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Chasing bacterial chassis for metabolic engineering: a perspective review fromclassical to non-traditional microorganisms

Calero, Patricia; Nikel, Pablo I.

Published in:Microbial Biotechnology

Link to article, DOI:10.1111/1751-7915.13292

Publication date:2019

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Citation (APA):Calero, P., & Nikel, P. I. (2019). Chasing bacterial chassis for metabolic engineering: a perspective review fromclassical to non-traditional microorganisms. Microbial Biotechnology, 12(1), 98-124.


Chasing bacterial chassis for metabolic engineering: aperspective review from classical to non-traditionalmicroorganisms

Patricia Calero and Pablo I. Nikel*The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center forBiosustainability, Technical University of Denmark,2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.


The last few years have witnessed an unprecedentedincrease in the number of novel bacterial speciesthat hold potential to be used for metabolic engineer-ing. Historically, however, only a handful of bacteriahave attained the acceptance and widespread usethat are needed to fulfil the needs of industrial bio-production – and only for the synthesis of very few,structurally simple compounds. One of the reasonsfor this unfortunate circumstance has been thedearth of tools for targeted genome engineering ofbacterial chassis, and, nowadays, synthetic biologyis significantly helping to bridge such knowledgegap. Against this background, in this review, we dis-cuss the state of the art in the rational design andconstruction of robust bacterial chassis for meta-bolic engineering, presenting key examples of bacte-rial species that have secured a place in industrialbioproduction. The emergence of novel bacterialchassis is also considered at the light of the uniqueproperties of their physiology and metabolism, andthe practical applications in which they are expectedto outperform other microbial platforms. Emergingopportunities, essential strategies to enable suc-cessful development of industrial phenotypes, andmajor challenges in the field of bacterial chassisdevelopment are also discussed, outlining the

solutions that contemporary synthetic biology-guided metabolic engineering offers to tackle theseissues.


Decades of research considerably expanded the reper-toire of biological functions that microbial cells can incor-porate into their physiological and metabolic agendas.Nowadays, designer cells can be constructed by adopt-ing a combination of genome editing tools, chemicalDNA synthesis and DNA assembly technologies –

thereby fulfilling the practical goal of synthetic biology,that is, the construction of living cells from individualparts, which are purposefully assembled to yield a func-tional entity (Jullesson et al., 2015). Some important hur-dles, however, have been just started to be taken intoconsideration. Cells naturally control the gene expres-sion flow using a sophisticated variety of RNA, proteinand DNA-modifying layers of regulation, and these regu-latory networks enable them to effectively respond totheir environments and external cues. Therefore, addingnovel, genetically encoded biological functions to thesecomplex networks is expected to have different conse-quences depending on the host in which they are intro-duced into, as these regulatory layers would be likewisedifferent across species. Several bacterial hosts havebeen adopted for plugging-in and plugging-out geneticcircuits for specific purposes and, in most cases, theselection of the host cell was merely dictated by its avail-ability and/or by historical tradition. However, syntheticbiology ultimately aims at programming cells that canexecute the implanted functions in a predictable fashion,and such objective thus calls for the adoption of specific,formatted hosts that will necessarily have different prop-erties depending on the application envisioned. In thebroadest sense of the term, a biological chassis can bedefined as the physical, metabolic and regulatory con-tainment for plugging-in and plugging-out dedicatedgenetic circuits and regulatory devices. This wide defini-tion incorporates a clear engineering standpoint, in which

Received 24 March, 2018; revised 28 May, 2018; accepted 29 May,2018.*For correspondence. E-mail; Tel. (+4593) 51 19 18; Fax (+45 45) 25 80 00.Microbial Biotechnology (2019) 12(1), 98–124doi:10.1111/1751-7915.13292Funding InformationThe Novo Nordisk Foundation through grant NNF10CC1016517

ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


a set of predefined parts are assembled together in arational, standardized way leading to the final object(Endy, 2005). Moreover, and as proposed by Danchinand Sekowska (2013), the concept of chassis encom-passes the notion that there is a clear distinctionbetween a program or software that encodes the targetfunction(s), and a machine or hardware (i.e. the chassisitself) that expresses and executes the program.Apart from their role in the context of synthetic biology,

the adoption of suitable bacterial chassis has a consider-able impact in the field of metabolic engineering (Ste-phanopoulos, 2012; Nielsen and Keasling, 2016;Smanski et al., 2016). The integration of synthetic biol-ogy tools and strategies into advanced metabolic engi-neering has enabled the incorporation of a number ofnon-traditional microorganisms as hosts for developingefficient microbial cell factories. The (already extensive)list of the microbial hosts that can be adopted for suchpurposes continues to expand as more tools for precisegene and genome manipulation become available. Yet,the implementation of a given host for practical applica-tions seems to be still governed by some degree of ran-domness, and a remarkably small number of microbialcell factories have achieved full commercial exploitation.This situation contrasts with the unparalleled momentumthat the development of industrial microbial processes isgaining nowadays, driven by increased concerns aboutenvironmental issues and the prospect of dwindling pet-roleum resources worldwide that has increasingly shiftedthe industrial focus towards the use of microorganismsas biocatalysts. Yet again, the production of only a lim-ited number of compounds has successfully reachedcommercial scale, which indicates how difficult the wholeprocess of bringing a product into the market is. Improv-ing yields, titres and productivity of microbial processesto enable commercialization requires rational manipula-tion of the microbial physiology, stress responses, and,even more importantly, engineering the core metabolismin the selected chassis. An often overlooked aspect isthat the chassis has to be adapted to specific substrate(s) and its impurities in an industrial setup, which ulti-mately dictates the needs and characteristics of down-stream processing. Consequently, a major topic in thefield of metabolic engineering is the selection of an opti-mal chassis not only able to execute the functionsneeded for efficient bioproduction, but also hefty enoughto tolerate the harsh operating conditions characteristicof industrial processes, which are of course differentfrom the mild, controlled conditions that prevail in thelaboratory.In general, the physical and spatial shape of a micro-

bial cell, its genomic complement, its default geneexpression machinery and the complement of metabolicfunctions are not enough to automatically meet the

requirements of a suitable chassis, and further manipu-lations are needed in order to fulfil the characteristicsdesirable for specific applications. Building on the wealthof information generated over the years, in this reviewwe discuss the state of the art in bacterial chassisdevelopment, presenting the main advantages and limi-tations of traditional hosts (including a summary ofrecent efforts on development of dedicated tools), alsobringing under the spotlight novel bacterial species thathold promise for future developments. For the sake ofthe present discussion, we will restrict the scope of thisreview to bacterial chassis, without forgetting that thedevelopment of other microbial platforms (e.g. yeast andfilamentous fungi) continues to gain considerable atten-tion for both fundamental and practical applications.Finally, we also present and discuss what we perceiveas being the main challenges that need to be overcomein the design and construction of bacterial chassis inorder to reach a level of maturity compatible with com-mercial exploitation.

Desirable properties in the ideal bacterial chassis:bridging the knowledge-to-application gap throughsynthetic biology

Over the past two decades, and together with the explo-sive expansion of the fields of metabolic engineeringand synthetic biology, the development of suitable chas-sis that could host newly-designed biological functionsand processes has achieved substantial relevance, as itbecomes apparent by inspecting the exponentialincrease in the number of publications on the topic overthe last few years (Fig. 1). Only during the last year,almost 100 articles had the word ‘chassis’ listed as akeyword – a citation trend that mirrors the generalincrease in the number of publications on synthetic biol-ogy and metabolic engineering. This observation indi-cates how intimate the connection between newengineering endeavours and the adoption of specifichosts is. Yet, what would be the starting point in the pro-cess of selection and development of a bacterial chassisfor this purpose?

From ‘built-in’ properties to emergent bacterialphenotypes

Ideally, a microbial chassis should possess certain fea-tures to meet the practical necessities of metabolic engi-neers and to ensure an easy and fast constructionworkflow of reliable production strains. These featuresinclude (i) enough basic knowledge on the microorgan-ism, setting the basis for the design of culture mediaand bioprocesses, (ii) simple nutritional requirements,including readily accessible carbon and nitrogen

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sources, (iii) ‘built-in’ high resistance to physicochemicalstress, (iii) fast and efficient growth, (iv) availability of(and possibility of developing novel) tools for targetedgenome manipulations, (v) efficient secretion systems(either natural or amenable for engineering) to facilitatedownstream purification steps, especially when heterolo-gous protein production is the target, and (vi) toleranceto extreme conditions, for example high temperature.Needless to say, there are very few microorganismsthat would naturally fulfil all these six traits (Beites andMendes, 2015). Traditionally, only well-characterizedbacteria that have been studied over the years in alaboratory setup have been adopted as chassis formetabolic engineering. This is also the case of microor-ganisms with a long tradition in the fields of microbiol-ogy and biotechnology that have managed to reach anindustrial scale of production. The (somewhat short) listof bacterial hosts falling into this category includesEscherichia coli (Pontrelli et al., 2018), Bacillus subtilis(Gu et al., 2018), Streptomyces sp. (Spasic et al.,2018), Pseudomonas putida (Nikel and de Lorenzo,2018), and Corynebacterium glutamicum (Wendischet al., 2016), for which extensive background fundamen-tal knowledge has been amassed. The wide use ofthese well-established chassis notwithstanding, therehas been a renewed interest for bringing up-and-coming host alternatives to the metabolic engineeringcommunity, thus broadening the repertoire of chassisavailable. Nevertheless, establishing a new chassisencompasses challenges that need to be tackled andfor which we propose a streamlined process asdisclosed below.

