chronica 3 2011 · 2011-08-02 · CHRONICA HORTICULTURAE •VOL 51 • NUMBER 3 • 2011 • 3...

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Transcript of chronica 3 2011 · 2011-08-02 · CHRONICA HORTICULTURAE •VOL 51 • NUMBER 3 • 2011 • 3...



Volume 51 - Number 3 - 2011

Horticultural Highlights

Symposia and WorkshopsWild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops • Genetic Resources of Bamboos and Palms - Ornamental Palms • Sap Flow • Soilless Culture and Hydroponics • Postharvest Unlimited 2011

The Sociology of Authorship Sequence • Florigen Unmasked: Exciting Prospects for Horticulture • Genetic Diversity in Pineapple • Emergence of Blackberry as a World Crop • Pitless Plum: Reality or Fantasy • The Poinsettia: History and Transformation • Prunus mume: History and Culture in China

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Chronica Horticulturae© ISBN: 978 90 6605 180 5 (Volume 51 – Number 3; September 2011); ISSN: 0578-039X.Published quarterly by the International Society for Horticultural Science, Leuven, Belgium. Lay-out and printing by Drukkerij Geers, Gent, Belgium. ISHS© 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced and/or published in any form, photocopy, microfi lm or any other means without written permission from the publisher. All previous issues are also available online at Contact the ISHS Secretariat for details on full colour advertisements (1/1, 1/2, 1/4 page) and/or mailing lists options.

Editorial Office and Contact Address:ISHS Secretariat, PO Box 500, B-3001 Leuven 1, Belgium. Phone: (+32)16229427, fax: (+32)16229450, e-mail:, web: or

Editorial StaffJules Janick, Science Editor, janick@purdue.eduKelly Van Dijck, Associate Editor, kelly.vandijck@ishs.orgPeter Vanderborght, Associate Editor - Production & Circulation,

Editorial Advisory CommitteeIsabel Ferreira, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, PortugalKim Hummer, USDA ARS NCGR, Corvallis, USAHilde Nybom, Balsgard-Dept. Crop Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Kristianstad, SwedenRobert K. Prange, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Kentville, CanadaAnthony David Webster, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Membership and Orders of Chronica HorticulturaeChronica Horticulturae is provided to the Membership for free: Individual Membership 60 EUR per year (developed countries) or two years (developing countries), 50 EUR per year/two years for members of affiliated national societies, or Student Membership30 EUR per year. For all details on ISHS membership categories and membership advantages, including a membership application form, refer to the ISHS membership pages at

PaymentsAll major Credit Cards accepted. Always quote your name and invoice or membership number. Make checks payable to ISHS Secretariat. Money transfers: ISHS main bank account number is 230-0019444-64. Bank details: Fortis Bank, Branch “Heverlee Arenberg”, Naamsesteenweg 173/175, B-3001 Leuven 1, Belgium. BIC (SWIFT code): GEBABEBB08A, IBAN: BE29230001944464. Please arrange for all bank costs to be taken from your account assuring that ISHS receives the net amount. Prices listed are in euro (EUR) but ISHS accepts payments in USD as well.

Acta HorticulturaeActa Horticulturae is the series of proceedings of ISHS Scientific Meetings, Symposia or Congresses (ISSN: 0567-7572). ISHS Members are entitled to a substantialdiscount on the price of Acta Horticulturae. For an updated list of available titles, go to A complete and accurate record of the entire Acta Horticulturae collection, including all abstracts and full text articles is available online at ISHS Individual membership includes credits to download 10 full text Acta Horticulturae articles. All Acta Horticulturae titles – including those no longer available in print format – are available in the ActaHort CD-ROM format.

Scripta HorticulturaeScripta Horticulturae is a new series from ISHS devoted to specific horticultural issues such as position papers, crop or technology monographs and special workshops or conferences.

PubHort - Crossroads of Horticultural PublicationsPubhort is a service of ISHS as part of its mission to promote and to encourage research in all branches of horticulture, and to effi ciently transfer knowledge on a global scale. The PubHort platform aims to provide opportunities not only to ISHS publications but also to other important series of related societies and organisations. The ISHS and its partners welcome their members to use this valuable tool and invite others to share their commitment to our profession. The PubHort eLibrary portal contains over 62,000 downloadable full text scientifi c articles in pdf format, and includes The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, Journal of the American Pomological Society, Journal of the International Society for Mushroom Science, Fruits, Proceedings of the International Plant Propagator’s Society, Journal of the Interamerican Society for Tropi-cal Horticulture, Plant Breeding Reviews, Horticultural Reviews, etc. Additional information can be seen from the PubHort website

A publication of the International Society for Horticultural Science, a society of individuals, orga-nizations, and governmental agencies devoted to horticultural research, education, industry, and human well-being.

� News & Views from the Board 3 Adding Value by Building Bridges, G.J. Noga 4 New Science Editor for Chronica Horticulturae 4 Letter to the Editor: Carrot History

� Issues 5 The Sociology of Authorship Sequence, J. Janick

� Horticultural Science Focus 7 Florigen Unmasked: Exciting Prospects for Horticulture, M. Reid

and Cai-Zhong Jiang 9 Genetic Diversity in Pineapple, G.M. Sanewski

� Horticultural Science News 13 Emergence of Blackberry as a World Crop, C.E. Finn and

J.R. Clark 18 Pitless Plum: Reality or Fantasy, A. Callahan, C. Dardick and

R. Scorza

� History 23 The Poinsettia: History and Transformation, J.M. Taylor,

R.G. Lopez, C.J. Currey and J. Janick

� The World of Horticulture 28 Prunus mume: History and Culture in China, Yanmei Li and

Qinglin Liu 36 New Research Institute of Horticulture in Poland 36 New Books, Websites 37 Courses and Meetings

� Symposia and Workshops 38 Ist Int’l Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and

Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops 40 Ist Int’l Symposium on Genetic Resources of Bamboos and Palms

and IIIrd Int’l Symposium on Ornamental Palms 41 VIIIth Int’l Workshop on Sap Flow 43 IInd Int’l Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics 45 IVth Int’l Conference Postharvest Unlimited 2011

� News from the ISHS Secretariat 46 New ISHS Members 47 Calendar of ISHS Events 52 Available Issues of Acta Horticulturae

Cover photograph: Brussels in Bloom: This beautiful Carpet of Flowers is created every year in the Grand-Place, Brussels, Belgium. Close to a million begonia fl owers were used to create the 300 m2 carpet. The pattern is based on a medieval carpet design. Crafts-men arranged the carpet by hand, directly onto the square’s cobblestones, without any soil. Grass and tree bark were also used to provide colour. The fi rst Carpet of Flowers was created in 1971 as a way to promote begonias. Each m2 of ground contains more than 300 fl owers.

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Georg J. Noga

Georg J. Noga, ISHS Treasurer


Adding Value by Building Bridges

Thanks to a growing membership, hundreds of successful Symposia, a high production rate of impressive publications, and excellent fi nan-cial management with disciplined spending, ISHS has fi nally reached its long-term goal of having the equivalent of one year’s turnover in reserves, thus meeting the ISHS Council re-quest and Belgian legal requirements. What a wonderful and comfortable situation for ourSociety! But it took a long time to meet this goal, and it was the result of continuous efforts and sound fi nancial management whereby past treasurers, ISHS Board and Council have made wise decisions of setting some money aside each year instead of spending it. In order to maintain this healthy, fi nancially prudent situa-tion in the future, the Society, the Treasurer and the Internal Auditors are obliged to continue to control spending. They must ensure that theSociety pays only for needed items while avoid-ing impulse driven expenditures with limited likelihood of benefi cial returns.

With money on hand, temptations are grow-ing for the Society to invest at least some of the reserves in new activities. This consideration is quite legitimate. But what priorities must ISHS use in deciding where to make such new ex-penditure? The Treasurer as well as the other Board members received requests from individu-als of our Society to allocate some of this reserve money on fellowships and awards dedicated to outstanding young scientists.

The idea, if attractive at fi rst, may be very dif-fi cult to implement by our Society. For instance, how many grants should be made available, at what amount, to whom and for how long? Should there be a regional quota, e.g. members from less developed countries preferred? What would be the specifi c eligibility requirements? What would the nomination and selection proc-esses involve? Who would make the interim and fi nal decisions? Should we install additional committees to evaluate applications? Many questions are arising from the original simple re-quest; whatever, such a system would be quite a challenge with the potential for additional work and resources.

However, the main question is: Will we be offer-ing a service that other institutions and funding agencies are better prepared and qualifi ed to offer? So far, it has not been part of the ISHS mandate to provide grants or fellowships to re-searchers. I must admit that there are – at least from the fi nancial perspective – good reasons not to do so. There are many other prestigious

institutions who’s primary objectives and task are to provide funding. It might actually be more productive for ISHS to seek out opportunities for cooperation with such institutions instead of adding another topic of responsibility and fi nan-cial engagement to our long list of already exist-ing ISHS duties and services. As far as research grants are concerned, in most countries there are funding institutions providing support to members of our horticultural discipline. Would there be opportunities for cooperation ofmutual benefi t with such institutions? In other words, what could we offer as a prosperous, highly visible and acknowledged International Society to make collaboration mutually attrac-tive?

I am very fortunate to have been selected as host for Humboldtians. Over the years I have accommodated several young postdocs from different countries and continents as research-ers in my lab at Bonn University. In doing so I have made good friendships with the research fellows, and I also established a trusting coop-eration with the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation and its highly respected offi cials. AvH is a prestigious institution representing one of the most acknowledged foundations world-wide providing postdoctoral research fellow-ships and research awards for highly qualifi ed scientists from all disciplines and all countries ( The sole se-lection criterion is academic excellence. There are no quotas for countries or subjects. At present the Humboldt Network of Knowledge Elite comprises 24,000 scientists and scholars from all disciplines in more than 130 countries around the world, among them 44 Nobel Prize winners. Within the last 5 years AvH has award-ed close to 3000 postdoc fellowships, of which 65% were granted to applicants of NaturalSciences. A high percentage of the applicants are from Europe (37%) and Asia (36%), a sig-nifi cant proportion are from North America (14%), but from Africa, Latin America and New Zealand there are only 6%, 4% and 2% of the candidates, respectively.

The Humboldt Foundation welcomes excel-lent applications from all countries equally. Like any other international granting institution the Humboldt Foundation has a great interest in making its programs visible worldwide and se-lecting the top postdocs. This objective could become the basis for a close cooperation with ISHS. But what kind of service could ISHS offer that AvH or other granting institutions would

benefi t from? Our Society could help to make the AvH funding programs visible worldwide. ISHS is an excellent, extremely strong organiza-tion to do this with its international network of Working Groups, Sections and Commissions. We are in the fantastic situation now to sanc-tion and publish about 50 International Sympo-sia per year! This is amazing! In other words, every week on average ISHS organizes an Inter-national Symposium somewhere in the world! Our ISHS website records more than 28,500 page views per day! We can all be very proud! These are incredible achievements, and wereally should take advantage of this opportunity to spread the attractive message for institutional cooperation of mutual benefi t!

Therefore, with the agreement and mandate of our Board, the Treasurer and the Executive Director, Jozef Van Assche, made an initial visit to explore the opportunity and willingness for cooperation with Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This fi rst meeting was held on De-cember 3, 2010, in Bonn. The outcome was very encouraging, and it opened up new possibilities for supporting young researchers in their profes-sional career by getting access to funding pro-grams that will benefi t the successful individu-als, ISHS and cooperating Institutions.

For example, ISHS:

� could assist in spreading material on AvH ‘Georg Forster Research Fellowship Program’ to ISHS members;

� will provide information on its website outlin-ing central activities of AvH and will establish a link to the AvH website

- to explain the procedure for AvH applica-tions

- to act as a go between for applicants and groups of excellence to host AvH awardees and

- to facilitate interdisciplinary involvement in projects for the benefi t of horticulture(ists);

� support AvH in gaining visibility at the Re-gional ISHS Congresses in Africa, South-East Asia and Latin America in the year 2012 and this way also inform ISHS members on fund-ing opportunities;

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Did you renew your ISHS membership?Logon to and renew online!

� enlarge the ISHS Award and Fellowship Port-folio with fellowships and awards provided by AvH.

This would be a major step forward: Adding val-ue to our ISHS membership by building bridges. This strategy would be completely in line with one of our central missions, to facilitate glo-

bal networking. If our expectations regarding ISHS – AvH cooperation come to fruition, and, I have no doubt on that they will, this could serve as a model for other liaisons that may follow where ISHS is highly visible in international are-nas. Success will allow plant sciences in general and horticultural science in particular to have a

signifi cant impact on the health and wellbeing of human-kind, at the same time adding value for our members by exploiting rewarding op-portunities with other prestigious institutions.

New Science Editor for Chronica Horticulturae

This issue of Chronica is the last one under the aegis of Dr. Jules Janick who has served asScience Editor since his election to the ISHS Board in 2002. Although his term ended inAugust, 2010, Dr. Janick was prevailed on to serve an additional year during the transition of a new Board. During these 9 years many agree that Chronica has been transformed into a dynamic publication of the Society. Dr. Yves

Desjardins, current Board Member responsible for Publications, will assume the position ofScience Editor starting with the December issue 51(4). Kelly Van Dijck will continue as Associate Editor with special responsibility for Symposia and Workshops and Peter Vanderborght will continue as Associate Editor in charge of Pro-duction and Circulation.

Jules Janick Yves Desjardins

Letter to the EditorCarrot History

It has been pointed out to us that there is an inaccuracy in the article entitled “Carrot: History and Iconography” (Chronica Horticul-turae 51(2):13-18). The sentence “Carrot ar-rived in America with the Pilgrims in 1609 and

soon became part of the staple diet.” is obvi-ously incorrect since the English Dissenters whofounded Plymouth Colony did not arrive in North America until 1620. The sentence should have referred to the English settlers, part of the

Virginia Company, who arrived in the Chesa-peake region of the New World in 1607 and founded Jamestown.

John Stolarczyk and Jules Janick

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The Sociology of Authorship Sequence


Jules Janick

Laboratory activity [is] the organization of persuasion through literary inscription

(Latour and Woolgar, 1986)


The driving force for science long has been considered to be curiosity of the natural world. However, at present, there are other mundane issues that are also involved such as earning a living since most scientists now are involved in salaried jobs either in academia, government, or industry. Another continuing driving force inscience, often not openly mentioned, is therecognition and fame that come with advances and discoveries. In science as in many other pursuits, credit and acclaim is often based on priority, i.e. who is the fi rst. In fact, prior-ity may be the most important component in which the rewards of science are allocated andspecial prizes, such as the Nobel, are based on this issue. Priority in science is now determined in a special way, the date of fi rst publication in a recognized scientifi c journal, where the editors, the gatekeepers of science, have developed spe-cial procedures (a series of anonymous peer re-views) to determine if the new discovery and the experimental data to back it up are considered legitimate. Similar rules exist in sports, where priority for achieving a certain event such as speed over a certain distance, must be achieved in a sanctioned, competitive event. For exam-ple, photographic evidence for an event run in a non-sanctioned meet does not count.

At present, unlike the great scientifi c works of Copernicus, Newton, Linnaeus, and Darwin, research results are seldom published by an individual in a very large paper or book where the results are essentially complete. It is also un-usual that great scientifi c papers such as those of Mendel or Einstein have a single author. Present day research papers are typically multi-authored and reported in a series of discrete units. There is a certain tension since scientists are loath to delay publication of individual defi nitive experi-ments because of the fear of being scooped, as well as the need to provide evidence of progress for their job or grant, while research journals are averse to publish individual experiments. Thus, determining priority over a particular series of publications is not straightforward but compli-cated. Since authorship is listed sequentially, one might expect that sequence is critical but the issue is more complex. This essay on the sociology of authorship sequence has a narrow objective: how does the scientifi c community determine and evaluate authorship sequence.


The unit of scientifi c information is the research paper. One of the curious developments in sci-entifi c publications is the changing attitudes toward authorship sequence. What might seem to be a simple easily resolvable issue turns out to be fraught with complication and diffi culties. Let us review the various issues of this phenom-enon.

No Author At All

A number of books and articles are authorless. In this case it must be presumed that either the author chooses to remain anonymous, or that the report is merely a matter of a complex com-mittee without a single author. In newspaper writing, the author is usually not listed, andgetting a byline is considered a great coup. Articles without authors are usually cited as “Anonymous” abbreviated as “Anon.” Compli-cations arise when the author is fi nally revealed. Jane Austen’s famous novel Pride and Prejudice was originally published as “written by the author of Sense and Sensibility” – which was also anonymous. In some cases the anonymousauthor provides another name (nom de plume, penname, pseudonym). Famous pseudonyms in literature include George Sand for Aman-tine Luicile Dupin and Mark Twain for SamuelClemens. In science, the most famous case is the statistician W.S. Gossard (1876-1937) who published under the name Student. All biolo-gists are familiar with the Student t-test.

Single Author

This would seem to be uncomplicated but may not be. Check the “acknowledgement” section. Effusive acknowledgements lead the reader (and often the person acknowledged) to won-der why authorship was not shared.

Two Authors

The co-authorship of an article would seem straight forward but one wonders, why the se-quence. The fi rst author is usually considered the senior author (not older, but presumably more important) and the second author, the junior author. With equal participation in the work it is often a problem of determining who gets senior status. One way to resolve this issue, besides fl ipping a coin, is to use alphabetization

of the names. Thus, only when the sequence is non-alphabetical does it become absolutely clear that the fi rst author is non-ambiguously positioned as the senior author, with majorresponsibility for the work. Playing second fi ddle in authorship is a very unpleasant situation for some and often the cause of deep resentment among colleagues. Senior authorship is valued in academia and the lack of senior authorship in CVs is a signal that the person is a follower and not a leader. When multiple publications evolve from the work, this problem can be neutral-ized by the two authors shifting position. The sequence of names has important effects. Thus, we refer to Watson-Crick base pairing of nucle-otides in DNA, and Murashige-Skoog culture medium. (It is said that Henry Royce told Charles Stewart Rolls when discussing the name of their fi rm that Royce-Rolls had a nice ring to it!)

There have been differences in determining se-quence. In the 19th and early 20th century the professor and not the student assumed senior authorship. In departments of Mathematics and English authorship between professor and stu-dent is seldom shared, with authorship reserved for the student. This has enormous consequen-ces in the professor-student relationship. In the biological and medical sciences, having gradu-ate students is extremely important to increase the potential bibliography of the professor. One would think that a professor’s publication record would be divided by the number of authors but this does not seem to be the case.

There is another complication in science. When the co-worker in a project is a graduate student, the graduate student usually receives the honor of senior author. However, when the co-worker is an employee such as a laboratory assistant, authorship is not universally endowed under the dubious claim that the technician was sim-ply paid to follow instructions. The surest way to get to be senior author in a scientifi c paper is to write the fi rst draft, which is often the main work.

There are strong cultural factors in authorship sequence. In Italy for example, it is said that the “Professor” who sometimes does not write even a line or otherwise contribute to the work is often the main author. A common complaint is that “slave” students, contract workers, orassistant professors do the work while the pro-fessor takes the credit.

Three Authors

Ah, here we have a problem: there are now three places: fi rst or senior author, middle author, and last or junior author. The most important posi-tion is the fi rst authorship, but strangely enough

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Latour, B. and Woolgar, S. 1986. Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, New Jersey.

Jules Janick

Dr. Jules Janick is the James Troop Distinguished Professor of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.



the second authorship is considered to have dif-ferent importance in different cultures. In the United States, the power position by custom is relegated to the last author. Many scientists will agree to be only fi rst or last author distaining the middle position. Thus, the contribution of the poor middle author is stuck in ambiguity. One resolution of assuming equal participation is alphabetization. But with three authors there are 6 possible arrangements (ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA). With randomness, one sixth of the time authors will be in alphabetical order anyway.

Multiple Authors

In this case the fi rst and last author are given power positions in scientifi c publications. Usu-ally the last author is the laboratory director or senior professor. The sequence of middle au-thors now assumes critical importance. Thus with 6 authors, being third rather than fourth seems to say something about the contribution of each. The second author may often feel espe-cially put out assuming that person has contrib-uted substantially. There is a tendency to resolve this issue with a footnote that usually runs as follows: Each author has contributed equally to this work. However, this statement is fraught with ambiguity, but who cares? The short an-swer is the second author. Another complication is identifi cation of the “contributing author,” the one who sends in the paper and presum-ably is the one to whom requests for reprints are sent. For some reason contributing author retains some panache. I do not know why.

Interdisciplinary Multi-Authored Papers

Modern science is often done in large interdisci-plinary teams and often the entire group shares authorship with the assumption that each has contributed in some way or another. As many

as 100 authors have been involved in some pa-pers. Now in some journals when these articles are cited often only the fi rst three authors are listed and the rest are indicated by the humiliat-ing term either “etc.” or “et al.” Thus in this situation it is considered important to be at least the third author in a multiple authored paper. I told you this was not easy.

In the past fi ve years there has been a sea of changes developing in identifying each authors’ contribution in multi-authored papers by infl u-ential journals such as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA). This has come about as a result of author disputes as well as charges of scientifi c misconduct. Fund-ing agencies are now requiring statements on which authors received funding while journals require declarations on the contributions of each author such as conceptualization and de-sign, performance of specifi c experiments, data analysis, and writing. This trend will certainlyfi lter down to all journals.

In multi-authored papers there have been dif-ferences on whether technicians or paid labo-ratories (such as sequencing fi rms) deserve authorship. The payment of large publishing fees, especially color, has also been a factor in consigning authorship. With larger and larger interdisciplinary teams, acknowledgement of authorship is becoming of increasing impor-tance and issues still remain to be resolved.


Authorship sequence in the last analysis is a way to determine the share of participation of a particular work. It is part of a complex sys-tem of determining rewards in science. These rewards are now based on an integration of a number of factors such as authorship sequence, the number of publications, the importance of

the journal that publishes the paper and its im-pact, the number of citations of the results, and above all priority. Modern science is now based on multi-authored works in which complicated rules and traditions have been developed to determine authorship contribution in each pa-per. The system is evolving. Unfortunately the present system is not uniform with different fi elds and has encountered many problems and as for most complex problems there is no simple solution.,000 articles on-line

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Florigen Unmasked: Exciting Prospects for Horticulture

Michael Reid and Cai-Zhong Jiang

The pioneer work of Garner and Allard, who coined the term “photoperiod” to describe the dramatic effects of day length on fl owering of many plants, led to the widespread commercial use of photoperiod modifi cation to control fl owering in plants, particularly ornamentals. M.K. Chailakhyan suggested that the fl owering stimulus was transmitted from the leaves to the shoot apex by a phloem-transmitted mobile stimulus he named “fl origen.” This hypothesis spurred seven decades of research to identify the elusive “hormone.” Analysis of the fl owering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, a facultative long-day plant, led to the identifi cation of a photoperiodic pathway that results in fl ower induction. Now one component of that pathway, Flowering Locus T (FT), has been identifi ed as the gene encoding the mobile fl owering stimulus, fl origen. The 20 kDa FT protein has been detected in phloem sap of cucurbits, and over-expression of FT overcomes the photoperiodic requirement in a short-day cucurbit, Cucurbita moschata. Similarly over-expression of FT or its orthologs results in precocious fl owering in tobacco and tomato, tuberization in potato, complements fl owering mutants, and induces fl owering of transgenic chrysanthemums in vitro. Horticulturists can look forward to new strategies for controlling fl ow-ering, tuberization, dormancy and plant architecture stemming from this exciting discovery.


The seasonality of fl owering in plants has been noted since the dawn of civilization. “These then”, wrote the Greek philosopher Theophras-tus in the 4th century BCE, “are the periods and seasons at which the various fl owers are pro-duced.” “In that country” [Egypt], he further re-ported, “it is said that roses, carnations, and oth-er fl owers are as much as two months ahead of those in our country” [Greece]. In 1852, Arthur Hensley, an English botanist, described the dif-ferent distribution of plants in Europe, and sug-gested that summer day length might be the determinant of distribution of different species. It was another 50 years before Julien Tournois tested this hypothesis experimentally in France, showing early fl owering of hops and cannabis plants held in a greenhouse with supplementary light. Concurrently, a German researcher, Georg A. Klebs, demonstrated that it was length of photoperiod, not light integral, that was the key factor. Conclusive evidence demonstrating the role of the photoperiod came from the work of USDA scientists Garner and Allard (1920, 1931) who showed that “the length of day exercises a remarkable regulatory action in initiating or inhibiting sexual reproduction in plants.” They used a dark chamber to alter what they termed “the photoperiod,” and noted that some spe-cies respond to relatively long days, others to short days (Fig. 1), and that some showed no photoperiodic response.

Photoperiodic responses were either obligate (short or long photoperiods were required for fl owering) or facultative (short or long photope-riods accelerated fl owering). Garner and Allard’s work is the foundation for practical uses of pho-toperiods for controlling fl owering in many hor-ticultural crops that are still in widespread use today (Fig. 2).


In Russia, Chailakhyan (1936) conducted nu-merous experiments to understand these excit-ing results, making grafts between the induced and non-induced plants of the same and differ-ent species, girdling stems and branches, and so forth. His data, published in 1936, in his classic paper “New facts in support of the hormonal theory of plant development” sustained the hypothesis that a fl owering hormone, which he named fl origen, is produced in the leaves, moves over long distances in both directions through the phloem, and is neither species- nor photoperiod-specifi c. His data even provided an estimate for the speed of fl origen move-ment. Chailakhyan’s observations generated enormous interest, and resulted in an extensive literature describing the details of photoperiod/environment interactions for numerous model and crop plant species. The probability that fl origen was a universal fl owering hormone was suggested by grafting experiments, which showed that one induced leaf could be graft-ed to a non-induced plant and would induce fl owering. In Perilla, this remarkable result was repeated numerous times with the same leaf! Moreover, fl origen appeared to be species and fl owering-type independent. Grafts of induced leaves of one species would induce fl owering in

Figure 1. The classic experiment from Garner and Allard’s first paper (1920) showing the effect of short photoperi-ods (top) on flowering in the short-day tobacco cultivar ‘Maryland Mammoth’.

Figure 2. Overhead lamps used in San Diego to induce early spring flowering in long-day Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum). Photo courtesy M. Reid.

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plants of another graft-compatible species. Even more remarkably, induced leaves of short- or long-day plants would induce fl owering when grafted onto non-induced plants with the op-posite photoperiodic response.

For more than 60 years biochemists, physiolo-gists, and horticulturists attempted unsuccess-fully to identify the fl owering hormone, follow-ing the classical wet chemical and biochemical methods that had proved successful with cytoki-nins and gibberellins. Although the application of molecular strategies to classic model fl ow-ering systems provided information on genes that were up-regulated in response to inductivephotoperiods, the nature of the inducing ‘hor-mone’ remained unknown.


The breakthrough in the hunt for fl origen came from study of fl owering mutants in Arabidopsis, a facultative long-day plant. Researchers de-scribed a number of mutants, including co (con-stans), gi (gigantea), cry2 (cryptochrome), fd (fl owering locus d), ft (fl owering locus t), fe, and fwa that were proposed as components of a single photoperiodic pathway leading to fl ower induction. The complex interactions among the various elements of this pathway allow an ex-planation of the physiological observations that have been made over the years since Gardner and Allard’s fi rst identifi cation of the photope-riodic response. The key components of signal transduction that led to the discovery of the nature of fl origen are CO and FT. CO mRNA is transcribed in a diurnal manner, but CO protein is rapidly degraded except when protected by products of genes that are under photoperiodic control. CO protein is therefore only present in the cells during an inductive photoperiod. When CO protein is present, it induces the transcrip-tion of FT mRNA in the companion cells of the phloem in the leaf veins. The fi rst reports sug-gested that it was this mRNA that was the mo-bile fl owering stimulus, but careful experiments in tomato and squash showed this to be anerror.

