Christ Love International Newsletter April-June 2012

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Transcript of Christ Love International Newsletter April-June 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Christ Love International Newsletter April-June 2012

    1/ 2012 2nd Quarterly Newsletter

    International Christian Ministri









    olume 13 - Number 2 April - June 2012

    I have written a book titled, Love the

    Nature of God. Read it and you will know

    more about the love of God. Do you know

    what it means to love God with all your

    heart, wholeheartedly, not half-heartedlybut your whole heart?

    1. It means talking about Him most of the time.

    When you love someone wholeheartedly, you want

    to talk about him or her most of the time. You have

    their photographs in your wallet, ofce, home, etc.

    Its the same with God; my ofce and my home are

    full of scriptures. We should keep Him close to our

    hearts; we should talk about Him all the time, or

    most of the time. So, talk about Jesus most of the time

    if you love Him.

    2. It means putting Him rst in everything. He should

    be #1 in our lives. It should always be God rst, the

    family second and the church third. He wants to take

    the rst place in our lives.

    3. It means obeying Him. This is also very important. If

    you love Him, you will want to please Him by obeying

    His word and commandments. You dont want to

    grieve Him or break His heart by disobeying His

    Word. If you want to be close to God, then obey HisWord. To obey is better than sacrice, Amen. God

    will sometimes test you to see how much you truly

    love Him.

    4. It means fellowshipping with Him and wanting to be

    in His presence. You dont want to leave His presence

    Amen. You wont go to church and be looking at your

    watch. Your mind will dwell on Him.

    5. Lastly it means giving your life, your time and your

    money to Him. David said the zeal of your house has

    eaten me up.

    Loving GodBy Pastor Kkelomo Toun

    I John 4:20 says if a man says, I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar, for he that

    loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen.

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    EventsMay 23 to May 31st

    Medical Mission trip to Nigeria and Ghana

    Contact in Ghana- Pastor Michael Placca

    Satuay June 23Neighborhood Crusade, organized by Evangelist Silas Okoh

    Saturday, July 14th and Sunday July 15thYouth Revival Service and Youth Concert

    Guest speaker Evangelist Alex Kwentua.

    Theme: They shall mount up with wings

    as eagles.

    July 7tPastor Philip Toguns birthday

    Auust 10tPastors Toguns 38th wedding anniversary

    Satuay Auust 19tNeighborhood crusade organized

    by Evangelist Silas Okoh

    Monay Septembe 24t

    Pastor Kikelomo Toguns birthday.

    Satuay Octobe 6t65th birthday celebration for Pastors Togun

    Sunday November 11th @ 3:00 P.M.7th Annual Marriage Seminar by Pastors

    Sam and Ruby Ibkwe.

    Theme: The two shall be one.

    2012 2nd Quarterly Newsletter www.christloveinternationa

    Bible QuizBy Phlp Ademola Toun

    1. How long did Paul stay with the young church in Ephesus?

    2. God told this man to reduce his army of 32,000 to only 300.

    Who was he?

    3. From which book of the Bible is this quote: What does the

    Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to

    walk humbly with your God.

    4. Which is the shortest of Pauls epistles?

    5. Which is the longest chapter in the Bible?

    6. Who was deceived on his wedding night by his father-in-


    7. Who fell dead after he had lied about a property deal?

    8. Who conspired against his father, causing him to ee from

    Jerusalem with his entire household?

    9. Which king angered a witch because he had tried to deceive

    her by disguising himself?

    10. Which childless woman was jealous of her sisters fertility?

    See answers to the Bible Quiz on page 7.

    Praise Report1. We thank God for our 11th church anniversary. We give

    God the glory for a successful celebration, counting our

    blessings. Please see the pictures on page 4-5.

    2. We thank God also for our successful trip to Christlove, U.K.

    branch. It is Gods doing that we now have a branch in London

    U.K. The Assistant General Overseer is Pastor Jide Oni. Please

    see the pictures on page 6.

    3. We would like to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Dana

    Thomas who tied the knot on April 13th by Pastor Philip Togun.

    We wish them a happy married life. Amen

    PoemPastor Kkelomo Toun

    I want a world where there is no crime

    I want a world where there are no wars

    I want a world where there is peace and righteousness

    I want a world where everyone loves everyone!

    A world of peace and love

    A caring world

    A loving world

    This will happen only when the Prince of peace, Jesus

    Returns to the world to rule and to reign

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    The Toguns with the UK pastor, Jide Oni.

    Member reading poem (In Praise of God) at

    the launching.

    The Toguns with a member.

    Evangelist Theresa Akinwale, our mother in

    the Lord and board member UK.The Toguns at the church service.

    Sister Togun dancing at the launching.

    The church in UK.

    The Toguns launching the CD.Members during praise worship.

    The Toguns sightseeing.

    The pastors wife Femi Oni at the launching

    of her CD.

    The Toguns sightseeing.

    The pastor of the UK branch.

    Sightseeing in London.

    The Toguns (Chief Launchers) at the


    Double Decker bus in London.

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    Visit to Christlove International Church, London, U.KBy Dr. Phlp Toun

    We were guests of our London, U.K. branch of Christlove

    International Church from March 21, 2012 through March 27,

    2012. We were hosted by Pastor Babajide Oni, his wife, Femi and

    the entire membership of the church.It is a young, dynamic church whose membership is a picture

    of heaven (Revelation 7:9) multinational and multicultural.