The very starting point in this process is frequently anot-so-well-known microorganism (most usually, a naturalmicrobial isolate), which might possess some of the traitsof interest for the field (e.g. pre-endowed high toleranceto physicochemical stress and sufficiently rapid growthon a simple culture medium). As recently proposed forthe development of the so-called model organisms forbiotechnology (Liu and Deutschbauer, 2018), a givenwild-type bacterial strain proposed as a potential chassishas to be subjected to extensive studies to fully exploitits potential before its wide adoption becomes possible.The necessary steps to be taken into this direction aresummarized in Fig. 2, and they include key approachessuch as (i) detailed sequencing of the genome, followedby expert, well-curated annotation of genes to evaluate insilico the metabolic potential (and potentially negativetraits, as pathogenicity) of the host, (ii) development ofgenetic tools, including both replicative and suicide plas-mids, characterized promoters covering a wide range ofgene expression levels, and genome engineering tools,for example CRISPR/Cas9 devices, for precise geneticmanipulations, (iii) experimental enrichment of the knowl-edge on metabolism and physiology, through the imple-mentation of omics technologies and genome-widemetabolic reconstructions (this is a crucial aspect of thewhole process, as feeding in silico metabolic models withactual experimental data provides the basis for furtherrefinement of the predictions), (iv) construction and test-ing of libraries of knock-out mutants in non-essentialgenes, and (v) continuous curation and updating of allthe data gathered into publically available databases toreach the whole scientific community.

Fig. 1. Intersection between the adoption of microbial chassis and the fields of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, as reflected in therelevant literature since 1961 up to date. The diagram indicates the number of times that the words ‘Metabolic Engineering’ (blue), ‘SyntheticBiology’ (green) and ‘chassis’ (yellow) have been used as keywords in research and review articles in the field literature over the years (source:PubMed, accessed in May 2018). Note that the scale is different for ‘chassis’ (indicated to the right of the diagram) and both ‘Metabolic Engi-neering’ and ‘Synthetic Biology’ (indicated to the left of the diagram).

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In the quest of reduced- and minimal-genome bacterialchassis by trimming out unnecessary functions

Minimal interference of the endogenous biochemistrywith any given heterologous pathway plugged-in into themetabolism of a target host is a desirable trait for meta-bolic engineering (de Lorenzo et al., 2015). However,this is not often the case as metabolic intermediates orfinal products of the pathway may (i) cause toxicityissues by themselves, (ii) become targets of non-pre-dicted enzymatic reactions (resulting in misrouting or,again, toxicity), and/or (iii) act as inhibitors of other func-tions. In all these possible scenarios, the consequenceis a decrease in the metabolic efficiency of the targetpathway(s) that could severely affect final titres andyields. The construction of cell factories based on areduced or, ideally, minimal-genome chassis has beenproposed as a potential solution to avoid these issues(Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa and de Lorenzo, 2016). The premisehere is that such minimal cell factories are designed forspecific production purposes, containing the minimalinformation and functions needed to grow and executeheterologous pathway(s) for efficient production with littleto no interference arising from native functions. Thebehaviour of these minimal cells factories is expected to

be more predictable due to their decreased complexity,and they should also have a higher catalytic efficiencyas they do not waste energy in transcribing and translat-ing unnecessary genes that would otherwise give rise tolikewise unnecessary functions (Choe et al., 2016). Amajor challenge here is cataloguing such ‘unnecessary’genes and functions, which would strictly depend onenvironmental (e.g. industrial operation) conditions. Froma fundamental perspective, the quest for the elusive min-imal genome has been proposed as the way forward toget access to all necessary components defining a livingcell – and then using this information for the constructionof efficient biocatalysts. One possibility to tackle thischallenge would be to start off by trying to identify all thefunctions that are ubiquitously present in extant bacterialgenomes. This approach, however, takes for grantedthat genomic analysis offers access to ubiquitous cellstructures (or, rather, gene sequences, which are seldomsufficient to predict structures) and not functions. A moreheuristic approach to overcome this problem is the iden-tification of persistent genes, that is, genes that tend tobe present in a quorum of genomes with a preset con-servation percentage threshold (Acevedo-Rocha et al.,2013). This classification divides the (bacterial) genomeinto two components, the paleome, which encodes all

Fig. 2. Proposed chart for the development of a bacterial chassis for metabolic engineering, indicating the key steps required for domesticationof a potentially interesting wild-type strain. The entire process builds upon six main interconnected aspects, which cover the whole rangebetween gaining fundamental insight into functional genomics and physiology of the strain at stake and the design and adoption of dedicatedsynthetic biology tools. Although there is a structure to be followed along the process (that usually starts with the sequencing and expert anno-tation of the genome and a thorough physiological characterization), the steps indicated in the chart are not necessarily sequential in nature.

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the functions needed to reproduce the cell in its progeny,while replicating its genome, and the cenome, whichallows the cell to belong to a specific environmentalniche. Such classification would in principle enable theuser to decide on the set of (dispensable) cell functionsthat can be erased in any given bacterial chassis forspecific applications. Transcriptional data is also a veryimportant information to be exploited in the selection ofdispensable cell functions, as the expression of manygenes (including many of those making up for the pale-ome) is, as indicated above, highly dependent on thespecific culture conditions (Kim et al., 2013).As mentioned above, it is important to stress out that

the set of genes necessary to sustain life is not thesame across different environmental conditions, and itwill vary significantly depending on whether the cells aregrowing in a rich or a simple, minimal medium and/or ifthere are toxic elements and compounds present. Con-sequently, the construction of a minimal bacterial gen-ome might not lead to robust growth across allconditions. Pathways that are crucial for optimal growthunder specific stress conditions or environmental fluctua-tions, for instance, may not be deemed essential underhomoeostatic, balanced growth conditions (Nogaleset al., 2012). This aspect is especially relevant whenthese cells are meant to be used for bioproduction, aseach target product may require special operating condi-tions. As a more general principle, a reduced set ofgenes should not be taken as a synonym of robustnessor fast growth, as shown for bacteria naturally endowedwith very small genomes, for example Mycoplasmapneumoniae (Yus et al., 2009).Top-down approaches have been traditionally emp-

loyed in engineering endeavours for obtaining minimal-genome bacterial chassis, in which the genome ofwild-type laboratory strains has been reduced as muchas possible without impairing growth (at least under cer-tain growth conditions). Not surprisingly, E. coli has beenthe main subject of dedicated genome reduction projects(Hashimoto et al., 2005; P�osfai et al., 2006; Hirokawaet al., 2013; Park et al., 2014), as well as other bacterialstrains of industrial relevance, for example B. subtilis(Ara et al., 2007; Morimoto et al., 2008), Streptomycesavermitilis (Komatsu et al., 2010) and Pseudomonasputida (Leprince et al., 2012; Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa et al.,2014c; Lieder et al., 2015). Further information aboutother reduced-genome bacterial strains constructed viatop-down approaches can be found in recent reviews(Xavier et al., 2014; Choe et al., 2016). Other strategieshave been recently adopted for the construction of mini-mal-genome bacterial cells. The significant advancementin fast and cost-effective techniques for DNA synthesis,assembly and efficient sequencing has contributed tothe de novo construction of synthetic Mycoplasma

mycoides cells as part of the Minimal Genome Projectrunning at the J. Craig Venter Institute (Hutchison et al.,2016). In this case, the authors have adopted a bottom-up genome minimization approach (Gibson et al., 2010)that, apart from enabling the construction of such a mini-mal-genome bacterial chassis, has shed light on thecomplexity of bacterial genome structures. The firstproof-of-principle of the project consisted of a de novosynthesized, modified version of the 1,000,000-bp longgenome of M. mycoides that was implanted into a DNA-free Mycoplasma capricolum ‘envelope’, resulting instrain JCVI-syn1.0. Building on this first version of theminimal bacterial cell, an even smaller genome was syn-thesized (JCVI-syn3.0), spanning 531,560 bp and 473genes. A comparison of these two synthetic genomesrevealed a common set of 256 genes, which probablyrepresent the authentic minimal set of genes needed for(limited) cell viability. Surprisingly, almost one-third ofthese genes in this synthetic construct encode unknownfunctions. Recent efforts by Danchin and Fang (2016)lead to the assignment of a significant number of func-tions to these unknown elements, belonging to core cel-lular processes such as DNA replication and cell division(e.g. a membrane protease involved in bacterial divi-sion), DNA metabolism (e.g. deoxyribonucloside kinasesand phosphatases), RNA metabolism (e.g. ribonucle-ases, nanoRNAses, and helicases), translation-relatedfunctions (e.g. methyltransferases) and functions withingeneral metabolism (e.g. enzymes involved in redox bal-ance, peroxiredoxines and ATP-dependent Fe2+ trans-porters).In all, the studies above pinpoint, again, the difficulties

in a priori deciding which cell functions might be dis-pensable, and constant developments in the field areexpected to further clarify this issue in the near future.While most of the available information on reduced- andminimal-genome bacterial chassis is restricted to just ahandful of species, other strains will be surely added tothe metabolic engineering agenda for specific applica-tions soon. The general physiological and metabolicproperties, as well as the advantages and the potentialshortcomings, of some of the most representative bacte-rial strains that could constitute relevant chassis aredescribed in the next section.

