Cheese mold images

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Transcript of Cheese mold images

Thursday, 13 April 2006, 17:05 GMT 18:05 UK

Roman cheese press found in ditch A rare Roman cheese press has been found in a ditch near the home of the famous Stilton cheese.

The 3rd Century press was found near the village of Stilton in Cambridgeshire by potter Richard Landy.

Archaeologists said the press would have been used to make cheese from the milk of either goats or sheep.

The find suggests the village, after which Stilton cheese is named, may have been associated with cheese-making for more than 1,800 years.

Mr Landy said: "I was elated when I found the press. I have already found extensive evidence of the Roman period from a number of sites around Stilton."

Philippa Walton, county council finds liaison officer, said it was a truly exceptional object found in a very apt spot.

Roman Cheese PressCheese press of the Roman Period from Lower Halstow, Kent, England.

From the collection of the British Museum, London, England.This picture was taken with a hand held camera with no flash so the focus isn't brilliant.

The cheese press has been dated back to the 3rd Century

This photo was taken on August 13, 2009 in Bloomsbury,   London,   England

This photo was taken on August 13, 2009 in Bloomsbury,   London,   England

Thorskegga Thorn, Photographer

Photos by Paul B, Rick L and Penny Hicks

This cheese press, from Balmuildy Roman fort, is from the collection of the Hunterian Museum and was selected by Louisa Hammersley, postgraduate student at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow. Louisa writes - cheese presses are rare finds in Scotland and this is an extremely well preserved example. Without refrigeration, it would have been impossible to keep milk fresh during the 2nd century and it was normal practice for milk to be converted into butter or cheese to enable long-term storage. Bacteria formed as milk warmed, causing it to curdle, curds and whey were separated, curds were treated by cutting and shredding to make hard cheese. They were then placed into perforated cheese presses which allowed whey to be drained away and curds hardened into the shape of the press. I like this because cheese is still made the same way today and it shows how Roman practices influence our lives in the present day.