Lifschitz et al. (2006) studied fl owering in a tomato plant in which the FT homolog (SFT - single fl ower truss) was mutated. They dem-onstrated that the developmental and fl ower-ing anomalies caused by the sft mutation were prevented if a mutant shoot was grafted onto a tomato plant over-expressing SFT under the control of the 35S promoter. Over-expression of SFT also caused premature fl owering in tomato, and in tobacco. In the delayed fl owering mutant tobacco, ‘Maryland Mammoth’ (used by Allard and Garner in the fi rst demonstration of the photoperiodic effect), grafting a tomato shoot expressing 35S:SFT resulted in precocious fl ow-ering (Fig. 3). However, these researchers could fi nd no trace of the SFT mRNA in the scions of

grafted plants, suggesting that the mobile stim-ulus was not mRNA.


Cucurbits are particularly well-suited to exam-ining the contents of phloem, in which the fl owering signal is known to be transported, so Lin et al. (2007) screened 69 Cucurbita spe-cies and identifi ed C. moschata as a model sys-tem for studying changes in phloem compo-sition during fl oral induction. This species did not fl ower under long photoperiods, but did fl ower when grafted onto a fl owering pump-kin plant (C. maxima). Expression of the Arabi-dopsis FT gene using a Zucchini yellows mosaic virus (ZYMV) vector in plants of C. moschata caused them to fl ower in long days (Fig. 4). The researchers were unable to detect RNA tran-scripts of the cucumber FT homolog in phloem sap isolated from C. moschata plants that had been induced to fl ower in short days. In con-trast, liquid chromatography/mass spectromet-ric analysis of trypsin-digested proteins in the phloem sap showed the presence of fragments of proteins encoded by the two C. moschata FT genes. These data demonstrate conclusively that it is FT proteins, not FT mRNAs that are the mobile fl owering stimulus in cucurbits.

Figure 4. Overexpression of the FT gene from Arabidopsis using a ZYMV vec-tor results in flowering of short-day C. moschata in long days. Control (left) shows no effect from over-expression of GFP. Photo from Lin et al. (2007).

Figure 3. Overexpressing SFT, the tomato ortholog of FT, in ‘Maryland Mammoth’ tobacco, or grafting a branch of an SFT over-expressing tomato plant onto a tobacco plant results in precocious flowering under long days. Photo from Lifschitz et al. (2006).

It is now well-established that fl origen is not a small molecule hormone, but is in fact a small (20 kDa) protein. The protein is transported in the phloem sieve tubes to the shoot apex, where it is thought to bind to the protein en-coded by the b-ZIP transcription factor FD - the combined protein is hypothesized to induce the expression of APETALA1, a MADS-box pro-tein that is known to be required for formation of the fi rst fl oral bud.

Since the identifi cation of FT as the mobile fl owering signal in Arabidopsis, a number of papers have appeared showing that homolo-gous molecules are involved in fl owering in rice (Tamaki et al., 2007), in vernalization in wheat (Yan et al., 2006), and in tuberiza-tion in potato (Rodriguez-Falcon et al., 2006). Over-expression of the FT ortholog PtFTl in as-pen trees shortened the time to fl owering in transgenic trees from several years to 6 months (Bohlenius et al., 2006). Such reports indicate the universality of FT action, and suggest that modulation of the production of FT might be an immensely useful tool in horticultural sci-ence, allowing control of fl owering and other terminal events using molecular strategies.


Surprisingly, the horticultural research com-munity seems to have paid little attention to the potential importance of this discovery.One study (Jiang et al., 2010) shows that up-regulation of FT in Chrysanthemum (a short-day plant) results in precocious fl owering of transformed plants, under the long days of the incubation chamber (Fig. 5).

In our laboratory we’re testing the effective-ness of a construct combining FT and induc-ible systems, including an alcohol-inducible promoter, in controlling fl owering. It seems probable that in the near future the fl owering of horticultural crops, initially ornamentals, will be controlled by simple spray application of an inducing chemical instead of the expen-sive blackout systems presently employed. In the more distant future, we can imagine that the identifi cation of fl origen, and the compo-

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Figure 5. Overexpression of Arabidopsis FT in chrysanthemum under the control of the 35S promoter results in precocious flowering of Chrysanthemum morifo-lium. Photo courtesy L.-J. Zhao, China Agricultural University.


Bohlenius, H., Huang, T., Charbonnel-Campaa, L., Brunner, A.M., Jansson S., Strauss, S.H. and Nilsson, O. 2006. CO/FT regulatory module controls timing of flowering and seasonal growth cessation in trees. Science 312:1040-1043.

Chailakhyan, M.K. 1936. New facts in support of the hormonal theory of plant development. C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS 13:79-83.

Garner, W.W. and Allard, H.A. 1920. Effect of the relative length of day and night and other factors of the environment on growth and reproduction in plants. J. Agr. Res. 18:553-606.

Garner, W.W. and Allard, H.A. 1931. Effects of abnormally long and short alternations of light and darkness on growth and reproduction in plants. J. Agr. Res. 42:629-651.

Jiang, D., Liang, J.-L., Chen, X.-L., Hong, B., Jia, W.-S. and Zhao, L.-J. 2010. Transformation of Arabidopsis flowering gene FT to from cut Chrysanthemum ‘Jinba’ by Agrobacterium mediate. Acta Hort. Sinica 37:441-448.

Lifschitz, E., Eviatar, T., Rozman, A., Shalit, A., Goldshmidt, A., Amsellem, Z., Alvarez, J.P. and Eshed, Y. 2006. The tomato FT ortholog triggers systemic signals that regulate growth and flowering and substitute for diverse environmental stimuli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 103:6398-6403.

Lin, M.K., Belanger, H., Lee, Y.J., Varkonyi-Gasic, E., Taoka, K., Miura, E., Xoconostle-Cazares, B., Gendler, K., Jorgensen, R.A., Phinney, B., Lough, T.J. and Lucas, W.J. 2007. FLOWERING LOCUS T protein may act as the long-distance florigenic signal in the cucurbits. Plant Cell 19:1488-1506.

Rodriguez-Falcon, M., Bou, J. and Prat, S. 2006. Seasonal control of tuberization in potato: conserved ele-ments with the flowering response. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 57:151-180.

Tamaki, S., Matsuo, S., Wong, H.L., Yokoi, S. and Shimamoto, K. 2007. Hd3a protein is a mobile flowering signal in rice. Science 316:1033-1036.

Yan, L., Fu, D., Li, C., Blechl, A., Tranquilli, G., Bonafede, M., Sanchez, A., Valarik, M., Yasuda, S. and Dubcovsky, J. 2006. The wheat and barley vernalization gene VRN3 is an orthologue of FT. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 103:19581-19586.

nents of the photoperiodic pathway that pre-cede, follow, or interact with it, will suggest strategies for controlling fl owering in many horticultural crops. Certainly horticulturists will be excited to test the possibilities of in-ducing precocious fl owering in woody spe-cies, overcoming vernalization requirements, and modifying the timing of fl ower induction in geophytes, all through up- or down-reg-ulation of a small protein transported in the vascular system.

Michael Reid

Dr. Michael Reid is Professor and Extension Specialist Emeritus in the Department of Plant Sciences at U.C. Davis, California, USA. Email:

Dr. Cai-Zhong Jiang is a Plant Physiologist in the Crops Pathology & Genetic Research Unit of the USDA Agricultural Research Service. Email:

Cai-Zhong Jiang


Genetic Diversity in PineappleGarth M. Sanewski

Pineapple (Ananas comosus, Bromeliaceae) is one of the many crops to emerge from the New World since its discovery by Europeans in 1492. While the plant was found to be widely cultivated or utilised throughout Central and South America and the Caribbean at the time of Columbus, the centre of origin is generally considered to be northern Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Para-guay and northern Argentina. It is thought domestication principally occurred in eastern French Guiana with site specifi c selection occurring in many regions including the lower Andes (Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge and Duval, 2009; Clement et al., 2010).

The genus Ananas is represented by only two species, A. macrodontes and A. comosus. While A. macrodontes is a highly monotypical, primi-tive morphotype, there is considerable diversity within the main species, A. comosus, to which the domestic and wild pineapple both belong. This genetic diversity is driven by a system of

out-crossing and a high frequency of soma-clonal variation.

Germplasm collecting expeditions and DNA mo-lecular studies indicate the botanical variety A. comosus var. ananassoides (Fig. 1) as the wild progenitor of domesticated pineapple A. co-mosus var. comosus. While considerable differ-

ences exist between varieties of A. comosus var. ananassoides, most are very primitive compared to the domesticated varieties in existence when Europeans fi rst arrived in South America. The process of domestication by indigenous Ameri-

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cans most likely commenced 6,000 to 10,000 years ago (Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge and Duval, 2009; Clement et al., 2010). This probably oc-curred through a process of selecting wild types with desirable traits and replanting in village environs although the amalgamation of many desirable traits into single cultivars and the substantial difference between these and the wild morphotype suggest sexual recombination might also have been used.

Breeding for modern supply chains using mod-ern strategies started in the 1940s. Since then, despite over 80 years of breeding effort, only one universally successful cultivar, ‘MD-2’, has

been commercialised worldwide. This Hawai-ian cultivar has transformed world markets for fresh pineapple since its release in 1996 (Greig, 2004). Consumption of fresh pineapple quadru-pled in the North American and EU markets in the ensuing 13 years (Loeillet and Paqui, 2009). Figure 2 shows the volume of pineapple imports for the United States of America and the Euro-pean Union for the period since 1996.

‘MD-2’ represented a major step away from the dual-purpose processing and fresh market ‘Smooth Cayenne’, which dominated pineap-ple production in most countries (Fig. 3). The fruit of ‘MD-2’ develops a glossy, green-golden shell colour, a uniform and attractive cylindrical shape, a fl esh that is less acid, sweeter, more yellow, more aromatic, slightly fi rmer, stores better and contains 5-6 times the vitamin C lev-el. Together these changes summated to a radi-cal change in the fresh product and represented a new fruit category called “gold pineapples” (Janick, 2003).

Most modern pineapple breeding programs, including the one that eventually developed‘MD-2’, are based on fi ve pre-Colombian culti-vars: ‘Perola’, ‘Perolera’ (and the similar ‘Monte Lirio’ and ‘Manzana’), ‘Queen’, ‘Red Spanish’ and ‘Cayenne’ (Fig. 4). Between them, these cultivars exhibit a wide variety of diverse and useful traits. Unfortunately, due to a high heter-ozygosity in the pineapple genotype and a low frequency of desirable genes in pre-Colombian types, it is diffi cult to quickly incorporate a large number of useful traits into a single commercial cultivar using these parents. A more strategic approach is to use more advanced Hawaiian bred cultivars such as ‘MD-2’ as parental stock. These cultivars are usually 4-5 generations later than the pre-Colombian ones and hence have a

Figure 1. A pre-Colombian domesticvariety A. comosus var. comosus (left) and A. comosus var. ananassoides, the wild ancestor of domestic pineapple (right).


Figure 2. Fresh pineapple imports to the USA and EU for a period covering the introduction of ‘MD-2’. Source: Loeillet and Paqui, 2009; US International Trade Commission website and National Agricultural Statistics Service website

Figure 3. The two most successful domes-tic pineapple cultivars: ‘Smooth Cayenne’ (A) developed by Amerindians and ‘MD-2’ (B) developed in The Hawaii Pineapple Research Institute.

Figure 4. The 5 most common pre-Colombian cultivars: ‘Perola’ (A), ‘Queen’ (B), ‘Manzana’ (C), ‘Red Spanish’ (D) and ‘Cayenne’ (E).



higher frequency of desirable genes and impart a greater breeding effi ciency.

As with most crops, traits of interest to produc-ers are usually related to yield, fruit quality, or production effi ciency. Increasingly, world pro-duction is moving towards effi cient large scale mechanised operations with highly regimented

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and scheduled production systems. Market and production requirements have become so spe-cialised that one cultivar, ‘MD-2’, dominates world fresh markets. However, considerable variability exists within A. comosus varieties for most traits of interest and new fruit types, not seen on world markets, are possible.


The pineapple fruit is a syncarp or composite of many berry-like fruitlets. Fruit size is therefore determined by fruitlet size and fruitlet number both with a relatively high heritability. Fruit size in pineapple can vary from less than 100 g to over 7 kg (Wells et al., 1928). However, despite this genetic potential, market preference isusually for a moderate size fruit of approximate-ly 1400-1600 g.

Skin Colour

Fruit quality attributes of interest to consum-ers and marketers include skin colour, acid-ity, sweetness, volatile profi le, fl esh colour and content of bioactives. Most pineapples seen in world markets possess a yellow to orange skin at maturity, sometimes with some green re-maining, but cream, pink and red skinned types also exist (Fig. 5). The more usual yellow skin colour is derived from carotenoids with more yellow varieties containing a higher level (Brat et al., 2004). Green is due to chlorophyll that has not degraded (Dull, 1971). The red colour is derived from high levels of anthocyanins, prin-cipally cyanidin glycosides (Brat et al., 2004). Many varieties have a high level of carotenoids and a low level of anthocyanins giving a yellow to gold colour. By varying the levels of the dif-ferent pigments, green, yellow, gold, pink and red skin types are possible. Red skin is present in several varieties but one with a good com-plement of other useful characters is the pre-Colombian cultivar ‘Manzana’. The cream skin character (reduced chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins) is present in the primitive A. co-mosus var. bracteatus but is easily transferred to more commercial types within 3 generations.

While consumer tests with green to gold col-oured fruit indicate preference for a gold skin colour (Ramsaroop and Saulo, 2007), novel skin colour might be a way of differentiating new va-rieties in an increasingly commodity orientated marketing system.


Sweetness in pineapple is predominately attrib-uted to sucrose and while heritable, its content is, to some extent, negatively correlated with fruit size. Total soluble solids (TSS) of 13-15% is usually seen in market fruit but TSS >20% is genetically possible, especially at a smaller fruit size, presenting the possibility for super-sweet varieties.

Acidity varies in pineapple from <0.2% to >2% (citric acid equivalent). Consumers generally prefer pineapple acidity in the 0.3-0.7% range. The ratio of TSS to acidity is also important with a high ratio preferred (Ramsaroop and Saulo, 2007). To achieve a high TSS to acidity ratio in a non-equatorial, sub-tropical production re-gion requires a low acid cultivar. The optimum TSS:acid ratio is most quickly achieved through breeding by selecting for low acidity as acidity can be more than halved in a single generation.

Flesh and skin volatile compounds give fruit its characteristic aroma and fl avour. Although 280 volatile compounds have been identifi ed in pineapple fl esh (Tokitomo et al., 2005), only a few of these are usually found in a concen-tration above their aroma detection threshold. There are substantial cultivar differences in the concentration of the main volatiles (Elss et al., 2003; Brat et al., 2004; Ito et al., 2006; Soler

Figure 5. Red and cream skinned experi-mental varieties.

et al., 2006; Montero-Calderon et al., 2010). Descriptions of fl avour for different cultivars include fruity, fl oral, citrus, and coconut. Table 1 lists the main volatiles considered as active fl avour contributors in pineapple fruit analysed so far. The development of new varieties with unique and distinctive fl avours is therefore pos-sible by developing varieties with unique com-binations of volatile compounds, sugars and acids.

Flesh Colour

As in the skin, the yellow colour of pineapple fl esh is attributed to carotenoids (Dull, 1971) and these differ by 2-3-fold between the com-mon ‘Smooth Cayenne’ and the ‘MD-2’ (Ramsa-roop and Saulo, 2007; Brat et al., 2004). While bright yellow fl esh is preferred by consumers, dark yellow to white fl eshed pineapples are also possible (Fig. 6). The white fl esh character is found in several cultivars including ‘Perola’ and ‘Monte Lirio’. White fl esh could be used to fur-ther differentiate cultivars with another unique character such as coconut fl avour.

Table 1. Compounds identified as possible key odorants in fresh pineapple flavour (Source: Flath, 1980; Teai et al., 2001; Elss et al., 2003; Brat et al., 2004; Tokitomo et al., 2005; Ito et al., 2006; Soler et al., 2006; Montero-Calderon et al., 2010). Aroma descriptions as per

Volatile compound Aroma

4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone Sweet, caramel, fruity, burnt. Strawberry & pineapple at low conc.4-methoxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone Sweet, caramel, fruity, musty, savouryethyl 2-methyl butanoate Green, apple, fruitymethyl 2-methyl butanoate Fruity, applemethyl butanoate Fruity, appleethyl 3-(methyl thio) propanoate Pineapplemethyl 3-(methyl thio) propanoate Sulfurous, pineappleethyl 2-methyl propanoate Sweet, fruitymethyl 3-propanoate Fruity, pineapplemethyl propanoate Fruity, rum-like, apple, banana & strawberryoctalactone Creamy, coconutdecalactone Sweet, coconut, peachyhexalactone Sweet, creamy, coconut, herbaceousvanillin Vanilla1-(E,Z)-3,5-undecatriene Fresh, green, pineappleoctanol Citrusmethyl hexanoate Fruity, pineappleethyl hexanoate Fruity, pineapple3-methylbutyl acetate Fresh, fruity. Banana & pear at low conc.

Figure 6. White and dark yellow flesh.

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Figure 8. Leaf colours within Ananas comosus var. comosus.

Figure 7. Ornamental pineapple products including colourful flower heads(A and D), decorative miniature fruits (B) and small, potted plant (C). Flower/fruit arrangement in B by F.V. Souza, EMBRAPA, Brazil.


Ashori, A. 2008. Wood-plastic composites as promising green-composites for automotive industries! Bioresource Technol. 99(11):4661-4667.

Baez, R., Lopes, M.T.P., Salas, C.E. and Hernandez, M. 2007. In vivo antitumoral activity of stem pineapple (Ananas comosus) bromelain. Planta Medica 73:1377-1383.

Brat, P., Hoang, L.N.T., Soler, A., Reynes, M. and Brillouet, J.-M. 2004. Physicochemical characterization of a new pineapple hybrid (FLHORAN41 cv.). J. Agr. Food Chem. 52(20):6170-6177.

Clement, C.R., Cristo-Araujo,, Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, G., Pereira, A.A. and Picanco-Rodrigues, D. 2010. Origin and domestication of native Amazonian crops. Diversity 2:72-106.

Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, C. and Duval, M.-F. 2009. The domestication of pineapple: context and hypotheses. Pineapple News 16:15-27.

Dull, G.G. 1971. The pineapple: general. p.303-331. In: A.C. Hulme (ed.), The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products, Vol. 2. Academic Press, London.

Elss, S., Preston, C., Hertzig, C., Richling, E. and Schreier, P. 2003. Aroma profile of pineap-ple (Ananas comosus). A post-harvest study. Flussiges Obst. 70(12):734-737.

Flath, R. 1980. Pineapple. In: S. Nagy and P.E. Shaw (eds.), Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Composition, Properties and Uses. AVI Publ., Connecticut.

Greig, I. 2004. Pineapple wars redux. Chronica Hort. 44(2):5.

Heinicke, R.M. and Gortner, W.A. 1957. Stem bromelain – a new protease preparation from pineapple plants. Economic Botany 11:225-34.

Ito, Y., Arakawa, N., Takamura, A., Morimitsu, Y. and Kubota, K. 2006. Potent odorants in Sweetio pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr. Var. Marian gold (MG3)). J. Japan. Soc. Food Sci. Technol. 53(2):121-129.

Janick, J. 2003. Pineapple wars. Chronica Hort. 43(4):17.

Johannessen, G.A. and Kerns, K.R. 1964. The variety development program as of mid-1964. PRI Report. 111.

Leal, F. and Amaya, L. 1991. The curagua (Ananas lucidus, Bromeliaceae) crop in Venezuela. Econ. Bot. 45:216-224.

Loeillet, D. and Paqui, T. 2009. Pineapple. FruiTrop. 165, March.


Vitamin C content and antioxidant capacity in general are often quoted for fruits with citrus fruits commonly perceived as a benchmark. Oranges contain 35-50 mg vitamin C/100 ml of juice. The common ‘Smooth Cayenne’ pineapple has relatively low vitamin C content at around 10-15 mg/100 ml juice but other cultivars such as ‘MD-2’ can be as high as 91 mg/100 ml (Johannessen and Kerns, 1964; Ramsaroop and Saulo, 2007). In addition to vi-tamin C, other compounds including phenolics and carotenoids also contribute to antioxidant capacity. New methods of assessing the total antioxidant effi ciency such as the peroxyl radi-cal trapping effi ciency (PRTE) have indicated a single serve of pineapple equivalent to a glass of red wine (Vanzani et al., 2011).

Pineapple is also the source of the medicinal drug, bromelain, a complex of compounds in-cluding proteinases and other bioactives. Its me-dicinal uses include as a digestive aid, in the relief of arthritis, for vaccine formation and skin de-bridement of burns. It also demonstrated antitu-mour, fi brolytic and antimetastic activity (Mau-rer, 2001; Baez et al., 2007). Ananas comosus var. comosus contains at least four proteinases: stem bromelain, fruit bromelain, comosain and ananain (Heinicke and Gortner, 1957; Rowan et al., 1988). Two additional proteinases, mac-rodontains I and II, have been extracted from A. macrodontes (Lopez et al., 2001). The many varieties of pineapple are yet to be explored for additional medicinal compounds.


Part of the early domestication process of pine-apple included selection for fi bre characteristics. The variety A. comosus var. erectifolious that produces particularly long, light weight but strong fi bres was traditionally used by indig-enous tribes of South America for its leaf fi bre, which was used to make multipurpose twine and cloth (Leal and Amaya, 1991). While these traditional uses have now mostly been lost to synthetic fi bres, new uses include the produc-tion of biocomposites for the automotive indus-tries (Zah et al., 2007; Ashori, 2008).

The Bromeliaceae is well recognised for its ex-traordinary diversity of species with ornamental appeal. This ornamental appeal extends into the pineapple genus. The primitive varieties A. co-mosus var. erectifolious, A. comosus var. anan-assoides and A. comosus var. bracteatus and their hybrids possess many characteristics with ornamental appeal. Characteristics include a brightly (usually red) coloured fl ower head on a long stalk, small decorative fruit on a long stalk, dark red foliage and a small clumping habit suit-ed to pot culture (Sanewski, 2009; Souza et al., 2006) (Figs. 7 and 8). The ornamental appeal of miniature pineapples and their colourful fl ower heads is now being recognised with small com-mercial industries developing around the world.

Good germplasm collections of primitiveAnanas have been established in Brazil, Vene-zuela and France. These collections are yet to be fully explored for genetic potential.





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Garth M. Sanewski

Dr. Garth M. Sanewski is a senior horticul-turist with the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation at Maroochy Research Station, Mayers Rd, Nambour, 4560, Queensland, Australia. Dr. Sanewski is Convener of the 8th International Pineapple Symposium to be hosted by Australia at IHC, Brisbane, 2014.


ABOUT THE AUTHORLopez, L.M.I., Sequeiros, C., Trejo, S.A., Pardo, M.F., Caffini, N.O. and Natalucci, C.L. 2001. Comparison of two cysteine endopeptidases from Pseudananas macrodontes (Merr.) harms (Bromeliaceae). Biol. Chem. 382:875-878.

Maurer, H.R. 2001. Bromelain: biochemistry, phar-macology and medical use. Cellular Molec. Life Sci. 58(9):1234-1245.

Montero-Calderon, M., Rojas-Grau, M.A. and Martin-Belloso, O. 2010. Aroma profile and vola-tiles odor activity along Gold cultivar pineapple flesh. J. Food Sci. 75(9):506-512.

Ramsaroop, R.E.S. and Saulo, A.A. 2007. Comparative consumer and physicochemical analysis of Del Monte Hawaii Gold and Smooth Cayenne pineapple cultivars. J. Food Qual. 30:135-159.

Rowan, A., Buttle, D.J. and Barrett, A.J. 1988. Ananain: a novel cysteine proteinase found in pineapple stem. Archives Biochem. Biophysics 267(1):262-270.

Sanewski, G.M. 2009. Breeding Ananas for the cut-flower and garden markets. Acta Hort. 822:71-78.

Soler, A., LeBrun, M. and Beaute, M.-P. 2006. Characterization of the aromatic profile of dif-ferent pineapple varieties assessed by SPME in GC-FID headspace. Fruits 61(3):185-195.

Souza, F.V.D., Cabral, J.R.S., dos Santos-Serejo, J.A., de Matos, A.P., Reinhardt, D.H., da Cunha, G.A.P.,

Ferreira, F.R. and Pereira, J.A. 2006. Identification and selection of ornamental pineapple plants. Acta Hort. 702:93-97.

Teai, T., Claude-Lafontaine, A., Schippa, C. and Cozzolino, F. 2001. Volatile compounds in fresh pulp of pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) from French Polynesia. J. Essential Oil Research 13(5):314-318.

Tokitomo, Y., Steinhaus, M., Buttner, A. and Schieberle, P. 2005. Odor-active constituents in fresh pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) by quantitative and sensory evaluation. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 69(7):1323-1330.

Vanzani, P., Rossetto, M., De Marco, V., Rigo, A. and Scarpa, M. 2011. Efficiency and capacity of anti-oxidant rich foods in trapping peroxyl radicals: A full evaluation of radical scavenging activity. Food Research International 44:269-275.

Wells, A.H., Agcaoili, F., Taguibao, H. and Valenzuela, A. 1928. Composition of Philippine pineapples. Philippine J. Sci. 36(2):157-185.

Zah, R., Hischier, R., Leão, A.L. and Braun, I. 2007. Curauá fibers in the automobile industry - a sustainability assessment. J. Cleaner Production 15(11-12):1032-1040.


Emergence of Blackberry as a World CropChad E. Finn and John R. Clark

Once thought of as a berry consumed only from wild plants, blackberries (Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson) have now become a common fruit choice in marketing outlets, particularly in North America and the European Union. Termed the “fourth” berry by some, after the more common strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.), blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), and red raspberry (R. idaeus L.), blackberries have enjoyed expansion due to a combination of factors including im-proved cultivars, expanded marketing efforts and fruit availability, and an overall increase in berry consumption, especially as fresh fruit, in many areas of the world. It is estimated that cultivated blackberries are grown in excess of 25,000 ha.


Blackberries are native across much of Eurasia and North America. This presence combined with their tendency to colonize disturbed areas has made them a food source for humans for thousands of years. The various members of the genus have had a multitude of uses throughout human history as documented in archaeological studies, as well as in art and herbals (Hummer and Janick, 2007; Hummer, 2010). For most of their history, they were a fruit to be gathered

from the wild. It wasn’t until the mid to late 1800s that people started to select for better or, more typically in the early stages, novel charac-teristics in plants that were brought into cultiva-tion (Clark et al., 2007). Fresh fruit production began to be more common for local sales in the 1900s. The development of the raspberry/black-berry hybrid ‘Logan’ in the 1880s served as the basis for a substantial canning industry in the Pacifi c Northwest. This industry expanded with the development of freezing technology. The growing conditions in the Pacifi c Northwest and

California were ideal for the newly discovered raspberry/blackberry hybrid ‘Boysen’ and for the fi rst trailing blackberry cultivars developed by the USDA-ARS’s George Waldo in the 1930s-1950s. While the fresh blackberry industry slowly grew as a locally produced product, the processed blackberry fl ourished with the release of ‘Marion’ in 1956 and the invention of viable machine harvesters, the fi rst commercial ma-chine being from the Iron Wino Co. (Oregon), in the late 1950s.

The success of the fresh red raspberry industry in some ways paved the way or provided anexample of how blackberry could become an important fresh market crop. The fresh red raspberry industry grew rapidly from the 1970s to the 1990s with the development of culti-vars, primarily developed initially by Driscoll Strawberry Associates in Watsonville, Califor-nia that could be shipped internationally from California. Blackberries have many similarhorticultural characteristics to raspberries but have lower production costs than raspberries

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due to their more vigorous nature, greaterdisease tolerance and therefore longer-lived plantings. California growers looked to black-berries as a profi table way to meet consumer’s desires for new products. Blackberry consumers in the south and in the Pacifi c states had wild blackberries growing in their backyards and developed a preference for “their” blackber-ries. While vastly simplifi ed, the southern spe-cies tended to be sweet with a slightly grassy, and occasionally quite bitter fl avor along with somewhat crunchy seeds while the main spe-cies in the west tended to have an intense, aromatic fl avor with a sweet/acid balance that when right leads to the intense fl avor but when too acid leads to a tart berry and they had less noticeable seeds. Cultivars developed for the fresh market tend to blend these character-istics being well balanced but with a strong sweetness and seeds that don’t predominate your chewing experience. As these cultivars were combined with the horticultural and economic factors, blackberries have become much more desirable to consumers. Perceived health benefi ts of highly colored fruit due to their anthocyanin or antioxidant content have also helped drive increased customer demand. Thus, blackberries complemented other berries in the expanded consumer interest.


