Chapter 7: Labor Distribution - PeopleStrategy Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference...

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Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 1

Chapter 7: Labor Distribution

CHAPTER 7: LABOR DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................................................................... 1

LABOR DISTRIBUTION OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 2 LABOR DISTRIBUTION FILE STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................................... 2 LABOR SYSTEM OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 LABOR DISTRIBUTION EDIT AND UPDATE PROCESSING .................................................................................................................. 5 INTERFACING TO LABOR COST .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Defining Labor Cost Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Defining Labor Cost Control Fields ................................................................................................................................ 7 Defining Labor Cost Budget Fields ................................................................................................................................ 8 Changing Job Record Fields ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Establishing an Employee's Salary Splits..................................................................................................................... 11

CHANGING AND ADJUSTING DATA .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Using 75 and 76 Transactions ..................................................................................................................................... 12

PRODUCING LABOR DISTRIBUTION REPORTS ............................................................................................................................. 18 System-Supplied Reports ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Labor Distribution Report Programs ........................................................................................................................... 18 Working Storage Fields ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Labor Distribution Report Data Elements ................................................................................................................... 19 Parameter Formats ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Report Title & Report Setup (Type 1) .......................................................................................................................... 20 Procedure Transaction (Type 2) .................................................................................................................................. 23 Edit Transaction (Type 3) ............................................................................................................................................ 26 Sort Transaction (Type 4) ............................................................................................................................................ 29 Heading Lines Transactions (Type 5-9) ....................................................................................................................... 30 Tips for Coding Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 31 Determining Print Positions ........................................................................................................................................ 31 System Messages ........................................................................................................................................................ 34

FILE STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Labor Distribution File Structure ................................................................................................................................. 38 Labor Distribution Edit and Update Processing .......................................................................................................... 40 Transaction File ........................................................................................................................................................... 40 Labor Distribution Master Database Records ............................................................................................................. 42 File Formats ................................................................................................................................................................ 45

2 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

Labor Distribution Overview Labor Cost/Archive is a subsystem (Feature 40) of the Genesys Payroll application.

It is a separate data file, generated by the system during the Edit and Update Phase.

You can use it for reporting or interfacing to a general ledger system.

You can use the Labor Distribution System to:

maintain data on labor costs

define budgets

compare budgeted amounts to actual costs

compare actual costs to last year’s costs

report on detailed data, by employee

summarize data at the cost accounting level

maintain data on account transaction history

You specify the amount of history to be stored on the Labor Distribution file. You

also control the configuration and content of the file, with the option to retain CD

amounts as well as CE amounts.

The Labor Distribution Report Generator accesses the Labor Distribution file for

reports that you specify, such as Labor Cost Reports, Budget Comparisons, Benefit

Cost Reports, and Account Balance and Transaction Reports.

The Labor Distribution system lets you track the amount of time your staff spends on

various projects. It stores and reports data for you about your:

Budget TransactionsCost Accounting

Earnings Calculations

Deduction Calculations

Job Tickets

Labor Costs

Salary Splits

The information in the system comes from data you enter during the Edit and Update

Phase. You do not have to type labor cost information directly into the system. You

select the information you want transferred by entering it into the Labor Distribution

data elements on your master database Group Record. The chart below gives you an

overview of the Labor Distribution File Structure.

Labor Distribution File Structure The illustration below shows you the Labor Distribution Archive file layout. As you

read about the Labor Distribution system, refer to this diagram to help you

understand the system structure. For a complete discussion of the Labor Distribution

System File Structure, see the section titled File Structure later in this chapter.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 3








Transaction File Contents


Edit and Update




Labor Distribution

Master Database

Record Contents

Group Record

Cost Account Record 1

Detail Record 1

Detail Record 2

Detail Record 3

Detail Record n

Cost Account Record 2

Detail Record 1

Detail Record 2

Detail Record 3

Detail Record n

Cost Account Record 3

Detail Record 1

Detail Record 2

Group Record Transactions

for Group

Group Change/Adjust

Record Transactions

for Group

Cost Account Change/Adjust

Record Transactions

for Cost Accounts

Detail Record Transactions

for Detail Records

Labor System Overview You will find these record types on the Labor Distribution system:

The Group Record:

contains information that identifies how CE GenCalc categories are

distributed across a series of 20 accumulators on the Cost Account


defines the rules that control the Labor Distribution processing.

stores data for the Labor Distribution options you specify.

4 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

tells the system whether or not to maintain previous detail records on

the archive file.

The Cost Account Record controls how job or labor information is maintained for

each cost account center or job costing number. It contains a summary of each cost

account or job number that the system has charged. This information includes:

Standard cost per unit

Total budget, in units and dollars

Actual units and dollars for the current fiscal year

Last year's units and dollars

The system accumulates the amounts and units for the current year and stores them

for the previous year. The Cost Account Record can contain 13 accounting periods

for the current year and 13 accounting periods for the previous year.

Within each accounting period you can set up accumulators to store the results of CE

calculations for both units and dollars:

You set the number of accumulators, up to a maximum of 96, on the Cost Account

Records for each group.

The Detail Record stores individual information, for each Application master

database "employee," or "participant" on the Labor Distribution master database.

This record contains:

CE or CD GenCalc data by individual records

The original transaction code


Three system defined fields on each detail record.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 5

Labor Distribution Edit and Update Processing



Labor Distribution



Sorted Labor



Update LaborDistribution




Current Labor




Updated Labor








Labor Distribution

Report Programs

Edit & Update Phase

The Transaction File contains the input transactions produced during the Edit and

Update Phase. The Labor Distribution master database stores the history for the

Labor Distribution system. The system updates the Labor Distribution master

database from the information in the Transaction File. This chart shows you that:

1. PRGM052 produces the transactions that are passed to PRGM310

2. PRGM310 sorts the transactions and passes them to the Labor

Distribution update program, PRGM320.

3. PRGM320

processes the transactions,

updates the Labor Distribution master database, and

produces a Change/Error Listing and a Balancing Report

Interfacing to Labor Cost The Labor Cost Interface function is used to maintain data on cost accounting, labor

costs, earning and deduction calculations, and budget transactions. The Labor Cost

Interface consists of four screens: Define Labor Cost Interface, Labor Cost

6 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

Control Fields, Labor Cost Budget Fields, and Job Record Changes/Adjustments.

The Labor Cost Interface function is used to interface with the Labor Cost/Archive


(Feature 40).

Defining Labor Cost Interface

The Define Labor Cost Interface screen (P871 01) is used to define:

whether a Labor Cost File will be produced

how employee detail information will be kept

whether to store earnings fields, or earnings and deduction fields on the

Labor Cost File

whether to use the salary split feature

Optional fields for earnings and deduction records also can be defined using this


To use this screen, follow these steps:

1. In the Group Key field, type the key for the group that you are


2. In the Produce Labor Cost [CJOB] field, type either a 0 (do not

create) or a 1 (create) to indicate whether to create the Labor Cost File.

3. In the Employee Detail Retention [CLC2] field, type either a 0

(keep detail until dropped) or a 1 (keep only current detail) to indicate

the amount of employee data to retain.

4. In the Use CE or CE and CD Fields [CLC1] field, type either a 0

(only earnings fields) or a 1 (both earnings and deductions fields) to

indicate which fields to send to the Labor Cost File.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 7

5. In the Use Salary Splits [CPLC] field, type a number to indicate the

number of salary splits for an employee.

6. In the Optional Fields for Earning Records [CN10-CN12] field,

type the data element(s) of the first, second, and third optional fields to

be passed to the Labor Cost Earnings Record.

7. In the Optional Fields for Deduction Records [CN13-CN15]

field, type the data element(s) of the first, second, and third optional

fields to be passed to the Labor Cost Deduction Record.

8. To process this information, select Enter.

Click Next to move to the next Labor Cost screen.

Defining Labor Cost Control Fields

The Labor Cost Control Fields screen (P872 01) is used to define which Labor

Cost accounting period to begin with (01-13), the number of earnings accumulators

(up to 20), and in which earnings category units are to be accumulated.

To use this screen, follow these steps:

1. In the Group Key field, type the key for the group that you are


2. In the Labor Cost Accounting Period [LCAP] field, type the

current archive accounting period that you are currently in. You can

type a value between 1 and 13. This is usually used to indicate the

month that you are in (for example, you type 07 for the month of July).

Once entered, this field is system-maintained. It is incremented by one

at the start of each new period (controlled by the NJFP field) and is

reset to 01 at the end of the fiscal year (controlled by the NJFY field).

8 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

3. In the No. Of Earnings Accumulators [LCER] field, type a value

between 01 and 20 to indicate how many archive accumulator buckets

you want used to accumulate earnings categories (from the LCE1-6

fields). If an earnings category is not assigned a specific bucket, all

payments for that earnings category will accumulate in the highest

bucket (as indicated in this field).

CAUTION = If you decrease the number of buckets from the

current number, the data stored in the deleted buckets is permanently


4. In the Units Accumulated From Earnings No. field, type the

earnings number from which units for the group record are

accumulated. This accumulator contains inception-to-date totals. If you

leave this field blank, the system uses the amount from earnings 01


5. In the Labor Cost Earnings Accumulator Buckets fields, type

the bucket number in the positions representing the earnings number.

