4 Teens Church Service Areas 7

1.4.1 Orientation of New Teachers (to be done by Assistant Coordinator): 7

1.4.2 Church Service Coordination (main or supporting) 7

1.4.3 Teens Club and Time Out Coordination 8

1.5 Appendix 9

1.5.1 Order of Service 9

1.5.2 Monthly Teenage Church Roster 10

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


1 Teens Church (Greater Teens) Operational Manual

1.1 Introduction

This has been put together to provide guidelines on what is expected from the leaders and

members of the Teens Church in fulfilling their ministry as being part of the Teens Church of

Rehoboth Assembly. The document may be used by existing and new members of the Teens

Church for them to understand how things work in the Teens Church. Any questions should be

directed to the leadership of the Teens Church or the Pastorate of the Rehoboth Assembly.

1.1.1 The Teens Church (also Known as “Greater Teens”)

The Teens Church is a gathering of teenagers who attend the Rehoboth Assembly. It comprises

of teens from ages 13 to 19. These teens usually have their parents also attending the

Rehoboth Assembly. However, there may be cases where the parents do not attend.

The Teens Church has a special attention with God because this is the place where future

generals, champions and leaders in the kingdom are being formed and nurtured to fulfil

destiny. Therefore we take the ministry very seriously.

It is important to note that the Teens Church is not just a social gathering or a place ‘to escape’

from the Adult Church.

1.1.2 The Vision of the Teens Church

The Vision of the Teens Church is based on the scripture about our Lord Jesus Christ in

Luke 2:40- “And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of

God was upon him”.

Based on this, the vision of the Teens Church is thus:

1. To bring about spiritual growth in the life of Teenagers.

2. To see Teenagers wax strong in spiritual things.

3. To see them filled with the wisdom of God.

4. To see them enveloped in the grace of God to be champions in their generation for God.

1.1.3 The Mission of the Teens Church To effectively drive this vision, the Teens Church has a Mission based on these guiding

principles (“TARIP”):

1. Truth: We believe that God’s Word, as found in the Bible, is the foundational truth for

transforming lives. Our teachings and trainings shall be based ONLY on God’s Word,

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


trusting the Holy Spirit to illuminate it in their hearts. Irrespective of how social the

activities may be, it is mandatory to share at least one verse from God’s Word.

2. Adventure: In the Teens’ Church, we know that serving God is EXCITING and the Teens

Church should be FUN. We will not only seek to entertain, but to give teenagers a positive

and memorable experience that reflects the joy of serving Jesus while learning the truth of

God’s Word.

3. Relationship: Life-change also happens in the context of relationships and mentorship. We

aim at creating forums for one on one discussion, and also presenting lives that are worth emulating on the part of the teachers.

4. Innovation: We aim at inspiring the teenagers to greatness in the Lord by pursuing

excellence in our program, not limited to scriptural knowledge, but also in form of educative impartation, documentaries, global awareness, relationship and leadership etc.

5. Prayer: Since we understand that it is only the Holy Spirit that can change a person, prayer

plays a major role amongst the teachers to ensure God’s will is performed in the lives of

the teens. We would also seek ways of getting the teens interested and involved in prayers

which is a secret to their greatness in life.

1.1.4 The Core Values of the Teens Church There are three core values of impact we focus on to strengthen our mission in actualizing our

vision. They are called the “Three Ws”

1. WORSHIP: The very first or the most frequent experience the teenagers will have in the

Teens’ Church is the weekly Sunday Worship Service. We will teach them HOW to worship

and WHY we worship Christ.

2. WORD: We will provide Biblical basis and principles that help to build and nurture

teenagers in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ, and understand HOW to apply Christian

principles to their own lives.

3. WORK: We will create an environment of fellowship that will give the teenagers frequent

interactions with their Christian peers, teachers and adult so as to further develop them


1.2 The Responsibilities of the Teens’ Church Teachers

1.2.1 Spiritual Responsibility

All teachers in the Teens Church are expected to maintain a high level of spirituality at all times

to enable them effectively minster to God’s Children. Therefore, each Teens Church teacher is

expected to:

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


a) Spend quality time praying and studying the Word of God in order to effectively minister to

God’s children -Acts 6:4 - “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the

ministry of the word”

i. A teacher must be prayerful for himself / herself and the teens

ii. A teacher must be a student of the Word as this is the food by which we grow.

b) Be full of the Holy Ghost such that it shows in his/her character. Acts 6:3-“Wherefore,

brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and

wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business”

i. A Teacher should be a person of “honest report” i.e. a good reputation. A bad

reputation makes it difficult for a Teacher to be a Mentor to the younger ones.

ii. The teacher must seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit as He helps to build the right

character in us. (Gal 5: 22-23)

iii. The teacher must be a person of “wisdom”. It takes wisdom to work with teenagers.