Bacterial species adopted as a chassis: fromhistorical examples to up-and-coming additions

Several wild-type bacteria have been chosen as chassisfor bioproduction, from laboratory-derived E. coli to(more recently) microbial species isolated because ofspecifically interesting phenotypic properties. In anattempt to describe the main advantages of these hostsin particular applications, we start off by presenting the

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state of the art of one of the most used Gram-negativebacterial chassis, E. coli, and one Gram-positive bac-terium that has been likewise used extensively, Bacillussubtilis. Building on their applications, other microorgan-isms that have gained relevance as a chassis for meta-bolic engineering (e.g. P. putida) are discussed at thelight of their unique physiological and metabolic proper-ties. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus our discus-sion mostly on the examples listed above. Other relevantbacterial species that have found important industrialapplications, for example Corynebacterium, Clostridium,and Streptomyces, are collected in Table 1, highlightingsome of their unique physiological properties along withkey examples from the literature that the reader couldaccess if interested on such platforms. In the sectionsbelow, we discuss the most relevant features and advan-tages of E. coli, B. subtilis and P. putida in relation tometabolic engineering efforts and bioproduction of bio-chemicals, as well as different examples of industrialand/or laboratory-scale processes using them as plat-forms. Figure 3 summarizes the main properties of thesebacterial chassis, listing the practical applications inwhich they are known to excel.

Escherichia coli

More than 50 years of intensive research on E. coli havepositioned this bacterium as the best-studied exampleamong all prokaryotes, and as an obvious first-choice asa chassis for development of cell factories. E. coli is aGram-negative, rod-shaped, facultative anaerobic bac-terium (although a more proper classification of its life-style would be as a facultative aerobe), which can befound in mammalian intestines, some natural environ-ments, and, in some cases, contaminated foods. Its roleas a host in biotechnology can be tracked back to itsuse for L-threonine production in the 60s (Huang, 1961),

and its application for insulin production (Riggs, 1981). Itis characterized by (i) rapid growth rates, (ii) low nutrientrequirements (which lead to likewise reduced productioncosts), (iii) the possibility of stablishing high-cell-densitycultures through fed-batch fermentation (Shiloach andFass, 2005), (iv) a versatile metabolism that has beenthoroughly investigated and (v) a variety of tools forgenetic manipulations and strain development. Althoughsome strains are known to be pathogenic, many of themare safe to use for bioproduction. E. coli strains mostcommonly used nowadays are based on the K-12 and Bancestor strains, isolated in 1922 and 1918 respectively(Blount, 2015). From these two original isolates, a widevariety of improved strains has been tailored for specificpurposes, for example E. coli BL21 Rosetta, designedfor production of heterologous proteins using tRNAs thatrecognize rare codons in mRNA; E. coli BL21(DE3),containing a copy of the gene encoding the RNA poly-merase from phage T7 integrated in the chromosome; orE. coli C41(DE3) and C43(DE3), characterized by a hightolerance to (usually toxic) membrane protein expression(Miroux and Walker, 1996). A comprehensive list ofE. coli strains adapted for other purposes has beenlisted by Baeshen et al. (2015). In addition, a number ofreduced-genome strains have also been constructedstarting from wild-type E. coli strains. Some of themshow significant physiological advantages when com-pared to the parental, K-12 strain MG1655. This is thecase for the strain set dubbed MDS41, 42 and 43 (15%of the bacterial genome deleted), which have high elec-troporation efficiency and increased stability of foreign,difficult-to-clone DNA due to the removal of all insertionsequences (P�osfai et al., 2006). Another set of reduced-genome E. coli strains, derived from W3110, were con-structed in the context of the Minimum Genome Factoryproject launched in Japan in 2001 (Mizoguchi et al.,2007). One such strain, termed MGF-01 and having

Table 1. Examples of bacterial platforms endowed with unique physiological and metabolic properties for bioproduction.a

Microorganism Advantages Main type of products obtained References


Suitable for anoxic bioprocesses, goodsolvent tolerance, grows on severalfeedstocks

Acetone, butanol, and butanol,and other solvents inengineered strains

(Ni and Sun, 2009; Jang et al., 2012)

Streptomyces sp. Wide variety of secondary metabolitesand cognate pathways

Antibiotics (Li and Townsend, 2006; Komatsu et al.,2013; Hiltner et al., 2015; Palazzottoand Weber, 2018)


Used for industrial production of aminoacids for over 60 years

L-amino acids (e.g. glutamateand lysine), organic acids,diamides

(Becker and Wittmann, 2012; Wendisch,2014; Heider and Wendisch, 2015;Unthan et al., 2015)

Rhodococcus sp. Lignin degradation and high toleranceto toxic compounds

Acrylamide, triacylglycerols (McLeod et al., 2006; Kosa andRagauskas, 2013; R€ottig et al., 2016;Sun et al., 2016)

Mycobacterium sp. Natural capability of synthesizing andmetabolizing sterols

Steroid intermediates (Fern�andez-Cabez�on et al.,2018)

a. Selected examples of bioproduction are presented based on the main industrial applications of these bacterial species.

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22% of its genome deleted, reached a final cell densitysignificantly higher than the parental strain and it pro-duced twice as much (i.e. 10 g l�1) L-threonine whengrown under the same culture conditions.

A vast number of plasmid vectors and gene expres-sion systems can be found among the tools specificallydeveloped for E. coli. This (ever expanding) toolboxincludes an extensive catalogue of optimized natural and

Fig. 3. Functional relationship between intended industrially relevant practical applications and different bacterial chassis of choice, dependingon some key physiological and metabolic features they present. For the sake of simplicity, only some selected applications are shown alongwith the bacterial species that could be adopted as the starting point for robust chassis design and construction. Note that, given the character-istics of some of these bacterial species, they could potentially fulfil more than one application.

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synthetic promoters, libraries of ribosome binding sitesand other regulatory elements, plasmidial origins of repli-cation, resistance markers, affinity tags for protein purifi-cation and efficient transcriptional terminators (Terpe,2006; Rosano and Ceccarelli, 2014; Dvo�r�ak et al., 2015;Marschall et al., 2017; Segall-Shapiro et al., 2018). Fol-lowing the very spirit of synthetic biology, some of thesetools have adopted specific standards and protocols fol-lowed suit, such as the Registry of Standard BiologicalParts (Peccoud et al., 2008) or the BioBricks repository(Røkke et al., 2014). Moreover, numerous genome edi-tion tools have been developed, that have enabled fastand easy strain manipulation through insertion and dele-tion of genetic circuits into the E. coli chromosome (Dat-senko and Wanner, 2000; Bloor and Cranenburgh,2006). More recently, the adoption of techniques basedon clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromicrepeats (CRISPR) in association with Cas9-based coun-ter selection systems for genome editing (Jiang et al.,2013, 2015; Doudna and Charpentier, 2014), deactivatedCas9 protein for targeted gene regulation (CRISPRi,CRISPR interference; Qi et al., 2013) and multiplex auto-mated genome editing (MAGE; Wang et al., 2009) haveenormously helped to boost our ability to construct engi-neered E. coli strains in a straightforward, streamlinedfashion – thus increasing the diversity of strains that canbe used for specific bioproduction purposes. In additionto these technologies, the discovery, understanding andapplication of gene expression devices (e.g. riboswitchesand aptamers) allow for the fine-tune regulation of geneexpression in complex pathways (Kushwaha et al.,2016). Likewise, the development of biosensors hashelped in screening and improving the synthesis of bothbulk and fine chemicals. Metabolite biosensors, whichrespond to the presence of a certain molecule with aneasily detectable output, provides an easy way ofscreening for efficient-producing strains from complexlibraries (Zhang and Keasling, 2011; Liu et al., 2015).Moreover, a collection of knock-out mutants (i.e. the Keiocollection) is available, providing a simple and high-throughput way for testing phenotypes and functions ofsingle, non-essential genes (Baba et al., 2006). Dataintegration from deep genome sequencing (includingstrains from the Keio collection), as well as elaboratedomics techniques, has led to the development of robustcomputational models that predict the metabolic beha-viour of an organism under certain simulated conditions.Not surprisingly, such genome-scale metabolic modelswere firstly reconstructed for E. coli (Orth et al., 2011).All E. coli metabolic models available up to date, as wellas their potential practical applications, have beenreviewed by McCloskey et al. (2013) and, more recently,by O’Brien et al. (2015). The combination of this broadrange of dedicated tools, both for in silico predictions

and wet-laboratory manipulations, has made it possibleto adopt E. coli as a model bacterial chassis for meta-bolic engineering and synthetic biology – being a verita-ble workhorse for developing and testing designermetabolic pathways.The development of even more robust production