For example, if you want all payments for earnings 17 accumulated in

bucket 09, you would type the number 09 in positions 1 and 2 (the

positions representing earnings 17) of the line labeled Earnings 17-32 (LCE2 field).

These fields are used to accumulate the earnings paid to employees into

specific archive accumulator buckets. The system allows up to 20

accumulator buckets. Each two positions in each of these fields

represent an earnings category. For example, in the line labeled

Earnings 01-16 (LCE1 field), the first two positions represent

earnings 1 (CE01) and the second two positions represent earnings 2


6. To process this information, select Enter.

Click Next to move to the next Labor Cost screen.

Defining Labor Cost Budget Fields

The Labor Cost Budget Fields screen (P873 01) is used to define the standard cost

per unit, total budget dollars, and total budget units, all with associated job numbers.

Up to three optional accumulator fields can also be designated for each group on this

screen. To-date earnings amounts and units, both with associated job numbers, can

also be defined for each group.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 9

To use this screen, follow these steps:

1. In the Group Key field, type the key of the group that you are


2. In the Amount fields, type the amount(s) associated with Labor Cost

Budget Fields.

3. In the Job Number fields, type the job number to which the amount is

to be charged.

The budget fields are:

STD Cost Per Unit (LJSC) - The value associated with the standard

cost for producing a unit.

Total Budget Dollars (LJBA) - The total budget dollar amount.

Total Budget Units (LJBU) - The total budget units.

Accumulate Opt Fld 1 (LJF1) - The total amount of optional field 1.

Accumulate Opt Fld 2 (LJF2) - The total amount of optional field 2.

Accumulate Opt Fld 3 (LJF3) - The total amount of optional field 3.

To-Date Earn Amount (LJTA) - The to-date accumulation amount for

the earnings category pointed to.

To-Date Units (LJTU) - The to-date units amount.

4. To process this information, select Enter.

Click Next to move to the next Labor Cost screen.

10 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

Changing Job Record Fields

The Job Record Changes/Adjustments screen (P874 01) is used to change or

adjust specific fields on the job record. You can change or adjust one field at a time,

or up to four sequential fields at a time. The job record contains four fields that only

allow changes (replace one value with another value), and three fields that only

allow adjustments (increase or decrease a value).

The fields that only allow changes are:

LA01-LA13 - Period Budget Dollar Amount

LU01-LU13 - Period Budget Units

TnnA-TnnM - Last Year Accumulator Number

TnnW-TnnZ - Period Units

Fields that only allow adjustments are:

Lnn1-Lnn9 - This Year Accumulator Number

LnnA-LnnM - This Year Accumulator Number Period Units

LnnW-LnnZ - Period Amounts

To use this screen, follow these steps:

1. In the Group Key field, type the key for the group that you are


2. In the Job Number field, type the number of the job that you are


3. To Change/Adjust One Field:

In the Field field, type the name of the field you are


Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 11

In the Value field, type the value of the change/adjustment.

4. To Change/Adjust Four Fields:

The Field field, type the name of the first field in the sequence. You

can only use this field if there are three other fields that follow that

allow changes or adjustments with this screen. For example, if you

wanted to change the Period Budget Dollar Amount field (LA01-4, you

could do so by typing LA01 in this field, followed by the values for

LA01, LA02, LA03, and LA04. However, you could not type LA11 in

this field since there are not three sequential fields following LA11 that

can be changed with this screen.

In the Value field, type the value for the first field in the sequence.

In the + Three Sequential Field Values field, type the three other

values in the proper sequence.

5. To process this information, select Enter.

Establishing an Employee's Salary Splits

You can use the Salary Splits screen to tell the system the percentage of pay you

want allocated to each job number. GenCalc 3929 checks to see that you account for

a total of 100%. The system places amounts not assigned a job number, into the

employee's "home" job number. This is the field defined as JOBT.

To display the Salary Splits screen in the Payroll application, type P270 in the Screen

Navigation field, and select Enter.

To use the Salary Splits screen (P270 01) , follow these steps:

1. In the Find field, type the search key you are using and select the

corresponding F key.

12 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

2. The system displays the employee's name in the Name field, and his or

her social security number in the Soc Sec Number field.

3. In the Allocate To section of the screen, to link a percentage of salary

with certain job numbers, type the job numbers, in the Job Numbers

(JNO1-06) fields. Then, in the Percentage of Pay (DA16, DB16,

DC16, DD16, DA17, DB17) fields, type the percentage of salary you

want to link with each job number.

4. The Balance To section of the screen:

Displays the employee's "home job number." The system assigns the

balance of salary to this job number (JOBT).

Displays the employee's balance of the salary allocation, calculated by

GenCalc 3929.

5. The Total Percent field shows you that the system apportions 100%

of the salary to the job numbers you established in the Allocate To

fields above. Note that the total percent calculation is made by

GenCalc 3929.

Changing and Adjusting Data This section tells you how to change, adjust or drop the contents of the fields on the

Group and Cost Account Records on the Labor Distribution master database. You

use Labor Distribution transactions to make these changes. You include these

transactions with the other transactions for an application when you execute the Edit

and Update Phase. All data input to the Labor Distribution comes from the

Transaction File created by PRGM052. You cannot input data directly to the Labor

Distribution System.

A change transaction replaces the data on the Labor Distribution master database.

The adjust transaction adds an amount to, or subtracts an amount from, the value in a

field on the master database. A drop transaction drops records from the Database.

Using 75 and 76 Transactions

You enter archive change and adjustment transactions (75 and 76 transactions) along

with all other transactions. The system does some validity checking of 75

transactions in the Edit and Update Phase. Because the Payroll master database may

not necessarily be key-compatible with the Labor Distribution File, the Labor system

also catches some errors itself.

All changes display on the Labor Distribution Change Report, with the beginning

label 'LC'. The system rejects invalid data element names or data contents. Warning

messages display if the group is not on the database or if it is not the super group

number. There is no way to check the job number until the Labor Distribution

system runs.

The three screens used to create a 75 transaction online are: Labor Distribution

Control Fields (P872 01), Labor Distribution Budget Fields (P873 01), and Job

Record Changes/Adjustments (P874 01).

The Job Record Changes/Adjustments screen (P784 01), creates a 76 transaction


Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 13

Changing Data on the Labor Distribution Master Database

To change the data on the Labor Distribution master database use either a 75 or a 76

transaction. A 75 transaction can replace any Group Record field on the Labor

Distribution master database except for the following fields:

LCCO - Group number

LCID - Group record code

LCN1 and LCN2 - Group name

LJCO - Group number

LJID - Cost account number

A 75 transaction replaces the following budget figures on the Cost Account Records:

LA01 through LA13 - Period budget dollar amounts

LU01 through LU13 - Period budget units

T(nn)A through T(nn)M -Last year accumulator nn periods units

T(nn)1 through T(nn)9 - Last year accumulator nn periods amounts

T(nn)W through T(nn)Z - Last year accumulator nn periods amounts

Note: Where nn is the number of the accumulator.

A 76 transaction allows you to change four adjacent fields on the Cost Account

Record at one time. For example, if you enter the following transaction:

Note: You do not enter decimals on the transactions.

14 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

The System changes these fields according to the 76 transaction as follows:

The value in T022 changes to $2550.00.

The value in T023 changes to $2200.00.

The value in T024 changes to $2190.00.

The value in T025 changes to $1980.00.

A 76 transaction replaces the following budget figures on the Cost Account Records:

LA01 through LA10 - Period budget dollar amounts

LU01 through LU10 - Period budget units

T(nn)A through T(nn)J - Last year accumulator nn periods units

T(nn)1 through T(nn)9 - Last year accumulator nn periods amounts

T(nn)W through T(nn)Z - Last year accumulator nn periods amounts

Adjusting Data on the Labor Distribution Master Database

To adjust the data on the Labor Distribution master database use either a 75 or a 76

transaction. A 75 transaction adjusts the following figures on the Cost Account


L(nn)1 through L(nn)9 - This year accumulator nn periods amounts

L(nn)W through L(nn)Z - This year accumulator nn periods amounts

L(nn)A through L(nn)M - This year accumulator nn periods units

A 76 transaction allows you to change four adjacent fields on the Cost Account

Record at one time. A 76 transaction adjusts the following figures on the Cost

Account Records:

L(nn)1 through L(nn)9 - This year accumulator nn periods amounts

L(nn)W through L(nn)Z - This year accumulator nn periods amounts

L(nn)A through L(nn)J - This year accumulator nn periods units

Dropping Records from the Master Database

You can drop the Cost Account Records for a group from the Labor Distribution

master database with a 75 transaction. To drop the Cost Account Records, use the

following format:

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 15

You can drop an entire Group Record and it's Cost Account Records from the Labor

Distribution master database with a 75 transaction. To drop the Group and Cost

Account Records, use the following format:

16 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

This transaction format instructs the System to drop the group and all associated Cost

Account Records from the Labor Distribution. It does not drop the Detail Records.

If you want to drop the Detail records, you must delete them first before dropping the

Group and Cost Account Records.

Note: Unless you change the value in CJOB to 0, the System continues to create

Cost Account Change/Adjust and Detail Record Transactions and sends them to the

Labor Distribution master database.

