Choosing Your Courses Guide

Post on 10-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Choosing Your Courses Guide



TABLE OF CONTENTSUse this document along with the Glossary of Terms to complete the Course Planner, both of

which are available on the Get Started website,

Non Co-op Biological SciencesComputer ScienceHumanites or Social SciencesJournalismManagementNeuroscienceNew Media StudiesParamedicinePre-Program ManagementPsychologySciences


Co-op Co-op Arts ManagementCo-op Cell & Molecular BiologyCo-op Computer ScienceCo-op HumanitesCo-op Internatonal Development StudiesCo-op ManagementCo-op Management & Informaton TechnologyCo-op NeuroscienceCo-op PsychologyCo-op SciencesCo-op Social Sciences


Concurrent Teacher Educaton Program

CTEP – Arts: FrenchCTEP – Mathematcs & Physical Sciences


Frequently Asked Questons

What do I do if I want to complete a program that I was not directly accepted into out of high school?

What do I do if I want to switch out of a program that I was directly accepted to out of high school?

What should I do if I’m considering professional or graduate school?

People have told me my grades may drop. What can I do to make sure that I stll get high grades in university?

What are the limited enrolment programs at UTSC?






NOTE! If a word is bolded and underlined, it is a term in the Glossary of Terms. Look it up!



What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Biological Sciences student. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.).

As a Biological Sciences student, you receive priority selecton of the frst year biology courses. However, you must stll apply to be accepted to the various Biological Sciences programs at the end of your frst year of studies.

How do I select courses?

1. In order to be eligible to apply for all Biological Sciences programs, you must complete a minimum of 4.0 full credits including 1.0 credit in Biology, 1.0 credit in Chemistry, and 0.5 credits in Mathematcs or Statstcs.

To appropriately select your frst year courses, review the “Year 1 Suggested Course Sequence” (see Calendar) for the Biological Sciences program(s) that you would like to complete.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

How do I apply to the Biological Sciences programs?All Biological Sciences programs (excluding the Minor in Biology) are limited enrolment programs (see Subject POSt in Glossary). In order to be eligible to apply for all Biological Sciences programs, you must complete a minimum of 4.0 full credits including 1.0 credit in Biology, 1.0 credit in Chemistry, and 0.5 credit in Mathematcs or Statstcs. Additonally, you must apply on ROSI during specifc tme periods. To learn more about the applicaton dates and to gain specifc applicaton instructons, review the Subject Post informaton on the Registrar’s website.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to get accepted to a Biological Sciences program?Admission is compettve and based on your cumulatve grade point average. You must have a cumulatve grade point average of 2.0 or above to be considered.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Computer Science student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.).

How do I select courses?

1. Unless otherwise stated in your Ofer of Admission, you have been admited to a Specialist Program in Computer Science. The next step is to select program requirements for your program. Detailed program requirements for Computer Science can be found in the Calendar. It is best to select courses in priority sequence, taking the introductory courses (A and B-level) before the advanced courses (C and D-level); make sure you take the prerequisites and corequisites. This link will help you learn how to read a course descripton.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

What else should I consider as a Computer Science student?You are required to maintain a cumulatve grade point average of 2.0 or higher throughout the Program.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Humanites or Social Sciences student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.) or Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.).

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. Unless otherwise specifed on your admission leter, you have not been accepted to a Specialist, Major or Minor program. As a result, you need to identfy the program(s) that you would like to complete. A full list of programs ofered can be found in the Calendar under “ Guide to Programs & Courses Listed.”

2. Determine if the program(s) are limited or unlimited program(s) (see Subject POSt in Glossary). If the program you are interested in is a limited enrolment program there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton. Limited enrolment programs commonly list the courses you must complete in frst year in order to apply to the program. Additonally, there is ofen minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. If you are interested in pursuing a limited enrolment program, be sure to pay atenton not only to the program requirements, but to the Program Admission Requirements as well. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of limited enrolment programs.