strains using adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE, alsoknown as evolutionary engineering) has enabled the pro-duction of high amounts of toxic compounds (Shepelinet al., 2018). An ALE application studied in great detailis increasing growth efficiency on specific carbonsources, for example glycerol (Herring et al., 2006) orglucose (Notley-McRobb and Ferenci, 1999; LaCroixet al., 2015). Moreover, other E. coli strains have beenevolved to utilize alternative carbon sources, for examplecitrate (Blount et al., 2008), which are not naturally con-sumed by the parental strain. ALE-mediated adaptationof bacterial chassis to industrially relevant toxic com-pounds as well as by-products generated by the extantmetabolism, which may affect bacterial growth duringproduction, have been likewise demonstrated. Someexamples of adaptation to organic solvents yielded E.coli strains with high tolerance towards ethanol (Good-arzi et al., 2010), iso- and n-butanol (Atsumi et al., 2010;Dragosits and Mattanovich, 2013), and ionic liquids(Mohamed et al., 2017). Recently, ALE has been appliedtogether with flux balance analysis to generate an E. colistrain with increased succinate production from glycerol(Tokuyama et al., 2018), and L-serine, an amino acidusually considered to be toxic (Mundhada et al., 2017).The potential of ALE for evolving industrially relevantproduction phenotypes has been mostly limited toE. coli, and this technique will surely help to establishother bacterial chassis for metabolic engineering by gen-erating useful phenotypic traits.Different E. coli platform strains have been developed

for boosting the formation of key metabolites of centralcarbon metabolism that can be then used as key precur-sors for target compounds. Typical examples of this sortof manipulations include manipulations leading toincreased pyruvate or acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) levels.These central metabolites can be used as buildingblocks in recombinant E. coli for small molecules suchas butanol (Shen et al., 2011), or more complex chemi-cal species such as polyhydroxyalkanoates [PHAs(Anjum et al., 2016; Chen and Jiang, 2017), speciallythe simplest form of these polymers, poly(3-hydroxybuty-rate), PHB (Gomez et al., 2012)] and fatty acids (Sarriaet al., 2017). The strategies used for enhancing the for-mation of such metabolic precursors usually involvedeleting reactions that deplete pyruvate or acetyl-CoA orboosting carbon fluxes through glycolytic pathways(S�anchez-Pascuala et al., 2017). Such metabolic engi-neering strategies, recently reviewed by Matsumoto

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et al. (2017), not only encompass the manipulation oftarget structural genes but also global regulators ofmetabolism, such as the ArcAB two-component system(Bidart et al., 2012). These platform E. coli chassischaracterized by an increased availability of keymetabolites can be further used to express a wide vari-ety of heterologous pathways tailored to produceheterologous compounds that are not part of the extantbiochemical network. The production of aromatic com-pounds constitutes a traditional example of this type ofmetabolic manipulations (Mart�ınez et al., 2015). Struc-tural precursors for aromatic compounds are producedin bacteria through the shikimate pathway, which startswith the condensation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)and erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P). The shikimate path-way is an essential part of the extant metabolism, serv-ing as the precursor of the aromatic amino acidstyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. Apart from theirintrinsic value as food additives, these amino acids canbe converted into relevant added-value compounds, forexample vanillin or p-hydroxystyrene (Lee and Wen-disch, 2017), or can be used as drug precursors. Otherintermediates within the shikimate pathway can redi-rected to the synthesis of phenol and cis,cis-muconicacid. The formation of the key metabolites PEP andE4P has been manipulated in order to increase theoverall flux through the shikimate route, and, in arecent example, these manipulations lead to a signifi-cant increase in salicylic acid formation (Noda et al.,2016). Another strategy adopted for this purpose hasbeen to relieve the feedback regulation that occurs inone of the first enzymes of the pathway, AroF. ThearoF gene encodes a 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulonase(DHAP) synthase, and a single mutation, leading to anamino acid change in position 148 of the protein(AroFP148L), generated the feedback-resistant aroFfbr

variant (Weaver and Herrmann, 1990). This specificAroF variant has been used in many studies to boostthe shikimate pathway for production of aromatic com-pounds (Sengupta et al., 2015). Targeted deletion ofsome native genes involved in amino acid synthesis toremove competition with the heterologous enzymes hasalso been reported, although these manipulations oftenresult in altered growth or significant increases in theprocess cost, as some amino acids and vitamins haveto be supplemented to the culture medium (Noda et al.,2016). Another approach, recently implemented to over-come nutritional deficiencies in engineered E. colistrains, includes transcriptional down-regulation of aroK(shikimate kinase, which consumes shikimate) usinggrowth-phase dependent promoters (Lee and Wendisch,2017).Another family of products of great interest in the field

of metabolic engineering are those derived from the

mevalonate (MVA) pathway. MVA is the main precursorof a range of added-value products such as terpenoidsand isoprenoids, through the key intermediates isopen-tenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate(DMAPP). These compounds found wide applications inthe fields of therapeutics, cosmetics, biofuels, and ascolour and fragrance (food) additives. Although IPP andDMAPP can be synthesized endogenously by E. colithrough the methyleythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathwaywithout generating MVA; this route has been shown tohave a very limited flux (Ajikumar et al., 2010). Eventhough the endogenous MEP pathway is less efficientthan expressing the heterologous MVA pathway (Mor-rone et al., 2010), quite some work has been devoted tooptimize its performance and further understand its wir-ing (Kim and Keasling, 2001; Zhou et al., 2012; Bongerset al., 2015). The emerging picture indicates that furtheroptimization is needed when the MVA pathway is usedto release metabolic bottlenecks and reduce toxicity ofsome metabolic intermediates therein (Martin et al.,2003; Ajikumar et al., 2010; Ma et al., 2011; Wang et al.,2016a). The adoption of alternative bacterial chassiscould certainly be a way forward to overcome some ofthese limitations.Industrially, E. coli has also been used for the produc-

tion of 1,3-propanediol by DuPont and 1,4-butanediol byGenomatica (Sabra et al., 2016). 1,3-Propanediol, amonomer for the synthesis of industrial polymers suchas polytrimethylene terephthalate, can be naturally pro-duced from glycerol by some microorganisms. In orderto construct a high-yield E. coli producer, the genesencoding all the functions needed for 1,3-propanediolsynthesis were cloned from Klebsiella pneumoniae(Gatenby et al., 1998), followed by several metabolicengineering strategies on the resulting strain to ensuresufficient precursor availability. 1,4-Butanediol, a struc-turally similar diol, is another bulk chemical used as pre-cursor of industrially-important plastics and spandexfibres. A library of heterologous genes needed for1,4-butanediol formation from succinyl-CoA, intermediateof the tricarboxylic acid cycle, has been tested in E. coli(Yim et al., 2011). This early attempt was soon com-bined with sophisticated metabolic engineering app-roaches, resulting in a set of E. coli strains that achievedyields of 1,4-butanediol – high enough to warrant com-mercialization. The sequential process for constructionand optimization of these engineered E. coli strains hasbeen recently reviewed in Burgard et al. (2016).All our extensive knowledge and range of tools for

engineering E. coli make this enteric bacterium a suit-able choice as a chassis for bulk product formation aswell as using it as a proof-of-concept for designer (syn-thetic) pathways at their initial stages of development.There is, however, a limit in the potential uses of E. coli,

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which is not a suitable platform for all bioprocesses andchemicals in the currently expanding bioproductionagenda. Some examples of challenging processes arethe production of secreted proteins at high yields or theproduction of highly toxic compounds, which negativelyaffect the growth and catalytic efficiency of E. coli. More-over, new and cheaper (raw) alternatives to traditionalsubstrates are required in order to minimize productioncosts. The utilization of different bacterial chassis,described below, attempts to overcome these chal-lenges.

Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus subtilis is an aerobic, rod-shaped, Gram-positivebacterium found in soils and in the plant rhizosphere. Itis one of the best known and characterized Gram-posi-tive microorganisms, due to a number of early studieson its natural competence for DNA transformation andthe formation of spores as resistant, non-reproductivestructures (Spizizen, 1958). The genome of B. subtilisstrain 168 was one of the first to be sequenced (Kunstet al., 1997), and a number of tools for genome manipu-lation have been developed ever since, as well as agenome-scale reconstruction of its metabolic network10 years after the genome sequence became available(Oh et al., 2007). More recently, a full collection ofknock-out mutants of B. subtillis has been developed(Koo et al., 2017). Importantly, B. subtilis is free of endo-toxins and has the generally recognized as safe (GRAS)status as a microorganism for protein production. Theavailability of numerous genetic tools, such as vectorsand gene expression systems, makes it an easy-to-han-dle organism (Liu et al., 2017a). As mentioned in thepreceding sections, there has been extensive work inconstructing reduced-genome versions of B. subtilis.Among them, the reduced-genome strain MGB874 hasbeen shown to produce higher concentrations of alkalinecellulose and protease as heterologous proteins (Mori-moto et al., 2008; Manabe et al., 2013).Recombinant proteins and natural enzymes and

proteases constitute the main portfolio of industrially rele-vant molecules produced in B. subtilis chassis –

essentially because its efficient secretory machineryallows for the transport of proteins into the culture med-ium to reach concentrations in the range of grams perlitre, thus reducing purification and recovery costs (vanDijl and Hecker, 2013). The adequate signal peptidesare required in the target proteins to ensure a correctand efficient secretion. Such signal peptides are com-posed by three domains, known as N-, H- andC- regions, recognized by different secretory machiner-ies for the proper translocation of proteins from the cyto-plasm through the membrane and to the external