To drop an entire Group Record and all associated Cost Account Records from the

Labor Distribution master database:

1. Pick the group(s) you want to drop from the Labor Distribution master


2. Change the value in CJOB to 0 so the System does not create new Cost

Account Change/Adjust and Detail Record Transactions to send to the

Labor Distribution master database.

3. Perform a processing run to drop the Detail Records. To learn how to

drop the Detail Records, see the section titled File Structure later in this


4. On the next processing run, enter a 75 transaction to drop the Group

and Cost Account Records from the Labor Distribution master


Be sure to drop the detail records before you drop the other records. If you don’t

drop the detail records first, they are left on the database, with no association, and

therefore, no way to drop them.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 17

The system has five processing options that affect the Group Records and Detail

Records on the Labor Distribution master database. These options specify the

beginning of new accumulation cycles for the Cost Account Records and whether or

not to drop existing Detail Records for a group. You enter the processing options on

the group 60 Control Transaction during the Edit and Update Phase. Since you enter

a separate 60 Control Transaction for each group, different groups can have different

accumulation cycles. You can drop all the Detail Records for one group and retain

the records for other groups on the Labor Distribution master database.

These data elements control the Labor Distribution processing options:






The data elements NJFP and NJFY indicate the beginning of a new cost accounting

fiscal period or year. They change the value in LCAP (accounting period) on the

Group Record.

The data elements DDDD, DDPP, and DYMM drop Detail Records on the Labor

Distribution master database. These data elements change the value in LCDD (drop

detail) on the Group Record. The drop detail data elements do not have specific

entry positions on the 60 Control Transaction. They are placed in either the NJFP or

NJFY positions, depending on which position is unused in the processing cycle.

NJFP - (Pre-defined.) This data element indicates that the current processing cycle

begins a new cost accounting fiscal period. To start a new fiscal period for a group:

Enter NJFP in positions 57 through 60 on the 60 Control Transaction

for the group.

When NJFP appears on the 60 Control Transaction, the System adds

one to the value in LCAP on the Labor Distribution Group Record.

Note: Do not enter both NJFP and NJFY on the 60 Control Transaction as the

system performs both functions.

NJFY - Indicates that the current processing cycle begins a new cost accounting

fiscal year. To start a new fiscal year for a group:

Enter NJFY in positions 61 through 64 on the 60 Control Transaction

for the group.

When NJFY appears on the 60 Control Transaction, the System resets

the value in LCAP on the Labor Distribution Group record to 01.

Note: To begin a new cost accounting fiscal period and year, specify NJFY on the

60-control transaction.

DDDD - Drops all the Detail Records. When DDDD appears on the 60 Control

Transaction, the System drops all previous Detail Records for the group.

DDPP - Drops Detail Records by specific reporting periods. DD indicates drop

detail, and PP specifies the reporting period number. For example, to drop all Detail

Records in a group prior to pay period 8, enter the data element DD07 on the 60

Control Transaction.

18 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

DYMM - Drops Detail Records by calendar date. D indicates drop detail, and YMM

specifies the year and month. For example, to drop all detail prior to October 1993,

enter D310 on the 60 Control Transaction.

Producing Labor Distribution Reports The Labor Distribution Report Generator lets you design and produce reports from

the Labor Distribution System in a format meaningful to you. It uses your Labor

Distribution database to give you access to all of the data elements in your

application. By setting parameters, you can use the report generator to specify which

information to print and which to suppress. You determine how to format and sort

your reports, as well as create your own headings.

System-Supplied Reports

Labor Distribution program PRGM320 generates two reports, the Labor Cost

Change Report, and the Company posted Totals Report.

The Labor Cost Change Report lists the 75 and 76 transactions sent to

Labor Distribution by PRGM052.

The Company Posted Totals Report lists the CE GenCalcs and

associated units by CE GenCalcs category. This report helps balance

the amounts passed via the Transaction File to the Labor Distribution

system against the totals listed on the Totals Recap Report. If you are

also passing CD GenCalcs to the Labor Distribution system, it lists the

CD GenCalcs by category. A summary of the totals for gross, net,

adjusted net, and total CD GenCalcs prints at the top of the report. The

bottom of the report displays the total of all the CE GenCalcs.

Labor Distribution Report Programs

Labor Distribution reports are produced by three programs:




These programs run against the Updated Labor Distribution master database

produced by Program 320. For a diagram illustrating the relationship of the Labor

Distribution report programs to Program 320, see the section titled Labor

Distribution File Structure earlier in this chapter.

Program 340 - Extracts Archive master database records so that Program 350 can

sort them, and you can create reports using the data. The system automatically

produces a report called Labor Cost Custom Report Extraction Log and Error

Messages. A sample of this report can be found later in this chapter.

Program 350 - sorts the data created by Program 340. Positions 1-72 are sorted in

ascending sequence. The sorted output from this job is used as input to PRGM360.

Program 360 - Produces output reports and/or Archive Report Generator output


Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 19

Working Storage Fields

There are four types of working storage fields in the system. Two types contain

numeric information used for one employee/job or for a company. Two other types

contain alphanumeric information for one employee/job or for a company. The

working storage fields are:

RS Fields. RS01-RS99 fields may contain only numeric information. Most of the

arithmetic operations needed for reports use them. Fields from the labor cost master

file upon which arithmetic operations are to be performed must be moved to an

available RS-- field, because the master file cannot be altered during a labor cost

report run. These fields are cleared to zero after each employee, each job and each


R--- Fields. There are 81 R---- fields.

R101-R109 R601-R609

R201-R209 R701-R709

R301-R309 R801-R809

R401-R409 R901-R909


These fields are restricted to numeric information. The contents of these fields

accumulate throughout a report, but will clear to zero after each company.

RA01-RA09 Fields. These nine, 24 character, alphanumeric fields have no regular

or specified use. Arithmetic operations may be performed either from these fields or

into these fields, but only if the field, or the portion to be used is numeric. These

fields clear to blanks after each employee and each job.

RB01-RB09 Fields. These nine fields are of the same length and type as the RA--

fields. They clear to blanks after each company.

Labor Distribution Report Data Elements

The Labor Distribution Report Writer has two special data element types. Each type

has a length of 8, and two decimal places. These fields let you create a report that

always accesses the correct current and year to date information. The report

parameters do not have to be updated each accounting period to access the current


Special Labor Distribution Data Elements

Data Element Description

SLAC Current period budgeted amount.

SLAT Year-to-date budgeted amount.

SLUC Current period budgeted units.

SLUT Year-to-date budgeted units.

S(nn)A This period - last year - units.

S(nn)B Year-to-date last year units.

S(nn)C This period - last year - amount.

S(nn)D Year-to-date last year amount.

S(nn)E Current period - this year - units.

S(nn)F Year-to-date this year - units.

20 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

S(nn)G Current period - this year - amount.

S(nn)H Year-to-date this year - amount.

Note: Where (nn) is the CE GenCalcs accumulator number.

Parameter Formats

You will use five parameter formats to produce reports.

Type 1 - Report Title Transactions specify the title of a report. This

controls several options and must be submitted for each report.

Type 2 - Procedure Transactions specify any arithmetic or logical

procedures performed before editing data. At least one job level and

one individual level procedure must be submitted for each report.

Type 3 - Edit Transactions specify the data produced on the report.

Type 4 - Sort Transactions list the sort fields for the data.

Types 5-9 - Heading Lines Transactions list the headers and totals for

the top of each page.

The Report Title Transaction, Procedure Transaction, and Edit Transaction are

required for a report.

The system automatically produces totals for all fields with numeric data. You can

suppress the automatic totaling feature on a field-by-field basis. You can print

additional sets of totals or subtotals for up to five control breaks. These breaks are

defined on the Type 1 transaction. You can also control the option for page totals

using the Type 1 transaction.

Note: The right-most position of a total always lines up with the right-most position

of its associated field.

Report Title & Report Setup (Type 1)

The Report Title Transaction is required to produce the report. If you leave an

option position blank, the system defaults to zero.

Report Title & Report Setup (Type 1)

Position Description

1-6 Company number.

7 Report number.

8 Transaction type. Constant 1.

9-12 Not used.

13 To select output type, enter one of these values:

0 Print

1 Transaction Output

2 An unblocked, unlabelled magnetic tape

14 Enter a value to select the Totals Code for printed output:

0 Detail lines and totals.

1 Totals only; no detail lines.

2 Detail lines only; no totals (default for transaction output or tape).

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 21

15 Major sort option. Organizes data for one or more companies

in a single report. Select one of these values:

0 For one company only.

2 Any number of companies.

Grand totals at the end of a report, include all companies on

the report.

16 Headings (for printed output). Select one of the following:

0 Full standard and user specified headings. Full

Standard Headings are two lines that print at the top of every

page. They consist of company number, report number, pay

period ending date, labor cost accounting period, page

number, report title, and the company name and address.

Specified headings are input on Type 5-9 Transactions.

1 Short standard and user specified headings. Short

Standard headings consist of company number, report number, report title, and page number.

2 User specified headings only.

3 Full standard headings only.

4 Short standard headings only.

17 Top page (for printed output). Select one of the following:

0 Top page only between different reports.

1 Top page after each level 1 break.

2 Top page after each level 2 break.

3 Top page after each level 3 break.

4 Top page after each level 4 break.

5 Top page after each level 5 break. 6 Top page after each detail line.

18 Spacing (for printed output). Select one of these values:

0 Single space.

2 Double space.

3 Triple space.

This applies to the information in the body of a report and not to the heading or total lines.