3. Once you have selected your program(s), use the Calendar to identfy the specifc program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses. If you are interested in any limited enrolment program(s), ensure that you select the courses needed to apply to the program(s) afer frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that VPAA12H lists VPAA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete VPAA10H before you complete VPAA12H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

4. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

5. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Journalism student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A).

As Journalism is a Joint Program, in additon to completng the requirements for an H.B.A., students may also qualify for a diploma from Centennial College. If interested, students must undertake one additonal semester in a feld placement and complete a short non-credit course on journalism career management at Centennial.

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. As you have been directly admited to a program, this part is done.

2. The next step is to select your program requirements. Detailed program requirements for Journalism can be found in the Calendar, including a list of mandatory frst year courses found under the heading “Guidelines for 1st year course selecton.” Centennial courses (JOUxxxH3) are taken in the third and fourth years of the program. Do not forget to ensure that you have all prerequisites and corequisites necessary to take a course. Use this resource to help you read Calendar course descriptons.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

What else should I consider as a Journalism student?You are required to maintain a cumulatve grade point average of 2.0 or higher afer completon of frst year to remain in the Program.

Courses required for this Program are taught at both UTSC and at Centennial College. Students must be registered on a full-tme basis while at Centennial College. This may include evenings and weekends.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Specialist Program in Management. The degree that you are working toward is a Bachelor of Business Administraton (B.B.A)

How do I select courses?

1. As a Management student, you are required to follow the course requirements of one of the Specialist Programs in Management.

To appropriately select the frst year courses for your program, review the Guidelines for Course Selecton for First-Year Students in Management Programs leading to the B.B.A. (found in the Calendar) and follow the course selecton instructons for “Non Co-op Students directly admited to the B.B.A”. These Guidelines will specify the Management courses you must complete in frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that MGTA04H lists MGTA03H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete MGTA03H before you complete MGTA04H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to ensure that I remain in the Management Program?You must maintain an overall cumulatve grade point average of 2.0 to remain in the program.

How do I enroll in another Management Specialist program (for example, the Specialist in Management and Accountng)? If you have been directly admited to the Specialist Program in Management, you can easily change to another Management program by visitng the Program Advisor for Management. You can make this change at any tme during the year.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Neuroscience student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc).

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. Unless otherwise stated in your Ofer of Admission, you have been admited to a Specialist Program in Neuroscience.

2. The next step is to select your program requirements. Detailed program requirements for Neuroscience can be found in the Calendar, including a recommended list of courses for Neuroscience students to take in frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Use this resource to help you read Calendar course descriptons.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in the Arts, you could consider choosing VPAA10H & VPAA12H during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

What else should I consider as a Neuroscience student?You are required to maintain a cumulatve grade point average of 2.5 to remain in the Specialist program. Students whose CGPA at the end of frst year is between 2.0 and 2.49 must transfer to the Major program or to a diferent area. See that Calendar for more informaton.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a New Media Studies student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.).

As New Media Studies is a Joint Program, in additon to completng the requirements for an H.B.A., students may also qualify for a diploma from Centennial College.

How do I select courses?

1. Select the program requirements for New Media Studies. A list of mandatory frst year course requirements for the New Media Studies program can be found in the Calendar under the heading “Guidelines for 1st year course selecton”.

2. Identfy other Major program(s) you are interested in completng. Afer your frst year, you will be required to select a second Major program in additon to your Major in New Media Studies.

3. Determine if the second Major that you are considering is a limited or unlimited program (see Subject POSt in Glossary). If the program you are interested in is a limited enrolment program there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton. Limited enrolment programs commonly list the courses you must complete in frst year in order to apply to the program. Additonally, there is ofen minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. If you are interested in pursuing a limited enrolment program be sure to pay atenton to the program requirements as well as the Admission Requirements. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of limited enrolment programs.

4. Once you have selected the Major program(s) that you are interested in completng, use the Calendar to identfy the specifc program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses. If you are interested in any limited enrolment program(s), ensure that you select the courses needed to apply to the program(s) afer frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that VPAA12H lists VPAA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete VPAA10H before you complete VPAA12H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs. Use this resource to help you read Calendar course descriptons.

5. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

6. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

11What else should I consider as a New Media Studies student?You are required to maintain a cumulatve grade point average of 2.0 or higher to remain in the Program.

Courses required for this Program are taught at both UTSC and at Centennial College. Students must be registered on a full-tme basis while at Centennial College. This may include evenings and weekends.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Paramedicine (PMD) student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.).

As Paramedicine is a Joint Program, in additon to completng the requirements for an H.B.Sc., students also qualify for the Paramedic Diploma from Centennial College, and are then eligible to take the Ministry of Health exams required to qualify as a Primary Care Paramedic.

How do I select courses?

1. The frst step is to select your program requirements. Detailed program requirements for Paramedicine can be found in the Calendar, including a list of suggested frst year courses found under the heading “Suggested Program Sequence”. All PMD courses are taught at Centennial College.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Use this resource to help you read Calendar course descriptons.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in the Arts, you could consider choosing VPAA10H & VPAA12H during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

What else should I consider as a Paramedicine student?You are required to maintain a cumulatve grade point average of 2.0 or higher to remain in the program. Courses required for this program are taught at both UTSC and at Centennial College. Students must be registered on a full-tme basis while at Centennial College. This may include evenings and weekends.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as Pre-Management student. As a Pre-Management student, you must apply for admission to Bachelor of Business Administraton (B.B.A) programs at the end of your frst year of studies.

How do I select courses?

1. The frst step is to select the frst year program requirements for a Specialist in Management program. You must complete these program requirements in order to apply for a Specialist Program in Management at the end of your frst year. See the Management secton in the Calendar ttled “Guidelines for Course Selecton for Students Admited to Pre-Program” for the required frst year courses.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that MGTA04H lists MGTA03H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete MGTA03H before you complete MGTA04H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

How do I apply to a Specialist in Management program?In order to apply to a Specialist in Management program, you must complete the frst year courses listed in the Calendar. Additonally, you must complete at least 4.0 full credits before you apply. As the Specialist in Management programs are limited enrolment (see Subject POSt), you must apply on ROSI during specifc tme periods (end of Winter semester or Summer semester). To learn more about the applicaton dates and to gain specifc applicaton instructons, review the Subject Post informaton on the Registrar’s website.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to get accepted to a Specialist Program in Management? The minimum cumulatve grade point average to guarantee admission to a Specialist Program in Management is calculated annually and can vary from year to year. All Management programs are compettve and will require a strong cumulatve average to be accepted. Check with the Management Department to get updated GPA requirements.

14As a Pre-Program Management student, what other program optons do I have?UTSC ofers over 70 programs that you can consider. As a Pre-Program Management student, you are not required to apply to a Specialist in Management program at the end of your frst year. If your interests change during frst year, you can always apply to other programs.We highly recommend that you review the Guide to Programs & Courses Ofered in the Calendar to learn about the program optons at UTSC. If you are interested in programs other than Management, determine whether the program is limited or unlimited (See Subject POSt). Check the Registrar’s Subject POSt list to obtain this informaton. If the program is limited, make sure you have the appropriate prerequisite courses needed to apply to these programs.


What does this mean?

You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Psychology student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc).

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. Unless otherwise stated in your Ofer of Admission, you are not enrolled in a Specialist, Major, or Minor program. As you have been admited to the general category of Psychology, you will more than likely want to complete a Specialist Program in Psychology. However, you may want to select a program in another area as well. For example, you may choose to complete a Double Major in Psychology & Neuroscience. For a complete list of programs ofered can be found in the Calendar under “ Guide to Programs & Courses Listed. ”

2. Determine if the program(s) you are interested in are limited or unlimited enrolment (see Subject POSt). All Psychology programs (excluding Co-op) are unlimited enrolment – meaning you can apply into it at any tme and they have no admission restrictons. However, if you choose a program such as Neuroscience, which is limited enrolment, there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton. Limited enrolment programs list courses you are required to successfully complete in frst year in order to apply to the program at the end of frst year. They ofen also list a minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of the limited enrolment programs.

