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Global Classroom Module

Christina Anderson

July 12, 2012

EDTC 645

Dr. Allen Grant


Global Classroom Module

Pre-Planning Proposal

Designer:  Christina Anderson Summary:

My students will be participating in the Food for Thought Youth Project through iEARN. Students will be creating a healthy cookbook with their partner class, by collaborating on Wikispaces. They will also be posting healthy recipes to the Food for Thought Youth Project recipe website. By participating in this project my students will be meeting the standards for identifying healthy foods. They will also be applying and building on their nutrition knowledge. Students will also get a chance to learn about and interact with students from other cultures.

Background Concerning the School and the Group you are Working with:

This will take place at Magnolia Elementary School. It is located in Joppa, Maryland. Magnolia has about 400 students and is a Title 1 school. There is a large percent of students that qualify for free or reduced lunch, with about 83.5% of the students. The demographics at the school vary, 70% of the students are African American, 12% Caucasian, 9% Hispanic/Latino, and 9% two or more races (HCPS, 2011).

Time Frame: 

6 weeks- 2 units of 3 weeks each.

Subject and Grade Level: 

Physical Education, 5th Grade, Approximately 12 students

Proposed Topic and Rationale:

The topic of this unit is Food for Thought Youth project. Students will be identifying or creating healthy recipes to create a wiki cookbook with the partner class. They will also be posting recipes to the Food for Thought Youth projects website. This will help students identify healthy foods, making healthy food choices and understanding


nutrition. They will also be able to learn about other cultures and foods from that country.

Key Challenges:

My biggest challenge will be having enough time to complete the project. Since I only see the students once a week for 45 minutes, I will need to have a good relationship with the classroom teacher. She could complete some of the project in the classroom if needed. I will communicate with the classroom teacher about what we are doing and keeping her informed on the progress in case anything needs to be done in the classroom. I can also come to the classroom to help during open periods or planning.

Prior Knowledge:

I will need to make sure students have all the knowledge about nutrition and healthy foods. Students will need to know how to read food labels, identifying healthy foods, and how to make good food choices. The few classes before this unit starts I will review nutrition and healthy foods with the students, particularly reading food labels since that is what they have the most trouble with. Students will be assessed by worksheets and discussions. Since the class is so small I will be able to see clearly who needs extra help and who understands the concepts.  

Standards and Key Concepts

Content Standards:

Standard 4.0 Exercise PhysiologyStudents will demonstrate the ability to use scientific principles to design and participate in a regular, moderate to vigorous physical activity program that contributes to personal health and enhances cognitive and physical performance on a variety of academic, recreational, and life tasks.

An indicator under this standard is nutrition. Students will be able to identify healthy foods and recipes. They will be able to demonstrate the understanding of nutritional facts of recipes.

National Education Technology Standard for Students NETS (S):

Creativity and Innovation (ISTE, 2007)


Communication and Collaboration (ISTE, 2007)Research and Information Fluency (ISTE, 2007)Digital Citizenship (ISTE, 2007)Technology Operations and Concepts (ISTE, 2007) Global Theme:

The theme this project aligns with is the “Race and Ethnicity: Human Commonality and Diversity”. Students will be discussing foods in their cultures and will be celebrating cultural diversity by sharing recipes from their country. They will also be able to appreciate foods from their link classrooms country too.

Pre-Planning Steps:

1. Become a member of iEARN (new teacher registration opens Aug. 5, 2012)2. Locate a link teacher by posting in the Food for Thought forum3. Establish a relationship with the link teacher, by sending introductions and

school/class profile.4. Develop goals and objectives with link teacher5. Plan out lessons and schedule with link teacher6. Reserve computer lab coordinating to the schedule7. Create the wiki where students will be collaborating to make the recipe book 8. If parent permission is needed by administration send home a permission slip9. Get started, but stay in contact with link teacher during unit to make any needed


Technology Use:  

During this project students will be using computers located in the computer lab. They will be using the Internet to find or create healthy recipes. They will be typing up their recipes using Microsoft Word. Also, they will be posting their recipes to the wiki and to the food for thought youth project website. They will also be using the wiki to comment on other recipes that are posted.