North America

The greatest recent expansion in blackberry pro-duction has been in North America, especially California and Mexico, for fresh consumption across the U.S. and Europe (Strik et al., 2007). This expansion has been driven by factors in-cluding a stable blackberry supply in most or all months of the year made up of cultivars that al-low shipping to distant markets. While the fresh blackberry industry expanded rapidly in Califor-nia in the 1990s, it exploded in Mexico in the 2000s. The Pacifi c Northwest, while primarily a processed industry, had a signifi cant expansion of their fresh market during the same time. The most exciting production area for blackberries that has developed in recent years is Central Mexico, in the states of Michoacan and Jalisco. Most blackberries produce vegetative primo-canes the fi rst year and after these canes go through a dormant period they become fl ori-canes that bear the crop. In the 1980s, cultural manipulations were developed to allow fl ori-cane-fruiting blackberries to be forced into fruit-ing without a dormancy period. This production system is cultivar dependent and was fi rst de-veloped on the thorny ‘Brazos’ (developed by Texas A & M University, USA), which had an estimated chilling requirement of approximately 300 hr. Production of ‘Brazos’ was the basis of the development of the Mexican blackberry in-dustry in the 1990s. In 1990, the Brazilian culti-var ‘Tupy’ was brought to Mexico (developed by EMBRAPA, Pelotas, Brazil) and was estimated to have similar chilling requirement as that of ‘Bra-zos’. Although initial efforts to manage ‘Tupy’

with the same practices used on ‘Brazos’ were not fully successful, adjustments were tried and fi ne-tuned to provide for dependable produc-tion of ‘Tupy’ (Jorge Rodriguez, personal com-munication). The substantially increased quality of ‘Tupy’ over ‘Brazos’ led to expanded market development and tremendous expansion in pro-duction area. Fruit production in Mexico spans the months of October to June using these spe-cialized management methods. It is estimated that ‘Tupy’ is produced on 6,500-8,000 ha in Central Mexico as of 2011. This production has provided for a dependable fruit supply during the “off” season in the US and Europe.

With the expansion of blackberry marketing in the winter and spring in the US and Europe, US domestic production for fresh market was en-couraged to increase. Crop area expanded fur-ther in the western states, particularly California, and production for commercial shipping began in the South. Georgia, North Carolina, Arkan-sas, and Texas initiated acres for retail-market sales. Current production in the US is at an all time high with the development of these addi-tional areas. Fig. 1 provides a view of shipping to terminal markets in the USA for 2000-2010. This fi gure includes data for only California for the US, but with increases in other states in the US, particularly from 2005 onward, one can see a strong upward trend in production. The pro-duction in the US is dwarfed by that of Mexico, however. Therefore, although not all produc-tion for shipping is included, one can see that blackberries shipped increased from just above 4,500 kg in 2000 to approximately 54,545 kg in 2010. While the tonnage of Mexican fruit go-ing to processing is much less than the tonnage going fresh, with the tremendous expansion of the industry, there now is a processing industry where there was not one in the past.

The Pacifi c Northwest in the US, with over 3,500 ha, and Serbia in Europe, with over 5,000 ha, have remained as the leading producers in the world for the processed market. The Pacifi c Northwest, primarily Oregon, also has a sub-stantial fresh market industry but this is dwarfed by their processing industry. ‘Marion’, marketed as “Marionberry”, is a trailing blackberry that has been the most important cultivar in thisregion since the 1960s. While renowned for its fl avor and processing characteristics, it is thorny,

Blackberry is becoming the fourth most important berry after strawberry, blueberry, and red raspberry.

Blackberry in bloom.

Popular trailing blackberry cultivars recently released by USDA-ARS in Oregon: A. ‘Black Diamond’, B. ‘Obsidian’, C. ‘Black Butte’ (courtesy of USDA-ARS) and D. ‘Newberry’, a ‘Boysen’ like blackberry (courtesy of Mark Crosse, Fresno Bee).


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Figure 1. Growth in U.S. fresh market blackberry shipments 2000-2010 by major produc-tion regions. These are not total shipments because not all regions report to USDA includ-ing the southern USA, however, data are indicative of the trend. Source: USDA Agricultural Marketing Service.








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010







California Guatemala Mexico

Popular erect blackberry cultivars recently released by the University of Arkansas: A. ‘Apache’, B. ‘Arapaho’, C. ‘Natchez’ and D. ‘Ouachita’. See also Prime-Ark® 45 figure.

‘Marion’ (aka “Marionberry”) field in Oregon. ‘Metolius’ field in Oregon.

which is a legal liability especially in a machine harvested crop, and it is too soft to ship fresh. New high quality, thornless trailing cultivars that are suited for machine harvesting and process-ing have been developed and are being widely planted. In addition, trailing cultivars that have fi rm fruit and can be shipped have been devel-oped and are being planted in this region for the fresh market. While the fresh blackberry industry has rapidly expanded, the processing industry has remained relatively stagnant with only a small increase in acreage worldwide.

South America - Primarily Chile

While Chile had become a major supplier of fresh berries for off season consumption in the northern hemisphere, the cost of air freighting fruit from Chile was high and led to a search for new production areas. As a result Chile went from a major fresh red raspberry and black-berry producer in the 1990s and early 2000s to very little fresh production for export by the mid 2000s while in a similar time frame, Mexi-can production rapidly increased. Chile still is a signifi cant producer for the processed market. Their industry is fairly unique in that most of the growers have less than 1 ha under cultivation and over 50% of the crop is harvested from wild


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Evaluation of machine harvestability of blackberry selections at Enfield Farms (Lynden, Wash.).

‘Chester Thornless’ with rain protection tunnels in place for use in fall in Oregon.

plants. ‘Boysenberry’ continues to fi ll an impor-tant niche market for processing in Chile and Uruguay.

Europe - Primarily Serbia

Serbia has been an important raspberry and blackberry producer for several decades and most of their fruit has gone to the processed market. During the wartime periods in the 1990s, production plummeted as the infra-structure was not in place to handle processing and storing fruit. Now in better times, produc-tion has resumed and expanded and there are 4,500-5,200 ha of blackberries. Locally devel-oped cultivars, particularly ‘Cacanska Bestrna’, have played a major role in supporting acreage expansion.


While a clear picture of the Chinese industry is diffi cult to obtain, there is no doubt that there was substantial increase in the production area in the late 1990s and 2000s. A number of cul-tivars were trialed in the mid 1990s throughout China. Based on results from these trials, most of the production has been concentrated along

the Yangzi River and is largely in semi-erect cul-tivars that are harvested for fresh and processed markets. A concern that pesticides may have been used illegally causing a collapse in internal consumption led to thousands of acres being removed in 2009. Currently, China is believed to have about 3,500 ha.

New plantings in Spain, South Africa, and Aus-tralia have all further helped drive the world-wide expansion in blackberry production.


Production practices and cultivars that bring a higher quality, year-round product to the con-sumer, and that are profi table for growers, packers, and processors have been an integral part of this fresh market expansion.

Tunnel Production

Traditional, open-fi eld, fl oricane production has been, and continues to predominate in world-wide production even in the more moderate climates such as California. However, after high tunnel production systems that were developed

in Europe for a number of horticultural crops began to move to the US, they were found to be very useful for blackberry production. Precipi-tation, most typically in the fall, is detrimental to the quality of fall ripening fruit and greatly reduces shipping ability and shelf life. With tun-nels, northern producers in mild climates can have excellent fruit nearly until winter although they typically shut down when cheaper fruitbegins to arrive from Mexico in the fall.

The development of Mexican blackberry pro-duction has involved development of unique production practices that when combined with the mild, high elevation environment of central Mexico and use of the ‘Tupy’, allows for year round production of fruit. Individual blackberry fi elds can be manipulated to fl ower and ripen fruit at nearly any time of the year. The primo-canes are grown and trained using typical man-agement practices but then they are defoliated and treated with growth regulators to bring the canes into bloom. In addition, the just-fruited fl oricanes can be pruned to induce a second fl ower bud break. Mexican production is usually tailored so there is little production in the main production season of the US as this is the hot-

Blackberry production: A. ‘Tupy’ production in central Mexico. Different cropping cycles with crop in bloom (left) and ripening fruit (right).B. Blackberry field in Serbia (courtesy of Brankica Tanovic, Institut za pesticide i zastitu zivotne sredine). C. Semi-erect blackberry production in China (courtesy of Zhang Qinghua, Chinese Academy of Forestry).


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Processing frozen blackberries and strawberries for evaluation (courtesy of Stephen Ausmus, USDA-ARS).

‘Black Diamond’ field in Oregon.

Prime-Ark® 45 with ripe primocane fruit. Courtesy of Kathy Demchak (top) and Ellen Thompson (bottom).

Reversion of color post harvest; fruit appeared fully black when harvested. This is a genetic and environmental problem.

ter and rainier season and as the crop has more competition from US produced fruit.

New Cultivars

Improved cultivars such as ‘Tupy’ have propelled the expansion of the fruit industry. Semi-erect types were developed by USDA-ARS scientists such as with Drs. Jack Hull in southern Illinois and Gene Galletta in Beltsville, MD. The semi-erect ‘Chester Thornless’ is probably the most widely grown fresh market blackberry, although ‘Tupy’ has no doubt surpassed it in total acre-age. Renowned for its productivity, fi rmness, and retention of its black color during ship-ping, ‘Chester Thornless’ has begun to fall fromfavor due to its fair fruit fl avor in the face of new competitive cultivars with better fruit qual-ity. In the erect types, Drs. Jim Moore and John

R. Clark at the University of Arkansas developed cultivars with the tribal name theme that could be shipped with good quality, ‘Cherokee’ served as a mainstay of the industry until the 1990s but was replaced by the thornless ’Navaho’, which in turn is being complemented by the thornless ‘Ouachita’ and the more recent release ‘Natch-ez’. Drs. Francis J. Lawrence and Chad Finn with the USDA-ARS in Oregon have released a series of trailing types in the past 15 years that are suited for fresh and processing applications. While the western trailing types have generally been too soft for shipping, ‘Siskiyou’ released in the 1990s and more recently ‘Obsidian’ are exceptions that are very early ripening, fi lling a unique niche, and are just fi rm enough to ship. The trailing ‘Onyx’ and ‘Newberry’, which is a ‘Boysen’-looking blackberry, are poised to be

important fresh market cultivars for the west coast of the U.S. The thornless USDA-ARS (Or-egon) release ‘Black Diamond’ rapidly became the most commonly planted cultivar for process-ing after its release in 2005.

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Pitless Plum: Reality or Fantasy

Chad E. Finn

Dr. Chad E. Finn is Research Geneticist at the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA. He develops new cultivars of blackberry, red and black raspberry, strawberry and blueberry and he works exten-sively with germplasm related to these culti-vated crops. Email:

Dr. John R. Clark is University Professor at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA. He develops new cultivars of blackberry, blueberry, peach/nectarine, and table grapes. Email:

John R. Clark



Clark, J.R., Stafne, E.T., Hall, H.K. and Finn, C.E. 2007. Blackberry breeding and genetics. Plant Breed. Rev. 29:19-144.

Hummer, K.E. and Janick, J. 2007. Rubus ico-nography: antiquity to the Renaissance. Acta Hort. 759:41-65.

Hummer, K.E. 2010. Rubus Pharmacology: Antiquity to the present. HortScience 45:150-159.

Strik, B.C., Clark, J.R., Finn, C.E. and Bañados, P. 2007. Worldwide blackberry production. HortTechnology 17:205-213.

Introduction of Primocane Fruiting Culti-vars

The University of Arkansas recently released the fi rst commercially viable, primocane fruiting blackberry, ‘APF-45’ (marketed as Prime-Ark® 45). While it is too early to tell the impact of this cultivar, it is expected that a substantial portion of the industry will be growing primo-cane fruiting types in the future. For example, primocane-fruiting red raspberries served a critical role in the expansion of the fresh-market raspberry industry. The primocane habit allowed growers to grow the crop in areas of low or no chill and also more fully manipulate cropping time. This has resulted in red raspberries be-ing grown in a short-term perennial production system where yield, fruit size, and fruit quality were maximized. As improved cultivars of pri-mocane-fruiting blackberries are developed, it is expected they will have the same sort of impact on fresh production.


The rapid expansion of the blackberry industry has been remarkable. New, higher quality, cul-tivars, modifi ed production practices and new

production regions have all combined to make this crop one that consumers expect to be avail-able fresh year-round in their grocery stores. As new cultivars are developed that combine the industry’s need for high quality arrivals with con-sumers demand for luscious fruit we only expect demand to further increase.

Ann Callahan, Chris Dardick and Ralph Scorza

The wall between Reality and FantasyIs sometimes so small and not so tall.Raphael Gualazzi, Reality or Fantasy.

Luther Burbank began a breeding program to produce stoneless plums (Prunus domestica) over 100 years ago. He released two plums, ‘Miracle’ and ‘Conquest’, whose fruit contained only a very small part of the stone. These plums are no longer available. In today’s world of convenience a plum that does not contain either the stone or the seed might be very welcome. Is it possible to again produce plum cultivars that are completely stoneless and seedless? A combination of gained knowledge in genetics and breeding, molecular technology and remnants of stoneless germplasm, probably from Burbank’s program, suggest that it is possible to now produce a pitless plum.


A number of seedless fruit and vegetable prod-ucts have found tremendous market appeal. This is especially true for banana, grape, orange, and watermelon for which consumers have come to expect seedlessness. In grapes, only one out of the top 14 California table grapes still contains seeds ( Seedless water-melon, although smaller, are the most popular type (Bentley, 2010), and market demand for seedless citrus such as mandarin oranges is

refl ected in the higher prices commanded for those products (; Whether con-sumers desire seedless fruit for the personal preference of not having to dispose of seeds or concern for choking hazards, there is clearly a strong market for these genetic improvements.

Satisfying consumer preference for seedlessness has thus far been limited to particular crops as seedless traits are currently unavailable for many

fruits, especially those that contain a hard pro-tective covering that surrounds the seed (called the stone). Fruits that contain a hardened stone are classifi ed as drupes and include all the stone fruits (Prunus species) such as peach, plum, apricot, and cherry, other fruits such as cof-fee, olive, and date, many of the nuts, as well as raspberry and blackberry. In drupes, it would be necessary to eliminate both the stone and seed, a task that has to date been elusive. But

Fruit from the original stoneless plum, ‘Sans Noyau’, next to fruit resulting from succes-sive hybridizations with high quality fruit (Burbank, 1914a).

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in addition to consumer attitudes, there are several other economic reasons, both for the plant and for the fruit processing industries to not form the stone and seed (together referred to as the pit). The plant expends precious re-sources into not only forming the seed but into the protective barriers surrounding it, which in drupes consist of energy intense lignin/cel-lulose complexes (Ryugo, 1961, 1963; Nakano and Nakamura, 2002; Dardick et al., 2010). Pits must be removed when processing fruits and considerable innovation has taken place to de-signing “pitting” machines. A search for fruit pitting patents resulted in over 3000 types of machines. In addition to pitting, the industries have to guarantee as a protection to consumers that all the pits are removed and in addition that no fragments remain (to the tolerance level of 1 in 400 fruits for plums or 1 in 400 ounces or more for sour cherries). This requires expensive detection equipment. All in all, the convenience, the energy expense to the plant, and the cost to processors of pits are collectively burdensome.


Luther Burbank was a prolifi c breeder who over his career was responsible for over 800 releases including the ‘Burbank’ potato (the source of ‘Russet Burbank’), the ‘Shasta’ daisy, the red California poppy, the ‘Santa Rosa’ plum, and two stoneless plums, ‘Miracle’ and ‘Conquest’ (Burbank, 1914a; Stansfi eld, 2006). Burbank was recognized in his time as one of the leading breeders of horticultural crops (New York Times articles 1906, 1912). His notoriety continues to-day as many of his creations still predominate in numerous crop and ornamental industries. Many of the goals of Luther Burbank’s breeding programs involved making the plant more effi -cient and convenient for both growers and con-sumers, for example, spineless cactus that could be eaten by grazing animals or thornless black-berries (Stansfi eld, 2006). In the late 1800s, Burbank began a program to produce stoneless plums that he titled “an experiment in teach-ing a plant economy” (Burbank, 1914b). His thought was that the stone was not needed for cultivated trees that were propagated through cuttings. “….But a moment’s refl ection makes it clear that the plum stone serves man no useful purpose, while the inconvenience it gives us is obvious.” …(Burbank, 1914b).

Burbank became aware of a stoneless plum, ‘Sans Noyau’, that had been known for cen-turies, and obtained shoots for grafting from the Transom Frères’ Nurseries, France sometime around 1890. These were grafted onto mature trees and after a number of years produced fruit that were very small, sour, and most important-ly, partially stoneless. They had approximately half of the stone covering the seed. Burbank proceeded to initiate a series of crosses to ob-tain higher fruit quality with less stone. After several more generations of crossing stoneless progeny to high fruit quality he obtained an ac-

ceptable quality seedling from a cross of stone-less by ‘Agen’ pollen. In 1903, Burbank sold this stoneless plum, ‘Miracle’, to the Oregon Nursery Company where it became available for pur-chase in 1906 (Burbank, 1903, 1914b).

Burbank improved upon ‘Miracle’ with a new selection he named ‘Conquest’. Where ‘Mira-cle’ had a small sliver of stone, ‘Conquest’ had only a grain or as Burbank put it 1/1000 of the weight of the fruit rather than the standard 3-6% of a normal fruit. Burbank considered this one of his four best plums and nearly perfect. He thought that he could do better than ‘Con-quest’ because he had over 100,000 seedlings that were stoneless amongst which were selec-tions that were completely stoneless and some that were even completely stoneless and seed-less – pitless. Unfortunately none of those had adequate fruit quality. “…the most strenuous series of experimental efforts that I ever un-dertook – a quest that occupied a considerable

An acquisition of ‘Sans Noyau’ growing in the fields at the Appalachian Fruit Research Station, ARS-USDA, Kearneysville, West Virginia. The bush-like stature of the five-year-old tree is clearly seen in contrast to the two plum trees behind it.

A fruit from ‘Stoneless’ plum, ‘Improved French’ and ‘Sans Noyau’ collected in 2011 from the ARS orchard, Kearneysville, West Virginia. ‘Stoneless’ has only minimal frag-ments of stone, while ‘Sans Noyau’ has a partial stone (see arrow) that is thin enough to easily cut through with a knife. ‘Improved French’ has a typical stone.

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share of my time for a period of fi fteen years, and which even now is not altogether com-plete.” (Burbank, 1914c). He believed that with additional crosses he could incorporate high quality fruit characteristics with the complete absence of stone and seed.

Burbank’s stoneless cultivars were not successful in the market. It could have been because they weren’t stoneless enough, or that they did not have high enough fruit quality, or it could have been for the very simple fact that plum growers were paid by the weight of the product and the fruit with no stone weighed less, thus earning less money for the same number of fruit (L.J. Rombough, pers. commun.).



Fruit are classifi ed as either being dry fruits or soft fl eshy fruits depending on the consistency of the mesocarp or alternative “fl esh” layers (Seymour et al., 2008). The tissue layers that make up either dry or fl eshy fruit are derived from the ovary and are collectively called the pericarp and consist of endocarp, mesocarp and exocarp layers. The endocarp becomes the hardened layer like the stone in the fl eshy Pru-nus species fruit or the enb layer in the dry fruit of Arabidopsis; the mesocarp becomes the fl esh and the exocarp becomes the skin (Labrecque et al., 1985; Ognjanova et al., 1995). The endo-carp layer in drupes hardens as the fruit mature through a process that involves cell wall forma-tion and lignifi cation resulting in woody endo-carp layers.

Much of what is known about the genetic control of endocarp formation and lignifi ca-tion comes from studies in the model plant Arabidopsis (Roeder and Yanofsky, 2006). Ara-bidopsis produces a dry, dehiscent fruit but it also forms a hardened lignifi ed endocarp that forces the seedpod to shatter when the seeds are mature. Through mutant screens a number of transcription factor genes have been identi-

fi ed that appear to be responsible for determin-ing which cells will become the lignifying layer of endocarp (enb) or the cell layer that shatters (ena) (Dinneny and Yanofsky, 2004; Dinneny et al., 2005; Ferrandiz, 2002; Irish, 2010; Lewis et al., 2006). These appear to also be expressed at times of endocarp development in peach and even tomato implying that a common pro-gram of development takes place (Dardick et al., 2010; Tani et al., 2007; Tadiello et al., 2009; Vrebalov et al., 2009).

In addition to the discoveries in the regulation of the lignifying endocarp, an enormous amount of work has been conducted on understanding the basic process of lignifi cation (Boerjan et al., 2003). Lignin pathway genes have been identi-fi ed and manipulated to determine if properties of wood and forage crops can be modifi ed to make them more amenable for desired prod-ucts. Transcription factors have been identifi ed that are responsible for the initiation of the lignin pathway and some of these are responsi-ble for the lignifi cation of the fruit endocarp tis-sue in Arabidopsis (Demura and Fukuda, 2006; Nilsson et al., 2008; Mitsuda et al., 2007, Mitsu-da and Ohme-Takagi, 2008). The genes for ligni-fi cation and the responsible transcription factors are also expressed during endocarp formation in peach and plum (Dardick et al., 2010).


Seedless fruit are formed by parthenocarpy where the ovule is not fertilized or stenosper-mocarpy where fertilization is required but the embryo is unable to develop properly. Applica-tions of growth regulators such as gibberellic acid (GA) induce parthenocarpy in a number of crops (Vivian-Smith and Koltunow, 1999; Pan-dolfi ni, 2009). There are also plants with muta-tions in the GA pathway that result in seedless fruit. Stenospermocarpy is the more common case in the commercial seedless fruit such as ‘Thompson Seedless’ (‘Sultanina’) grapes that leave a seed trace. The fact that fruit develop-ment can continue in seedless fruits indicates that full seed development is not required for normal fruit development.

Seedless Prunus

In Prunus there has been only a small amount of work on developing seedless fruit as there is little point if the stone is present. In Prunus fruit applications of GA have induced seed-less fruit and even with one application of GA, normal sized seedless fruit could be obtained (Kiyokawa and Nakagawa, 1972). In plums only a combination of two different GAs was able to induce parthenocarpy (Jackson, 1968). Pru-nus did not appear to respond to exogenous auxin. Crane et al. (1961) and Crane (1963) showed that stone development was related to fruit growth, which was affected by dif-ferent GA concentrations. He also found that lignifi cation proceeded normally regardless of the ultimate growth of the stone. Zucconi and Bukovac (1978) reported that peach fruit with killed seed could be induced to produce normal sized fruit with spray applications of GA3. They also found that the seed did not appear to play a role in fruit drop as seedless fruit whether GA treated or not has the same percentage of fruit set. Parthenocarpic peaches resulted in smaller fruit with normal stones.

Seed Development

Arabidopsis seed development has been well studied (Irish, 2010). The ovule develops from a region of the inner wall of the ovary. The integ-uments, inner and outer layers are formed from the outside of the ovule at a point that defi nes where the chalaza is formed and the opposing site becoming the funiculus that provides the pathway for nutrients for the embryo and seed. The integuments encompass the nucellus as well as the developing megasporocyte within the embryo sac. After fertilization the embryo develops and the endosperm is formed while the nucellus is depleted. Just as in endocarp de-velopment there are a number of transcription factors that control the determination of these tissues. Mutations in these genes result in de-fective or aborted seeds. This information has been used to generate seedless fruit through genetic engineering, by putting a cell lethality gene under an ovule specifi c promoter in com-bination with an auxin stimulating gene under a carpel specifi c promoter (Acciarri et al., 2002; Rotino et al., 2005). This results in an ovule that is killed in combination with a constant source of auxin from the carpel tissue (pericarp) to stimulate the expansion of pericarp tissue. This has worked quite well for crops such as egg-plant or tomato (Acciarri et al., 2002; Rotino et al., 2005; Y Li, US Patent #6,268,552). It is currently under exploration in plum in our lab. Other genetic approaches for seed elimination are available through the identifi cation of natu-ral mutations that result in seedlessness such as that in sugar apple (Lora et al., 2011), citrus (Vardi et al., 2008) and apple (Yao et al., 2001) as well as triploidy exploited in banana (Sim-monds, 1976), citrus (Ollitrault et al., 2008), watermelon (Kihara, 1951), and loquat (Liang et al., 2011).

Fruit from ‘Stoneless’ plum (on the left) with only a small piece of stone tissue and fruit from a normal stone cultivar, ‘Cacanska Lepotica’ (on the right).

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Convenience is becoming a driving force in mar-keting of fruit and a pitless plum, by providing a more convenient product, could impact mar-ketability. Not having to remove the pit would dramatically change the way plums are proc-essed. Pitless plums would eliminate the need for pitting machinery and its upkeep. It would eliminate the need for orienting the fruit, and the need to reshape the fruit that normally fol-lows the pitting process. Not only would the machinery be eliminated but water use would be reduced along with fruit losses due to pit removal-associated damage. The loss of weight of the fruit due to pit-associated fl esh removal would be eliminated. In addition, more diverse cultivars could be marketed as they would be free from constraints on fruit characteristics necessary to withstand the pitting process such as fl esh texture and sugar content, skin proper-ties, as well as fruit size. Highly expensive equip-ment such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and machine vision technology, currently used in processing plants, may also be eliminated if there are no pits or fragments to detect. The lack of pits could also open new markets where normally only non-stone fruit such as blueberry, strawberry and cranberry are used such as in ce-reals or granola bars. The issue of the resources devoted by the tree to stone production will be interesting to explore when stoneless fruit is produced. If resources are shifted from stone production, where will these resources then be directed?


Extending Burbank’s Vision

Using modern molecular tools, it should be possible to more effi ciently pursue Burbank’s vi-sion of a pitless plum. Recently plum lines that

resemble Burbank’s lost lineages of stoneless plums as well as the ‘Sans Noyau’ were ob-tained from collections at UC Davis (CA), USDA-ARS at Parlier, CA, the National Repository for Prunus in CA, and from a private grower who discovered stoneless plums growing along a fence row in Oregon (L. Rombough, pers. com-mun.). These lines of plums have exhibited very little stone development most years and a nearly complete but thinner stone in other years. Stud-ies on the development of the stone in one of these lines, ‘Stoneless’, suggested that the lack of stone was due to fewer endocarp cells be-ing formed leaving a larger cavity that would normally be fi lled with stone tissue (Callahan et al., 2009). Crosses with these plums have also indicated that the genetic infl uences on this trait may be complex. Offspring from an open-pol-linated cross of ‘Stoneless’ show the stoneless character segregating in the seedlings (R. Scorza et al., unpubl.).

There are several reasons why a modern breed-ing project would be expected to successfully produce pitless plum cultivars. We now have a better understanding of the patterns of segre-gation of genes relative to phenotypes. We also know that the stoneless trait is an environmen-tally sensitive phenotype, being weaker in warm weather. Molecular markers that are linked to stoneless as well as high fruit quality traits can be used to screen seedlings so that only those with markers linked to stoneless are carried to maturity. We can accelerate the breeding cycles through ‘FasTrack’ breeding, a system that in-corporates a FLOWERING LOCUS T gene from poplar, that allows the plums to bloom and fruit continuously in the greenhouse ( This allows a gen-eration every year instead of the normal 4-7 years in the fi eld.

What took Burbank 15 years could be reduced to 6 years in the greenhouse. Development of stoneless plums is now more promising because the fruit on the ‘Stoneless’ line is already of

‘FasTrack’ plums bearing fruit grown in the greenhouse. The trees are approximately 1 year old and will flower and fruit continually in the greenhouse.

reasonable quality rather than the poor quality partially stoneless ‘Sans Noyau’ with which Bur-bank began his project.

