Child and Family Outcomes Chapter 9: Developmental Milestones Checklist - Parent Edition...

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Transcript of Child and Family Outcomes Chapter 9: Developmental Milestones Checklist - Parent Edition...

Child and Family Outcomes Chapter 9: Developmental

Milestones Checklist - Parent Edition

Instructions for completing the Developmental Milestones Checklist for Parents or Caregivers

Important Message

Please watch the “Developmental Milestones Chart” video before viewing this video.

Please note: The Developmental Milestones Checklist is referred to as the “DMC.”

Why do I need to complete the DMC?

Completing this checklist and bringing it to the IFSP meeting will help you participate in the discussion, and will speed up the process of completing the Child Outcome Summary Form.

The DMC shows:

Ages at which important developmental milestones are usually reached,

The child outcome(s) related to each developmental milestone.

What does the DMC look like?

The DMC can be found in your packet. If you don’t have one, ask your EI service coordinator for another checklist.

How do I complete the DMC?

How do you know which box to check?

Yes = your child typically displays the behavior or skill across different settings and situations.

No = your child does not display the behavior or skill.

Inconsistent = your child displays the behavior or skill in SOME situations or settings but NOT ALL situations or settings.


For example, your child is 34 months old. Start at the beginning of the DMC. The age should be“by 3 months”. Notice that the behaviors are related to Outcome 1.

For “Smile” you check “yes” because your child smiles at you, his siblings, familiar people, at home, at relatives’ homes, and on the playground.

For “Make cooing sounds” you check “inconsistent” because he will make these sounds only with his therapists and only during sessions.

Continue completing the checklist in this manner.

Completing the DMC

Complete this step for every age level until you have completed the checklist items for your child’s current age.

Ask yourself “Does my child engage in or exhibit this behavior or skill in many & different situations/settings? Or only in some & not all situations/settings? Or in none?”

Writing down examples of settings/situations can be helpful for you and for the team.

Repeat this process for each of the three child outcomes.

If You Still Have Questions

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1-888-4EIPDOH (1-888-434-7364)