Characters Justin the Sage Joseph the Black Warrior John the Apprentice Sabin the Snake with Six...

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Transcript of Characters Justin the Sage Joseph the Black Warrior John the Apprentice Sabin the Snake with Six...


Justin the Sage

Joseph the

Black Warrior

John the Apprentice

Sabin the Snake with Six Arms

1st Tablet – A New Beginning

Justin the Sage goes for a walk in the Spirit Woods.

He meets a 11 year-old-boy named John. Justin adopts John after he sees that John is an orphan.

When John accompanies Justin the Sage on his travel to his old friend, Joseph the Black Warrior, the group encounters six-armed snakes who come from the land of Sabin the Snake with six arms.

Justin the Sage and John fights the enemies off with their strength.

Justin the Sage uses far ranged attacks with his magic while John uses his bare hands to choke or slam the snakes.

John proves that he is a worthy apprentice. 

2nd Tablet – Old Friend

Justin the Sage meets his old friend Joseph the Black Warrior.

Justin and Joseph went on several journeys and quests together long time ago.

Today the friends meet again to discuss a certain topic which is the destruction of Dreamland.

Dreamland was demolished by the Snake Army and Sabin the Snake a few days ago.

The friends decides to take a journey to defeat the Snake Army once and for all.

3rd Tablet – The Seizure

Justin the Sage, Joseph the Black Warrior, and John the Apprentice set out from Hero Village to the land of Snakes.

The only way to the land of Snakes is the Golden Road. It was created by the Night Elves and they believed that their ancestor was a demigod. Who ever treats the road badly were punished by the Night Elves.

Justin and his companions makes a camp and stays there for the night. Joseph the Black Warrior stabs his sword into the Golden Road to rest his arms.

Then a group of Night Elves sneaks up behind Justin and his companions and captures them.

The Night Elves take the companions as captives for money from the Hero Village. Since Justin and Joseph are famous throughout the Hero Village, people began to panic.

The Night Elves fasten the sealing handcuffs onto Justin and Joseph’s hands.

However, John notices the Night Elves right away and climbs a tree and watches his companions get taken away.

4th Tablet – The Escape

John the Apprentice follows the Night Elves to their village that is hidden inside the forest.

John uses his Black Magic to make the stones float in the air.

John sends a telepathic message to Justin the Sage’s mind and tells his master to hide underneath Joseph’s armor.

John drops the stones that he controlled on the Night Elves.

Justin takes cover underneath Joseph’s armor and they run away when the Night Elves got unconscious.

5th Tablet - Lost Justin and his companions run away as fast and as far as they

could until they got tired.

Justin and his companions finally got to sleep and rest.

The next day, Justin the sage wakes up and tries to find out where they are.

Justin couldn’t sense any sign of humans or other creatures.

John wakes up and see Justin concentrating very hardly, so he decides not to bother him.

Justin finds a really faint sign of life forms and tries to trace the scent.

Suddenly, Joseph wakes up and breaks the concentration and all signs fade away. They are lost.

6th Tablet – No Hope

Justin, Joseph, and John start going aimlessly and wait for Justin to sense something.

This went on for days, which turns to weeks.

First, John starts to complain and looses hope.

Next, Joseph the strong willed warrior gave up.

Finally, Justin gave up with despair after a total of 3 weeks and a half.

After the first month of Justin and his companion's journey, there is no hope for them and all of them starts to give up the journey.

7th Tablet – Finding a Way

One day, Justin tries his last strength to find a sign of any life forms.

Suddenly, Justin finds a sign, a faint one, but good enough to trace.

Justin finds the trace and starts to wake up the other two with great excitement.

Justin and his companions follow the trace Justin found and finds a merchant.

They ask the merchant where the nearest village is and Justin, Joseph, and john goes to the village.

After entering the village, they got some food and water and some hope arises between them.

