Children with Learning Disabilities:

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Children with Learning Disabilities:. Technology the KEY to Success in the Classroom. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Children with Learning Disabilities:

Children with Learning Disabilities:

Technology the KEY to Success in the Classroom

Teaching Children with learning disabilities

involves giving rewards more than punishments in order to build self esteem,

finding ways to encourage the child, enforce classroom rules consistently

keeping in mind the special needs of the student with learning disabilities, giving out

only one task at a time and most importantly creating an environment that allows the student to be successful in the


Auditory Processing DisorderA central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is a condition in which one has difficulty processing or interpreting auditory information. The typical individual with a central auditory disorder has normal hearing, but is unable to interpret or process speech when in an environment which is less than quiet.

Environments such as a classroom setting, the work place, community gatherings, and church are often very threatening because of this auditory difficulty.

Technology To Assist Students With Learning Disorders

Headphones Tape Recorder Projector Word Processor Videos Co-Writer

Co-Writer (Software)

Word prediction software that adds grammar and vocabulary support capabilities to any word processor or email program.

Increases Independent writing skills by building confidence and predicting what words the student might be thinking of.

Helps students overcome mechanical barriers which then allows them to focus on conveying ideas.

$325 for a single

When the Chips Are Down(Video) By Richard Lavoie

Strategies and philosophy changes for improving your student’s behavior through positive interactions.

Our students are - first and foremost - CHILDREN. They have the same rights, responsibilities, feelings, needs, and fears of all children.

It is important that you do all in your power to ensure that the child has as typical a childhood experience as possible.

Children should be praised, reinforced, and rewarded for positive and appropriate behavior. Only by using this approach will the child's behavior change, improve, and generalize to a variety of settings.

Last One Picked, First One Picked On

(Video) By Richard Lavoie Explores the social challenges that students

with learning disabilities experience on a daily basis in and out of the classroom


How Difficult Can This Be?

(Video) By Richard Lavoie Exposes teachers and parents to just how

intimidating the classroom environment can be for a student with learning disabilities.

How these students experience frustration, anxiety, and tension each and every day.


Visual Processing DisorderDyslexia

Dyslexic people are visual, multi-dimensional thinkers. They are intuitive and highly creative, and excel at hands-on learning. Because they think in pictures, it is sometimes hard for them to understand letters, numbers, symbols, and written words. They can learn to read, write and study efficiently when methods geared to their unique learning style are utilized.

Technology To Assist Students With Visual Processing DisordersElectronic ReaderZoom Text MagnifierLarge Key keyboardLanguage Tune-Up Kit Phonics (software)(Used by the State of Georgia Department of Education's Reading First Program) ISBN 0-9664115-1-X $239 Also available for the classroom)

Electronic Reading Pen Portable scanner that helps students who have

reading difficulties, such as dyslexia. Repeats words out loud, shows definition of

words (contains American Heritage Dictionary). Includes 2 AAA batteries, earphone and operating manual.

Easy to learn---in about 15 minutes, reader can learn functions for independent study, in and out of classroom.


Zoom Text Magnifier

Magnifier and Screen Reader enhances and reads aloud everything on the screen.

Allows Access to documents, email and the Internet



Large Print KeyboardMade by The Key Connection, Inc.This large print keyboard has been designed for individuals who suffer from cerebral Palsy, visual impairments, or just have a hard time reading the existing commands on their keyboards. $189

Visual Spatial Disorders:Dsycalculia It is important to recognize that average, bright, and even very bright youngsters can have the severe visual-spatial organization deficits that make developing simple math concepts extremely difficult. When such deficits are accompanied by strong verbal skills, there is a tendency to disbelieve the impaired area of functioning.

Parents and teachers can spend years growling, "She's just not trying ... He just doesn't pay attention . . . Because other accompanying weaknesses usually include a poor sense of body in space, difficulty reading the nonverbal social signals of gesture and face, and often severe disorganization in the world of "things," it can be easy to mistake the problem.

Math Pad

Makes it possible for students with visual spatial disabilities to solve arithmetic on the computer screen.