medium. The best-studied protein secretory systems inB. subtilis are the Sec and Tat pathways (Hohmannet al., 2017). However, B. subtilis naturally produces anumber of proteases and, although some of them mighthave an interest for the industry on their own, their activ-ity usually limits the overall efficiency of heterologousprotein production. For this reason, the construction ofproteases-defective mutants has been crucial for thedevelopment of B. subtilis as a chassis for protein pro-duction. Some of the most used mutants of this sort arethe type strains WB600 (Wu et al., 1991) and WB800(Wu et al., 2002), in which six and eight proteases,respectively, have been eliminated.Furthermore, the development of B. subtilis as a chas-

sis for heterologous protein production has included thedesign of a wide variety of gene expression systems.Different types of strong, constitutive as well as induciblepromoters used in B. subtilis have been reviewed bySong et al. (2015). The Bacillus Genetic Stock Centre(BGSC) was created for maintenance and distribution ofthe (ever increasing) catalogue of characterized Bacillusstrains and knock-out mutants. Apart from the strains,the BGSC collection also contains cloning vectors andexpression plasmids that can be used in B. subtilis.However, some of these plasmids tend to be unstableand, due to the natural ability of B. subtilis of DNAuptake and integration into the chromosome throughdouble crossover, homologous recombination, single-copy DNA integration is the most used method forheterologous gene expression (Kunst and Rapoport,1995), although novel and easy ways for DNA transfor-mation and mobilization are being developed (Miyanoet al., 2018). Several genomic regions in the B. subtilischromosome have been characterized for heterologousgene expression; such as amyE (encoding an a-amy-lase) which provides a coloured-colony phenotype byperforming an a-amylase test to check for successfulgene integration. This strategy has been adopted byCommichau et al. (2014) for engineering efficient vitaminB6 production in B. subtilis strain 168.As described before, B. subtilis is a very attractive

organism for enzyme production, as their easy secretionoutside the cell simplifies the downstream processing aswell as their (re)folding when needed (Westers et al.,2004). The global industrial production of enzymes mar-ket is expected to reach $ 6.2 billion in 2020, and theseenzymes have applications as varied as production ofdetergents, treatment of textiles, additives for the foodindustry, cosmetics and waste degradation (Singh et al.,2016). Some examples of industrially relevant enzymesproduced in B. subtilis chassis are subtilisin (an alkalineserine protease), a- and b-amylases, b-glucanases andlaccases (Schallmey et al., 2004). Numerous exampleson the optimization of heterologous enzyme production

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in B. subtilis have been published – which attempt toimprove the overall process efficiency, finding new inter-esting enzymes and to develop more suitable chassisfor the industry (Chen et al., 2016; Feng et al., 2017).Apart from its prominent role in protein production,

B. subtilis is also used for industrial processes aimed atthe synthesis of nucleotides, vitamins, surfactants andantibiotics, for example bacitracin and subtilin. Nucleo-tides, for example inosine monophosphate (IMP) andguanosine monophosphate (GMP), are extensively usedin a wide range of processed foods as flavour boosters incombination with monosodium L-glutamate. Industrialproduction of these nucleotides has traditionally relied inGram-positive microorganisms and, among them,B. subtilis and other Bacillus species have a prominentrole due to a large accumulation of inosine in the culturemedium (Chen et al., 2005). Building on this naturaloccurrence, multiple studies have been performed toimprove nucleotide accumulation, using strategies suchas classical random mutagenesis (Matsui et al., 1982),culture optimization (Chen et al., 2005), target mutagene-sis to avoid IMP degradation (Asahara and Mori, 2010) orintroduction of nucleotidases that remove the phosphategroup from IMP and GMP (Terakawa et al., 2016). Anumber of vitamins are also being produced industrially inB. subtilis as the chassis, mainly riboflavin, cobalaminand biotin. Riboflavin, a component of the vitamin B2complex, is a major nutrient in human diet, which can benaturally found in vegetables and raw milk. Nowadays,riboflavin is produced by fermentation for its use as anadditive in the food industry, and B. subtilis is one of themicroorganisms most often used in such bioprocess. Alimitation in the availability of precursor nucleotides (i.e.GTP), however, is known to hinder riboflavin production.For this reason, a deregulation of purine synthesis hasbeen implemented to ensure efficient accumulation of thisvitamin (Stahmann et al., 2000; Shi et al., 2014).Poly-c-glutamic acid is a homopolyamide naturally pro-

duced by B. subtilis and related bacteria. A relevantmicrobial polymer used in food, medical, cosmetic andwaste treatment industries (Shih and Van, 2001; Bajajand Singhal, 2011), it is composed of D- and L-glutamicacid units interconnected through the amide linkage oftheir a-amino and c-carboxylic groups. The cost-effectiveproduction of poly-c-glutamic acid has been achievedusing natural-producer Bacillus strains (Tanaka et al.,1997), as well as by improved strains using genomemanipulation techniques such as genome shuffling (Zenget al., 2016). B. subtilis has also been used to producepure chiral stereoisomers, for example D-(—)-2,3-butanediol, another promising diol used as a biofuel andbulk chemical for chemical synthesis (Fu et al., 2016).Other molecules, for example hyaluronic acid (a high-molecular-weight glycosaminoglycan used in the

pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry), have been pro-duced in B. subtilis up to the range of grams per litre(Jin et al., 2016). Bacillus has been also applied as afunctional chassis to produce and secrete a syntheticcellulosome for further use in the degradation of raw cel-lulosic substrates (Lin et al., 2017). The production ofother important pharmaceutical molecules, for exampleN-acetylglucosamine, has been attempted as well, andthe bioprocess has been optimized through pathwaymodulation and successful colocalization of pathwayenzymes using scaffold proteins (Liu et al., 2017b,c).All the examples above accredit the value of B. sub-

tilis as a robust chassis, well established in thebiotechnology field for production of endogenousenzymes – and also for the production of heterologousproteins, although the titres are usually not comparableto those of endogenously synthesized proteins. Forthese reasons, more research needs to be performed inthis bacterial strain, including genome reduction, identifi-cation and optimization of signal peptides, developmentof novel, more efficient secretion and expression sys-tems, and further optimization of both culture settingsand resistance to stressful conditions (Tjalsma et al.,2004; Song et al., 2015; Ozt€urk et al., 2016). In biopro-cesses for which built-in resistance to harsh operatingconditions is needed, the focus shifts to a different typeof bacterial chassis, as discussed in the next section.

Pseudomonas putida

Chemical stress, for example under the form of eitherendogenously produced or exogenously added chemi-cals, is one of the main hurdles encountered in industrialbioprocesses. Either the desired product or some of thesubstrate feedstocks (e.g. some compounds found inbiomass hydrolysates) can inhibit bacterial growth oreven cause cell death (Keasling, 2010). In both cases,the yields and titres of the bioprocess are negativelyaffected, leading to sub-optimal production performance.Moreover, two-phase fermentations, where a secondorganic phase is used to extract the product from theaqueous phase [e.g. during production of p-vinylphenolor 1,3-propanediol (Rujananon et al., 2014; Salgadoet al., 2014)], require the use of microorganisms able totolerate the solvent(s) used as second phase. Specifi-cally, due to toxic effects, the choice of solvents forwhole-cell biotransformations in two-phase solvent-watersystems is usually very limited. Only low-toxicity solventswith high hydrophobicity coefficients can be applied forthis purpose, limiting the scope of possible bioprocessesthat can be carried out under these conditions. For thesereasons, the adoption of bacterial chassis with anenhanced tolerance to chemical stresses is needed(Nicolaou et al., 2010; Kusumawardhani et al., 2018).

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The ubiquitous saprophytic, soil-colonizer P. putida, aGram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium is increasinglybeing used as a chassis for applications characterizedby harsh operating conditions. P. putida KT2440, whichhas been certified as a GRAS platform for recombinantprotein production, is the most studied and used strainwithin the genus, and it is considered a safe host forcloning and expressing heterologous genes (Poblete-Castro et al., 2017). P. putida KT2440 possesses manyof the desired features in an ideal bacterial chassis, suchas rapid growth, low nutritional requirements and avail-ability of sophisticated tools for genome and geneticmanipulation (Nikel and de Lorenzo, 2018). A collectionof mutant strains obtained by random integration of mini-Tn5 elements, known as the Pseudomonas ReferenceCulture Collection, is available for strain KT2440 (Duqueet al., 2007). Moreover, this soil bacterium is endowedwith built-in, advantageous evolutionary traits, for exam-ple a remarkably versatile metabolism that serves as atreasure trove for enzymatic activities, and increased tol-erance towards oxidative stress. P. putida can also sus-tain high rates of NADPH regeneration when growing onhexoses, due to the fact that glucose is converted intoglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and pyruvate via the Ent-ner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway (Martins dos Santos et al.,2004; del Castillo et al., 2007; Nikel et al., 2015a), andpart of these trioses-phosphate are recycled back intohexoses-phosphate, generating one molecule of NADPHvia a combination of activities of the ED pathway, thepentose phosphate pathway, and an incomplete Emb-den-Meyerhof-Parnas route, collectively termed EDEMPcycle (Nikel et al., 2016). This particular metabolic archi-tecture has been shown to enable a better expression ofheterologous enzymatic pathways and serves as an effi-cient source of reducing power for maintaining a high tol-erance to stressful conditions (Blank et al., 2008;Chavarr�ıa et al., 2013; Nikel et al., 2014b). Furthermore,P. putida KT2440 is able to use a wide range of com-pounds as carbon sources, such as succinate, citrateand other intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.More importantly, the original soil environment of P.putida KT2440 and its ability to thrive in the rhizosphereare connected with its ability to degrade aromatic com-pounds derived from lignin degradation, for examplebenzoate, p-coumarate, caffeate and vanillate (Jim�enezet al., 2002; Dvo�r�ak et al., 2017). This fact makesP. putida KT2440 an important candidate for its use togrow in lignin-derived feedstocks (Linger et al., 2014;Ragauskas et al., 2014; Beckham et al., 2016; Raviet al., 2017).Remarkably, P. putida has a number of mechanisms