3. Once you have selected your program(s), use the Calendar to identfy the select the appropriate frst year courses. For example, review the “First Year Students in Psychology” informaton to determine appropriate frst year courses for Psychology programs. Keep in mind that if you are interested in pursuing a limited enrolment program, it is extremely important to pay atenton to the program requirements AND the Program Admission Requirements.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that many B-level psychology courses list PSYA01H & PSYA02H as prerequisites – which means that you must complete these courses frst. Use this resource to help you read Calendar course descriptons.

4. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in the Arts, you could consider choosing VPAA10H & VPAA12H during frst year.

5. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Science student and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc).

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. Unless otherwise stated in your Ofer of Admission, you are not currently enrolled in a Specialist, Major or Minor program. As a Sciences student, you need to identfy the program(s) that you are most interested in completng and apply to it/them at the end of your frst year. Your frst year courses will depend on which program(s) you choose to apply to in your second year. A complete list of programs ofered can be found in the Calendar under “Guide to Programs & Courses Listed.”

2. Determine if the program(s) you are interested in completng are limited or unlimited enrolment (see Subject POSt). Many science programs (e.g., all Specialist and Major Biology programs) are limited enrolment. If the program you are interested in is a limited enrolment program, there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton. Limited enrolment programs list the courses you must complete in frst year in order to apply to the program at the end of frst year. Additonally, there is ofen minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. If you are interested in pursuing a limited enrolment program be sure to pay atenton to the program requirements as well as the Program Admission Requirements. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of limited enrolment programs.

3. Once you have selected the program(s) you are interested in completng, use the Calendar to identfy the program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses. If you are interested in any limited enrolment program(s), ensure that you select the courses needed to apply to the program(s) afer frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

4. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in the Arts, you could consider choosing VPAA10H & VPAA12H during frst year.

5. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.

a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.



What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Arts Management. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.).

How do I select courses?

1. As a student in the Specialist Co-op Program in Arts Management, you are required to follow the course requirements specifed for the Specialist Program in Arts Management.

To appropriately select frst year courses for your program, review the Calendar informaton for the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Arts Management and follow the course guidelines stated under “Courses in the frst two years of the program.”

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that VPAA12H lists VPAA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete VPAA10H before you complete VPAA12H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Specialist Co-op Program in Arts Management?In order to remain in the program, you must maintain a minimum cumulatve grade point average of 2.5.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Specialist Co-op Program in Cell & Molecular Biology. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.).

How do I select courses?

1. To appropriately select the frst year courses for your program, review the Calendar informaton for the Specialist (Co-operatve) Program in Cell & Molecular Biology and follow the course selecton guidelines listed under “Course Requirements: First Year”

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Specialist Co-op Program in Cell & Molecular Biology?In order to remain in the program, you must maintain a minimum cumulatve grade point average of 2.5.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Co-operatve Program in Computer Science. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.BA.) or an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.) depending on the program(s) you choose to complete.

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. Read your Ofer of Admission to determine if you were admited to the Specialist (Co-op) program in Computer Science or the Major (Co-op) program in Computer Science. Additonally, determine whether or not you were admited into a partcular stream.

If you were admited to the Major (Co-op) program in Computer Science, you must select a second Major; this second Major must be approved by your Program Supervisor. To see a full list of UTSC programs (including Social Science Co-op programs) see the “Guide to Programs & Courses Listed” in the Calendar.

2. If you choose to complete two Major programs, you will want to determine if your second (non co-op) major is limited or unlimited enrolment (see Subject POSt). If the program is limited enrolment, there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton. Limited enrolment programs list courses you are required to successfully complete in frst year in order to apply to the program afer frst year. They ofen also list a minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of limited enrolment programs.

3. Once you have selected your programs of interest, use the Calendar to identfy the specifc program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses. If you are interested in any limited enrolment program(s), ensure that you select the courses needed to apply to the program(s) afer frst year.

