Chapter 9 Interest Groups Power and Influence. Goals & Objectives 1. Interest groups influence on...

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Transcript of Chapter 9 Interest Groups Power and Influence. Goals & Objectives 1. Interest groups influence on...

Chapter 9Interest Groups

Power and Influence

Goals & Objectives1. Interest groups influence on policy.

2. Role of interest groups in politics.

3. Interest groups and public affairs.

4. Disproportionate influence.

5. Types of interest groups.

6. Propaganda and public policy.

7. Lobbyists techniques and influence.

Roles of Interest GroupsTo Make or Influence Public Policy (Congress,

Presidency, Bureaucracy)Gun Control: NRA v. Handgun Inc.Abortion: Right to Life v. Pro ChoiceWar: Doves v. HawksTaxes: Taxpayers vs. Non-taxpayers

Competing Interest Groups

NRA Handgun Control Inc.

The Constitution Says?1st Amendment:

Right to Assemble

Right to Speech

Right to Petition

Without this right, what will happen?

“Where the body is, there will the vultures be gathered”

Body: Government’s Purse:Beach InsuranceSocial SecuritySeat Belt LawsDrugs and Alcohol (ABC)Welfare, Food Stamps, Housing, etc…Subsidies to Business

Vultures & Interest Groups

Interest Groups: Good or Bad… decide!

James Madison: the dangers of factions. Read pg. 238

“adverse to the rights of other citizens”Explain?

Functions of Interest Groups:

MADD…Who? Why?

Sierra Club…Who? Why?

ACLU…Who? Why?

Southern Poverty Law Center…Who?

NRA…Who? Why?

“to raise awareness or propaganda”

Global Warming Interest Groups

Functions of Interest Groups

1. Stimulate interest in public affairs.

2. Represent members attitudes and beliefs.

3. Organize and provide information

4. Vehicles for political participation.

5. “Watchdog” function on politicians and institutions of government.

Criticism of Interest Groups

They decide “who gets:WHAT?HOW?HOW MUCH?

Madison, Washington, Jefferson warned of the dangers of factions.

Lobby Criticism

Criticisms 1. Influence far out of proportion to their actual

size and membership. Not serving the interest of the public good or the inherent rights of the individual.

2. Group names are misleading in characterization.

3. Groups often do not represent the membership they claim to represent.

4. Groups use bribery, threats, property damage, and slander/libel.

Business Interest Groups Chamber of Commerce

U.S. Brewers Ass.

Am. Banker’s Ass.

Am. Trucker’s Ass.

Am. Restaurant Ass.


Fraternal Order of Police

Am. Farm Bureau

Nat’l Farmers Union

Cattlemen’s Beef Ass.

American Banker’s Association Influence

Professional Interest Groups




Am. Society of Civil Engineers

Education Interest Groups

Agricultural Groups1. Farm Bureau

2. National Farmers Union

3. The Grange

4. National Association of Wheat Growers

5. American Meat Institute

6. Cattlemen’s Beef Association

7. National Cotton Council

Farm SubsidiesSubsidies do what to

farm prices?Subsidies do what to poor foreign farmers?

Political Interest GroupsRadicals and Reactionaries




Nat’l Wildlife Federation

Audubon Society

Friends of the Earth (elf…Terrorism)

Due Process Interest Groups

Pro-Life 5th Amend. Pro-Choice 14th Amend

Cause Groups1. ACLU


3. League of Women Voters

4. Sierra Club

5. Audubon Society

6. Right-to Life

7. NRA

ACLU & 14th Amendment

Welfare Promotion Groups1. American Legion

2. Veterans of Foreign Wars



5. National Urban League

6. Mexican American Legal Defense Fund

7. National Association of Arab Ameicans

Wounded Warrior Project

Religious Groups1. National Catholic Welfare Council

2. American Jewish Congress

3. Anti-Defamation League

4. Christian Coalition

Public-Interest Groups1. Common Cause

2. Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen

3. League of Women Voters

4. NRA


PROPAGANDADoes not use objective logic. Begins with a

conclusion and creates evidence

1.Name Calling


3.Glittering Generalities


5.Bandwagon Approach

6.Plain Folks Approach

Play on Words?!Define: Fair to whom? The interest group? The

individual? The public good?

Define: Just and impartial.Terms with absolute definitions.

Which is valid? How do you prove validity in our government institution?

Would you rather have someone treat you with fairness or with equality? Explain.

LobbyistsPolitical Action Committees (PAC’s)

Money channeled to a political party to a particular candidate for election or reelection purposes.

Good or Bad? Develop an argument based upon the Constitution!

Survivor…..Yes the television show.

What happens first?

Who becomes the leader?

Who is eliminated first?

Who is eliminated second?

What tactics are used to gain power?

Who wins? Who loses?

Interest Groups use the same tactics as the game show and they are equally effective.