Chess (basics)

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Chess (basics)

CHESS (Basics)

By Kirthivardhan

How do pieces move?Each piece moves in a different wayToday we are going to learn how they move


PawnA pawn on its starting position can go

two/one step(s) forwardAfter that it can only go one step forward

KnightWhen I say Knight, I don’t mean Knights Of

ArmorI mean the Knight in the chess gameIt moves in Lshapes

BishopA bishop can go diagonally but cannot go any

other way

RookThe rook can go vertically or horizontally but

not diagonally

QueenThe queen is the most powerful piece in the

chess boardIt can move diagonally, vertically and

horizontallyKind of like

+ =

KINGThe king cannot be captured it can only be

trappedIf the king is trapped you lose the gameThe king can go ANY WAY but only by step -

by step

CHECK!A check is when your king is in danger but

you can do CPRPlease watch

file:///C:/kirthi's%20ppt/check2.htm to learn more

CHECKMATE!Checkmate is when your king is in danger

and can’t do CPRWatch to find out more

STALEMATE/DRAW!Stalemate is when your king is not in danger

but can’t do CPRWatch

Points of PiecesEach piece has a point Were going to see how many points they are


PawnThey are 1 point so their not worthy but they

can do amazing things so don’t underestimate them

1. 1.* A pawn can turn into any piece after reaches the end

2. .They can checkmate!3. They can cause stalemates

*Except A Pawn

Pure Pawn Checkmate