Essential Question (s):

1. What are some healthy foods/recipes I can eat?2. How do I know they are healthy?3. What are some healthy foods from the country we collaborated with?4. What are some similarities and differences in the food between the two



5. What are some resources I can use on the Internet to find healthy recipes?

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan # 1 Summary:

This lesson will focus on the collaboration with the link class from another country to create a healthy recipe wiki. Students will be using the Internet to locate/create healthy recipes to post in the wiki. They will also need to describe why they think this is a healthy recipe.

Lesson Plan # 1 Starting Activity:

Students will be shown what a wiki is. They will also be shown different Internet resources to find healthy kid friendly recipes on. They will be shown a healthy recipe and a unhealthy recipe and we will have a class discussion on the differences.

Lesson Plan # 1 Formative Assessment:

Students will be assessed daily on their work locating healthy recipes and typing up their postings for the wiki. I will be checking their work and asking them about their healthy food choices.

Lesson Plan # 1 Summative Assessment:

I will be assessing the students’ final post on the wiki. I will be looking to see that they posted a healthy recipe and can be able to describe why they think they are a healthy option. They will also be required to comment on recipes posted from the link class.

Lesson Plan # 1 Major Assignment:

The major assignment for lesson plan # 1 is the creation of the collaborative healthy recipe wiki. The individual student’s recipes will be posted to the wiki towards creation of the recipe book. The final product will be a healthy recipe cookbook from two different countries.

Lesson Plan # 1 Differentiated Instruction:  


Students will have the opportunity to create their own healthy recipe or locate one online to share on the wiki. If a student needs extra help or time to finish the project, this can be provided during my planning periods, morning time, and before or after school.

Lesson Plan # 2 Summary:

This lesson will focus on the students participating in the Food for Thought Youth Project website. They will create healthy recipes or snacks to the website. It will be a different recipe than the one they used on the wiki. Students will be required to create their own recipe or snack this time. All recipes will be kid friendly.

Lesson Plan # 2 Starting Activity:

Students will be shown the Food for Thought Youth Project website and we will explore some of the recipes already posted for our country. Students will be given a list of ingredients to brainstorm in groups a recipe they could create. Groups will share their recipe creations with the class.

Lesson Plan # 2 Formative Assessment:

Students will be assessed daily on their work locating healthy recipes and typing up their postings for the wiki.

Lesson Plan # 2 Summative Assessment:

Students will be assessed daily while they are creating their healthy food recipes. I will be checking their work and asking the students about their healthy food choices.

Lesson Plan # 2 Major Assignment:

The major assignment for lesson plan # 2 is their posting of their recipe to the Food for Thought Youth Project website. Students will be graded on their post and reasoning on why they selected this as a healthy food recipe.

Lesson Plan # 2 Differentiated Instruction:  

Students will have the opportunity to create their own healthy recipe. Students will be able to use recipe resources if needed. If there is a student struggling they may work with a partner to complete this lesson If a student needs extra help or time to finish the project, this can be provided during my planning periods, morning time, and before or after school.


Statement of Revisions

No revisions were made, since all the comments were positive.

Detailed Lesson Plans- Lesson One

Lesson Title: Healthy Recipe Wiki

Grade Level/Subject Area:

5th Grade/Physical Education

Concept/Topic: This lesson will focus on the collaboration with the link class from another country to create a healthy recipe wiki. Students will be using the Internet to locate/create healthy recipes to post in the wiki. They will also need to describe why they think this is a healthy recipe.

Length of Lesson: 3- 45 minute lessons

Standards Addressed: (Local or National Standards)

MSDE Physical Education-Standard 4.0 Exercise Physiology Students will demonstrate the ability to use scientific

principles to design and participate in a regular, moderate to vigorous physical activity program that contributes to personal health and enhances cognitive and physical performance on a variety of academic, recreational, and life tasks.

