(Christian pdf) NT - Greek For Beginners

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of (Christian pdf) NT - Greek For Beginners

John Calvin Hall
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John Calvin Hall
As the compiler of this eBook, I would like to dedicate this work to the two men who taught me to love Greek, and to love God's Most Precious Word. To the two men who I lovingly think of as my mentors: Mr. Jerry Lucas and Dr. Joel Mullenix of Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, Florida If God allows you to meet either, please extend to them my greatest and most heartwarming greetings. John Calvin Hall B.A. in Bible w/ Minor in Greek (PCC - 1993) M.A. in Biblical Studies (PCC - 1995) Oh yeh - This book is also dedicated to my brothers (and sisters) at PCC who are going through BL-101 and BL-102. Tuck this little ebook on yer' laptop! HOPE IT HELPS!
John Calvin Hall
Anyone who writes a Greek textbook and dedicates it to their mother must truly love Greek!
John Calvin Hall
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