19-20 Line indicator (for printed output).

nn Maximum number of detail lines per page. If you

enter a valid number from 01 to 50, that number is used. The

default is 50. Whenever possible, the system overrides this

value to include both heading and total lines on a single page.

21 Page totals (for printed output). Page totals print only if the

subsection defined by a level break exceeds one page, and

only if the totals code option specifies either detail and totals

or totals only. Select one of the following values:

0 Totals at level breaks. 1 Totals for each page, in addition to level totals.

22 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

22-36 Break and totals indicators.

Specifies up to five sub-levels of totals within a report.

Specify level breaks in ascending order. Each level break

specifies the right-most position of the sort key (created by

the Sort Transaction) for the level break, and the number of a

heading line to be used to describe this break. Heading lines

are optional.

Level breaks tell the program to print totals for a sub-level

whenever the sort-key changes. If you want multiple breaks,

the sort-key position must be greater for each successive

break. If you do not specify sub-level breaks, grand totals

print. These are usually identified by the heading "Company

Totals" at the end of a report. Note: Specify a different

heading on a Type 9 transaction to override the heading "Company Totals".

Insert the heading line number in positions 24, 27, 30, 33, or

26 of the Report Title Transaction to connect a heading line

on a Type 5-9 transaction to a total.

The sort defaults to master database sequence, Job, Employee,

unless you create a sort key.

22-23 1 Break and totals indicator. Positions 22-23 give the

position of the highest order break. (Starting from the left end

of the sort control field.) Example: If the sort control field

was "job number sequence" and you want a totals break after

the sixth position, positions 22 & 23. enter the number 06.

The break will occur at the sixth position to the right of the left end of the data, in the user defined sort key.

24 1 Totals line. This contains the number of the heading

line, (Transaction Types 5-9), if you want a totals identified

line. It prints after the detail lines and above the associated

total lines.

25-26 2 Break and totals indicator. Same as for Level 1.

27 2 Totals line. Same as for Level 1.

28-29 3 Break and totals indicator. Same as for Level 1.

30 3 Totals line. Same as for Level 1.

31-32 4 Break and totals indicator. Same as for Level 1.

33 4 Totals line. Same as for Level 1.

34-35 5 Break and totals indicator. Same as for Level 1.

36 5 Totals line. Same as for Level 1.

37-80 Report title. Forty-four positions you can use to print a report

title on the second line of standard headings.

Position 58 is the mid-point, if you want to center your header.

Expander Option

The expander option lets you apply the same report specifications for up to 100

groups by listing the groups on expander parameters. This saves you the trouble of

specifying the same parameters for every group. To use this option, submit a Type

1 Transaction listing this information.

Expander Option

Position Description

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 23

1-6 Company number for which specifications have been


7 Report number.

8 Transaction type - always the constant 1.

9-12 Not used.

13-18 Company number for which the same specifications are applicable.

Insert the expander transactions behind the original Type 1 Transaction. This allows

the system to create similar sets of specifications for the additional companies. You

can have a maximum of 100 expander transactions.

Procedure Transaction (Type 2)

You can define the steps that select, by-pass, release, or calculate data used in the

report using operation codes. The codes are divided into four groups:

1. Movement of data. Data from the first field is moved to the second.

The second field cannot be a literal or data element that references a

master database field. The valid value is T for Transfer.

2. Arithmetic computation of data. The arithmetic operation is performed

and the results are stored in the second field. The second field cannot

be a literal field or data element that references a master database field.

Operation Code Description

A Add

S Subtract

M Multiply

D Divide

3. Comparison of data. These operation codes are used to make logical

tests. Two fields in the system are compared. If the test is successful,

the next procedure step executes. If the test fails, execution control is

passed to the procedure step number in positions 30-32 of the

Procedure Transaction. If there is no sequence number, the system

bypasses the company, job, or individual record.

Operation Code Description

E Equal

U Unequal

G Greater than

L Less than

These comparison tests let you write procedure loops and code

complicated tests. The system does not include a complete check for

endless loops. You can use logical operation codes to provide an

unconditional branch capability. Code a procedure step to use the

same field or data element reference in both first and second operands,

then test for inequality. The result is a failing test and the procedure

branches to the jump to sequence number. Procedure steps are

24 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

accepted by the system if they pass consistency checks of operation

code and class of the two operands.

You can use literals as the first operand in all three operations. Use

them for the second operand only in a logical comparison test.


Although the system distinguishes a field or data element

from a literal, be sure the first four characters of a literal are

different from your valid fields and data elements.

If you want only certain portions of an alphanumeric field, they can be

accessed by specifying start - stop positions within the field. Start -

stop positions cannot be used for numeric fields.

4. Release of output data. You can use Operation Code R to produce

multiple groups of lines from the same Individual Record.

When the R instruction is coded in position 21 of the Procedure


The system releases the output data, to the sort and edit, to the

point the R is encountered.

Execution continues from the next procedure step on the same

input record.

An R coded procedure must not specify data in any fields other

than the operation code

(position 21).

You can use it in individual-level and job-level procedures only.

The valid value is Operation Code R: Release to print, retain record.

RA-- and RS-- fields are cleared after each individual record and job

record, but not after each released record. Use the total suppress code

when totals of unrelated fields are meaningless.

Be sure the R code does not generate an extra record. There is an

implied release at the end of procedures and an R code is not needed.

Company Records

You can use all operation codes, except Release, when working with information in

company header records. Type the letter C in position 33 of the Procedure

Transaction to sequence Company level procedures before any procedures for job or

Individual Records.

Company procedures are executed once, per Company, per set of report

specifications, no matter how many detail records exist. Detail records are not

available when company procedures are executed, therefore these procedures must


company field or data element,

working storage field or data element,

or literals only.

Job Records

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 25

You can use four types of procedures when working with information in job records.

Arrange them:

after the procedures for company records, and

before the procedures for Individual Records.

They are identified by a the letter J in position 33. You must include a Type 2

transaction for job records, even if you don’t want to report on the data in the job

records. The test must be one that fails, such as comparing LEJB and testing for

inequality. There must be no subsequent job record procedure step specified. If you

want information extracted from both the job and the employee detail records, all

information must be transferred to working storage fields. These working storage

fields must be the only fields specified on the Edit and Sort Transactions for job and

employee information.

Procedure Transaction (Type 2)

Position Description

1-6 Company number.

7 Report number.

8 Transaction type. Always the constant 2.

9-11 Sequence number. Each procedure must be numbered, and the

procedure transactions must be input in ascending sequence.

Do not sequence numbers in increments of 1, since it does not allow you to insert statements later.

12 * Transaction contains an English language comment.

Positions 13-32 contain the code for a move, a compare, or an arithmetic step.

Generally, for everything except the R code: The contents of positions 13-20 (taken

as one value) and of positions 22-29 (taken as another value) are operated on by the

operation code in Position 21. If the operation is a logical compare, and the

comparison fails, the contents of positions 30-32 answers the what-to-do-next


Procedure Transaction (Type 2)

Position Description

13-20 Data Element, field, or value. If a numeric value or an

alphanumeric literal is to be used, it is entered in this

eight-position field (positions 13-16). If selective

positions within an alphanumeric field, rather than the

whole field, are desired the start - stop positions must

be specified. For example, if only the first five of 24

characters of the field LENA are desired, specify

LENA0105. This facility cannot be used with numeric

fields. These positions must be blank for Operation

Code R transactions.

21 Operation Code. The available operation codes are

printed on the procedure input sheet under the title Op Code Legend.

22-29 Data Element, Field or value. This is used just as

positions 13-20, for the second part of the operation, (must be blank for Code R).

26 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

30-32 Sequence Number. If the test fails, branch to the

sequence number in these positions. If a comparison

fails and this area is blank, the system drops the record

from further consideration. If you want another step

executed on test failure, enter the step sequence number


33 Record indicator. Select one of the following values:

Blank Individual Record procedure

C Company record procedure

J Job record procedure

If you use data from company records, all company

procedures must be sequenced before employee

procedures. Job procedures must be sequenced after

company procedures but before employee procedures.

You must have at least one job procedure and one employee procedure per report.

34 T = Table.

35-37 Table Name

38-39 Table Start

40-41 Table Stop

These rules apply to Procedure Transactions:

1. The system assumes two decimal positions in each arithmetic field. If

you want more than two positions, you may have to multiply or divide

by a power of ten to get the required decimal accuracy.

2. Multiplication and division automatically rounds the answer to two

decimal places.

3. The results of arithmetic operations are placed in the field specified in

positions 22-25.

If you want a master database field multiplied by a literal:

Enter the literal, in positions 13-20, right-justified, preceded by


Move it into the working storage field specified in positions 22-25.

Note: The field is multiplied by the working storage field. The product

is stored in the field listed in positions 22-25. You can also move the

multiplication into working storage first, and then multiply it by a

literal in positions 13-20.

4. The jump feature, positions 30-32, allows looping as long as you insert

a sequence number to create the loop. However, a closed loop can

occur if one instruction refers to another in such a way that forward

progress cannot be made.

