Chula Lunch Dash script_final

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Chula Lunch Dash script_final



CHARACTERS NIC, a female freshman, who is wise, playful and active PROFESSOR, a typical professor lecturing students in class CLASSMATES, students sitting in classroom OTHER STUDENTS, students sitting in cafeteria MR.PETER, a lizard part of LUNCH DASH’s tool




Classroom at MKSW building

SCENE 1 INT. CLASSROOM – DAY MEDIUM SHOT at the classroom clock showing 5 minutes before noon. CLOSE UP

SHOT at the lecture books as the pages turn over while the STUDENT writes over

her notes. MEDIUM SHOT showing all the STUDENTS in the classroom. MEDIUM

SHOT at the PROFESSOR teaching in front of the whiteboard. Camera turns back to

a LONG SHOT of all the STUDENTS studying in the classroom. MEDIUM SHOT of

NIC surrounded by her classmates. NIC places her school book in an upright manner

while she plays games on her mobile phone. CLOSE UP SHOT of the mobile phone

played behind the book. MEDIUM SHOT of NIC playing her mobile game application.

LONG SHOT of all the STUDENTS attentively listen to the PROFESSOR while NIC

is playing game. CLOSE UP SHOT at the PROFESSOR’s hand closing the book.



That’s all for today. Class is dismissed. CUT TO The PROFESSOR dismisses the class at exactly noon. LONG SHOT at

STUDENTS leaving the classroom. NIC is slowly making her way out; continues

playing game on her phone.

SCENE 2 INT. HALLWAY - DAY MEDIUM SHOT showing NIC walking out of the classroom door, showing a vague

background of the PROFESSOR keeping her belongings. MEDIUM SHOT of

CLASSMATES waiting in front of the elevator while NIC is still playing game in the

back of the crowd. CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC focusing on her mobile phone

application. CLOSE UP SHOT of the opening elevator door. MEDIUM SHOT showing

all her CLASSMATES rushing into the elevator. CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC looking up.

MEDIUM SHOT of CLASSMATES smiling and waving while the elevator is closing.

CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC with a dull face as she waves goodbye disappointingly.

CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC presses the elevator button once again. CLOSE UP SHOT

representing NIC’s eye view focusing on her mobile phone application as she walks

to the elevator. MEDIUM SHOT of closing elevator with NIC attentively playing on her

phone. CLOSE UP SHOT at the elevator interface 3-2-1 indicating the floors.

MEDIUM SHOT elevator door opens as NIC walks out.

SCENE 3 EXT. CAFETERIA-DAY CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC’s hands playing with the mobile phone, walking 3-4 steps. NIC stops when reach the destination.

(game sound, ambient by cafeteria noise)

CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC’s shocking face when looking at other tables. LONG SHOT of the whole cafeteria, no seats available at all.

NIC I have no seat.

MEDIUM SHOT of the whole cafeteria from NIC’s perspective. Logo LUNCH DASH pops up.

LUNCH DASH (voice over) Do you have trouble finding an available lunch seat?

CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC nods anxiously. MEDIUM SHOT of cafeteria from NIC’s perspective. LUNCH DASH log-in screen pops up.

LUNCH DASH (voice over) Here are the helpful guidelines to get your lunch seat. Enter your name and click play!

MEDIUM SHOT of NIC’s upper body, pressing the button.


INT. CLASSROOM – DAY MEDIUM SHOT of NIC shocking reaction after receiving her mission of the day while her CLASSMATES were in shocked as they have no clue what NIC was doing.

MEDIUM SHOT of the PROFESSOR teaching as normal. MEDIUM SHOT of NIC looking at her CLASSMATES. MEDIUM SHOT of CLASSMATES jotting notes. CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC checking the clock. MIDDLE SHOT of the clock showing 5 minutes before the class is dismissed. MIDDLE SHOT of NIC looking at the left-hand side, the mission pops up

LUNCH DASH (voice over) (sarcastic demanding)

TRICK 1: Prepare yourself before class is dismissed and leave the class as fast as you can.

MEDIUM SHOT at NIC looks straight and nods to accept the mission. MEDIUM SHOT of the clock turning to 11:55, 5 minutes before dismissal. FADE IN NIC keeping her things anxiously.

