CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Booklets and Tracts/Christian... · Gt~ile \\:I SpLYll. worship God it sccmcd to...

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Transcript of CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Booklets and Tracts/Christian... · Gt~ile \\:I SpLYll. worship God it sccmcd to...


Chdpter I The Importance of Worship

in the Scriptures

Gt~ile \\:I SpLYll.

worship God i t sccmcd to be a climactic time in his life. I n t l ~ c Exodus

2nd also in I.e\~iricus a n d Numbers \\wrsliip ;lnd mattrrs rclatcd

worship o c c ~ p y the ccntrnl p1;icc. 'l'lic i ~ i l p o r ~ ; ~ ~ i c e t1i;it Goci i~ttnclics to \\,orship is seen in tlic oreilt

4 det;~il in \\,liicli I-lc instri~cts iCloscs concerning tlic building of t]lc

t;~bcrn;lclc ancl ;11l its fi~rnisliings, concerning tlie ordiniltion a11d service - -

ol' the pricsrs, concerning ;ill the v3rio~1s s:~crificcs ;]lid obfcrinss, ;lnd

C \ ~ C I ~ ~ o ~ i c c r ~ l i ~ i g t I i ~ iiio\~ilig of the t:ibrr~iilcIe ;111d all o f its f i i r ~ i i s l i i n ~ ~ .

' l ' l in t (;od clitl nor consider :III!, of'rliis dcrnil to be tri\fial is seen in tJlc

scvcrity of' tlic s;ll~ctiolis nr[nclicd to cjJcn \\rIiat might seclii 10

inFr;lctions of minor import:lnce. Fos instnnce, \vlien tlie priests i lp~ro; l~Il

r l ~ c alr;~r rlicy must ~~ , ; l s l i tlicir I1;lnds 2nd their feet, "lest tllc\~ die" (Ex. 30:2 1 ). Sucll w;lrnings are frrcluently given.

Also, great blessings arc promised to the obedient:

11-yo11 \\ralk in kIy statutes and I;ecp'h4\r commandments , and

perform them, then I will give yo11 sain in its senson, tlie land sh;lll

yiclcl its a n d clie trees of the field shall yield their hu i t ... I \ \ r i l l you pe;lce in tlie land, ~ l n d you sliall lie down, and none \ \ r i l l makc yo11 ;~Tr;~id; I \ \ r i l l rid the land ofevil beasts, and the s\\lord \ \ r i l l

not go t l i s o ~ ~ ~ l i your I;ind. 1'0~1 ivill clinse y o i ~ r enemies, 2nd thev s1i;lll L11I by rllc s\\lord b e h r e you. (Lev. 26:3-7)

Tlic subscqucnt history ol-God's people seems to hnve hinged largely on \\llictlier or not t l ie j~ \\~orsliiped God properly. T h e propliets denounced

v a r i o ~ ~ s kinds orsins, but mosc psoniinent Among those sins \\!ere tlie sins

offillse \\lorship ;]nu! tlic ncglect of clie true \vorsIiip of God. \Vhen Israel

\\lorsliipcd God in truth they \\.ere richly blessed, but ~\llien they departed

i r o n rllc true \\rorship tlicir cncmies cnme in likc a flood.

' I ' l~c imporl-;111cc ol- ~vorsliip is fi~rtlicr seen in Gocl's pro\liding ;I

\ \ l o~~dc r f ' ~~ l manllal of pr;~isc in tlie heart of clic Bible-tllc Book of

I'snlms. I r is tlic I;lrgcst book of tlie Riblc, a n d tlie one f i l l 1 of tlie mosc

elircct ;~cIcircsscs 10 God . In Jesus' d:ly i t \\.as probal,ly the most \\.ell- , li~io\\ln book of the Riblc, and i t is the second niost cluotcd book in tlic

Nc\\l I>s[;lnicn[.

13y tlic [ imc the Ncw'l>st;lmcnt was given, Israel liad made n regular

ps;lcticc ol ' \ \~orsl i i l~ing in tlie syn;lgogues each Sabbath. They read tlie 5 . ' . L I . I ~ ~ L I ~ C > S , s;111g tlic PS;IIIIIS, a n d prnJrecl. O n e of tlie first ctcscriptions

Ch~ptes 2 Basic Scriptural Principles

Concerning Worship

Gt')~cj \\.: Spnl). CHRISTLLU WORSFIII'

Is r . lc l , ll.l\.c I c\.cr spoken .I \\.ord 10 .III!. ot'rllc. it1dscs oCIsr.1~1. \ \ ~ I ~ o I ~ ~ 1 h,Io\clr ro I ) t ~ i l c l rhc r<~bcl.n:~clc. Hc stlid, ",-\ccording ro ,111 r h , ~ ~ I :im

going ro silo\\ !,ot~. [he p;irrc.r-n otrllc r.lbcrn,~clc nrld rhc p,1rrcr11 ()Knl. mc 3 Ilousc of'ccd.ll.?"'( 1 (31i1.011. 1 -:(I). 1),1\.id \\..IS 11or ,~llo\\.ccl to I l t ~ i l c l irs f .~~rn i r i~rc , jt~sr so !.(>(I sll.lII consrrtlcr i r " (Ex . 75: ' ) S,-\S13). rL. l l l l~~c. A1lcl \\.Ilc11 i r \\.%IS 11i1iIr 1)). Se)le)111011. *111cl \ \ . \ l ~ , ~ i ~ ~ . c r IILY\. c l c ~ l l e ~ l r ~ ( ; O C I I > I . O C C C ~ ~ S [O ~ ~ c \ c I . ~ [ I c in srC;1r clcr;~il rhc f;~l.nirurc ,111d [llc [,l[)crn,lclc