Edit Transaction (Type 3)

The Edit Transaction specifies the actual fields and starting locations on any report.

You must have at least one Edit Transaction to produce a report. The simplest report

consists of one Type 1 Transaction, two Type 2 Transactions (one per job, one per

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 27

employee), and one Type 3 Transaction. Only data element field names can be used

on Edit Transactions. If both job and employee data is extracted in the same report,

Type 3 records can contain only working storage data elements or fields.

The other required field on an Edit Transaction is the sequence field used to identify

a starting print position.

For printed reports, you are limited to 132 print positions

For transaction or tape output, you are limited to 80 positions.

On output, any field occupies print locations starting at the position specified, and

ending when the field length is reached. Two additional print locations are reserved

to display a numeric field:

one to include a decimal point

the other for a minus sign, if the field value is negative.

Edit Transactions are rejected if the starting print position, plus field length is greater

than 132 or 80, depending on your type of output. The line number defaults to 1.

Line numbers 1-4 can give up to four full data lines per Individual Record. If you

use multiple line numbers, the sequencing of Edit Transaction input must be in

ascending print position order within line number.

Print Position Line Number

001 1

005 1

132 1

001 2, etc.

If you request multiple detail records for printed reports, and your main spacing

option is single or double spacing, an extra space is left between sets of data lines.

The special SORT data element or field allows information from the last "detail line

sort key" processed to be inserted into the totals lines specified on Type 1 transaction

level breaks. Handle this as you would any Edit Transaction, with start - stop sort

keys in positions 17-20. The data element or field 'SORT' appears in positions 13-

16. These start - stop positions are, of course, dependent on the coding of the Type 4

Sort Transactions.

SORT places information from the user-defined sort key established by Type 4

Transactions into total lines 5-9 (indicated by the line number in position 22). Use

this feature for line numbers 5-9. It works only if you associate the line number

with a level break on a Type 1 Transaction.

Enter the edit code in position 21 for data elements or field names that refer to

numeric data. This code controls the decimal point position for you. If you leave the

code blank, the system defaults to 2 decimal places. The code allows you to select 0-

8 decimal places.

If you enter an edit code, the system edits alphanumeric fields as numeric. To do

this, set your field length to 8. The system treats any non-numeric value as zero.

You can use the "total suppress code" in position 24 to stop the automatic totaling

feature for numeric fields:

Note: Totals are right-aligned, and print in the same position as the field creating

them. The system may stagger the total lines, since the system uses 12 digit field


28 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

You can suppress the repetitive appearance of a data item for lines on a single report

page using the group edit code in position 23. The field displays at the beginning of

each new page. On subsequent lines, the value is compared to the previous printed

value. If the values match, it will not print. If the field values are different, the

changed value prints and becomes the new value. The system compares subsequent

values to the new value.

Overlay Techniques for Edit Transactions

Generally, print positions allow space between adjacent fields on a print line.

However you can instruct the system to overlay fields to suppress printing the detail,

but retain the value for totals.

To locate a field on reports:

alphanumeric fields always left-justify from the starting print position.

numeric fields always right-justify from the implied ending print

position of the designated field (starting print position plus the field


For example, if an Edit Transaction specifies the data element or field LENA

(Employee Name, Class X, length 24) at print position 1, the value of LENA

occupies print positions 001-024.

We’ll use the data element LJFI as an example of a numeric field. This data element

is eight digits long, but has a print length of ten positions. If at print position 1, the

value of LJFI occupies print positions 1-10. Position 010 contains the sign if the

number is negative. The leading zeros are suppressed. The print length is different

than the length to accommodate the decimal point and the sign. If, using the

example of LJF1, you specified an empty field to start printing at position 002 of the

same line, this field overlays the value. In the case of the data element LENA,

another field specified to start printing at position 008 of the same line overlays the

last 17 positions of LENA.

Note: You cannot request more than 132 characters, regardless of overlay


Edit Transaction (Type 3)

Position Description

1-6 Company number.

7 Report number.

8 Transaction type. Always the constant 3.

9-11 Print position. These positions specify the beginning

position of the named field. Print positions cannot exceed

132. Transaction or magnetic tape positions cannot exceed 80.

Note that for arithmetic fields, leading zeros are replaced

by blanks in printed reports, but consider the total field length in defining positions.

12 * Denotes transaction contains an English language


13-16 Data element or field. Contains the name of the field

whose contents are to be printed, or written to tape.

17-20 Start - stop positions for extracting portions of an

alphanumeric field.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 29

21 Edit code (for printed output). Select one of the following


Blank If numeric, print with 2 decimal places.

0-8 Print with 0-8 decimal places.

This code defines the printed decimal point placement. To

treat alphanumeric fields as numeric for editing requires a positive edit code value in the range 0-8.

22 Line number (for printed output). Select one of these


Blank Invalid.

0 Detail line 1 (Default).

1-4 Detail line 1, 2, 3, or 4.

5-9 Heading line 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.

This code defines the placement of each of the data lines.

If the number 1, 2, 3, or 4 is inserted in position 22, the

field to which it is tied prints on the related detail line for

each employee. If the number is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, it alters the

related heading line with information from the company

record. The SORT field allows information from your sort

key to be placed into heading lines at any level break.

23 Blank or 0 Print field for every line.

1 Print only once, until changed, at the top of each page.

24 Total suppress (for printed output). Select one of these


Blank or 0 Print totals for this field. 1 Do not print totals for this field.

25-80 Blank

Sort Transaction (Type 4)

The Type 4 Sort parameter lists the fields on which the report will sort. Create

sequence numbers that start with the most important field you want to sort, and end

with the least important field. The most important field is called the Major Sort, and

the least important field is called the Minor Sort. These sorts can create a sort key

that is up to 48 positions long. The Sort Transaction specifies the fields that control

the sequence of data for reports. If you omit this transaction, the system uses the

Labor Distribution master database sequence.

If both job and individual records are being extracted, the Type 4 Parameter can only

contain working storage fields.

Sort Transaction (Type 4)

Position Description

1-6 Company number.

7 Report number.

8 Transaction type. Always the constant 4.

9-11 Sequence number to keep the transactions in order. The

most important is written first with the lowest sequence number.

30 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

12 An * denotes the transaction contains an English language


13-16 Data Element or Field.

19-20 Start - stop positions for extracting portions of

alphanumeric fields.

21-28 Blank

Sort fields are used in sequence as a sort key of 48 or fewer characters. If omitted,

the sequence defaults to Group, Cost Account, Individual Record Key.

Heading Lines Transactions (Type 5-9)

These transactions let you specify heading lines for printed output and link them with

subtotals. Multiple transactions per single type are allowed.

Sequence numbers in positions 9-11 are the actual print positions on the line and are

used like those on the Edit Transaction.

Some explicit uses for heading lines exist in the system. Line 9 has a default value

of Company Totals and prints above any grand totals at the end of the report, as long

as no Type 9 Transactions are present. Line 9 can also be used as a level break


You can determine if lines 5-8 are used for heading or total lines. If a line number is

assigned to a level break, it is used as a totals identifier line. If a line number is not

assigned to a level break, it is used as a heading (depending on the headings code

option, position 16 of the Type 1 Transaction) at the top of each report page. It will

print below the standard heading lines (if the headings code option indicates them).

You can select single, double, or triple spacing for any total or heading line, on a

before or after basis. If you select space before, the skip takes place before the line is

printed. If you choose after, you can use additional spacing. Both before and after

codes can be used for a single line. The net affect of the after is always one less than

the spacing code specifies. You also have considerable flexibility with heading

lines. Understand the uses of the headings code, level breaks and Edit Transactions

for line number 5-9, and the Type 5-9 Transactions themselves before you code


Heading Line Transactions (Types 5-9)

Position Description

1-6 Company number.

7 Report number.

8 Line number:

1st heading line - 5

2nd heading line - 6

3rd heading line - 7

4th heading line - 8 5th heading line - 9

12 * Denotes the transaction contains an English language


13-62 Heading line. These positions contain the English language

characters, including spaces and special characters. These lines print above the appropriate total information.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 31

63-64 Spacing control. These positions define the spacing before

and after any heading or total line. Select one of these


0 or Blank Single space.

2 Double space.

3 Triple space.

65-80 Blank

Tips for Coding Reports

Producing a report involves many steps. This section tells you how to prepare the

report generator and gives you processing techniques.

Working Storage Fields

There are 81 R---- fields, that are restricted to numeric information:

R101-R109 R601-R609

R201-R209 R701-R709

R301-R309 R801-R809

R401-R409 R901-R909


The contents of these fields accumulate throughout a report, but clear to zero after

each company.

Control your use of R--- working storage fields carefully, particularly the totals. If

specified on Edit Transactions, R--- fields produce cumulative totals. When the total

suppress option is not used, the total is the sum of all cumulative totals for each line.

Using R--- fields requires careful logic.

Determining Print Positions

Each data element or field on an Edit Transaction has a specific class and field length

and the starting print position is always used for any field. For printed reports, the

starting print position, plus the field length, minus one, cannot exceed 132. It cannot

be greater than 80 for output on transaction output or tape.

If the field is alphanumeric, the data in the field is always left-justified at the starting

position you specify. If the field is numeric, the data in the field is always right-

justified from the implied right position. This is developed from the starting print

position, field length, report type, and starting print position of the next field.