We have also observed in stoneless germplasm that approximately 70% of the fruit have an in-complete seed represented by a dry, shriveled seed fragment (Dardick, pers. commun.). With selection we may be able to entirely eliminate the seed. We believe that the time is ripe to produce pitless plums utilizing the knowledge, techniques, and germplasm currently available including molecular markers, accelerated breed-ing, functional genomics and genetic engineer-ing. The knowledge gained in the model plum system can then be applied to all the drupes bringing pitless fruit from fantasy to reality.


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Burbank, L. 1914a. Luther Burbank: his methods and discoveries and their practical application. J. Whitson, R. John and H.S. Williams (eds.), Luther Burbank Press, 1914.

Burbank, L. 1914b. The stoneless plum — an experiment in teaching a plant economy. p.102-136. In: J. Whitson, R. John and H.S. Williams (eds.), Luther Burbank: his methods and discoveries and their practical application, Volume II, Luther Burbank Press, 1914.

Burbank, L. 1914c. Four Burbank prunes, and the work behind them — revolutionizing an entire industry. p.110-137. In: J. Whitson, R. John and H.S. Williams (eds.), Luther Burbank: his methods and discoveries and their practical application, Volume V, Luther Burbank Press, 1914.

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Ann Callahan

Dr. Ann Callahan is a research geneticist for the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Appalachian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, West Virginia, USA.

Email: ann.callahan@ars.usda.govDr. Chris Dardick is a plant molecular biologist/pathologist for the United States Department of

Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Appalachian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, West Virginia, USA. Email:

Dr. Ralph Scorza is the lead scientist and supervisory horticulturist for the Genetic Improvement of Fruit Crops Through Functional Genomics and Breeding unit of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Appalachian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, West Virginia, USA. Email:

Chris Dardick


Ralph Scorza

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The Poinsettia: History andTransformationJudith M. Taylor, Roberto G. Lopez, Christopher J. Currey and Jules Janick

The beautiful poinsettia, known for its scarlet bracts, comes to us encrusted with myth and legend as befi ts a royal plant of the Aztecs. The Nahua people in Mexico called it cuetlaxochitl; xochitl is ancient Nahua for an ornamental fl ower. This plant did not fl ourish in their high altitude capital, Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City), but every winter the rulers imported thousands of the plants from warmer regions. Extracts of the plant were used to dye cloth and its milky sap, or latex, was used for medicinal purposes. The Spanish conquerors and missionaries attempted to erase all evidence of the preceding pagan Aztec religion but records have survived showing that the plants were used for religious ceremonies in the winter (Anderson and Tischer, 1997). Once the Spanish friars took over they adopted the brilliant red plant as part of the Christmas ritual. The Spanish-speaking Mexicans named it fl ore de nochebuena, the fl ower of the Holy Night (Christmas Eve), and the French later named it etoile d’amour (star of love). The vivid red bracts of poinsettia that emerge in mid-winter have signifi ed the festive mood at Christmas and the joy of the season for many for over 150 years in the United States and Europe. The purpose of this article is to establish the actual story of its arrival in the United States and Europe attempting to clear away all the accumulated misinformation and cobwebs, and to review its extraordinary development as an important horticultural crop.


The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.ex Klotzsch.), a member of the large and diverse family Euphorbiaceae, originated in southern Mexico and northern Guatemala (Fig. 1). In its native habitat this species is a winter-fl owering shrub that grows over 3 m and is a common

landscape plant (Fig. 2). The sap is milky and may produce dermatitis in susceptible indi-viduals. The umbel-like cymes are subtended by many showy, red bracts but breeders have produced many different colors including white, pink, and purple. Globally, Europe accounts for about two-thirds of the poinsettia market and the United States for the remaining one-third. Poinsettia is presently the most valuable pot-ted fl owering plant in the United States with a wholesale value of $145 million in the top 15 producing states (U.S. Department of Agricul-ture, 2010).


The common name, poinsettia, honors the American Joel Roberts Poinsett, 1779-1851(Fig. 3), who, legend says, observed it in South-ern Mexico in 1825 (Anon., 1888). For years it has been assumed that Poinsett came across the gorgeous plant in Taxco, southern Mexico, as part of a nativity scene, and sent cuttings or plants to Charleston, South Carolina in 1828. From Charleston cuttings or plants were sent to Colonel Robert Carr, a nurseryman in Phila-delphia, Pennsylvania, whose wife Ann was the granddaughter of John Bartram, the self taught American botanist of the colonial era. Carr en-tered the plant as “a new Euphorbia with bright scarlet bracts or fl oral leaves, presented to the Bartram Collection by Mr. Poinsett, United States Minister of Mexico” at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s fl ower show in June 1829

where it was seen and admired by hundreds of people (Fry, 1995).

Almost no evidence exists to support much of this charming and delightful story. The facts are as follows. The plant is indeed endemic to Southern Mexico. Specimens were received in the United States in 1828 and by 1829 it was on display in Philadelphia and its arrival was as-sociated with the name of Joel Roberts Poinsett. There is no evidence the plant fi rst arrived in Charleston South Carolina before reaching Phil-adelphia but its movements after Philadelphia are well documented.

Figure 1. Plants of the Euphorbiaceae (Meyer, 1902).

Figure 2. The poinsettia is a common landscape plant in the tropics (Huang, 2007).

Figure 3. Joel Roberts Poinsett (Longacre and Herring, 1837).

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The next step in its dissemination was taken by Robert Buist, a Scottish nurseryman in Phila-delphia who was so enthralled by the new plant that he took cuttings to his friend JamesNcNabb in Edinburgh. From Scotland it reached the distinguished German botanist Karl Willde-now in Berlin who named it Euphorbia pulcher-rima in 1834. This remains the accepted bo-tanical name. Two years later Robert Graham in Edinburgh published his taxonomic fi ndings and changed the name to Poinsettia pulcherrima but this generic name has not been accepted (Brit-ton and Brown, 1913).

The biography of Poinsett by Fred Rippy (1935) devoted one paragraph to the poinsettia story and in a footnote the author indicated he had been unable to fi nd any correspondence to validate the claim that Poinsett introduced the plant. Rippy dryly commented that “It is gen-erally acknowledged in the horticultural guides that Mr. Poinsett introduced the fl ower.” Rippy cited the only reliable document of the era, a discussion of Poinsett in the 1887 Charleston Yearbook by Charles Stille who had spent a day with Poinsett as a lad of 12. Together, Charles and Poinsett visited the Reverend John Bach-man, a Lutheran minister and noted naturalist who once worked with Audubon. The Yearbook article states:

“Mr. Poinsett was rewarded for the inter-est he took in science by having a beautiful fl ower named after him… There is some difference of opinion as to whether Mr. Poinsett discovered it himself or simply in-troduced it to this country. At all events it is always known now as being named after him.”

The fl ower was originally called either “Mexican fl ame fl ower” or “painted leaf” in the United States, though neither of these seemed satisfac-tory. The occurrence of a plant acquiring an en-during common name after it received its formal name, rather than the other way around, is rare. The choice of Poinsett’s name is attributed to William Hickling Prescott, the author of the clas-sic 1843 book The History of the Conquest of Mexico, but this too is a myth (Fry, 1995), since Robert Graham used the name poinsettia in his taxonomic identifi cation of 1836.

Poinsett was a very well educated, cosmopolitan Southern gentleman of Huguenot descent from Charleston, South Carolina, who spoke French, German, Italian and Spanish (Rippy, 1935). He was appointed the fi rst American minister to the newly independent Mexico by President James Monroe in 1825 but was recalled by President Andrew Jackson in 1830. Poinsett subsequently acted as Secretary of War in President Martin van Buren’s cabinet after terms in the South Carolina state legislature and the United States House of Representatives where he was a staunch foe of nullifi cation in the 1832-1833 crisis in South Carolina. His book about his fi rst

tour of duty in Mexico, Notes on Mexico (Poin-sett, 1824), contains no mention of the plant. Poinsett was a founder of the National Institute for the Promotion of Science, the predecessor of the Smithsonian Institute.

Poinsett never enjoyed very robust health. He started out to be a physician like his father but could not complete the course. His lifelong in-terest in natural science stemmed from the pre-liminary studies. Poinsett carried on an extensive correspondence about horticulture, exchanging seeds and cuttings with friends and colleagues in the United States. He believed that the exchange of plants and seeds helped to promote stronger ties between the United States and Mexico.

The American Philosophical Society in Philadel-phia elected him to membership in 1827 (Fry, 1995). This broadened his correspondence to include members of the society and other Phila-delphia savants. These connections appear to be the most likely route through which the new red-bracted plant reached the United States. There are fairly strong indications that it may have traveled directly from Mexico to Philadel-phia. Four different collections of Mexican seeds and plants were dispatched to Philadelphia between 1828 and 1829. Poinsett himself re-mained in Mexico until 1829.

William Maclure, the president of the Academy of Natural Sciences, and Thomas Say, a descend-ant of John Bartram, visited Poinsett in Mexico for three months in January 1828 traveling to both Veracruz and Mexico City. Later that year Maclure again visited Poinsett and returned to Philadelphia in the fall with many seeds and plants. Say also collected more than 100 types of seeds but was not meticulous about identify-ing them. Number 65, a “Fine Red fl ower, per-ennial” could be poinsettia.

In November 1828 James Ronaldson, a Scot-tish enthusiast in Philadelphia, wrote to Poin-sett that he had received a box of seeds from Veracruz and assumed it came from Poinsett. The fourth possibility was William Keating, a geologist who went to prospect in Mexico and met Poinsett. On occasion, Keating acted as a courier for Poinsett.

In summary, there is no doubt that the plant was growing in Philadelphia when Colonel Rob-ert Carr exhibited it at the fi rst fl ower show of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in June of 1829. Poinsett was still in Mexico but it was generally accepted he was instrumental in its transfer. Perhaps the following extract from a letter from one of Poinsett’s friends in 1830 clinches the argument that these plants did not enter the United States via South Carolina:

“Mrs Herbemont [of Charleston] has been very vexed with you when she learned by the papers that several northern gardeners had received seeds and plants you had sent them from that land of vegetable beauties, Mexico, and that you had not in one in-stance remembered her…” (Fry, 1995).


The specimen received in Philadelphia was not a wild plant but had been cultivated and modi-fi ed for many years in its native Mexico. Doña Fanny Calderon de la Barca, wife of the Spanish minister to Mexico, commented in her letters home that her church courtyard was lit by these gorgeous scarlet fl owers at Christmastide (Cal-deron de la Barca, 1843).

For reasons which are not clear Mexican grow-ers still believe that Poinsett himself devised a hostile mechanism to prevent them from devel-oping or benefi ting from this growth purely out of spite. Various publications in Mexico indicate that he obtained a “patent” in the United States which led to this embargo (Fuentes Mares, 1984; Miranda, 2004). An exhaustive search through old patents and treaties has failed to turn up such an instrument. While the United States patent laws began in 1795 to protect in-ventors against their mechanical devices being pirated, plants were not covered. The fi rst US law that protected new cultivars of plants, the Townsend-Purnell Act of 1930, excluded seed propagated plants, tuber propagated plants (to exclude potato), and wild plants (Janick et al., 1983). At present, international protection for plants is controlled by a 1961 treaty, Interna-tional Union of the Protection of New Varieties (UPOV) and seed-propagated plants in the Unit-ed States are now protected by the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Act of 1970, administered by the United States Department of Agriculture. Poinsett did negotiate a commercial treaty with Mexico as part of his ministerial duties and it was ratifi ed by the United States but the plant was not part of the treaty.

The current animosity to Poinsett in Mexico has some basis in fact and this may have contrib-uted to the myth of the United States patent. Poinsett tended to meddle in Mexico’s inter-nal affairs, supporting one party over another (Rippy, 1935). At one point death threats were made against him. All this contributed to his re-call by the President Jackson. The term poinset-tismo is still in use today in Mexico to express arrogance and high handedness.


North American nurserymen rapidly propagated the plants and distributed them widely through-out the United States over the last part of the 19th century. The modern phase of poinsettia development took place in the early 20th centu-ry. Poinsettias have led the sales of potted plants year after year and are one of the mainstays of the commercial fl oriculture industry. This phe-nomenal growth is associated with the Eckes, a German immigrant family which settled in Southern California (Ecke et al., 2004).

Albert Ecke and his family stopped over in California in 1900 en route to Fiji where they

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planned to open a health spa. They saw such an excellent opportunity in California that they settled there, remaining until the present. Albert began farming in the Eagle Rock Valley, near Los Angeles but then moved to Hollywood. They planted orchards and also large fi elds of chrysanthemum, gladiolus and poinsettia for the cut fl ower market. By 1909 they narrowed their fl oral crops down to poinsettia alone. Ten years later, both Albert and his eldest son Hans had died and the business was taken over by the second son, Paul Ecke (Fig. 2), who moved south to Encinitas where the company remains.

The early poinsettias were still fragile. Their leaves fell off quickly and the scarlet bracts only lasted for about a week to 10 days. Bahr (1937), author of one of the earliest texts on fl oriculture, complained: “Perhaps no other plant or fl ower we handle during Christmas week is short lived, wilts quicker or is more disappointing to those who receive it; yet, when the next Christmas comes around, there comes again the same de-mand for poinsettias and the disappointments of a year ago are all forgotten.” Up to the 1950s it was very diffi cult to get them into perfect con-dition by Christmas and maintain their quality in the homes of consumers.

The history of the poinsettia production in the United States in the 20th century has some well defi ned landmarks. Major advances in fl ower-ing physiology came about with the discovery of photoperiodism in plants by Garner and Al-lard (1920) and photoperiod control techniques were developed in the fl oricultural industry to shorten the day length with black cloth and “force” fl oriculture crops into fl ower for specifi c market dates (Post, 1942, 1950). This was es-sential because poinsettia, among other fl oricul-ture crops, is a short day plant where fl owering is induced with a night length of at least 11.75 hours (it is the night length not the day length that is critical). Shortening the day length with black cloth (increasing the dark period) induces fl owering in poinsettia (Fig. 4). Adding photope-riodic lights to interrupt the dark period pre-

vents fl owering and keeps the plant vegetative. Management of day length permits scheduling of fl owering in order to get plants to fl ower for the Christmas season.

While the ability to control fl owering has had the most profound effect on poinsettia produc-tion, improvement of plant quality attributes through breeding efforts has greatly improved today’s commercial cultivars (Table 1). Some of this was due to the establishment of various breeding programs across the country in the mid 1950s, including Pennsylvania State Uni-versity, the USDA Research Center at Beltsville, Maryland, and the University of Maryland. How-ever, the greatest advances have been made through the efforts of some private companies including Ecke, in California; Azalealand, in Lin-coln, Nebraska; Mikkelsens in Ashtabula, Ohio; Earl J. Small, in Pinellas Park, Florida; and Yoder Brothers, in Barberton, Ohio. Considerable ef-forts of breeding programs have focused on im-proving ornamental characteristics such as color and bract size (Fig. 5). However, major efforts have also been made to improve the post-har-vest quality of poinsettia including delayed leaf senescence and abscission as well as reduced ethylene sensitivity, traits which plagued poin-settias for years.

Other major innovations in the poinsettia re-sulted from the remarkable discovery by Gregor

Gutbier, a poinsettia breeder in the 1980s, that grafting poorly branched (branching-restricted) plants to well-branched (free-branching) plants increased branching in the propagules from the restricted-branching scion (Fig. 6). This effect was demonstrated to be due to the transmission of a phytoplasma that was transmitted from an infected to a non-infected plant (Lee et al., 1997; Dole and Wilkins, 1999; Huang, 2007). The phytoplasma was shown to be caused by an infectious agent related to peach X disease and spirea stunt, but was otherwise benign in poin-settia. Once the role of the virus was recognized it became a standard procedure to induce the benefi cial pathogen to new poinsettia seedlings by grafting. Vegetative propagules (cuttings) from grafted plants kept their free-branching trait.

Other innovations in poinsettia production(Fig. 7) include plant pruning (pinching) to in-crease branching and the use of growth regu-lators (PGRs) to reduce stem elongation and fi nal plant height. By increasing branching and controlling plant height, poinsettia producers can produce compact, high-quality plants that may also be packed, shipped, and sold on a cart in retail locations. The industry height standard in the United States for plants grown in 15 cm containers is between 36 to 41 cm. Florist-qual-ity poinsettias were originally produced from several un-pinched cuttings in a single container known as “straight ups.” However, a high-qual-ity poinsettia may be produced by planting a single cutting in the container and pinching the cutting to induce branching (a 3- to 4-cm “hard pinch” is most effective) after rooting has been established in the container (Berghage et al., 1989). This allows several branches to develop from axillary buds and produce a “full” plant.

Compact poinsettias may be produced using applications of PGRs to control stem elonga-tion during production. There are several active ingredients currently applied to poinsettias, in-cluding ancymidol, chlormequat chloride, dami-nozide, ethephon, fl urprimidol, paclobutrazol, and uniconazole (Ecke et al., 2004). PGR solu-tions may be applied by foliar sprays (chlorme-quat, daminozide, and ethephon) or drenching the growing substrate (Hammer and Barrett, 2001). Timing of PGR applications is important. Plant growth retardant applications made close to or during short days can reduce bract size; therefore applications are best made early in

Figure 4. Poinsettia production in green-houses; note the black cloth.

Year Cultivar Distinguishing characteristics

1923 Oak Leaf Dwarf, long lasting bracts

1988 Eckespoint® Lilo Dark leaves, early flowering

1963 Paul Mikkelsen Stiffer stem; improved bract longevity

1992 Eckespoint® Freedom More consistent branching; withstands careless handling

1998 Eckespoint® Haddon Winter Very dark leaves; “curly” incurving bracts and leaves Rose Dark Red

Table 1. Seminal cultivars in poinsettia improvement.

Figure 5. Paul Ecke Sr. (1895-1991).

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production when plants are vegetative or late when bracts are nearly fully developed to mini-mize any negative impact on bracts (Currey and Lopez, 2011).

Poinsettia propagation has also changed over time. Seedling plants are only used in breeding programs. Poinsettias produced commercially are started from stem-tip cuttings. In the early

1900s, dormant 1- to 2-year-old plants were bare-root harvested in late winter or early spring from fi elds located primarily in California, Flori-da, and Texas and shipped to commercial grow-ers in the eastern United States (Post, 1950). Upon receipt by producers, the bare-root plants were potted and stem-tip cuttings were har-vested in April or May. Poinsettia mother plants

Figure 7. Phytoplasma-infected red poin-settia (Huang, 2007).

Figure 6. Variation in modern poinsettia cultivars: Ecke ‘Orange Spice’, deep orange bracts with dark green leaves; Syngenta ‘Carousel Dark Red’, curled dark red bracts against dark foli-age; Syngenta ‘Sonora White Glitter’, red bracts with cream speckling; Syngenta ‘Whitestar’, bright white bracts and medium green leaves; Ecke ‘Ice Punch’, bright, rosy-red bracts with a blaze of white down the middle of each bract; Syngenta ‘Cinnamon Star’, early flowering cultivar with cinnamon-pink bracts; Ecke ‘Polly’s Pink’, bright, fluorescent-pink bracts with dark foliage; Ecke ‘Winter Rose Dark Red’, incurved dark red bracts and incurved dark green foliage; Selecta ‘Pink Candy’, dark-pink bracts with darker pink flecks; Dümmen ‘Pink Cadillac’, large pink bracts with very dark green foliage; Ecke ‘Tapestry’, red bracts and leaves with variegated margins; Dümmen ‘Viking Red’, large, rounded, medium-red bracts (photos by R.G. Lopez).

Ecke ‘Orange Spice’ Syngenta ‘Carousel Dark Red’ Syngenta ‘Sonora White Glitter’

Syngenta ‘Whitestar’ Ecke ‘Ice Punch’ Syngenta ‘Cinnamon Star’

Ecke ‘Polly’s Pink’ Ecke ‘Winter Rose Dark Red’ Selecta ‘Pink Candy’

Dümmen ‘Pink Cadillac’ Ecke ‘Tapestry’ Dümmen ‘Viking Red’

are no longer grown in the continental United States on a large scale. Almost all cultivation is now done in South America with its tropical climate and associated lower costs. Cuttings are air freighted into the U.S. or Europe where they are rooted and plants are then “fi nished” by specialty growers for sale to the consumer in supermarkets and garden centers.

In the past decade, the cost to heat greenhouses has more than doubled and thus threatens poin-settia production. For greenhouse operations in northern latitudes, energy costs for heating alone account for 10 to 30% of their total op-erating cost. Research at the University of New Hampshire, Clemson, and Purdue University has demonstrated that cultivars produced earlier in the season (6 to 8 week response time), have moderate vigor with naturally large bracts that are well adapted to cold fi nishing (late growth under cool temperatures). Under this system, growers can take advantage of naturally warm outdoor temperatures in August and Septem-ber to “bulk” up the vegetative plant. When outdoor temperatures began to fall, typically in mid-October, greenhouse temperature set points (day/night) are reduced to 20 to 21ºC/14 to 17ºC for “cold fi nishing” to reduce energy consumption. In addition to energy and growth regulator savings, the timing of cold fi nished plants is not excessively delayed and bracts and fi nal height are not negatively affected (Lopez and Krug, 2009).

The Paul Ecke Ranch

The Eckes began growing two cultivars of poinsettia before 1920: ‘True Red’ and ‘Early Red’. Their neighbors in Southern California used these plants in their gardens. ‘Early Red’ was more useful for commercial pur-poses both as a cut fl ower and as a potted plant as it held its foliage longer.

Three new cultivars were released in the 1920s but ‘Oak Leaf’, introduced by a Mrs. Enteman in Jersey City, New Jersey, domi-nated the fi eld for the next 40 years. It was the fi rst cultivar suitable for growing in a pot and also retained its leaves and bracts for an

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extended time. The 1920 sport ‘Hollywood’ had wider, more compact bracts than ‘Ear-ly Red’ and the 1924 ‘St Louis’ from Louis Bourdet in St Louis, Missouri attained some popularity in its day.

Paul Ecke devoted himself to selecting and developing better cultivars based on ‘Oak Leaf’. His introductions included ‘Henriette Ecke’, 1927, and ‘Mrs. Paul Ecke’, 1929. The latter, a sport of ‘Oak Leaf’, was shorter and had wider bracts than its parent. Poinsettias had become a commercial reality and several fi rms across the United States grew them successfully in greenhouses. In Indianapolis, Bauer and Steinkamp came across another sport of ‘Mrs. Paul Ecke’ which they named ‘Indianapolis Red’. Each of these sports of-fered improvement in habit and bract size.

Not all the new cultivars lasted well, in spite of their undoubted novelty. ‘Henriette Ecke’ had “double” incurved bracts. Its off-spring, which made the plant almost look like a dahlia, seemed very promising but the bracts were deemed to be too small and the plants did not perform well in the green-house. Many years later novelties were in great demand. ‘Winter Rose Dark Red’ was introduced in the 1990s and by 2004 it was available in seven different colors. Another series with curly bracts, ‘Renaissance’, came in at about the same time specifi cally for the cut fl ower market. These cultivars do well as cut fl owers. ‘Paul Mikkelsen’ from the Mikkelsen nursery in Ashtabula, Ohio, had a stiffer stem and greater longevity than any preceding cultivar. Eckespoint® ‘Lilo’ was the fi rst poinsettia with dark leaves and early fl owering. It retained its foliage well but needed some special treatment to ensure good branching. Eckespoint® ‘Freedom’ had all the above good points but more consistent branching. It was also ready to be shipped a week or two before Thanksgiving, allowing for a head start on the holiday marketing season. Another ex-cellent quality was the ability to withstand careless handling by untrained staff at large non-specialty stores. In 1998 Eckespoint® ‘Winter Rose Dark Red’ was the fi rst culti-var to have “curly” incurved bracts and very dark, incurved foliage.

The public likes the traditional red poin-settia but also fi nds new colors and styles very exciting (Lopez et al., 2010). Breeders have to respond to these needs and ac-commodate the public’s slightly fi ckle reac-tions. Since 2002, Ecke has introduced Eck-espoint® ‘Plum Pudding’, with purple bracts, Eckespoint® ‘Chianti’ with darker wine red bracts, Eckespoint® ‘Shimmer Pink’, pink with white fl ecks, and many others (Ecke et al., 2004). Eckespoint® ‘Prestige Red’ has become the standard modern cultivar and it already has many variations.


The poinsettia was widely distributed acrossEurope by the mid-19th century. It enjoyed great popularity for the same reasons it was so successful in North America but the plant had to be grown in heated greenhouses and so was an expensive luxury.

Poinsettia breeding has also been carried out in Europe. Thormod Hegg, a Norwegian breeder, introduced ‘Annette Hegg Red’ in 1964. This cultivar was the fi rst in a series of multi-fl owered plants produced by pinching and in a previously unknown range of colors. They could be made to produce between 5 and 8 infl orescences per stem. This cultivar was also easy to propagate and grow commercially. The Hegg cultivars were important up to 2002.

In Germany, the Zeiger Brothers in Hamburg also instituted a breeding program. Gregor Gut-bier in Linz, Austria, introduced another daz-zling series of colorful cultivars, including the ‘V-14 Glory’ Angelikas in 1979. Ten years later


We are grateful for the assistance of Axel Borg, Diodora Bucur, Susan McGregor Epstein, Sarah Fick, Joel T. Fry, Valerie Sheldon Haddon, Judith


Anon. 1888. 1887 Charleston Yearbook. Lucas, Richardson and Co., Charleston, South Carolina. p.381-424.

Anderson, C. and Tischer, T. 1997. Poinsettias: Myth & Legend. Waters Edge Press, Tiburon, California.

Bahr, F. 1937. Fritz Bahr’s Commercial Floriculture: A Practical Manual for the Retail Grower. 4th ed. A.T. De La Mare Co., New York.

Berghage, R.D., Heins, R.D., Karlsson., M., Erwin, J.E. and Carlson, W. 1989. Pinching technique influences lateral shoot development in poinset-tia. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 114:909-914.

Britton, N. and Brown, A. 1913. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. vol. 2. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.

Calderon de la Barca, F. 1843 (reissued 1966). Life in Mexico. Doubleday and Co., Garden City, New York.

Currey, C.J. and Lopez, R.G. 2011. Early flurprimidol drench applications suppress final height of four poinsettia cultivars. HortTechnology 21:35-40.

Dole, J.M. and Wilkins, H.F. 1999. Euphorbia. p.331-347. In: Floriculture: Principles and Species. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Ecke, P. III, Faust, J.E., Williams, J. and Higgins, A. 2004. The Ecke Poinsettia Manual. Ball Publ., Batavia, Illinois.

Fry, J.T. 1995. The introduction of the poinsettia at Bartram’s Garden. Bartram’s Broadside (Winter).

they reached the United States. One advantage they offered was an ability to withstand slightly cooler night temperatures.


Innovations in the breeding and production of poinsettia have made this plant the most widely produced pot plant in the United States although its premier position is currently being threatened by the increasing sales of potted or-chids. As its popularity has largely been restricted to the Christmas season because of its attractive red bracts, expansion of the current market is threatened. The introduction of many different hued bracts, such as pink, cream, white, purple and fl ecked could lead to the plants becoming a mainstay of interior decoration. Furthermore, using cultivars with orange bracts such as ‘Or-ange Spice’ could expand marketing during the fall and especially at Halloween. The challenge will be to duplicate the vision and marketing skills of past innovators in the industry.

Fuentes Mares, J. 1984. Poinsett: Historia de una Gran Intriga. 7th ed. Editiones Oceano SA., Ciudad de Mexico.

Garner, W.W. and Allard, H.A. 1920. Effect of the relative length of day and night and other factors of the environment on growth and reproduction in plants. J. Agr. Res. 4(11):553-606.

Hammer, A. and Barrett, J. 2001. Poinsettias. p.111-116. In: M.L. Gaston, P.S. Konjoian, L.A. Kunkle and M.F. Wilt (eds.), Tips on Regulating Growth of Floriculture Crops. Ohio Florists’ Association Services, Columbus, Ohio.

Huang, P.-Y. 2007. Beneficial plant pathogens. Chronica Hort. 47(3):9-14.

