Christian G. Pd.6. It all started when Capricorn Anderson was with his aunt. He was in a barn in...

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Transcript of Christian G. Pd.6. It all started when Capricorn Anderson was with his aunt. He was in a barn in...


Christian G.Pd.6


It all started when Capricorn Anderson was with his aunt. He was in a barn in the middle of no where in the middle of the pasture. He lives in a type of barn.

CHARACTERSCharacter Physical

CharacteristicsAdjectives of Personality

Text Evidence /Explanation of Adjectives

Character 1 1Capricorn Anderson

1Is a good teen and is a hippie

1When he went to a hippie school he was turned into a hippie like a brainwashing school

2brown hair 2Go to a hippie school

2he liked the hippie school so he turned into a hippie

3dresses like a hippie

3Likes his aunt rain

3He likes his aunt Rain to home school him but not anymore

Character 2 1Rain 1she is guardian of Capricorn Anderson

1She always home schooled Capricorn

2Brown hair 2likes to plum for plums

2she picked plums from the tree every month or week she loves pluming

3Old 3she likes homeschooling Capricorn

3she liked homeschooling Capricorn and she might stay with him homeschooling


Capricorn has to face a normal school he cant handle it being a hippie at a original school

Aunt rain feel off a tree so she has to go to a hospital


He is in house being house schooled Rain falls of the plum tree and goes to

a hospital Capricorn cant stay alone at his house

so he gets a school


One sentence theme for the book.

Text Evidence 1:page 12, Capricorn is talking about his life and where he lives

Text Evidence 2: page15,rain falls off the plum tree

Text Evidence 3:page 1,capricorn gets stooped by police.


Its 1 person view, cause he's talking only about his life


A plum, cause aunt rain fell off a plum tree

Hippie sign, it represents Capricorn being a hippie and then he went normal


I recommend NOT reading this book because it doesn’t teach a lesson or moral.