Numeric fields are always eight digits long. On printed reports, the length is ten

characters, allowing for a decimal point and a sign. For transaction or tape output,

the length remains eight. The implied right position always contains the low order


Numeric field editing is best illustrated by examples. The examples presume printed

reports, and a positive data value in RS01 of 12345678 to be edited with two decimal

places. The field LENA is also used in the examples, with an assumed data value of


Example 1

Edit Transaction

32 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

Printed Report

In this example, the implied right position of RS01 is position 19.

Example 2

Edit Transaction

Printed Report

In Example 2, the implied right position of RS01 is position 16, one less than the

starting print position of LENA. The starting position of RS01 is still 010 as

specified, but the high order digits 123 will not be printed. They will, however, be


Example 3

Edit Transaction

Printed Report

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 33

In this example, RA01 (initialized as spaces) forces spacing and truncation of both

RS01 and LENA. The implied right position of RS01 is 15. The implied right

position of LENA is 21.

Alignment of Totals

When totals are printed on reports, the right-most totals position is aligned with the

implied right position of the field's detail line. Thus, in the previous examples, a

total produced by the RS01 field occupies the following positions:

Example 1 Positions 8-19

Example 2 Positions 5-16

Example 3 Positions 4-15

The zeros are suppressed, but the starting print position of a total can cause the total

to appear on a separate line (if it overlaps a total for a previous field). Total lines are

always staggered, regardless of the content of a total, to maintain the same format in

each total array for a large report.

Using Totals for Special Functions

You may want to use the same relative area on a totals line for a different function

from that on a detail line. An example of this is:

These Edit Transactions develop and accumulate the value of RS01 from the detail

line, but print only the sign in position 21. If the field were always positive, the sign

appears as a space on the detail line. If negative, a minus sign displays. The full

total prints on the total line.

Class X Fields Used for Totals

RA--, and RB-- fields are Class X. This means they can be either alphanumeric or

numeric. To be treated as numeric:

the length on an Edit Transaction must be 8

the edit code must be numeric

the contents of the field must be numeric.

34 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

If these conditions are met, totals are produced. If the data content of a field for any

record is not numeric, it is treated as all zeros.

The SORT Data Element or Field

The SORT Data Element or Field requires careful preparation of:

Type 1 Transactions for level breaks

Type 3 Transactions for the length and location of the information

Type 4 Transactions for establishing the record sort key

Type 5-9 Transactions for printing the sort key information.

There is no restriction on the number of SORT Data Elements or Fields for any line

or report, except the 48 character key length.

Symbolic Data Element or Field

Twelve symbolic Job Record Data Elements or Fields make coding reports easier.

The fields are either Class R or Class I.

Class R fields indicate that a single labor cost accounting period is

used. This can only be the current period this year or the same

accounting period last year. The program uses LCAP to determine the

current period.

Class I fields indicate that a year-to-date total is used, either for the

current or previous year.

Example: SLAC is a Class R field used to reference the budgeted amount for the

current period. S01H is a Class I field used to reference the sum of the amount in

bucket one for all periods this year up to and including the current period.

System Messages

Error, or warning, messages are produced by the first two programs of the Archive

Report Generator Subsystem to identify actual or potential difficulties in processing

ARG reports.

Program 330

Program 330 analyzes all input parameters. I messages are produced, they are

always in the form 'ANN.' 'A' has two values: 'F' for 'fatal' error and 'W' for

'warning' message. The 'NN' value identifies the message number from the

following error list. An 'F' message indicates an entire parameter, or in some cases

an entire report, is dropped, and requires correction of the parameter. A 'W' message

is a warning and, in many cases, can be ignored.

Program 330

Program 340 produces messages for ARG use of data from the Master Database.

Messages appear on the Extract Log along with the counts of records from which

data is extracted. Most of the messages identify conditions under which numeric

processing would result in errors: divide by zero, overflow, and so on. The program

will always continue to process.

Program 330 Messages

F1 Group number is invalid or missing.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 35

F2 Group number is less than last accepted card.

F3 Report number is invalid or missing.

F4 Report number is less than last accepted report number for this group.

F5 Transaction number is invalid or missing.

F6 Transaction number is less than the last accepted transaction number for this


F7 Information can only be in positions 13-15 for a Type 1 transaction at this time.

F8 This card is illegal because there has been no Type 1 transaction for this report as


F9 There is an invalid or missing group number in columns 13-18.

F10 There is a duplicate group number in columns 13-18. Processing will create a

duplicate report.

F11 100 Group numbers have already been accepted under the Expander Option. This

expander card is rejected.

F12 Sequence number of procedure, edit, or sort is not greater than previous sequence

number, or it is invalid.

F13 A group procedure was found after a participant procedure. All group procedures

must be processed first.

F14 Illegal operation code specified on procedure card.

F15 Procedure is trying to compare an alpha-literal to a numeric field.

F16 Procedure is trying to compare a numeric field to an alpha-literal.

F17 Procedure is trying to compare a numeric field to an alpha field.

F18 Procedure is trying to compare an alpha field to a numeric field.

F19 Jump designator is invalid for this procedure.

F20 Group level procedure is trying to compare a group field to an individual field.

F21 Destination field of arithmetic operation is a Master Database field or a literal.

F22 Destination field of a transfer operation is a Master Database field or a literal.

F23 Start - stop indicators in columns 17-20 are invalid.

F24 Start position in positions columns 17-18 must be at least 01 for an alpha field on

a procedure transaction.

F25 Stop position in columns 19-20 must be equal to or greater than starting position.

F26 Procedure is attempting to access more characters of an alpha field than the field contains.

F27 Start-stop indicators in columns 25-29 are invalid.

F28 Start position in columns 26-27 must be at least 01 for an alpha field.

F29 Stop position in columns 28-29 must be equal to or greater than start position.

F30 Group level procedure is attempting to reference a participant field.

F31 Arithmetic procedure is attempting to use numeric literal as a result field.

F32 Arithmetic procedure is attempting to use an alpha literal as a result field.

F33 Arithmetic procedure is attempting to use an alpha literal as a second operand.

F34 Arithmetic procedure is attempting to use Master Database field as a result field.

F35 Arithmetic procedure is attempting to use alpha literal as first operand.

F36 Arithmetic procedure is attempting to use alpha field as a first operand.

F37 Transfer procedure is attempting to use a numeric literal as a receiving field.

36 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

F38 Transfer procedure is attempting to use alpha literal or a Master Database field as

a receiving field.

F39 Transfer procedure is attempting to use Master Database field as a receiving field.

F40 Transfer procedure is attempting to move an alpha literal to a numeric field.

F41 Transfer procedure is attempting to move a numeric field to an alpha field.

F42 Print position is not numeric.

F43 Print position must be at least 1.

F44 Print position cannot be greater than 132; if transaction on tape, position may not

be greater than 80.

F45 Edit transaction does not have a valid data element.

F46 Start - stop positions are not numeric.

F47 Start position must be at least 1 on an edit or sort transaction.

F48 Stop position must be equal to or greater than start position on edit or sort


F49 Sort or edit transaction is attempting to access more characters than the field contains.

F50 The edit transaction is rejected because it is out of sequence.

F51 Sort or edit transaction is rejected because of overlapping print positions or

because it is out of sequence.

F52 Edit transaction is rejected because more than 132 print positions (80 if transaction on tape) are specified; or there are too many overlays.

F53 This edit transaction cannot be processed until there has been at least one Type 1


F54 Edit transactions cannot be processed for Type 3 unless there has been at least one

Type 2.

F55 Edit transactions cannot be processed for Type 4 unless there has been at least one

Type 3.

F56 This sort transaction would create a sort field of more than 48 characters;

transaction is dropped.

F57 Starting print position is invalid on this heading line transaction.

F58 Computational fields cannot have start-stop positions.

F59 Heading transaction is out of sequence.

F60 Entire report is dropped because of an insufficient number of acceptable

transaction or too many F-level errors.

F61 Procedure is attempting to jump to itself, causing an endless loop.

F62 Procedure is trying to jump to a non-existing sequence number.

F63 Group procedure is trying to jump to a participant procedure or vice-versa.

F64 SORT data element can be used only in heading lines 5-9.

F65 Stop position cannot be greater than 48 when using sort data element.

F66 Logical procedures cannot compare an alpha field to a numeric literal.

F67 Release operation code may not be used for a group procedure.

F68 A procedure with the release instruction (R Operation Code) may not contain

entries in either data element field, in either start-stop position field, or in the jump sequence number field.

F80 Cost Account procedure out of order. (Must be after group procedures and before participant procedures.)

F81 Invalid use of special symbolic data element on procedure transaction.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 37

F82 Invalid use of participant data element on cost account procedure.

F83 Invalid use of cost account data element on participant procedure.

F84 Invalid use of special symbolic data element on edit or sort transaction.

W1 Columns 9-12 are not blank. This indicates that the transaction is turned off.

W2 Output type is not 0, 1, or 2.

W3 Totals code is not 0, 1, or 2.

W4 Major sort is not 0, or 2.

W5 Headings code is not 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

W6 Top page code is not 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

W7 Spacing code is not 0, 2, or 3.

W8 Line indicator is invalid or missing.

W9 Page Totals Option is not 0 or 1.

