Choosing a domain name

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Choosing a domain name

There’s nothing quite as

disheartening as finally settling on the perfect domain


...only to find that it’s

already taken.

Choosing a domain name isn’t as easy

as it used to be.

There’s a few tricks

you can use to find

a great domain name...

Here’s some stellar

advice about finding a

domain name from

those in the trenches

with you.


Use your targeted keyword in your domain name

If you want to find something that ideally targets keywords relevant to your industry, use free tools like

Ubersuggest to find phrases around the term you want in the URL and then search to see if it’s



Take your keywords to bust a name and come up with unique


∂My secret weapon is I use it

all the time to generate a name based on keywords related to the new site



Search for domain names from failed businesses in your

industry and grab them up.

One of my few tricks up my sleeve: Check out demised businesses in the same industry; then see if the domain name has

lapsed; grab it!


Get creative now and go for an unusual domain and shoot for a

.com name later on.

We tend to go with a more creative domain to start, thinking that we’ll pay for that one

great .com if we’re successful later on. Our current site is as in get treat.


Use many domain name generators to find the best word combination

for your domain name

I like to play around with the countless domain name generators. These make it easy to mix and match your keywords, add common internet prefixes/suffixes and

see which domains are still available.


Need a list of what to lookfor in your domain name?

The first step is to create the committee or team in charge, identify who else should be

involved in the process and then set the criteria.


Be sure to list the names youlike in a central location

like Evernote.

Ask yourself if the domain name is something that has a high search volume? Is it relevant to your website? Do you want to brand yourself or

influence SEO based on your URL name?


What’s popular in the news about your industry? Use those cues to

come up with a domain name.

Also get feedback from friends, customers and if possible, those experienced/in the know on a

provided goods/service to be covered on the website before selecting final, chosen domain name.


Use a domain name that is your business name and make it easy for

your customers to find you

∂Our domain name is the same as our business name with a .com on the end.


Keep your domain name short and clear, don’t go for long, drawn out names that are hard to remember.

Our criteria for choosing a domain name: as short as possible, while giving enough

information of what the client does without being generic.


Use the new extensions and country codes to keep your domain name

name memorable and recognizable.

It’s to hard to find a great available domain name in the typical extensions but thankfully there are lots of alternatives including the classic country codes and

new extensions.


There’s wisdom in using a top level domain name (.com, .org, .edu)…

We source many domains for our clients and most seek a TLD (Top Level Domain) for good reason. There are SEO issues to take account

of as well.


Be ready to buy a domain name as soon as you think it’s perfect.

You may only have seconds to buy it. I keep a couple windows open. One to see where the

domain is and another to see if it can be registered.


Will the domain name you do choose work well with your

business name?

∂You want to choose a domain name that is

relevant to the product or service your business provides.


Here’s an easy checklist for choosing a great domain name.

∂A great domain name typically has the following: Is short, Easy to spell, Easy to pronounce, Is a .com domain extension.


Can’t use your company name? Turn it into a phrase.

∂A great domain name typically has the following: Is short, Easy to spell, Easy to pronounce, Is a .com domain extension.


What generic domain can work for your business?

Small business looking for the perfect domain name need to know about the

recently expanded set of gTLDs (generic top-level domains)


Don’t let the perfect generic domains get snapped up by your


Companies and individuals seek to build and maintain an online brand, it is crucial that a

memorable and unique domain name is utilized.


Use your domain as an opportunity for SEO.

Choosing unique names such as Google might seem a good idea, but it will work

against small businesses without the marketing budget.


If you use a keyword domain name, make it an exact match for your


Pick a domain that is short and sweet as well as brandable and memorable

so that people will remember you by it.


Avoid brand or trademarked names in your domain name.

When selecting a domain name, never include a trademarked name such as



Consider the future. Don’t call yourself if you

plan to grow.

Make sure your domain name is future-proof. You don’t want a domain name to

box you in and prevent you from expanding.


Click here to check out the guide for dropped domains!

∂Here’s a handy infographic to help you

find dropped or expired domains.


Get the list of tools to helpyou generate the perfect

domain name!

Here’s a list of 10 domain name generators to help you find the perfect

domain name.


Search over hundreds domain names and social networks

at once.

Make sure you can use it on social media networks like Facebook and


See the full article


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