;111el ; i l l rllc. t 1 r c .11~11~ ro l>c L I S L ~ ~ . 1 3 ~ 1 r l ; . c ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~ n r l ~ . i~lrc~.s~>crsc~d i n (Yocl's di~.ccrio~i. clcs~~1.i~>rio11s ,IS'. \ \ , c ~ ~ . ~ l i ~ l g s s(1c11 ; I$ , "Sex [O i r r l l ; l r 1 1 1 ~ 1 ; ~ [ ~ l e l i l \Y /~ nlilsr conclude r l l , l t [llc p r i ~ ~ c i l ~ l c oF\\* sc.r 1;)1.tI1 i l l rllc O l e 1 ; ~ c c o r c l i ~ ~ ~ ro r 11e p~[[c1.11 \\,I1 icli \\.*IS sli0\\~11 ! . o ~ I O I I [lie I ~ I O ~ I I I ~ ~ I ~ , ~ " -l>srnmcnr is rhc (:;~I\.i~~isric p ~ . i n c i ~ ~ l c rli; lr ~;)r.hids rllc 01' 25:40; ,1150 20:30; 2718).

.I'11c ~ l l i ~ l ( ~ r c ~ l c s s 01' c I c ~ , ~ i I s C O I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I I ~ C \ . C I I 111;111!, [lie c i r c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s r ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s 0 1 ' \\ccorhl1ip ;11t ~ i s ~ ~ i l i c c ~ ~ ~ r . \ Y ~ ' i I l i . ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ' o i111~ 11l;lke~ [ I l e

crccl[i\.c .In<{ ro inrrodncc nc\v 1i)rrns o f \\.o~.slli~> rl1;1[ (;od Ilns 11ot l i ) l ~ o \ \ r i ~ l ~ clccl i~crio~~: commnn~lccl. Even in rllc b i 1 i l c l i 1 1 ~ of ' ;~n ; l l r , l r (;eel lb~.l>ids .ln!. c ~ . ~ ; ~ r i \ , c

'I'llc min( 0 1 ' rllc dcr.lil in rhc cli\rinc prcscriprions ;IS ro \\,c)rl;. "A11cl i~..yc)i~ 111;il<c blc ;)I ) ~ l r ~ r c>l.s[o~lc, sl1,lIl 11o[ ht~ilcl i t 0 1 ' ] l c \ \ c n s[onc; [ o r i t you ilsc roo1 011 i r , !.OII I l ; l \ ~ l> r c~ l~~ i~cc l i t " (1.s.

5). \y/c .lrc 11or ;~lIto\\.ccl rc) s ~ ~ , > ~ ~ I c ~ i ~ c ~ i r , s ~ ~ h s r i r t ~ r ~ . , 01. ~ ~ I I ) I > I , I I ~ ~

Ttlc Rcgulativc Prirlciple in tllc Ncw Tcstarllcrlt 3'1: I , ?, 3 2 , 4.3; I.c\l. S:.35-.30 YASB). \Y/e mnJr no\\, nsl; \\.hcrhcr tllis p~.incipIc IlolcIs I : I ~ [ in [Ilc Yc\\f

111 c l c l c l i [ ion, [Ilc cIc:l[ll l>~~~ l ; l I [y is rIlrc,irc~lcd ro\ \ r~rd ;111yo11~ \\,I10 -l;srnmcnt. I [ m;iy ap11ca1 to some thnr s i~ lcc rllc cc~rc111oni;ll \\.nrsllip 0 1 ' ~I.II.c.s ro \,iol;lrc C \ ~ C I I r l l c Ic,lsr of rllcsc com~ll ;~ncls (Ex . 2S:43; 30:2 1 , 33, rhe C l I J lcstnmcnr \\.as nbolishcd, [his I>~.incit)lc \vent otl[ \ \ ~ i r h it. 'l'llis .?8; l.e\,. S:-35; Yi1111. 4:15, 2 0 ) . I;ind ol'LI;i~11;cr ;~bol i t ion is l.atllcr supcrfici;ll. -l'llc cc~~cmoni;ll \vo~.sllip

'I'l1.1t rllcsc. \\.ere nor icllc \ \ , ; lrni~ys is sccn \.cry soon in tllc tier!, the Old l>srnmcnt \vns rypic;ll or s \ ~ ~ l i b o l i c 01' (:llris[ ; ~ n d I lis clc;~tI~ ol'Y,icI;~l) ,111cl i l I ) i I ~ t ~ \ I ~ I I L . I ~ [lie!. t>ffc~.ccl S ~ I . ; I I I ~ C fire (I.c\:. 10: 1-2) rl1;lr [he I.ord I1,ld nor comm;lndcd tllcni, ;ind in rlic dca[h of' I!zz,lh syl1lhols o r t!,pcs. l ' h cy arc l,~.inciplcs. '.l'hc s!.mholh rypcs \vcl.c \\lIlo ro~~c l l cd [Ilc :lrl; (2 S;1111. 0:O-7). ;lbolisllccl becnusc Christ the protot!.pc \\.;IS 111;1nilksr ;lrlcl ti~IlillccI r l ~ c

. l ' . lc O l e 1 ' . cb r ;~~ l l c~ l [ collr,llns n i ~ n l c r o ~ ~ s \ \ , . ~ ~ . ~ l i n ~ s ,lg,linsr t ~ l s c Old l ~ s r a ~ l ~ c n r n.pcs, hut rhc h,lsic p r i~ lc i l~ lc~s ;lrc ~ic\.cr ;~holisI~ccl. 'l'llcy \vo~.slli~> 01. i ~ ~ c u l c , l [ i ~ l ~ I ~ c , ~ r l ~ c n pr;lcriccs into tllc \\,orshil> of'(;oel, n o s