W10 Level 1 break and totals indicator is invalid or missing.

W11 Level 1 heading line is invalid or missing.

W12 Level 2 break and totals indicator is invalid or missing.

W13 Level 2 break and totals indicator is not greater than level 1 break and totals


W14 Level 2 heading line is invalid or missing.

W15 Level 3 break and totals indicator is invalid or missing.

W16 Level 3 break and total indicator is not greater than level 2 break and totals


W17 Either: Total suppress indicator is invalid (not blank or 1)

Or: Level 3 heading line is invalid or missing.

W18 Columns 25-80 are not blank. This indicates the transaction is off punched.

W19 Group edit code is not 0, or 1.

W20 Line number is not blank or numeric.

W21 Start-stop positions cannot be specified for packed fields.

W22 Heading line spacing indicators are invalid. If this is the first transaction of a

heading line, single spacing will be assumed; otherwise spacing indicators will be ignored.

W23 This parameter may create an overlapping print position in its respective heading


W24 Edit code on Type 3 transaction is not recognized (replaced by space).

W25 Not used.

W26 This transaction may create overlapping print positions in its respective detail


W27 Edit code, group edit and total suppress should be blank when SORT data element

is used; blanks are assumed.

W30 Group number input has more characters than actual group number.

W40 Level 4 break and totals indicator is not greater than Level 3 break and totals


W41 Level 4 break and totals indicator is invalid or missing.

W42 Level 4 headings line is invalid or missing.

W43 Level 5 break and totals indicator is not greater than Level 4 break and totals


38 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

W44 Level 5 break and totals indicator is invalid or missing.

Program 340 Messages

W45 Level 5 heading line is invalid or missing.

100 This group is not on the Archive Master Database.

150 There are too many reports for this group or too many instructions for existing

reports. This report is dropped and must be resubmitted.

200 There is a print line overflow. Too many overlays are specified for this print line.

Either use more lines or fewer overlays.

ADX Arithmetic data exception: Due to a class inconsistency caused by an illegal first

operand on an arithmetic procedure, the program will replace the first operand with zeros.

ASZ Addition size error: Final result exceeds 18 characters. Result field will be zero-

filled. Any result that does not exceed 18 characters but does exceed eight

characters will have excess characters to the right of the decimal point rounded

and the excess characters to the left of the point truncated.

DBZ Illegal divide: Division by zero is impossible, and the result field remains


DSZ Division size error. Same as ASZ.

FSZ Field size error: A numeric computation resulted in a field value greater than

999999.99 or less than 999999.99. System calculations must always be contained

in eight-digit numeric fields. High-order digits have been truncated, and report results will be inaccurate. See the explanations of the ASZ and MSZ.

LDX Logical data exception. Due to class inconsistencies between two logical

operands, this logical procedure has been force-failed by the system.

MSZ Multiplication size error. See ASZ.

OV8 Too many characters were referenced from an alphanumeric field to be used in an

arithmetic or numeric logical procedure. All low-order digits will be truncated until only the 8 high-order digits remain.

TDX Transfer data exception: Due to a class inconsistency between the sending field

and the destination field, the program will fill the numeric destination field with


File Structure This section shows you the structure of the records on the Labor Distribution master

database. It describes the:

Labor Distribution File Structure

Transaction File

Labor Distribution Master Database Records

File Formats

Processing Options

Labor Distribution File Structure

The illustration below shows the Labor Distribution Archive file layout. As you read

this section, refer to this diagram to help you understand the system structure.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 39

Files and Records

The system uses two sets of files to update the Labor Distribution master database:

The Transaction File and

The Labor Distribution master database

The Transaction File contains the input transactions produced by an application

during the Edit and Update Phase. The master database stores the history for the

Labor Distribution system. The system updates the Labor Distribution master

database from the information in the Transaction File.

Transactions that affect the CE GenCalcs and the budget and cost accounts produce

the input transactions.

1. PRGM052 produces the transactions that are passed as input to


2. PRGM310 sorts the transactions and passes them to the Labor

Distribution update program, PRGM320.

3. PRGM320:

- processes the transactions,

- updates the Labor Distribution master database

- produces a Change/Error Listing and a Balancing Report

40 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

Labor Distribution Edit and Update Processing

Transaction File

During the Edit and Update Phase, program PRGM052 creates the Transaction File

and passes it to the Labor Distribution system. PRGM052 creates the Transaction

File only when the appropriate data element switches are turned on in the application

Group Record. The Transaction File contains four types of record transactions:

1. Group Record Transactions

2. Group Change/Adjust Record Transactions

3. Cost Account Change/Adjust Record Transactions

4. Detail Record Transactions

PRGM052 passes the Transaction File to program PRGM310, which sorts the


By Detail Record

Within Cost Account Record for each group

Once you have set up the Labor Distribution master database, the application

produces data for the Transaction File as a result of change transactions. These

change transactions can include data for:

Adjustments to cost account data

Changes to labor cost and budget charges

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 41

The generation of charges from CE GenCalcs or CD GenCalcs

Group Record Transactions

PRGM052 produces a Group Record Transaction on the Transaction File for each

group on the switch master database whose data element is turned on (CJOB = 1).

The Group Record contains:

Group number

Group name

Accounting period (pay or budget period)


Accounting period ending date

Labor Distribution options selected

The 60 Control Transaction, entered during the application's Edit and Update Phase,

determines how the system processes the data. PRGM052 takes Group Record

Transaction information from the 60 Control Transaction and the application master


Group Change or Adjust Record Transactions

When an application processes a 75 Change Transaction that affects the data stored

on the Labor Distribution, program PRGM052 produces a Group Change/Adjust

Record Transaction that can contain:

The group number

The CE GenCalcs number whose units are accumulated for a specific

cost account field

The number of accumulator categories

Which of the CE GenCalcs is added to each accumulator field

Cost Account Change/Adjust Record Transactions

When an application processes a 75 or 76 Change Transaction that affects the data

stored on the Labor Distribution file, PRGM052 produces a Cost Account

Change/Adjust Record Transaction. The 75 and 76 transactions change the cost

account data on the Labor Distribution master database. Typical Cost Account

Change/Adjust Record Transaction data may include these changes and adjustments:

Budget figures for the next fiscal year

Standard job cost per unit

Adjustments to accumulators

Detail Record Transactions

When a Genesys application processes an adjustment transaction or calculates a

payment for an individual record, these records contain the payment for the CE

GenCalcs categories for each individual record by cost account.


1. The amount of labor, in dollars and cents, charged to each job for an


2. Posting amount for a Savings Plan fund.

42 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

The data in a Detail Record Transaction includes:

Cost Account Number.

TRAN key.

The transaction code of the original transaction generating the CE


Each Detail Record Transaction contains data from up to six CE or CD categories. If

the system needs more than six CE categories to transmit all the data, it creates a

second detail record containing the next six data items. If more than two detail

records are required, the system creates as many as necessary until all the data is

transmitted. When you need multiple records to handle a large number of CE

categories, each Detail Record Transaction has the same cost account record number.

The system creates separate Detail Record Transactions for each unique cost account

number that an individual record charges.

The Detail Record Transaction also contains this data:

CE GenCalc number 00 (GROS)

CE GenCalc number 98 (ADJN)

CE GenCalc number 99 (NETP)

CD GenCalc number 00 (TOTD)

The system maintains these figures on the Detail Record only. They do not appear

on the Cost Account Record.

Each Detail Record contains three optional fields that can hold information you

define. You can use the information in these fields for reports. The last CE GenCalc

record for each individual Detail Record Transaction on the Transaction File

contains summary information and any adjustment amounts.

Detail Records can also contain the results of CD GenCalcs calculations (CLC1 = 1).

You can create separate Detail Records that contain the CD categories. If you

include CD fields, use the same record structure rules used for CE fields. Each

Detail Record contains three optional fields. The last CD record for each individual

Detail Record on the Transaction File contains the total of all the CD categories. If

you choose to include CD GenCalcs, you can use the data as input to a general ledger

as well as including them on the Labor Distribution master database.

Labor Distribution Master Database Records

Program PRGM320 creates and updates the Labor Distribution master database. It

reads the Group Record Transactions on the Transaction File and:

1. Adds, deletes, or changes the data on the Labor Distribution master


2. Extracts the data from the Change/Adjust Record Transactions on the

Transaction File to update data on the master database.

3. Copies the data from the Detail Records onto the master database.

You can control the Labor Distribution master database by changing the fields in the

records. You can change fields in the Group Record and in the Cost Account Record

through 75 or 76 change transactions entered during the Edit and Update Phase.

However, you cannot directly change the data stored in the Detail Record.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 43

Note: A change in one record can affect the fields of another. For example, when

you change the number of accumulators in the Group Record, it alters the number of

accumulators used in each Cost Account Record.

Group Records

The Group Record:

Contains information about the group.

Contains the Labor Distribution options you select.

Specifies whether or not to maintain previous Detail Records on the

Labor Distribution master database.

Stores run time options defined by the 60 Control Transaction.