(clock ticking)

MEDIUM SHOT of clock ticking, 4 minutes till dismissal, FADE IN the PROFESSOR is still teaching. MEDIUM SHOT of clock ticking, 3 minutes till dismissal, CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC’s face waiting eagerly. MEDIUM SHOT of clock ticking, 2 minutes till dismissal, CLOSE UP the PROFESSOR’s hand closing the textbook.

PROFESSOR That’s all for today

CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC’s face waiting desperately. MEDIUM SHOT of clock ticking, 1 minutes till dismissal, CLOSE UP SHOT of the PROFESSOR’s mouth.

PROFESSOR Class is dismissed.

(sound of siren)

LONG SHOT from the back of the classroom, NIC runs out of the class, everyone is shocked. SCENE 5

INT. HALLWAY – DAY MEDIUM SHOT of NIC running out of the classroom door. LONG SHOT of NIC running past other classrooms. LONG SHOT of NIC arriving in front of the elevator showing signs of tiresome. CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC’s tired face as she turns left to read out Trick 2.

LUNCH DASH (voice over) TRICK 2: Choose the fastest route to the cafeteria located at ground floor.

CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC nods and presses the elevator button. CLOSE UP SHOT at the lit up elevator button. CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC’s tired face. MEDIUM SHOT at elevator door opens filled with people. CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC’s shocking face.


(getting a bright idea) Lift is full. Use the stairs!

LONG SHOT at the elevator door closes showing the puzzled faces of the people


SCENE 6 EXT. CAFETERIA-DAY LONG SHOT of NIC running down the stairs. LONG SHOT at NIC runs to the place where she thought there will be a seat for her. CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC’s face, tired.


Still I have no place to sit.

MEDIUM SHOT of NIC turning left sharply as Trick 3 popping up on the right-hand side.

LUNCH DASH (voice over) Trick 3: If there is no seat available, search for people who are showing the most signal

to be finishing their lunch meals.

CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC nods and stands up. CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC’s face looking right and left. MEDIUM SHOT of NIC looking sharply and demanding to the target, arrows pointing at the STUDENT. CLOSE UP SHOT of the STUDENT having his last spoon. MEDIUM SHOT of NIC standing next to the STUDENT waiting for him to leave while the STUDENT finishes his lunch meal. Then, he slides his plate to the side and continues talking to his friends while BEST is disappointed.

(laughing sound)

CLOSE UP SHOT of the STUDENTS talking with each other joyfully. CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC turning her face upward. Then, looking at the camera.

NIC They won’t move. Although, they finish their meal

CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC turning to the left, trick 4 popping up.

LUNCH DASH (voice over) Trick 4: Standby around the targeted table, loudly state to yourself how desperate you

need the seat.

CLOSE UP SHOT at NIC nods. MEDIUM SHOT of NIC standing over the STUDENTS trying to get attention.

NIC Oh why are there no seats today? I’m so hungry. I don’t think I will make it to my

afternoon class today.

MEDIUM SHOT of the STUDENTS keeping on talking and ignoring NIC. CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC looking at the camera.

NIC It doesn’t work.

CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC looking at the left while LUNCH DASH BOX popping up.

LUNCH DASH (voice over)

For this special case, I think you need the help from Mr. Peter.... Here you are! CLOSE UP SHOT of MR.PETER, a lizard, moving inside NIC’s pocket. NIC takes MR.PERTER out and smirks with pleasure. MEDIUM SHOT of NIC standing behind the group of STUDENTS who are pleasantly having conversations. CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC dropping MR.PETER in the middle of the group. CLOSE UP SHOT of the STUDENT screaming terrifically in slow motion as MR.PETER is dropping down. CLOSE UP SHOT of an empty plate where MR.PETER has landed. MEDIUM SHOT of the STUDENTS suddenly split off leaving NIC smiling in the background. CLOSE UP SHOT of an available seat, light shining. MEDIUM SHOT of NIC sitting down in victory.

(We are the Champion - music) CLOSE UP SHOT of NIC happily having seat.

NIC “Thank you Mr. Peter. Thank you Lunch Dash for the helpful guidelines.”

MEDIUM SHOT of NIC from high angle with LUNCH DASH logo

LUNCH DASH No problem, it’s LUNCH DASH’s duty! Remember those tricks and use them to survive

in CHULA cafeterias. Good luck and Goodbye...

MEDIUM SHOT of NIC waving to the camera.