:II.L. 1 .ley ; I [ ~ ~ \ \ ~ c c ~ 1 0 :lcIcl ; ~ ~ ~ ! ~ r ~ ~ i ~ l g , 10 t;e)cl's ~ o I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ; ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ L ~ I ~ ~ ~ . "Yoil s!l;lll ;In!- 311 cllnngcs in rllc rnocie 01. esscI1cc o I \ \ ~ ~ r s ! l i ~ > s110~11e1 1)'. 111;1c1c

clear in rhc: W/, bcc,lusc \ve Iln\~c n o direcrivc conccrni ng ;l s l l ; l ~ l ~ c i l l

l,nsic p~.incit71cs of \\,osshit7. \ . c 11') more c;ll,;thlc o l ' c l l : ~ n ~ i l i ~ lxlhic ~ O L I " ( l)c(l[ . 4 : 2 ; s c C I'l.o\.. .3O:S-6). of'\ \~orship than \\.c arc o1 'changin~ mor;lI In\vs, or cl1;11lcj11g

' 1 ; ) S L I I ~ I i r U I I . [lie Olt l 'l>sc,1111~1ir Scril)ti~rcs do nor ;~llo\\ . nn!. docrr.incs rnirgl1t in rlic \Vc>rcl. - - ro ,leiel . l ~ i ! - r I l i ~ l ~ I ~ c \ \ . ro ~ h c \ v o r ~ l l i ~ > of'G~)cI \\~irI10(11 ;111 cxprcss co111111;111c1. 111 \~l, l trhc\\ . 15:O-9 (see h/ln~,l; : / - 1.3)) l csus \v;ll-lis ;~g.lin.;[ \Yihc.n l)n\ , ic l \\-As nl.1l;ing I>lnns to 0 ~ 1 i l c l ,I I ~ O L I S ~ hr (;ocl, N,~[hnn [Ilc subsrituting rllc rradirions of'mcn fco~. tllc \%' of (;ocl. 'l'llc issr~c \ \ ~ i r l l l ~ ~ ~ o l ~ l ~ c ~ \\-.IS role1 ro h~!, ro I l i l i i , "\Y/li'.rc\f'.~. 1 I l ~ \ , c 11~0\~ccl . ~ I , O L I [ \virIl ,111

. .

Chapter 3 Basic Biblical Doctrines

That Support the Regulative Principle

The Total Depravity of Man 'l'llc \\:ol-cls of liomnns 3: 10-1 8 Is;~\lc us in no d o ~ t b t about man's

c.o~.r~~t'rion ant1 clcpravit!r in liis lost stare. In pnrr i t is: - - 1 I I C I - c is 1101ic rigIitcous, no, nor one; [hers is none \\rlio ;~nds; [here is none who srelts afrrr God. They haire 311 turned

aside; tlicy lia\ie together bccome unprofitable; there is none \\rho \vlio docs ~ ~ o d , no, nor one.

Even rhc clc.;lr, l>erl->cr \\;a); to \\iorsliip is shunned by the natural man :111(1 hc C:IIIIIO[ crul!. \ \~orsl l i l~ Cod-nor ro spcol< of inventing ne\v ancl I)cl ['-I. \\.;tys ro \\rorslliI, 1-1 i m.

I ~ L I ~ ;trC not bclic\~crs \vllo Ila\,c been regencr;~rcti 2nd inJ\\iclr by tlic

I-IoIy Spirir c;tp;~blc OF clc\!isi~ig nc\v \vclys ro \\rorsllip Gotl \vliicli arc

l ~ l c ; ~ s i ~ i s LC) I - I i~ i l ?

II'\\~c rc;tJ L1rrI1c.r i l l li01ii31is, 1) ;1~11, \vIio is 111ido~1bred1~ r ~ p ~ ~ i ~ r c i r c ,

\vro~c ; I ~ N ) I I L l l i~~~scll ' in this \\;;I!.: "For 1 lino\\r r h a ~ in me (th; i t is, in my IlCsll) 11otllill~ Soocl d\\rclls: 1Lr to \ \ r i l l is prcscnr \ \ r ich me, bur lio\\i to

pcrl;)~.~ii \ \ : I I ; I L is Soocl I clc) nor [-;ndn (Ron. 7:lS-19). " For rhs good r l 1 ; t ~ 1 \ \ ; i l l ro tlo, I do nor tlo; but rllc evil I \ \ r i l l nor rn do, rllar I pracricc"

C;c~)lC \v: Sp",". CI-IIIIS.I.IA~ WORSI-III'

I ) ( ) [ ,l sll[l,llc1llcllr re) [lie \Y'orcl ol.c;')cl. IlOl. &ire [ IlC>, .l [ l < l r r 01. 1 I lC 1~1ilC 01. "clcdliicd t;.o~ii S i ~ . i ~ > r ~ ~ r c . " \\'c , l iol~ld 1 1 c ) r den!. cir licr o f rricsc t ; l i r l l :lllc{ litc.. . - . 1 . lic.i~. \ \ . c ~ ~ . r l i iii~isr I)', ~ L I C I ~ ~ C I I>!. [lie, \\'old ot.(;ocl.