National Education Technology Standard for Students NETS (S):

Creativity and Innovation (ISTE, 2007) Communication and Collaboration (ISTE, 2007) Research and Information Fluency (ISTE, 2007) Digital Citizenship (ISTE, 2007) Technology Operations and Concepts (ISTE, 2007)

Lesson Goals: To locate a healthy recipe and collaborate with our global classroom by posting it on the healthy recipe wiki.


Performance Objectives: After completion of this lesson students will be able to:

Use the Internet as a resource in order to locate or create a healthy food recipe

Identify why their healthy food recipe is healthy Collaborate with our link class by posting a healthy recipe

to a wiki page

Introduction: Students will be participating in the Food for Thought Youth Project through iEARN. Students will be creating a healthy cookbook with their partner class, by collaborating on Wikispaces. Each student will choose a healthy recipe to post on the wiki. Students will identify why their recipe is a healthy option. These activities will be taking place during physical education class.

Step-By-Step Procedures:

Class 1

Introduction to the students

Explain to the students that they will be participating in special project. Tell the students about the iEarn website and show the students the Food for Thought Youth Project. Explain to the students that we have a link class that we will be collaborating with to create a healthy recipe wiki.

Warm-Up Activity

Students will be shown what a wiki is. They will also be shown different Internet resources to find healthy kid friendly recipes on. They will be shown a healthy recipe and an unhealthy recipe and we will have a class discussion on the differences.

Presentation/Discussion on link class country

The class will have a discussion about the country the link classroom is from. The teacher will show a brief presentation about the country that includes graphics, so the students get an understanding of who they are collaborating with. **This all will vary depending on what


country you are linked with**

Start Research

Students will use the Internet to start brainstorming and finding good resources they can use to choose their healthy recipe.

Class 2

Warm-Up Activity

Review with the students how to conduct a safe internet search and how to identify reliable resources. Students will also be given examples on how to reference the sources they use.

Continue Research

Students will continue with their research from the previous lesson.

Students will choose a healthy recipe and cut and paste it into a word document, make sure they reference their source.

Students will try to locate a graphic that goes with their recipe. Students will be required to cite their graphic.

Students will start to brainstorm ideas/start writing on why their recipe is considered healthy. Only a short explanation is required.

Class 3


Demonstrate and walk students through the steps on how to post their submission to the healthy recipe wiki on Wikispaces.

Continue with explanation

Students will retrieve their saved document from the last


lesson. They will finish writing why their recipe is healthy. Students will proofread their explanation. When they are

done the teacher will read their explanation and okay it. Once teacher approves submission they may post their

document in the collaborative healthy recipe wiki. Students will to read and comment on the recipes the link

class has posted in the wiki.

Technology Requirements:

Microsoft WordComputer & Internet accessiEarn accountSmart Board to show class demonstrations/presentations


Related URLs:

Assessment Based on Objectives:

Students chose a healthy recipe, -teachers will read the recipes to check if they are healthy or not

Students wrote a short narrative explaining why the recipe is healthy- see rubric below

Students posted their recipe in the class wiki-teacher will check to make sure student posted a recipe

Follow-Up: If permission allows as a class we will choose one recipe our link class posted to make in school and students will get an opportunity to taste the recipe.

Classroom Management:

To save time communicate with the classroom teacher to let them know to meet you at the computer lab instead of the gym. Students will be reminded on computer lab rules and expectations. The teacher will constantly be monitoring the students, reading their work, giving comments, and asking students questions to engage learning.


(special needs / gifted & talented)

If a student needs extra help or time to finish the project, this can be provided during my planning periods, morning time, and before or after school. Gifted and talented students can also help assist other students during class.