Note: Remember to select these courses in priority sequence, taking the introductory courses (A and B level) before the advanced courses (C and D level). Make sure you your prerequisites and corequisites are satsfed when taking courses. This link will help you learn how to read a course descripton.

4. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

5. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Co-op Program in Social Sciences?In order to remain in the program, you must maintain a minimum cumulatve grade point average of 2.5.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Humanites (Co-op) student. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.).

How do I select courses?

1. Humanites (Co-op) students are required to complete a Specialist program ofered by the Department of Humanites OR two Major Programs (at least one of which is in the Humanites) OR one Major Program (in the Humanites) and two Minor programs (in any area). Your program optons are listed under the Humanites Co-op Program in the Calendar.

In order to select your frst year courses, you must frst determine the program(s) that you would like to complete and/or the combinaton of programs. Once you have made this decision, you can refer to the specifc program(s) in the Calendar, review the program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses.

2. Review mandatory courses specifc to Co-op Humanites students. As a student in the Co-op Humanites program, you must complete several core courses, which are outside of your program(s) of study. To identfy these core courses and determine those that should be completed in frst year, go to the Humanites Co-op Program in the Calendar and review the “Course Requirements” secton.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that VPAA12H lists VPAA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete VPAA10H before you complete VPAA12H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Co-op Program in Humanites?In order to remain in the program, you must maintain a minimum cumulatve grade point average of 2.5.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Internatonal Development Studies (IDS). The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.).

How do I select courses?

1. As a student in the Specialist (Co-op) Program in IDS, you are required to complete requirements 1-4 for the Specialist Program (Non Co-op B.A.) in IDS in the Calendar (excluding IDSD02H). Additonally, you must complete additonal requirements outside of the Specialist in Internatonal Development Studies program – review the Calendar.

2. To appropriately select your frst year courses, review the Calendar informaton for the Specialist Program in Internatonal Development and follow the course selecton guidelines listed under “Guidelines for 1st year course selecton”.You should also review the “Program Requirements” secton, which will provide you with informaton regarding the course requirements that are outside of the Specialist in Internatonal Development Studies program.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that IDSB06H3 lists IDSA01H3 as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete IDSA01H3 before you complete IDSB06H3. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Specialist Co-op Program in Internatonal Development Studies?In order to remain in the program, you must maintain a minimum cumulatve grade point average of 2.5.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Co-operatve Programs in Management. The degree that you are working toward is a Bachelor of Business Administraton (B.B.A).

How do I select courses?

1. As a Management Co-op student, you are required to complete the course requirements of one of the Specialist Programs in Management.

To appropriately select the frst year courses for your program, review the Guidelines for Course Selecton for First-Year Students in Management Programs leading to the B.B.A. As a Co-op student, you will want to review the secton enttled “Co-op Students directly admited to the B.B.A”. These Guidelines will specify the Management program courses that you must complete in frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that MGTA04H lists MGTA03H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete MGTA03H before you complete MGTA04H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Co-op Management Program?You must maintain a cumulatve grade point average of 2.5 to remain in the program.

How do I enroll in another Management Specialist program (for example, the Specialist in Management and Accountng)? If you have been directly admited to the Specialist Program in Management, you can easily change to another Management program by visitng the Program Advisor for Management. You can make this change at any tme during the year.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Management and Informaton Technology (Management & IT). The degree that you are working toward is a Bachelor of Business Administraton (B.B.A).

How do I select courses?

1. As a student in the Specialist (Co-op) program in Management & IT, you are required to complete the course requirements for the Specialist Programs in Management and Informaton Technology.

To appropriately select the frst year courses for your program, review the Guidelines for Course Selecton for First-Year Students in Management Programs leading to the B.B.A. As a Co-op student, you will want to review the secton enttled “Co-op Students directly admited to the B.B.A”. These Guidelines will specify the Management program courses that you must complete in frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that MGTA04H lists MGTA03H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete MGTA03H before you complete MGTA04H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

2. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

3. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Management and Informaton Technology? You must maintain an overall cumulatve grade point average of 2.5 to remain in the program.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Neuroscience. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.).