' I ' l~c lirst Sir ip[ l~rc p,~s\.isc r h ~ r comes ro mind bc.lring on rliis ~ i i . l r r ~ . ~ ' l ' l lcrc is . ~ i i o r l i ~ r po i~ i r . Iio\\.c\.c~s. \ \ . ~ ~ i c . l i . ; I I O I I I C I Ilc, 111.1tlc.. 7'/1(*

.lnd so\.c~.ii liicnr ol' rlic Cli i~r i l i . coilillloll 11) I1 i i i i i . ~ i i ; I ~ . I it)lis ,111il

b~~iic,rics, \ \ ~ l i i i I i ~ s c * ro 1)c O I ~ C I ~ I ~ ~ ~ C I 13). rlic l i s l i~ O I . I ~ : I ~ L I ~ ~ . *111cl C ~ l i ~ ~ i s ~ i ~ ~ ~ i

p~.ildcnic. ; i i cord i~ is ro [lie sc~ic~ . :~ l r~ilc~s ot' tlic \\'o~rl, \ \ . l i i i l i .1rcs

. . ;il\\,.l!.s ro be o h s c ~ ~ ~ c d : ' \v.i\ 1iccc99,11?~ ~ l o i ~ ~ . i i i c , fo~ . reproot, 101. rrainilig i i i riglirCoi~s~icss, or fL)[ \Y/c. \voilld . i .w ro cnil)li;~sizc~ r l i , i r no1 . I I I i i r i l ~ ~ i l ~ ~ . ~ ~ i i c . ~ o~'\\.ol.sllill

;ire Iefr ro [lie l i S l i r o f 11;1rl1rc a~icl C:lirisri;~~i prl~elc~icc. I\lorcovc*r, i l i ~ I i o ~ c * ;ire, rlic.!~ 1ii11.r he decided ; ~ ~ c o ~ . i l i i i ~ ro rlic-sc.~ic.~..~l 1.11lc.s .iiiil l)

sivcii.'l'licrc i h 110 ~ i ~ c c l tLr c;c)cl ro ;iclJ !i~rrlic.r i ~ i s r ~ . ~ ~ c r i o ~ i i l l ,i l ,~rcr;~gc 01. r lie \Y!orcl. c .o~i~c~.~ i i i ig \\~oi~hliip O I . ; I I ~ ~ O I I ~ L . I 11i:irrcr. I~ibrri~crio~is co~iccr~ i i~ ig rIic c l i , i ~ i ~ c ~ 'l'lic circ~~nisr;inccs \vliicli ,ire 111~1s 1 0 I ~ c ' C I C C ~ I I ~ C ~ ;)re 5 1 1 i . i ~ l i i ~ i ~ s ; IS

11i; ir \\lc~rc 1 0 r;lI<c l)l:icc i l l 111c rr;iii~irio~i ti.0111 tlic OILI ~lLsr;i~iic~ir fi)r~ii of rlic rime of rlic \vorsliip, rlic pl;icc, t l i c Ic11~1li ol'rlic~ ~ i i cc r i~ i s .111cl so \ \ : o r s l ~ i ~ ~ ro [lie N c \ \ ~ ~ I ~ ~ s ~ , ~ i i i ~ ~ i r of \\~orsliil> ;ire .ill in rlic pscscnr Bible.. tb~.rli. 'l'hc Rihlc Ii;is ~ i o r [old 11s rlicsc rliin:~. I;.[ i l l c)l.clcl. ro \\~or..;liill, :I 1 1 . CiocI \v:i~i~ccI 11s rc) :lcIeI os st~l>ri.;~cr , i ~ i y r l i i ~ i ~ ti0111 I-Iis \\,orsliil> r1ios-t riliic ;11icI l>l;~cc ~ i i i ~ s r bc set. '1.11~ t111ies to 1)c i~scxl i l l [lie s i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ l) i~isr~.llcric)ns Ii.i\lc been ~ i \ , c i i in [he Sirip[l~rc.s. ot'tlic \\.orsliit~ ;ire ;iIso 1101 i l i ~ l ~ i d c d i l l rlic Sir i l>rl~rc, \\lcs ;lrcb I O I C I I O

1311t holiic n1,i.v rcl>I!. rli . i t c\.c.~i i l l r I iC prc,scnt d;i!~ \ilc Iiailc rlic gilicl;lncc sing so \vc 11iils1 I i ; l \ ~ iiiclodics. 'I'Iicrcforc, \ilc co~icIt~clc I I ~ ; I I r I i c ~ , . I I . ~

,% clrc~~mstnnccs" . ot' \ \~orsIii~> ;ind ;ire lo l)c dc~crmiricd 1 ) ~ . ~ l i c s liSlit 01' n;ltilrc ;llid CIiristi;ln prildcncc. .l'lic type o I ' i l o ~ l i i n ~ I C ) Ilc. \\,or11 i l l

Nc\v 'IPsr;l~ne~it \\.orship, [lie ;~rcliircc~tlre O C rlic i l l~1ri l1 l > l ~ i l ~ l i l i ~ , I I I C d i rect ion t l i ; l t tlic clitlrcli I)ilil~liiig is 1 0 I.;Icc, ; I I ~ C I 111;11iy 0tI1ei.

~ l i c \\/orel."'" I311r \vc s.io11ld 11ndcrst;ind rli;it \ilc Ii;i\lc rlic "illi~~iiina;ion" circ~imsr;lnccs r11;ir \\lcrc dcrcrmincd to some c s~cn r in \lie. Ol 1 I ' . ' c s t ~ i ~ ~ i c i i ~ ,<.

; ~ r c to I>c dctcr~i i incd I)!' the Chi~rc l i tod:ly. ' l ' l i ; ~ ~ is to sny, I'liosc

c i r c~~n~s t anccs , tlicrclbsc, \ \~hich the CIILIS~II h ;~s po\vcr 1') ~ lc[cr~i i i i ic~ ;I[

111e i~ihl . i l>lc \Y/OIII. 1ic.1-o\vn discrctio~i arc limircd ro tliosc nor p~~c~siril~ccl i l l 1l1c S ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I L I ~ ~ . " ' ~ ' ' I ' IC. i l I t ~ ~ i i i ~ i ; ~ r i o ~ i ;11ic1 S l l i c l ; ~ ~ i c . c ' 0 1 ' 1 1 1 ~ 1-IoI!' Spisir ;ire ~icicss;~r!~ (01.

