CHPP Fracture

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of CHPP Fracture

  • 8/6/2019 CHPP Fracture


    Fracture Mechanics ofPolymers

    Rowan W. Truss

    The University of Queensland

  • 8/6/2019 CHPP Fracture


    Polymer Fracture Mechanics

    fracture: creation of new surfaceswithin a solid

    compare yield & deformation:maintains continuity

    Fracture mechanics usually dealswith brittle fracture: little plasticdeformation before fracture

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    Energy Approach:Basic concept

    n Creation of a new surface requiresenergy (R): surface energy + local

    deformation/rearrangements etc.n Energy supplied by: stored elastic

    energy + work done by external

    forcesn Other energy loss terms: kinetic

    energy, bulk plastic deformation, etc

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    Energy balance

    P = load

    = displacementU = internal energy

    J or G = strain energy release rate

    Ek = kinetic energy

    Ep = plastic deformation energy

    P d = dU + J dA + dEp +dEk

    At fracture J = R

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    Linear Elastic FractureMechanics

    n Elastic energy associated withplastic deformation small

    n Linear obeys Hookes Lawn Stress Strain

    n Quasi-static kinetic energy term


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    Tearing of Rubbers

    Energy balance concepts of Griffith(brittle glasses) extended to tearing of

    rubbers by Rivlin & Thomas -1952at crack growth

    = - dE/dA

    = energy required to produce unit areaof crack, A

    dE/dA = energy release rate per unitarea of crack

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    Tearing of Rubbers

    Ideally rubbers are non-linearelastic

    little energy dissipation remotefrom the crack tip

    Note: analysis is not dependent onlinear elastic behaviour

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    W is strain energy density atstrain , VC volume of region C

    example: pure shear sample

    Region A:

    contains crack - unstressed

    EA = 0

    (strain energy density)Region B: around crack tip -

    complex stress field,EB = ?

    Region C: in pure shearEC = VC W

    Region D: near surface,stress state complex


    = ?

    A B C D

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    pure shear sample

    when crack extends An Size of Regions B and D remain the same,


    Region A expands at expense of Region Ci.e. material with strain energy density, W,

    is converted material with zero strain

    E = -WVC = -W t l0 aand

    -dE/dA = = 1/2 W l0

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    Development of LinearElastic Fracture Mechanics

    n all materials are imperfect

    i.e. they contain flaws or small

    cracksn these cracks can grow to cause

    brittle fracture

    n cracks propagate only whenspecific energy conditions met

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    LEFM energy balance

    n linear elastic solid,containing crack of

    length, an loaded to P, with a

    load point deflection


    work done by load is1/2P

    n stored as elasticstrain energy, U

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    LEFM energy balance

    n Crack grows by da, requiresenergy Rn

    New surface energyn Localised plastic deformation


    Energy comes fromn Work done by external loads

    n Release of strain energy

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    LEFM energy balance

    define the strain energy release rate,G

    G = Pd/da dU/da

    which reduces to

    G = P2dC/da

    where C = compliance = /P

    1c (Irwin- Kies)

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    Compliance methods

    Obtain G1c from the fracture load and thechange in compliance with crack length

    Rate of change of compliance with cracklength

    n Measured experimentally

    n Calculated from elasticity theory

    n Finite elements calculations

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    alternative approach:Stress analysis

    stresses at point near tip of a crack

    x= {K /r} fx ()

    y= {K /r} fy ()

    z= {K /r} fz ()

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    Stress intensity factor, K1

    n Stress field around crack tip describedby term, K (Stress intensity factor)

    n 1 refers to mode 1 opening

    n Crack grows when stress field reachessome critical dimension,

    ie at critical K, K1c (fracture toughness)

    K1c = Y (a)1/ 2

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    and G1c

    n K1c and G1c are related through themodulus, E

    K1c2 = E* G

    where E = E , plane stress

    E = E/(1-2) , plane strain

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    Plastic Zone

    n Crack causes stress concentration

    n High stresses yielding & plasticdeformation at crack tip

    n near centre of thick section - high constraint-zone is small

    n at surface no constraint - large zone


    Measured K depends on size of plastic zonen Minimum value of K obtained when

    specimen so thick that effect of large zoneat the edges negligible

    (so called plane strain conditions)

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    Zone shape

    n Assuming vonMises criterion foryield, plastic zoneis rounded lobe atcrack tip

    n most polymers

    form extendedzone coplanar withthe crack



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    Craze Microstructure

    n voids and polymerfibrils across the

    surfaces (40-60%void)

    n can still support load- not true crack

    n final fracture occursby tearing mid-rib ofcraze

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    Fracture surface - SEM

    n fracture surfaceshows remnantsof high local

    plasticityn local plasticity

    absorbs energy

    n toughening


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    plane strain

    Plastic zone size, Rp

    = 1/2(K1c


    )2 plane stress

    = 1/6 (K1c/y)2 plane strain

    = /8 (K1c/y)2 line zone

    To ensure plane strain need Rp to be severaltimes smaller than specimen dimensions

    a, W-a, B > 2.5(K1c/y)2

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    Strategies to obtain planestrain K


    n Increase the sample dimensions (notalways possible)

    n decrease the temperature (y increaseswith decreasing T faster than K1c)

    n increase the pressure (as for decreasing T)


    apply brittle surface layer or estimate theenergy from plane stress region

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    J testing

    n Samples loaded to different displacements togive different amounts of crack growth, a

    n specimens unloaded, broken open, measure a

    nJ computed from area under load-displacement curve

    J = 2 (U-Ui)/B(W-a)

    where U - energy at given displacement,

    Ui indentation energy,

    B, W - specimen thickness and width resp.

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    J testing

    n Plot J v. an construct blunting line

    J = COD = 2 y ay is yield stress

    n intersection of blunting line and J- a

    line taken as Jc

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  • 8/6/2019 CHPP Fracture


    Essential work of fracture

    Deep notched samples

    assumes failure energy partitioned

    into two:n essential work of fracture, we , thin

    process zone co-planar with notch,scales as ligament area

    n plastic energy in yielded zone,scales as ligament area squared

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    Essential work of fracture


    U = we B(W-2a) + wp (W-2a)2

    where is a geometricconstant

    plot of U/ B(W-2a) v. (W-2a) shouldgive straight line with intercept of weand slope of wp

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