How do I select courses?

1. As a student in the Specialist (Co-op) program in Neuroscience, you are required to complete the requirements for the Specialist Program in Neuroscience. You must also complete additonal requirements, which are outside of the Specialist Program in Neuroscience.

2. To appropriately select your frst year courses for the Specialist in Neuroscience, review the “Program Requirements” secton in the Calendar, which is located under the Specialist Program in Neuroscience. Pay partcular atenton to #1 as it outlines the frst year courses for the program.

You should also review the secton enttled “Course Requirements,” which is located in the Calendar under the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Neuroscience. This secton will provide you with informaton regarding the course requirements outside of the Specialist in Internatonal Development Studies program.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Neuroscience? You must maintain an overall cumulatve grade point average of 2.5 to remain in the program.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Psychology Co-op student. The degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc).

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. As you have been directly admited to a program, this part is done. As stated in your Ofer of Admission, you have been admited to the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Mental Health Studies OR the Specialist (Co-op) Program in Psychology.

2. The next step is to select the program requirements. Detailed program requirements for Specialist (Co-op) Programs in Mental Health Studies as well as Psychology can be found in the Calendar.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that many B-level psychology courses list PSYA01H & PSYA02H as prerequisites – which means that you must complete these courses frst. Use this resource to help you read Calendar course descriptons.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What else should I consider as a Co-op Psychology student?You are required to maintain a cumulatve grade point average of 2.5 or higher to remain in the Program.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Co-operatve Program in Physical Sciences. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.).

How do I select courses?

1. Students in the Co-op Program in Physical Sciences may complete any of the Specialist Programs ofered by the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences OR the Department of Computer and Mathematcal Sciences, except those programs in Computer Science and the Joint Specialist Program in Environmental Science and Technology.

Alternatvely, with the approval of the Co-op Supervisor of Studies, you may select one Major Program ofered by the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences OR the Department of Computer and Mathematcal Sciences, except for those programs in Computer Science. You must then add a second major from any department.

To review the full list of program optons, see the secton enttled “Eligible Programs of Study for Co-op,” located in the Calendar under the Co-operatve Programs in Physical Sciences.

2. In order to select your frst year courses, you must frst determine the program(s) that you would like to complete. Once you have made this decision, you can refer to the specifc program(s) in the Calendar, review the designated program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in the Arts, you could consider choosing VPAA10H & VPAA12H during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Co-operatve Program in Physical Sciences?In order to remain in the program, you must maintain a minimum cumulatve grade point average of 2.5.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a student in the Co-operatve Program in Social Sciences. The degree that you are working toward is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.) OR an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.) depending on the program(s) you complete.

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. In Social Sciences Co-op, certain programs are only ofered as a Specialist while others are only ofered as a Major. If you choose to complete a Major (Co-op) program, you must also select a second Major. This second Major can be completed outside of the Department of Social Sciences, doesn’t have to be a second co-op program but must be approved by your Program Supervisor. To see a full list of UTSC programs (including Social Science Co-op programs) see the Guide to Programs & Courses Listed in the Calendar.

If you choose to complete two Major programs, you will want to determine if your second (non co-op) major is limited or unlimited enrolment (see Subject POSt). If the program is limited enrolment, there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton. Limited enrolment programs list courses you are required to successfully complete in frst year in order to apply to the program. They ofen also list a minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of limited enrolment programs.

2. Once you have selected your programs of interest, use the Calendar to identfy the specifc program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses. If you are interested in any limited enrolment program(s), ensure that you select the courses needed to apply to the program(s) afer frst year.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that SOCA02H lists SOCA01H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete SOCA01H before you complete SOCA02H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

Note: In order to be a full-tme student you must be enrolled in at least 1.5 full credits per semester. As a Co-op student you must also register as a full-tme student during all study terms.

What cumulatve grade point average do I need to remain in the Co-op Program in Social Sciences?In order to remain in the program, you must maintain a minimum cumulatve grade point average of 2.5.