131.;1yci., .11i{1 1;)1. ~ I i c l > ~ . c ~ ; ~ i I i i ~ i S 01'tIic \Y/c,rd. I ' I L I ~ this \\*oI.I< ol'rlic Spirit sI)~;il i ; lboi~t ;i n1;lltc.r \\,c ;ire not t;.ec ro do orlic~r\\~isc. 13111 \ \ : I ic~i [lie cloc.s ~ i o r ; I C I C I 1 0 llic \Y/ord 01' C.;ocl-ir docs not m;il;c 0111. pr.lycl-s or . 5 ci .: iptlircs do 1101 spc;lli dircc~ly or ncc.cbss,1r!. implic;irio~i c o ~ i i c ~ . ~ i i r i g . \ c~ .~~ io r i s i~it;~llil)lc .I< ~ l i c . Seril>tl~r.cs ;~sc~.~l ' l ic!~ c 1 0 1101 I>ccoliic rhc 1 . 1 i l ~ 01' circt~mstances of \ \ lo~ .s l i i~ \\.c m;ly cscrcisc CIiristi;~n l i l > c ~ . t ! r . I ; I ~ I . I s ~ ~ i c I lil:. l:\,cii i1'*1 i ~ , i ~ ~ I L ~ \ . O L I I ~ii i~iisrcs \vcrc to l)rc:~cli ;i \lcA~?l ilispiriiig U i l t n o olic call riglirl!l s;iy the \Y!ord ol' C;ocl 11.1.; ilot hl>oltc~i scr~iioii i i i \vliicli lie, ;i~lvoc~i[c~c{ sc ; ic \ i i~~ ;i ~ ; I L L ; I ~ ~ ')I' (,;/II~;/I~< I/lif;f~/f~i conccsning rlic cssciicc ;ind conccnt ot'\voi.sliil). 'l'lic \vliolc 1300Ii oi'l's;~l~iis . ~ l o n ~ \ \ . i l l 1 1lic Sc.i.illr~li.c ,it c ;~ i l i \\.c)~.s.iip s c ~ ~ ~ i i c . \ire ~Iio111cl 1101 give Iic~c~i ; ~ n d a grc;lc 1ii;iny orlic~. p;iss;lgrs ot - . hcriptt~rc gi1.i. 11s ~ d c c ~ ~ ~ ; i ~ i . i n s~~ . i~c r ion IO l i i ~ l i ;i 11101iic11~. l'.vc~i [lie hcs[ ; i i i ~ I 11it)sr I i c l t~ l i~ l boolis ;\net scrmon5 concerning tlic csscncc ; ~ n d contcnr ol'\\,orsliip.

Chdpter 4 The New Testament Teaching

with Respect to the Songs of Worship

UliriI no\\? \r:c Ii;~vc bcrli spcaliing of worship in general. In rile New

'I2sr;i11lr11r rile elenlcnrs ol'\\:orship are [he reading o f rhe Word of God,

rile l v e ; i c h i r ~ ~ of [he \Yol.d, pru\Ier, pr;iise in song, prcscnring rirhes ;ind

oli;rings ro God, and rht. observance o f rhe sacriimenrs. Tllc Rcgularive

I ' r i l~c i~ lc ;lpplics ro all ofrliese p;irrs ofworship. \Ye \\;ill no\\i lilnir our

disc~rssiol~ ro rhc pr;lise in song [liar \\re are ro offer ro God in \vorsIiip.

I r is rc:lclily ;~cl ino\ \~led~ed rl1;lr rlle Booli of Psalms \\.as provided for [he

\vorsliip of God. ?'he l'sulms, given b\l inspirarion of [he Hol\r Spirir, came our ol-.;I yc;lr vnricary ol'csl,cric~~ccs oi:rl~c f>coplc ofGod in rliis sinfill \\rorld.

'I'llcy, [IlcrcI-i>rc, conr;lin rlic :lgo~iics, rhc fears, rlic disrrcsscs, rhc lonclincss, as

\\lcll ;IS [llc jojrs, ;lsslll.aliics, promiscs of God's help, and rhe hopes of [he s ; l i~~[s . ' l ' l~~ls rlicY ; ~ r c b;lsed L I ~ ~ I I nnd conr;iin ;I gear cleal of rlle hisrosy of [lie

Old ' I~s[ ; l~ncnr . I\[ rhc s;l111c rimc rhey conr;lin rlir plxise h r God, \\rhich Hc

r i g l i ~ l ~ clcsCr-\lcs ;IS our Crcnror, ollr lllllcr, ;ind our Helper in cvely rimc of

~icccl. 'l'llcsc arc I>lc.;lsi~lg t o Gocl and [licsc arc \\rh;lt H c has \\:illcd thro~rgh

1n;lny ;~scs l o r I- lis ~>coplc lo sills ro Mis pr;lise.