You must discern between what to say and what not to say, how to encourage the

teenagers, how to discipline in love. All these require wisdom

1.2.2 Responsibility to the Teens

Since young people learn from what they see more than what they hear, it is important for all Teachers to demonstrate a behaviour that will be a positive influence on the Teens. The responsibilities of the Teachers to the Teens are as follows:

a) A Model: 1 Cor. 11:1 “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ”. It is vital for our teenagers to have examples that they can follow. At their age, they want to emulate someone. The examples you set go a long way in influencing them.

b) An Encourager: Col 4:6 “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man”. It is important that the teacher encourages positive behaviour amongst the teens. Either by one on one interaction or collective interaction with other teens of the church. Teens are in danger of many negative influences in the society, school and even the family so they need people to urge them on in the Christian race.

c) A Mentor: Phil 4:9 (NIV) Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. It is important that Teachers individually engage each teen to mentor them, willing to give time and guidance as they deal with life’s circumstances.

d) A Counsellor: Isa 50:4“The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary”. Teachers will be presented with circumstances that will require good advice. The teacher should trust the Holy Spirit to say the right words realizing such intervention and a listening ear can make all the difference for a teen in a difficult situation.

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


e) A Friend: John 15:15Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends. All the earlier listed points above will not be possible if the Teacher does not become a friend of the Teens. Remember – “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly (Prov. 18:24)

1.2.3 Responsibility to the Rehoboth Assembly and ‘Greater Teens’

The Teens Church as a department of the Rehoboth Assembly is expected to abide by the regulations of the Rehoboth Assembly. Accordingly, every Teacher within the Greater Teens is expected to be:

a) Subject to Authority - Heb. 13:17“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you”. The kingdom of God is a Theocracy and not a democracy as such Teachers are expected to obey instructions given by the Pastorate and the Leader of the Greater Teens

b) Involved in Church Activities- Heb. 10:25“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is”. As responsible workers in His vineyard, teachers are expected to come regularly and punctually for church services and meetings. These meetings include:

o Workers’ Meeting o Sunday Services o Sunday School

o Midweek Services o House Fellowships o Special Services/Meetings

c) Regular and Punctual for Workers’ Meeting as this helps to prepare the Teachers for the ministration of the day and to receive important information meant for workers only. As instructed by the Pastor, any teacher who does not attend the workers’ meeting for the day will not be allowed to minister without a special approval from the Pastor.

d) Respectful and walk in Love with other Teens Teachers. Teachers are expected to give and receive correction in love.

e) Regular and Punctual for all meetings organized by the Teens Church Teachers

f) Prayerful and prepared for any activity he/she may be assigned to perform

g) Available for any tasks assigned during the services and meetings.

h) Time conscious in performing any assigned tasks within the Teenage church.

1.3 Teens Church Meetings and Activities

1.3.1 Teaching and Preaching

a) This is one of the key elements of the worship services in the Teens Church. The teaching

will be delivered by the Teens Church teachers or ministers assigned from the main church.

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


b) Teens Church Teachers are assigned based on a roster prepared and distributed by the

leadership to the team.

c) If an assigned teacher is unable to come for serious reasons, he/she is expected to

communicate this to the leadership of the teen’s church in charge as soon as he / she

become aware on the conflicting schedule or circumstance.

1.3.2 Activities Sunday

a) To provide variety and allow the teens to learn through other means. Some of the worship services are given a different dimension and learning is done through activities.

b) On these Sundays, the Teens are engaged in discussion forums, seminars, question & answer sessions, debates, movies or praise time etc.

c) The activities are to be well thought through and planned to ensure fun and spiritual learning are mixed together.

d) Teachers are expected to share the aim of the activities to be done with the Teens Church leadership at least one week to the scheduled day to allow for feedback and modification as required. The leadership are to approve all activities before they are done.

e) The Activities Sunday will usually come up on the last Sunday of the Month.