Janick, J., Bagwill, R.E. and Nesbitt, H.R. 1983. Cultivar release and protection. p.383-397. In: J.N. Moore and J. Janick (eds.), Methods in Fruit Breeding. Purdue Univ. Press., West Lafayette, Indiana.

Lee, I.M., Klopmeyer, M., Bartoszyk, I.M., Gundersen-Rindal, D.E., Chou, T.-S., Thomson, K.L. and Eisenreich, R. 1997. Phytoplasma induced free-branching in commercial poinsettia cultivars. Nature Biotech. 15:158-182.

Longacre, J.B. and Herring, J. 1837. The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. vol. 1. James B. Longacre, Philadelphia.

Lopez, R., Dole, J. and Barrett, J. 2010. Consumer poinsettia picks. Greenhouse Product News 20(3):28-30.

Lopez, R.G. and Krug, B.A. 2009. Cold finishing up north. Greenhouse Grower 27(8):88-94.

Hines Norma Kobzina, H. Walter Lack, Patti McGee, Elizabeth MacLeod, Christina Shedlock, Freek Vrugtman.

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ISHS • 28

Prunus mume: History and Culture in China

Judith M. Taylor

Dr. Judith M. Taylor is a retired neurologist currently writing on horticultural history. Email: judithmtaylor@horthistoria.comDr. Roberto G. Lopez is an Assistant Professor and Floriculture Extension Specialist in the Department

of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.Email:

Christopher J. Currey is a graduate student in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Email:

Dr. Jules Janick is the James Troop Distinguished Professor of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Email:

Roberto G. Lopez


Christopher J. Currey Jules Janick

Meyer, H.J. 1902. Meyers grosses Konversations-Lexikon. Leipzig.

Miranda, J. 2004. Mexican authorities look-ing to produce variant of flower native to Morelos state; Circumventing poinsett’s legacy. El Univeral (December).

Poinsett, J.R. 1824. Notes on Mexico. H.C. Carey and I. Lea, Philadelphia.

Post, K. 1942. Effects of daylength and tem-perature on growth and flowering of some florist crops. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 787:1-70.

Post, K. 1950. Florist Crop Production and Marketing. Orange Judd Publishing Company, Inc., New York.

Rippy, J.F. 1935. Joel Roberts Poinsett. Duke Univ. Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2010. Floriculture Crops 2009 Summary. Nat. Agr. Sta. Service, Wash., D.C. 18 Mar. 2011.


Yanmei Li and Qinglin Liu

Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc., known as mei, mei fl ower, or Japanese apricot, is a famous tradi-tional fl owering tree in China with a cultivation history of more than 3000 years. The wild mei was used for its fruit before the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BCE), and was cultivated in the Han Dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE). Its ornamental value was appreciated in the South and North dynasties (420-581), and mei culture became prevalent in the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties. The collection and classifi cation of mei cultivars had been underway since the 1940s. Breeding programs have been initiated for selection of cold-hardy cultivars and the cultivated area has moved northward to Changchun and Gongzhuling in the northeast, Chifeng in the north, and Lanzhou in the northwest. Breeding work is underway to transfer low chilling from mei to apri-cot. The cultivars of mei fl ower were divided into 11 groups and 381 cultivars are now registered internationally. At present 45 mei gardens have been established. Mei fl owering shoots are very popular in fl ower arrangement. There are 1.30 million tonnes of mei fruits harvested from 101.64 thousand hectares. The mei fruit is rich in organic acids, and mainly used for food processing in China.

Mei (Prunus mume) is a native Chinese fl ow-ering tree, with wide distribution and a long history. At fi rst mei was introduced to cultiva-tion as food and condiment but later became important as an ornamental. After two thou-sands years of selection of chance seedlings, there are now nearly 400 ornamental cultivars. Mei fl owers bloom at the very beginning of the new year. Because of its ornamental value, mei

has become an important part of traditional Chinese culture.

HISTORYThe Neolithic Age to the Pre-Qin Period (221 BCE)

Mei fruits were harvested for food or sacrifi cial offerings for years in the Neolithic Age. Carbon-

ized pits of mei were discovered at the Peili-gang Historical Site in Xinzheng, Henan Prov-ince in 1979 dated 7500~7000 years ago by 14C isotope assay (Henan Working Team No.1 of Institute of Archaeology, CASS, 1984; Li et al., 2007). Shangshu, a historical work of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCE), noted that “a thick and paste soup cannot be made without pickled mei fruits” (Chen, 1989). In 1975, car-bonated mei pits of 3200 years old were found at Yin Ruin tombs in Anyang, Henan Province (Cheng, 2008).

Qin and Han Dynasties (221 BCE-220 CE)

Mei trees were fi rst planted for fruit production. Many well-preserved mei pits and dried fl esh (Fig. 1) in pottery pots were discovered in the Han Tomb No.1 of Mawangdui in Changsha (Institute of Botany, CAS, 1978). At the same time Chinese characters such as Mei, Yuan Mei, and Fu Mei were found on bamboo slips in this tomb. The latter two were products made of mei fruits (Chen, 1996), which indicates that processing technology had been developed at that time.

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In the Han Dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE) mei trees were planted for their fl owers and cultivars for both blossoms and fruits began to appear. In the fi rst volume of Xijing Zaji (Miscellany of the Western Capital) in the Han Dynasty it was reported that: “When the Shanglin Parkland was built in the early stage of Han Dynasty, the ministers outside consecrated famous fruits and unique trees…seven kinds of mei, includ-ing Zhu (red), Ziye (purple leaf), Zihua (purple fl ower), Tongxin, Lizhi, Yan and Hou” (Cheng, 2008). Most cultivars were grown for the fruit but some fruiting cultivars with striking fl ower or leaf color, such as ‘Zihua’ and ‘Ziye’, also ap-peared at that time. Mei fl owers were recorded in Shudu Fu (Words for Shu Capital) by X. Yang in the Han Dynasty (Chen, 1989).

Wei, Jin, South, and North Dynasties (220-581)

The centers of population and civilization moved to the southern area of Yangzi River, which was the major cultivation area of mei (Cheng, 2008). As more and more mei trees were cultivated, their ornamental values were appreciated. The character of fl owering in the early spring was praised by poets. K. Lu in the Song dynasty (420-479) described sending mei blooming branches to a friend in Longtou (Gansu Province, now). The Emperor Jianwendi of the Liang dynasty (502-557) wrote a poem named “Meihua Fu (Words of Mei Flower)”, in which he mentions that the “early blossoms of mei fl ower know the coming of spring.” X. Xie in the Chen dynasty (557-589) mentions mei blossoms welcoming spring “early and alone, unafraid of cold.” Z.J. Zhang wrote Poem to Mei Wood in Light Rain, which suggests the plant-ing of a mei forest (Cheng, 2008). At this time mei admiration turned from fruit to fl ower and cultivation solely for ornamentals value began to emerge.

Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907)

Although cultivation of mei was still centered in Hangzhou and Chengdu, cultivation spread to the Yellow River as its popularity increased. The major cultivars in the Tang Dynasty were sin-gle fl owered ‘Jiang’ and pink double fl owered ‘Gongfen’, and red and cinnabar purple mei also appeared (Chen, 1989).

Mei was widely planted in both imperial and private gardens. Mei as a term was used to describe imperial gardens (Shangyuan Mei and

Gong Mei) and private gardens (Mei Yuan = mei garden and Mei Guan = mei house) in poems of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) as well as in land-scapes (mei fl ower island, mei rivulet, mei islet and mei hill), and buildings (mei pavilion and mei villa). Mei trees were planted alone, com-bined with bamboo, and were often near water (Cheng, 2008).

Mei fl ower was introduced to Japan by Japa-nese envoys in the middle of Tang Dynasty (710-784), and then spread to Korea (Wu, 1995). Some good fruiting cultivars were selected in Japan (Li and Liu, 2010).

Song and Yuan Dynasties (960-1368)

Mei was cultivated most widely and appreci-ated most fashionably in this period. About 1186, C.D. Fan authored Mei Treatise, the fi rst monograph of mei fl ower in China. He listed 10 cultivars, including ‘Jiang’, ‘Zao’ (early), ‘Xiao’, ‘Chongye’ (double), ‘Lv’e’ (green calyx), ‘Qian-jiangbian Lv’e’ (light purple margin), ‘Baiye Xiang’ (double, fl avescens), ‘Hong’ (red), ‘Yuan-yang’ (two fruits) and ‘Xing’ (apricot) (Chen, 1962). According to the descriptions, the Cul-tivar Groups (Albo-plena, Green Calyx, Apricot and Flavescens) appeared at that time. In the Yuan Dynasty, two new cultivars named ‘Dan Taofen’ (light pink) for both fl owers and fruits and ‘Honghuai Baozi’ with duplicated fl ower centers appeared. The latter has survived for 600 years in Yunnan (Wang et al., 1995).

Z. Zhang in the Southern Song Dynasty planted some old mei trees at the Mei Garden, South Lake in Hangzhou, including more than 300 ‘Jiang’, and dozens of ‘Qianye Xiang’ (fulldouble) and ‘Hong’. His book Mei Pin (Ap-preciating Mei Flowers, 1194), described 58 situations for high appreciation of mei fl owers (Chen, 1995a, b).

B.R. Song compiled Meihua Xishenpu (Portraits of Mei Flower) in the end of the Southern Song Dynasty (reissued in 1261). The blooming proc-ess was divided into 8 phases including bud, few stamens, many stamens, ready to bloom, blooming, full bloom, withering, and bearing fruits. One hundred pictures of different fl ower shapes were displayed in the form of woodcuts, each of them was given a title and a poem with fi ve characters per line. This picture-book was the fi rst woodcut painting manual in China, and also a signifi cant breakthrough in describing the phenology of mei fl ower (Chen, 2010).

Mei had become a very important subject with the further development of imperial and private gardens. There was a mei pavilion in Qionglin Yuan, an imperial garden in the Song Dynasty. There were a mei pool, a mei hill, a mei islet and Lv’e Huatang (Green calyx Palace) surrounded by thousands of mei trees in Gen Yue, an im-perial garden in the Huizong period of Song Dynasty. There were mei valleys and mei slopes commonly in private gardens. A poem named Mei Flower in Bottle written by W.L. Yang, in-dicated the use of cut mei fl owers for fl ower arrangement.

Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911)

After the climax in the Song and Yuan dynasties, growing and appreciation of mei fl ower stabi-lized, but the number of cultivars increased. There were 19 cultivars in Qunfang Pu (Spec-trum of All Flowers) compiled by X.J. Wang in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), where cultivars were classifi ed mainly by fl ower colors. There were 10 white fl owers such as ‘Chongye Lv’e’, ‘Yudie’, ‘Shi’, and ‘Dong’, 7 reddish fl owers such as ‘Qianye Hongmei’, ‘Heding’, ‘Shuang-tou Hong’, ‘Zi’, and ‘Yanzhi’, and 2 special ones such as ‘Bing’ and ‘Mo’.

In the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), mei was widely planted with abundant cultivars. There were 21 cultivars in Hua Jing (Mirror of Flow-ers) compiled by H.Z. Chen, including ‘Qianye’ (full double), ‘Zhaoshui’ (bending) ‘Huangxiang’ (Flavescens), ‘Pinzi’ (three fruits), ‘Jiuying’ (nine petals), ‘Taige’ and ‘Lang’. The peduncle of ‘Zhaoshui’ bends downwards to the water at blooming, and the fl owers of ‘Yutai Zhaoshui’ were fragrant. There was another fl ower bud at the center of ‘Taige’ fl owers.

Since the number of mei trees kept increasing in the Ming and Qing dynasties, famous scenic spots for appreciating mei had been formed, including Dengwei in Suzhou, Zhongshan in Nanjing, and Xixi in Hangzhou. It was recorded that “there is a hill named Dengwei in Suzhou where mei fl owers are in full bloom, like a sea of fragrant snow covering 15 km2” in Wujun Zhushan Ji (Records of All Mountains in Wu Pre-fecture) written by H.D. Yuan (Cheng, 2008). Some mei trees planted 400 years ago in the Ming and Qing dynasties are still alive in Yunnan and Zhejiang (Fig. 2).

With the improvement of cultivation technol-ogy, potted mei fl owers were produced. Inthe Changwu Zhi written by Z.H. Wen in the Ming Dynasty, advice was given to “plant mei trees in fl ower pots and twist them to odd shapes.” It was noted that: “The monks grew and sold fl owers for living in Nanjing Huayan Temple, in which mei was their favorite; they twisted the branches with wires to make them lovely.”

Republic of China (1911-1949)

In 1912, there was a private mei garden in the west of Wuxi constructed by the famous

Figure 1. Carbonized pit of mei unearthed from the Han Tomb No.1 at Mawangdui in Changsha: (A) carbonized pits; (B) pits and kernel; (C) dried fruit.


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Chinese businessmen, Z.J. Rong and his brother D.S. Rong. There were thousands of plants, including groups such as Albo-plena, Green Calyx, Pink Double and Cinnabar Purple. The number of cultivars of mei trees has been in-creasing since 1949, and the garden became a park now called Wuxi Mei Garden.

When Dr. Sun Yat-sen was buried at the mauso-leum in 1929, the managing committee decid-ed to set up a commemoration park, in which about 60 cultivars of mei fl ower were planted. The number of cultivars of mei fl ower increased gradually, and it became a famous scenic spot renamed Meihua Hill in 1945.

In 1942, Professor M. Tsen published a mono-graph, Mei Hua, National Flower of China. He described the genetic resources and 15 cultivars of mei fl ower in Chongqing (Chen, 1989), a milestone of sorting out mei cultivars. In 1945, Professor J.Y. Wang and J.Y. Chen published an article entitled “Classifi cation of Mei Culti-vars in Chengdu” in the Journal of the Agri-cultural Association of China. Twenty cultivars were recorded, which provided a foundation for cultivar classifi cation in China (Chen, 2010). In 1947, J.Y. Chen published a book named Meihua in Bashan and Shushui (Sichuan). All

aspects related to mei such as history, distribu-tion, cultivar, propagation, cultivation, disease and insect control, and application were de-scribed. The 35 mei cultivars were divided into 6 groups such as cinnabar purple, red, pink double, apricot, white double and green calyx (Chen, 2010).

From Founding of PRC to Reform and Open-ing up of China (1949-1978)

In 1954, S.B. Zhao collected thousands of mei fl ower from Chongqing, and transplanted them to Mei Garden, Moshan, East Lake, Wu-han. There were some elite cultivars such as ‘Jinqian Lv’e’, ‘Baixu Zhusha’, ‘Ning Xin’, ‘Da Yu’, ‘Kouban Dahong’ and ‘Taohong Taige’. They also collected some famous cultivars such as ‘Subai Taige’, ‘Huqiu Wanfen’ and ‘Jiang Nan’ from Anhui and Jiangsu. In 1962, 62 cul-tivars of mei fl ower were identifi ed (Zhao and Liu, 1997). Since the spring of 1958, Profes-sor J.Y. Chen has introduced and acclimatized mei fl ower in Beijing by directly sowing seeds from the south region of the Yangzi River, in cooperation with the Beijing Botanical Garden, CAS. They also attempted to transplant mei fl ower to Beijing.

Figure 3. Mei cultivars in various groups: (A) ‘Jiang Mei’; (B) ‘Fen Taige’, note flower bud in the center of the flower; (C) ‘Sanlun Yudie’; (D) ‘Xiao lv’e’; (E) ‘Caowang Huangxiang’; (F) ‘Fuban Tiaozhi’; (G) ‘Meiyuan Momei’; (H) ‘Canxue Chuizhi’; (I) ‘Long You’; (J) ‘Yan Xing’; (K) ‘Xiao Meiren’.




Figure 2. Existing ancient mei trees: (A) tree of the Ming Dynasty (Eryuan, Yunnan); (B) tree of the Qing Dynasty (Huangyan, Zhejiang).



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After the Reform and Opening up of China (1978 to present)

The cooperative research group for mei fl owers and wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox) was set up in China Flower Association in 1987. The group was transformed to the Chinese Society for Mei Flower and Wintersweet in 1989 when the fi rst National Exhibition of Mei Flower and Wintersweet was held. From then on, the na-tional exhibition was carried on every two years. The next, 13th, will be held in Wuxi in the spring of 2012.

Two monographs named Chinese Mei Flower Cultivars and Chinese Mei Flower were pub-lished by Professor J.Y. Chen et al. in 1989 and 1996. Both contain information on origin, histo-ry, genetic resources, distribution, cultivar clas-sifi cation, propagation, cultivation, diseases and insect control, cultivar improvement and fl ower culture. A total of 327 cultivars were recorded. Professor J.Y. Chen and the Chinese Society for Mei Flower and Wintersweet were appointed as the International Cultivar Registration Authori-ties (ICRAs) of mei since 1998, the fi rst in China (Chen, 2004). Based on the cultivar registration,

a new bilingual book Chinese Mei Flower Cul-tivars in Color was published in 2010, in which 318 cultivars were recorded.

Thanks to the research on acclimatization and increase of hardy cultivars, it is possible to build mei gardens in the north of China. The fi rst northern mei garden was built in Qingdao in 1993. The Boutique Garden for International Registered Mei Cultivars was constructed in Mt. Jiufeng, Beijing in 2004 (Li, 2004).

BOTANY AND CULTIVARSBotanical Description

Mei is a small deciduous tree in the family Ro-saceae, with height of 5-10 m, has brownish-purple bark and nearly rounded crown. The twigs are usually greenish or green background, glabrous. The leaves are small, alternate, nar-row-ovate or nearly round-ovate, with apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or nearly ro-tund, and margin fi nely serrate. The petioles are short and puberulous. The fl owers bloom before the leaves in early spring, and are white, pink or red, sessile or nearly so and fragrant, with fi ve

purplish sepals. The stone fruits are yellow or greenish, diameter of 2-3 cm, the fl esh adhering to the pitted stone.

There are a number of interspecifi c hybrids of mei with some species in the same genus, such as apricot mei (P. mume var. bungo), a hybrid between mei and apricot (P. ameniaca), having purplish-brown and thick twigs that are like ap-ricot, long and thick petioles, and fl owers that are not fragrant. Meiren mei, Prunus × blirean, a hybrid between P. cerasifera ‘Altropurpurea’ and mei, has red leaves and semi-double to double pink fl owers. The hybrids of mei with plum (P. salicina) called Sumomo-ume have dark purplish-brown twigs, purple and long petioles, with luxuriant fl owers, heavy fragrance, and purplish red fruits.

Introduction, Acclimatization and Breeding for Hardy Cultivars

Mei fl ower is usually cultivated in the areas of Yangzi River and Yellow River, between Yellow River in the north and the Zhujiang River in the south. To expand the cultural area, the introduc-tion and acclimatization was started in 1957, and a number of hardy cultivars were selected through various methods. For example, cultivars such as ‘Jiang’, ‘Sanlun Yudie’, ‘Mihua Jiang’, ‘Jiang Nan’, ‘Zhongshan Xing’, ‘Fuban Tiaozhi’, ‘Xiao Gongfen’, ‘Xiao Lv’e’, ‘Yin Hong’, ‘Zhu-sha Wanzhaoshui’ were selected after introduc-tion and transplantation. Some cultivars such as ‘Beijing Xiao’, ‘Beijing Yudie’, ‘Yutai Zhaoshui’ were selected by open pollination and chance seedlings. Other cultivars such as ‘Yan Xing’, ‘Shantao Bai’, ‘Hua Hudie’, ‘Qiao Meiren’ and ‘Hei Meiren’ were bred through interspecifi c hybridization and selection of hybrids (Chen et al., 2003).

A series of regional tests have been conducted in Lanzhou, Taiyuan, Changchun, Shenyang,Beijing and other areas in north China since 1986 to evaluate hardiness. At present, the northern boundary for mei culture is Gongzhul-ing, Jilin, 2000 km from its natural distribution; the western limitation is Lanzhou, Gansu.

The International Cultivar Registration of Mei

Since 1998, the international cultivar registra-tion of mei has been conducted in China. Five volumes of Annual/Two-years’ Report of In-ternational Mei (Prunus mume) Register were published since 1999, and 381 cultivars from both China and foreign countries were regis-tered, including fl owering mei, fruiting mei and fl ower-fruiting mei. The main breeders and ap-plicants are Mei Flower Research Centre of Chi-na in Wuhan, Mei Garden of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’sMausoleum in Nanjing, and Wuxi Mei Garden, Heilongtan Park in Kunming.

According to International Code of Nomen-clature for Cultivated Plants (7th edition) mei cultivars are divided into 11 Groups (Chen and Chen, 2009).


The branches and twigs grow upright or slant-ingly upright, the twig color is green or the ground color is green, the new xylem inside twigs is greenish white. Single flowers with red-dish purple calyx, and red, pink, or white petals, volatilize true mei-flower fragrance.

Light to dark pink petals, semi-double to double flowers.

White petals, semi-double to double flower.

Green calyx, white petals, single, semi-double or double flowers.

Light yellow petals, single, semi-double or double flowers.

Flowers with bicoloured spots or speckles.

The new xylem inside twigs is purplish-red, single to double flowers with purple calyx and purple red petals.

The branches and twigs naturally pendant or slantingly pendant.

The branches and twigs naturally contorted, or zigzog.

The branches, twigs, leaves, flowers and fruits are similar to mei but not typical, the hypanthium swollen, the ripe fruits are yellow.

The branches, twigs and leaves are purple-red all year round, semi-double or double flowers with slightly swollen hypanthium, the ripe fruits are purple-red.


Single Flowered

Pink Double


Green Calyx



Cinnabar Purple



Apricot Mei


Typical cultivar

‘Jiang Mei’ (Fig. 3A)

‘Fen Taige’ (Fig. 3B)

‘Sanlun Yudie’ (Fig. 3C)

‘Xiao lv’ e’. (Fig. 3D)

‘Caowang Huangxiang’ (Fig. 3E)

‘Fuban Tiaozhi’ (Fig. 3F)

‘Meiyuan Momei’ (Fig. 3G)

‘Canxue Chuizhi’ (Fig. 3H)

‘Long You’ (Fig. 3I)

‘Yan Xing’ (Fig. 3J)

‘Xiao Meiren’ (Fig. 3K)

Table 1. The 11 cultivar groups of mei.

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The First Flowering Branch in Early Spring

Mei is beloved because of early blooming. Z. Jiang in the South and North dynasties wrote that “spring is awaked by mei fl ower in Janu-ary and February”. Mei fl ower is considered the symbol of vitality.

The Friend of Winter

The symbolism of mei fl ower derives from its biological characteristics (Liu, 2003). Mei fl ow-ers are cold hardy, and blooming in the snowy season, hence the expression “tread on snow to seek mei fl owers.” Their old but vigorous trunks and branches symbolize perseverance and cour-age. The fl ower color is light and elegant, signi-fying lofty pride.

Mei fl ower has been personifi ed as an elegant beauty or a detached gentleman. Since mei fl ower defi es frost and snow, and pine tree and bamboo are green over the winter, these three plants were considered “three friends in

winter.” These symbols were an important part of traditional Chinese culture, displayed in many poems, calligraphy and paintings through the ages (Fig. 4A). Mei, pine, and bamboo are often planted together in gardens to form the pavilion or trail of “three friends” (Cheng, 2008).

Mei Flowering with Five Blessings

Mei fl owers have fi ve petals, which repre-sent fi ve blessings: happiness, luck, longevity, smoothness, and peace. The traditional symbol of a happy wedding includes bamboo repre-senting the husband, and mei representing the wife. The mei fl ower is common vignette in china (Fig. 4B), embroideries, jade carvings (Fig. 4C) and other traditional handicrafts.

Four Gentlemen

In traditional Chinese culture, orchid (quietness), bamboo (honesty), chrysanthemum (seclusion), and mei (pride) are considered the “four gentle-men.” The “four gentlemen” are found in Chi-nese paintings over thousands of years (Fig. 4D).

National Spirits

Many historical fi gures, who are considered to be the soul of Chinese nationality, were closely connected with mei fl ower. B. Lin, a famous poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, who lived in seclusion in Gushan Hill in Hangzhou, praised mei as follows: “Over the clear and shallow wa-ter its sparse shadows horizontally slant, and under the dusky moonlight its silent fragrance fl oats and spread.” He immersed himself in mei culture, laying the foundations for it being the symbol of noble personality.

Y. Lu, the patriotic poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, wrote more than 400 poems about mei fl ower. He described the landscape of mei for-estry around Huanhua River in Chengdu as fol-lows: “Riding through the west of Chengdu city those years, I used to be intoxicated like mud by mei fl ower. The fragrance spreading over 10 km continually from Qingyang Palace to Huanhua River”.

M. Wang, the famous master of painting and poem, who lived in seclusion in Mt. Jiuli, plant-ed thousands of mei trees and was addicted to painting mei (Chen, 2001). He wrote a poem in his painting entitled Black Mei in White Paper: “In the mei trees by the side of our inkstone washing pool, every fl ower blooms in light black on white paper; only the light fragrance overfl ow in the world, never mind of praise for beautiful colors” (Fig. 4E).

Chairman Mao Zedong favored mei fl ower. He wrote a famous poem titled Bo Suanzi Ode Mei: “The pretty mei fl owers do not contest with other fl owers in the spring, but only herald the coming of spring.” (Fig. 4F).

The City Flower and the National Flower

The Republic of China approved mei as the na-tional fl ower in 1929. Mei fl ower, cold resistant, staunch, and faithful when facing the winter, represents the spirit of “self-support and self-re-liance” advocated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Mei is still the “national fl ower” in Chinese Taiwan. Eight cities (Nanjing, Wuhan, Wuxi, Taizhou (Jiangsu), Taizhou (Zhejiang), Huaibei, Meizhou and Dan-jiangkou) appointed mei as their city fl ower. In 2008, 102 academicians recommended mei fl ower and tree peony as the “Twin National Flowers” (Chen, 2007).

MEI GARDENSThere are many mei gardens consisting of col-lections of cultivars in the traditional cultivation areas, such as Meihua Hill in Nanjing, Dengwei Hill in Suzhou, Chaoshan Hill in Hangzhou, Di-anshan Lake in Shanghai, Wuxi Mei Garden, and Heilongtan Park in Kunming. In recent years, some mei gardens were set up in northern China as more and more hardy cultivars were released. These include Mei Hill in Beijing Botanical Gar-den, Qingdao Mei Garden, Yueling Mei Valley in Zhengzhou, and the Boutique Garden for Inter-national Registered Mei Cultivars in Beijing.

Figure 4. Mei in art and crafts: (A) the painting of three friends in the winter (M.J. Zhao, Southern Song Dynasty); (B) vase with mei flower pattern; (C) jade carving with mei flower shape; (D) a scroll painting of four gentlemen; (E) the painting named “Ink Mei” (M. Wang, Yuan Dynasty); (F) the Commemorative Badge for Chairman Mao in 9th National Mei Flower and Wintersweet Exhibition showing flowering branch of mei.







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Figure 6. Flower arrangement in vases with mei.

Figure 5. Some mei gardens in China: (A) Meihua Hill in Nanjing; (B) East Lake Mei Garden in Wuhan; (C) Wuxi Mei Garden; (D) Mei Garden at Mt. Lingfeng in Hangzhou Botanical Garden; (E) Qingdao Mei Garden; (F) Mei Garden of Heilongtan Park in Kunming; (G) Mei Hill in Beijing Botanical Garden.

The Meihua Hill of Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing (Fig. 5A) is one of the four largest mei gardens, covering more than 100 hectares. Nan-jing had a long history of planting and appre-ciating mei fl owers, lasting six dynasties. Every spring when mei blossoms, thousands of mei plants fl ourish throughout the hill, with colorful petals and dense fragrance. Millions of citizens walk from Zhongshan Gate to the Meihua Hill to view the landscape.

The East Lake Mei Garden in Wuhan (Fig. 5B) is the location of both Mei Flower Research Center of China and the National Mei Flower Germplasm Conservation Garden. The garden contains more than 200 mei cultivars. The exhi-bition hall of mei named A Branch of Spring was constructed in a classical Chinese garden. The garden contains a science education center, a penjing hall, a fl ower culture hall, and a cultivar hall for display of art works (Mao, 2001).

