CHC14015 CERTIFICATE 1 IN ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING – RETAIL · 2019-04-30 · 6 | CHC14015 Facilitator...

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Transcript of CHC14015 CERTIFICATE 1 IN ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING – RETAIL · 2019-04-30 · 6 | CHC14015 Facilitator...




2 | CHC14015 Facilitator Guide – Certificate 1 in Active Volunteering – Retail

Training overview and face-to-face session requirements 3 Training overview 3 Material required for these sessions 3 Preparation required 3 Session format 3 Room layout 3

Session Plan: CHC14015 Certificate I in Active Volunteering – Retail 4 Part 1: Length two (2) hours 4 Part 2: Length two (2) hours 6


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Training overview

This face-to-face training is to assist students begin and conclude their study in CHC14015 Certificate I in Active Volunteering.

Students are required to participate in 2 x 2 hour face-to-face training sessions and complete activities contained in the companion Student Guide and Workbook (the workbook) during these sessions.There are no assessment components in these face-to-face sessions. Students may hand in completed assessment work from prior units in the last session.

Material required for these sessions

• CHC14015 Student Guide and Workbook (the workbook) for each student

• spare pens for group work• whiteboard and markers• data projector • USB stick with PowerPoint presentation loaded• copy of PowerPoint presentation to hand out to

students to add to their workbook.

Preparation required

• Ensure you are familiar with the ‘Guide for trainers involved in delivery and assessment’ for this program

• Ensure you are familiar with the ‘Student Guide and Workbook’ for this program which you will be handing to the students

• Copy PowerPoint presentation for handouts • It is assumed the trainer for this session will

have appropriate background knowledge of the subject and be able to direct student discussion to knowledge evidence as listed in the assessment requirements for this unit (Source:

• You may wish to organise a celebration for during the final conclusion session. Ask the group if and how they would like to celebrate, eg bring in cakes or food, or organise something yourself to recognise the milestone.

Session format

This facilitator guide is for two sessions:• Part 1 is a two hour introductory session to orient

the students to the CAVI program and what is expected of them.

• Part 2 is a two hour conclusion to the course.

The format is flexible to suit the individual trainer who can allocate time each section according to number of students, diversity of students and contextual requirements of the student group.

Trainers should encourage active participation of all to fully explore the variety of opinions and experiences of the students.

Room layout

As determined suitable by the trainer.Group work will be conducted informally with students moving chairs as needed.

* Reformatting notes – check reference page numbers throughout for consistency with the workbook and PowerPoint*

Training overview and face-to-face session requirements

4 | CHC14015 Facilitator Guide – Certificate 1 in Active Volunteering – Retail

Session Plan: CHC14015 Certificate I in Active Volunteering – RetailPart 1: Length two (2) hours Introductory Session – Week 1

Time Content Resources

20 mins Welcome, housekeeping and hand out workbook

Introduce yourself and the course. Explain that part of this course is the expectation that each student is volunteering in an organisation. They must show they have demonstrated at least 20 hours of volunteer as part of the course work.

Explain that we will all meet 11 more times and that it would be a good idea for us all to introduce ourselves and the organisation we volunteer for and what they do there.

Ask the group to turn to page 5 of the workbook as they might like to write down who is who in the group and for which organisations participants volunteer.

SLIDE 1Workbook

20 mins Icebreaker of trainer’s choosing

15 mins Hand out copies of the PowerPoint.

Discuss each SLIDE in turn.Ask: Why do you volunteer?

Canvas reasons and write them on the whiteboard – note common reasons. Accept if the reasons aren’t on SLIDE 4. Explain this by the unique nature of the participant group and that there are many reasons seen on the next SLIDE.

PowerPoint handoutSLIDE 2SLIDE 3SLIDE 4Whiteboard

5 mins SLIDE 5 - relate the additional reasons to volunteer to what you have recorded on the whiteboard.

Discuss each SLIDE in turn.


15 mins Ask the questions on the SLIDE to the group.

Have them fill in the corresponding questions in their workbook which are under the heading ‘Program Outcomes’.


5 | CHC14015 Facilitator Guide – Certificate 1 in Active Volunteering – Retail

Time Content Resources

10 mins Discuss points on this SLIDE.

Ask students to add any other points to the two questions they have just completed above.


10 mins Ask students to take a few moments to read/scan the information in the workbook from the heading ‘Student support and materials’ on page 2 to the end of page 4.


20 mins Explain we will talk about each aspect they have just read through. Encourage questions.

Discuss each SLIDE in turn.

Key points – allay any concerns about the assessment.

Explain: The assessment is easy because some will be done in these sessions. The trainer will take you through any of the assessments which need to be done for homework or in conjunction with your volunteer supervisor or workplace.

The workbook has all the information you need to help you complete the assessment activities.

Help is available.


5 mins Congratulate the students on the course they are about to commence.Remind students about the meeting time and location.

End of Part 1

Notes for improvement

Session Plan: CHC14015 Certificate I in Active Volunteering – Retail cont...

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Part 2: Length two (2) hours Conclusion – Week 23

Time Content Resources

10 mins Explain: This is our last week together

• reflect on how everyone was feeling in Week 1.

• ask each around the room how all are feeling.


10 mins Explain: Now is the time for last minute questions.

Canvas the room for any questions.

SLIDE 14 has some prompts to ask the students or for the students to ask you.


10 mins Ask students to itemise in the workbook on page 8 what they still have left to do to complete their assessments.


25 mins Explain: now is a good time to reflect on some of the specific things we wrote down in week 1 and to look at what we have achieved.

Recap each of the units completed as on SLIDE 14.

Ask each student to volunteer one thing they have learnt over the past 23 weeks. Suggest they think about it for a minute and write it down in the space provided in their workbook on page 8.

SLIDE 15 Workbook

20 mins Ask students to now answer the rest of the questions in the workbook and be prepared to share their answers with the group or with their neighbour.

Randomly ask for answers to each of the questions after sufficient time.


5 mins Congratulate the students on all their work so far and encourage them to finish their outstanding work asap – the more time passes the harder it will be to finish it!


40 mins Celebration activity of your or group’s choice.

End of Part 2

Session Plan: CHC14015 Certificate I in Active Volunteering – Retail

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Notes for improvement