'I 'llc l's;lI111s rhcmsclvcs bear wirnrss ro [he Lcr rhar God wnnrs [hem

lo bC S L I I I S ro Hini. 'l'lic \vord "sillg" a P P c ; w ~ d , o l ~ r r\\lel~ry rimes in rhc

csliorrnrion ro use rlic I'salms for re;lcIiing, admonishing, and singing

praise ro God in rllc Cliurcli. Tlic Iiposrolic Church liccdcd [his

csllorlnrion nnd \\.as blcsscd. \X/c s h o ~ ~ l d heed i r , roo. 'l'llcrc : ~ r c n feiv orher Nc~v~I is r ; lmenr passages, such ns James 5 : 13

("Is anvonc clic-crful! him sing psalms"), \vl~icli niigllr be considcrcci,

I,ur we havc considered [lie mosr significal~r pnssilges. I r sl lot~ld 175 clear

[liar rlicrc. is n o explicit aurliorizarion for inrroducing ne\ir, uninspircci

songs into rlic \\,orship of God . Iiarlicl., \vc nrc [old ro sing rhc inspired

1's;llrns ol' rlic 13iblc r l i ; l r Iiavc inspircd a n d srrengrhcned believers and

I~;l\,c slo~.if;cd rhc Name of Goci doivn rhrough rhe ;lgcs.

Cbnpte~ 5 A Brief History of Psalmody

G c 7 1 1 c p \\..' Spt,lz~. CHRISTIAS WOI~SHIP

p s d ~ i i ~ oI'lit111i;11i iolliposirion. \\.liiili ~ r o i ~ s c rhcm like r l i c srirring norcs 2nd rhc Ps,llrcr c~itrtlrcl iriro rlic \.car!. \\.,lr.p .111d \\.c-t'r ot'rllc- I I L I I I I ~ I ~ ~ . . ~ ~

01' rlic rrumpcr o t' rhc bnrrlcficld."-" mcliibcrs' li\.cs. 'I'

. lo counrcr rlic pc~.nicious irifluc~icc of rlic h!.mns of Iic.rcrics. ,I I r h;ls hcc~i s.iid rli . ir\.in die1 nor sr;i~id on rlic p r i~ i i i~> lc i>I'czilt~si\.c

I'~lIrmocl!. ;ind 12 i;rppc~lllz singing. 13ur [lie Z l i r r l i ~ r , in spite oFlong cusrc>nis

I I ; I V ~ rior \ C C I I 311y cvidcncc t l i ; l r rhcsc \\.ere ot'fici,~ll!. nppro\.ccl for ilsc in rhrt iolitr;ir>., C,iI\rin cscluilcil i~ i s t r t~mcnts ,11111 ~ ~ n i ~ i s ~ > i r c c l s o ~ l p t;.orii

t ~ ~ b l i c \\:orxllip. O n rlic contrnr-, i t sccrii\ ilc;lr r l i ; l r in the clli~rcli iouniils tlirt l~ubl ic \\fi>rsliip lc;i\~rts little di>i~l>t t l i ~ t lie l>~sccl liis sr:i~lcl i > ~ i pri~ic.i~>lc.

r1lc1.c \\ , ;~s ;i cffort to l i ~ i i i t tlic singing to tlic ilisl>ircd Ps.ilnis 01' 13uslicll, \vlio rcsc;irclicd rliis ri1,lrrer c .~ rc f III!. 11.1s rllc l;>llo\vinS r i> 5,1!.: I r is undcni;lblc liisro~.ii;ll t l l i r rl1;lr riori-c.,~noriic~,~I .soriss \\.c.r.c

csclirdcd from the C;rs~ic\.;i srt~-\.iics 2nd r l i ; l t this s r ~ t c ol';lli:~i~..; \\.:IS

Psalms During the Reformation due to C;iI\.i~i's i ~ i ~ l i ~ c n c e ;ind cIcsir.c.. 1 - 1 ~ is nor IikcI!. ro Il,lvc ~i>IIo\\,ciI

I 3 v rllc tiriic o~ ' r l l c I:cfor.n~;~tion, [lie C,~tliolic h ; ~ d dcnic-d such ;i coi~rsc unless lie t> l r tli;lt i t \v,is rccli~irccl seril>r~~r,lll!~, cs~>;~ll!.

tllc Ilil>lc ro rlie I;iity, i n c l u d i ~ i g tlle Ps;iltcr, a n d 1i;iti rcpl;l icd consiilrtri~ig the i~ilporta~icc th;ir 11c ,itt,lclic~i rz, ~ o r l ~ ~ . c ~ . l r i o ~ i . ~ l s i ~ l ~ i ~ l s .

co~~~~ .cg ; i r i on ; i I singing \\lit11 clior;il selections in 1,ntin. i \n import,int H c took grc;it p;ii~is to p11t roScrlicr ;I 1's.ilrc.r I;,I. osc i n S r ~ . ; ~ s l > o t ~ r ~ .

p;ll.r ol' rlic lic.l;,r~ilntion \v;is to return ro the Psnlrcr. T l ~ o u g l ~ 1.~1rlic.r. transl;iring ;I n i ~ m b c r of [lie 1's.llms Iiimscll: I-Ic i ~ i i l ~ ~ d ~ c l 110 I ~ ! , I I ~ I I . . ; ,

Iic~ltl r l i ; i t \vh;lt is riot forhidden in \\.orsl1ip is pcrmirrcd, nc\~crrhelcss he and th;lt in spire of thc tict r h , i r rhc co~i~rcgariori;l l b i r~gi~ ls o l ' l i y ~ i ~ ~ l s

lovctl tlic I's;~lnis. 1-Iis first t>i~blisllctl bool; \\Ins n Gcrnlnn tr;insl;~tion \v;ls ;in cstablishcd ordinnncc in Str.isbourg. 1-Ic\vcel sonic ol'

; ~ n d csposiriori ofr l ic scl7cn Pcnitcnrinl 1's;llms. B i ~ t Lur11c.r and orhcrs rllc Gcrnlan tunes but none ot' the lyrics, ;in11 t l i c choice niust Ii.~\,c

\ v r o ~ c ;i grc;it I IL I I I I .>C~ ot- I ly~i i~is . bccn drtlibcr:lte. There is ;ilso tlie he r , t l i ; ~ t , t l i r o t ~ ~ l i irs lollS 1lisror.y