What does this mean?

You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Concurrent Teacher Educaton Program (CTEP) student in French, and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.) and a Bachelor of Educaton (B.Ed.).

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. Unless otherwise stated in your Ofer of Admission, you have been admited to the Specialist program in French.

2. The next step is to select your program requirements. Review the “Program Requirements” secton, which is located under the Concurrent Teacher Educaton Program (CTEP) in the Calendar. You will also need to refer to the program requirements for a Specialist in French.

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that FREA02H lists FREA01H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete FREA01H before you complete FREA02H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs. Additonally, use can also use this resource to help you understand the course descriptons listed in the Calendar.

3. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

4. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

What else should I consider as a CTEP/Arts student?CTEP follows a stricter set of rules governing academic probaton than what is stated in the UTSC Calendar. Be sure to review these guidelines in the Calendar under the heading “Academic Status in CTEP.”

- CTEP is a 5-year program (not a traditonal 4-year program)- Upon completon, you will be recommended for certfcaton as Elementary or Secondary School Teachers in

Ontario- To complete the requirements of a Bachelors of Educaton, you must earn a cumulatve grade point average of at

least 2.5 in your best 15.0 credits at UTSC.


What does this mean?You have been accepted to the University of Toronto Scarborough as a Concurrent Teacher Educaton Program (CTEP) student in Science, and the degree you are working towards is an Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.) OR Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.) depending on the program(s) you select. You are also working toward a Bachelor of Educaton (B.Ed.), regardless if you are going toward an H.B.A. or H.B.Sc.

How do I select courses?

1. Identfy your program(s) of interest. As a CTEP/Science student, you have the opton of completng several approved Specialist programs or two approved Major programs, which are listed in the Calendar.

2. Once you have selected your program(s), use the Calendar to identfy the specifc program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses.

3. Identfy the courses that you must complete that are outside of your program(s) of study. To determine these courses, review the “Program Requirements”, which are listed in the Calendar under the Concurrent Teacher Educaton Program (CTEP).

Note: Remember to select your courses in priority sequence according to the prerequisite guidelines. For example, in the Calendar, you will see that CHMA11H lists CHMA10H as a prerequisite. This means that you must complete CHMA10H before you complete CHMA11H. Review the course descriptons in the Calendar for all course prerequisite listngs. Additonally, use can also use this resource to help you understand the course descriptons listed in the Calendar.

4. Additonally, you must select electves. You need electves, in additon to your program requirements, to complete your degree. You should select electves based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in Psychology, you could consider choosing PSYA01 & PSYA02 during frst year.

5. Finally, in order to complete your degree, you must also complete breadth requirements. Specifcally, you must complete at least one half credit from each of the following fve categories (see course descriptons in the Calendar for which category each course belongs). These courses can come from your program requirements or from your electves.a. Arts, literature and languageb. History, philosophy and cultural studiesc. Social and behavioural sciencesd. Natural sciencese. Quanttatve reasoning

How many courses can I take per semester?It is generally advised that you complete up to 2.5 full credits in any one semester.

What else should I consider as a CTEP/Science student?CTEP follows a stricter set of rules governing academic probaton than what is stated in the UTSC Calendar. Be sure to review these guidelines in the Calendar under the heading “Academic Status in CTEP.”

- 5 yrs of study- Upon completon will be recommended for certfcaton as elementary or secondary teachers in ON- To complete the requirements of a B.Ed. having achieved a cumulatve grade point average of at least 2.50 in

their best 15.0 credits at UTSC.


33What do I do if I want to complete a program that I was not directly accepted into out of high school?

First year is your opportunity to explore diferent areas – you have lots of fexibility! You can choose programs from more than one department. It is even possible to move to an area completely diferent from that in your Ofer of Admission, and pursue a diferent degree (Honours Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Business Administraton). You may wish to speak with an Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising & Career Centre for more informaton if you are considering such a change.