Comments / Notes: Reserve the computer lab in advance. Since I only see the students once a week for 45 minutes,

I will need to have a good relationship with the classroom teacher. She could complete some of the project in the classroom if needed. I will communicate with the classroom teacher about what we are doing and keeping her informed on the progress in case anything needs to be done in the classroom. I can also come to the classroom to help during open periods or planning.

Persuasive Essay: Why my recipe is healthy...

Teacher Name: Mrs. Anderson

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY4 - Above Standards

3 - Meets Standards

2 - Approaching Standards

1 - Below Standards Score

Support for Position

Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement. The writer anticipates the reader\'s concerns, biases or arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-argument.

Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement.

Includes 2 pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement.

Includes 1 or fewer pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences).


Accuracy All supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately.

Almost all supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately.

Most supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately.

Most supportive facts and statistics were inaccurately reported.

Grammar & Spelling

Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Sources All sources used for quotes, statistics and facts are credible and cited correctly.

All sources used for quotes, statistics and facts are credible and most are cited correctly.

Most sources used for quotes, statistics and facts are credible and cited correctly.

Many sources are suspect (not credible) AND/OR are not cited correctly.

Date Created: Jul 18, 2012 11:27 pm (CDT)

Copyright © 2000-2007 Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia ALTEC

Detailed Lesson Plans- Lesson Two

Lesson Title: Food for Thought Youth Project Website

Grade Level/Subject Area:

5th Grade/ Physical Education

Concept/Topic: This lesson will focus on the students participating in the Food for Thought Youth Project website. They will create healthy recipes or snacks to the website. It will be a different recipe than the one they used on the wiki. Students will be required to create their own recipe or snack this time. All recipes will be kid friendly.

Length of Lesson: 3- 45 minute lessons


Standards Addressed: (Local or National Standards)

MSDE Physical Education-Standard 4.0 Exercise Physiology Students will demonstrate the ability to use scientific

principles to design and participate in a regular, moderate to vigorous physical activity program that contributes to personal health and enhances cognitive and physical performance on a variety of academic, recreational, and life tasks.

National Education Technology Standard for Students NETS (S):

Creativity and Innovation (ISTE, 2007) Communication and Collaboration (ISTE, 2007) Research and Information Fluency (ISTE, 2007) Digital Citizenship (ISTE, 2007) Technology Operations and Concepts (ISTE, 2007)

Lesson Goals: To create a healthy recipe or snack to post on the Food for Thought Youth Project website.

Performance Objectives: After completion of this lesson students will be able to:

Create their own healthy recipe or snack Identify why their recipe/ snack is healthy and the

nutritional values Collaborate with other cultures by submitting their

recipe/snack to the Food for Youth Project website

Introduction: Students will be creating one healthy food/snack recipe. They will give an estimated nutritional value for their food and identify why the recipe they chose is a healthy option. Students will be submitting these healthy recipes/snacks to the Food for Thought Youth Project recipe website. These activities will take place during physical education.

Step-By-Step Procedures:

Class 4


Explain to the class that we will be continuing our project, but in a different direction.


Warm-Up Activity

Students will be shown the Food for Thought Youth Project website and we will explore some of the recipes already posted for our country. Students will be given a list of ingredients to brainstorm in groups a recipe they could create. Groups will share their recipe creations with the class.

Project Details

Students will be explained what their project assignment is.

They are required to create their own healthy recipe. Each recipe must have estimated nutritional values. They will use to find nutritional values for their recipes. They will need to search each ingredient in order to come up with the total value.

Once the students have their recipe complete with the nutritional values the students will have to write a short explanation on why their recipe is a healthy option.

Students will then submit their recipe to the Food for Youth Project website.


Students will use the internet if needed to start to brainstorm/create their idea for a healthy recipe.

Students will begin type their recipe in Microsoft Word and save the file to use for next class.

Class 5


Students will be given a simple 4 ingredient recipe and will be required to find the nutritional value of it by using

We will share/discuss the right answer using an interactive whiteboard.

Continue Recipe Creation

Students will continue creating their recipes and locating


all nutritional information. Students will write healthy option explanation Everything must be typed in Microsoft Word.

