Chapter 9 class Activity: Maps

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Transcript of Chapter 9 class Activity: Maps


New Spai






New England





Spain Dutch England France

1650“Settlements of the New World”

1760s“The French and Indian War”

Great Britain France Spain disputed territory between

France and Great Britain

Great Britain Spain

1763“The French and Indian War”

Treaty of Paris

In Europe it is referred to as “The Seven Years’ War”

The “Treaty of Paris” gives supremacy to England!

17761765 - 1783

The American Revolution

Original 13 Colonies British Territory

Manifest Destiny: The belief that the United States of America has the destiny, the predetermined fate, God’s blessing to expand across the entirety of the North American continent…

1803“The Louisiana Purchase”

Great Britain

The Florida cessation:In 1819, Florida, along with parts of other southern states were ceded by Spain.

In many ways the U.S. has Napoleon Bonaparte to thank for our independence. Napoleon occupied all of Europe and especially England throughout the late 1790s and beyond.

1820-1840“Indian Removal”

Choctaw “30 Chickasaw “32 Creek “32 Seminoles “32 Sacs and Foxes “32 Cherokee “35 designated Indian Lands

Oklahoma Territories “The Trail of Tears”

1850-1890“Indian Reservation System”

Republic of Texas Alamo Battle Site Mexico Rio Grande River disputed territories claimed

by Mexico and Texas

1836-1845“The Republic of Texas”

The “Six Flags” of Texas!


“The Mexican-American War” and

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Republic of Texas, 1836-1845 Disputed Territory: claimed by Texas 1836-1845; claimed by U.S. 1845-1846 Mexican Cession, 1848 Gadsden Purchase, 1853 Mexico, after 1848




New Mexico





1776 The Thirteen Colonies 1783 Treaty of Paris, ceded by Britain 1803 The Louisiana Purchase 1819 The Florida cession, Spain 1845 Texas annexation

1846 Oregon Country cession 1848 The Mexican cession 1853 The Gadsden purchase 1867 The Alaska Purchase 1898 The Hawaiian annexation



1898“The Spanish-American War - Cuba”

Jose Marti is a Cuban revolutionary that will see the end of Spanish imperialism in Cuba only to see the United States assert its authority over the island.

American Modern Navy vs. Spanish wood ships!

1898“The Spanish-American War –

The Philippines”


Emilio Aguinaldo was a Filipino nationalist that after getting the support of the United States was able to he successfully overthrew the Spanish Empire only to unsuccessfully (even after 6 years) remove American influence over the islands.American Modern Navy vs. Spanish wood


1898“The Spanish-American War”acquired colonies 1898-1899

(1903) - 1914The Panama Canal

The Panama Canal gives the U.S. a major strategic advantage militarily: links the

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

takes 9 hours to get through

51 mile trip Pres. Roosevelt

visits it in 1906 (making him the first president to leave the U.S.)

Pres. Wilson takes office when it opens in 1914

(1903) – 1914 The Panama Canal

Panama Canal Locks Railroad

Columbia Nicaragua Panama proposed

Columbia Canal proposed

Nicaragua Canal proposed

Panama Canal


Started in

1903! Teddy visits

in 1906!

Finished in


1910The U.S. “Open Door” PolicyConcerning Trade with China



British India

French Indochina Philippines





Imperial Powers “Spheres of Influence”

France Trade Zone British Trade Zone German Trade Zone Japan Trade Zone Russia Trade Zone


*Hong Kong

Formosa (Taiwan)

Imperialism:A foreign policy in which a stronger, more powerful country, exerts control over a smaller, weaker country… raw

materials, goods

markets, customers

troops for military

1904: TR’s “State of the Union Address”The “Roosevelt Corollary” to the “Monroe

Doctrine” in the Western Hemisphere

Pres. TR backs up the Monroe Doctrine (1823) – with his “Speak softly but carry a big stick” = It’s the U.S. NAVY!

Pres. Taft argues for a softer approach with “Dollar Diplomacy” = American capitalism and investment

1916 Wilson sends troops to get Poncho Villa

American troops

Pres. Wilson 1916 argues for “Moral Diplomacy” instill democratic principles

1903 U.S. Navy Base

1917 purchased from Denmark

1899 United Fruit Co. organized for banana trade

U.S. troops sent for financial supervision over American assets and investments

U.S. acquire Canal zone, 1903 = completed in 1914

Puerto Ricans become American citizens in 1917