1.3.3 Monthly Prayer and Fasting

a) Being a spiritual assignment, the Teens Church will only excel by giving attention to our spiritual welfare. Accordingly, the Teens Teachers will dedicate one day to prayer and fasting every month.

b) Prayer points shall be distributed by the coordinator or assistant coordinator via email to all teachers.

c) It is mandatory for all Teens’ Teachers to fast and pray for the Teens’ Church on that specified day.

1.3.4 Teens Teachers’ Retreat

a) To further strengthen the spirituality of the Teens Teachers, a quarterly retreat shall be organised.

b) The retreat shall focus primarily on prayer and fasting and it shall usually hold over the weekend.

c) In totality, the teachers shall meet to pray, share the Word, evaluate our approach and contribution, and discuss the way forward in actualizing our goals.

d) It is mandatory for all teachers to attend these meetings.

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


1.3.5 Mentorship

The aim of mentorship is to have adequate interaction time with the Teens and influence them appropriately. The Teens Church has established a Mentorship Programme, which is coordinated by the leadership of the Teens Church. Some guidelines are as follows:

a) Teachers are assigned to Teens of the same gender to mentor them in spiritual matters as well as secular matters.

b) The assigning of Teachers to the Teens is done prayerfully by the Leadership of the Teens Church.

c) The Mentor (Teachers) shall be expected to have quarterly visits to the homes of the Teens to meet their parents and build the relationship.

d) The Mentors may also engage in other activities with the Teens. However in all cases, the approvals of the Teens Church leadership and the Teen’s parents are required.

e) Not all teachers will be made Mentors as this is a highly sensitive role. In addition, the leadership of the Teens Church may select mentors who are workers in other departments in the Rehoboth Assembly. However all such selections would have to be approved by the Pastorate.

1.4 Teens Church Service Areas

To ensure efficient delivery of our service to God’s Children, the Teens Church has a number of

service areas. These service areas are distributed amongst the teachers depending on the

number of Teachers and the volume of work. The service areas are as follows:

1.4.1 Orientation of New Teachers (to be done by Assistant Coordinator):

i. Coordinates with other teachers to facilitate orientation of new teachers.

ii. Introduces the teacher to the teenagers.

iii. Provides the induction manual to the new teachers.

iv. Ensures new teachers’ information is collected and communicated to the right quarters.

1.4.2 Church Service Coordination (main or supporting)

i. Adequately prepares and prays before the service of the day.

ii. Organizes teaching or message in an educative way.

iii. Is open for questions and adequately attends to each one.

iv. Distributes homework or assignment after teaching.

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


1.4.3 Teens Club and Time Out Coordination

i. Organizes sporting activities or any fun or educative event for the teenagers.

ii. Creates awareness about events amongst Teenagers.

iii. Establishes standards for participation in the teens ‘club events.

iv. Communicates cost, place, directions etc. of all activities to Teachers and fellow teachers.

v. Plans and coordinates the time-out events.

vi. Selects the time-out location.

vii. Coordinates approved time-out program.

viii. Submits approved budget needs for time-out to Teens’ Church leadership.

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


1.5 Appendix

1.5.1 Order of Service

To table below serves as a guide in how the church services for the Teens Church is arranged:

S/N Item Duration

1. Opening Prayer 3mins

2. Praise and Worship 15mins

3. Prayers 5mins

4. Welcome, Testimony and Special Numbers


5. Message 40mins

6. Bible Study/Assignment Review


7. Offering and Announcements 5mins

8. Closing Prayer 2mins


RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


1.5.2 Monthly Teenage Church Roster

S/N Date Topic 1st Service


Role Name

Teacher: XXX

Support: XXX

Back-up: XXX


Role Name

Teacher: XXX

Support: XXX

Back-up: XXX


Role Name

Teacher: XXX

Support: XXX

Back-up: XXX


Role Name

Teacher: XXX

Support: XXX

Back-up: XXX


Role Name

Teacher: XXX

Support: XXX

Back-up: XXX

RCCG – Rehoboth Assembly

Church Operational Manual

- Teens Church (Greater Teens)


End of Teens Church

Operational Manual