Qingdao Mei Garden (Fig. 5E) is located in Shi-meian scenic spot. There are more than 100 cultivars, belonging to 10 groups, mainly intro-duced from Wuhan. Some new cultivars such as ‘Qingdao Xinghong’ and ‘Danban Danfeng-hou’ were selected through chance seedlings (Zhuang and Zhuang, 1999). The garden is con-sisted of valleys on the north slope with pavil-ions and villas.

The mei garden (Fig. 5F) in Heilongtan Park con-sists of over 6000 trees, nearly 90 cultivars, over 28 hectares in Kunming, Southwest China. It contains a scenic spot called Seek Mei Flower in Longquan. A 700-year-old “Tang Mei” tree is considered the most precious old mei tree in Yunnan.

Mei Hill in Beijing Botanical Garden (Fig. 5G) was built on natural terrain. Some hardy culti-vars were planted, such as ‘Meiren’, ‘Fenghou’, ‘Dan Fenghou’, ‘Xiao Lv’e’, ‘Xiao Gongfen’,

Wuxi Mei Garden (Fig. 5C) is located on the mountains in the western suburb of Wuxi and is the earliest and the largest in China (Liu et al., 2001). There are more than 100 cultivars in-troduced from Japan. Mei is the theme of this irregular garden; all the stones, paths, pavilions, palaces, terraces and forestry are designed with mei.

There is a mei garden (Fig. 5D) at the foot of Mt. Lingfeng, Hangzhou Botanical Garden, north of West Lake. The Lingfeng Temple was built in the later Jin Dynasty, when mei fl owers began to fl ourish. In the Qing Dynasty, 100 mei trees were planted in Jiaqing era and 300 mei trees were added in Xuantong era. In the spring of 1988, an addition of 27 hectares was construct-ed, and more than 5,000 trees of 50 cultivars were planted. The mei fl owers are famous for earlier fl owering and long persistence because of high attitude.








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‘Zhusha Wanzhaoshui’, ‘Sanlun Yudie’ and‘Beijing Yudie’. There are also some cultivars in-troduced from Japan.


Mei is a major element in traditional Chinese fl ower arrangement. Mei is usually displayed

Figure 8. Mei fruit: (A) unripe; (B) ripe; (C) red ripe fruit; (D) processed; (E) salted; (F) sweetened.

Figure 7. Some flowering mei penjing: (A) knot; (B) zigzag; (C) split; (D) screen; (E) straight; (F) curving; (G) horizontal; (H) “seek the spring”; (I) “three friends in the winter”.



in vases (Wei and Zhao, 2003), to emphasize Chinese tradition, poetic feeling, and artisticimagination (Fig. 6). The rough, twisted and old branches are especially esteemed. The compo-sition of cut fl owers is usually asymmetrical to display the natural shape.

There are two kinds of Penjing for mei fl ower: trees only (Baisai), and trees in a landscape (Penjing) including water, stone, and grass.

Container-grown mei has a history of over 600 years. There are various styles of tree shapes such as the knot (Fig. 7A), windswept, zigzag (Fig. 7B), split (Fig. 7C), screen (Fig. 7D), and bent (Chen, 1996). Methods to form shapes differ according to their styles. For example, the knot was made by knotting the young trunk to form a lump. The trunk is twisted in anS-form to make the zigzag type. The trunk is




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Thanks to Prof. Junyu Chen of Beijing Forestry University, who has been reading and revising the manuscript before submission.

Yanmei Li

Yanmei Li is a graduate student in the Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China. Email:

Qinglin Liu is an associate professor in the Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.


Qinglin Liu


divided to form the split form. Stretching all the branches downwards in one side will produce the windswept form to imitate the shape of the tree in windy areas. All trunks and branches are trained in one dimension to form the screen. Bending all the branches achieves the bent form. There are other shapes such as ball mei, basket mei and three layer mei. Besides the traditional shapes, some natural styles are now highly appreciated, such as straight (Fig. 7E), sloping, and torturous (Fig. 7F), horizontal (Fig. 7G), downward, zigzag, naked roots, and pen-dent branches. For these styles extensive prun-ing and training is needed.

The mei penjing emphasizes beautiful composi-tion. There are various styles such as waterless (Fig. 7H), dried sand (Fig. 7I), water and earth, water and stone, and inkstone. The dried sand style is composed of water fl ooded sand with minor ditches. In the water and stone styles, the mei is planted on the stone. For the inkstone style the container was replaced by fl agstone, which represents the surface of water.


There are abundant fruit mei germplasm re-sources in China, mainly distributed in the South of Mt. Qinling and Huaihe River. There are both large area and mass production in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan and Taiwan. According to an incomplete statistics in 1995, the growth area of mei fruit trees was 101.64 thousand hectares, the annual gross production was 1.3013 million ton (Chu, 2003), both the area and production is estimated to be rather steady these years. Mei fruit is also the most important deciduous crop in Taiwan, and its growing area was 9,166 hectares with an annual output of 45,218 tonnes in 2002.

The mei fruit (Fig. 8) contained a lot of organic acids, mainly citric acid, and had the functions of detoxifying and germicidal action. It is small and acid, so less eaten fresh, more as a proc-essed food. The classical products are salted mei, sweetened mei, smoked mei, syrup of mei; now the preserved mei, mei wine, mei vinegar, mei juice and mei jam are common products.


Chen, J.Y. 1962. Studies on Chinese mei-hua: Provenance and history of cultivation (in Chinese). Acta Hort. Sinica 1(1):69-78.

Chen, J.Y. 1989. Chinese Mei Flower Cultivars (in Chinese). Beijing: China Forestry Publ. House.

Chen, J.Y. 1996. Chinese Mei Flower (in Chinese). Haikou: Hainan Publ. House.

Chen, J.Y. 2001. Wang Mian and his Chinese painting and poetry with the mei flower (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 23(S1):5-7.

Chen, J.Y. 2004. International mei (Prunus mume) cultivar registration for five years: color pho-tos published successively in Chinese landscape architecture from January, 2004 onwards (in Chinese). J. Chinese Landscape Arch. (1):45-46.

Chen, J.Y. 2007. Two events in selection of national flowers of China (in Chinese). Science Time, Apr. 12. B3.

Chen, J.Y. 2010. Chinese Mei Flower Cultivars in Color (in Chinese). Beijing: China Forestry Publ. House.

Chen, J.Y. and Chen, R.D. 2009. A new system for classifying China mei cultivar groups, with special reference to developing superiorities of interspe-cific hybrid originated groups (in Chinese, English abstract). Acta Hort. Sinica 36(5):693-700.

Chen, J.Y., Zhang, Q.X., Li, Z.J., et al. 2003. Studies on introducing and breeding hardy mei cultivars together with extension prospects (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 25(S2):1-5.

Chen, X.Z. 1995a. Mei pin (Appreciating mei flow-ers): An extraordinary book in mei culture of South Song Dynasty of China (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 17(S1):12-15.

Chen, X.Z. 1995b. Mei pin: Its collating, annota-tion and translation into modern Chinese (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 17(S1):16-22.

Cheng, J. 2008. Research on Chinese Aesthetic Culture of Mei Flower (in Chinese). Chengdu: Bashu Publ. House of Sichuan Publ. House Group.

Chu, M.Y. 2003. Prospect of meizi (mume fruit) production industry after Chinese entry to WTO (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 25(S1):85-88.

Henan Working Team No.1 of Institute of Archaeology, CASS. 1984. Excavation of the

Neolithic site at Peiligang (in Chinese). Acta Archaeologica Sinica (1):44.

Institute of Botany, CAS. 1978. Research of the Specimens of Plant and Animal Unearthed from Han Tomb No.1 of Mawangdui in Changsha (in Chinese, English abstract). Beijing: Cultural Relics Publ. House, 12-15.

Li, Q.W. 2004. Features of planning and construc-tion of international mei garden in Beijing (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 26(S1):14-19.

Li, Q.W., Chen, J.Y. and Zhang, Q.X. 2007. Carbonated stone fruit from underground at Peiligang Historical Site in Xinzheng, Henan Province (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 29(S1):59-61.

Li, Y.M. and Liu, Q.L. 2010. The comparative study on mei cultivar and application of mei in China and Japan (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 32(S2):64-69.

Liu, G.Z., Chen, X.Q, Li, X.H., et al. 2001. Some introductions and comments on the construc-tion of mei culture in Wuxi Mei Garden (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 23(S2):8-10.

Liu, Q.L. 2003. The connotation and enlightenment of mei flower spirit (in Chinese). Flowers Trees Potted Landscape. p.40-41.

Mao, Q.S. 2001. “A Spray of Spring” at south of the Yangtzi River (in Chinese). J. Chinese Landscape Arch. (1):79-80.

Wang, Q.C., Zhang, X.Y. and Guo, S.Q. 1995. Investigation on old mei trees in Yunnan Province (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 17(S1):23-30.

Wei, L.S. and Zhao, W.B. 2003. A brief discus-sion on the mei vase-flower arrangement (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 25(S2):78-80.

Wu, D.X. 1995. The spreading and inheriting of mei flower culture in Japan (in Chinese, English abstract). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 17(S1):8-11.

Zhao, S.B. and Liu, X.X. 1997. Wuhan Mei Flower (in Chinese). Wuhan: Wuhan Industry Univ. Publ. House.

Zhuang, S.C. and Zhuang, S.Q. 1999. Research achievements of the fast constructed Qingdao Mei Park (in Chinese). J. Beijing Forestry Univ. 21(2):143-144.

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New Research Institute of Horticulture in Poland

On January 1, 2011 the new agricultural institute, Research Institute of Horticulture (RIH) in Skierniewice was established based on the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. RIH was formed fol-lowing the integration of two research institutes, Research Institute of Veg-etable Crops (RIVC) with Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture (RIPF), both located in Skierniewice – the “Capital” of Polish horticulture. Prof. Dr. Franciszek Adamicki has been appointed as fi rst Manager of the RIH. The new institute will bring together the collective research strengths of joined institutes and combined staff consists of 605 employees, includ-ing 44 professors and 87 doctors. It was established to strengthen the horticultural research capacity and to create an event of international sig-nifi cance and competitiveness, which will lead to progress of horticultural science, improvement of productivity and profi tability of Polish horticul-ture. RIH is the main research center in Poland developing the scientifi c and practical base for horticultural crops production.

The priority areas of research activities in RIH include:

� Applied creative breeding of vegetable plants, fruit trees and bushes, especially tomato, cucumber, apple rootstocks, apple cultivars, black-currants, raspberries, strawberries and others.

� Application of biotechnology techniques to fruit tree research and veg-etable plants.

� Protection of genetic resources of vegetable plants, fruit trees, bushes and ornamental plants.

� Development of technology of vegetable production in open fi eld, un-der cover and mushroom growing, as well as development of integrat-ed production of apples, strawberries, currants and ornamental plants under covers.

� Evaluation of biological and productive values of new cultivars of fruit and vegetables, improvement of processing and storage technologies.

� Control of pests and diseases in vegetable plants production and in orchards with minimum usage of pesticides.

� Bee breeding, and improvement of bee products collection, conserva-tion and storage.

� Extension of research results among growers and horticultural societies.

RIH carries out research in four divisions: Pomology, Vegetable Crops, Flo-riculture and Apiculture and covers all research problems related to the horticultural production in Poland. The Institute also has Experimental Sta-tions located in production regions. The Institute facilities in Skierniewice consist of several buildings, greenhouses, experimental vegetable fi elds, experimental orchards, experimental cold storage rooms, quality evalua-tion laboratories and specialized analytical laboratories.

Research Institute of Horticulture, Skierniewice, Poland.

New Books, WebsitesBOOK REVIEWSThe books listed here are non-ISHS-publica-tions. For ISHS publications covering these or other subjects, visit the ISHS website or the Acta Horticulturae website

Growing Fruit Trees. Novel Concepts and Practices for Successful Care and Manage-ment. Edited by Jean-Marie Lespinasse and Évelyne Leterme. 2011. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London. 352p. ISBN 978-0-393-73256-6 (paperback). $49.95.

The name Jean-Marie Lespinasse is synonymous with fresh, original thinking about the natural growth habits of fruit trees and how they can be optimally managed, through very selective and informed pruning and training, to come into bearing early and to produce high-quality fruit. This book is an excellent testimony to those con-tributions.

The book comprises chapters on many of the major temperate fruit and vine crops including: almond, apple, apricot, cherry, chestnut, fi g, ta-ble grape, hazelnut, kiwifruit, olive, peach, pear, plum, quince, and walnut. There are 19 contrib-uting authors and a further 8 collaborators. The

text is very richly illustrated with excellent col-oured photographs, wonderful line drawings, and very clear tables and charts. It is a credit to the editors that they have been able to assemble such a high number of top quality images and to have retained such a consistent high quality throughout the 352 pages in the book.

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Each chapter, which focuses on one fruit crop, follows a consistent content; namely, the his-tory of the crop, botanical classifi cation, varietal descriptions, tree morphology (including both vegetative and fl oral characteristics), the annual growth cycle, a description of the fruit, and de-tailed information about training and pruning.

The text is very easy to read – almost “chatty”. The content is scientifi cally based but presented in a manner that is useful to all involved with temperate fruit production. It contains a very helpful glossary that explains all of the technical and scientifi c terms that are fully and accurately used in the text. Consequently, it should prove to be a valuable reference text for fruitgrowers, nurserymen, university students, lecturers, and extension agents. Interestingly, references are not included in the text and instead the reader is referred to a “References and Further Read-ing” section in the end sections of the book. For a reader wanting a more direct access to sources that justify a particular claim or statement, this is a frustration.

This book is an English translation of the French text “De La Taille à la Conduite des Arbres Fruit-iers” published in 2005. For some unstated reason, it is focussed strongly on the USA and particularly on California, which is unusual giv-en all of the other very signifi cant and extensive temperate fruitgrowing regions in the world. It is also clear that some elements of the trans-lation have not been adequate – for example (page 185), names are incorrect with Bruno Just being called Bruno Jus and Graham Baylissbeing named Graham Bay Liss. On page 30, it is

claimed that the top 10 producers of apples for export “…are Mexico, Canada, Taiwan, Dubai (UAE), China, India, Indonesia, the United King-dom, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand” - presumably, this has become confused in the translation and it is assumed that the text was meant to state that these are the top 10 importing countries for this crop. Similarly, “kiwifruit” is correctly named in the text but called “Kiwi” in the chap-ter heading. Within the text, S.I. units are sec-ondary to American units although both values are presented. Overall, however, the translation is very well done and errors are comparatively minor, even if distracting.

The basic premise of this book can be sum-marised as follows (page 250): “training a tree results from observing it and understanding how it functions. Techniques such as pruning, removing and bending are meant to help the tree express its own potential and not to restrict it to shapes or training methods that are poorly adapted to the species or cultivars…observa-tion also allows us to take stock of the species’ genetic diversity and to adjust accordingly…the shape of the tree has little importance…it is, however, necessary to construct a solid structure within a tree so that it may yield quality produc-tion consistently and suffi ciently.”

This book makes a valued contribution to our overall knowledge of temperate fruit produc-tion.

Reviewed by Ian Warrington, Massey University, New Zealand


Aliaga Mateos, José Antonio, Márquez García, Miguel Ángel and Hernández Salvador, Car-men. 2011. Almería, Calidad por Naturaleza (in Spanish). Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca, Jun-ta de Andalucia. 75p.

Benkeblia, Noureddine (ed.). 2011. SustainableAgriculture and New Biotechnologies. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 555p. ISBN 9781439825044 (hardback). £82.00 / $134.

Kole, Chittaranjan (ed.). 2011. Wild Crop Rela-tives: Genomic and Breeding Resources, Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. 320p. ISBN 978-3-642-20446-3 (hardcover). 149.95 €.

Mallet, Robert. 2011. Envisioning the Garden: Line, Scale, Distance, Form, Color, and Meaning. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London. 144p. ISBN 978-0-393-73342-6 (paperback). $39.95.

Mou, Beiquan and Scorza, Ralph (eds.). 2011. Transgenic Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Opportunities. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 364p. ISBN 978-1-4200-9378-0 (hard-back). $129.95 / £82.00.

Courses and MeetingsThe following are non-ISHS events. Make sure to check out the Calendar of ISHS Events for an extensive listing of all ISHS meet-ings. For updated information log on to

IV Conference on Biomass and Energy Crops, 21-23 September 2011, Champaign, Illinois, USA. Info: Rebecca Morgan, Association of Ap-plied Biologists, The Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EF, UK, Phone: +44 2476 575195, Fax: +44 1789 470234, Web:

Conference on New Technologies for Early Pest and Disease Detection, 12 October 2011, Lincs, UK. Info: Rebecca Morgan, Association of Ap-plied Biologists, The Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EF, UK, Phone: +44 2476 575195, Fax: +44 1789 470234, Web:

International Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating New Values in 21st Century, 9-12 November 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Info: Sulejman Redžic‘, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bos-nia and Herzegovina, Bistrik 7, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Phone: + 387 33 210 902, Fax: + 387 33 206 033, Email: or, Web:

International Symposium on Minor Fruits and Medicinal Plants for Health and Ecological Security (ISMF&MP), 19-22 December 2011, Bidhan Chan-dra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India. Info: Dr. S.N. Ghosh, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur – 741252, Dist. Nadia, West Bengal, India, Fax: 03473-222659 (Offi ce), Mobile: 0947521347, 09433224649, Email:,,

Advanced Course on Medicines from Plants, 16-21 January 2012, Zarago-za, Spain. Info: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ) – CIHEAM, Avenida Montanana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain, Phone: +34 976 716000, Fax: +34 976 716001, Email:, Web:

XII International Citrus Congress, 18-23 November 2012, Valencia, Spain. Info: Prof. Luis Navarro, President of the International Society of Citricul-ture and Chairman of the Congress, Email:, and Techni-cal Secretariat Citrus Congress 2012, Viajes El Corte Inglés S.A., División de Congresos, Convenciones e Incentivos, Gran Vía Fernando el Católi-co, no. 3 bajo, 46008 Valencia, Spain, Phone: +34.963.107.189, Fax: +34.963.411.046, Email:, Web:

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Section Nuts and Mediterranean Climate Fruits – Commission Plant Genetic Resources

First Int’l Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops


A seasonal, but unusually strong, storm greeted over 50 participants from 15 different countries to the Sacramento Valley. The fi rst morning of the symposium revealed downed branches and various debris scattered through-out the town of Davis, California, USA and the site of the symposium, the campus of the Uni-versity of California (UC), Davis. The storm was an appropriate reminder to participants that horticultural research is, among other things, a challenge of adjusting to the demands of nature. Participants moved forward with great optimism, enthusiasm, and focus, and would spend fi ve days, 19-23 March 2011, in open discussion on the status of conservation, man-agement, and sustainable utilization of wild relatives of subtropical and temperate fruit and nut crops. This was the fi rst such meeting, co-convened by Dr. Malli Aradhya of the USDA Ag-ricultural Research Service (ARS) National Clonal

“Storms make the oak grow deeper roots.” – George Herbert, English poet

Germplasm Repository and Dr. Daniel Kluepfel of the USDA-ARS Crops Pathology and Genetic Research unit in Davis, and co-hosted by the USDA-ARS and the Plant Sciences Department of the University of California, Davis.

Crop wild relatives (CWRs) are the major sources of useful genes that are selectively maintained as co-adapted gene complexes through the deli-cate balance of evolutionary forces over millions of years and offer an abundant supply of func-tional genes and genetic variability for crop ge-netic improvement. Tree crop breeders generally use genetic variability in the primary gene pools and in many crops it is even restricted to a nar-row range of domesticated elite germplasm. The time has now come for the tree crop researchers to look far and beyond traditional primary gene pools for useful genes to develop new scion and rootstock cultivars addressing the ever changing needs of growers, consumers, markets, and of

course the imminent threats of climate change. Contributions of CWRs to human society and the threats to their very survival have been very well recognized. The loss of these invaluable resources has seriously reduced our ability to develop new crop varieties in response to cur-rent and future agricultural challenges, espe-cially, the imminent threats of climate change. Through this symposium, we made a formal beginning to address some of these issues con-cerned with conservation, management and sustainable utilization of wild relatives of sub-tropical and temperate fruit and nut crops.

The symposium was inaugurated by Maureen Whalen, Assistant Area Director, USDA-ARS, Pacifi c-West Area, who introduced the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) of the USDA-ARS and spoke about its mission in the broader context of research within the USDA-ARS. Chris van Kessel, Plant Sciences Department, UC Dav-

Participants of the symposium outside the main venue at the University of California, Davis.

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is, highlighted the fruit and nut crop industries of California’s famous Central Valley, which are some of the biggest in the world and showcase the best utilization of wild relatives in sustain-able production of fruit and nut crops. Nigel Maxted, School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, in his keynote address, made a compelling case for conser-vation of CWRs, setting the stage for furtherdeliberations.

Twenty-three oral presentations, including seven plenary lectures, and 31 posters were presented during the meeting. The fi rst oral ses-sion on germplasm conservation and manage-ment consisted of three plenary lectures, fi rst by John Preece, Research Leader of the USDA germplasm repository in Davis, followed by a second lecture on community-based, participa-tory in situ and on-farm conservation strategies by Bhuwon Ratna Sthapit from Bioversity Inter-national’s South Asia Offi ce, and the third by Malli Aradhya highlighted the research on fruit

Zeynal Akparov (center), Director of the Genetic Resources Unit, Baku, Azerbaijan, after accepting the vote of the 2nd meet-ing in 2015 to be held in Baku, standing with Gale McGranahan (right) and David Maghradze (left).

Field trip to the Center for Land Based Learning in Winters, California.

Maureen Whalen opens the symposium with a discussion of the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS).


Anne Koehmstedt, Dianne Velasco and Malli Aradhya, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, USDA-ARS, University of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA, email:, and

Dan Kluepfel, Crops Pathology and Genetics Research, USDA-ARS, University of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA, email:

and nut wild relatives (FNWRs) conducted at the Davis repository. Other oral and poster presen-tations covered extensively the FNWRs in theTranscaucasia and in South Asia.

The second day featured three plenary lectures: the fi rst by Patrice This of INRA in France on conservation priorities and strategies for the ge-nus Vitis, followed by Dan Potter, professor of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, on the phylogeny and lineage based conservation approaches to the genus Prunus, and a third one by Abhaya Dan-dekar, professor of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, on the use of genomic tools to harness functional variability in fruit and nut crop species. The participants spent the afternoon out on fi eld tours of the Yolo Olive Press managed by Mike Madison, a family farmer and organic grower in Davis, then the Center for Land Based Learning, a non-profi t organization that offers hands-on training in agriculture, environmental manage-ment, and decision-making skills for students and young farmers, and the USDA fi eld gene bank at the Wolfskill Experimental Orchard, Winters, showcasing about 6500 accessions of subtropical and temperate fruit and nut crop species including their wild relatives.

Day three began with an oral session highlight-ing the need for germplasm characterization with a plenary lecture by the co-convener Dan Kluepfel in which he discussed the characteriza-tion and use of the USDA-ARS Juglans germ-plasm collection to identify novel sources of resistance to soil borne diseases and rootstock breeding programs. Other oral and poster pres-entations updated the status of characteriza-tion and sustainable utilization of CWRs of grapevine, pistachio, persimmon, olive, myrtle, and pecan from the Mediterranean, Asia, and North America. The fourth oral session focused on plant explorations and highlighted the plant-exchange programs and explorations organized by the NPGS. The fourth and fi nal day of the symposium addressed the sustainable utilization

of FNWRs with a fi nal oral session discussing genetic resources information management, including a demonstration of the online USDA-ARS Genetic Resources Information Network (GRIN/GRIN-Global).

In the closing ceremony, Gale McGranahan, Vice-Chair of the Nuts and Mediterranean Cli-mate Fruits Section of the ISHS, highlighted the role of ISHS in promoting the science of Hor-ticulture through symposia and conferences, providing forums for the global horticultural research community and industries. The con-ference participants unanimously elected Baku, Azerbaijan as the venue for the 2nd meeting in 2014, accepted by Zeynal Akparov, Director of the Genetic Resources Unit, Baku. Malli Aradhya proposed the vote of thanks and remarked on the importance and urgency to safeguard the precious genetic resources of FNWRs for sus-tainable production and global food security.

Anne Koehmstedt, Dianne Velasco, Malli Aradhya and Dan Kluepfel

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ISHS • 40

Section Ornamental PlantsFirst Int’l Symposium on GeneticResources of Bamboos and Palms and Third Int’l Symposium on Ornamental Palms

SYMBAMPALM 2010 was held at the Insti-tuto Agronômico (IAC) Auditorium, from 21 to 25 November 2010. This technical and scientifi c meeting was promoted by the Brazilian Society for Floriculture and Ornamental Plants and the International Society for Horticultural Science – ISHS and it was partially fi nanced by Brazilian Council for Research and Development - CNPq

and São Paulo State Research Foundation – FAPESP.

This was the fi rst technical and scientifi c meet-ing in Brazil on the subject of Bamboos and the third on Palms. The efforts of these hor-ticultural organizations, Brazilian Universities and Institutes of Scientifi c Research highlighted the potential of bamboos and palms to a wider

View of bamboo collection and bamboo built structures at Tatuí Exp. Station, Brazil.

SYMBAMPALM 2010 invited speakers (from left to right): Marcelo Souza – Embrapa, Brazil; Hugh Pritchard - Kew Garden, England; Fernando Tombolato – IAC – President of SYMBAMPALM 2010; Marco Zullo – IAC General Director, Brazil; Raymond Townsend - Kew Garden, England; Tito Schiva – IS Floricoltura, Italy; Newton Erbolato – Aproccamp, Campinas, Brazil; Fu Jinhe – INBAR, China; Etsuzoh Uchimura – Japan; Ricardo Marinho – landscape expert, Fortaleza, Brazil.

audience to increase the global awareness of bamboos and palms, to help protect natural resources and the environment, to ensure sus-tainable utilization, to promote new cultivation of bamboos and palms for new industries in Brazil and around the world, and to promote traditional and community uses of bamboos and palms.

The importance of protection and cultivation of palms and especially of bamboos is enhanced in global concerns of ecology and environment and the threat of the global heating and the change of climate. Because of the deforestation pressure on the natural woods of the Amazon region bamboo is surely a viable wood substi-tute. Unlike metal and plastic, it is environmen-tally friendly, being not only biodegradable but also having enormous capacity to sequester carbon, because of the high speed capacity of the bamboo growth.

Bamboos and palms apart from their utility as food and medicine, tools, implements and daily utilities, they have been extensively used for fashionable handicrafts, furniture and even art. Modern architecture has been using these natural woods for building and construction especially in the Northeast of Brazil along the tropical seashores. In Eastern countries bamboo has also been developed as an energy source in the form of charcoal, activated carbon and even to generate electricity through gasifi ca-tion, and these are important reasons why we have invited experts from China and Japan for the SYMBAMPALM 2010 and created the mot-to: “Today’s uses, Tomorrow’s potentialities: a synergy East-West”. In the Northeast of Brazil is located the largest South American bamboo industry producing high quality bamboo paper. The bamboo and palm scenario in this country will signifi cantly improve in the coming years for the benefi t of our society, and SYMBAM-PALM 2010 surely contributed to these coming changes.

During SYMBAMPALM 2010, 25 talks were presented, 11 short communications, 38 post-ers and 5 workshops, assembling a total of 121 attendants, mostly Brazilian, including the in-vited speakers, members of the Organizing and Scientifi c Committees and students coming from different parts of Brazil, and also from Co-lombia, China, Japan, Italy, England, Belgium, Turkey and United States.

During SYMBAMPALM 2010, the participants briefl y explored all the aspects related to these

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Palm trees technical visit to Plantarum Institute at Nova Odessa, Brazil.


Dr. Antonio Fernando Tombolato, Instituto Agronomico, Avenida Barão de Itapura 1481, Caixa Postal 28, 13012-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil, email:

two important crops starting with Taxonomy, Anatomy, Distribution, passing by Conservation of Genetic Resources and Ecology, and then Propagation and Cultural Techniques, Harvest-ing and Conservation, to fi nally reach their uses and the marketing worldwide.