In s11~rp ci~~irr ; is t , C;ilvin \\:rote no Iiymns ;ind the c l ~ i ~ r c l l prinred ol-dcvclopmcnt, rhc C;c~trc,1111 l ' j l~ l i i , t . ~ l e \ ~ e r included ;I singlc I i y~ i i~ i . "

orll,v t ~ i c l's;lltcr. T h e Ps;iltcr \v;is nor t>rct>nrccl (01. singing in ;I shorr B~~shc l l concludes:

rime, b ~ ~ r \virli p;lricnic C,iI\.in kept L I P the srtugglc to gcr i r coniplcted Cnlvin's o\vn practice, Iiis insistcncc o n tlic i ~ i s ~ > i r ~ i l st~pcrioriiy

;in11 in u\c. 111 tiler, r11c sinsing ot' tlic Psnl~iis in \ \ l o r s l ~ i ~ \v;is one ol'tht. O K tlie Ps;llms, and his dcKensc oKrhc. I<cguluri\~c I'rinii plc, ,111 poi111

ioriilitio~is 0 1 1 \\~llich C:llvin \\lo~lld return ro Gcnc\l;l ;lftcr his exile. toward rhc un;i\loidablrt conclusio~i r h , i r C;ilvin limircd Iiimsclt' to

C:;llvin rcrurncd to (.;rtnc\,a in 154 1 and rlie "first edition of rhc G~triwr the PS~IIIIS anel 3 fc\v Biblicnl song,s or p;iral>l~r;lscs .>cc;lusc hc r . io~~gl i t

l-l~lrlilnt. \\.;IS prinretl in 1542.""' Louis t3o~11.gcois proh;lblY composed i r woi~ ld be \vrong to d o orlier\visc." ,. -

I~I:II~!. ol-rlic ttlncs. ;ind i r w,is he \\:ho condi~ctcd nxin>r sessions of singins Beyond Gcnc\~n, the Psnlrcr bec ; i~ i~c \?el.y l>opi~.,ir. I I IC I-111~11e1io1.s

ir~sr r.~rcr io11 ro I;~mili;iri~c m,lri,v \ \ l i t li the l?-lrlri~t.. .l'hc pol>ul;iriry o f tllc lcn~.ncd rhc Psalms h!. Ilc.;irt ;~n t l ni;iny \\~lio wcrc hurncd n t [lie sr;ll;c

I'.itrl/~~1.\\~;1~ ; ~ s r o i ~ n d i ~ i s . Iri [lie first yc;ir ofPtrl.>lii;ltion 2 5 editions \ilcrc deP;1rrcd from this \vorld \\lit11 rhe 1's.llms o n tlicir lips. I r is ; \\:c I

I~.irlrcll , ;11id in 1 ;>~1r \.c;lrs 0 2 ctlitions follo\\lcd. Tlicrc is n o doubt th ; l t

t . 1 ~ 1's;llrcr s ~ ~ r i g in t l ic \vo~.ship of C;ocl ; ~ n d in man!! orhcr sirt~;itioris in 1's;ilnis only \vithour insrrirmc~its. (:oneernins rlic C:lii~rcli of 1'.1igl;11iil

lit;. \v;ls ;I l> i ) \vcr~ i~ l driving 1;) bclli~icl rhe spiritu;il rcfor~ilntion. BCIISOII \itsore:

, I . SI ,111 ti> 1L~iiI s;~ys: -111e 11y111r~ of 11i1m;in composi~rc, th;ir h;ld \vori so h;lrtlly rcsr ricrcd

'I'llc rll i~ig tli;ir rc;illy SrnbL>cd tlic colllmon man, rllc ordinary plncc in the l i t u r g of the Liltin Cl1ur.cl1, tli;lt I1;ld ilc\~clol>cd so

C:;klvirlisr soltlicr, \v;is so~l ic r l i ing 1i1~1ch 111orc rnirnd;inc; his P l ~ c ~ ~ o ~ i ~ i ; ~ l l in the Gcrn1;ln Ilet;)rmntion, is ~io\v cscludctl I;.o~il

C;I tcillctii;ll rr.ii~iirlg ;lnd [lie C O I I ~ ~ C ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ; I I singing of tile 1's;llnis. licfbrn~ccl \vorship. 'l'hc irispired songs 01' Scril>ti~rc, s~~bst ;~ri t i ;~l ly rlic

h,lorc t1i;in . k . I rlic tilie thcolugic;il rc;isoning, both rhc c;ltcchisrn Old Tcst;irnent I'snlrer, Ki11.nisI1 rllc excI~~s i \~e si~l>jccr-~li;~rrcr ~t '~>r.kisc.

Cbrtpte~ 6 The Blessings God Gives

Through the Psalms

/\ g1.c;" III;III \~ notcd Christinns ofall ages have found the Psalter to be ;I grc;lr l>lcssins. l'lcasc aIlo\v nie to q ~ ~ o t e tlirce of tllrni:

/\rl~anusius, a n influential, highly orthodos bishop ofAIesandl.ia, \vro[c in 367 :\.I). (;llicr naming nII ofthe 27 Looks of the NewTcstamcnt

t l ~ c til~ic): I I>clicve tllat a man can find nothing more glorious than these

1's;llms: for they embrace the whole life of a man, the affections of his mind, and the motions of his soul. To pruise 2nd glorik God lie c;lr~ sclcct ;I psnlm st1iti.d to evcqr occasion, and rhus will find they wcrc jirrirtcn for him. /\mbrosc, one ol-'thc strungesc leaders the CIILITCII had known, wrote

in ;tbot~t 385 ,\.I>.:

'1'11~ 1 . m ~ instrtlcts, 1iisto1-y informs, predicts, correction

C L ~ I I S ~ I ~ C S ;111~1 111or;lls eshorr. 111 rlle Book ofl'sal~ils yo11 find all of rhese. ? *

I Ilc l'snI[cr dcscr-vcs to be cnllccl rlic pr;~ise of God, the glory of man, tllc voice ol '~hc Cht~rcli, and [lit mosL bencl;cial conl-kssion of k~i t l~ . . ' "

1.11111cr, OI IC o f t l ~ c first reformers, wrote: vl ' l~c I'snltcr o ~ ~ g l i t to be a prccious ancl belo\~cl bool;, if for no

And the 1,evites \\rho \\.ere the singers, all those o f l i s aph a n d Heman and Jcdurl i~ln, with their sons and their brethren. stood at the cnst cnd of the altar, clothed in jvhite linen, havin: c!vnbals. srringcd insrrumcnts and harps, and jvith them onc h~lndred :inel rwcnry pricsrs sounding \\.it11 trumpets-indeed it came to p;lss, \\hen tlic rrLlnlpcters and singers were ns one, to make one sound to be lic;~rci in pr;lising ancl thanking the Lord and \vI~en they lifted 11p ~llcir voicc \\:ith trumpers and c>vnbnls and instruments of mllsic, nnd praiseel the Lord, saying "For H e is good, for His mercy cndurcs fore\rcr.'' t l i n t tlic house of thc Lord \vas filled \vith a cloud, so that tlic pricsrs could not contin~le ministering because oftlie cloud, for the glory oftlic 1,ord filled the house o f G o d . ( 2 Cliron. 5:12-14) Somc\vliat 1;lter \ve read of King Hezekinh restoring the Temple

\vorsh i p: And lie st;itioncd rlic Lcvites in thc Iiouse ofche Lord \vith cymbals,

\vicli stringed instr~lniencs, and with harps, according to the commnndment oFDn\rid, of Gnd the king's seer, and oFNathnn tlie I w o P l i ~ t , for t l i~ls \v;is the comm;lndment of the Lord by His prclplicts. ( 2 Cliron. 29:25) So i t is clcnr chat 311 ofthis ceremonial \vorsliip, including the singing

; ~ n d tlic I.>l;iying ofinstrumcntal worship, \vas ordained of God. David did not introdllce 311 ofthis simply because he liked it, but rather because (;od ord;lined it. And God ordained it because i t pleased Him.

Old Testament Worship was Changed to New Testament Worship

A grcnt clinngc tool< l>lncc when tlic Son of God bccanic flesh and clwvclt ntiiong 11s. -l'lic Old.Sestnmcllt ce;lsed to f~lnction because

out. (;rcbat I-ligh l'riesr wns among us. Tlie offering of ;I m~ll t i tude O F ; ~ n i m ; ~ l sacrifices cc;~sctl bccauseJesus, the Lamb of God, ot'fered Mimscll-- o11cc l o r ;dl His chosen people. Prayer changed because Jesus Christ opened ;I nc\v ;~ntI living \\lay into tlic Holy of Holies. T h c Old Testament ccrcmoninl ritl~nl \\ins cli;ingcd illto tlie NewrTcstnmclit patteni consisting o f ' t l ~ c rcadills of: rlic \Vord, prayer, praise, thc giving of all offerilig, the SCSIIIOII, atid tlie sacrilmcnts. I t is only natural that the m ~ ~ s i c would also cl~;ingc. /\ct11;111~ tlle Ne\v'Test;imcnt worship \\?as similar to the Jetvisll

GCIIC Spetz~.

\ v i ~ I l clccp menni11g;ind great joy 2nd grc;irer shll t l l a i ~ \ye n1igllt suppose. Acriially, churcl~cs rhnt sing n cnpr//n arc nblc to sing much bcrrer thnn tl~osc- \vho Ican on insrriimcnr;il nccompnniment. And as thcy train their voices ro SloriFy (;od, thcy are ablc ro cnio!, continual improvemer~t.

~liercforc, by Him let LIS contin~lnll!, offer rhc sacrifice of prnisr to (;od, tl1;it is rhc fruit O F our lips, giving thnnks to I-tis Name" (Hrb.

to be ;iddcd \vhich \\/as nor prcscribcd b!. God. 111 this passage God l,rcscribcs the fruit of our lips ns rllc pruisc that He clcsirrs. Thc morc we bcconlc Limiliar. wirh the l's31111s \\rhich \\re sing, the more \ve \ \ T i l l be lillcd with I.;iirh, assui.;ince, gratitude to God and joy in the Hal!. Spirit. 'I'llc joy wliich wns symbolized by instruments of music in the O l d '12sr;lment will now be cspressed by our voices as the \vords of prnisr I~roececI from our hearts. We nccd not offcr God any substitutcs, For nre c;111 oI-Sci. I-Iim the frllit ofour lips mnkil~g melody in our llcnrrs to the l.orcl. \Vorsliiping God nrith oils lips nrirh His inspired Psalms is very l>lc;ising to Gocl, ;lnd \vc \\lill reccive His rich blessings. \Ye cannor wirh 311 011s inventions improve it.

recordings ofthc Ps;llms bcing sung by choirs and special groups ofyoung Ixot>lc. To lisrcn ro the Ps;~lms being sung \ \ r i l l be n blessing ro ~ O L I , and

i t is ;I vcry fine wily to become fainilinr \\lit11 clines nrl~ich you may not now I.rnonr. These can be obtained from Crown &Covenant Publications, 7405 I'cnn Avr., Pittsburgh, PA 15205. Phonr: 41 2-241-0436. Web sitc: \\~\