Chapter 7- Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism 1812-1838.

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Transcript of Chapter 7- Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism 1812-1838.

Chapter 7- Balancing Nationalism and

Sectionalism 1812-1838

Let’s look at the preview questions:

1. How do you think new inventions of the Industrial Revolution might further divide North and South?

2. Predict what types of things might have been done to lessen tensions.

3. Are there still tensions between different regions? What are they?

The Industrial Revolution

The North: becomes more industrialized The Lowell Factory – Lowell, MA exemplified the changes brought on by the

Indust. Revolution Booming manufacturing center Opportunities for women

The North

Farmers in the North had little motivation to use slaves. crops did not require labor to grow many began to speak out against slavery Most northern states abolish slavery by 1804

The North

The Cotton Gin: patented by Eli Whitney in 1793

Turned much of the South into a “Cotton Kingdom”

Tied the North and the South together economically

Effect on slavery? Increases from 700,000 to 1,200,000 from


The South

James Madison tries to unite the country Proposes a plan to tie all regions together

through transportation, tariffs, and a national bank

Henry Clay calls it the American System

The American System

Early forms of railroad to connect the regions of the country

National Road built in 1811. Eventually extends from Maryland to Illinois.

Erie Canal (completed in 1825) connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes

The National Road and Erie Canal

Tariff of 1816 American products more expensive than

foreign goods Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun helped gain

support for the tariff National Bank James Monroe elected in 1816- the “Era of

Good Feelings”

What could historians call the political era of today? Discuss with partner.

The “Era of Good Feelings”

Add details to your notes as you watch.

America: The Story of US

Robert Fulton’s steamboat-1807 150 miles up the Hudson in 32 hours Method of transportation spread quickly to

different regions Helped unite economic life of the North and


Section 2- Nationalism at Center Stage

Gibbons v. Ogden 1824-Supreme Court Case Aaron Ogden- worked for Fulton’s steamboat

service Claimed only he could run a steamboat

service on the Hudson Thomas Gibbons began running a steamboat

service- Ogden sues and takes him to court Court rules with Gibbons-interstate

commerce could only be regulated by fed. Government

Long term- government can regulate ANYTHING that crosses state lines.

Supreme Court Boosts National Power

McCulloch v Maryland 1819-Supreme Court Case Maryland had levied a high tax on the local branch

of the National Bank of the U.S.- hoped to make it fail

Court ruled against Maryland and claimed the National Bank to be constitutional. One of many cases that strengthened the federal government.

Chief Justice John Marshall(in office 1801-1835)

Supreme Court Boosts National Power

Nationalism National interests should be placed ahead of

regional concerns and foreign interests. Strongly supported by President James Monroe

and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams

Nationalism helps shape foreign policy

Nationalism- Good or Bad?

Somewhere in between?

Talk to your partner about this.


“Nationalism is the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labeled 'good' or 'bad‘”-George Orwell

He goes on to make the differentiation between “nationalism” and “patriotism.” Patriotism, Orwell states, is harmless. It is a love of native culture, and the patriot has no need to impose that culture on others. But history is indeed littered with examples of triumphal nationalism, the notion of the nation as a claim to superiority.

Nationalism vs. Patriotism

When Does Nationalism Become Dangerous?

Is saying the pledge of allegiance in schools going too far with Nationalism?


John Quincy Adams- Sec. of State Accomplishments

1817- U.S. and Canada demilitarize their common border.

1818- compromised with Britain to jointly rule Oregon territory.

Adams-Onis Treaty 1819- Spain, too weak to manage colonies, cedes Florida to the U.S.

Territory and Boundaries

Territory and Boundaries

Developments in Europe lead to interests in Latin American colonies by European nations.

The Monroe Doctrine 1823 Message to Congress by President Monroe Warns European nations not to interfere with

affairs in the Western Hemisphere U.S. would consider such action “dangerous

to our peace and safety.” The U.S. would not interfere in European affairs or existing colonies.

The Monroe Doctrine 1823

Westward Expansion 1817-1830s Americans headed to the Northwest Territory

(Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan) Most went for economic gains


The Missouri Compromise-1820 When population of a territory reached

60,000 its people could petition for statehood

In 1819, there were 11 free states and 11 slave states

Missouri petitions for statehood in 1819- slave or free?

Hostilities between North and South over Missouri

Henry Clay proposes the Missouri Compromise:

1. Maine- admitted as a free state; Missouri- slave state 2. 36 30’ line established for Louisiana Territory-slavery legal south of the line ; illegal north of the line except Missouri

The Missouri Compromise

Discuss with your partner how the Missouri Compromise was a victory for both the North and South. Predict how the compromise could lead to future problems.

The Missouri Compromise