Antonio Fernando Tombolato

Commission Irrigation and Plant Water Relations

Eighth Int’l Workshop on Sap Flow

The 8th International Workshop on Sap Flow held in Volterra, Italy, from May 8-12, 2011, was convened by Prof. Dr. Luca Sebastiani (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy), Prof. Dr. Rob-erto Tognetti (University of Molise, Pesche, Italy), and Prof. Dr. Antonio Motisi (University of Pal-ermo, Palermo, Italy). The workshop locations were the SIAF Campus near Volterra and the

Centro Studi Santa Maria Maddalena in the city centre.

The workshop gathered some 90 delegates from 17 countries to present and discuss the methodologies and applications to measure sap fl ow in plants. New methodological ap-proaches, theoretical and practical improve-ments of existing technologies and instruments

were displayed and discussed by researchers and manufacturers. In order to improve the link between researchers and manufacturers, at the beginning of the workshop a practical exhibi-tion of new sap fl ow instruments was organized by the sponsors in the SIAF Campus where the delegates were accommodated. Some trees in the SIAF garden were monitored for sap fl ow during the whole workshop and the participants had the possibility to see and discuss the results in real time with the manufacturers of the in-struments.

Scientifi c contributions consisted of 6 invited lec-tures, 43 oral presentations and 19 posters. The contributions were grouped into three different Sections: “Methodological aspects and applica-tion perspectives”, chaired by Dr. Steve Green (Plant and Food Research, New Zealand) and Dr. Enrique Fernandez (Instituto de Recursos Natu-rales y Agrobiologia, IRNAS-CSIC, Spain); “Plant structure and water relations”, chaired by Dr. Paolo Cherubini (WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Switzer-land) and Dr. Shabtai (Shep) Cohen (Dept. of Environmental Physics and Irrigation, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, ARO Volcani Center, Israel); “Stand transpiration and ecophysiological aspects”, chaired by Prof. Dr. Jan Cermák and Prof. Dr. Nadezhda Nadezhdina (Dept. of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geo-biocenology, Mendel University Brno, Czech Re-public). An open forum discussion took place after each Section.

Several contributions try to investigate and un-derstand some crucial aspects of plant physio-logical processes relevant for sap fl ow measure-ments. Water relations, anatomical features, and hydraulic architecture of plants prove to

Group photo of the SapFlow 8th participants.

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be crucial aspects that should deserve morestudies in the next years to increase precision and reliability of sap fl ow sensors, especially when these are aimed to improving manage-ment practices in forestry and agriculture.Parallel to the plenary sessions was the sponsor exhibition room in which main sap fl ow manu-facturers showed the latest advances in sap fl ow and related equipment.

In his lecture to open the fi rst Section, Dr. Green gave a talk on the theoretical developments towards a new method to measure low and reverse fl ows in plants and highlighted compu-ter modelling approaches to investigate salient features of the Average Gradient method. Dr. Fernandez’ lecture focused on the usefulness of an indicator derived from sap fl ow measure-ments for scheduling irrigation in commercial fruit tree orchards with particular attention to olive. The rest of contributions within Section 1 gave to the audience a detailed picture of the recent advances in sap fl ow techniques, such asminiature sensors, calibration and verifi cation methods, reverse fl ows measurements and general criteria for improving data analysis tech-niques. There was a general discussion on the perspectives of existing sap fl ow methods to

Passionate scientific discussion between young and senior sap flow researchers lasted well beyond the time of the official workshop sessions, helped by the beautiful location, local food products and by the friendly and relaxing atmosphere created by the sap flow community members.

SapFlow 8th welcoming address in the Centro Studi Santa Maria Maddalena. From the left: Drs. Sebastiani, Tognetti, Motisi, Fernandez, Green.

quantify long-term water consumption in differ-ent horticultural and forest plant species.

Section 2 was opened by Dr. Cherubini, who discussed the potential of combining dendro-ecological methods with the hydrological re-search objectives and highlighted a very prom-ising spectrum of 18O isotope applications in environmental and hydrological studies. The second invited lecture was given by Dr. Cohen who talked about the radial and azimuthal (or tangential) distribution of sap velocity in tree stems, discussing in detail how to predict it with the currently available systems. The other oral contributions of the “Plant structure and water relations” Section presented data on sap fl ow obtained from a large range of species, such as grapevines, almond, Scots pine, Juniperus sabi-na, Drimys brasiliensis, apple, Prunus avium, Se-quoiadendron giganteum, and Fagus sylvatica. The wide range of species presented proves the large applicability of sap fl ow techniques to sev-eral research fi elds. Another lecture focused on night-time sap fl ow and its role in removing air from plant hydraulic systems and one paper also gave an overall perspective of sap fl ow discuss-ing the tapering of xylem conduits and how the water distribution network is optimized in trees. The general discussion of Section 2 was focused on how to get a better integration between plant anatomy, hydraulic structure and sap fl ow measurements.

In the last Section, Prof. Cermák related on the sap fl ow methodology and its application in re-lationship to tree structure focusing from the whole-tree to the stand eco-physiology, while Prof. Nadezhdina talked about the key issue of

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Prof. Dr. Luca Sebastiani, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33, 56217, Pisa, Italy, Phone: +39 050 883070, Fax: +39 050 883495,

email: luca.sebastiani@sssup.itProf. Dr. Roberto Tognetti, Dipartimento di Scienze

e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio, Università del Molise, Contrada Fonte Lappone, Pesche (IS), Italy, Phone: +39 0874 404 735, Fax: +39 0874 404 855, email:

Prof. Dr. Antonio Motisi, Dipartimento di DEMETRA, Università di Palermo, viale delle Scienze, Edificio 4, 90128, Palermo, Italy, Phone: +39 091 23861221, Fax: +39 091 23861211, email:

Sap flow sensors installed on young olive trees.

water redistribution in soil and tree compart-ments. The rest of the contributions within this Section addressed a variety of mechanisms re-lated to sap fl ow methods for the estimation of transpiration by riparian buffer trees, spatial var-iability in water use from crop trees and natural forests, water footprint, and automatic system to measure sap fl ow and canopy photosynthe-

sis. The discussion of this Section was interest-ing and also summarized some general points addressed in the preceding days.

In general, the outstanding standard of most presentations created interesting discussions after each oral contribution, which continued at the end of each Section. All this scientifi c debate, together with the multiplicity of data storage and transmission systems, equipments and sensors shown by the sponsors attending the workshop, gave the attendants a compre-hensive and very detailed picture of the state-of-the-art of sap fl ow systems, including some exciting advances in this technology.

The social activities during the workshop were also numerous (welcome party, slow food dinner, gospel choir, guided tour, social dinner, and piano bar). The history of Volt-erra, the beautiful landscape around the city, and the excellent local food products havecreated a perfect atmosphere among research-ers stimulating a fruitful and enjoyable discus-sion even on complex scientifi c issues such as those involved in sap fl ow methods. So, it was not uncommon that scientifi c discussion lasted well beyond the time of the offi cial workshopsessions in SIAF Campus.

On the second day of the workshop, we had a guided visit to the ancient city of Volterra rich of Etruscan, Roman and medieval construc-tions and famous worldwide for the extraction and processing of alabaster. After the visit, we

enjoyed some specialties of the local gas-tronomy. The last day we had the ISHS Busi-ness Meeting and the closing ceremony and discussed about the next edition of the Work-shop. It was unanimously agreed that the 9th edition of the Workshop would be organized by Prof. Dr. Kathy Steppe (Ghent University, Belgium) who accepted to be the person in charge. The expected date for this 9th edition is in June 2013.

Luca Sebastiani, Roberto Tognetti andAntonio Motisi

Commission Plant Substrates and Soilless Culture

Second Int’l Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics

The Colegio de Postgraduados in Texcoco (Mexico), under the aegis of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), organ-ized from May 15 to 19, 2011 for the second time in Latin America an International Sympo-sium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics. The Symposium was attended by 210 people, in-cluding ISHS members, non-members, students, farmers and companies related to Hydroponics and Soilless Culture.

This event was a platform for exchange of expe-riences among research institutes, institutions, universities, researchers, farmers, students and companies related to this industry of soilless cul-ture. The Symposium provided a gathering of representatives from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Germany, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Spain, The Netherlands and the United States of America.

Five key note speakers were invited. The fi rst was Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schnitzler from Germany

Opening ceremony. From left to right: Biol. Epitacio Robledo, Agriculture Puebla; Dr. Felix González Cossío, Principal Colegio de Postgraduados; Lic. Pedro Adalberto González Hernández, Agriculture Puebla; Dr. Erik Van Os, representing the ISHS and the Commission Plant Substrates and Soilless Culture; Dra María de las Nieves Rodríguez M., Symposium Convener.

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with his lecture on “Urban Hydroponics”. The second invited lecture was given by Dr. Cees Sonneveld from The Netherlands and dealt with “Addition of Iron, Manganese and Zinc to the Nutrient Solutions on Tomato and Cucumber Growing in Systems with Inert Substrates”. The third keynote speaker was Dr. Dietmar Schwarz, researcher at the Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), Germany with his lec-ture on “Nitrogen Nutrition in Soilless Culture”. The fourth lecture “Advances on Hydroponics in Latin America” was presented by Dr. Alfredo Rodríguez-Delfín from Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru. Finally, Dr. Sonia Rodríguez from Universidad Autónoma de Chi-huahua, Mexico, gave the lecture on “Hydro-ponic Green Fodder and Ecology”.

Time allowed only a limited number of oral presentations; many others had to be in post-er form. There were 69 posters that attracted the attention of the participants. The topics in-cluded “Plant Physiology and Plant Nutrition”, “Organoponics”, “Plant Nutrition and Patho-gen Control”, “Hydroponic Systems”, “Nurs-


Dr. María de las Nieves Rodríguez Mendoza, Area de Nutriciòn Vegetal, IRENAT, Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Texcoco, Edo. Méx, 56230, Mexico, email:

Organizing Committee of the II International Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics.

Group of participants gathered in one of the greenhouses designed for hydroponics lettuce production. Tour presented by Federico and Daniel Fuentes.

A large group of symposium participants gathered at the entrance of the Convention Center, Puebla.

ery Plant Production”, “Abiotic Stress”, “Sub-strates” and “Nutrient Solutions”.

One highlight was a fi eld day on hydroponics where participants appreciated the hydroponic

technology applied in Puebla, Mexico and how, with low-tech but well handled, it is possible to use this technique for achieving production advantages in terms of quality and productivity in Latin American countries. Participants could see the experience on tomato and lettuce pro-duction under soilless cultivation. After that, all went to lunch in a nice place named Cholula.

The symposium’s convener was Dr. María de las Nieves Rodríguez Mendoza, who has organized an excellent event with the support of the staff of the Colegio de Postgraduados in Texcoco.

María de las Nieves Rodríguez Mendoza

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Commission Quality and Post Harvest Horticulture

Fourth Int’l Conference Postharvest Unlimited 2011

The Fourth International Conference Post-harvest Unlimited was held May 23-26, 2011 in Leavenworth, WA, USA. Postharvest issues continue to remain a focus within the producer community as new cultivars and crops become

available, existing and new markets expand and demand enhanced quality, and new technolo-gies enabling storage life extension and quality sensing are developed. Conference attendees from 22 countries presented research results spanning a broad range of postharvest topics


Dr. James Mattheis, USDA ARS TFRL, 1104 N. Western Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801, USA, email:

Orchard stop during the conference tour.

Attendees observing 3D animation of “Journey to the Center of the Fruit” presented by Maarten Hertog. Backwall image is from the animation.

including fruit genomics and metabolomics, quality assessment by destructive and non-de-structive techniques, procedures to extend fruit, vegetable, and ornamental crop market life, physiological responses to controlled and modi-fi ed storage technologies, adaptations to post-harvest stress, modeling of fruit development, and breeding for enhanced postharvest quality.

Use of advanced imaging and spectroscopic technologies to visualize and/or assess quality was the subject of a number of presentations. Advances in this area range from those becom-ing commercialized to others where feasibility of technology for assessment of specifi c aspects of quality was reported. Of particular note were reports of imaging studies from which 3-di-mensional animations have been assembled to visualize transit into the interior of apple fruit or to non-destructively assess interior tissues for physiological and/or pathological disorders.

Genomic and metabolomic assessment of qual-ity and disorders of a variety of postharvest top-ics were presented. The use of these powerful tools as a means to assist new cultivar develop-ment and to describe developmental processes of normal and aberrant ripening and senescence were the focus of a number of presentations. This is a rapidly developing area of postharvest research that is contributing to both new crop development as well as to provide insight into processes that limit marketability of horticultural crops.

The many reports describing new and/or modi-fi ed procedures using existing technologies to maintain and enhance produce quality in the postharvest environment illustrated the contin-ued progress towards enhancement of posthar-vest systems. Integrated technologies including refrigeration, controlled atmospheres and non-invasive sensing of physiological events in real time were described as was commercial utility of these systems.

The conference attendees enjoyed a week of springtime in central Washington State and thank the sponsors (AgroFresh, Inc., Decco, Pace International, Pear Bureau Northwest, Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, North Central Washington Fieldmen’s Associa-tion) for their generous support.

James Mattheis

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ISHS • 46

ISHS is pleased to welcome the following new members:


Argentina: Dr. Daniel Kirschbaum; Australia: Dr. Justin Coombs, Mr. Jay Dhungel, Dr. Silvia Estrada-Flores, Ms. Marion Lawson, Mr. Jon Mc-Carthy, Mr. Shane McCulloch, Mr. Les Mitchell, Mr. Stuart Pettigrew, Mr. Craig Pressler, Mr. Paul Rennie, Mr. Franklin Trouw, Mr. Lloyd Wensley; Azerbaijan: Dr. Zeynal Akparov; Belgium: Dr. Juan Carlos Pérez Guerra; Brazil: Ms. Rívia Am-aral, Mr. Yuuki Ban, Dr. Gustavo Alexand Coe-lho Braga, Dr. Marcelo Rezende, Mr. Jonathan Alex Wigman; Bulgaria: Mr. Dimitar Terziev; Canada: Mr. Dave Gill, Ms. Natalie Iwanycki, Lesley Longhorn, Ms. Heather Ross; Chile: As-sist. Prof. Pamela Artacho, José Manuel Muñoz Catalán, Ms. Veronica Rodriguez, Dr. Boris Sagredo; Colombia: Ms. Andrea Lopez; Den-mark: Mr. Bo Tarno; Egypt: Dr. Ahmed Abou El-Yazied; Estonia: Dr. Ulrike Plath; Finland: Mr. Henri Heinonen; France: Emilie Brandel, Dr.

Vaia Sarlikioti, Anne Shah; Germany: Mr. Juer-gen Schmid; Greece: Mr. Constantinos Grigori-adis, Dr. George Iatrou, Mr. Ioannis Kadoglou, Mr. Ioannis Kontopoulos, Mr. Nikolaos Tsougkri-anis, Dr. Nikolaos Voulgarakis; Hungary: Ágota Juhász; India: Dr. Arava Vijaya Bhaskara Rao; Indonesia: Dr. Irmanida Batubara, Prof. Dr. Latifah Darusman; Iran: Mr. Alireza Khaghani; Ireland: Dr. Jason Barry, Mr. Stuart Wilson; Isle of Man: Mr. Michael Tucker; Israel: Ori Ben-Herzel; Japan: Ms. Makiko Kitao, Prof. Takeshi Nishio; Jordan: Mustafa Jarrar; Kenya: Dr. Ruth Amata; Korea (Republic of): Mr. Deuk Hwan Ko, Mr. Jinseok Seong; Lithuania: Ms. Dei-mante Utaraviciute; Mauritius: Mr. Rajeswar Ramlugun; Mexico: Dr. Lizette Borges, Dr. Raúl Cárdenas Navarro, Prof. Dr. Juan Manuel Soto Parra; Netherlands: Maaike Baggerman, Ms. Annette Beerens, Kerstin Sobottka; New Zea-land: Dr. Jane Adams, Mr. Rob Craig, Stella McLeod; Nigeria: Dr. Ademola Adeseye Idowu, Mr. Yahaya Mohammed; Norway: Ms. Alena Gibalova, Dr. Arne Sb; Peru: Ms. Lizabeth Silva; Philippines: Ben Bareja, Mr. Emilio Yap; Portu-

gal: Rui Santos; Qatar: Mr. Shaik Abdul ali, Ms. Rachida Riad; Romania: Ionel Ianos, Dr. Elena Iuliana Ilie, Dinca Natalia; South Africa: Mr. Ru-dolf Badenhorst, Dr. Coenraad Basson, Dr. Heidi Hawkins, Ms. Luigia Kotze, Mr. Andrew Mac-donald, Mr. Kyle B.R. Smith; Spain: Mr. Alan Craig, Mr. Alfonso Kurtz, Mr. Eitan Martin Oro; Sweden: Dr. Sanja Manduric; Switzerland: Dr. Mario Rohrer; Thailand: Prof. Dr. Chaiyong Eur-viriyanukul; Turkey: Prof. Dr. Turan Karadeniz, Mr. Ozhan Simsek; United Kingdom: Hana Alsalih, Ms. Nuchanart Hongsanukulsant, Mr. Antonios Matas, Ms. Laetitia Moucheboeuf, Mr. Prakashkumar Narasimhamurthy, Mr. Hail Rihan, Mr. Pascal Simian, Mr. Simon Taylor; United States of America: Kerwin Bradley, Craig Campbell, Dr. Kedong Da, Dr. Rosanna Freyre, Mr. John Gaffney, Mr. Marc Gange, Prof. Dr. Arnold Hara, Mr. Ross Hendricks, Mr. Chris-topher Jackson, Robert Jones, Dr. Leo Kelly, Ste-ven Klus, Mr. Ronald Kothera, Donald McCarty, Dr. Ebenezer Ogundiwin, Ms. Christel Osborne, Mr. Robert Payne, Mr. Mark Scott, Kimberly Smith, Dr. Roy Starr


New ISHS Members

Professor Ian Warrington from Palmerston North (New Zealand) was presented with his recently awarded Companion of the New Zea-land Order of Merit for services to science at a ceremony at Government House in Wellington on 12 April 2011. The Order is awarded to those “who in any fi eld of endeavour, have rendered meritorious service to the Crown and the nation or who have become distinguished by their emi-nence, talents, contributions, or other merits”. Ian’s award, announced in the 2011 New Years’ honours’ list, was based on his signifi cant con-tribution to horticultural science and to the New Zealand horticultural industry for over 40 years.

Within his research career he became known na-tionally and internationally for his work on the environmental effects on plant growth and on improving the training and management meth-ods for apples and kiwifruit. Much of Professor Warrington’s scientifi c research has focused on plant responses to environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, day length and carbon dioxide concentration.

Professor Warrington’s work on temperature ef-fects on apples has probably been one of the

great advances in this fi eld. His contribution in this fi eld was acknowledged in 2000 when he received the ASHS Fruit Publication Award from the American Society for Horticultural Science for the publication “Apple fruit growth and maturity are affected by early season tempera-tures” by Warrington, I.J., Fulton, T.A., Halligan, E.A. and de Silva, H.N. published in 1999 in J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 124: 468-477. Although apples is one area in which he has published the most, he has made a contribution to science in a wide range of horticultural crops including vari-ous vegetable crops, grapes, kiwifruit, fl ower crops such as nerines and Zantedeschias, orna-mental plants, forestry species and fi eld crops such as corn and wheat, to name a few. He was also awarded the best “cross-commodity” pa-per for the Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science in 1992.

He has published over 120 refereed papers pri-marily in the area of environmental physiology. He co-edited the books “Kiwifruit: Science and Management”, and “Apples: Botany, Produc-tion and Uses”, which detail research and pro-duction information on these crops from around the world.

Professor Ian Warrington and his wife Blondie, following his investiture at Government House in Wellington (photo-graph courtesy of Photography by Woolf, Wellington, NZ).



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For over 20 years, beginning in 1969, Ian was the coordinator of the state-of-the-art control-led environment laboratory at the Department of Scientifi c and Industrial Research in Palmer-ston North, New Zealand. He was instrumental in contributing strongly to the design of this fa-cility that provided a very wide range of precisely controlled environments in a large number of sophisticated walk-in growth rooms. In-depth research conducted alone or in cooperation with other scientists resulted in publications on a wide range of crops. The capabilities of the facilities were so unique that scientists from sev-eral countries, including many from the United

States, travelled to New Zealand and were gra-ciously hosted by Ian while conducting their research. The facilities he designed and studies conducted have set the standard for controlled environment research around the world.

He was Chief Executive of the Crown Research Institute, HortResearch, from 1996 to 2002 during which period the gold kiwifruit, bred by HortResearch, was commercialised. In 2002, Professor Warrington became Professor of Hor-ticultural Science and subsequently, until 2010, the Regional Chief Executive and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Massey University.

In 1994, Ian became the fi rst New Zealander to be made a Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, a Fellow of the International Society for Horticultural Science and an Honorary Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sci-ence. He was Vice-President of the ISHS Board for 8 years. He is currently Co-President of the International Horticultural Congress to be held in Brisbane in 2014 and, as such, is an ex-offi cio member of the ISHS Board.

For updates and more logon to To claim the reduced registration for ISHS members make sure tomen tion your membership number when registering and ensure your ISHS membership is current. If in doubt: check your mem-bership status online at

YEAR 2011

�� September 3-7, 2011, Xinzheng, Henan (China): II International Jujube Symposium. Info: Prof. Dr. Mengjun Liu, Research Center of Chinese Jujube, Agricultural Univesity of Hebei, Baoding, Hebei, 71001, China. Phone: (86)312754342, Fax: (86)3127521251, E-mail: or Dr. Jubin Shi, Haoxiangni Jujube Co. Ltd., Xinzheng, Henan, 451150, China. Phone: (86)37162489919, Fax: (86)37162489198, E-mail: Web:

�� September 5-7, 2011, Pitesti (Romania): II Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing. Info: Dr. Mihail Coman, Fruit Research Institute, Str. Popa Sapca, Nr. 14, Cod. 110150, Jud. Arges, Pitesti-Maracineni 0300, Romania. Phone: (40)248278292, Fax: (40)248278477, E-mail: E-mail symposium: offi Web:

�� September 10-12, 2011, Damghan (Iran): I International Sympo-sium on Mycotoxins in Nuts and Dried Fruits. Info: Dr. Hossein Abbaspour, Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch, Damghan, Iran. Phone: (98)2325235214, Fax: (98)2325235214, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� September 11-15, 2011, Warsaw (Poland): XIII Eucarpia Sympo-sium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics. Info: Dr. Emilian Pitera, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, SGGW - Department of Pomol-ogy, ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland. Phone: (48)225932087, Fax: (48)225932111, E-mail: Web:

�� September 11-15, 2011, White River (South Africa): II ISHS Geneti-cally Modifi ed Organisms in Horticulture Symposium: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future. Info: Ms. Adri Veale, University of Pretoria, Faculty of Natural and Agric. Science, Department of Genetics, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa. Phone: (27)12-4203939, Fax: (27)12-4203960, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� Symposium POSTPONED - New date soon to be announced Sep-tember 17-19, 2011, Tunis (Tunisia): I International Symposium

on Cassava Market and Economy. Info: Dr. Antonio Felice, Via Fiordiligi 6, 37135 Verona, Italy. Phone: (39)0458352317, Fax: (39)0458307646, E-mail: or Prof. Dario Salvatore Caccamisi, Monticello 10B, 41052 Guiglia (Modena), Italy. Phone: (39)059-792778, Fax: (39)059-792778, E-mail:

�� September 18-22, 2011, Ghent (Belgium): VII International Sym-posium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding: IVCHB. Info: Danny Geelen, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Phone: (32)9264 60 76 E-mail symposium: Web:

�� October 9-12, 2011, Tirana (Albania): V Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes. Info: Prof. Astrit Balliu, Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Agriculture, Horticultural Department, Tirana, Albania. Phone: (355)686022105, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� October 10-14, 2011, Salvador (Bahia) (Brazil): International ISHS-ProMusa Symposium - ProMusa 2011. Info: Dr. Edson Perito Amorim, Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits, Embrapa Avenue, Cruz das Almas Bahia 44380000, Brazil. E-mail: or Dr. Aristoteles Pires de Matos, EMBRAPA - CNPMF, Rua Embrapa s/n, Caixa Postal 007, Cruz das Almas, Bahia 44380-000, Brazil. Phone: (55)7536218000, Fax: (55)7536211118, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� October 16-19, 2011, University Park, PA (United States of America): International Symposium on High Tunnel Horticultural Crop Protection. Info: Dr. Michael Orzolek, 203 Tyson Bldg, The Penn-sylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, United States of America. Phone: (1)814 863-2251, E-mail: Web:

�� October 16-20, 2011, Nebraska City, NE (United States of America): V International Symposium on Acclimatization and Establish-ment of Micropropagated Plants. Info: Prof. Paul E. Read, Univ. Nebraska, Inst. of Agr., & Nat. Resources, Dept. Hort., 377 Plant Sci., East Campus, Lincoln, NE 68583-0724, United States of America. Phone: (1)402-472-2854, Fax: (1)402-472-8650, E-mail: or Prof. Dr. John E. Preece, Supervisory Research Leader USDA-ARS, 1 Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8607, United States of America. Phone: (1)530-752-7009, Fax: (1)530-752-5974, E-mail: Web:

Calendar of ISHS Events

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ISHS • 48

�� October 17-21, 2011, Barcelona (Spain): International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting and Substrate Analysis. Info: Prof. Dr. Xavier Martínez Farré, Escola Superior Agricultura (ESAB-EUETAB), Campus Baix Llobregat, Av. Canal Olímpic s/n, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain. Phone: (34)935521094, Fax: (34)935521001, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� November 2-4, 2011, Bogotá (Colombia): II International Confer-ence on Postharvest and Quality Management of Horticultural Products of Interest for Tropical Regions. Info: Dr. Maria Hern-andez, ICTA Institute, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ed 500 C - Bogotá, Colombia. Phone: (57)12536607, Fax: (57)12862418, E-mail:

�� November 2-4, 2011, Launceston, Tasmania (Australia): Internation-al Symposium on Pyrethrum, The Natural Insecticide: Scientifi c and Industrial Developments in the Renewal of a Traditional Industry. Info: Mr. Brian Chung, Botanical Resources Australia, PO Box 852, Sandy Bay, Hobart, TAS 7006, Australia. Phone: (61)362244511, Fax: (61)362244473, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web: Second Announcement (pdf)

�� November 13-14, 2011, Algiers (Algeria): International Sympo-sium on Date Palm. Info: Prof. Dr. Nadia Bouguedoura, Univ.of Sci-ence H. Boumediene, Biologie et Physiologie, BP 31 El Alia Babzzmar, Algiers 16111, Algeria. Phone: (213)771697122, Fax: (213)4247217, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web: (website in French language only).