8th Tablet – Back to the Journey

After the rest at the village, Justin and his companions decides to leave the village to head towards The Land of the Snake Army.

They are far away from the Golden Road, so they started heading back.

They walk back for weeks and when they arrive to the place they started, they saw that the Golden Road was gone.

Justin and his companions think that they came the wrong way, but Justin uses his past sensor to sees that the Golden Road was destroyed by Sabin the snake with six arms and his snake army.

Justin tries finds a way to cross towards the other side, but can’t find out a way.

John the apprentice tells Justin that he has learned how to teleport by himself, but he thinks he didn’t master the ability yet. Justin tells him to try to teleport and when John tries teleportation, it fails.

9th Tablet – A Problem

Justin and his companions wake up from the unconsciousness and Justin sees that they fell into a weird place.

John feels dreadful because he sent his master and Joseph into a weird place.

John tries to teleport out, but his magic didn’t work. Justin says that they are captured and then above Sabin shows his face.

Justin and his companions freak out because Sabin has more than two arms.

Sabin tells them that they could never get out.

Justin and his companions feel very weak inside the cage. Justin and Joseph talk about a plan about escaping, but couldn’t find one out.

Joseph remembers that he has a strength pill in his bag.

10th Tablet – The Super Strength

Joseph eats the strength pill and feels power coming up his body.

Joseph breaks the cage open and comes out with Justin and John. Justin and John get their powers back.

Justin and his companions quietly get out of the cage room and start to walk out of the room. They saw rows of snake guards when they escape from the cell.

They manage to quietly go through the guards and when they come out, they see Sabin with his whole army waiting right outside the door.

Justin and his companions hopes this won’t be their last battle.

11th Tablet - Undertake

Justin and his companions decide to go through the snake armies quietly so they don’t have to waste any powers and the super strength of Joseph. Justin and his companions had to remain for an easier fight.

The group decides to use the invisible sight spell which doesn’t allow enemies to see the appearance of Justin and his companions. Justin teaches the advanced spell to his apprentice, John.

The invisible sight spell is a very advanced magic but Justin, the advance sage, mastered this spell long time ago. John must try to use the advanced magic to lead to victory.

12th Tablet – The Victory John tries his best to use the advanced magic and he unbelievably makes himself

invisible from others.

Justin was very surprised to see that John improved very quickly over the journey. Justin makes John use the magic together with Joseph. The whole group is now invisible; they can escape without their appearance! Justin and his companions become invisible.

Justin and his companions figures out that this was going to be very easy, but when they are about to attack, Sabin grabs Justin and John very fast. Joseph thinks of giving up, but suddenly he had a power coming out of his sword and saw invisible swords darting towards Sabin. This power was Justin’s counter attack. Justin mostly concentrated on putting all his magical powers into Joseph’s sword when Sabin grabbed him. The snake army all died because of the darting swords.

Sabin gets mad, but didn’t give up and grasped Justin and John harder. Joseph started to get and sliced Sabin’s arm one by one in an incredible speed. Sabin cried out and let go of the two sages. However, his tentacles began to grow again!

As quickly as possible, John uses his binding spell on Sabin the Snake. Sabin couldn’t move his body nor his tentacles. When Sabin starts to get weary, Joseph directly stabs Sabin in the stomach. Sabin in pain falls down on the ground. Justin summons a lava pit into the ground where Sabin was lying down. Sabin fell down the lava and as Sabin was dying, Sabin’s snake survivors all died out.

It is their victory, so Justin and his companions go back home with John’s teleportation which succeeds. John becomes more interested to the magic abilities of his master and learns more about them. Justin produces more strength pills to Joseph in case Joseph feels weak. Even though the Journey ended, they still helped each other and worked together when they had problems.


"Black Warrior." Fire Emblem Blog. 16 Oct. 2008 <

"Sage Apprentice." Bat Files Wordpress. 16 Oct. 2008 <

“Old Sage." Elfwood Images. 19 Oct. 2008 <