    The young people that we met were zealous for the things of

    God Elton Shango, Abigail Frazier, Rashika Rampersad and

    Shaaban. By the time you read this piece, Elton and Abigail

    would have been married (April 14, 20012). We rejoice with

    them and thank God for a new Christian home.

    The church is aggressively evangelistic, with a two-pronged

    approach to reaching people for Christ one tailored to the

    youth, the other to adults. To this end three outreaches are

    conducted monthly in London, Weybridge, and Addlestone.

    Captioned FRIENDZ (John 15:15), it comprises Relationships

    and Health, Sports and Mission, Music and Auditions, Training

    and Development, Social Events and Charity, as well as Prayer

    and Counselling. The church has also embraced the new

    technology Face book, Twitter, YouTube and tumblr. for

    evangelistic purposes.

    Discipleship is a priority through their Christ Disciples

    Camp which is held Monday through Friday as well as on Sunday

    afternoon. This is a step in the right direction. Many churches

    today are lled with converts who have not been discipled.

    Our visit coincided with the launching of the rst album by

    Mrs. Femi Oni, the wife of Pastor Babajide Oni. My wife and I

    co-chaired the launching of the new CD. She is blessed with an

    angelic voice and we pray that more albums will follow. To Godbe the glory.

    We also spent some time on sightseeing in London with the

    help of Pastor Oni. Some of the attractions were Big Ben, The

    London Eye, a massive Ferris wheel which we refused to ride,(we

    were told that you could see much of London from the top of the

    Eye), Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge and

    London Bridge.

    We would like to express our gratitude to Pastor and Mrs.

    Oni and the entire congregation of Christlove International

    Church, London, U.K. for their love and generosity. We really

    enjoyed our time of fellowship with you and look forward to

    seeing you all, again. In the words of the immortal song of faith

    by John Fawcett:

    Blest be the tie that binds

    Our hearts in Christian love

    The fellowship of kindred minds

    Is like to that above


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    11th ANNIVERSARY - MARCH 18, 20

    Pastor Philip Togun at the anniversary.

    The Fasuyis

    Sister Togun dancing.

    Danny with Joy Obokhare and Sister Co

    The Toguns.

    Pastors Boone with Brother Silas.

    Sister Togun.The Akanjis from Mississippi.

    Sister Leara Lee from Tennessee.

    Sister Togun dancing.

    Adeline Faktor 7yrs singing.

    Sister Togun with Sister Ibekwe of

    HeCareth Ministry.

    The Akanjis from Mississippi during poem

    (In praise of God).

    The Toguns with visitors.

    The guest speaker and wife.

    Rev. Rotimi and Rev. Ayoade.

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    11th ANNIVERSARY - MARCH 18, 20

    Mary Lou Faktor with family.

    Sister Cora Scripture reading.

    Brother Alex leading the Praise worship.

    Joann and Pastor Mary with the children.

    Stella singing solo.

    The Toguns.

    Apostle Leonard Kelly

    Pastor Sam Ibekwe closing prayer.

    Rev. Rotimi on accordion from Texas. Rev. Ayoade from Texas.

    The Praise dance team. Brother Dwayne William on guitar.

    Thomas Awagu on Financial exhortation.

    The dance team relaxing before


    Children at the anniversary.

    Plenty of African food by Sister Soyebi


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    Prayer Points Pray for Mighty Revival in America. America started with

    God, pray that she will end it with God.

    Pray for wisdom for President Obama and all the leaders of this

    nation. Pray that Obama will make wise and godly decisions.

    Pray that In God we trust will remain on the currency of this nation.

    Pray for Gods blessings on Nigeria and Africa. Pray against

    corrupt leaders in Africa.

    Pray that prayer and Bible reading will return to schools in the USA.

    Pray for Revival all over the world.

    Pray for Israel, pray for peace in the Middle East.

    Pray for Gods blessings on Christlove International Ministry

    and church and all our outreach programs.

    Pray for American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, for Gods


    Pray for missionaries all over the world, for Gods protection.

    Pray for revival in India, Nepal, Asia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Africa,

    Europe, North & South America & Australia.

    Pray for persecuted christians all over the world, that there

    will be freedom of religion all over the world.

    Pray for all our events this year.

    Prayer of ConfessionThis is to give our readers the opportunity to give their lives

    to Jesus Christ or rededicate their lives if they have not already

    done so.

    Dear Jesus,

    I acknowledge my sins; I believe you came into this world to

    die for my sins. Please forgive me my sins and come into my

    life and take control of my life. Satan I renounce you in Jesus

    name, from today forward I belong to Jesus Christ. Thank you

    Jesus for forgiving me my sins and coming into my life. Amen.

    Believe he has come in. If you said this prayer in faith, write

    us and we will send you a Bible and some Christian Literature to

    help you with your walk with God.

    Christlove International Christian MinistriesP.O. Box 18686 | Shreveport, LA 71138-8686

    For more information visit our website:

    Prayer requests/counseling



    Contact us at:

    P: 318-869-2181 or 318-869-1204Cell: 318-617-0812 (Sister Togun)

    Cell: 318-617-1294 (Brother Togun)

    Fax: 318-869-1730


    Write to us at the above address.


    We would like to thank those supporting us prayerully

    and/or fnancially. May God richly bless you. Amen.