UTSC ofers over 70 programs, which are either limited enrolment or unlimited enrolment. Determine if the program(s) you are interested in are limited or unlimited enrolment.

If the program you are interested in is unlimited enrolment, use the Calendar to identfy the specifc program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses.

If the program you are interested in is a limited enrolment program there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton in frst year. Limited enrolment programs commonly list the courses you must complete in frst year in order to apply to the program. Additonally, there is ofen minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. If you are interested in pursuing a limited enrolment program be sure to pay atenton not only to the program requirements, but to the Program Admission Requirements as well. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of limited enrolment programs. Additonally, you can review the Subject POSt informaton on the Registrar’s website to learn about applicaton procedures to limited enrolment programs.

What do I do if I want to switch out of a program that I was directly accepted to out of high school?

First year is your opportunity to explore diferent areas – you have lots of fexibility! You can choose programs from more than one department. It is even possible to move to an area completely diferent from that in your Ofer of Admission, and pursue a diferent degree (Honours Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Business Administraton). You may wish to speak with an Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising & Career Centre for more informaton if you are considering such a change.

UTSC ofers over 70 programs, which are either limited enrolment or unlimited enrolment. Determine if the program(s) you are interested in are limited or unlimited enrolment.

If the program you are interested in is unlimited enrolment, use the Calendar to identfy the specifc program requirements and select the appropriate frst year courses.

If the program you are interested in is a limited enrolment program there are additonal factors to consider when planning your course selecton in frst year. Limited enrolment programs commonly list the courses you must complete in frst year in order to apply to the program. Additonally, there is ofen minimum cumulatve grade point average required to apply. If you are interested in pursuing a limited enrolment program be sure to pay atenton not only to the program requirements, but to the Program Admission Requirements as well. View the FAQ secton at the end of this document for a list of limited enrolment programs. Additonally, you can review the Subject POSt informaton on the Registrar’s Ofce website to learn about applicaton procedures to limited enrolment programs.

34What should I do if I’m considering professional or graduate school?

The best thing to do if you are considering professional or graduate school is to speak with the Academic Advising & Career Centre staf and use our resources.For example, you can review our “Preparing for Professional School Tipsheets”, which will provide you with informaton regarding various applicaton requirements. Additonally, you can review our Professional & Graduate School Resource Books, which are located in the Academic Advising & Career Centre ofce. These books will help you with many aspects of preparing for, and applying to, graduate school. If you are considering professional or graduate school, start preparing early as you want to make sure that you are a compettve applicant when the tme comes to apply.

People have told me my grades may drop. What can I do to make sure that I stll get high grades in university?

The Academic Advising & Career Centre has many resources that can help you with this goal. We have Study Skills Peers who are trained to assess and advise you on utlizing various study skills techniques to improve your academic performance. You can also utlize our “Academic and Study Skills Tipsheets” to gain quick tps regarding how to prepare for exams, take efectve notes, manage your tme – and many others. Additonally, you can meet with an Academic Advisor to explore your academic plan and assess your learning and life management skills.

What are the limited enrolment programs at UTSC?

All Co-op ProgramsAll Joint Programs with Centennial CollegeAll Concurrent Teacher Educaton Programs

Biological SciencesApplied Microbiology • Specialist (Joint program with Centennial College)Biodiversity, Ecology and Evoluton • SpecialistBiology • Major and SpecialistCell & Molecular Biology • SpecialistHuman Biology • SpecialistParamedicine • Specialist (Joint program with Centennial College)

Computer & Mathematcal SciencesComputer Science • Major and Specialists

HumanitesArts Management • SpecialistIntersectons, Exchanges, Encounters in the Humanites • MajorJournalism • Specialist (Joint program with Centennial College)New Media • Major (Joint program with Centennial College)

ManagementEconomics for Management Studies • Major (HBA) and Specialist (BBA)Management • Specialists (BBA)

Physical & Environmental SciencesEnvironmental Science & Technology • Specialist (Joint program with Centennial College)

PsychologyNeuroscience • Major and Specialist

Social SciencesSociology • Major and Specialist