Class 6


On the interactive whiteboard the students will be shown an example of an unhealthy recipe. We will have a class discussion on why this recipe is not healthy and what changes we can make to it for it to become a healthy option.

Finish Recipe Creation

Students will need to finish typing up their recipe creation, nutritional values, and explanation.

Once completed the teacher will come over and give it one final look over. (Teacher should be reviewing these throughout each class)

Food for Thought Project Website

The teacher will give a demonstration on how to post their document into the Food for Thought website.

Students will post their document to the website.

Review of Website

If any time is left, students can look through some of the recipes already posted.

Technology Requirements:

Microsoft WordComputer & Internet accessiEarn accountSmart Board to show class demonstrations/presentations


Related URLs:


Assessment Based on Objectives:

Students create a healthy recipe,-teachers will read the recipe to make sure it is completed

Students will identify nutritional values of the recipe-see rubric below

Students wrote a short narrative explaining why the recipe is healthy- see rubric below

Students posted their recipe to the website-teacher will check to make sure student posted a recipe

Follow-Up: We will visit the website during class to see if any of our submitted recipes were posted on the website. If permission/time allows we can choose one recipe to create and videotape for a submission to the website.

Classroom Management:

To save time communicate with the classroom teacher to let them know to meet you at the computer lab instead of the gym. Students will be reminded on computer lab rules and expectations. The teacher will constantly be monitoring the students, reading their work, giving comments, and asking students questions to engage learning.


(special needs / gifted & talented)

Students will have the opportunity to create their own healthy recipe. Students will be able to use recipe resources if needed. If there is a student struggling they may work with a partner to complete this lesson If a student needs extra help or time to finish the project, this can be provided during my planning periods, morning time, and before or after school. Gifted and talented students can also help assist other students during class.


Comments / Notes: Reserve the computer lab in advance. Students should already have the knowledge on how to

read food labels. Since I only see the students once a week for 45 minutes,

I will need to have a good relationship with the classroom teacher. She could complete some of the project in the classroom if needed. I will communicate with the classroom teacher about what we are doing and keeping her informed on the progress in case anything needs to be done in the classroom. I can also come to the classroom to help during open periods or planning.

Persuasive Essay: Why my recipe creation is healthy...

Teacher Name: Mrs. Anderson

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY4 - Above Standards

3 - Meets Standards

2 - Approaching Standards

1 - Below Standards Score

Support for Position

Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement. The writer anticipates the reader\'s concerns, biases or arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-argument.

Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement.

Includes 2 pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement.

Includes 1 or fewer pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences).


Accuracy All supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately.

Almost all supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately.

Most supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately.

Most supportive facts and statistics were inaccurately reported.

Grammar & Spelling

Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Sources All sources used for quotes, statistics and facts are credible and cited correctly.

All sources used for quotes, statistics and facts are credible and most are cited correctly.

Most sources used for quotes, statistics and facts are credible and cited correctly.

Many sources are suspect (not credible) AND/OR are not cited correctly.

Math - Problem Solving: Nutritional Values

Teacher Name: Mrs. Anderson

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Mathematical Errors

90-100% of the nutritional values have no errors.

Almost all (85-89%) of the nutritional values have no errors.

Most (75-84%) of the nutritional values have no errors.

More than 75% of the nutritional values have no errors.

Neatness and Organization

The work is presented in a neat, clear, organized fashion that is easy to read.

The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read.

The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times.

The work appears sloppy and unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together.



Harford County Public Schools. (2011). Magnolia elementary school profile. Retrieved

June 25, 2012 from

iEARN. (2011). Food for thought: Recipe book. Retrieved June 25, 2012 from

ISTE: International society for technology in education. (2007). Nets for students 2007.

