China and Chinese Culture Ruohan Sun ED 590 Student teaching in China.

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Transcript of China and Chinese Culture Ruohan Sun ED 590 Student teaching in China.

China and Chinese Culture

Ruohan Sun

ED 590 Student teaching in China

What is Culture? Culture: a society’s (group’s) system of

shared, learned values and norms; these are the society’s (group’s) design for living

Values: abstract ideas about the good, the right, the desirable

Norms: social rules and guidelines; guide appropriate behavior for specific situations Folkways: norms of little moral significance

dress code; table manners; timeliness

Mores: norms central to functioning of social life bring serious retribution: thievery, adultery,


Cultural Appreciation

Aspects ofculture





Geography of China Fourth largest country in the world.

Eastern Hemisphere 12-13 hours different from US

Climate varies

North Temperate and cold

South Subtropical

Important rivers

Hwang ho (Yellow River) – north

Yangtze River – central China

Enclosed by high mountains, hot deserts, wide oceans

Average Annual Temperature

Temperature for Beijing

rainfall distribution

This country has the largest population inthe world.1,331,460,000 - 2009

Map of countries by population for the year 2010


The PresidentHu JingtaoChina National


Most traditional social values are derived from Confucianism and Taoism with a combination of conservatism in China.


Buddhism was first introduced from India as early as 166 AD. It gained the support of the imperial court and since then it has been dominating China for many centuries.


Taoism is the Chinese religion which believes in ghosts and spirits. It originated from a Chinese school of philosophy which emphasized cooperation with the natural forces.

Confucianism Confucianism was

originally the philosophy of Confucius who stressed the maintenance of a stable system of inter-personal relationships at different levels of society.

The Analects

Confucianism The Confucian tradition has a long historical

legacy in East Asia extending from China across Korea and Japan and into Vietnam.

Despite the enormous historical variations, cultural particularities, and national differences in the region, there are certain central ideas and values which have spread across the area, and even have influenced

our modern life.

The embeddedness of each person in concentric circles

of relationships and ethical responsibilities, The importance of the family The importance of a hierarchical social system The significance of education

Chinese zodiac

Chinese Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It's Chinese New Year~

Family get together to celebrate Chinese New Year and usually they fire fireworks~~

lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck)

Dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)

In China, people have many unique ways to demonstrate their happiness.

The Dragon Boat Festival, which is another important festival in China, is held on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years.

Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country.

Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in China. Everybody likes it because it's a family gathering festival.At that day, all the family members are sitting around a big table in the open air. They are eating the moon cakes and admiring the full moon in the sky.

Chang Er ,the most beautiful woman in Chinese myth. She lives in the moon in legend.

The delicious moon cakes~~

In China, red often concerns with celebration or the jubilation day. In China's traditional custom, the folk jubilation activity all must use the red color. Red is a symbol of happiness in Chinese culture.

"When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night, I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him." — Ancient Chinese poem

Chinese tea culture has a long history. That the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status as national beverage.

Peking Opera is Chinese "Oriental Opera". It has its roots in several ancient local dramas and came into being in Beijing in 1790.

Lianpu (Facial Makeup) is a special colorful face-painting to illustrate the specific characters’ characteristics and destinies to help you to understand the stories of the dramas.

Economy transfromation

Chinese Economy of Transformation

Communist to Capitalist


Rural area

One-child policy

The policy was introduced in 1979 and initially applied to first-born children in the year of 1978. It was created by the Chinese government to alleviate social, economic, and environmental problems in China.

Authorities claim that the policy has prevented 400 million births from 1979 to 2011.

What you may be involved in China

Ask you personal question. (Don’t take it person)

Personal space


Worry about the class management, say your expectation before the class. What are your standers

Having language barrage. (Some teacher’s is not bilingual or do not speak English well )

Drink alcohol


Giving face (giving due respect) is a very important concept in China. You must give the appropriate respect according to rank and seniority.

Gift Giving Do not give clocks. Clocks are associated

with death.

Avoid giving things to people in groups of four, since the number four in Chinese is a homonym for the word 'death' .

Never give a Chinese gentleman a green hat. It is associated with adultery.

Dining Etiquette

If you are the guest, wait to be seated as hierarchy is involved

Eating usually begins once the host offers the first drink.

Use the serving chopsticks or turn your chopsticks around when use them to server others

General Comparisons

(Picture from Yang Liu)

Western CultureChinese Culture


Opinions: (individual view) 观点

Way of Life 生活方式

Punctuality 准时

Contacts 联系

Anger / Displeasure 态度

View of myself 自我

Sunday on City Streets 街道

Queues 排队 [ line]

Parties 聚会

Restaurants 餐厅

Stomach ache 胃

Traveling 旅行

Definition of Beauty 美

Handling Problems 处理问题

Daily Meals 饮食

Transportation 交通工具

Life of an elderly 老年人

Shower time 洗澡

Moods and weathers 天气

The Boss 老板

What’s Trendy/ In Fashion 流行

The Child 孩子

New Things 新事物

Perception on Each Other’s Culture

What do you know about Chinese Culture now?

Chinese culture is one of the world's oldest and most complex. The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographical region in eastern Asia with customs and traditions varying greatly between towns, cities and provinces. What are you most nervous about this

travelling ?

What are you most exciting about this Culture?

What are you most confidence about this travelling ?

Do you afraid about something? What is that?

What is your favorite part of this Culture?
