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Investigations entitled ‘‘Studies on Optimization of Bioremediation Parameters of

Sugarcane Waste into Useful Biofertilizers by Eisenia fetida’’ were carried out at the

School of Biotechnology, IFTM University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, during the period

since 2010 to 2014. The salient features of the investigations are summarized and

concluded in this chapter.

The final process of sugarcane wastes decomposition during vermicomposting viz,

mineralization and humidification although are brought out by microorganisms, these are

accelerated when sugarcane wastes pass through the gut of earthworms probably due to the

presence of plenty intestinal micro flora and high enzymes activity in the worm’s gut

(Edwards and Lofty, 1975, Lee, 1985).

This thesis is broadly focused on the optimization of the bioremediation parameters for

vermicomposting of sugarcane wastes with the help of earthworm Eisenia fetida. The

thesis based on three major studies and the conclusive results of these studies are


Firstly optimize the suitable conditions for the vermicomposting of sugarcane wastes; In

this study pressmud, bagasse and trash were processed in the ratio of 2:2:1 and prepared for

optimum vermiremediation by Eisenia fetida, than the conditions were optimized. The

results of this study indicated that optimized pH was 7; incubation temperature was 25°C;

moisture content of the feeding material was 80% and particle size of waste material was 1-

2 mm. These were the favorite conditions for Eisenia fetida growth and vermicomposting

of sugarcane waste materials.

Secondly optimize the favorite feeding sugarcane wastes to Eisenia fetida, suitable organic

growth promoter for pre-composting, physicochemical parameters and growth of Eisenia

fetida during vermicomposting of sugarcane wastes. The results of the study proves that in

the reactor R5 (bagasse + jeevamrutham) Total Kjeldhal’s Nitrogen (TKN), Total

Phosphorus (TP), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Humic

Acid (HA) and Fulvic Acid (FA) were increased up to 2.50%, 3.89%, 3.27%, 1.41%,

3.01%, 2.03%, 5.36% and 7.65% respectively and pH, Electric Conductivity (EC) (ds/m),

C/N ratio, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), cellulose, hemi celluloses, lignin and HA/FA ratio


were reduced up to 7.21, 2.55 ds/m, 9.44, 23.6%, 23.9%, 11.9%, 7.5% and 0.7 respectively.

While Total Earthworm Count (TEWC), Total Earthworm Weight (TEWW), total no. of

cocoons and cocoons per worm were increased up to 345, 175g, 389 and 1.12

cocoons/worm respectively. The results obtained from the study also prove that sugarcane

wastes (especially bagasse and pressmud) precomposted with jeevamrutham in 2:1 ratio

may be used for fast bioconversion into a nutrients rich vermicompost. The vermicompost

obtained from these wastes can also be used as a bio-organic fertilizer for crops. It is

presumed that this will facilitate higher conversion rate and reduction in the number of

days for bioconversion.

Thirdly optimize the extracellular enzymes activities in the normal compost (R-1) and

vermicompost (R-2), microorganism’s population in the gut of E. fetida, normal compost

(R-1) and vermicompost (R-2).

The cellulase, β-glucosidase, laccase, dehydrogenase (DH-ase) and protease activities were

increased in normal compost (R-1) by 60th day and reached the peak values of 1053 µg

reducing sugar/g/hr., 617 µg p-NP/g/hr., 835 U/g/hr., 29 µmoles INTF/g/hr. and 30 µmoles

amino acids/g/hr. respectively while in vermicompost (R-2) by 30th day and reached the

peak values of 1283 µg reducing sugar/g/hr., 856 µg p-NP/g/hr., 1015 U/g/hr., 38 µmoles

INTF/g/hr. and 34 µmoles amino acids/g/hr. respectively. The urease and phosphatase

activities were increased in normal compost (R-1) by 60th day and reached the peak values

of 202 µg NH4+/g/hr. and 233 µmoles p-NP/g/hr. respectively while in vermicompost (R-2)

by 40th day and reached the peak values of 217 µg NH4+/g/hr. and 247 µmoles p-NP/g/hr.


The bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs),

nitrogen fixing microorganisms (NFMs) and cellulose degrading microorganisms (CDMs)

population were increased in the gut of Eisenia fetida by 30th day and reached the peak

values of 123 × 106 /g , 32 × 104 /g, 93 × 102 /g, 66 × 104 /g, 33 × 104 /g and 113 × 105 /g cfu

g-1 samples respectively.

The bacteria and actinomycetes population were increased in the normal compost (R-1) by

60th day and reached the peak values of 98 x 107 and 94 x 103 cfu g-1 samples respectively

while in the vermicompost (R-2) by 30th day and reached the peak values of 129 x 107 and

97 x 103 cfu g-1 samples respectively. The fungi population were increased in the normal


compost (R-1) by 50th day and reached the peak value of 30 x 105 cfu g-1 while in the

vermicompost (R-2) by 30th day and reached the peak value of 34 x 105 cfu g-1 sample.

The Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs), Nitrogen fixing microorganisms

(NFMs) and Cellulose degrading microorganisms (CDMs) population were increased in the

normal compost (R-1) by 60th day and reached the peak values of 51 x 105, 33 x 105 and 83

x 106 cfu g-1 samples respectively while in the vermicompost (R-2) by 30th day and

reached the peak value of 71 x 105, 36 x 105 and 116 x 106 cfu g-1 samples respectively.

Abundant enzyme activities in vermicompost (R-2) than in normal compost (R-1) lead to

the decomposition process by the presence of earthworms and aerobic heterotrophic

microbial population. Microbial count was increased in the gut of worms and especially

during the middle stage of vermicomposting (30th day), in correlation with the introduced

enzyme activity the microbial numbers reached the maximum.

Optimized and produced vermicompost/biofertilizer was found to be better in terms of the

following aspects viz. high rate of bioconversion, production of high number of young ones

and cocoons in the medium and desired level of composition of nutrients was

comparatively better than the control (non worms work reactor). The sugarcane waste

material decompose rapidly and is transformed into vermicompost within a short time since

the intestines of earthworms harbor wide range of microorganisms, enzymes, hormones etc.

Eisenia fetida fragment the sugarcane wastes in the process of feeding and thereby increase

the surface area for further microbial colonization. The enhanced microbial activity

accelerated the decomposition process leading to humidification thus oxidizing unstable

organic matter to stable form. During the passage through the gut of earthworms the

surviving microorganisms are voided along with cast. So vermicompost not only provides

mineralogical nutrients to soil but also contributes to the biological fertility factor by

adding beneficial microbes to soil, so it’s a special type of biofertilizer.

Thus vermicomposting biotechnology can also be considered as a low cost technology

system for the processing or treatment of sugarcane wastes and utilization of E. fetida may

be an answer as an ecologically sound, economically viable and socially acceptable

technology for sugarcane wastes management.



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