Charlie light2

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Charlie light2


By Charlie Waddell

QUESTIONS - Why is light so important ? - What is light ? - What produces light ? - What does light produce ? - What reflects light ?

Why is light important?

Light is important because without sunlight, plants would die, then animals and then people.

We need light!

Light is something that keeps us out of the dark. Without light the world would be pitch black.

World with light.

World without light.

What light produces.

Light produces a vitamin called vitamin D. When you are tanning and the sun hits you it gives you vitamin D.

What produces light?

A light bulb, lamp, flashlight, fire, fireflies, and the sun all produce light.

What reflects light?

Mirrors, shiny pots, stain less steel, glass, water and foil reflect light very well.

Try this.

Take a mirror and dip it in water, go outside and let sunlight hit the

mirror……. What do you see?



Thank you for spending time with me. I would love to teach you more about light

next time.

By Charlie Waddell