The Group Record includes the following:

The group number

The current accounting period

The total number of CE GenCalc accumulators

The number of the accumulator that applies to each CE GenCalcs


Cost Account Records

The Cost Account Record contains a summary of each cost account that the system

has charged:

The group number

The cost account number

The total budget units and amounts

To-date units and amounts

The accumulated optional fields from CE GenCalcs

Up to 20 sets of GenCalc accumulators

The Cost Account Record also contains up to 52 sets of accumulators for units and

dollar amounts. These accumulators are divided into two categories:

Units and amounts for this year and

Units and amounts for last year

In each category, there are 13 units and 13 amounts for this year and 13 units and 13

amounts for last year. The master database group level data element LCER contains

the number of CE GenCalc accumulators included on the Cost Account Record.

The system extracts the value for units and dollars from the application master

database. For CE GenCalcs, it extracts:

1. The value for units from the value stored in the OH-- fields

2. The dollar amount from the values stored in the OE-- fields.

For type code S or L CD GenCalcs, the system extracts the value in the DN-- field.

For all other CD GenCalcs, it extracts the value for units from the value stored in the

DD-- fields. The system extracts the dollar amount from the values stored in the

44 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

OD-- fields for all CD GenCalcs. The meaning of values extracted for units and

amounts vary, depending on your application.

Detail Records

The Detail Record contains data on the CE GenCalcs and, optionally, CD GenCalcs

for an individual record.

Example: For the Defined Contribution application, the Detail Record contains

data on each participant's postings and offsets. For the Payroll application it contains

data on an employee's earnings and deductions. This data is found on the Detail


The group number

The cost account number

The complete TRAN key for the individual record

The date

The transaction code for the original transaction

The cycle

The data from the three optional fields

Up to six CE values and CD values

The table on the next page lists the contents of the Labor Distribution Group, Cost

Account and Detail Records.

Contents of Labor Distribution Records

Record Contents

Group Record Group Number

Group name and address

Current accounting period

Total number of CE GenCalc accumulations

Accumulator number that applies to each CE GenCalc category

CE GenCalc number from which Cost Account

units are accumulated for standard cost calculations

CE GenCalc number that contains cost account units

Cost Account Record Group Number

Cost Account number

Standard cost per unit

Total budget in units and dollars

13 period budget units

13 period budget amounts

To-date units and amounts

Accumulated optional fields from CE GenCalcs records

Up to 20 accumulators for CE GenCalcs

Accumulators containing 13 units/13 amounts for last year

Accumulators containing 13 units/13 amounts for this year

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 45

Detail Record Group Number

Cost Account number


Cycle number

Three optional fields containing postings

Date and transaction code of original transaction

Array of six CE GenCalcs

If the Detail Record also contains CE GenCalcs it also has an array of six CD GenCalcs.

File Formats

Program PRGM052 produces the Labor Distribution Transaction File during Edit

and Update Phase processing. The following tables describe the file and record


Group Record Transaction File Format

Position Description

1-6 Group Number (CTRN)

7-44 Not used

45 C - Record Identification

46 Replace Option

The value in this field tells the Labor Distribution whether to replace

the data on the Group Record with the data in the Transaction File

47-48 Not used

49-50 Processing Period

51-98 Group Name (CNA1)

99-146 Group Address (CNA2)

147-152 Options

147 Start new fiscal year (NJFY)

148 Start new accounting period (NJFP)

149 Drop Detail Records (DDDD, DDPP, or DYMM)

150-152 Date or period - drop all Detail Records before this date or period

153-160 Date from 60 Control Transaction (CPPD)

161-168 Period Ending Date from 60 Control Transaction (CEDT)

Group Change/Adjust Record Transaction File Format

Position Description

1-6 Group Number (CTRN)

7-24 Cost Account Number

25-44 Not used

45 B - Record Identification

46 Not used

47-48 75 Transaction Code

46 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

49-52 Data Elements:






53-60 Change value

Note: Since LCNN has a length of 2x maximum number CE GenCalcs it is broken

into 32-character pieces with the data elements LCE1-LCEn, (where n is less than or

equal to 6). A change to LCNN using a 75-transaction code changed only the first

32 characters.

Cost Account Change/Adjust Record Transaction File Format

Position Description

1-6 Group Number (CTRN)

7-24 Cost Account Number

25-44 Not used

45 A - Record Identification

46 Not used

47-48 75 or 76 Transaction Code

49-52 75 Transaction Data Elements:


DROP is a special Labor Distribution data element that tells the system to delete the Cost Account Record if there are no detail records.

Any valid Cost Account Record data element other than LJCO, LJJE, or LJID

76 Transaction Data Elements:









Where nn is the CE GenCalcs accumulator number

53-58 Not used



Amounts or units

53-84 Four contiguous amounts or units fields

Detail Record Transaction File Format

Position Description

1-6 Group Number (CTRN)

7-24 Cost Account Number

25-44 Complete Individual Record TRAN Key

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 47

45 Record Identification

E - CE GenCalcs

D - CD GenCalcs

46 Not used

47-48 Transaction Code (from original transaction)

49-50 Processing Period (CPER)

51-74 Name

75-79 Date

80-87 Optional Field 1

88-95 Optional Field 2

96-103 Optional Field 3

When there are multiple Detail Records for the same TRAN Key, the

system stores the amounts from the optional fields on the Detail

Records, where the Record ID is equal to E and the CE GenCalc number 00 (GROS) is stored.

104-175 CE GenCalcs and CD GenCalcs Array

Only if the Record ID = E are these units and amounts added to the Cost Account

The CE GenCalcs array contains the CE GenCalcs number, the amount,

and the units

The CD GenCalcs array contains the CD GenCalcs number, the amount,

and the units. Unit for CD GenCalcs are derived as follows: for type S

or L CD GenCalcs, the system uses the value in the DN-- field and for all other CD GenCalcs, the system uses the value in the DD—field

The amounts from the following GenCalcs are not summarized on the

Cost Account Record, only on the Detail Record:

CE GenCalc Number 00 (GROS)

CE GenCalc Number 98 (ADJN)

CE GenCalc Number 99 (NETP) CD GenCalc Number 00 (TOTD)

Master Database Group Record File Format

Position Description Labor Distribution Data Element

1-6 Group Number (CTRN) LCCO

7-44 Not used

45 C - Record Identification LCID

46-48 Not used

49-50 Accounting Period LCAP

51-98 Group Name LCN1

99-146 Group Address LCN2

147 New Year LCNY

148 New Month LCNM

149 Drop Detail LCDD

150-152 Date for date (controlled drop) LCDT

153-154 CE GenCalc category added to the to-date units LCUN

48 Chapter 7: Labor Distribution Application Reference Manual

155-156 Total number of CE GenCalc accumulator fields



157-164 Check date from 60 Control Transaction LCPD

165-172 Processing period date from 60 Control Transaction LCED

173-174 Two-digit accumulator numbers corresponding to

each CE GenCalc category. This designates which

accumulator field the system adds the CE GenCalcs to.


Cost Account Record File Format

Position Description Labor Distribution Data Element

1-6 Group Number (CTRN) LJCO

7-24 Cost Account Number LJJB

25-44 Not used

45 J - Record Identification LJID

46-50 Standard Cost/Unit (four decimal positions) LJSC

51-55 Total Budget Units LJBU

56-60 Total Budget Amounts LJBA

61-125 13 Period Budget Units LU01-LU13

126-190 13 Period Budget Amounts LA01-LA13

191-195 To-date units LJTU

196-200 To-date amounts LJTA

201-205 Total Optional Field 1 ** LJF1

206-210 Total Optional Field 2 ** LJF2

211-215 Total Optional Field 3 ** LJF3

216-End Contains the value of LCER

Last Year 13 Units T(nn)A-T(nn)M

Last Year 13 Amounts T(nn)1-T(nn)9


This Year 13 Unit L(nn)A-L(nn)M

This Year 13 Amounts L(nn)1-L(nn)9,


Where nn is the accumulator


** = Total from CE GenCalcs record if the data is numeric.


The data elements used to represent accumulator 06 units and amounts for

accounting period 10 during both this year and the last year are:

T06J Last year accumulator 06 units, accounting period 10.

T06W Last year accumulator 06 amounts, accounting period 10.

L06J This year accumulator 06 units, accounting period 10.

L06W This year accumulator 06 amounts, accounting period 10.

Application Reference Manual Chapter 7: Labor Distribution 49

Master Database Detail Record File Format

Position Description Labor Distribution Data Element

1-6 Group Number LECO

7-24 Cost Account Number LEJB

25-44 Complete Individual Record TRAN Key LEEM

45 E or D Record Identification

E - CE GenCalc

D - CD GenCalc


46 Current/previous code LECP

47-48 Transaction code (from original transaction) LETC

49-50 Period LEPP

51-74 Name LENA

75-79 Date LEDT

80-87 Optional Field 1 LEF1

88-95 Optional Field 2 LEF2

96-103 Optional Field 3 LEF3

104-175 CE GenCalcs and CD GenCalcs Array

The CE GenCalcs array contains the CD GenCalcs

number, the units, and the amount

The CD GenCalcs array contains the CD GenCalcs

number, the amount, and the units. Units for CD

GenCalcs are derived as follows: for type S or L

CD GenCalcs, the system uses the value in the DN--

field and for all other CD GenCalcs, the system uses the value in the DD-- field

LEN1-LEN6 (Number)

LEU1-LEU6 (Units)

LEA1-LEA6 (Amount)

176 Not used