Charles Sturt University (CSU) invites you to the 2013...

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Transcript of Charles Sturt University (CSU) invites you to the 2013...

  • Charles Sturt University (CSU) invites you to the2013 Port Macquarie Public Lecture Series

    This Public Lecture Series brings speakers from a diverse range of disciplines to share the latest ideas, thinking and opinions on contemporary social, scientifi c and cultural issues with the Port Macquarie community.

    Delivered by prominent CSU academics, lectures in the series are designed to encourage debate and get Port Macquarie thinking about some of the ideas and issues facing society today. All lectures are to be held at The Glasshouse and are free and open to the public.

    For more information:Alison Woods - Port Macquarie Campusphone 02 6582 9334 email

    This public lecture deals with the inter-

    relationship of Christianity and Islam in

    the search for the creation of communities

    of peace around the world. It begins by

    looking at the violent worlds in which the

    two religions began and then goes on

    to observe the dynamics of peace and

    violence in the intercultural history of the

    two religions and from this, draws out

    conclusions on the experiences of peace

    and violence in relation to cultures.

    Professor James Haire AC is a professor

    of theology at CSU and the Director of

    CSU’s Australian Centre for Christianity

    and Culture. From 1999 to 2002 Professor

    Haire was President of the Uniting Church

    in Australia and of the National Council

    of Churches of Australia. He was made a

    Companion of the Order of Australia (AC)

    in the 2013 Australia Day Honours.

    This public lecture deals with the recent

    signifi cant advancements in emergency care

    that have greatly impacted the health and well

    being of patients. In many cases, the success

    of these treatments begins when citizens call

    000 and the paramedics arrive. Examples

    will be presented of these time dependent

    emergencies, and the lecture will explore these

    medical advances on the Mid North Coast,

    and educate the public on how they can make

    a difference between life and death.

    Mr Joe Acker is the Paramedic Program Leader and Senior Lecturer at CSU in Port

    Macquarie. Joe had more than 22 years

    experience as a paramedic, educator,

    manager, and health executive in Canada prior

    to joining CSU in early 2010. He has worked

    as a paramedic in urban, regional, rural, and

    Indigenous communities and spent 10 years

    as a critical care helicopter fl ight paramedic.

    Professor Chris Steele is Professor of

    Viticulture at CSU and a key researcher

    at the National Wine and Grape Industry

    Centre (NWGIC).

    His special interest is vine physiology,

    especially vine diseases and improving

    predictability in grape characteristics.

    Professor Alain Deloire is Professor

    of Wine Science and the Director of the

    National Wine and Grape Industry Centre

    at CSU. Professor Deloire was previously

    the Chair of the Department of Viticulture

    and Oenology at Stellenbosch University

    in the Western Cape of South Africa.

    Before that he spent 15 years working in

    academia in the south of France and 10

    years in Champagne working in industry.

    This public lecture will examine past

    terrorist acts and arrests in Australia and

    assess whether Australia is at risk from

    terrorism in the future.

    Professor Nick O’Brien is the Head of

    CSU’s Australian Graduate School of

    Policing and Security.

    Professor O’Brien joined CSU after a

    distinguished career in policing.

    He was Commander of the international

    counterterrorism group in Special Branch

    at New Scotland Yard, during which

    time he also led the National Terrorist

    Financing Investigation Unit.

    Immediately prior to joining CSU he

    was the UK’s counterterrorism liaison

    offi cer for Asia and the Pacifi c.

    Lecture 1Wednesday 10 April5.00-7.00pm

    Lecture 3Wednesday 21 August 5.00-7.00pm

    Christian-Muslim dialogue, social inclusion andAustralia’s multi-faith democracy

    Advances in emergency medicine:When does timereally matter?

    Lecture 2Wednesday 29 May 5.00-7.00pm

    Lecture 4Wednesday 23 October 5.00-7.00pm

    By Professors Chris Steeleand Alain Deloire

    By Professor Nick O’Brien

    Tastes, markets, trends: The Australian wine consumer and the wine industry.

    Terrorism and Australia:Risk and prevention, including the role of fi nancing in terrorism

    By Professor James Haire AC

    By Mr Joe Acker