for tolerance towards high concentrations of aromaticchemicals, for example toluene, xylenes and styrene(note that these toxic compounds can also be used by

some P. putida strains), including a wide repertoire ofefflux pumps (Inoue and Horikoshi, 1989; Ramos et al.,2002; Santos et al., 2004; Dom�ınguez-Cuevas et al.,2006; Calero et al., 2018). Toluene, for instance, is anaromatic and highly toxic solvent that kills most microor-ganisms at concentrations as low as 0.1% (v/v). Beingan industrial feedstock, it kept accumulating in the envi-ronment since its very discovery back in the 19th cen-tury. Several efforts were therefore aimed at findingmicroorganisms able to degrade toluene, converting itinto less-harmful compounds. Even when some Achro-mobacter and Nocardia species were known to toleratemoderate concentrations of toluene, a true robust andresistant strain chasing was largely missing in the picturefor many years. The seminal work by Prof. Horikoshi’sgroup in the late 80s in this regard showed that an iso-late of Pseudomonas sp. could thrive in the presence ofvery high concentrations of toluene. Soon after the publi-cation of this article, Prof. de Bont’s group in TheNetherlands and that of Prof. Ramos in Spain reportedthe isolation of two other Pseudomonas strains that werealso able to grow in the presence of saturating concen-trations of toluene. A most surprising finding was that allthree strains isolated in the three countries and differentniches happened to be the same microorganism,P. putida. The discovery of solvent tolerance opened anew research avenue and aroused great interest in theuse of this kind of bacterial chassis in bioremediationand biotransformations in biphasic systems, as well as inthe development of biosensors for environmental con-taminants. How do Pseudomonas cells thrive underthese harsh conditions? As indicated above, the mostrelevant of the many mechanisms for solvent tolerancein Pseudomonas seems to be related to the action of aseries of efflux pumps that extrude toluene (and, likely,other solvents) from the cell membranes to the outermedium, a high energy-demanding process whose pricebacteria are forced to pay to survive under such extremeconditions. Another important mechanism that con-tributes to solvent tolerance involves changes in phos-pholipid composition, that is isomerization of cis-unsaturated fatty acids to trans-isomers, and changes inhead group composition in membrane phospholipids. Allthese changes influence membrane fluidity and conse-quently have an effect on resistance to the membranechaos brought about by solvents. Apart from lipid disor-ganization, protein unfolding occurs when toluene andother solvents dissolve in cell membranes. This situationbrings forth a general stress response on bacteria that,in most cases, is accounted for by expressing severalmolecular chaperones and other enzymes related tostress resistance.Tolerance to solvents, and the ability of using them as

carbon sources, is a very oxygen-demanding cellular

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process. P. putida KT2440 is a strict aerobe due to theabsence of fermentative pathways and the inability ofusing alternative electron acceptors other than oxygen –

leading to a somewhat limited number of naturally syn-thesized by-products under industrially relevant condi-tions (Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa et al., 2014b; Tiso et al., 2014).The lack of fermentation pathways also leads to a veryhigh oxygen requirements for optimal bacterial growth,which can be a problem when culturing bacteria in largebioreactors giving the non-homogenous distribution ofnutrients (Davis et al., 2015), as well as impairing thepractical use of P. putida KT2440 to carry out anoxic,oxygen-sensitive reactions. This problem was assessedby introducing synthetic fermentation pathways that,when expressed in strain KT2440, lead to higher survivalunder anoxic conditions (Nikel and de Lorenzo, 2013).Schmitz et al. (2015) and Lai et al. (2016) also tackledthis problem by employing bioelectrochemical systems.This is an area of intense research currently under devel-opment, which aims at modifying the lifestyle of environ-mental bacteria, and holds the promise of furthermultiplying the uses of P. putida as a functional chassisunder a range of operating conditions.A number of tools for genetic and genome engineering

of P. putida have been developed, including the com-plete set of modular vectors of the Standard Euro-pean Vector Architecture (SEVA) platform (Silva-Rochaet al., 2013; Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa et al., 2015), transposons(Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa et al., 2014a) and a wide range of pro-moters, both natural and synthetic, which have beencharacterized in strain KT2440 (Zobel et al., 2015;Calero et al., 2016). Homologous recombination-basedtechniques (e.g. using the homing endonuclease I-SceIfrom Saccharomyces cerevisiae that recognizes an 18-bp DNA sequence, not present in bacterial chromo-somes) have been implemented for deleting large geno-mic fragments (Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa and de Lorenzo, 2011).The procedure is based on forcing homologous recombi-nation by the appearance of a double strand break inthe target genome upon cleavage in vivo by I-SceI, theintracellular expression of which is driven by the 3-methylbenzoate-inducible promoter Pm in a broad hostrange expression plasmid. Using this system, 69 genesinvolved in synthesis and functioning of the flagellarmachinery were successfully deleted from strain KT2440(Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa et al., 2014c), as well as a number ofgenes related to genetic instability, such as insertionsequences and transposons (in total, 4.3% of the gen-ome DNA was eliminated). These operations generateda reduced-genome P. putida chassis, EM42, whichshowed a significant increase in ATP and NAD(P)Havailability. The growth of the resulting chassis showedimprovements in both rich and minimal medium with dif-ferent carbon sources, with enhanced resistance to

reactive oxygen species, which in turn led to anincreased heterologous GFP and luciferase production(Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa et al., 2014b). In further tests con-ducted in bioreactors, the reduced-genome chassis hadsignificantly improved plasmid stability and heterologousprotein production, among other traits, as compared tothe parental strain (Lieder et al., 2015). Novel tools foradvanced genome edition, based on the expression ofspecific DNA recombinases, are constantly being devel-oped for P. putida KT2440 (Mart�ınez-Garc�ıa and de Lor-enzo, 2017), for example for increasing the efficiency ofDNA recombination. The development of these tech-niques will allow for the use of precise MAGE andCRISPR/Cas9-based technologies in the near future,speeding-up genomic manipulations in Pseudomonaschassis.In addition to the genetic and genome engineering

tools, a number of bioinformatic tools have been devel-oped to facilitate the rational design of metabolicallyengineered strains based on P. putida KT2440. Soonafter the sequencing of its entire genome in 2002 by Nel-son et al. (2002), three genome-scale metabolic modelswere developed for strain KT2440 (Nogales et al., 2008;Puchałka et al., 2008; Sohn et al., 2010) – with a recentupdate on the occasion of the genome re-sequencingand re-annotation (Belda et al., 2016), and the mostcomprehensive genome-wide metabolic reconstructionbuild to date (Nogales et al., 2017). The integration of insilico model predictions and experimental data fromomics (e.g. deep RNA sequencing) has provided furtherinsights into the metabolism of P. putida KT2440 (Kimet al., 2013; Nikel et al., 2014a). Finally, a number ofdatabases are currently available, with continuouslyupdated genetic information (e.g. the PseudomonasGenome Database; Winsor et al., 2016) and a protein–protein interaction database (PutidaNET; Park et al.,2009). A platform integrating all the omics informationavailable for P. putida would be highly desirable, facilitat-ing further manipulations of an already attractive bacte-rial chassis.Although the seminal works on the practical biotechno-

logical applications of P. putida have been focused onxenobiotics degradation, the use of this chassis as abacterial cell factory for bioproduction increased expo-nentially over the last decades (Poblete-Castro et al.,2012; Loeschcke and Thies, 2015; Nikel et al., 2016).One of the most well-known products synthesized usingPseudomonas species is the family of PHAs polyesters(Prieto et al., 2016). PHAs are naturally synthesized byP. putida under specific conditions, for example nitro-gen-limited conditions in the presence of sufficientamounts of a suitable carbon source (Hoffmann andRehm, 2004), and these polyesters are used as carbonand energy storage. The biodegradability of PHAs as

