Chapter 5 - Classical Greece

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Chapter 5 - Classical Greece. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 5 - Classical Greece

Chapter 5 - Classical Greece

The Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee is a full-scale replica of the original Parthenon in Athens. It was built in 1897 as part of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition. Athena stands 41'10" tall, making her the largest piece of indoor sculpture in the Western World. The statue of Nike in Athena's right hand stands 6'4" tall. She is gilt with more than eight pounds of gold leaf.

Main Idea

The Classical Age of ancient Greece was marked by great achievements, including the development of democracy, and by ferocious wars.


• What were the characteristics of Athenian democracy?

• How did the Greeks manage to win the Persian Wars?

• What advances were made in the golden age of Athens?

• What led to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War?

Section 2 - The Classical Age

I. Athenian Democracy

Athens’ prosperity due to stable, effective government - world’s first democracy

Direct participation was the key to Athenian democracy. Every male citizen was entitled to attend and had the right to debate, offer amendments, and vote on proposals. All male citizens were allowed to participate in anything that required a government decision

I. Athenian Democracy

Athens first ruled by kings; later ruled by aristocrats

Kouros of Tenea (575-550 BC) Since archaic times long hair was a mark of the aristocrats

I. Athenian Democracy

Gap between rich and poor led to conflict; official named Draco reformed laws

Draco introduced the first written legislation in Athens. The Draconian punishment outlawed vendetta. His harsh code punished both trivial and serious crimes with death - hence the use of the word “draconian” to describe tough legal measures.

I. Athenian Democracy

Draco’s harsh laws only worsened conflict; Solon revised laws in 590s BC

Solon, an Athenian statesman, lawgiver, and poet, was considered one of Athens’ Seven Sages, or seven wisest men. His reputation is based on his contribution to Athenian law and through political and economic reforms that paved the way for increased participatory democracy in the “great period” of classical Athens.

I. Athenian Democracy

Solon outlawed debt slavery and encouraged trade; all Athenian men took part in government

Slaves were the lowest class in Athenian society, but according to many contemporary accounts they were far less harshly treated than in most other Greek cities. Indeed, one of the criticisms of Athens was that its slaves and freemen were difficult to tell apart.

I. Athenian Democracy

541 BC: Peisistratus seized power, ruled as a tyrant; violent but popular

Due to a economic crisis, Athens was collapsing in anarchy. A nobleman, Peisistratus, took power and set about restoring order. Peisistratus began to build in and around Athens, reform Athenian religion and religious practices, and devoted his government to cultural reform. He launched a full attack on the power of the nobility. He increased the power of the Assembly and the courts associated with the poorest classes.

I. Athenian Democracy

Reforms by Cleisthenes set stage for democracy – broke up power of noble families

Cleisthenes divided Athens into 10 tribes; Made tribes the basis for elections; Each tribe elected 50 men to serve on Council of 500 who proposed laws; Each tribe elected one general to lead Athenian army

I. Athenian Democracy

Government consisted of three main bodies:

- Assembly (did most governing) - Council of 500 - Courts

In reality, Athenian democracy was not very democratic - only about 10% of the population could take part in government; Only free male Athenians were allowed to vote; Women and others had no role in government

I. Athenian Democracy

Some officials had special roles:

- generals who led city in war

- archon acted as head of both assembly and Council of 500

II. The Persian Wars

II. The Persian Wars

499 BC: Greek colonies in Ionia rebelled against Persian rule

II. The Persian Wars

Ionian Greeks asked for help; Athens sent aid but Persians put down the revolt

Greek Phalanx Greek Hoplite

II. The Persian Wars

Revolt angered Persian emperor Darius; sought revenge by attacking Greek mainland

II. The Persian Wars

490 BC - Persian fleet carrying thousands of troops came ashore near Marathon

II. The Persian WarsGreeks charged in phalanx formation; battle ended when Persians retreated

Greek phalanx Persian Infantry formation

II. The Persian Wars

Darius planned second invasion but died; hisson Xerxes planned an attack

Xerxes (519 BC-465 BC) was king of Persia from 486-465 BC

II. The Persian Wars

480 BC -Xerxes set out with huge army, navy, animals, weapons, and supplies

II. The Persian WarsSpartan defense of Thermopylae bought time for the Greeks to prepare a defense

II. The Persian WarsPersians attacked and burned Athens but needed ships to bring supplies; Greeks destroyed Persian fleet in Battle of Salamis

Xerxes was sure of victory. He had his throne placed on a hill overlooking the sea, in part to savor his victory and in part so his commanders would know

that their king was watching them

II. The Persian Wars479 BC - Athens and Sparta joined forces, defeated Persians at Plataea, ending Persian Wars

III. The Golden Age of Athens

After Persian Wars, Athens “golden age”; became center of Greek culture and politics

III. The Golden Age of AthensPersia still a threat; 140 city-states formed the Delian League, led by Athens

III. The Golden Age of AthensTreasury kept on island of Delos; Athens made all decisions, creating resentment

Athens rebuilt due to Pericles and money from League’s treasury

A. Rebuilding Athens

Rebuilding began on Acropolis; new Parthenon dedicated to Athena

A. Rebuilding Athens

Port expanded, roads built, walls constructed around the city

A. Rebuilding Athens

Pericles most influential politician; elected as one of Athens’ generals

B. The Age of Pericles

Encouraged participation in government and spreading of democracy

B. The Age of Pericles

Pericles' Funeral Oration by Philipp von Foltz

Was a patron of the arts – Parthenon and other monuments; hired artists and sculptors

B. The Age of Pericles

Trade brought great wealth; merchants from all over moved to Athens, making it cosmopolitan

B. The Age of Pericles

IV. The Peloponnesian War

IV. The Peloponnesian WarAthens was richest, mightiest polis; Sparta wanted to end its dominance

Athens in the time of Pericles

IV. The Peloponnesian War

Sparta headed Peloponnesian League; tensions built with the Delian League

IV. The Peloponnesian War

431 BC – Athens feared Sparta’s army while Sparta feared Athens’ navy; mutual fear led to war

IV. The Peloponnesian WarSpartan army invaded the Attica Peninsula, laid siege to Athens

IV. The Peloponnesian WarAthenian navy able to supply Athens by ship - siege lasted 27 years

Control of the Aegean Sea ensured that the grain ships could reach the Athenian harbor of the Piraeus safely. The corridor guaranteed that grain could be transported to the fortified city without any threat

from enemy infantry

IV. The Peloponnesian War

430 to 429 BC – a plague struck Athens, killing Pericles and changing course of war; a truce began in 421 BC

The plague is said to have killed one in three of Athens’ inhabitants, including its leader, Pericles

IV. The Peloponnesian War415 BC - Athens attacked Syracuse and was defeated; Sparta destroyed Athenian fleet

IV. The Peloponnesian War

Sparta united with the Persians and forced Athens’ surrender in 404 BC

The Spartans attacked Athens and were soon joined by the Persians. For awhile the Athenians hung on. But in 405, their navy was destroyed in a surprise attack, and by the next year the situation was hopeless. In 404 BC, the Athenians surrendered totally to the Spartans, who tore down the walls of the city, barred them from ever having a navy, and installed their own oligarchic government, the Thirty. The Age of Athens, the Age of Pericles, the Classical Age, the Athenian Empire, had come to an end.