�� November 14-16, 2011, Chiang Mai (Thailand): III International Symposium on Tropical Wines. Info: Prof. Dr. Chaiyong Eurviriya-nukul, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, RMUTL - Fac. of Science and Agric. Technol., 128 Huay Kaew Rd., Chiang Mai 50300, Thailand. Phone: (66)5392-1444, Fax: (66)5321-3183, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� November 15-18, 2011, Chiang Mai (Thailand): International Sym-posium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Royal Flora 2011. Info: Peyanoot Ms. Naka, Horticulture Research Institute, Depart-ment of Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Phone: (66)819076821, Fax: (66)25614667, E-mail: or Dr. Somchai Charnnarongkul, Department of Agriculture, Phahonyothin Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Phone: (66)25799636, Fax: (66)29405412, E-mail: E-mail symposium: royalfl Web: http://www.royalfl

�� November 20-23, 2011, Antigua (Guatemala): International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; History of Mayan Ethnopharmacology. Info: Dr. Jalal Ghaemghami, PO Box 320172, West Roxbury, MA 02132, United States of America. Phone: (1)3393683868, Fax: (1)3393686838, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� November 22-25, 2011, Buenos Aires (Argentina): VII International Symposium on New Floricultural Crops. Info: Dr. Gabriela Fac-ciuto, INTA, Los Reseros y Las Cabañas s/n, Castelar, 1712, Argen-tina. E-mail: Web: oricultura/newornamentals2011/index.asp

�� November 24-27, 2011, Chiang Mai (Thailand): III Interna-tional Symposium on Papaya - Royal Flora 2011. Info: Dr. Jirakorn Kosaisawe, Director General, Department of Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Phone: (66)25799636, Fax: (66)29405412, E-mail: E-mail symposium: royalfl Web: http://www.royalfl

�� November 27-30, 2011, Tel Aviv (Israel): Frontiers of Citrus2011. Info: Dr. Yair Erner, Department of Fruit Tree Sciences, ARO, The Volcani Center, PO Box 6, Bet-Dagan 50-250, Israel. Phone: (972)3-9683414, Fax: (972)3-9669583, E-mail: or Prof. Dr. Raphael Goren, James de Rothschild Prof. of Horticulture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, PO Box 12, Rehovot 76-100, Israel. Phone: (972)89489348, Fax: (972)89489574, E-mail: Web:

�� November 29 - December 2, 2011, Chiang Mai (Thailand):International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits - Royal Flora 2011. Info: Peyanoot Ms. Naka, Horticulture Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Phone: (66)819076821, Fax: (66)25614667, or Dr. Somchai Charnnarongkul, Department of Agriculture, Phahonyothin Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900,Thailand. Phone: (66)25799636, Fax: (66)29405412, E-mail: E-mail symposium: royalfl Web: http://www.royalfl

�� December 3-6, 2011, Bangkok (Thailand): International Confer-ence on Quality Management in Supply Chains of Ornamen-tals (QMSCO 2011). Info: Dr. Sirichai Kanlayanarat, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi, Division of Postharvest Technol-ogy, Thungkru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand. Phone: (66)2 470 7720, Fax: (66)2 452 3750, E-mail: symposium: Web:

�� December 3-6, 2011, Bangkok (Thailand): Asia Pacifi c Symposium on Postharvest Quality Management of Root and Tuber Crops. Info: Dr. Sirichai Kanlayanarat, King Mongkut’s University of Technol-ogy, Thonburi, Division of Postharvest Technology, Thungkhru, Bang-kok 10140, Thailand. Phone: (66)2 470 7720, Fax: (66)2 452 3750, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� December 3-6, 2011, Bangkok (Thailand): I International Sym-posium on Postharvest Pest and Disease Management in Exporting Horticultural Crops. Info: Pongphen Jitareerat, King Mongkut’s Univ. of Technology Thonburi, Div. Postharv.Techn. School of Biores.& Techn., 83 Moo 8, Tientalay rd., 10150 BKK -Bangkhunt-ien, Thakham, Thailand. E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� December 3-6, 2011, Bangkok (Thailand): Southeast Asia Sympo-sium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (SEA-sia2011). Info: Dr. Sirichai Kanlayanarat, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi, Division of Postharvest Technology, Thung-kru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand. Phone: (66)2 470 7720, Fax: (66)2 452 3750, E-mail: Web:

�� December 9-12, 2011, Madurai (India): I International Symposium on Cashew Nut. Info: Dr. Ravindran Chandran, Assistant Professor, KVK, AC & RI, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, 625104 (Tamil Nadu), India. Phone: (91)452-2422955, Fax: (91)452-2422785, E-mail: Web:

�� December 19-22, 2011, Giza (Egypt): V International Symposium on Vegetable Nutrition and Fertilization: Vegetable Farms Management Strategies for Eco-Sustainable Development. Info: Dr. Ahmed Glala, Hoticultural Crops Technology Department, Agriculture Resarch Division, National Research center, Dokky, 12622 Giza (El-Bhoos Street), Egypt. Phone: (20)122963894, Fax: (20)237601877, E-mail: Web:







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YEAR 2012

�� January 9-13, 2012, Chiang Mai (Thailand): International Sym-posium on Orchids and Ornamental Plants - Royal Flora 2011. Info: Peyanoot Ms. Naka, Horticulture Research Institute, Depart-ment of Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Phone: (66)819076821, Fax: (66)25614667, E-mail: or Dr. Somchai Charnnarongkul, Department of Agriculture, Phahonyothin Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Phone: (66)25799636, Fax: (66)29405412, E-mail: tosomchai@yahoo.comE-mail symposium: royalfl Web: http://www.royalfl

�� January 15-20, 2012, Skukuza, Kruger National Park (South Africa): II All Africa Horticultural Congress. Info: Ms. Karin Hannweg, ARC-ITSC, Private Bag X11208, Nelspruit Mpumalanga 1200, South Africa. E-mail: Web:

�� January 23-26, 2012, Chiang Mai (Thailand): International Symposium on Banana - Royal Flora 2011. Info: Peyanoot Naka, Horticulture Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Phone: (66)819076821, Fax: (66)25614667, E-mail: E-mail symposium: royalfl

�� February 14-17, 2012, Zürich (Switzerland): I International Workshop on Bacterial Diseases of Stone Fruits and Nuts. Info: Dr. Brion Duffy, Agroscope Faw, Schloss, Postfach 185, 8820 Waedenswil, Switzerland. Phone: (41)447836111, Fax: (41)447836305, E-mail:

�� February 18-22, 2012, Beijing (China): VII International Straw-berry Symposium. Info: Dr. Zhang Yun-tao, Forestry & Pomol-ogy Institute of Beijing, Rui Wang Fen, Xiang-Shan, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100093, China. Phone: (86)1082592157, Fax: (86)1062598744, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� March 19-22, 2012, Temuco (Chile): VIII International Congress on Hazelnut. Info: Dr. Pablo Grau Beretta, INIA, Avda. Vicente Men-dez 515, Chillan, Chile. Phone: (56)42 209707, Fax: (56)42 209720, E-mail: or Miguel Ellena Dellinguer, INIA, Instituto De Investigaciones Agropeciarias, Km 10, Camino Cajon Vilcun, Temuco, Chile. Phone: (56)45 215 706, Fax: (56)45 216 112, E-mail:

�� March 22-24, 2012, Djerba (Tunisia): IV International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants SIPAM2012. Info: Dr. Houcine Khatteli, Institut des Régions Arides, Route de Djouf, Km 22,5, 4119 Médenine, Tunisia. Phone: (216)75633121, Fax: (216)75633006, E-mail: or Dr. Mohamed Neffati, Institut des Regions Arides (IRA), Route de Djorf Km 22,5, 4119 Medenine, Tunisia. Phone: (216)75633839, Fax: (216)75633006, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� March 26-30, 2012, Nelson (New Zealand): II International Sym-posium on Biotechnology of Fruit Species. Info: Roger Hellens, Plant & Food Research, 120 Mt Albert Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Phone: (64)98154200, E-mail: or Dr. Susan Elizabeth Gardiner, Plant & Food Research, Tennant Drive Private Bag 11030, Palmerston North , New Zealand. E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� As a result of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami the AHC2012 organizing committee decided to CANCEL the AHC2012 March 27-30, 2012, Tsukuba (Japan): II Asian Horticultural Congress AHC 2012. Info: Prof. Dr. Yoshinori Kanayama, Gradu-ate Sch. of Agric., Tohoku Univ., 1-1 Tsutsumidori, Amamiyamachi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-8555, Japan. Phone: (81)227178642, Fax:

(81)227178878, E-mail: E-mail sympo-sium: Web:

�� March 28 - April 1, 2012, Antalya (Turkey): XI International Symposium on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials. Info: Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Baktir, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Campus, 07058 Antalya, Turkey. Phone: (90)2423102468, Fax: (90)2422274564, E-mail: E-mail symposium: fl Web: http://fl

�� April 2-3, 2012, Lake Alfred, FL (United States of America): Inter-national Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Han-dling Systems of Fruits and Nuts. Info: Prof. Dr. Jim Syvertsen, University of Florida, IFAS, CREC, 700 Exp. Stn. Rd., Lake Alfred FL, 33850, United States of America. Phone: (1)8639561151, Fax: (1)8639564631, E-mail: jmsn@ufl .edu

�� April 10-13, 2012, Viterbo (Italy): VIII International Symposium on Artichoke, Cardoon and their Wild Relatives. Info: Prof. Mario-Augusto Pagnotta, Dipt. di AgroBiologia e AgroChimica, Universita’ della Tuscia, Via S.C. de Lellis, 01100 Viterbo, Italy. Phone: (39)0761357242, Fax: (39)0761357423, E-mail: or Prof. Dr. Francesco Saccardo, Dip.di Produzione Vegetale, Univer-sity of Tuscia, Via S. Camillo de Lellis, 01100 Viterbo VT, Italy. Phone: (39)0761357554, Fax: (39)0761357558, E-mail: Web:

�� April 18-22, 2012, Antalya (Turkey): IV International Sympo-sium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies. Info: Prof. Dr. Burhan Ozkan, Depart-ment of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Akdeniz, 07070 Antalya, Turkey. Phone: (90)2423102475, Fax: (90)2422274564, E-mail: or Dr. Peter J. Batt, Horticulture, Curtin University of Technology, GPO box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia. Phone: (61)8 9266 7596, Fax: (61)8 9266 3063, E-mail: Web:

�� April 23-25, 2012, Petrolina, Pernambuco (Brazil): III International Symposium on Guava and other Myrtaceae. Info: Dr. Natoniel Franklin de Melo, EMBRAPA-CPATSA, Cx.Postal 23, Biotec-nologia, CEP 56302-970 Petrolina -PE, Brazil. or Dr. Carlos Antonio Fernandes Santos, EMBRAPA CPATSA, Km 152, Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 23, 56302-970 Petrolina, Brazil. Phone: (55)08738621711, Fax: (55)08738621744, E-mail: Web:

�� April 23-26, 2012, Santa Cruz (Chile): XI International Protea Research Symposium. Info: Mr. Eduardo Olate, P. Universidad Catolica De Chile, Avenida Vicuna Mackenna 4860, Agrono-mia, Santiago RM, Chile. Phone: (56)23544112, Fax: (56)25520780, E-mail: or Mrs. Flavia Schiappacasse, Universidad de Talca, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Casilla 747, Talca, Chile. Phone: (56)71200214, Fax: (56)71200212, E-mail:

�� April 29 - May 2, 2012, Antalya (Turkey): International Symposium on Biotechnology and other Omics in Vegetable Science. Info: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Naci Onus, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, 07059 Antalya, Turkey. Phone: (90) 242-3102441, Fax: (90) 242- 2274564, E-mail: Web:

�� May 15-17, 2012, Tel Aviv (Israel): The International CIPA Confer-ence 2012: Plasticulture for a Green Planet. Info: Mr. Itzhak Es-quira, Ministry of Agriculture, 34 Burla Street, Apt. 2, 69364 Tel Aviv, Israel. E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� May 19-25, 2012, Chanthaburi (Thailand): VII International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops. Info: Dr. Sumitra Poovarodom, King Mongkut’s Inst. of Tech., Landkrabang,





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Faculty of Agric. Technology, 10520 Bangkok, Thailand. Phone: (66)262341001, Fax: (66)232641001, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� May 20-26, 2012, Davis, CA (United States of America): X Interna-tional Symposium on Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Technology. Info: Prof. Ted M. DeJong, University of California, Department of Plant Sciences, Wickson Hall, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616-8683, United States of America. Phone: (1)530-752-1843, Fax: (1)530-752-8502, E-mail: or Carolyn DeBuse, University of California Cooperative Extension, 501 Texas Street, Fairfi eld, CA 94533, United States of America. Phone: (1)707-784-1320, E-mail:

�� May 21-24, 2012, Fukuoka (Japan): VI International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae. Info: Prof. Dr. Masayoshi Shigyo, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University, Yoshida 1677-1, Yamaguchi 753-8515, Japan. Phone: (81)839335842, Fax: (81)839335842, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� May 22-25, 2012, Shanghai (China): International Symposium on Soilless Cultivation. Info: Mr. Weimin Zhu, Hort.Inst. of Shanghai Academy of Agr. Sci., Beidi Road 2901, Shanghai Shanghai 201106, China. Phone: (86)21-62206683, E-mail:

�� June 10-12, 2012, Beijing (China): XII International Symposium on the Processing Tomato - X World Congress on Process-ing Tomato. Info: Dr. Guitong Li, China Agricultural Univer-sity, CAU, West Road of Yuanmingyuan, Beijing, China. Phone: (86)1062732963, Fax: (86)1062733596, E-mail: or Prof. Dr. Montaña Cámara, Dpto. Nutrición y Bromatología II, Fac-ultad Farmacia. UCM, Plaza Ramón y Cajal sn, 28040 Madrid, Spain. Phone: (34) 913941808, Fax: (34) 913941799, E-mail:

�� June 14-17, 2012, (Turkey): I International Mulberry Symposium. Info: Prof. Dr. Sezai Ercisli, Ataturk University Agricultural Faculty, Department of Horticulture, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey. Phone: (90) 442-2312599, Fax: (90) 442 2360958, E-mail: E-mail symposium:

�� June 17-22, 2012, Maastricht (Netherlands): X International Sym-posium on Vaccinium and Other Superfruits. Info: Prof. Dr. Fred Brouns, Maastricht University, NUTRIM, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maas-tricht, Netherlands. Phone: (31)433881466, Fax: (31)433670976, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� June 18-22, 2012, Guangzhou (China): V International Sympo-sium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Info: Prof. Dr. Jiang Zongyong, Guangdong Academy of Agric. Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 610640, China. Phone: (86)2087596262, Fax: (86)2087503358, E-mail: or Prof. Dr. Ganjun Yi, Fruit Tree Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wushan, Guangzhou Guangdong 510640, China. Phone: (86)2038765869 or 13302200898, Fax: (86)2038765626, E-mail:

�� June 18-21, 2012, Leavenworth, WA (United States of America):II International Organic Fruit Symposium. Info: David Granat-stein, Sustainable Agriculture Specialist, Ctr. for Sust. Agric. & Natural Res., WSU, 1100 N. Western Ave., Wenatchee, WA 98801, United States of America. Phone: (1)509-663-8181x.222, Fax: (1)509-662-8714, E-mail: or Prof. Dr. Preston K. Andrews, De-partment of Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, Washington State University, Pulmann, WA 99164-6414, United States of America. Phone: (1)509-335-3603, Fax: (1)509-335-8690, E-mail:

�� June 24-29, 2012, Ski and Grimstad (Norway): XIII International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants - ISV-

DOP13. Info: Dr. Dag-Ragnar Blystad, The Norwegian Crop Research Institute, Plant Protection Center, Høgskoleveien 7, N-1432 Aas, Nor-way. Phone: (47)6494 9261, Fax: (47)6494 9226, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� June 25-29, 2012, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): VII International Post-harvest Symposium. Info: Mr. Abdullah Bin Hassan, Horticulture Research Centre, MARDI, GPO Box 12301, 50774 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Phone: (60)389437810, Fax: (60)389422906, E-mail:

�� June 27-29, 2012, Piacenza (Italy): I International Workshop on Vineyard Mechanization and Grape and Wine Quality. Info: Prof. Stefano Poni, Director Istituto di Frutti-Viticoltura, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Piacenza, via Emilia Parmense 84, Piacenza, Italy. Phone: (39)0523599271, Fax: (39)0523599268, E-mail: Web:

�� July 1-5, 2012, Angers (France): II International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2012. Info: Prof. Jean-Claude Mauget, AGROCAMPUS OUEST - Centre d’Angers (INHP), Dept. STPH, 2, rue Le Nôtre, 49045 Angers, France. Phone: (33)241225428, Fax: (33)241225515, E-mail: Web:

�� July 1-5, 2012, Brasilia (Brazil): VI International Symposium on Seed, Transplant and Stand Establishment - SEST2012. Info: Dr. Warley Marcos Nascimento, EMBRAPA - Vegetables, C. Postal 218, Brasilia - DF 70359-970, Brazil. Phone: (55)6133859125, Fax: (55)6135565744, E-mail:

�� July 1-4, 2012, Ghent (Belgium): II International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone. Info: Dr. Johan Van Huylenbroeck, ILVIO- Plant Unit, Applied genetics & breeding, Caritasstraat 21, 9090 Melle, Belgium. Phone: (32) 9-2722862, Fax: (32) 9-2722901, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� July 9-12, 2012, Valencia (Spain): I International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Applications in Agricul-ture. Info: Dr. Florentino Juste, IVIA, Ctra. Moncada-Náquera, Km. 4, Moncada, 46113 Valencia, Spain. Phone: (34)963424000, Fax: (34)963424001, E-mail: juste_fl or Dr. Ricardo Suay Cortés, Ctra Moncada-Náquera, Km 4,5, Centro de Agroingenieria - IVIA, 46113 Valencia Moncada, Spain. Phone: (34) 96 3424000, Fax: (34) 96 3424001, E-mail: Web:

�� July 16-20, 2012, Beijing (China): International Conference on Germplasm of Ornamentals. Info: Prof. Qi Xiang Zhang, Col-lege of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, No.35, Qinghua East Road-Haidian Dist., Beijing 100083, China. Phone: (86)1062338005, Fax: (86)1062336126, E-mail: or Dr. Guijun Yan, School of Plant Biology MO84, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009, Australia. Phone: (61) 8 6488 1240, Fax: (61) 8 6488 1108, E-mail:

�� July 16-20, 2012, Geisenheim (Germany): VII International Sym-posium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Info: Prof. Dr. Peter Braun, Research Centre Geisenheim, Dept. of Pomology, Von Lade Str. 1, D-65366 Geisenheim, Germany. Phone: (49)6722502566, Fax: (49)6722502561, E-mail: Web:

�� September 2-5, 2012, Warsaw (Poland): XXIV Eucarpia Sympo-sium on Ornamentals - Ornamental Breeding Worldwide. Info: Dr. Teresa Orlikowska, Res. Inst. of Pomol. & Floric., PO Box 105, ul. Pomologiczna 18, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland. Phone: (48)468332041, Fax: (48)468333228, E-mail:



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For updates logon to

�� September 6-8, 2012, Venlo (Netherlands): XI International People Plant Symposium. Info: Ms. Annette Beerens, Oude Graafseweg 50, 6543 PS Nijmegen, Netherlands. Phone: (31)615647097, E-mail:

�� September 9-14, 2012, Zatec (Czech Republic): III International Humulus Symposium. Info: Dr. Josef Patzak, Hop Research Institute Co, Ltd., Kadanska 2525, Zatec, 434 46, Czech Republic. E-mail: or Dr. Anthony Koutoulis, he University of Tas-mania, Private Bag 55, Hobart TAS, 7001, Australia. E-mail: Web:

�� September 18-20, 2012, Bogor (Indonesia): II Asia Pacifi c Sym-posium on Postharvest Research Education and Extension: APS2012. Info: Prof. Dr. Hadi K. Purwadaria, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University, PO Box 220, 16002 Bogor, Indonesia. Phone: (62)8129579098, Fax: (62)2518623026, E-mail:

�� September 25-29, 2012, San Juan (Argentina): VII International Symposium on Olive Growing. Info: Dr. Carlos Alberto Parera, INTA, Acc. Sur y Aráoz, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza 5507, Argentina. Phone: (54)2614963500, Fax: (54)2614963500, E-mail: Web:

�� October 14-19, 2012, Aracaju (Sergipe) (Brazil): III International Symposium on Medicinal and Nutraceutical Plants and III Conference of National Institute of Tropical Fruits. Info: Prof. Dr. Narendra Narain, Departamento de EngenhariaCCET, Univ Federal de Sergipe, Cidade Universitaria, 49100-000 Sao Cristovao-Sergipe, Brazil. Phone: (55)79 2105 6677, Fax: (55)79 2105 6679 E-mail symposium:

�� October 15-18, 2012, Wageningen (Netherlands): VII International Symposium on Light in Horticulture. Info: Dr. Silke Hemming, Wageningen UR, Plant Research International, PO Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, Netherlands. Phone: (31)317 4 86921, Fax: (31)317 423110, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� October 16-19, 2012, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco (Brazil):X International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Orna-mental Plants. Info: Prof. Fernando Luiz Finger, Depto. de Fitotec-nia, UFV, 36570-000 Viçosa, MG, Brazil. Phone: (55)3138991128, Fax: (55)3138992614, E-mail: ffi E-mail symposium: Web:

�� October 20-26, 2012, Wuhan, Hubei Province (China): V Interna-tional Symposium on Persimmon. Info: Prof. Dr. Zhengrong Luo, Department of Pomology , Key Lab of Horticultural Plant Biology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Shizishan, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China. Phone: (86) 27 8728 2677, Fax: (86) 27 8728 2010, E-mail:

�� October 22-25, 2012, Srinagar (Kashmir) (India): IV International Symposium on Saffron Biology and Technology. Info: Prof. Dr. F.A. Nehvi, Sher-e-Kashmir Univ.of Agric., K.D. Research Station, Old Ariport - PO Box 905, GPO Srinagar, J&K, 190001, India. Phone: (91)1942305084, Fax: (91)1942305084, E-mail: or Dr. Shafi q Wani, Sher-e-Kashmir Univ.of Agric., K.D. Research Station, Old Ariport - PO Box 905, GPO Srinagar, J&K, 190001, India. Phone: (91)1942463255, Fax: (91)1942461103, E-mail: shafi

�� November 4-8, 2012, Nanjing (China): HortiModel2012: Models for Plant Growth, Environmental Control and Farm Manage-ment in Protected Cultivation. Info: Prof. Dr. Weihong Luo, Col-lege of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, No1 Rd Weigang, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095, China. Phone: (86)25-84399100, Fax: (86)25-84399100, E-mail: E-mail symposium: Web:

�� November 12-16, 2012, Catania (Italy): VI International Sympo-sium on Brassicas and XVIII Crucifer Genetics Workshop. Info:

Dr. Ferdinando Branca, Dip.Orto-Floro-Arboricultura, Tecnologie Agroalimentari, Via Valdisavoia 5, 95123 Catania, Italy. Phone: (39)095355079 or 095234326, Fax: (39)095234329, E-mail:

�� November 16-19, 2012, Dharwad (India): V International Sym-posium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables. Info: Dr. Mahadev Chetti, University of Agric. Sciences, College of Agriculture, 58005 Dharwad, India. Phone: (91)9448495309, Fax: (91)8362445288, E-mail:

�� December 2-6, 2012, White River (Kruger National Park) (SouthAfrica): IV International Symposium on Lychee, Longan and Other Sapindaceae Fruits. Info: Mr. Derek Donkin, SA Lychee Growers’ Association, PO Box 866, 0850 Tzaneen, South Africa. Phone: (27)153073676, Fax: (27)153076792, E-mail:

�� December 3-6, 2012, Stellenbosch (South Africa): IX International Symposium on Temperate Zone Fruits in the Tropics and Sub-tropics. Info: Dr. Nigel C. Cook, Hortgro Science, P.O. Box 12789, Die Boord, Stellenbosch 7613, South Africa. Phone: (27)826567088, Fax: (27) 218552722 E-mail symposium:

�� December 3-6, 2012, Stellenbosch (South Africa): X International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environ-mental Physiology in Orchard Systems. Info: Prof. Karen I. Theron, Department of Horticulture, University of Stellenbosch, Pri-vate Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa. Phone: (27)218084762, Fax: (27)218082121, E-mail:

YEAR 2013

�� April 21-26, 2013, Santiago (Chile): IX International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology. Info: Dr. Manuel Pinto, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Centro La Platina, Santa Rosa 11610, Santiago, Chile. Phone: (56) 27575164, Fax: (56) 27575164, E-mail:

�� April 24-27, 2013, Kusadasi (Turkey): II International Symposium on Biological and other Alternative Approaches of Postharvest Diseases Control. Info: Dr. Pervin Kinay, Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 35100 Bornova IZMIR, Turkey. Phone: (90)232-388 4000, Fax: (90)232-374 48 48, E-mail: or Dr. Samir Droby, Aro, The Volcani Center, P.O.Box 6, 50250 Bet Dagan, Israel. E-mail: or Dr. Michael Wisniewski, Usda-Ars, 2217 Wiltshire Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430, United States of America. E-mail:

�� May 14-16, 2013, Giza (Egypt): V International Symposium on Cucurbits. Info: Dr. Ahmed Glala, Hoticultural Crops Technology Department, Agriculture Resarch Division, National Research center, Dokky, 12622 Giza (El-Bhoos Street), Egypt. Phone: (20)122963894, Fax: (20)237601877, E-mail:

�� May 18-22, 2013, Plasencia (Spain): VII International Cherry Symposium. Info: Dr. David González-Gómez, Instituto Tecnológico Agroalimentario, Ctra. de Cáceres SN, 06071 Badajoz, Spain. Phone: (34)924012699, Fax: (34)924012674, E-mail: or Dr. Maria Josefa Bernalte García, INTAEX, Carr. de Cáceres sn, 06074 Badajoz, Spain. Phone: (34)924012699, Fax: (34)924012674, E-mail: Web:

�� May 27-31, 2013, Murcia (Spain): VI International Symposium on Almonds and Pistachios. Info: Dr. Federico Dicenta, CEBAS-CSIC, PO Box 164, 30100 Espinardo (Murcia), Spain. Phone: (34)968 396 339, Fax: (34)968 396 213, E-mail:




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ISHS • 52

For an updated list of all titles (in print or ActaHort CD-rom for-mat) logon to

876 X International Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Research Conference 92

875 Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality and Safety of Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce 119

874 IX International Symposium on Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Pomology 90

873 Organic Fruit Conference 84

872 VIII International Symposium on Temperate Zone Fruits in the Tropics and Subtropics 97

871 IV International Symposium on Cucurbits 143

870 V International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation 74

869 IX International Protea Research Symposium 63

868 VI International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops 101

867 V International Symposium on Brassicas and XVI International Crucifer Genetics Workshop, Brassica 2008 62

866 I European Congress on Chestnut - Castanea 2009 150

865 IV International Symposium on Acclimatization and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants 92

864 III International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits 112

862 XIV International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture 132

861 VI International Walnut Symposium 109

860 IV International Symposium on Breeding Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - ISBMAP2009 68

858 III International Conference Postharvest Unlimited 2008 108

857 IX International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference 111

856 International Symposium on Vegetable Safety and Human Health 69

855 XXIII International EUCARPIA Symposium, Section Ornamentals, Colourful Breeding and Genetics - Part II 75

854 XIII International Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 41

853 International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - SIPAM2009 100

852 IV International Symposium on Ecologically Sound Fertilization Strategies for Field Vegetable Production 85

851 II International Symposium on Papaya 130

850 III International Symposium on Saffron: Forthcoming Challenges in Cultivation, Research and Economics 79

849 II International Symposium on Guava and other Myrtaceae 94

848 II International Humulus Symposium 80

847 IX International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Ornamental Plants 92

Available numbers of Acta Horticulturae (in print). These as well as all other titles are also available in ActaHort CD-rom format. For detailed information on price and availability, including tables of content, or to download an Acta Horticulturae order form, please check out the ‘publications’ page at or go to

Acta Acta Title Acta

Number Price (EUR)

900 II International Symposium on the Genus Lilium 91

899 International Symposium on Plum Pox Virus 60

898 V International Symposium on Seed, Transplant and Stand Establishment of Horticultural Crops 83

897 International ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Global Perspectives on Asian Challenges 112

896 XII International Workshop on Fire Blight 117

895 III International Symposium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies 78

894 I International Symposium on Tropical Horticulture 71

893 International Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse Systems: GreenSys2009 268

892 II International Symposium on Citrus Biotechnology 92

891 International Symposium on Growing Media and Composting 76

890 II International Symposium on Pomegranate and Minor - including Mediterranean - Fruits: ISPMMF2009 133

889 VI International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops 130

888 International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality 87

887 III International Symposium on Loquat 87

886 X International Symposium on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials 96

885 I International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone 99

884 XI International Symposium on Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Production 160

883 VII International Symposium on Chemical and Non-Chemical Soil and Substrate Disinfestation 96

882 IV International Date Palm Conference 148

881 II International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture 214

880 International Symposium Postharvest Pacifica 2009 - Pathways to Quality: V International Symposium on Managing Quality in Chains + Australasian Postharvest Horticultural Conference 117

879 International Conference on Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing International Partnerships to Increase Research Impact 177

878 I International Orchid Symposium 107

877 VI International Postharvest Symposium 362


Available Issues of Acta Horticulturae

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