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well as their material properties, such as thermoplastic-ity, insolubility and lack of toxicity, make them good alter-natives for fuel-based plastics for ecofriendly packagingand other industrial purposes (Steinb€uchel and L€utke-Eversloh, 2003; Ouyang et al., 2007). In addition to thebiosynthesis of PHA biopolymers (for which strain Gpo1has been used at the industrial scale), P. putida is gain-ing importance as a cell factory for de novo biosynthesisof heterologous, often difficult-to-produce chemical com-pounds. For many of the target chemicals in this family,the natural tolerance of P. putida towards aromatic mole-cules and its ability to convert these chemical structuresvia mono- and di-oxygenases (P�erez-Pantoja et al.,2013) have been exploited for strain engineering. Rele-vant cases of this sort include the synthesis of 3-methyl-catechol (H€usken et al., 2001), o-cresol (Faizal et al.,2005), cis,cis-muconate (van Duuren et al., 2011, 2012)and styrene (Blank et al., 2008).Other compounds produced in P. putida are rhamno-

lipids, low toxic, biodegradable bacterial biosurfactants,via the heterologous expression of the rhl genes fromthe Pseudomonas aeruginosa biosynthesis pathway(Wittgens et al., 2011; Tiso et al., 2017). P. putida hasalso been used as a functional chassis for the produc-tion of terpenoids, taking advantage of the natural stressresistance of this species to toxic chemicals. Productionof (S)-perillyl alcohol, for instance, has been achieved byexpressing a cytochrome P450 (van Beilen et al., 2005);and de novo production of geranic acid has been engi-neered by coexpressing a geraniol synthase from Oci-mum basilicum together with genes encoding the MVApathway for isoprenoid synthesis (Mi et al., 2014). Zeax-anthin is another class of terpenoid that has been effi-ciently produced in P. putida (Beuttler et al., 2011;Loeschcke et al., 2013). Moreover, a number of aromaticcompounds have been produced in P. putida using theamino acids derived from the shikimate pathway as pre-cursors. For the production of such molecules, a smallnumber of genes were introduced into the engineeredstrains, and further metabolic engineering to increasethe availability of amino acid precursors was performedin order to improve yields. Interestingly enough, the reg-ulation of these pathways in P. putida KT2440 and S12(a solvent tolerant strain) seems to differ from that in E.coli, which requires the adoption of specific metabolicengineering strategies. Examples of production ofadded-value aromatic molecules in P. putida areillustrated by cinnamic acid (Nijkamp et al., 2005) andphenol (Wierckx et al., 2005; Wynands et al., 2018) –

achieved, among other manipulations, by introducing aphenylalanine-ammonia lyase from Rhodosporidium toru-loides and the tyrosine phenol lyase from Pantoeaagglomerans. Other strains producing derivatives ofthese aromatic compounds were developed, producing,

for example p-hydroxystyrene (Verhoef et al., 2009), p-hydroxybenzoate (Yu et al., 2016), anthranilate (Kuepperet al., 2015), vanillate (Graf and Altenbuchner, 2014)and p-coumaric acid (Calero et al., 2016). Furthermore,a number of molecules are being synthesized in indus-trial-scale fermentations using engineered P. putidastrains. Such examples include the synthesis of 5-cyano-pentanamide by DuPont (USA) or 5-methylpyrazine-2-carboxylic acid by Lonza (Switzerland) (Kiener, 1992;Tiso et al., 2014).In all, P. putida is considered as one of the most

promising chassis for handling the synthesis of difficult-to-produce chemicals, involving harsh reactions andcomplex biochemistries that impose a high level ofchemical stress to the host cells. The broad, rich meta-bolism of P. putida also makes it a suitable candidate forthe use of cheap feedstock substrates with high levels ofimpurities, for example lignocellulosic biomass hydroly-sates, although more research is still required toincrease growth rates and product yields and titres underthese operating conditions. While all these issues areactively being investigated nowadays, the next relevantquestion pertains to the adoption of novel bacterial spe-cies that could also serve as the starting point for theconstruction of robust chassis.

Emergent bacterial chassis

Microbial diversity provides a phenomenal source ofsolutions to the practical problems encountered in meta-bolic engineering. Screening through the natural biologi-cal repertoire of solutions and exploit them forbioproduction must be part of the engineering agenda(Price et al., 2018). Some of the current challenges are(i) limitations in growth rates and product yields in engi-neered bacteria, (ii) minimizing production costs (i.e.feedstock prices) and (iii) simplifying downstream pro-cessing. Against this background, in this section, we dis-cuss up-and-coming bacterial chassis that haveexceptionally attractive features to develop them ashosts for bioproduction. The selected examples includeVibrio natriegens (endowed with a remarkably fastgrowth), cyanobacteria (due to their photosynthetic capa-bilities) and Roseobacter and Halomonas as marine bac-terial species with an unique tolerance to saline stress.Other relevant, emerging bacterial species that could bepotentially developed as chassis for specific applicationsinclude both Shewanella and Geobacter sp., which canbe used to engineer microbial fuel cells due to their elec-tron-accepting capabilities; Klebsiella sp., which can pro-duce a variety of low-molecular-weight bulk productsusing glycerol as carbon source; and Deinococcus, dueto its high resistance to DNA damage and broad rangeof feedstock utilization (Fredrickson et al., 2008; Dantas

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et al., 2015; Gerber et al., 2015; Kumar and Park,2018). Although significant research efforts have beeninvested on alternative bacterial chassis in recent years,much work is still lying ahead to place them at a similarstate of acceptance and widespread use as E. coli orB. subtilis. These challenges notwithstanding, in thissection we discuss the state of the art and developmentsto move the field of metabolic engineering forward byadopting non-traditional bacterial chassis.

Vibrio natriegens

One of the desired traits of the ideal chassis to be usedas a cell factory for the production of biomass-asso-ciated products is the fastest growth possible with thelowest nutrients need. V. natriegens is a Gram-negative,facultative anaerobic bacterium. Formerly known asPseudomonas natriegens and Beneckea natriegens, itwas firstly isolated and described in 1961 (Eagon, 1961;Payne et al., 1961). This bacterium has the shortestdoubling time known to date: 15 min in brain heart infu-sion medium supplemented with KCl, MgCl2 and addi-tional NaCl at 37°C, and 9.8 min in the same cultureconditions but with a culture medium supplemented withsea salt. These doubling times are around two timesshorter than those of a fast-growing E. coli strain (e.g.NEB TurboTM) grown in the same culture conditions. Thegenome of V. natriegens has been recently sequenced(Maida et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2016) and, in an attemptto develop this host as a functional chassis for biopro-duction, a number of techniques and tools have beentested and developed, including expression vectors, pro-tocols for DNA transformation, synthetic promoters cov-ering a range of expression strengths and tools formanipulating gene expression levels via CRISPRi (Leeet al., 2016; Weinstock et al., 2016). The fast growth ofthis bacterium allows for a significant speed-up of labo-ratory cloning procedures, as colonies are already visibleon a plate after a mere six-h post-transformation incuba-tion. V. natriegens was also found to have a secretorysystem able to export proteins to the culture medium(Weinstock et al., 2016). Moreover, natural transforma-tion and multiplex genome editing was achieved by over-expressing the tfoX gene from V. cholera andV. natriegens, achieving up to four simultaneous scar-less genome edits (Dalia et al., 2017). Further researchon the central carbon metabolism of V. natriegens hasbeen performed in glucose-grown cells using 13C-basedmetabolic flux analysis, showing a flux distribution incentral carbon metabolism similar to that of E. coli (Longet al., 2017). Its suitability to be grown in large bioreactorcultures using different carbon sources has been alsotested, achieving cell densities around 20 g cell dryweight l�1, and rates of substrate consumption faster

than those of E. coli and S. cerevisiae have beenreported under these growth conditions (Hoffart et al.,2017). V. natriegens has been successfully applied forthe production of industrially relevant chemical com-pounds such as PHAs and L-alanine, hinting a greatpotential for biotechnological applications in the nearfuture (Dalia et al., 2017; Hoffart et al., 2017).


Cyanobacteria are increasingly becoming attractivechassis to sustain production of biofuels and chemicalsdue to their ability to use sunlight through photosynthe-sis, which provides a renewable, cheap, and almostunlimited energy source. Since CO2 is fixed during theprocess, a significant reduction of production costsrelated to feedstocks is also expected. In contrast toother photosynthetic organisms, such as plants,cyanobacteria are characterized by a relatively fastgrowth (Carroll et al., 2018). Several strains ofcyanobacteria have been used so far for metabolic engi-neering, for example Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803,Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942, and Synechococ-cus sp. PCC 7002, the genomes of which have beensequenced (Kaneko et al., 1995). A number of tools forgenome engineering have been developed for thesecyanobacterial strains (in particular, for Synechocystissp. PCC 6803 and Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942), and a suite of transformation techniques havebeen likewise tested, for example via natural transforma-tion or electroporation (Wang et al., 2012; Yu et al.,2013). Neutral insertion genome regions in the chromo-some and fluorescent reporters have been studied (Ruff-ing et al., 2016). Moreover, genetic engineering of aSynechococcus strain has been achieved using theCRISPR/Cas9 system, although expression of the geneencoding Cas9 brought about severe growth impairment(Wendt et al., 2016). Nonetheless, efficient gene repres-sion of several genes has been implemented usingCRISPRi in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (Kaczmarzyket al., 2018). Cyanobacteria have attracted a lot of atten-tion for the production of biofuels as an alternative toother photosynthetic systems like plants. Apart from theobvious differences in replication rates, the use ofcyanobacteria has been proposed as an alternative toovercome the problem of competition with croplands forfood, while still avoiding the need of using sugars asfeedstock (Ducat et al., 2011; Nozzi et al., 2013; Savakisand Hellingwerf, 2015). Although cyanobacteria havefound a somewhat limited use in industry thus far, sev-eral added-value compounds have been produced usingthis chassis. A classic example of this sort is repre-sented by several biofuels, for example ethanol, bis-abolene, farnesene, 1-butanol, isoprene and isopropanol

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(Dexter and Fu, 2009; Lindberg et al., 2010; Lan andLiao, 2011; Kusakabe et al., 2013; Davies et al., 2014;Halfmann et al., 2014) – which even led to the creationof the spin-off company Photanol in the Netherlands forcost-efficient production of biochemicals using cyanobac-teria. Bioproduction of other compounds, for example1,3-propanediol using CO2 as the only carbon substrate,has been engineered through the use of specific promot-ers and optimization of culture conditions (Hirokawaet al., 2017). Furthermore, a wide range of cyanobacte-ria strains are able to produce PHAs. 3-Hydroxybutyrate,the key metabolic precursor of PHB, has also been pro-duced in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in an attempt toreduce the high biopolymer production costs associatedwith traditional, sugar-based fermentation approaches(Wang et al., 2013). Although sufficiently high PHBaccumulation has been reached, up to 85.1% of the celldry weight (Samantaray and Mallick, 2012), the volumet-ric productivities are still far from being economicallycompetitive (Singh and Mallick, 2018). One of the mainreasons for this low productivity is the lack of methodsand efficient processes for biomass production at alarge, industrial scale and the somewhat limited set oftools available for targeted and fast genome manipula-tions. Sophisticated metabolic engineering approachesfor facilitating CO2 and formate fixation have been devel-oped over the last few years (Yishai et al., 2017; Cottonet al., 2018), and will surely help launching cyanobacte-ria as functional chassis for novel metabolic functionstowards sustainable bioproduction.

