Choose Your Mission For Your Life

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Choose Your Mission For Your Life

Choose Your Life's


I remember when I was a kid, I would love going on vacations.

Most of the time, it was just us driving somewhere for a few hours, staying in a motel, and then driving back later in a couple days.

There was usually some kind of activity near the motel, but nothing that I can remember now.

I just remember the excitement of being in the car, and going somewhere new.

I also remember the HUGE difference between taking classes at a local community college, as an adult, compared to when I was studying


When it was at Uni, it sucked.

Boring, if I failed I'd be in big trouble, etc.

But as an adult, I LOVED taking classes.

I was studying what I wanted to, not to get some piece of paper.

I was learning just because I wanted to LEARN something.

I took a few language classes, tons of self improvement stuff, public speaking, even Tai Chi.

Whenever we humans do ANYTHING, the reasons we're doing it will have a HUGE impact on how we feel about it.

Being a kid, the vacations were always outside of my control, but it was still fun.

I never chose where we went, but I always enjoyed going somewhere new.

Being an adult, and taking all those classes, I felt the same way.

I chose where I was going, and enjoyed the journey.

What's the common thread?

It seems that being excited about the unknown is a crucial factor.

On it's own, it CAN be enough.

Also, going somewhere or doing something when you KNOW what the outcome is going to be, can also get your juices flowing.

But what happens when you combine these two?

What happens if you not only EMBRACE the unknown, but also have total control in where you're going?

Sounds paradoxical, right?

But when you choose your outcome, and leave the PATH up in the air, something to discover along the way, then you've discovered some

REAL magic.

Not only do you KNOW you are going somewhere good (or doing

something good or learning something good or creating

something good), but when you're completely OPEN to HOW you'll

get there, that's when life takes on a whole new meaning.

Every step you take will get you wonderful feedback that will get you closer.

Your Ultimate Journey of Life.

What path are you on?

Are you dreams BIG enough?

Are the compelling enough to pull you forward, no matter what?

When you've got a huge dream, AND you know, deep in your bones, that you can handle anything that life throws at you, you've got it


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