Chinese Culture By Melinda Pace and Christy Sexton ED 417.

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Transcript of Chinese Culture By Melinda Pace and Christy Sexton ED 417.

Chinese Culture

By Melinda Pace and Christy Sexton

ED 417

Social Studies

• Grade Level: Second

• Lesson: Traditions and Culture

Of China

Activity #1Introducing Chinese Culture

Objectives: • The students will gain a basic understanding of

the traditions and customs of China.• The students will write about how their traditions

differ from the children in China.

Materials: • C is For China by Sungwan So, Chinese writing

paper, writing utensil, graphic organizer

Activity #1

• Have the children brainstorm facts they know about China. Have a short discussion, and record their ideas on a graphic organizer.

• Read the book C is for China, which introduces the customs and culture of daily life in China.

• The students will go back to their desks and write how their daily lives, customs, and traditions, are different from a child that lives in China.

• The children will share their ideas with the class.

Chinese Children’s Literature

There are differences

and similarities

Activity #2Chinese Children’s Literature

Objectives:• The student’s will discover similarities and

differences between American and Chinese literature.

Materials:• Multiple copies of Chinese Children’s Favorite

Stories by Mingemei Yip, Venn Diagram, paper, markers

Activity #2

• Students will explore Chinese children’s stories by reading Chinese Children’s Favorite Stories by Mingmei Yip, in groups or pairs and take mental or written notes on the differences and similarities between American and Chinese literature.

• The students will come together as a class and make a class Venn Diagram with teacher guidance.

Chinese zodiac signs are important

to Chinese tradition and culture

Activity #3Chinese Zodiac

Objectives:• Students will learn the importance of the

Chinese Zodiac Animal signs.

Materials: • Copy of the zodiac signs and meanings for each

child, The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac by Ed Young, construction paper, glue, pencils, markers, glitter, beads, feathers

Activity #3

• Read the book The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac by Ed Young.

• Have a short discussion about the meaning and importance of the Zodiac animal symbols in the Chinese culture.

• Have the children brainstorm important symbols and traditions in their family.

• Give each of the children a piece of paper with all of the Zodiac animals on them.

• Help each child identify their Zodiac symbol. Have each child create their Zodiac animal however they choose.

Second Grader’s Zodiac Signs

1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Dragons are referred to as the divine

mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune

Activity #4The Chinese Dragon

Objectives:• Students will understand the importance of the

dragon in the Chinese culture.

Materials:• The Dancing Dragon by Marcia K. Vaughan,

paper plates, popsicle sticks, markers, glitter, feathers, crayons, glue

Activity #4

• Read The Dancing Dragon by Marcia K. Vaughan.

• Explain that the dragon is a sign of good luck in Chinese culture.

• Have the children brainstorm good luck symbols in America.

• Create dragon masks with paper plates.

Chinese New Year Celebration

Activity #5Chinese New Year

Objectives:• The children will get an understanding of what a

Chinese New Year Celebration is like.

Materials:• Red, black, and gold decorations, rice, egg drop

soup, noodles, almond cookies, Chinese music, Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan’s Chinese New Year by Kate Waters, and dragon masks

Activity #5

• Read the book Lion Dancer:Ernie Wan’s Chinese New Year by Kate Waters.

• Have a class Chinese New Year celebration with food, music, and decorations.

• Do the Chinese Dragon Dance with the dragon masks.