Roseobacter and Halomonas

Besides bioproduction, alternative engineering applica-tions call for an alternative chassis as well. As proposedby Borg et al. (2016), this is the case for the bioremedia-tion of plastic waste in marine environments, a specificprocess for which marine bacteria would be the most suit-able chassis. One of the most important clades in marinehabitats is Roseobacter. These bacteria have beendescribed previously as source of secondary metabolites,for example antibiotics (Martens et al., 2007; Brock et al.,2014; Wang et al., 2016b), and techniques for genomemanipulation have been developed (Borg et al., 2016;Tang et al., 2016). Another case of an alternative, marinechassis microorganism is Halomonas, which can grow inthe presence of high salt concentrations under non-sterileconditions (Tan et al., 2011) – significantly reducing costsassociated with sterilization in the fermentation process.Although the toolbox for genetic manipulation of this bac-terial species is somewhat limited, advances have beenmade to overcome this problem, for example the develop-ment of constitutive and inducible promoters for targetedgene expression (Yin et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2017),

construction of knock-out mutants through homologousrecombination stimulated by double-strand breaks in thebacterial genome (Fu et al., 2014), and the implementa-tion of the CRISPRi technology (Tao et al., 2017). Interms of practical applications, and by combining all theseengineering strategies, Halomonas strains have beensuccessfully used for bioproduction of PHB and PHAscopolymers containing 3-hydroxyvalerate (Fu et al.,2014), and the osmocompatible solute ectoine (Chenet al., 2017).

Outlook and the challenges ahead

The preceding sections indicate that, although there is areasonably sizeable number of bacterial chassis avail-able for specific applications that have been developed(and continue to be refined) over the years, furtherdevelopments are needed as a decisive step towardsthe adoption of a universal chassis. Having discussedthe main phenotypic properties and metabolic character-istics of a handful of bacterial species that serve as func-tional chassis for bioproduction, in this section wepresent the challenges that we perceive as a significanthurdle to overcome in the near future – and we proposethat tackling them should be an integral part of the wholeprocess that starts from selecting a promising bacterialspecies until the establishment of a given bioprocess atthe industrial scale (Fig. 4). Importantly, these issues areknown to be important for several bacterial chassis, evenwhen the phenomena described below have been mostlydescribed in E. coli-derived chassis.Unsolved aspects of microbial metabolism still pose

considerable challenges when selecting a given bacterialchassis for executing specific (biochemical) functions.One of these problems is the loss of catalytic efficiencywhen the production process is scaled-up in large biore-actors, compatible with industrial fermentations – whichserves as a reminder that metabolic efficiency at the lab-oratory scale hardly means high fitness in an industrialbioreactor. As recently shown for a recombinant E. colistrain carrying genes needed for MVA synthesis culturedin a rich medium, cells engineered for bioproduction usu-ally lose the implanted catalytic functions in several gen-erations due to an evolutionary process in whichenhanced fitness is selected for, which usually impliesblocking or elimination of heterologous pathways (Rugb-jerg et al., 2018). One of the main reasons behind thisgeneral effect is the presence of heterogeneities in themetabolism across the entire cell population (Nikel et al.,2015b), that could be either endogenous (i.e. arisingfrom the native genomic and metabolic properties of thecells) or exogenous (i.e. due to the burden that produc-ing a chemical compound at high yields usually imposeson the engineered cells) (Akkaya et al., 2018). Tackling

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this problem is therefore one of the major challenges inbringing bacterial chassis to actual industrial-scale bio-production. In connection with this aspect, the evolutionof alternative metabolic architectures in the engineeredbiochemical network (as opposed to changes operatedmerely at the genetic level) during bioproduction will helpdesigning more efficient bioprocesses (Nikel and de Lor-enzo, 2018).Metabolic orthogonality is a major objective (as well as

a significant challenge) in the field of metabolic engineer-ing. The design of authentic orthogonal metabolic path-ways, a concept referring to the minimization (and,ideally, suppression) of potential interactions betweenthe synthetic metabolic pathway to be implanted and theextant metabolism of the bacterial chassis, has becomea holy grail to optimize bioproduction (Pandit et al.,2017). A much needed further step into this directionwould be to rationally combine the different tools so fardeveloped for genome engineering and experimentallycurated computational prediction [e.g. retrosynthesisapproaches (Del�epine et al., 2018)] for designing entirelynovel (i.e. synthetic) metabolic architectures that can beplugged-in into any given bacterial chassis. The emerg-ing field of designing and implementing orthogonal meta-bolisms is being boosted by applying sophisticatedstrategies for enzyme engineering and de novo proteindesign (Erb et al., 2017; Arnold, 2018). Such tailor-madeenzymes, potentially able to catalyze novel, non-naturalbiochemical reactions, hold the promise of paving theway for the design of portable synthetic metabolisms that

can be integrated in any given chassis. Automation andstandardization, two core tenets of synthetic biology,should be incorporated in the workflow of designingorthogonal metabolisms as well. The combination ofthese approaches would result in the efficient design oftrans-metabolisms for bioproduction of virtually anychemical structure in a bacterial chassis of choice.In close connection with engineering completely novel

trans-metabolisms, the field of metabolic engineering iscurrently primed for the expansion of products in thebiotechnological agenda – as industrial-scale bioproduc-tion is still largely limited to a handful of chemicals thatexist only naturally in biological systems. Accessingnew-to-Nature products through metabolic engineering isnot only desirable but an actual necessity in a rapidlychanging world in which access to natural, fossil-basedresources is becoming critical. Redesigning the biochem-ical palate of bacterial chassis is the way forward toaccess these novel products, and rewriting the metabolicblueprint to broaden the chemical repertoire achievableby engineered cells is a condition to access novel prod-ucts (Hossain et al., 2018). Note that such ambitiousobjective calls for deepening our current understandingof the very core metabolic wiring in bacteria, a subjectthat has recently gained much attention after quite sometime of (undeserved) ostracism (Aslan et al., 2017).Including rare chemical elements into the biochemicalagenda of bacterial chassis, for example halogens andboron (Kan et al., 2017), will revolutionize bioproductionby multiplying the catalytic power of bacterial cell

Fig. 4. Some of the challenges ahead for developing functional bacterial chassis for metabolic engineering. Effective bioproduction could onlybe achieved by overcoming the current hurdles of genetic and genomic instability (e.g. leading to alteration or loss of production phenotypes),phenotypic variability across individual cells in the microbial population, and the inevitable interactions between metabolic implants and theextant biochemistry of the bacterial chassis. The way forward to tackle these issues requires the combination of robust in silico predictions andin-depth experimental validation, if possible under conditions compatible with industrial production.

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factories. Yet again, these operations would be enabledby an in-depth knowledge of microbial metabolism, andstandardized workflows should be developed to accessthese novel biochemistries.Finally, and in addition to all these scientific and tech-

nical aspects, legislative issues will play a decisive rolein the practical implementation of novel bacterial chassisfor bioproduction. The development of suitable regulatoryframeworks will be needed to bring superior biocatalystsinto the biotechnological arena by tackling and overcom-ing legal restrictions. In any case, and irrespective of thecurrent hurdles, the whole field of metabolic engineeringis witnessing an exceptional increase in the number ofbacterial chassis adopted for bioproduction, especiallyconsidering that the revolution brought about by theimplementation of sophisticated tools for genome engi-neering (e.g. CRISPR/Cas9-based approaches) haseliminated many of the common barriers that used tohinder the �a la carte construction of bacterial chassis.The time has definitely come to capitalize on the knowl-edge amassed over the years for the smart design andconstruction of robust bacterial cell factories by combin-ing in silico and wet-laboratory approaches.


The insightful comments and inspiring discussions overthe years with V�ıctor de Lorenzo (Madrid, Spain) andAntoine Danchin (Paris, France) on the design and con-struction of bacterial chassis are gratefully appreciated.The authors acknowledge the generous financial supportprovided by The Novo Nordisk Foundation through grantNNF10CC1016517.

Conflict of interest

None declared.


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