Retrieved June 26, 2012 from


MSDE. (2009). Standard 4 exercise physiology physical education grade 5. Retrieved

June 26, 2012 from


Rubistar. (2012). Retrieved July 18, 2012 from

Self Nutrition Data. (2012). Retrieved July 20, 2012 from

Wikispaces. (2012). Retrieved June 25, 2012 from


Global Classroom Model Rubric

Criteria 4 (90-100) 3 (80-89)) 2 (70-79) 1 (Below 70) Total/100

Effective Introduction Section

The introduction clearly and thoroughly states the main outcomes of the module and includes an overview of expected activities.

The rationale for the module is clearly stated and makes strong and convincing global connections to the selected curricular outcomes and topic and technology

standards. The rationale includes a statement that outlines the benefits for both partner classrooms.

The introduction states the main outcomes of the module, but may be vague in spots.

The introduction provides an overview of expected activities, but may include a few gaps.

The rationale for the module is stated and makes mostly convincing curricular, technology and global connections, but the connections, particularly to the global outcomes and the partner classroom benefits may be vague or incomplete in places.

The introduction addresses outcomes, but these may be missing key elements. Or, while the outcomes are mostly complete, the overview of expected activities may have serious gaps.

The rationale for the module may be weakly stated and makes unclear global connections to the selected

curricular topic and/or fails to express the benefits for both classrooms.

The introduction fails to state the main outcomes of the module and does not include all expected activities.

There is no rationale for the module and global connections to the topic are

not made. There is no statement regarding the benefits for both partner classrooms.


Integration of Technology and Global Networks

Module contains required technology, including the well-structured use of a global network. All associated web links are active. The module contains readings,

Module contains required technology, including the use of a global network. Most associated web links are active. The module contains most readings, worksheets,

Module contains required technology, including the limited use of a global network. There may be some inactive links. The module contains readings, worksheets, screen shots,

Module does not contain required technology. No global network is used. There are inactive links and a lack of relevant materials.



screen shots, etc.

The module addresses with insight the steps needed for connecting with the partner school, as well as the challenges of global networks and how to overcome them.

screen shots, etc. that are relevant to the project. The module describes some steps for connecting with the partner school, the challenges involved, and potential solutions, but could be more thorough or specific.

etc. that are limited in their relevance to the project. The project is unclear or vague about steps involved in connecting with the partner school.

Well Integrated Content Standards and Global Standards

Virtually all parts of the Module contain strong connections between the Content and Global Standards and Essential Questions. The assignment contains extremely well thought through and penetrating questions that connect well with all other elements

Module contains some strong, but also some weak connections between content and global standards and Essential Questions. The assignment contains some good questions that connect somewhat with all other elements

Module contains weak connections between global and content standards and Essential Questions. The assignment contains questions not always well framed or connected to the major elements

Module contained limited or non-existing connections between global, content standards and Essential Questions. The assignment contains poor choice of questions and connections between the module’s other major elements


Writing The assignment is written with proper mechanics. There are no spelling, grammar or APA errors. The writing is well-organized, clear, and well-developed.

The majority of the assignment is written with proper mechanics. There are fewer than 3 spelling, grammar or APA errors.

The assignment has many issues with proper mechanics. The assignment contains more than 3, but fewer than 10 spelling, grammar or APA errors.

The assignment has severe issues with mechanics. There more than 10 spelling, grammar or APA errors.


Lesson Details The module The module The module The module /20


and Differentiation of Instruction.

includes two detailed and effective lesson plans, with a complete explanation of where each lesson fits in the module how you will differentiate instruction. The module includes two assessments/

major assignments, and the associated rubrics.

includes two detailed lesson plans, with an explanation of where each lesson fits in the module and how you will differentiate instruction. The module includes two assessments/

major assignments, and the associated rubrics.

includes one or two detailed lesson plans. There may be an explanation of where each lesson fits in the module and how you will differentiate instruction. The module includes a weak representation of the assessments/

major assignments, and the associated rubrics.

fails to include detailed lesson plans. There is no mention of differentiation of instruction, assessments or rubrics.