Auditory feedback. Students can save their work in individual

portfolios. Student work can be printed. $79.95 or 99.95 with fractions & decimals

Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) A disability that involves challenges with attention

span, lack of organization, impulse control, and the intensity level of activities at school, home or at work. Typical behavior would include such things as distractibility; difficulty with following instructions or in waiting for turns within groups; a difficulty with staying on task with chores or play activities; a difficulty with sitting or playing quietly; inattention; restlessness; and in severe cases even engaging in physically harmful or dangerous activities, without a concern for the resulting consequences for self or others.

ADHD The ADD/ADHD child isn't lazy, or just not

getting it. In fact, it's quite the opposite, they're getting EVERYTHING! But in trying to process the assignment and get the work done, the EVERYTHING gets in the way. The ADD/ADHD child can not screen out the other things going on around them, they absorb it all, and therefore are overwhelmed and can't get ANYTHING done.


Software designed to provide cueing and planning assistance for people with memory, attention, and cognitive disorders. Typical users include patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), neuro-degenerative conditions including Alzheimer's disease, and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Software program that turns a standard handheld computer into a powerful planning and organizing tool.


ADD in the 21st Century(Video) By Edward M. Hallowell, M.D., This video offers tips for families and

techniques for teachers so children with ADHD can learn successfully.


Other Valuable Resources For Teachers

The Mind That’s Mine:A program developed by All Kinds of Minds in collaboration with the Schwab Foundation for Learning. Materials created and written by Mel Levine M.D., Dr. Carl Swartz Ph.D., and Melissa Wakely Ph.D. The Mind That's Mine curriculum enables students to find out how their minds work, what their current strengths are, and what they can do to make their minds work even better!

The Mind That’s Mine

CostComponent Price for 1-5 Price for 6+Poster $20.80 $20.80Student Video $18.75 $18.75Teacher Video $18.75 $18.75Student Text $12.05 $8.05Teacher's Manual $87.40 $87.40Complete Kit (includes each of the above items)

$130.00Prices do not include shipping and handling

A Mind at a TimeBy Dr. Mel Levine How can a parent identify their child’s strengths and

weaknesses How can they help their student when they struggle in 8

key areas of learning.

– The Attention Control System– The Memory System– The Language System– The Spatial Ordering System– The Sequential Ordering System– The Motor System – The Higher Thinking System – The Social Thinking System

The Myth of Laziness By Dr. Mel Levine According to Dr. Levine Output Failure is a

phenomenon that can decimate a student’s productivity in school and cause some to fail in the workplace as adults.

Often these students absorb and process information well; they learn, but they don’t produce despite their abundant intellectual promise.

In most instances, they can read far better than they can write, and they can interpret information but somehow can’t put what they learn to productive use. It seems as if they have working disabilities; they are unable to get their minds to work!

Additional Educational Products


Twist & Shout $15.95

Mathsafari $85.95Language Arts

Turbo Twist Spelling Master $68.95Social Studies

Talking Globe $109.95

Add & Subtract

Multiply & Divide


Turbo Twist Spelling

Talking Globe

Additional Learning SoftwareAxel S. Math CD $21.95Students learn numbers, place value, equations, math vocabulary while doing fun activities.Where in the US is Carmen San Diego $23.99Students learn about the united states through a fun and exciting adventure.

Axel S Math CD

Where in the US is Carmen San Diego

Helpful Websites

All Kinds of Minds


The British Dyslexia Association

International Dyslexia Association

LD/ADD Pride Online

Helpful Websites LD Online LD Teens (Teens Helping Teens) Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) National Coalition on Auditory Processing

Disorders (NCAPD)

National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)

Helpful Websites

National Information Center on Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY)

National Library Service (NLS) for the Blind and Physically Handicapped


NLD on the Web

Helpful Websites Nonverbal Learning Disorders Association


Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic

Peterson's Guide to Private Schools

School Psychology Resources Online

SchwabLearning.orgA Parent's Guide to Learning Differences

Talking Tapes

Children with Learning Disabilities:

Julieta E. RobelloAugust 2004
